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Space Sciencesand Exploration

CNES report

Space SciencesSpace Sciencesand Explorationand Exploration

CNES reportCNES report

R. Bonneville, ESA\ESTEC, Sept. 23, 2003

Space SciencesSpaceSpace SciencesSciences

goal : increase our knowledge and understanding on

the formation of our universegravitation and its specificity with respect to the other fundamental interactions the origins of the universe and its structuringthe mechanisms of its evolution

the objects the universe is made of :galaxies, stars, planetstheir formation, their evolution and their deathin particular our own star, the Sun, and our planet, the Earth

the question of life in the universe

Space ExplorationSpaceSpace ExplorationExploration

goal : to extend the human presence, actually or virtually, beyond the limits of our planet

virtually : exploration of the solar system by automatic vehicles, and search for planets orbiting near-by stars

actually : interplanetary manned missions to the Moon, Mars, and the asteroids, after a phase of training in low Earth orbit

prerequisite : developing the enabling / enhancing technologies

The objects of the solar systemThe objects of the solar systemThe objects of the solar system

gaseous giants planets and their satellites

small bodies (asteroids and comets)

telluric planets

The missionsThe missionsThe missions

significant instrument contributions to ESA ’s science mandatory program missions :

GIOTTO to Halley ’s cometHUYGENS, study of Titan (coop. ESA-NASA with CASSINI)ROSETTA (2004), in situ investigation of a comet nucleusMARS EXPRESS (2003), Mars orbiterSMART 1 mission (2003), Lunar missionVENUS EXPRESS (2005), Venus orbiterBEPI-COLOMBO, study of Mercury

co-operation with the USA :CASSINI, study of Saturn and of its satellites“opportunity” contributions to small missions (Discovery)

co-operation with Russia :historically, our main partner (VEGA, PHOBOS, MARS 96)co-operation presently on stand-by

CNES ’s Mars exploration initiative : PREMIER(Preparation au Retour d’Echantillons Martiensand Installation d’Experiences en Reseau)

stopped at the end of phase B (see below)

The missions (con’d)The missions (The missions (con’dcon’d))

Complementary activitiesComplementary activitiesComplementary activities

expertise activities for AURORA (aerothermodynamics and other topics previously studied in the framework of PREMIER)R&T activities for future missions, in particular preparatory activities for a potentially significant French contribution to NASA’s 2009 MSL payload (in situ investigations)preparatory activities to MSR : on-ground analysis techniques, Martian meteoritesPlanetary Protection : a PP committee has been established by the Ministry of Research in order to provide CNES with guidelines in the perspective of MSR

« Cosmobiology »« « CosmobiologyCosmobiology »»

problematic : is the emergence of life an exceptional (eventually unique) phenomenon or on the contrary is it widely spread in the universe ?

4 components :to study organic/pre-biotic chemistry in the solar system and in the interstellar medium to (try to) understand the mechanisms of life emergence on Earthto search for traces of past or present life in the solar systemto look for the signature of life in the universe, firstly on planets orbiting near-by stars

« Cosmobiology »« « CosmobiologyCosmobiology »»

6 directions of investigation :collection on the Earth and in space of meteorites and micrometeoritessimulation in the Earth laboratory of prebiotic chemistry study of the physical and chemical phenomena in the interstellarmediumprebiotic chemistry in the solar system (Titan)signature of biologic activity in the atmosphere of planets orbiting near-by starsexploration of Mars

The case for MarsTheThe case for Marscase for Mars

the French scientific community in planetary science has been formed early through co-operations with USSR and then through ESA


Mars has always been considered a priority objective in the seminars of scientific prospective organized by CNES

Scientific objectives (1) : history of Mars

Scientific objectives (1) : Scientific objectives (1) : history of Marshistory of Mars

geological historyinternal structurevolcanic and tectonic activitydynamo and magnetosphere

climate historyatmospherewater

possible biological history

Scientific objectives (2) : Mars today

Scientific objectives (2) : Scientific objectives (2) : Mars todayMars today

geologysurface topography surface and subsurface mineralogy ; carbonatespermafrost ; subsurface water reservoirsinternal structure

present climateatmosphere : altitude profiles (P, T, composition)global circulationescape mechanismsionosphere

evidence of past or present biological activity

Puzzling resultsPuzzling resultsPuzzling results

- an ancient ocean on the northern hemisphere ?- … or an nearly ever cold and dry planet ?- a remnant magnetic field- water in the subsurface at high latitudes- ancient river beds and recent gullies

Mars exploration strategyMars exploration Mars exploration strategystrategy

landers & rovers- in situ science :Viking 1 & 2 (76), Pathfinder (97),MER A & B, Beagle 2, MSL, ExoMars- network science : MarsNet stations

landers & rovers- in situ science :Viking 1 & 2 (76), Pathfinder (97),MER A & B, Beagle 2, MSL, ExoMars- network science : MarsNet stations

sample returnsample return

global study from the orbit :Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey,

Mars Express, Nozomi, MRO

global study from the orbit :Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey,

Mars Express, Nozomi, MRO

The rise and failureof the PREMIER program

TheThe riserise and and failurefailureof of thethe PREMIER PREMIER programprogram

Origins of the PREMIER program (1/2)Origins of the PREMIER program (1/2)Origins of the PREMIER program (1/2)

Marsnet / InterMarsnet projects not selected by ESA / NASA

failure of the Russian Mars 96 mission

success of the US Pathfinder mission

NASA’s proposal to CNES to participate to the 1st MSR mission

MARS EXPRESS decided by ESA; geophysical network proposal (NetLander) recommended by the peer-review process but incompatible with schedule and on-board resources (mass)

CNES seminar of scientific prospective (Arcachon, 1998) : the French scientific community urged CNES to implement an ambitious, multiform, long term program of Mars exploration

recommendation endorsed by CNES’s Science Program Committee and strongly supported by the French authorities

Origins of the PREMIER program (2/2)Origins of the PREMIER program (2/2)Origins of the PREMIER program (2/2)

The two main components of the PREMIER program

The The two two main components of the main components of the PREMIER PREMIER programprogram

both being considered as equally important

participation to the Marssample return (MSR) project through a co-operation with NASA : development and operation of the MSR orbiter

participation to the Marssample return (MSR) project through a co-operation with NASA : development and operation of the MSR orbiter

deployment on the Martian surface of a networkof small geophysical stations developed in co-operation with European partners(NetLander project)

deployment on the Martian surface of a networkof small geophysical stations developed in co-operation with European partners(NetLander project)

Mars PREMIER 2007Mars PREMIER 2007Mars PREMIER 2007

the PREMIER-07 mission was a CNES-led precursor mission to be launched in 2007 with Ariane 5 and aiming at preparing MSR

technological goal : to validate the most critical phase of MSR, the Mars orbit rendezvous

double scientific goal :to carry and to relay the NetLanderscomplementary orbital science


NetLander is a set of 4 small geophysical stations deployed on the Martian surface

main scientific objectives :network science

- internal structure (seismology sensors)- climate (meteorology sensors)- geodesy (radio-science experiment)

multi-point measurements

4 identical stations ; each station is made of an Entry, Descent, Landing, System (EDLS) and of a surface module

life duration goal : 1 Martian year (22 months)

NetLander : deployed configurationNetLanderNetLander : : deployeddeployed configurationconfiguration

Panoramic camera



Electric field

Ground PenetratingRadar

Radio-science (geodesy & ionosphere)

Soil properties

Meteo boom

Mission scenarioMission scenarioMission scenario

Ejection Atmospheric Entry


Present MSR situationPresent MSR situationPresent MSR situation

MSR shifted to 2016 at the earliest in NASA ’s current plans

however, Mars sample return is still a major scientific objective, see for instance

MEPAG strategyEuropean exploration program AURORA work-plan

an international grab sample return mission in the next decade ?

political changes in France mid 2002 with new government priorities emerging : first global monitoring of environment and security, then navigation, then science

within science, first priority to supporting ESA ’s science mandatory program, then to bi or multilateral co-operations upon focussed and original scientific objectives which complement ESA ’s program (e.g. COROT, µscope, PHARAO/ACES)

CNES side storyCNES side storyCNES side story

CNES side storyCNES side storyCNES side story

late 2002, the budget situation at CNES appeared critical :global budget decliningpluri-annual commitments made to ESA (Edimburgh, late 2001) on the basis of optimistic budget projections, which did not realizeseveral projects of medium size started in 99-01 : MYRIADE, CALIPSO, COROT, HERSCHEL pl, PLANCK pl, PHARAO

consequence : situation of over-programmingthe reduction of the global budget essentially impacts on the national budget which becomes the adjustment variable

in 2002, 2 major (∼∼∼∼ 500 M€) projects waiting for a go-ahead decision :

– Mars PREMIER (mission PREMIER-07)– Pléiades (Earth observation satellites)

CNES side storyCNES side storyCNES side story

the PREMIER-07 mission has been first cancelled (late 02)

then the attempts to implement NetLander either as a stand-alone mission or as a co-operative venture with other agencies have failed

finally, the NetLander activities have been stopped (April 03)

CNES has been requested by its authorities to re-orient its exploration program through ESA, i.e. the mandatory program and/or the AURORA program

the scientific objectives of NetLander are still valid (e.g. see decadal study report of the Nat. Ac. of Sc. and the recent IMEWG recommendation on the value of network science)

we welcome any initiative of a partner agency on such a mission and we are willing to contribute at a significant level (science instruments and surface module development)



Mars is still the first priority of the French scientifcplanetary communitythe elaboration of the PREMIER program has had a tremendous federative effect on the French scientific community with many newcomers from the Earth and life science areasFrance strongly supports the emergence of a future European exploration program (AURORA) with a technological backbone but also a high level scientific content, to maintain the interest of those newcomersas part of this European effort, co-operation with Russia should be boosted

What lessons to draw ?What lessons to draw ?What lessons to draw ?

it seems presently unrealistic to try to implement a nationally led deep space mission in Europe as there is no will of our authorities to support us

quite generally, science budgets, space budgets, and space science budgets in Europe are dramatically insufficient (see EU’s green paper)

space programs are long term programs and they suffer from the political interferences with stop and go decisions

What next steps ?What next steps ?What next steps ?

international co-operation is a key element of success for the future steps of solar system exploration (Europe, US, Japan, Canada, Russia, …)

a joint roadmap of solar system exploration ?

a structured plan of Mars exploration ?

what role for Europe ?

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