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Spell Compendium A supplementary text to the Knight Blades Players Handbook 2 nd Edition © 2010 Knight Blades LLC Visit our website at WWW.KNIGHTBLADES.NET 1

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Spell Compendium

A supplementary text to the

Knight Blades Players Handbook 2nd Edition

© 2010 Knight Blades LLC

Visit our website at WWW.KNIGHTBLADES.NET


Table of Contents

Introduction ….................................. Page 3Spell Casting …................................ Page 3Magical Schools …........................... Page 7

Universal …......................... page 7Air …................................... page 14Earth …................................ page 19Fire ….................................. page 24Water …............................... page 29Blood …............................... page 34Chaos …............................... page 39Necromancy …..................... page 44

Racial Spells …................................. Page 48General Cleric Spells ….................... Page 64 Specialty Priest Spells ….................. Page 70

Arcana ….............................. page 70Aureus ….............................. page 71Bellicose ….......................... page 72Clandesta …......................... page 74Halcyon …........................... page 75Karma ….............................. page 76Kull ….................................. page 78Lucenta …............................ page 79Nekros …............................. page 80Nemesus ….......................... page 82Nexus …............................... page 83Nocturna ….......................... page 84Phoenix …............................ page 85Sepsis …............................... page 86Sylvik …............................... page 88Tempesta ….......................... page 89Urgo …................................. page 91

Rituals & Rites …............................. Page 93 Spell List by Group …...................... Page 101 Alphabetical Spell Index ….............. Page 106



Welcome again to the exiting world of Knight Blades! This Spell Compendium has been compiled at the suggestion of our players. It is intended to encompass the complete versions of all the known spells in the Knight Blades universe.

This book covers the basics of how to wield the forces of magic and divine spells. More importantly, you will find all of our spells in their most complete form in this book. We have also included a couple of handy listings to help you find your spells more quickly.

The Knight Blades Staff urges you all to read through this document, whether or not you are a caster. Familiarizing yourself to the spells within can only enhance your game play.

The Knight Blades Players Handbook contains the complete rules for spellcasting. The book called A Tour of The World contains In-Game information useful for role-playing spellcasters.

We hope you enjoy the Knight Blades Spell Compendium and its usefulness in our Core Rule Books!

Spell CastingPlease note: This section is an abbreviated form of the Rules for spell casting. It is intended for reference only, and the complete information can only be found in the Knight Blades Players Handbook 2nd Edition.

In Knight Blades, the casting of spells is simulated by reciting a verbal incantation, or “incant”, and then either touching the recipient of the spell or hitting the target creature with a spell packet. Armor and shields cannot be employed while casting Mage spells (unless the spells are cast from a scroll).

Certain spells are restricted to specific races and/or specialties. The requirements for casting these spells are found in the individual spell descriptions.

Spell PacketsTo represent spell energy, we use the ever popular “spell packet”. Gas globes and Holy Water splashes are also represented by spell packets. These, however, are differentiated by color. Poisons and acids are always solid black, while Holy Water is always solid white.

General Rules for SpellcastingTo cast a spell, the caster must have at least one arm completely free. Nothing except one spell packet may be held in the casting hand, nor tucked under the casting arm.

The caster must speak the spell incant clearly and correctly, and then either throw a spell packet or touch the spell recipient.

The caster’s feet must not move from their position while the incant is recited. When the


incant is finished, the caster may make one pitching step and throw the spell packet.

Disrupted & Miscast SpellsA spell is considered miscast if any of the above spell casting requirements is not met.

The caster’s spell is considered disrupted if the caster or his carried items are struck by a weapon, spell packet, or other game attack.

Expending Mana/Divine Favor

Points of Mana or Divine Favor are considered expended in the following situations:

-If the spell is cast, but then misses the target.

-If the spell is cast, and then resisted by the target.

-If the spell is miscast, (incorrectly stating the incant, walking while casting, etc.).

-If a spell is cast by touch, and then “Refused” by the spell recipient.

Points of Mana or Divine Favor are NOT considered expended in the following situations:

-If a caster begins a spell incant but does not complete the spell.

-If a spell is disrupted.

-If the spell is cast and hits the target, but is not negated and not reacted to appropriately by the target.

Touch CastingThere is no touching allowed in Knight Blades without consent. Unless you have consent, you must touch a spell packet held in your hand to another person in order to cast a touch-

delivered spell. A Player can always “Refuse” any spell cast by touch. The Player can make this call at any time, even if the Player Character is immobilized or unconscious.

Spell TargetingMany spells affect a creature targeted. The target is determined by where the spell packet hits – it does not matter whether it's the person aimed at or not.

Damage from Spell PacketsPoints of damage received from spells, gas globes, and all other packet-delivered attacks are always applied to the torso.

Spell LevelsThe number of Mana or Divine Favor points required to cast a spell is the same as the “level” of the spell. Once a spell is cast, the Mana or Divine Favor points are used.

Stacking SpellsA spell recipient cannot benefit from two or more of the exact same spell. Spells that are similar but not identical can be stacked.

Spell Books & Prayer BooksIt is the spell caster’s responsibility to clarify all questions involving any spell they cast. For this reason, it is recommended that such Players carry a spell book and/or prayer book containing the full spell descriptions and rules. The book will be considered a “prop” and therefore not subject to In Game theft.

Access to SpellsSpells from The School of Universal Magic are open to all Player Characters possessing points in Mana. School of Magic Specialists may cast spells from their school as well as spells from The School of Universal Magic.

Spells from the General List of Divine Spells are open to all Player Characters possessing


points of Divine Favor. Only Specialty Priests may cast the spells granted by their particular undergod.

Learning SpellsA spell must be learned before the Player Character is able to cast it. Learning spells usually must be done between events by carefully studying an “Insight Scroll”. These items should not be confused with “casting scrolls” that simply allow the one-time casting of a spell directly from the scroll. A Player Character cannot learn a spell if unable to meet the spell’s restriction.

A Player Character may learn up to five new spells per event. A Player Character cannot learn a spell that requires more Mana than the Player Character has purchased.

Starting SpellsA Player Character with at least one point of Mana is assumed to have learned a few spells prior to his first game appearance.

A Player Character of the “Mage” class starts the game with up to five spells already learned. Player Characters with Mana who are not of the “Mage” class start with a maximum of two learned spells.

Player Characters with at least one point of Divine Favor are also assumed to have learned a few spells prior to the game.

A Player Character of the “Cleric” class starts the game with up to five spells already learned. Player Characters with Divine Favor who are not of the “Cleric” class start with a maximum of two learned spells.

For Mages ... There are eight Schools of Magic in the Knight Blades world. All Mana-based spells fall into one or more of the Schools.

The School Of Universal Magic This school is generally open to all users of Mana. It is a grouping of all-purpose conventional spells. Those who do not specialize in a school only make use of The School Of Universal Magic.

The Elemental Schools of Magic The most widely-known and accepted Schools of Magic are the Schools of Elemental Magic. The four Elemental Schools are the Schools of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.

The Tangent Schools of Magic The unconventional Schools of Blood, Chaos, and Necromancy are often frowned-upon publicly. Most honest folk avoid these dubious Schools of Magic.

Racial Spells There are several Mana-based spells that were developed by certain Player Character Races. The spells are considered part of The School Of Universal Magic, but have an added racial restriction.

The Adept When a caster has learned every spell of a particular School of Magic, the caster is traditionally given the title of “Adept” of that School. Sometimes the title is combined with another title, such as “Adept Wizard” or “Adept Pyromancer”.

For Clerics...

There are twenty fantasy gods in the Knight Blades world. Most intelligent creatures worship (or pay tribute to) one, some, or all of these deities. The gods are of differing ethics: some are good, some are evil, and some are of a neutral viewpoint.

Main God: LightUndergods: Halcyon, Nemesus, Nexus,



Main God: DarkUndergods: Kull, Nekros, Sepsis, Tempesta

Main God: GreyUndergods: Arcana, Aureus, Bellicose, Clandesta, Karma, Lucenta, Nocturna, Sylvik, and Urgo

Dedicating Divine FavorAll of a Player Character’s Divine Favor points must be dedicated to one god. A Player Character may dedicate to one of the three main gods, and later choose to dedicate the Divine Favor to a specific undergod. Obviously, the undergod must be a subordinate of the associated main god.

A Player Character may switch allegiance and dedicate to a totally different god. In this case, all previous points of Divine Favor become inaccessible. The Player Character can only dedicate newly gained points of Divine Favor.

Holy SymbolsA holy symbol is a special device honoring a deity. Most worshipers wear a holy symbol to their god. Any Player Character with Divine Favor must wear or hold their holy symbol in order to cast Divine spells or to use the skill Turn Undead. The holy symbol is a conduit to the deity; the deity’s power flows through it and then through the caster.

A holy symbol must be a solid white, gray, or black disc with a minimum diameter of two inches. If the Player Character is a Specialty Priest of an undergod, then the holy symbol must have the particular image on the disc as well. A holy symbol must be its own distinct item - it may not be permanently affixed to a shield, weapon, garment, or other item. Players are responsible for providing their own holy symbol if needed. Holy symbols are therefore usually personal “props” and cannot be stolen. Certain magic items in the form of holy symbols may be stolen. It is best to clarify with the owner first if there is no item number on the symbol itself.


Schools of Magic

The School of Universal Magic

Acid Storm

School: UniversalLevel: 18Restriction: NoneDuration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Acid Storm - damage 30.” When this spell is cast, the caster causes magical corrosive acid to rain down on the victim. A creature struck by the storm is inflicted with 30 points of damage to the torso.

Anti-Magic Shell

School: Universal Level: 8 Restriction: none Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: The Caster

Incantation: “I grant myself an anti-magic shell - five minutes.” This spell creates an invisible immobile zone around the caster that prevents all spells from operating. The caster will be immune to all spells for five minutes. The only exception is a spell cast with the skill “Arcane”. The caster may not cast spells at all (unless using the skill “Arcane”), even if the spells are innate or are cast from magic items.

Only actual spells, including “Innate” spells, are negated. Other magical effects, however, will work in the zone. This includes “Fear - five seconds” and other Out Of Game Combat Calls. Magic items will still operate, but any spell cast from a magic item is negated (unless the item grants the “Arcane” benefit to the spell).

The caster is free to move in any fashion, but the anti-magic protection instantly drops if the caster moves either foot from its spot.



School: Earth/Universal Level: 5 Restriction: None Duration: instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Boulder - Damage Ten!”

When this spell is cast, the caster launches a large magical boulder toward a victim. A creature struck by the boulder suffers ten points of damage to the torso area.


School: Universal Level: 15 Restriction: NoneDuration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I dispel all magical effects.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings forth a ray of negative magic. All spells and magical effects currently active on a creature struck by the ray will be instantly negated. A Spell Guard will block this spell. A Spell Resistance may also be used to negate this spell. Other methods may exist to protect against this spell.

Enchanted Weapon

School: Universal Level: 3 Restriction: none Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Weapon Touched

Incantation: “I grant this weapon an enchantment of Magic - five minutes.” This spell causes a single weapon of any type touched by the caster to carry the descriptor of “Magic” for five minutes. The caster need not be the person to wield the weapon.


School: Fire/Universal Level: 5 Restriction: None Duration: instant


Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Fireball - Damage Ten!”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a fiery sphere of magical energy. A creature struck by the sphere suffers 10 points of damage to the torso area.

Force Missile

School: Universal Level: 4 Restriction: None Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Force Missile - Damage Five.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a burst of magical force. A creature struck by the burst is inflicted with five points of damage to the torso.


School: Water/Universal Level: 5 Restriction: None Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Frostbite - Damage ten.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of cold magical energy. A creature struck by the burst suffers 10 points of damage to the torso area.

Identify Item

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: none Duration: instant (at Logistics) Area of Effect: Magic Item Touched

Incantation: “I identify this magic item.”

This spell grants the caster insight into the magical properties of a single magic item. No information at all will be gleaned from a non-magical item. Should this spell be cast on a non-magical item, no information will be gained and the Mana for the spell is wasted. This spell does not grant the ability to


ascertain the monetary value of either a magical or non-magical item.

To cast the spell, the Player must bring a magic item (or its Number Tag) to Logistics in order to receive some of the information from the Secret Tag for the item. The item must have a number or a Number Tag in order to be identified. Hence, items such as poisons, gems, herbal components, and the like cannot be identified. Cursed items will not be apparent to the caster of this spell. Other methods are required to detect cursed items. For this reason, the item’s Secret Tag will not be given to the caster. The main qualities of the item will be explained to the caster by a Staff Member at Logistics. It would be wise for the Player to make notes of the information. Magical Potions and Oils to be identified must be brought to Logistics for identification, since this spell will not detect potions considered to be “cursed”.

A separate casting is needed for each item to be identified. Note that certain unique or special items cannot be readily identified by this spell. In this case, no information will be gained (just as if the item was non-magical).

Lightning Bolt

School: Air/Universal Level: 5 Restriction: None Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Lightning Bolt - Damage Ten.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being an electrical bolt of magical energy. A creature struck by the bolt suffers ten points of damage to the torso area.

Mage Key

School: Universal Level: 20 Restriction: none Duration: instant Area of Effect: Lock Touched

Incantation: “I call forth a magical key to open this lock.”

This spell brings into being a key of magical force that causes a single lock (of any quality) touched by the caster to unlock.

To utilize this spell, the Player must clearly and correctly state the incant and then immediately unlock


the lock with a special Out Of Game key. It may be necessary under extreme circumstances to use the “clarify” call in order to make it clear that an actual In Game key was not used. When a Player first learns this spell, Logistics will provide a key (with a distinctive appearance) that opens most In Game locks. If the key does not fit the lock, then it can be assumed that it is some sort of strange magical lock that can resist this spell. Logistics will only provide one key, so the Player must be responsible for not losing or damaging the key.

Magic Armor

School: Universal Level: 6 Restriction: none Duration: until used Area of Effect: Creature Touched

Incantation: “I grant you two points of magic armor.”

The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy instantly gains two magical armor points. The points remain until removed by damage or until dispelled.

Magic Missile

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: None Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Magic Missile - Damage One.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is inflicted with one point of damage to the torso.

Mind Blast

School: Universal Level: 8 Restriction: None Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Mind Blast - Damage Ten.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a magical blast of raw mental energy. A creature struck by the blast is inflicted with ten points of damage to the torso. Note that immunities and


protections from mental spells will be effective against this spell.


School: Universal Level: 12 Restriction: None Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause you to sleep for five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster forces the victim into an unshakable state of unconsciousness for five minutes. The victim cannot be awakened by any normal means. Not even physical damage will stir the sleeping victim. Note that immunities and protections from mental spells will be effective against this spell, as will the sleep resistance of Elves and other creatures.

Spell Guard

School: Universal Level: 4 Restriction: None Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Creature Touched

Incantation: “I grant you a guard from the next spell.”

When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the touched being. The next spell to affect the protected creature will be negated - the Player should call out “Resist!” when subjected to a spell or magical effect. This spell does not negate magical attacks delivered by a claw or weapon strike. This spell will not protect against potions the Player Character drinks or touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse.

Spell Resistance

School: Universal Level: 7 Restriction: None Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Creature Touched

Incantation: “I grant you a spell resistance.”

When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the touched being. The protected creature may then negate one spell or magical effect of his choice that he is later subjected to.


The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. This spell does not negate magical attacks delivered by a claw or weapon strike. This spell will not protect against potions the Player Character drinks or touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse.

Zone of Communication

School: UniversalLevel: 3 Restriction: None Duration: Five Minutes Area of Effect: No more than 10 steps from caster

Incantation: “Zone of communication. Five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster creates an immobile area in which all creatures have the ability to speak the common tongue. The area is centered on the caster at the moment of casting. The area extends no farther than 10 steps in any direction from the caster’s location at the time of casting. To cast the spell, the caster need only recite the incant. The caster should speak loud enough so that everyone in the area of effect can hear the incant. If the caster intends to walk after casting, it would be wise to place a clear marker (referred to as a “Focal Point” In Game) in the spot he was standing at the moment of casting. In this way, everyone involved will know how far they can move before they exit the area. It is the caster’s responsibility to make the marker obvious to everyone in the area. Any creature exiting the area’s boundary instantly loses the ability to communicate, but will regain it if they re-enter the area (as long as the area’s five minutes have not elapsed). The spell only grants communicative abilities to creatures present in the area of effect at the time of casting. Creatures entering the area later do not gain the ability unless they were there at the time of casting. Note that no creature is ever compelled to speak – the spell simply grants them the ability to do so. Extremely dim-witted monsters may speak very poorly. Creatures of animal intelligence will only be able to convey general concepts. Mindless monsters cannot speak at all.


The School of Air

Air of Silence

School: Air Level: 12 Restriction: Air School Specialist only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I cause silence in the air around you - five minutes.” This spell creates a zone of silent air around a victim that thwarts all verbal sound produced by the victim for five minutes.

The silence prevents all verbal communication as well as the casting of spells (even with the skill “Arcane”). The Player is free to pantomime speaking or shouting without making any sound.

Innate spells, spells cast from magic items, and magical effects are unaffected. Obviously, Skill calls and other Out Of Game calls are unaffected.

Air of Stability

School: Air Level: 2 Restriction: Air School Specialist only Duration: until used Area of Effect: Creature Touched

Incantation: “I grant you a resistance to trip.”

When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical airy buffer of protection around the touched being.

The air helps to stabilize the upright position of the protected creature. Should the creature start to fall, a magical wind forces him back to the previous stable position. The spell recipient may then negate one “trip” effect of his choice that he is later subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. This spell will not assist a dead or unconscious Player Character. This spell will not protect against potions the Player Character drinks or touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse.

Air Resistance

School: Air Level: 6 Restriction: Air School Specialist only Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Creature Touched


Incantation: “I grant you an air spell resistance.”

When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the touched being. The protected creature may then negate one spell of his choice from the School of Air that he is later subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. Air spells can easily be recognized by their incants. The wording will include references to lightning, electricity, air, wind, etc. This spell will not protect against potions the Player Character drinks or touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse.

Chain Lightning

School: Air Level: 10 Restriction: Air School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Chain Lightning – Damage 20.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being arcing electrical bolts of magical energy. A creature struck by the bolts suffers 20 points of damage to the torso area.

Disarming Wind

School: Air Level: 2 Restriction: Air School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I call forth a gust of wind to disarm your weapon.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a focused gust of magical wind. The powerful wind causes a victim to drop his weapon as if affected by the “Disarm” skill- the victim must attempt to toss the weapon to the ground at least five feet away. If the victim of this spell is holding more than one weapon, then he may choose which weapon to drop. All types of weapons are subject to this spell, excluding Two-Handed Weapons (as like the skill “Disarm”). Note that the spell packet need not strike the weapon or a certain part of the body. This spell, as with all spells, may hit anywhere on the body or personal gear.


In darkness or other uncertain conditions, the Player of a monster fighting with claws must make a call of “Claw” to inform the caster that there is not an actual weapon present. In this case, the spell’s Mana is not expended.

Dismiss Earth Elemental

School: Air Level: 15 Restriction: Air School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I dismiss this earth elemental to its home plane.” When this spell is cast, the caster causes a targeted earth elemental to instantly vanish, returning to its home plane. Note that certain tremendously powerful elementals may be immune to this spell.


School: Air Level: 7 Restriction: Air School Specialist only Duration: five seconds Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause you agony by electrocution - five seconds.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a burst of magical electrical energy. A creature struck by the burst is assailed with extremely painful internal and external surges of electricity. The electrical surges cause a victim to experience an effect identical to the “Agony” skill - the victim must role-play experiencing severe pain, and fall to the ground (optionally, the victim may fall to his knees or one knee). He must remain in this position for at least five seconds. The victim is not required to scream in pain, but may chose to do so. He should at least groan or make some sort of painful sound to acknowledge receiving the attack. The victim may not cast spells during the time of agony, nor may he activate magic items. He may attempt to block attacks with his shield or weapons (and the Parry and Dodge skills may be used). He may not make any type of attack whatsoever during the five seconds.

Gas Immunity

School: Air Level: 8 Restriction: Air School Specialists only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Touched


Incantation: “I grant you immunity to all gases - five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster forms an area of clean pure air around the touched being. The spell recipient may then negate all gas attacks that he is subjected to in the next five minutes. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection.

Lightning Bolt

School: Air/Universal Level: 5 Restriction: None Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Lightning Bolt - Damage Ten.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being an electrical bolt of magical energy. A creature struck by the bolt suffers 10 points of damage to the torso area.

Lightning Storm

School: Air Level: 14 Restriction: Air School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Lightning Storm – Damage 30.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a flurry of arcing electrical bolts of magical energy. A creature struck by the bolts suffers 30 points of damage to the torso area.

Missile Immunity

School: Air Level: 6 Restriction: Air School Specialist only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself immunity to missile weapons – five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains a protective barrier of magical wind around him. The caster may then totally negate any missile weapon attacks that he is subjected to in the next five minutes. The weapons do not touch the caster’s body at all – they are completely deflected by the wind. The Player should call out “No Effect” (not “Resist”) when subjected to such attacks since the weapon


never actually penetrates the barrier.


School: Air Level: 3 Restriction: Air School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Shock - Damage five.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small electrical burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst suffers 5 points of damage to the torso area.

Static Discharge

School: Air Level: 8 Restriction: Air School Specialists only Duration: instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Static discharge - Shock Damage five! Shock Damage five! Shock Damage five! Shock Damage five! Shock Damage five!” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being five small electrical bursts of magical energy. A creature struck by a burst suffers 5 points of damage to the torso area. Each burst requires a separate spell packet. The packets must be thrown one at a time in immediate succession.

Toppling Wind

School: Air Level: 3 Restriction: Air School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I cause you to trip from a gale-force wind.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a blast of magical wind. A creature struck by the wind is toppled over by the force. This has the same effect as a successful hit by the “Trip” skill - the victim must fall to the ground but may then get back up as quickly as he is able to. Note that the spell packet need not strike the legs of the target. This spell, as with all spells, may hit anywhere on the body or personal gear.


The School of Earth

Armor of Stone

School: EarthLevel: 6Restriction: Earth School Specialists onlyDuration: five minutesArea of Effect: Creature Touched

Incantation: “I grant you the power to ‘Reduce’ Critical Hits - five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster grants the ability to reduce all Critical Hits the spell recipient is affected by in the next five minutes. The hits will only cause one point of damage each.

The recipient of this spell must call out “Reduced” when hit with such attacks.


School: EarthLevel: 14Restriction: Earth School Specialist onlyDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Avalanche - Damage 30!”

When this spell is cast, the caster causes a magical avalanche to form above and fall upon a victim. A creature struck by the avalanche suffers 30 points of damage to the torso area.


School: Earth/UniversalLevel: 5Restriction: NoneDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Boulder - Damage Ten!”

When this spell is cast, the caster launches a large magical boulder toward a victim. A creature struck by the boulder suffers ten points of damage to the torso area.


School: EarthLevel: 3Restriction: Earth School Specialist only


Duration: InstantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause you to trip on a crater in the earth.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst finds a small crater underneath his feet. The sudden hole has the same effect as a successful hit by the “Trip” skill - the victim must fall to the ground but may then get back up as quickly as he is able to.

Note that the spell packet need not strike the legs of the target. This spell, as with all spells, may hit anywhere on the body or personal gear.

Diamond Skin

School: EarthLevel: 6Restriction: Earth School Specialists onlyDuration: until usedArea of Effect: Creature Touched

Incantation: “Diamond skin - two points of magic armor.”

The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy instantly gains two magical armor points. The points remain until removed by damage or until dispelled.

Dismiss Air Elemental

School: EarthLevel: 15Restriction: Earth School Specialist onlyDuration: InstantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I dismiss this air elemental to its home plane.”

When this spell is cast, the caster causes a targeted air elemental to instantly vanish, returning to its home plane. Note that certain tremendously powerful elementals may be immune to this spell.

Earth Resistance

School: EarthLevel: 6Restriction: Earth School Specialist onlyDuration: Until usedArea of Effect: Creature Touched


Incantation: “I grant you an earth spell resistance.”

When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the touched being. The protected creature may then negate one spell of his choice from the School of Earth that he is later subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection.

Earth spells can easily be recognized by their incants. The wording will include references to sand, rocks, earth, etc.This spell will not protect against potions the Player Character drinks or touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse.

Earthen Grasp

School: EarthLevel: 4Restriction: Earth School Specialist onlyDuration: InstantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause the earth to pin your left foot in place - five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster causes the earth to form a magical grasping hand that rises up to hold fast the left foot of the targeted creature. The foot cannot be moved from its spot for five minutes.

Fist of Rock

School: EarthLevel: 8Restriction: Earth School Specialists onlyDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I call forth a fist of rock to shatter your shield.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a disembodied fist made of magical stone. The fist instantly shatters any shield held or carried by the victim.

The owner of the shield can no longer use it in combat. The shield is considered permanently destroyed until it is repaired by a weapon smith.

This spell has no effect on items other than shields. Shattered shields are automatically repaired fully at no cost between events.

Granite Form

School: EarthLevel: 10


Restriction: Earth School Specialist onlyDuration: indefiniteArea of Effect: The Caster

Incantation: “I grant myself a granite form.”

This spell will instantly transform the caster into a stone statue. The caster must assume a rigid stance and cross his arms over his chest. Optionally, he may kneel, sit, or lay down, but must still maintain the rigidity and crossed arms.

While in statue form, the caster is immune to all weapon and claw attacks – this includes magical weapons. The Player should call out “No Effect” (not “Resist”) when subjected to such attacks since the weapon/claw never actually penetrates the body’s surface.

The caster is also immune to poison gases. In this case, the Player should state “Resist”.The caster is not immune to spells or magical effects. However, certain spells may be ineffective since the caster’s body retains an immobile solid stone form until the caster wishes to end the spell.

A “Stone to Flesh” spell instantly dispels this spell, as does a “Dispel Magic” spell.

The caster may not move any part of his body at all once the position has been assumed. The spell lasts until dispelled or the caster willingly moves from the rigid stance.


School: EarthLevel: 3Restriction: Earth School Specialist onlyDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Sandblast - Damage five!”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a cone of high velocity magical sand. A creature struck by the blast suffers 5 points of damage to the torso area.


School: EarthLevel: 10Restriction: Earth School Specialist onlyDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Stalactite – Damage 20!”

When this spell is cast, the caster causes a large magical stalactite to form above and fall upon a victim.


A creature struck by the stalactite suffers 20 points of damage to the torso area.

Stone Skin

School: EarthLevel: 4Restriction: Earth School Specialist onlyDuration: until usedArea of Effect: Creature Touched

Incantation: “Stone skin - one point of magic armor.”

The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy instantly gains one magical armor point. The point remains until removed by damage or until dispelled.

Stone to Flesh

School: EarthLevel: 6Restriction: Earth School Specialists onlyDuration: InstantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I restore you from stone to your prior state.”

When this spell is cast, the caster instantly negates all “Petrify” effects active on the targeted creature.This spell will dispel the effects of a “Granite Form” spell.


The School of Fire

Cleanse by Fire

School: Fire Level: 2 Restriction: Fire School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I burn the poison off of your held weapons.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst finds all held weapons to be momentarily engulfed in cleansing flames. The flames instantly neutralize any poisons that may have been applied to the weapons. The effect is so brief that the weapon does not become hot or damaged in any way. Note that the spell packet need not strike the weapons. This spell, as with all spells, may hit anywhere on the body or personal gear. This spell has no effect on poisonous claws or other natural body weaponry. In darkness or other uncertain conditions, the Player of a monster fighting with claws must make a call of “Claw” to inform the caster that there is not an actual weapon present. In this case, the spell’s Mana is not expended.

Dismiss Water Elemental

School: Fire Level: 15 Restriction: Fire School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I dismiss this water elemental to its home plane.”

When this spell is cast, the caster causes a targeted water elemental to instantly vanish, returning to its home plane. Note that certain tremendously powerful elementals may be immune to this spell.

Fiery Agony

School: Fire Level: 7 Restriction: School of Fire Specialists only Duration: five seconds Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I inflict fiery agony upon you – five seconds.”


When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a burst of magical fiery energy. A creature struck by the burst is assailed with extremely painful internal and external heat. The heat causes a victim to experience an effect identical to the “Agony” skill - the victim must role-play experiencing severe pain, and fall to the ground (optionally, the victim may fall to his knees or one knee). He must remain in this position for at least five seconds. The victim is not required to scream in pain, but may chose to do so. He should at least groan or make some sort of painful sound to acknowledge receiving the attack.

The victim may not cast spells during the time of agony, nor may he activate magic items. He may attempt to block attacks with his shield or weapons (and the Parry and Dodge skills may be used). He may not make any type of attack whatsoever during the five seconds.

Fire Resistance

School: Fire Level: 6 Restriction: Fire School Specialist only Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Creature Touched

Incantation: “I grant you a fire spell resistance.” When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the touched being. The protected creature may then negate one spell of his choice from the School of Fire that he is later subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. Fire spells can easily be recognized by their incants. The wording will include references to flame, burning, fire, heat, etc. This spell will not protect against potions the Player Character drinks or touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse.


School: Fire/Universal Level: 5 Restriction: None Duration: instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Fireball - damage ten!” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a fiery sphere of magical energy. A creature struck by the sphere suffers 10 points of damage to the torso area.



School: Fire Level: 14 Restriction: School of Fire Specialists only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Firestorm - Damage 30.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a flurry of fiery blasts of magical energy. A creature struck by the blasts suffers 30 points of damage to the torso area.

Flame Burst

School: Fire Level: 3 Restriction: Fire School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Flame Burst - Damage five.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small fiery burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the dart suffers 5 points of damage to the torso area.

Flamestrike School: Fire Level: 10 Restriction: Fire School Specialist only Duration: instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Flamestrike – Damage 20!”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst in engulfed in a vertical column of fire that causes 20 points of damage to the torso area.

Flaming Arrow

School: Fire Level: 1 Restriction: School of Fire Specialists only Duration: until used Area of Effect: Arrow or Bolt Touched Incantation: “I grant this arrow magical fire until discharged.”


This spell causes a single arrow or crossbow bolt touched by the caster to carry the descriptor of “Fire” when it is discharged from a bow or crossbow. The caster need not be the person to shoot the weapon.

Note that (at the moment the missile is discharged) the flames instantly neutralize any poisons that may have been applied to the missile.

Flaming Blade

School: Fire Level: 2 Restriction: School of Fire Specialists only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Weapon Touched Incantation: “I grant this weapon magical fire – five minutes.” This spell causes a single melee weapon of any type touched by the caster to carry the descriptor of “Fire” for five minutes. The caster need not be the person to wield the weapon. Note that the flames instantly neutralize any poisons that may have been applied to the weapon.

Incinerate School: Fire Level: 18 Restriction: Fire School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Incinerate - Damage 40.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst in engulfed in fire & heat that causes 40 points of damage to the torso area.

Melt Lock

School: Fire Level: 14 Restriction: Fire School Specialist only Duration: instant Area of Effect: Lock Touched Incantation: “I melt this lock with extreme heat.” This spell brings into being a focused heat of such intensity that a single lock (of any quality) touched by the caster is instantly destroyed.


The Player must indicate that the lock has been destroyed by attaching a note to the lock with the words “DESTROYED BY HEAT”. These notes are Out Of Game and must be supplied by the Player.

Searing Weapon

School: Fire Level: 3 Restriction: Fire School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I inflict your weapon with searing heat - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst finds a held weapon to be extremely hot to the touch. The intense heat causes the victim to drop the weapon as if affected by the “Disarm” skill- the victim must attempt to toss the weapon to the ground at least five feet away. The weapon may not be wielded again by the owner for the spell duration. The weapon itself is not permanently damaged in any way. If the victim of this spell is holding more than one weapon, then he may choose which weapon to drop. All types of weapons are subject to this spell, even Two-Handed weapons and Archery weapons. Note that the spell packet need not strike the weapon or a certain part of the body. This spell, as with all spells, may hit anywhere on the body or personal gear.

In darkness or other uncertain conditions, the Player of a monster fighting with claws must make a call of “Claw” to inform the caster that there is not an actual weapon present. In this case, the spell’s Mana is not expended. Note that this spell will not burn poisons off of weapons like the “Cleanse by Fire” spell.


School: Fire Level: 12 Restriction: Fire School Specialists only Duration: instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Wildfire - Fireball damage ten! Fireball damage ten! Fireball damage ten!”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being three fiery spheres of magical energy. A creature struck by a sphere suffers 10 points of damage to the torso area. Each sphere requires a separate spell packet. The packets must be thrown one at a time in immediate succession.


The School of Water

Cone of Cold

School: Water Level: 10 Restriction: Water School Specialists only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Cone of Cold – Damage 20.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a cone of cold magical energy. A creature caught in the cone suffers 20 points of damage to the torso area.

Dismiss Fire Elemental

School: Water Level: 15 Restriction: Water School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I dismiss this fire elemental to its home plane.” When this spell is cast, the caster causes a targeted fire elemental to instantly vanish, returning to its home plane. Note that certain tremendously powerful elementals may be immune to this spell.

Freeze Solid

School: Water Level: 15 Restriction: Water School Specialists only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I freeze your body solid - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster encases the targeted being in a block of ice. The being is then unable to move for five minutes. The victim of this spell loses the ability to willingly release held items during the spell duration.

As a side effect, the victim is immune to all effects that would cause held items to be dropped or dislodged from the hand. The Player should call out “Resist!” when subjected to such effects. Note that the scorching heat of a “Searing Weapon” spell is negated by the cold of the icy grip of this spell.



School: Water/Universal Level: 5 Restriction: None Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Frostbite - Damage ten.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of cold magical energy. A creature struck by the burst suffers 10 points of damage to the torso area.

Frozen Arm

School: Water Level: 6 Restriction: Water School Specialists only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I freeze your left/right arm solid for five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster encases the targeted being’s arm in a block of ice. The being is then unable to make use of that arm for five minutes. The left or right arm must be specified in the spell incant. Note that both arms would have to be frozen to prevent spellcasting, as either hand may be used to cast spells. The victim of this spell loses the ability to willingly release items held in the frozen arm’s hand during the spell duration. As a side effect, the victim is immune to all effects that would cause held items to be dropped or dislodged from the hand. The Player should call out “Resist!” when subjected to such effects. Note that the scorching heat of a “Searing Weapon” spell is negated by the cold of the icy grip of this spell.

Frozen Fingers

School: Water Level: 10 Restriction: Water School Specialists only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Frozen fingers. No spellcasting - five minutes.”


When this spell is cast, the caster freezes the fingers of the targeted being. The being is then unable to muster the fine manual dexterity to cast spells for five minutes. The hands may be used in all other normal ways - only spellcasting is prevented. Note that the spell does not freeze items to the victim’s hands in any way, nor does it negate a “Searing Weapon” spell.

Grip of Ice

School: Water Level: 2 Restriction: Water School Specialists only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Touched

Incantation: “I grant you a frozen grip on your weapon(s) - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster encases the touched being’s weapon hand (or hands) in a hard block of ice. The being is then immune to all effects that would cause the weapon to be dropped or dislodged from the hand. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. If the recipient of this spell is holding more than one weapon at the time of casting, then both weapons will be locked into an icy grip. Neither the caster nor the recipient has control over this. The caster in this case (for the sake of clarity) should use the word “weapons” in the incant, rather than the word “weapon”, but this is not necessary for the spell to be effective on both weapons. The recipient of this spell forfeits the ability to willingly release the weapon (or weapons) during the spell duration.

Note that the scorching heat of a “Searing Weapon” spell is negated by the cold of the icy grip of this spell.

Ice Armor

School: Water Level: 4 Restriction: Water School Specialists only Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I grant you ice armor – one point of magic armor.” When this spell is cast, the caster forms a protective barrier of magical ice around the touched being. The protected creature gains one magical armor point. The point remains until removed by damage or until dispelled.


Ice Storm

School: Water Level: 14 Restriction: Water School Specialists only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Ice Storm - Damage 30.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a flurry of magical ice and cold energy. A creature caught in the storm suffers 30 points of damage to the torso area.


School: Water Level: 3 Restriction: Water School Specialists only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Icicle - Damage five.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a huge icicle of magical energy. A creature struck by the icicle suffers 5 points of damage to the torso area.

Icy Footing

School: Water Level: 3 Restriction: Water School Specialists only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I cause you to trip on a sheet of ice.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst finds a small sheet of ice underneath his feet. The ice has the same effect as a successful hit by the “Trip” skill - the victim must fall to the ground but may then get back up as quickly as he is able to.

Note that the spell packet need not strike the legs of the target. This spell, as with all spells, may hit anywhere on the body or personal gear.

Shatter Lock

School: Water Level: 14 Restriction: Water School Specialist only Duration: instant


Area of Effect: Lock Touched

Incantation: “I shatter this lock with extreme cold.” This spell brings into being a focused coldness of such intensity that a single lock (of any quality) touched by the caster is instantly destroyed. The Player must indicate that the lock has been destroyed by attaching a note to the lock with the words “DESTROYED BY COLD”. These notes are Out Of Game and must be supplied by the Player.

Shatter Shield

School: Water Level: 8 Restriction: Water School Specialists only Duration: instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I shatter your shield with extreme cold.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a frigid blast of intense magical coldness. The blast instantly shatters any shield held or carried by the victim. The owner of the shield can no longer use it in combat. The shield is considered permanently destroyed until it is repaired by a weapon smith. This spell has no effect on items other than shields. Shattered shields are automatically repaired fully at no cost between events.

Water Resistance

School: Water Level: 6 Restriction: Water School Specialists only Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I grant you a water spell resistance.” When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the touched being. The protected creature may then negate one spell of his choice from the School of Water that he is later subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. Water spells can easily be recognized by their incants. The wording will include references to ice, cold, freezing, etc.

This spell will not protect against potions the Player Character drinks or touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse.


The School of Blood

Note: These spells have no effect on undead, nonliving creatures, dead bodies, or creatures without blood.

Agony of the Blood

School: BloodLevel: 6Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: five secondsArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I inflict you with agony of the blood - five seconds.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is afflicted with extreme pain due to a magical alteration to the victim’s blood composition.

The spell has the same effect as a successful hit by the “Agony” skill - the victim must role-play experiencing severe pain, and fall to the ground (optionally, the victim may fall to his knees or one knee). He must remain in this position for at least five seconds.

The victim is not required to scream in pain, but may chose to do so. He should at least groan or make some sort of painful sound to acknowledge receiving the attack.

The victim may not cast spells during the time of agony, nor may he cast spells from scrolls or magic items. He may attempt to block attacks with his shield or weapons (and the Parry and Dodge skills may be used). He may not make any type of attack whatsoever during the five seconds.

Blood Exhaustion

School: BloodLevel: 3Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause you to trip from blood exhaustion.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is afflicted with sudden extreme exhaustion due to a magical alteration to the victim’s blood composition.

The spell has the same effect as a successful hit by the “Trip” skill - the victim must fall to the ground but may then get back up as quickly as he is able to.


Note that the spell packet need not strike the legs of the target. This spell, as with all spells, may hit anywhere on the body or personal gear.

Blood Guard

School: BloodLevel: 2Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: Until usedArea of Effect: The Caster

Incantation: “I grant myself a guard from the next blood spell.”

When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the caster. The next spell of the School of Blood to affect the caster will be negated - the Player should call out “Resist!” when subjected to such a spell.

Blood spells can easily be recognized by their incants. The wording will include references to bleeding, blood, poison, etc.

This spell will not protect against potions the Player Character drinks or touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse.

Blood Nausea

School: BloodLevel: 8Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: Five MinutesArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause you to choke on your own blood - nausea 55 seconds.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is magically afflicted with intense overwhelming nausea.

The victim must role-play severe nausea and/or vomiting and may not move on his own accord more than ten steps from the spot he was standing in. No spell casting or weapon attacks are possible. This effect lasts for 55 seconds.

Critical Blood Poisoning

School: BloodLevel: 2Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: instant


Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Poison Five by Blood Magic.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is magically infused with poison five. Unless able to resist the poison, the victim will receive five points of damage to the torso.

Dire Blood Poisoning

School: BloodLevel: 8Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Poison 20 by Blood Magic.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is magically infused with poison twenty. Unless able to resist the poison, the victim will receive 20 points of damage to the torso.

Lethal Blood Poisoning

School: BloodLevel: 18Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Poison 50 by Blood Magic.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is magically infused with poison fifty. Unless able to resist the poison, the victim will receive 50 points of damage to the torso.

Paralytic Blood Poisoning

School: BloodLevel: 12Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: five minutesArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Paralysis Poison by Blood Magic - five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is magically infused with paralysis poison. Unless able to resist the poison, the victim will be


paralyzed (unable to move) for five minutes.

This is a rigid or flaccid type of paralysis at the victim’s option. The entire body is affected.

Perpetual Bleeding

School: BloodLevel: 10Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: indefiniteArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause you to lose one vitality every five seconds by bleeding.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is magically afflicted with never-ending internal and external bleeding.

The victim loses one point of vitality every five seconds. The effect continues until the victim either dies or is healed for at least one vitality point. The administration of the “First Aid” skill will end the spell’s effect if the victim reaches zero vitality. A usage of the “Self-Remedy” skill will also end the spell in a similar manner.

Severe Blood Poisoning

School: BloodLevel: 4Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Poison Ten by Blood Magic.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is magically infused with poison ten. Unless able to resist the poison, the victim will receive 10 points of damage to the torso.

Soporific Blood Poisoning

School: BloodLevel: 10Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: five minutesArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Sleep Poison by Blood Magic - five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is magically infused with sleep poison. Unless able to resist the poison or the sleep effect, the


victim will be forced into an unshakable state of unconsciousness for five minutes.

The victim cannot be awakened by any normal means. Not even physical damage will stir the sleeping victim.

Weakness of the Blood

School: BloodLevel: 8Restriction: Blood School Specialist onlyDuration: five minutesArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I inflict you with weakness of the blood - five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is afflicted with extreme weakness due to a magical alteration to the victim’s blood composition.

The spell has the same effect as a successful hit by a “Weakness” attack- the victim must role-play extreme fatigue. No running, attacking with weapons, or carrying others is possible.


The School of Chaos


School: ChaosLevel: 5Restriction: Chaos School Specialist onlyDuration: indefiniteArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause you to be the target of your next spell.”

When this spell is cast, the caster causes the next spell cast by the victim to redirect backwards toward the victim. The victim should touch-cast the spell to avoid the remote possibility of missing with a spell packet. The victim cannot “Refuse” a spell cast by touch on himself in this case. If the victim does use a spell packet and somehow misses, then he must cast another spell at himself.

All types of spells are subject to this spell’s effect, even beneficial spells. The very next spell of any type cast by the victim is affected.


School: ChaosLevel: 8Restriction: Chaos School Specialists onlyDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “Catastrophe- I cause you to drop all held items! I cause you to drop all held items! I cause you to drop all held items!” (three throws)

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being three small bursts of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst must attempt to toss all held In Game items safely to the ground at least five feet away. All types of items, including Two-Handed Weapons, are affected by this spell.

Each burst requires a separate spell packet. The packets must be thrown one at a time in immediate succession.

Chaotic Agony

School: ChaosLevel: 6Restriction: Chaos School Specialist onlyDuration: five secondsArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I inflict you with chaotic agony - five seconds.”


When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is assailed with extremely powerful combination of mental anguish and physical pain.

The pain causes a victim to experience an effect identical to the “Agony” skill - the victim must role-play experiencing severe pain, and fall to the ground (optionally, the victim may fall to his knees or one knee). He must remain in this position for at least five seconds.

The victim is not required to scream in pain, but may chose to do so. He should at least groan or make some sort of painful sound to acknowledge receiving the attack.

The victim may not cast spells during the time of agony, nor may he activate magic items. He may attempt to block attacks with his shield or weapons (and the Parry and Dodge skills may be used). He may not make any type of attack whatsoever during the five seconds.

Charm Person

School: ChaosLevel: 8Restriction: Chaos School Specialist onlyDuration: five minutesArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I charm you to treat me as your best friend – five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster magically compels the victim to treat the caster as the single most trusted friend or ally in existence.

The effects of this spell must be role-played properly without trying to skirt the rules. It is not acceptable to totally ignore the spell with the justification of “my character is so evil that he would even kill his best friend!” or other such excuses. The Player Character must protect and assist the caster as a reasonable person would care for his closest friend.

The spell does not make the victim a total automaton, and the victim is not compelled to violate his In Game or Out Of Game morals.

Note that while most intelligent races are subject to this spell, many monsters are immune due to the monstrous or primitive nature of their minds (or their lack of a mind altogether).

Feeble Mind

School: ChaosLevel: 10Restriction: Chaos School Specialist onlyDuration: five minutesArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I inflict you with a feeble mind. No spellcasting - five minutes.”


When this spell is cast, the caster magically reduces the mental capability of the victim. The victim is then unable to muster the concentration to remember the exact wording of incantations and perform the precise manual motions to cast spells. The victim’s mind is not affected in other ways - only spellcasting is prevented.


School: ChaosLevel: 4Restriction: Chaos School Specialist onlyDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause you to drop all held items.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst must attempt to toss all held In Game items safely to the ground at least five feet away. All types of items, including Two-Handed Weapons, are affected by this spell. Note that spell packets are not considered to be In Game items.


School: ChaosLevel: 12Restriction: Chaos School Specialist onlyDuration: five minutesArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause you to attack the closest creatures - five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst will be compelled to attack the closest creature in sight for the next five minutes. The victim is allowed to attack in any manner he wishes (spells, weapons, etc.), but must make a continuous effort to do so.


School: ChaosLevel: 9Restriction: Chaos School Specialist onlyDuration: five minutesArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I inflict you with nausea - 55 seconds.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is magically afflicted with intense overwhelming nausea.


The victim must role-play severe nausea and/or vomiting and may not move on his own accord more than ten steps from the spot he was standing in. No spell casting or weapon attacks are possible. This effect lasts for 55 seconds.

Spell Malice

School: ChaosLevel: 5Restriction: Chaos School Specialist onlyDuration: indefiniteArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause you to take double damage from the next damaging spell.”

When this spell is cast, the caster enhances the next damage spell that affects the victim. The damaging spell will inflict double damage upon the victim. If the victim resists the damaging spell, then the effect will remain in place until damage is actually received by a spell.

Stunning Havoc

School: ChaosLevel: 2Restriction: Chaos School Specialist onlyDuration: five secondsArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I stun your left arm/right arm/left leg/right leg - five seconds.”

When this spell is cast, the caster disrupts the nerves in one of the targeted being’s limbs. The being is then unable to make use of that limb for five seconds. This effect is identical to the “Stun” skill.

Note that both arms would have to be stunned to prevent spellcasting, as either hand may be used to cast spells.


School: ChaosLevel: 3Restriction: Chaos School Specialist onlyDuration: instantArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause you to trip from vertigo.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is afflicted with a strong momentary bout of vertigo. The vertigo has the same effect as a successful hit by the “Trip” skill - the victim must fall to the ground but may then get back up as


quickly as he is able to.

Note that the spell packet need not strike the legs of the target. This spell, as with all spells, may hit anywhere on the body or personal gear.

Wandering Mind

School: ChaosLevel: 18Restriction: Chaos School Specialist onlyDuration: five minutesArea of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I cause your mind to wander. No attack skills or spellcasting - five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster magically causes the victim’s mind to wander. The victim is then unable to perform even the simplest feats of concentration. The victim cannot cast spells or use skills to make special attacks. Normal weapon attacks are still possible.

All other actions may be performed normally, but the victim should role-play the total lack of concentration to the best of his ability.


The School of Necromancy

Black Tentacles

School: Necromancy Level: 6 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I call forth black tentacles to entangle your feet - five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being writhing black tentacles beneath the feet of the targeted creature. The tentacles rise up to hold fast both feet of the targeted creature. The feet cannot be moved from their spot for five minutes.

Bone to Steel

School: Necromancy Level: 7 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Undead Creature Touched Incantation: “I grant this undead double vitality.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. An undead creature touched by the energy has its current total vitality doubled. All extra points of vitality are lost before the original points are reached. Only one Bone to Steel spell can be active on a creature at one time. A new Bone to Steel spell may be received once the extra vitality points are removed.

Command Undead

School: Necromancy Level: 8 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Undead Creature Targeted Incantation: “I command this lesser undead to do my bidding - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A lesser undead creature struck by the burst is under the complete control of the caster for five minutes. The creature will do anything the caster tells it to do (of course, the victim is not required to violate his or her Out Of Game morals). The creature will even attack its allies and/or kill itself if so commanded.


It will obey each order to the best of its ability until the next order is given. Note that this spell will have no effect on a creature that is not undead. If this spell is used on a living or dead (but not undead) creature, then the proper response would be “Resist”. Undead creatures that are not considered “lesser” undead are also not affected by this spell.

Death’s Doorway

School: Necromancy Level: 15 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Living Creature Targeted Incantation: “I reduce this living creature to zero vitality.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A living creature struck by the burst is reduced to zero vitality (usually resulting in unconsciousness) and begins the bleeding-out period.

Holy Water Resistance

School: Necromancy Level: 1 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: until used Area of Effect: Undead Creature Touched

Incantation: “I grant this undead a resistance to holy water.” When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the touched undead being. The protected creature may then negate one holy water attack of its choice that it is later subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. This spell will not protect against holy water the undead drinks or touch-delivered holy water that the Player does not refuse.

Mend Undead

School: Necromancy Level: 1 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Undead Creature Touched

Incantation: “I mend one vitality for this undead.”

The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. An undead creature


touched by the energy is healed one point of vitality. Note that this spell will have no effect on a creature that is not undead. If this spell is used on a living or dead (but not undead) creature, then the proper response would be “Resist”.

Necromantic Fear

School: Necromancy Level: 3 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: five seconds Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I command you to flee in fear - five seconds.” When this spell is cast, the caster creates a powerful illusion that only the targeted creature can sense. The spell causes irrepressible fear in the victim as a result. The victim must attempt to flee (safely) as far away as possible from the attacker for five seconds. Great fear should be role-played in a manner the victim sees fit.

Necromantic Terror

School: Necromancy Level: 6 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I command you to flee in terror - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster creates an extremely powerful illusion that only the targeted creature can sense. The spell causes irrepressible terror in the victim as a result. The victim must attempt to flee (safely) as far away as possible from the attacker for five minutes. Great fear should be role-played in a manner the victim sees fit.

Ray of Paralysis

School: Necromancy Level: 15 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Living Creature Targeted

Incantation: “I inflict this living creature with paralysis - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a ray of necromantic magical energy. A living creature struck by the ray is paralyzed (unable to move for five minutes). This is a rigid or flaccid type


of paralysis at the victim’s option. The entire body is affected.

Speak with Dead

School: Necromancy Level: 1 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Dead Creature Touched

Incantation: “Speak with Dead - five minutes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to converse freely with one touched dead body. The dead creature can only hear and speak to the caster. The body must be at rest during the casting of the spell. The spell ends instantly if the body is moved within the five minute spell duration. Note that the dead creature is never compelled to speak – the spell simply grants them the ability to do so. This spell does not provide any further communication abilities; it will be of little use if the creature was unable to speak the common tongue in life.

Spirit Armor

School: Necromancy Level: 6 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: instant Area of Effect: Living Creature Touched

Incantation: “I grant this living creature two points of magic armor, but damage 2 points of vitality.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A living creature touched by the energy gains two magical armor points. Simultaneously, the spell recipient is damaged two points of vitality. Only one casting of this spell can be active on a creature at one time. A new casting may be received once the magic armor points are removed.

Turning Resistance

School: Necromancy Level: 3 Restriction: Necromancy School Specialist only Duration: until used Area of Effect: Undead Creature Touched


Incantation: “I grant this undead a resistance to turning.” When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the touched undead being. The protected creature may then negate one turning attempt of its choice that it is later subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection.


Racial SpellsThese spells are generally open to all users of Mana, but the caster must be of the correct Player Character Race.

Blood Elf Spells

Innate Blood Casting

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: Blood Elf only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself innate Blood magic- five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to cast spells from the School of Blood innately for five minutes. The Blood Spells cast must be spells that have been previously learned by the caster. Mana points are deducted as usual, and all the other usual requirements must be met to cast the spell. This spell simply allows the caster to cast the spells as though they were “innate”; that is, the spells cannot be disrupted by being hit. The other spellcasting rules must be followed (no walking, correct incant, etc.). The incant for the spells must be preceded by the word “Innate”.

Recast Blood & Fire

School: Universal Level: 2 Restriction: Blood Elf only Duration: instant Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “Recast insert Blood or Fire Spell incant.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to cast a spell he has previously cast during the event. The spell must be from the School of Blood or the School of Fire. This spell allows the recasting of one spell per casting. Every time a spell is recast, it is removed from the available spells to recast. If the spell is cast again normally, it can later be recast by use this spell.


Cat-Kin Spells

Feline Grace

School: Universal Level: 2 Restriction: Cat-Kin only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself feline grace - five minutes.”

This spell grants the caster unearthly dexterity for five minutes. The caster will not lose his footing or drop objects during this time. The caster will be immune to all effects that cause fumbling or a loss of balance. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following spells and skills: Disarm skill, Trip skill, Icy Footing Spell, Disarming Wind Spell, Toppling Wind Spell, Blood Exhaustion Spell, Crater Spell, Fumble Spell, Catastrophe Spell, Vertigo Spell, Grease Spell. Spells that hold or grasp the spell recipient, such as Entangle spell or Black Tentacles spell, are not protected against. If the Player actually drops an item, it is assumed to be a mental slip-up of some sort. The spell cannot be used to “undo” an Out Of Game mistake such as this. This spell will not protect against touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse. This spell will not protect against curses or cursed magic items, nor potions the Player Character drinks. Unless otherwise stated, this spell will not prevent effects from “Plot Cards”.


Dark Elf Spells

Adamantine Blade

School: Universal Level: 4 Restriction: Dark Elf only Duration: until used Area of Effect: Weapon Touched Incantation: “I grant this weapon a guard from the next shatter.” This spell grants a protective barrier to a single weapon of any type touched by the caster. The next “shatter” to affect the protected weapon will be negated - the Player should call out “Resist!” when subjected to such a skill or magical effect. The caster need not be the person to wield the weapon. This spell will not protect against touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse. This spell will not protect against curses or cursed magic items, nor potions the Player Character drinks. Unless otherwise stated, this spell will not prevent effects from “Plot Cards”.

Web Guard

School: Universal Level: 2 Restriction: Dark Elf only Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Dark Elf Touched Incantation: “I grant this Dark Elf a guard from the next web.” When this spell is cast, the caster grants magical protection to a Dark Elf. The spell recipient will be protected from the next web effect that he is subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. All “web” effects can be resisted, whether brought about by magic or other means. This includes “Physical Web”. This spell will not protect against touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse. This spell will not protect against curses or cursed magic items, nor potions the Player Character drinks. Unless otherwise stated, this spell will not prevent effects from “Plot Cards”. Note that this spell can only be used on a Dark Elf. No other race may benefit from this spell, and should state “Resist” if subjected to this spell.


Deep Dwarf Spells

Paralysis Guard

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: Deep Dwarf only Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Deep Dwarf Touched Incantation: “I grant this Deep Dwarf a guard from the next paralysis.” When this spell is cast, the caster grants magical protection to a Deep Dwarf. The spell recipient will be protected from the next paralysis effect that he is subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. All “paralysis” effects can be resisted, whether brought about by magic or other means. This spell will not protect against touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse. This spell will not protect against curses or cursed magic items, nor potions the Player Character drinks. Unless otherwise stated, this spell will not prevent effects from “Plot Cards”. Note that this spell can only be used on a Deep Dwarf. No other race may benefit from this spell, and should state “Resist” if subjected to this spell.


Deep Gnome Spells

Befriend Earth Elemental

School: Universal Level: 7 Restriction: Deep Gnome only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Earth Elemental Targeted

Incantation: “I befriend this Earth Elemental- five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster magically compels an Earth Elemental to treat the caster as the single most trusted friend or ally in existence. The Earth Elemental must protect and assist the caster as a reasonable person would care for his closest friend. The spell does not make the Earth Elemental a total automaton, and the Earth Elemental is not compelled to violate his In Game morals (if any) or his Out Of Game morals. Note that certain tremendously powerful elementals may be immune to this spell.

Jack of Protection

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: Deep Gnome only Duration: until used Area of Effect: Deep Gnome Touched Incantation: “I grant this Deep Gnome one point of magic armor.” The casting of this spell causes an invisible jacket of magical energy to envelope the caster’s body. The caster instantly gains one magical armor point. The point remains until removed by damage or until dispelled. Note that this spell can only be used on a Deep Gnome. No other race may benefit from this spell, and should state “Resist” if subjected to this spell.


Dwarf Spells

Augment Armor

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: Dwarf only Duration: indefinite Area of Effect: Dwarf Touched Incantation: “I grant five magical armor points to this armored Dwarf.” When this spell is cast, the caster adds five magical armor points an armored Dwarf. The spell recipient must be a Dwarf wearing at least five points of physical armor. If the armor is removed, then so is the magical protection. If the armor is later donned by the same individual, then the magical armor points will still be in effect. If the physical armor is worn by anyone else, then the spell instantly ends. Note that this spell can only be used on a Dwarf or a Deep Dwarf. No other race may benefit from this spell, and should state “Resist” if subjected to this spell.


Faun Spells

Dance of the Korred

School: Universal Level: 6 Restriction: Faun only Duration: until dancing ends Area of Effect: Creature touched Incantation: “I grant you immunity to weapons and claws while you dance.” When this spell is cast, the caster grants a protective magical barrier to the spell recipient. In order to benefit from this spell, the recipient must immediately start dancing. The recipient may then totally negate any weapon or claw attacks that he is subjected to while he continues to dance. The weapons do not touch the caster’s body at all – they are completely deflected. The Player should call out “No Effect” when subjected to such attacks since the weapon never actually penetrates the barrier. The spell instantly ends if the recipient stops dancing for more than five seconds. The spell also ends if the recipient makes any sort of attack or stops dancing long enough to cast a spell.


Fey Spells

Protection from Mortal Weaponry

School: Universal Level: 4 Restriction: Fey only Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Fey Touched Incantation: “I grant this Fey a guard from the next five uncalled weapon strikes.” When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the touched Fey. The next five uncalled physical weapon attacks to hit the protected creature will be negated - the Player should call out “No Effect!” when subjected to such attacks.

This spell will not protect against any skill attacks or strikes that have any type of call. Therefore, a weapon strike with a skill or a descriptor (such as “Magic”) or a poisoned weapon will not be negated. This spell does not protect against “claw” attacks of any sort.

Note that this spell can only be used on a Fey. No other race may benefit from this spell, and should state “Resist” if subjected to this spell.

Slumber Blade

School: Universal Level: 2 Restriction: Fey only Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Weapon Touched Incantation: “I grant this weapon sleep poison.” This spell causes the caster’s hand to magically apply a dose of “sleep poison” to a touched weapon. Only a Small, Short, or One-handed weapon may be so coated. The caster need not be the person to wield the weapon.


Gnome Spells


School: Universal Level: 4 Restriction: Gnome only Duration: five minute Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I cause you to trip on grease! I cause you to trip on grease! I cause you to trip on grease!” (three throws) When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being three small bursts of magical energy. A creature struck by a burst finds an extremely slippery layer of grease underneath his feet. The sudden grease smear has the same effect as a successful hit by the “Trip” skill - the victim must fall to the ground but may then get back up as quickly as he is able to. Note that the spell packet need not strike the legs of the target. This spell, as with all spells, may hit anywhere on the body or personal gear. Each burst requires a separate spell packet. The packets must be thrown one at a time in immediate succession.

Itching Powder

School: Universal Level: 2 Restriction: Gnome only Duration: five seconds Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I cause you to scratch an itch - five seconds!” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is covered with a powerful magical itching powder. The victim must use both arms (if possible) to scratch frantically for at least five seconds. No spell casting or attacks of any sort are possible during this time.


Halfling Spells

Avoid Damage

School: Universal Level: 5 Restriction: Halfling only Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Halfling Touched Incantation: “I grant this Halfling a guard from the next damaging spell.” When this spell is cast, the caster grants magical protection to a Halfling. The spell recipient will be protected from the next damage spell that he is subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. A “damage spell” is a spell that normally causes points of damage (whether or not the spell recipient is actually damaged).

This spell will not protect against touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse. This spell will not protect against curses or cursed magic items, nor potions the Player Character drinks. Unless otherwise stated, this spell will not prevent effects from “Plot Cards”. Note that this spell can only be used on a Halfling. No other race may benefit from this spell, and should state “Resist” if subjected to this spell.


High Elf Spells

Enchanted Arrow

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: High Elf, Wood Elf, Wild Elf, and Silver Elf only Duration: until used Area of Effect: Arrow or Bolt Touched Incantation: “I grant this arrow an enchantment of Magic until discharged.” This spell causes a single arrow or crossbow bolt touched by the caster to carry the descriptor of “Magic” when it is discharged from a bow or crossbow. The caster need not be the person to shoot the weapon.

Sleep Guard

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: High Elf only Duration: Until used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself a guard from the next sleep effect.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains a magical protection from the next sleep effect that he is subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. All “sleep” effects can be resisted, whether brought about by poison or magic. This spell will not protect against touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse. This spell will not protect against curses or cursed magic items, nor potions the Player Character drinks. Unless otherwise stated, this spell will not prevent effects from “Plot Cards”.


Silver Elf Spells

Enchanted Arrow

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: High Elf, Wood Elf, Wild Elf, and Silver Elf only Duration: until used Area of Effect: Arrow or Bolt Touched Incantation: “I grant this arrow an enchantment of Magic until discharged.” This spell causes a single arrow or crossbow bolt touched by the caster to carry the descriptor of “Magic” when it is discharged from a bow or crossbow. The caster need not be the person to shoot the weapon.

Sleep Resistance

School: Universal Level: 2 Restriction: Silver Elf only Duration: until used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself a sleep resistance.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains a magical protection from one sleep effect of his choice that he is later subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. All “sleep” effects can be resisted, whether brought about by poison or magic. This spell will not protect against touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse. This spell will not protect against curses or cursed magic items, nor potions the Player Character drinks. Unless otherwise stated, this spell will not prevent effects from “Plot Cards”.


Stone Elf Spells

Dispel Charm

School: Universal Level: 2 Restriction: Stone Elf only Duration: instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Dispel Charm.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings forth a magical ray. All “charm” effects currently active on a creature struck by the ray will be instantly negated. A Spell Guard will block this spell. A Spell Resistance may also be used to negate this spell.

Iron Will

School: Universal Level: 4 Restriction: Stone Elf only Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself immunity to mind control - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains a magical protection from all mind control spells and effects for the next five minutes. “Mind Control” includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following spells and effects: Fear, Terror, Charm, Sleep, Feeble Mind spell, Incite spell, Wandering Mind spell, Random Violence spell, Supervision spell, Overjoy spell. Sleep brought about by poison is resisted as well, by struggling to stay awake through sheer force of will. The Mind Blast spell produces physical damage, so therefore is not protected against.

The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. This spell will not protect against curses or cursed magic items, nor potions the Player Character drinks. Unless otherwise stated, this spell will not prevent effects from “Plot Cards”.


Wild Elf Spells

Disease Guard

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: Wild Elf only Duration: Until used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself a guard from the next disease.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains a magical protection from the next disease effect that he is subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. All “disease” effects can be resisted, whether brought about by magic or other means. This spell will not protect against touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse. This spell will not protect against curses or cursed magic items, nor potions the Player Character drinks. Unless otherwise stated, this spell will not prevent effects from “Plot Cards”.

Enchanted Arrow

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: High Elf, Wood Elf, Wild Elf, and Silver Elf only Duration: until used Area of Effect: Arrow or Bolt Touched Incantation: “I grant this arrow an enchantment of Magic until discharged.” This spell causes a single arrow or crossbow bolt touched by the caster to carry the descriptor of “Magic” when it is discharged from a bow or crossbow. The caster need not be the person to shoot the weapon.


Wood Elf Spells

Enchanted Arrow

School: Universal Level: 1 Restriction: High Elf, Wood Elf, Wild Elf, and Silver Elf only Duration: until used Area of Effect: Arrow or Bolt Touched Incantation: “I grant this arrow an enchantment of Magic until discharged.” This spell causes a single arrow or crossbow bolt touched by the caster to carry the descriptor of “Magic” when it is discharged from a bow or crossbow. The caster need not be the person to shoot the weapon.

Missile Guard

School: Universal Level: 4 Restriction: Wood Elf only Duration: until used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself a guard from the next missile.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains a protective magical barrier. The barrier totally negates the next missile weapon attack that he is subjected to. The weapon does not touch the caster’s body at all – it is completely deflected. The Player should call out “No Effect” when subjected to the attack since the weapon never actually penetrates the barrier. This spell only stops physical missiles such as arrows, crossbow bolts, and thrown weapons. Physical missiles that have been enchanted with “magic” or “fire” will be stopped as well. This spell will not protect against the “Magic Missile” spell, or other similar spells that take the appearance or name of a missile.


General Cleric Spells

The following are the complete spell descriptions. You can find abbreviated spell descriptions in Knight Blades Players Handbook.

Alleviate Terror Level: 1 Restriction: none Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I alleviate fear and terror.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is instantly relieved of any fear and/or terror effects.

Awaken Level: 1 Restriction: none Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I awaken you to full consciousness.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy is instantly returned full consciousness. This spell could be used to remove the effects of a sleep spell, Sleep Poison, the Waylay skill, etc. This spell will not bring someone to consciousness if they are in the bleeding-out period.

Bless Weapon Level: 3 Restriction: none Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Weapon Touched Incantation: “I bless this weapon in the name of _____ - Five minutes.” (Must use name of God that Divine Favor is in) This spell causes a single weapon of any type touched by the caster to carry the descriptor of “Blessed” for five minutes. The caster need not be the person to wield the weapon.


Constitution Level: 1 Restriction: none Duration: until used Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I grant you Constitution - one extra vitality.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy instantly gains one point of magical vitality. The point remains until removed by damage or until dispelled. Healing will not replace the vitality once removed.

Cure Critical Wounds Level: 3 Restriction: none Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I restore five vitality.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy is healed five points of vitality.

Cure Disease

Level: 3 Restriction: none Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I cure all diseases in your body.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy is instantly cured of all current disease effects.

Cure Minor Wounds Level: 1 Restriction: none Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I restore one vitality.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy is healed one point of vitality.


Cure Moderate Wounds Level: 2 Restriction: none Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I restore three vitality.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy is healed three points of vitality.

Cure Mortal Wounds Level: 5 Restriction: none Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I restore ten vitality.”

The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy is healed ten points of vitality.

Elemental Immunity Level: 20 Restriction: none Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself immunity to elementals - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains a protective magical barrier. The spell negates all physical attacks (weapon or claw) from any type of elemental the caster is subjected to in the next five minutes. The weapons/claws do not touch the caster’s body at all – they are completely deflected by the barrier. The Player should call out “No Effect” when subjected to such attacks since the weapon/claw never actually penetrates the barrier. The spell instantly ends if the caster casts any spell or makes any type of attack on anyone. Note that certain tremendously powerful elementals may be immune to this spell. If they are, they will call out “Bypass”!

Freedom Level: 3 Restriction: none Duration: Instant


Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I grant you freedom from your restraining effects.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy is instantly free of any current effects restricting movement. The effects may have been brought on by spells, poisons, etc. This includes (but is not limited to) paralysis, pin, entangle, frozen limbs, etc.

This spell does not remove petrify effects. A petrified victim’s body has actually been transformed – they are not simply restrained or held immobile.

Greater Constitution Level: 2 Restriction: none Duration: until used Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I grant you Greater Constitution - Two extra vitality.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy instantly gains two points of magical vitality. The points remain until removed by damage or until dispelled. Healing will not replace the vitality once removed.

Neutralize Poison Level: 2 Restriction: none Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I neutralize all poisons in your body.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy is instantly cured of all currently active poison effects. Note that this spell will not heal damage inflicted by instantly-damaging poisons. Therefore, this spell will be of no use against “Poison One”, “Poison Five”, “Poison Ten”, “Poison Twenty”, “Poison Fifty”, or “Poison Hundred”. It will also not reverse the instant death effect of “Death Poison”.

Pin Level: 6 Restriction: none Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted


Incantation: “I pin your left foot in place – five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst finds his left foot held fast by a magical force. The foot cannot be moved from its spot for five minutes.

Pin Undead Level: 3 Restriction: none Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I pin the left foot of this undead – five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. An undead creature struck by the burst finds its left foot held fast by a magical force. The foot cannot be moved from its spot for five minutes. Note that this spell will have no effect on a creature that is not undead. If this spell is used on a living or dead (but not undead) creature, then the proper response would be “Resist”.

Poison Guard Level: 3 Restriction: none Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I grant you a guard from the next poisoning.” When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the touched being. The next poison effect to hit the protected creature will be negated - the Player should call out “Resist!” when subjected to such an attack. This spell will not protect against any damage sustained from a weapon or other attack. It simply negates the effect of the poison.

Sanctuary Level: 5 Restriction: none Duration: indefinite Area of Effect: ring no larger than five feet in diameter Incantation: “I create a sanctuary for myself.”


When this spell is cast, the caster creates an immobile area in which all types of attacks (magical, weapon-based, gas, etc.) are negated. Any attacks made from within the area or from outside the area are negated.

A clearly-seen physical representation of an unbroken ring of rope (or some similar pre-approved item) must be placed down around the caster. The ring can be no larger than five feet in diameter. Phys reps from multiple spells may not overlap. If the ring is incomplete (a broken ring) then the spell fails. Nobody may touch the phys rep except the caster.

You must be standing or kneeling to keep this spell active. The caster need not remain completely motionless, but must maintain a standing or kneeling position. You cannot use a spell, magic item, or skill that affects another person.

The spell lasts until the caster either leaves the protected area or moves the phys rep in any way.


Specialty Priest Spells

Arcana Spells

Boon of Arcana Level: Varies Restriction: Specialty Priests of Arcana Duration: Varies Area of Effect: Varies Incantation: “By the power of Arcana, insert mage spell incant.” When this spell is first learned, the caster must choose which mage spell he wishes to learn. Thereafter, whenever this spell is cast, it will duplicate the mage spell originally chosen. Spells restricted to School of Magic Specialists cannot be duplicated with this spell. The cost in Divine Favor is same as the cost in Mana from the original spell. All restrictions of the original spell apply, except the prohibition against wearing armor and using a shield.

Deny Spell Resistance Level: 6 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Arcana Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I deny you spell resistance - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst may not make use of any type of Spell Resistance spell. Only Spell Resistance spells are stopped, “Guard” spells are not affected by this spell.

Fundamental Magic Level: 10 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Arcana Duration: Until Used Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I grant you the power to cast five Magic Missiles.” This spell causes the being touched to instantly gain the ability to cast the Magic Missile spell five times. No mana is required or expended in casting the Magic Missiles. All other rules for spellcasting must be followed.


The recipient can be of any Player Character Class.

This does not teach the recipient the Magic Missile spell. Once the five Magic Missiles have been cast, the knowledge is lost .

Missile of Magic Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Arcana Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Missile of Magic- damage one.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is inflicted with one point of damage to the torso.

Aureus Spells

Barter Level: 2 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Aureus Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Barter.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst instantly agrees to the last price he stated in a negotiation. The target will not remember that a spell was cast upon him, but may wonder why he sold at such a low price. Others who view the spell do not forget that the spell was cast.

Holy Appraisal Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Aureus Duration: Instant Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “By the power of Aureus, I appraise this item.” When this spell is cast, the caster is able to appraise one item in a similar manner as the Rogue skill “Appraising”. This spell grants the ability to ascertain the monetary value of an item. Fine jewelry produced with the “Jeweler” skill is the most common type of item to be appraised. The Player with


this skill may bring an item of value (or its Number Tag) to Logistics in order to learn the monetary value of the item. Magic items do not have a set value, and therefore the only information gleaned by appraising them will be the base value of the item before it was enchanted. Note that the item must have a yellow sticker or a Number Tag in order to be appraised. Hence, items such as poisons, gems, herbal components, and the like cannot be appraised. The spell must be cast for each individual item appraised. The caster must notify Logistics that this spell (not the Appraising skill) was used. Note that this spell does not allow the caster to sell goods to a mysterious “buyer” or “fence” at Logistics.

Holy Donation Level: 0 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Aureus Duration: Instant Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I wish to make a Holy Donation.” When this spell is cast, the caster is able to convert silver pieces and/or gold pieces into points of Divine Favor. One point of Divine Favor is gained for every five silver pieces donated. Upon casting this spell, the Player must go to Logistics and turn in as much In Game money as he wishes. The spell can be cast as often as desired.

Weapon of Silver Level: 5 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Aureus Duration: Five Minutes Area of Effect: Weapon Touched Incantation: “I grant this weapon a coating of silver - five minutes.” This spell causes a single weapon of any type touched by the caster to carry the descriptor of “Silver” for five minutes. The caster need not be the person to wield the weapon.

Bellicose Spells

Battle Rage Level: 8 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Bellicose Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: The Caster


Incantation: “I enter a Battle Rage with 100 vitality.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains an extra 100 points of magical vitality. These points are subtracted before any other points of magical or actual vitality. Throughout the duration of the spell, the caster must scream in rage (safely). The caster will usually call on the name of Bellicose for inspiration during the shouting. The rage is taxing on the body, however. At the end of the spell duration, the caster’s natural vitality is reduced to one point.

Harrow Level: 10 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Bellicose Duration: Until used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself the power to Harrow.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to perform a Slay with the required type of weapon. Only an axe, mace, hammer (or similar weapon with a significant head) or two-handed weapon may be used .

Skin of Iron Level: 6 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Bellicose Duration: Until used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself a Skin of Iron to ‘Reduce’ the next Critical Hit.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to reduce the next Critical Hit he is affected by. The hit will only cause one point of damage. The caster must call out “Reduced” when hit with such an attack.

Smite Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Bellicose Duration: Until used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself the power to Smite.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to make a Critical Hit with the required type of weapon. Only an axe, mace, hammer (or similar weapon with a significant head) or two-handed weapon may be used.


Clandesta Spells

Impenetrable Mask Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Clandesta Duration: Until Mask Removed Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I grant you an impenetrable mask.” This spell prevents a mask or face covering from being removed. The caster must touch a masked person during the casting of the spell. The person touched is attuned to the mask as its “owner”. Thereafter, whenever someone attempts to remove the mask, the owner of the mask must state “Resist”. Only the owner may remove the mask. Not even the original caster may remove it, if he is not the owner. Once the owner removes the mask, the spell ends.

Protected Cache Level: 2 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Clandesta Duration: Entire Event Area of Effect: One Pouch Touched Incantation: “I grant this pouch protection from searching.” This spell prevents a pouch or similar container from being searched. The caster must be simultaneously touching the pouch and one person during the casting of the spell. The person touched is attuned to the pouch as its “owner”. Thereafter, whenever someone attempts to search the pouch, the owner of the pouch must state “Resist”. Only the owner may search the contents of the pouch. Not even the original caster may search it, if he is not the owner.

Ruse of Clandesta Level: Varies Restriction: Specialty Priests of Clandesta Duration: Varies Area of Effect: Varies Incantation: “insert priest spell incant.” This spell allows the casting of a spell normally restricted to Specialty Priests of another deity. When this spell is first learned, the caster must choose which spell he wishes to learn. Thereafter, whenever this spell is cast, it will duplicate the spell originally chosen. Spells that invoke a deity by name (that is, spells with a god’s name in the incant) cannot be duplicated with this spell. The cost in Divine


Favor is the same as the cost from the original spell. All restrictions of the original spell apply.

Stealthy Impale Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Clandesta Duration: Until Used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself the power to stealthily Impale.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to make one Backstab with the required type of weapon. Only a small or short weapon may be used.

Halcyon Spells

Overjoy Level: 5 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Halcyon Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I command you to inflict no damage - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is not allowed to inflict damage in any way. Weapons may be used for blocking attacks only. Non-damaging attacks and effects are allowed by the target.

Pain-free State Level: 2 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Halcyon Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “I grant you a resistance to Agony.” When this spell is cast, the caster grants a magical protection to the touched being. The protected creature may then negate one Agony effect of his choice that he is later subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. Note that Agony delivered by a weapon strike still causes a point of damage, even though the effect of Agony is resisted. This spell will not protect against potions the Player Character drinks or touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse.


Stop Agony Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Halcyon Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Stop Agony.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is instantly relieved of any Agony effect.

Stop Nausea Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Halcyon Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Stop Nausea.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is instantly relieved of any Nausea effect.

Karma Spells

Boon of Karma Level: Varies Restriction: Specialty Priests of Karma Duration: Varies Area of Effect: Varies Incantation: “By the power of Karma, insert priest spell incant.” This spell allows the casting of a spell normally restricted to Specialty Priests of another deity. When this spell is first learned, the caster must choose which spell he wishes to learn. Thereafter, whenever this spell is cast, it will duplicate the spell originally chosen. Spells that invoke a deity by name (that is, spells with a god’s name in the incant) cannot be duplicated with this spell. The cost in Divine Favor is same as the cost from the original spell. All restrictions of the original spell apply.


Fortuitous Reflexes

Level: 10Restriction: Specialty Priest of KarmaDuration: Until UsedArea of Effect: The Caster

Incantation: “I grant myself Fortuitous Reflexes.”

When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to perform one Parry.

Fortunate Victim Level: 5 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Karma Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I grant a Self-Remedy to this bleeding person.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is instantly granted an ability similar to the “Self-Remedy” skill. The creature will awaken with one point of vitality after five minutes. If the target already has the skill “Self-Remedy” then this spell’s effect will be used instead of the skill. Note that this spell will have no effect on a creature that is not in the bleeding-out period. If this spell hits a person who is not bleeding out, then the targeted Player is free to state “Resist” or simply ignore the spell.

Game of Chance Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Karma Duration: Varies Area of Effect: Winning Creature Incantation: “Karma blesses us with this Game of Chance.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings the blessing of Karma into an otherwise ordinary game. At check-in of each event, the caster should ask Logistics for a card. This card will have a list of random benefits that will be bestowed upon the winner of a Game of Chance. The Player must develop a game (or several games) to determine the winner. The outcome must be totally random. Therefore, games with a large element of skill, such as chess and poker, and other cannot be used. All games must have two or more Players. The game (or games) must be approved by Knight Blades prior to playing it. If the game is interrupted for more than five minutes, then a new Game of Chance spell must be cast in order to continue.


Kull Spells

Deadly Strike Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Kull Duration: Until used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself a Deadly Strike.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to make a Critical Hit with the required type of weapon. Only a Short or Small weapon may be used.

Envenom Level: 2 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Kull Duration: Until used Area of Effect: Weapon Touched Incantation: “I envenom this weapon with Poison Five.”

This spell causes the caster’s hand to magically apply a dose of “Poison Five” to a touched weapon. Only a Short or Small weapon may be so envenomed. The caster need not be the person to wield the weapon.

Harm Level: 7 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Kull Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Living Creature Targeted Incantation: “I reduce this living creature to one vitality.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A living creature struck by the burst is instantly reduced to only one vitality point - regardless of how many points were present. Magical as well as natural vitality is affected by this reduction. Armor points are unaffected. Any dead or undead creature struck by this spell should state “Resist”.


Lethal Strike Level: 15 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Kull Duration: Until used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself a Lethal Strike.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to make an Assassinate with the required type of weapon. Only a Short or Small weapon may be used.

Lucenta Spells

Blinding Light Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Lucenta Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature targeted Incantation: “I cause you to Trip from Blinding Light.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being an intense burst of light. A creature targeted by the light is disoriented for a split second causing them to loose their footing. This has the same effect as a successful hit by the “Trip” skill - the victim must fall to the ground but may then get back up as quickly as he is able to.

Note that the spell packet need not strike the legs of the target. This spell, as with all spells, may hit anywhere on the body or personal gear .

Daytime Constitution Level: 2 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Lucenta Duration: Instant Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself Daytime Constitution. Three extra vitality until sunset.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains 3 points of magical vitality. These points are lost at 5:55pm. The spell can only be cast during “daylight” hours (between 5:55am and 5:55pm).


Sunburst Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Lucenta Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Sunburst - Damage one.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy and sunlight. A creature struck by the burst is inflicted with one point of damage to the torso. Note that certain monsters may find this spell particularly troubling.

Sunstroke Level: 10 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Lucenta Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Sunstroke. Sleep - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst falls into a deep unshakable sleep for five minutes. The victim cannot be awakened by any normal means. Not even physical damage will stir the sleeping victim.

Nekros Spells

Leach Vitality Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nekros Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I leach one vitality from this living creature.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is inflicted with one point of damage directly to vitality. The point is considered damage to the torso. The caster also instantly gains this point of vitality to add to his total. This point cannot be used to gain extra vitality, but can be used to heal missing points of vitality. Note that this spell will have no effect on a creature that is not alive. If this spell hits a dead or undead creature, then the proper response would be “Resist”.


Paralysis Guard Level: 2 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nekros Duration: Until Used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself a guard from the next paralysis effect.” When this spell is cast, the caster forms a magical barrier of protection around the caster. The next paralysis effect to affect the player is negated - the Player should call out “Resist!” when subjected to such a spell.

This spell will not protect against potions the Player Character drinks or touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse. Unless otherwise stated, this spell will not prevent effects from “Plot Cards” .

Repair Undead Level: 2 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nekros Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Undead Creature Touched Incantation: “I repair five vitality for this undead.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. An undead creature touched by the energy is healed for five points of vitality. Note that this spell will have no effect on a creature that is not undead. If this spell is used on a living or dead (but not undead) creature, then the proper response would be “Resist”.

Undead Restoration Level: 6 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nekros Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “By the power of Nekros, I restore this undead to full vitality.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. An undead creature touched by the energy is healed to its maximum total vitality. Note that this spell will have no effect on a creature that is not undead. If this spell is used on a living or dead (but not undead) creature, then the proper response would be “Resist”.


Nemesus Spells

Bolt of Judgment Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nemesus Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Bolt of Judgment – damage one.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is inflicted with one point of damage to the torso.

Righteous Strike Level: 4 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nemesus Duration: Until Used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself the power of a Righteous Strike.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to perform one Critical Hit.

Spell Retribution Level: 4 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nemesus Duration: Until Used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself the ability to reflect the next damaging spell.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to reflect the next damaging spell he is affected by. The caster must call out “Reflect” when hit with such an attack spell. The attacker’s spell effects will be automatically returned upon its caster. Only spells that inflict points of damage can be reflected by this spell. If for some reason a reflected spell is reflected as well, then the spell will affect the final person to not reflect it.

Sword of Judgment Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nemesus Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted


Incantation: “Sword of Judgment – damage five.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a roughly sword-shaped burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is inflicted with five points of damage to the torso.

Nexus Spells

Denial of Spellcasting Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nexus Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I deny you the ability to cast spells - 5 minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst may not cast any spells for the next five minutes. Only the casting of actual spells is stopped, not the use of magic items or innate spells or spell-like abilities.

Self Discipline Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nexus Duration: Until Used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself a guard from the next Charm effect.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains a magical protection from the next charm effect that he is subjected to. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. All “charm” effects can be resisted, whether brought about by poison or magic.

This spell will not protect against touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse. This spell will not protect against curses or cursed magic items, nor potions the Player Character drinks. Unless otherwise stated, this spell will not prevent effects from “Plot Cards” .

Steadfastness Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nexus Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: The Caster


Incantation: “I grant myself immunity to fear and terror - 5 minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains a magical protection from all “fear” and “terror” effects for the next five minutes. The Player should call out “Resist!” when using this protection. This spell will not protect against potions the Player Character drinks or touch-delivered spells that the Player Character does not refuse.

Supervision Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nexus Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I command you to stay in my line of sight - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is compelled to remain within sight of the caster. If the caster breaks the line of sight, then the spell ends, but the target is not allowed to break line of sight.

Nocturna Spells

Dark Stagger Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nocturna Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I cause you to Trip from darkness.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a momentary impenetrable darkness around the eyes of the victim. A creature targeted by the darkness is disoriented for a split second causing them to loose their footing. This has the same effect as a successful hit by the “Trip” skill - the victim must fall to the ground but may then get back up as quickly as he is able to.

Note that the spell packet need not strike the legs of the target. This spell, as with all spells, may hit anywhere on the body or personal gear .

Moonbeam Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nocturna Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted


Incantation: “Moonbeam. Damage one.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is inflicted with one point of damage to the torso.

Moonstruck Level: 10 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nocturna Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Moonstruck. Sleep - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst falls into a deep unshakable sleep for five minutes. The victim cannot be awakened by any normal means. Not even physical damage will stir the sleeping victim.

Nighttime Constitution Level: 2 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Nocturna Duration: Instant Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself Nighttime Constitution. Three extra vitality until sunrise.” When this spell is cast, the caster gains 3 points of magical vitality. These points are lost at 5:55am. The spell can only be cast during “night” hours (between 5:55pm and 5:55am).

Phoenix Spells

Damage Undead Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Phoenix Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Damage one to undead.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. An undead creature struck by the burst is inflicted with one point of damage to the torso. Note that this spell will have no effect on a creature that is not undead. If this spell is used on a living or dead (but not undead) creature, then the proper response would be “Resist”.


Disarm Killer Level: 2 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Phoenix Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I disarm you of your held weapons.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst must attempt to toss all held weapons to the ground at least five feet away. All types of weapons, excluding Two-Handed Weapons, are affected by this spell (as like the skill “Disarm”). The spell packet does not need to hit the target’s weapon in order to be effective.

Full Healing Level: 7 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Phoenix Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Touched Incantation: “In the name of Phoenix, I restore you to full vitality.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy is healed to its maximum total vitality.

Triage Level: 6 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Phoenix Duration: Five Days Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I grant you the skill of First Aid.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. A creature touched by the energy is granted the skill First Aid for the remainder of the event.

Sepsis Spells

Inflict Agony Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Sepsis Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted


Incantation: “I inflict you with terrible Agony – Five Seconds.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A victim struck by the burst is afflicted with extreme pain due to a magical assault on the victim’s nervous system.

The spell has the same effect as a successful hit by the “Agony” skill - the victim must role-play experiencing severe pain, and fall to the ground (optionally, the victim may fall to his knees or one knee). He must remain in this position for at least five seconds.

The victim is not required to scream in pain, but may chose to do so. He should at least groan or make some sort of painful sound to acknowledge receiving the attack.

The victim may not cast spells during the time of agony, nor may he cast spells from scrolls or magic items. He may attempt to block attacks with his shield or weapons (and the Parry and Dodge skills may be used). He may not make any type of attack whatsoever during the five seconds.

Inflict Disease Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Sepsis Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I inflict you with disease.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is inflicted with a dreadful disease state. Any damage a diseased person receives cannot be healed until the disease is cured.

Inflict Nausea Level: 6 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Sepsis Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I inflict you with unhealthy nausea - 55 seconds.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is inflicted with intense overwhelming nausea. No spell casting or weapon attacks are possible by the victim. The victim must role-play severe nausea and/or vomiting and may not move on his own accord more than ten steps from the spot he was standing in.


Inflict Weakness Level: 5 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Sepsis Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I inflict you with weakness - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is inflicted with overwhelming weakness. The victim must role-play extreme fatigue. No running, attacking with weapons, or carrying others is possible.

Sylvik Spells

Cudgel Level: 4 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Sylvik Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Cudgel – Damage Five.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a heavy magical wooden club which flies toward an opponent. A creature struck by the club suffers five points of damage to the torso.

Entangle Level: 5 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Sylvik Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I call forth roots to entangle your feet - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst is assailed by roots and vegetation from the ground. The target will be unable to move his feet from the spot they are touching the ground. This spell will only be effective if the target creature is standing on natural ground, although visible roots or plants are not required. If one of the target’s feet is not touching the ground at the instant he is hit, then the foot will be entangled as soon as it does touch the ground (as long as the spell duration has not elapsed).


Tree Healing Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Sylvik Duration: Instant Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “Tree Healing.” The casting of this spell causes magical energy to envelope the caster’s hand. The caster must then immediately touch any upright undamaged living tree to heal himself one point of vitality. The tree may be of any size.

Tree of Life Level: 5 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Sylvik Duration: Until Tree Released Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “Tree of Life.” When this spell is cast, the caster may immediately place his hand on a tree to gain infinite vitality. As long as his hand remains touching the tree, the caster is constantly replenished with life energy and cannot fall below 1 point of vitality from any type of damaging attack. Attacks that would otherwise drop the caster below one point of vitality will cause an extremely brief loss of consciousness (about one second), but the caster will instantly return to the fully alert state. Note that some types of attacks (skills such as “Assassinate” and certain spells) can kill by means other than vitality damage. Tree of Life will not protect against these things. The caster may not switch hands during the spell. The spell ends if the hand is removed from the tree for any reason. The tree must be an upright alive undamaged tree of at least five inches in diameter. When the tree is finally released, the caster’s natural vitality is reduced to one point regardless of how many points there were prior to the casting of the spell.

Tempesta Spells

Chaotic Disarm Level: 2 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Tempesta Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I chaotically disarm you of your held weapons.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst must attempt to toss all held weapons to the ground at least five feet away. All types of


weapons, excluding Two-Handed Weapons, are affected by this spell (as like the skill “Disarm”). The spell packet does not need to hit the target’s weapon in order to be effective.

Magic Misfire Level: 2 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Tempesta Duration: indefinite Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I cause your next attack spell to miss all targets.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst will not be able to hit any target with the next attack spell. The victim should throw the spell packet directly on the ground after casting the next attack spell. An “attack spell” is considered any baneful spell that is cast on another creature. If the spell itself was designed to cause an undesirable effect on the victim (whether or not the victim can be affected by it), then it is an “attack spell”.

Miscast Magic Level: 3 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Tempesta Duration: indefinite Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I cause you to miscast your next spell.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst must somehow miscast the next spell cast. Incorrectly reciting the incant would be the simplest way to miscast the spell. The victim is free to chose which spell to miscast. The spell may be of any spell level, and is not required to be an “attack spell”.

Random Violence Level: 6 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Tempesta Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “I command you to attack everyone except me - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster brings into being a small burst of magical energy. A creature struck by the burst will not be able to attack the caster for the next five minutes. The victim is also compelled to attack every creature in sight during this time. The victim is allowed to attack in any manner he wishes (spells, weapons, etc.), but must make a continuous effort to do so.


Urgo Spells

Dispel Silence Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Urgo Duration: Instant Area of Effect: Creature Targeted Incantation: “Dispel Silence.” When this spell is cast, the caster instantly negates all spells and magical effects that are imposing a state of silence on the targeted creature. Note that certain effects of magic items and curses may be resistant to this spell. These cases will be rare, and it will be specifically noted in the description of the item or curse.

Free Speech

Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Urgo Duration: five minutes Area of Effect: no more than 10 steps from caster Incantation: “Free Speech. Communication - five minutes.” When this spell is cast, the caster creates an immobile area in which all creatures have the ability to speak the common tongue. The area is centered on the caster at the moment of casting. The area extends no farther than 10 steps in any direction from the caster’s location at the time of casting.

To cast the spell, the caster need only recite the incant. The caster should speak loud enough so that everyone in the area of effect can hear the incant. If the caster intends to walk after casting, it would be wise to place a clear marker (referred to as a “Focal Point” In Game) in the spot he was standing at the moment of casting. In this way, everyone involved will know how far they can move before they exit the area. It is the caster’s responsibility to make the marker obvious to everyone in the area.

Any creature exiting the area’s boundary instantly loses the ability to communicate, but will regain it if they re-enter the area (as long as the area’s five minutes have not elapsed). The spell only grants communicative abilities to creatures present in the area of effect at the time of casting. Creatures entering the area later do not gain the ability unless they were there at the time of casting. Note that no creature is ever compelled to speak – the spell simply grants them the ability to do so. Extremely dim-witted monsters may speak very poorly. Creatures of animal intelligence will only be able to convey general concepts. Mindless monsters cannot speak at all.


Reveal Magical Attributes Level: 1 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Urgo Duration: instant (at Logistics) Area of Effect: Magic Item Touched Incantation: “By the power of Urgo, I identify this magic item.” This spell grants the caster insight into the magical properties of a single magic item. No information at all will be gleaned from a non-magical item. Should this spell be cast on a non-magical item, no information will be gained and the points of Divine Favor for the spell are wasted. This spell does not grant the ability to ascertain the monetary value of either a magical or non-magical item. To cast the spell, the Player must bring a magic item (or its Number Tag) to Logistics in order to receive some of the information from the Secret Tag for the item. The item must have a number or Number Tag in order to be identified. Hence, items such as poisons, gems, herbal components, and the like cannot be identified. Cursed items will not be apparent to the caster of this spell. Other methods are required to detect cursed items. For this reason, the item’s Secret Tag will not be given to the caster. The main qualities of the item will be explained to the caster by a Staff Member at Logistics. It would be wise for the Player to make notes of the information.

Magical Potions and Oils to be identified must be brought to Logistics for identification, since this spell will not detect potions considered to be “cursed”. A separate casting is needed for each item to be identified. Note that certain unique or special items cannot be readily identified by this spell. In this case, no information will be gained (just as if the item was non-magical).

Sixth Sense Level: 14 Restriction: Specialty Priests of Urgo Duration: Until Used Area of Effect: The Caster Incantation: “I grant myself a Sixth Sense.” The casting of this spell causes the caster to gain one usage of the skill Waylay Resistance.

It is used to negate one successful Waylay attack of the Player’s choice. This spell cannot be stacked with the skill Waylay Resistance or with itself. However, it can be cast if the skill or spell has already been expended.


Rituals & Rites

The most powerful of all magic is the special class of wizard spells known as Rituals. Wielders of divine spells have a similar class of spells called Rites. These potent spells can accomplish all sorts of strange and wondrous things. It is thought that they are only limited by the imagination and resources of the spell caster. Rituals and Rites are usually 20th level or higher, but there are also lower level so-called “Minor” Rituals and Rites.

Learning Rituals and Rites Rituals and Rites may be learned from Insight Scrolls just as other spells. Insight Scrolls of Rituals and Rites will be extremely rare and appallingly expensive. The main aspect of Rituals and Rites is their complexity. The instructions for particular Rituals and Rites can be discovered In Game. Once known, the Ritual/Rite can be immediately attempted. This circumvents the method of learning the spell Out Of Game between events. Instructions for casting Rituals and Rites may be found In Game in ancient tomes, long lost libraries, and other repositories of knowledge. The information may be stolen or purchased from other Player Characters or NPCs. Specific Rituals and Rites have been developed for the sole purpose of ascertaining the legitimacy of such information. If a Ritual or Rite is learned by way of an Insight Scroll, then a copy of the instructions for its casting will be given to the Player at check-in of the next event.

Rituals and Rites on Casting Scrolls

So-called “Casting Scrolls” for Rituals and Rites do not exist in the usual sense. Since the spell’s information is all that is needed, any scroll/book/parchment that explains the spell could be used for casting. In fact, the caster can use a collection of writings or even personal notes. If the caster actually memorizes the information Out Of Game, then no written documents are needed at all.

Requirements for Casting Rituals and Rites Only Player Characters of the Mage class may cast Rituals. Only Player Characters of the Cleric class may cast Rites. Each Ritual and Rite has its own set of additional requirements. Caster requirements can vary considerably. A very powerful Ritual or Rite may require the caster be an Adept in a School of Magic or have a minimum of 100 Mana or Divine Favor.

Casting Rituals and Rites In order to cast a Ritual or Rite, the caster must go to NPC Camp to notify a staff member Out Of Game which Ritual/Rite is being attempted. A staff member must be present to witness and adjudicate the casting (except during the Rite of Holy Ward). Most likely, the staff member will stand nearby with a white Out Of Game headband and will watch the proceedings very closely. If any requirement is not met, or any violation is made (no matter how small), the staff member will declare a “miscast”.


The ruling will not be disclosed until the casting is complete. The staff member will discreetly indicate to the caster (and the subject, if applicable) whether or not the casting has succeeded. Any further details should be discussed Out Of Game and away from the area.

The Particulars of Rituals and Rites

The area of effect for a Ritual/Rite could be one person, five persons, or possibly an entire town! The duration for a Ritual/Rite is usually five minutes, five hours, or five days (the whole event). Longer durations are also thought to exist. Generally, if anyone casting or assisting the caster is disturbed in any way, the Ritual or Rite fails.

Create Your Own Rituals and Rites If a Player writes his own Ritual/Rite and we

approve it (warning: we are real sticklers and will undoubtedly modify it considerably), then he will be given one free Insight Scroll of the Ritual/Rite at the next event in which it is ready.

Rite of Holy Ward

The Rite of Holy Ward is included with the common Rituals and Rites. It is unique, however, in the way it has been presented to the players in-game. The Rite was a reward, or blessing, from the gods, after an event that took place in the year 1009. The knowledge of the Rite was imparted to all players, and in-depth information can be found on the Knight Blades forums. What you find here is only the means in which to cast the Rite. After getting what you need from NPC camp, the adjudication of the casting falls to any and all players witnessing it.

Common Rituals and Rites

What follows are some of the simplest and most frequently seen Rituals and Rites:


Rite of Divine Understanding

Level: 20

Level: 20Target: Self Components: none requiredCasting Area: any suitable area (see below)Caster Requirements: Cleric Who Has Purchased At Least One Point of Divine Favor

Duration: PermanentDetails:This Rite allows the caster to petition his patron deity for knowledge of a special “Taught” skill. The Taught skills are: Agony, Cleave, Lockpicking Advanced, Shatter, Waylay Resistance, and the Restricted Skill Holystrike.

The understanding of the skill does not allow instant usage of the skill. It only provides the necessary In Game instruction that a tutor normally provides. The skills must still be purchased with Character Points for use at a later event.

The Casting Area is any area fitting to the deity. For example, Bellicose may approve of the site of a great battle. Clandesta may approve of a well-hidden spot. Urgo may approve of a library. And so on.

The casting is a general roleplaying effort. The caster is free to develop a set of actions that would be appropriate. The casting of the Rite must take at least five minutes.

The caster should report to Logistics to notify the Knight Blades Staff that the Rite is to be performed and which Taught skill is desired. The Rite is disrupted instantly if any of the following occurs during the casting:

• the caster casts another spell or activates a magic item • the caster is struck by any weapon, claw, or packet attack


Rite of Holy Ward

Level: 10

Target: A Building With One or Two Exterior Doors.Components: Ten Points of Divine Favor, Five Components of Any Type, A Door as a Focal PointCasting Area: The Targeted BuildingCaster Requirements: Cleric who has Purchased At Least Ten Points of Divine Favor

Duration: Until Permanently Broken or The End of The Event it was CastDetails:This Rite prevents the living and the undead from touching the doors and/or entry into the target building. It does not prevent inanimate objects or spells from crossing the threshold of an open door in either direction. Only the caster, and any others attuned to the ward, can enter the protected building at will. Those not attuned can only enter the building with the assistance of someone who is attuned. Anyone can exit a warded building at will.

The casting of the Rite can be disrupted. When disrupted, divine favor and the components are not expended, and a new attempt can begin whenever the caster wishes. If the caster does not make any further attempts to recast, and the event ends, then the divine favor and components are used up. A completed Rite of Holy Ward cannot be dispelled by any known magical means.

The casting begins once the Cleric speaks his first incant of the Rite. The Cleric is responsible to make sure he has everything he needs in place prior to the speaking of the incants. Should the Caster stop facing the door or displaying their holy symbol during the casting, for any reason or amount of time, the attempt is disrupted. If the players being attuned remove their hand, for any reason or amount of time, and the caster continues the Rite, they will not be attuned to the ward, but the casting is not disrupted.

After a successful casting, the Holy Ward can only be broken by in-game means. It requires strength of arms by a group of five people, or a single person with superhuman strength. It begins when the player(s) are in position and state the first incant of their five minute casting time. The breaking of the Ward is a form of the Rite. It can only be disrupted by using an in game means to stop the players from completing it. If any one weapon or claw placed against the door is removed for any reason or amount of time, the breaking is disrupted and must be started again, from the beginning, if you choose to attempt it.

After a ward has been broken, it can be restored by the Original Caster of the Rite. It begins when the Cleric is in position and states the first incant and spends 55 seconds of casting time. The Restoration of the Ward is a form of the Rite, and cannot be disrupted unless the caster is killed or a skill prevents him/her from completing the restoration. In other words, a caster can take damage and still continue the restoration due to the magic of the Rite. Should the Caster stop facing the door or displaying their holy symbol during the casting, for any reason or amount of time, the Restoration is disrupted and must be started again, from the beginning, if you choose to attempt it.


Rite of Verification

Level: 20

Target: Self Components: One Point of Divine Favor (this point is permanently sacrificed) Casting Area: The Pocket Dimension of Divination Caster Requirements: Cleric Who Has Purchased At Least One Point of Divine Favor

Duration: Special Details: This Rite allows the caster to contact an Aspect of his deity. The Aspect may be asked questions in order to verify the accuracy of information regarding a Rite. Only Rite-related information may be obtained through this spell. The Casting Area is The Pocket Dimension of Divination. The location will be made known to the caster Out Of Game when the casting attempt is announced at NPC Camp. The casting begins when the portal (string of lights) opens to The Pocket Dimension of Divination. If the caster does not enter the portal within five minutes, then the spell ends. The caster is the only creature permitted within The Pocket Dimension of Divination. Upon entering The Pocket Dimension of Divination, the caster must stand within a circle that will be on the floor or ground.

The questioning may begin as soon as the Aspect arrives. Its arrival will be indicated by the phrase “I am here.” Its departure will be indicated by the phrase “I am leaving.”

The caster may ask the Aspect a maximum of five questions regarding one specific Rite. The answer will always be “Yes” or “No”. If the Aspect wants the question repeated, then the response will be “Ask Again” or “Repeat”. Repeated questions do not count toward the total number allowed. If the question is not phrased in the form of a yes/no question, then the Aspect will state “Unacceptable Question” (this WILL count toward the total number allowed). Questions that do not pertain to the particular Rite announced at NPC Camp will be deemed unacceptable. The spell ends instantly if any of the following occurs: the caster steps out of the circle the caster casts a spell or activates a magic item more than five minutes passes after an answer has been given a question is not asked within five minutes of the Aspect’s arrival

When the spell is finished, the Divine Favor used in the casting of the spell is instantly replaced. However, one point of Divine Favor is permanently deducted from the Player Character’s total.


Rite of Weapon Consecration Result: Grants one weapon the descriptor of “Blessed” for the remainder of the event.

Level: 10

Target: One Weapon of Any Type Components: Five Silver Pieces (gold pieces will not work) Casting Area: 50-Foot Diameter Circle Caster Requirements: Cleric Who Has Purchased At Least 10 Points of Divine Favor

Duration: Five Days Details: The Casting Area must be measured and clearly marked off with a delicate unbroken item such as a ribbon. Five worshipers must openly wear holy symbols and must remain in the circle to assist the caster. All holy symbols openly worn or displayed within the circle must be of the same god or undergod and of the “blessed” variety. The casting begins when the caster states the title of the rite. He then places the components on the ground in front of him. At this point, he is no longer permitted to move from the spot he is standing in. The caster must hold his holy symbol above his head while reciting fifty reasons to worship his god. The same reason cannot be used more than once. The reasons must be stated one at a time, with a pause between each one. The five assistants must remain still and silent during the recitation. The caster then must touch his holy symbol to the weapon. All participants must then touch their holy symbols to the weapon. Each of the five assistants must state one reason to bless the weapon. The same reason cannot be used more than once. The reasons must be stated one at a time. The caster concludes the rite by stating the name of the god, followed by “I implore you to consecrate this weapon.” Sources of Failure: An object or creature enters the area once the casting has commenced. The boundary line is broken or moved by a creature. Anyone speaks words other than those required.


Ritual of Mana Replacement

Level: 20

Target: One Spellcaster (The Subject may not be a School of Magic Specialist) Components: One Hundred Silver Pieces (gold pieces will not work) Casting Area: 100-Foot Diameter Circle Caster Requirements: Mage Who Has Purchased At Least 21 Points of Mana

Duration: Until Expended Details: This Ritual restores all purchased Mana points expended by the subject due to spell casting. Mana lost in other ways (from Rituals, Curses, Potions, etc.) cannot be restored.

The Casting Area must be measured and clearly marked off with a delicate unbroken item such as a ribbon. The caster and the subject are the only creatures permitted within the circle. There may not be any upright trees within the circle. The only man made objects permitted in the circle must be carried by the caster and/or subject. The casting begins when the caster states the title of the ritual. He then places the components on the ground in front of him. At this point, he is no longer permitted to move from the spot he is standing in. The caster must hold a single spell packet in each hand while reciting the following incantation: “By deftly channeling and adroitly manipulating the all-encompassing energies of the universe, I cause the totality of your expended Mana to coalesce and return to your command, control, and mastery for future convention and handling.” The subject must remain still and silent during the incantation. The caster then must touch the spell packet in his left hand to the right shoulder of the subject. Then the caster must touch the spell packet in his right hand to the left shoulder of the subject and ask “Do you accept?” The subject must reply “yes” or the ritual fails. The caster concludes the rite by stating “I hereby replace all of your Mana.” Sources of Failure: An object or creature enters the area once the casting has commenced. The boundary line is broken or moved by a creature. Anyone speaks words other than those required.


Ritual of Verification

Level: 20

Target: Self Components: One Point of Mana (this point is permanently sacrificed) Casting Area: The Pocket Dimension of Divination Caster Requirements: Mage Who Has Purchased At Least 1 Point of Mana

Duration: Special Details: This Ritual allows the caster to contact an extra-planar Power of vast intelligence. The Power may be asked questions in order to verify the accuracy of information regarding a Ritual. Only Ritual-related information may be obtained through this spell. The Casting Area is The Pocket Dimension of Divination. The location will be made known to the caster Out Of Game when the casting attempt is announced at NPC Camp.

The casting begins when the portal (string of lights) opens to The Pocket Dimension of Divination. If the caster does not enter the portal within five minutes, then the spell ends. The caster is the only creature permitted within The Pocket Dimension of Divination.

Upon entering The Pocket Dimension of Divination, the caster must stand within a circle that will be on the floor or ground. The questioning may begin as soon as the Power arrives. Its arrival will be indicated by the phrase “I am here.” Its departure will be indicated by the phrase “I am leaving.”

The caster may ask the Power a maximum of five questions regarding one specific Ritual. The answer will always be “Yes” or “No”. If the Power wants the question repeated, then the response will be “Ask Again” or “Repeat”. Repeated questions do not count toward the total number allowed. If the question is not phrased in the form of a yes/no question, then the Power will state “Unacceptable Question” (this WILL count toward the total number allowed). Questions that do not pertain to the particular Ritual announced at NPC Camp will be deemed unacceptable. The spell ends instantly if any of the following occurs: the caster steps out of the circle the caster casts a spell or activates a magic item more than five minutes passes after an answer has been given a question is not asked within five minutes of the Power’s arrival

When the spell is finished, the Mana used in the casting of the spell is instantly replaced. However, one point of Mana is permanently deducted from the Player Character’s total.


Spell List By GroupAir

Air of Resistance 14Air of Silence 14Air of Stability 14Chain Lightning 15Disarming Wind 15Dismiss Earth Elemental 16Electrocution 16Gas Immunity 16Lightning Bolt 17Lightning Storm 17Missile Immunity 17Shock 18Static Discharge 18Toppling Wind 18


Boon of Arcana 70Deny Spell Resistance 70Fundamental Magic 70Missile of Magic 71


Barter 71Holy Appraisal 71Holy Donation 72Weapon of Silver 72


Battle Rage 72Harrow 73Skin of Iron 73Smite 73


Agony of the Blood 34Blood Exhaustion 34Blood Guard 35Blood Nausea 35Critical Blood Poisoning 35Dire Blood Poisoning 36Lethal Blood Poisoning 36Paralytic Blood Poisoning 36Perpetual Bleeding 37Severe Blood Poisoning 37Soporific Blood Poisoning 37Weakness of the Blood 38

Blood Elf

Innate Blood Casting 49Recast Blood & Fire 49


Feline Grace 50


Backfire 39Catastrophe 39Chaotic Agony 39Charm Person 40Feeble Mind 40Fumble 41Incite 41Nausea 41Spell Malice 42Stunning Havoc 42Vertigo 42Water Resistance 43



Impenetrable Mask 74Protected Cache 74Ruse of Clandesta 74Stealthy Impale 75

Dark Elf

Adamantine Blade 51Web Guard 51

Deep Dwarf

Paralysis Guard 52

Deep Gnome

Befriend Earth Elemental 53Jack of Protection 53


Augment Armor 54


Armor of Stone 19Avalanche 19Boulder 19Crater 19Diamond Skin 20Dispel Charm 20Earth Resistance 20Earthen Grasp 21Fist of Rock 21Granite Form 21Sandblast 22Stalactite 22Stone Skin 23

Stone to Flesh 23


Dance of the Korred 55


Protection from Mortal Weaponry 56Slumber Blade 56


Cleanse by Fire 24Dismiss Water Elemental 24Fiery Agony 24Fire Resistance 25Fireball 25Firestorm 26Flame Burst 26Flamestrike 26Flaming Arrow 26Flaming Blade 27Incinerate 27Melt lock 27Searing Weapon 28Wildfire 28


Alleviate Terror 64Awaken 64Bless Weapon 64Constitution 65Cure Critical Wounds 65Cure Disease 65Cure Minor Wounds 65Cure Moderate Wounds 66Cure Mortal Wounds 66Elemental Immunity 66Freedom 66


Greater Constitution 67Neutralize Poison 67Pin 67Pin Undead 68Poison Guard 68Sanctuary 68


Grease 57Itching Powder 57


Overjoy 75Pain-free State 75Stop Agony 76Stop Nausea 76


Avoid Damage 58

High Elf

Enchanted Arrow 59Sleep Guard 59


Boon of Karma 76Fortuitous Reflexes 77Fortunate Victim 77Game of Chance 77


Deadly Strike 78Envenom 78Harm 78

Lethal Strike 79


Blinding Light 79Daytime Constitution 79Sunburst 80Sunstroke 80


Black Tentacles 44Bone to Steel 44Command Undead 44Death's Doorway 45Holy Water Resistance 45Mend Undead 45Necromantic Fear 46Necromantic Terror 46Ray of Paralysis 46Speak With Dead 47Spirit Armor 47Turning Resistance 47


Leach Vitality 80Paralysis Guard 81Repair Undead 81Undead Restoration 81


Bolt of Judgment 82Righteous Strike 82Spell Retribution 82Sword of Judgment 82



Denial Of Spellcasting 83Self Discipline 83Steadfastness 83Supervision 84


Dark Stagger 84Moonbeam 84Moonstruck 85Nighttime Constitution 85


Damage Undead 84Disarm Killer 86Full Healing 86Triage 86


Inflict Agony 86Inflict Disease 87Inflict Nausea 87Inflict Weakness 88

Silver Elf

Enchanted Arrow 60Sleep Resistance 60

Stone Elf

Dispel 61Iron Will 61


Cudgel 88Entangle 88Tree Healing 89Tree of Life 89


Chaotic Disarm 89Magic Misfire 90Miscast Magic 90Random Violence 90


Acid Storm 7Anti-Magic Shell 7Boulder 8Dismiss Air Elemental 8Enchanted Weapon 8Fireball 8Force Missile 9Frostbite 9Identify Item 9Lightning Bolt 10Mage Key 10Magic Armor 11Magic Missile 11Mind Blast 11Sleep 12Spell Guard 12Spell Resistance 12Zone of Communication 13


Dispel Silence 91Free speech 91Reveal Magical Attributes 92Sixth Sense 92



Cone of Cold 29Dismiss Fire Elemental 29Freeze Solid 29Frostbite 30Frozen Arm 30Frozen Fingers 30Grip of Ice 31Ice Armor 31Ice Storm 32Icicle 32Icy Footing 32Shatter Lock 32

Shatter Shield 33Wandering Mind 33

Wild Elf

Disease Guard 62Enchanted Arrow 62

Wood Elf

Enchanted Arrow 63Missile Guard 63


Alphabetical Spell Index


Acid Storm 7Adamantine Blade 51Agony of the Blood 34Air of Resistance 14Air of Silence 14Air of Stability 14Alleviate Terror 64Anti-Magic Shell 7Armor of Stone 19Augment Armor 54Avalanche 19Avoid Damage 58Awaken 64


Backfire 39Barter 71Battle Rage 72Befriend Earth Elemental 53Black Tentacles 44Bless Weapon 64Blinding Light 79Blood Exhaustion 34Blood Guard 35Blood Nausea 35Bolt of Judgment 82Bone to Steel 44Boon of Arcana 70Boon of Karma 76Boulder 19Boulder 8


Catastrophe 39Chain Lightning 15Chaotic Agony 39Chaotic Disarm 89Charm Person 40Cleanse by Fire 24Command Undead 44Cone of Cold 29Constitution 65Crater 19Critical Blood Poisoning 35Cudgel 88Cure Critical Wounds 65Cure Disease 65Cure Minor Wounds 65Cure Moderate Wounds 66Cure Mortal Wounds 66


Damage Undead 85Dance of the Korred 55Dark Stagger 84Daytime Constitution 79Deadly Strike 78Death's Doorway 45Denial Of Spellcasting 83Deny Spell Resistance 70Diamond Skin 20Dire Blood Poisoning 36Disarm Killer 86Disarming Wind 15Disease Guard 62Dismiss Air Elemental 8Dismiss Earth Elemental 16Dismiss Fire Elemental 29


Dismiss Water Elemental 24Dispel 61Dispel Charm 20Dispel Silence 91


Earth Resistance 20Earthen Grasp 21Electrocution 16Elemental Immunity 66Enchanted Arrow 59Enchanted Arrow 60Enchanted Arrow 62Enchanted Arrow 63Enchanted Weapon 8Entangle 88Envenom 78


Feeble Mind 40Feline Grace 50Fiery Agony 24Fire Resistance 25Fireball 8Fireball 25Firestorm 26Fist of Rock 21Flame Burst 26Flamestrike 26Flaming Arrow 26Flaming Blade 27Force Missile 9Fortuitous Reflexes 77Fortunate Victim 77Free speech 91Freedom 66Freeze Solid 29Frostbite 9Frostbite 30Frozen Arm 30

Frozen Fingers 30Full Healing 86Fumble 41Fundamental Magic 70


Game of Chance 77Gas Immunity 16Granite Form 21Grease 57Greater Constitution 67Grip of Ice 31


Harm 78Harrow 73Holy Appraisal 71Holy Donation 72Holy Water Resistance 45


Ice Armor


Ice Storm 32Icicle 32Icy Footing 32Identify Item 9Impenetrable Mask 74Incinerate 27Incite 41Inflict Agony 86Inflict Disease 87Inflict Nausea 87Inflict Weakness 88Innate Blood Casting 49Iron Will 61Itching Powder 57



Jack of Protection 53



Leach Vitality 80Lethal Blood Poisoning 36Lethal Strike 79Lightning Bolt 10Lightning Bolt 17Lightning Storm 17


Mage Key 10Magic Armor 11Magic Misfire 90Magic Missile 11Melt lock 27Mend Undead 45Mind Blast 11Miscast Magic 90Missile Guard 63Missile Immunity 17Missile of Magic 71Moonbeam 84Moonstruck 85


Nausea 41Necromantic Fear 46Necromantic Terror 46Neutralize Poison 67Nighttime Constitution 85


Overjoy 75


Pain-free State 75Paralysis Guard 52Paralysis Guard 81Paralytic Blood Poisoning 36Perpetual Bleeding 37Pin 67Pin Undead 68Poison Guard 68Protected Cache 74Protection from Mortal Weaponry 56



Random Violence 90Ray of Paralysis 46Recast Blood & Fire 49Repair Undead 81Reveal Magical Attributes 92Righteous Strike 82Ruse of Clandesta 74


Sanctuary 68Sandblast 22Searing Weapon 28Self Discipline 83Severe Blood Poisoning 37Shatter Lock 32Shatter Shield 33Shock 18Sixth Sense 92Skin of Iron 73


Sleep 12Sleep Guard 59Sleep Resistance 60Slumber Blade 56Smite 73Soporific Blood Poisoning 37Speak With Dead 47Spell Guard 12Spell Malice 42Spell Resistance 12Spell Retribution 82Spirit Armor 47Stalactite 22Static Discharge 18Steadfastness 83Stealthy Impale 75Stone Skin 23Stone to Flesh 23Stop Agony 76Stop Nausea 76Stunning Havoc 42Sunburst 80Sunstroke 80Supervision 84Sword of Judgment 82


Toppling Wind 18Tree Healing 89Tree of Life 89Triage 86

Turning Resistance47


Undead Restoration 81


Vertigo 42W

Wandering Mind 33Water Resistance 43Weakness of the Blood 38Weapon of Silver 72Web Guard 51Wildfire 28




Zone of Communication 13