spanish conquest in america and competing in north america

Post on 16-Feb-2017






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Spanish Conquest In The Americas

Spain and Portugal

These 2 Western European countries were the first to colonize the Americas (The New World)

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus 1451-1506 Was born in Genoa, Northern Italy sailed for Spain 1492 in search of a western sea route

to the Far East (China)

he never reached China, he reached the Caribbean

Christopher Columbus● The Caribbean

Columbus really landed in the Bahamas

Columbus claimed the island for Spain, called

it San Salvador “Holy Savior”


Tainos Called Arawaks in


These were the Native Americans in the Bahamas where Columbus first arrived

He took each island in the Caribbean as a colony for Spain and searched them for gold

Columbus/Spain began a process that turned all the lands of North/South America into European colonies

Other ExplorersTake to the Seas

Pedro Alvares

Amerigo Vespucci

Vasco Nunez

de Balboa

Ferdinand Magellan

Hernando Cortes


1500 Colonized by Pedro Alvares for Portugal

Portuguese in Brazil 1500 Pedro Alvarez conquers Brazil for Portugal

Brazil was only area in South America Spain did not control

Portuguese in Brazil

Portuguese in Brazil 1530’s Portuguese colonists

settled Brazil’s coastal regions Portuguese grew sugar in


Portuguese enslaved Natives in Brazil and later Africans to work sugar plantations in Brazil

Portugal became very wealthy from Brazilian sugar

Amerigo Vespucci Sailed the coast of South America for Portugal first to proclaim a new world had been found● 1507 German mapmaker named South America after Amerigo Vespucci

Vasco Nunez de Balboa 1515 marched through Panama and claimed it for Spain

Ferdinand Magellan

1519-1522 explored Guam, conquered the Philippines for Spain (but he was Portuguese)

Ferdinand Magellan Magellan killed in the Philippines his crew claimed Guam and Philippines for Spain 18 of original 230 men made it back to Spain 1522 (3 years

later): first men to circumnavigate the globe

Hernando Cortes

Hernando Cortes 1519 sailed for Spain to Mexico he marched inward to conquer new lands in Meso-

America (Mexico and Central America) for Spain

Hernando Cortes Cortes learned of the wealthy Aztec Empire


Tenochitlan Aztec Capital: modern-day Mexico City Cortes and his 600 men reach Tenocitlan after four

weeks of searching (1519)


Moctezuma II Aztec Emperor when Cortes arrives (1519) Convinced Cortes was an Aztec God: Quetzalcoatl

Moctezuma II agreed to give Cortes a share of Aztec’s gold

Cortes quickly enslaved and forced Aztecs into mines to dig up gold

Hernando Cortes 1520 Aztecs revolt and temporarily push Cortes out

Hernando Cortes 1521 Cortes returns and reconquers Aztecs for Spain

Cortes’ 3 Advantages able to convince other

natives in the region to help him against Aztecs (they wanted revenge)

Aztecs (and other natives) were defenseless against European diseases (measles, mumps, smallpox, typhus)

Spaniards had cannons, muskets, horses

Francisco Pizarro 1532 conquers parts of South America for Spain

(modern day Ecuador and Peru)

Inca Empire

Atahualpa Inca ruler (1532) Met Pizarro’s 200 men for battle

Atahualpa Atahualpa had 30,000 unarmed men Spaniards crushed them with firearms and

kidnapped Atahualpa

Atahualpa promised Spaniards piles of gold and silver for his


The Inca delivered the gold/silver: Spaniards strangled Atahualpa in front of Incas after

they got the ransom

Atahualpa Incas were demoralized and surrendered

Yucatans Mayas1542 conquered by


1697 Finally conquered by Spaniards

Spain Pushes North 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon explored Florida

1540 Francisco Coronado led an expedition through American Southwest

Spain’s Empire 1700

Spain’s Pattern of Conquest Conquistadors: Spanish

explorers that carved out colonies in Latin America in search of gold and silver

Peninsulares: Spanish settlers were almost all men

Forced marriage between Spanish settlers and native women was common

this created a new mixed race of Spanish and Native American blood (Mestizo)

Encomiendas: Spaniards forced Natives to ranch, farm, and mine for Spanish landlords

Spain’s Pattern of Conquest Forced Conversion to Christianity

● Priests accompanied conquistadors on their expeditions

to forcefully convert Natives to Catholicism

Forced Conversion

Forced Conversion

Santa Fe, New Mexico: first Catholic mission in the U.S: missions became

the headquarters for forced conversion of Natives to Catholicism

Bartolome de Las Casas a Catholic Priest spoke out against the

harsh treatment of Natives on encomiendas

first to suggest enslaving Africans for labor in the new world

some priests contributed to the abuse and loss of autonomy by the Native Americans

Rise of New World Slavery Africans had prior exposure to European diseases and did not die from

them as much as Native Americans Spaniards, Portuguese, and British (later) all began using Africans as

slave labor in the new world

Native Resistance 1493 Tainos on St. Croix revolted against Columbus

with poison arrows Tainos revolted there again in 1495 before finally

being subdued

Native Resistance end of 1600’s Pueblos in New Mexico revolted against the

Spanish With forced conversion to Catholicism, priests burned Natives’

sacred objects and forbade their rituals Those who practiced their own religion were beaten

Native Resistance 1680 Pop’e (Pueblo ruler) led an uprising against

the Spanish in New Mexico

Native Resistance Pueblo Revolt

17,000 warriors from all over New Mexico fought the Spanish

they pushed Spaniards back into Mexico for 12 years

Spain’s Influence Spain’s American colonies made it the richest most

powerful nation in the world by the late 16th century

Spain built a powerful navy and army to protect its colonies

Competing Claims

in North America

European Nations Settle North America

•Magellan shows ships can travel around the globe.

•Spain claims the right to sail around the southern tip of South America.

•Search for a northwest route to Asia begins.

•The French, Dutch, and English establish North American colonies.

Explorers Establish New France

• Giovanni da Verazzano discovered New York Harbor.

• Jacques Cartier charts the Saint Lawrence River to Montreal.

• Samuel de Champlain claims the region that is now Quebec for France.

• Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet explore the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River.

• Robert Sieur de la Salle claims Louisiana for France.

Jacques Cartier

A Trading Empire

•The French want a trading network. They are not interested in establishing large towns.

•Catholic priests want to convert the natives.

•France’s main economic activity in New France was the fur trade.

In general, the French want to make money off the land, not occupy it.

The English Settle at Jamestown

• In 1607, The English send three ships and more than 100 settlers to establish Jamestown, Virginia.

• Initially, the colony is a disaster. Seven out of ten settlers died.

•High demand for tobacco in England made it a profitable cash crop.

•Jamestown becomes the first successful permanent English colony in North America.

Puritans Create a “New England”• “Pilgrims” seeking religious freedom establish Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.

• “Puritans” establish Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628.• Puritans want to “purify” the Church of England, the Anglican Church.

The Dutch Found New Netherland• The Dutch East India Company sponsors colonies in New York.

• Henry Hudson, working for the Dutch explored the Hudson River, Hudson Bay, and the Hudson Strait.

• They establish trade posts at Albany, and Manhattan Island.

• Dutch holdings become known as New Netherland.

Diversity in Dutch Colonies

• In order to attract settlers, the Dutch invite German, French, and Scandinavian settlers to the region.

•They are tolerant of diverse religious faiths.

•Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, and Jews.

Colonizing the Caribbean

•The French seize control of Haiti, Guadeloupe, and Martinique.

•The English settle Barbados and Jamaica.

•The Dutch occupy the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.

•African slaves were used to harvest tobacco and sugar.

The Fight for North America

•The French, Dutch and English struggle for supremacy in North America.

•After years of battles, the English gain control of most of the continent.

The English Oust the Dutch

•In 1664, Charles II granted permission to his brother, the Duke of York, to drive the Dutch out of New Netherland.

•They surrendered without a shot. It was renamed New York.

By 1750, 1.3 million English settlers lived in 13 colonies from New Hampshire to Georgia.

Charles II

England Battles France• Conflicts between England and France grow as the English settle further westward.

• The French and Indian War starts over fighting in the Ohio River Valley. It was part of the Seven Years War in Europe.

• The English defeat the French in 1763 and seize control over the eastern half of North America.

Native American Reaction

•European colonization brings disaster to Native Americans.

•They fall victim to warfare and disease.

A Strained Relationship

•The French and Dutch establish good trading relationships with native Americans. The fur trade benefits both sides.

•English settlement means relations with the natives are not as peaceful.

Settlers and Native Americans Battle

•As early as 1622, the Powhatan tribe attacked colonial villages at Jamestown and killed 350 settlers.

•King Philip’s War (1675) ended in a massacre of Indians.

Natives Fall to Disease•An epidemic of smallpox in 1616 ravaged the New England coast. The population of the Massachusetts tribe dropped from 24,000 to 750 by 1631.

•The loss of laborers eventually leads to the importation of African slaves.



PREPARED BY: Regine Billena Quidato

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