song of solomon 3:1-5 she seeks him

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Lesson Eight

Song of Solomon 3:1-5

*1. An initial interest as a child

*2. A stage of skepticism and rejection

*3. A stage of interest, but not from the heart 4. A stage of blindness and rejection

*5. A stage of earnest, heartfelt desire to know Jesus Christ as Saviour

The soul that seeks Jesus will not be disappointed

*A. It’s dangerous for a girl to go out about the city at night – even if she has good reason.

B. Ethiopian Eunuch 

*Has the desire

*Has the location (Jerusalem), he even,

*Has the Bible

But he still doesn’t have the truth of Jesus Christ. He needs some man to guide him.

*The Christian faith is not meant to be a casual, take it or leave thing. It is meant to be “all or nothing”

*Song of Solomon 3:4 could be viewed as the moment of salvation.

*Faith in is at the pleasure of Christ

*The Christian faith is not meant to be a casual, take it or leave thing. It is meant to be “all or nothing”

*Song of Solomon 3:4 could be viewed as the moment of salvation.

*Faith in is at the pleasure of Christ

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