silver bend week 5 colours

Post on 21-Jan-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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Week 5


Welcome back to Silver Bend! It’s the Coloursturn in the rotation as you’ve already noticed. Behind the couch is Thai and Amanda. Sitting

on the couch are twins, Odin and Olaf wearing glasses. And holding Oddmund is

eldest Bran. They donated the last $10,000 needed to open up university

Unbeknownst to Bran two figures stood on the sidewalk.

“Are you sure this is the right place Sal?” Paloma asked hesitatingly.

“This is the address in the phone book.” Salbatore replied

“Yay we’re gonna get to live with Daddy!”

“Come here we’ll go knock on the door together.” Salbatore offered his hand.

“Okay.” Paloma said.

“Who are you guys?” Bran demanded.“I’m Salbatore and this is my sister, Paloma. We’re looking for our dad. His

name is Thai Colours, we were told he lives here.”“He does, he’s my dad.” Bran said puzzled, “You can’t be my siblings, Dad

would never cheat on my mom.”“He is too our dad.” Paloma insisted.

“You guys do look like him.” Bran relented, “Go ahead and go inside, quickly, before he notices I’m sneaking out again.”

“Way to go man.” Salbatore cheered.

“Salbatore! What are you doing here?” Thai exclaimed embracing his son.

“Me too Daddy!” Paloma shouted.“I saw you too.” Thai hugged her tight, “Where’s your

mother?”“Mom stayed home, back on Laguna Isle.” Salbatore explained, “We came on the ship with Aunt Charrie.”

“So Squirtle, Wartortle and Blastoise are here too. How am I gonna explain this to Amanda?” Thai wondered.

“Thai? Who’s that? Explain what to me?” Amanda asked. She saw Thai hugging a

strange girl in their living room.

“Now don’t get mad, Amanda, but these are my kids from another neighborhood.”

“Your kids?”“I haven’t been unfaithful.” Thai said quickly,

“It was a different universe.”

“I get it Thai.” Amanda said, “But why are they here?”

“I think they came through the time gate.” Thai explained, “I have something else to

say. Their siblings, my triplets are here too.”“What?” Amanda gasped.

“Do you think this was a bad idea Sal?” Paloma asked in a small voice, “She’s seems

upset with Daddy.”“It’ll be okay Paloma, Dad loves us, she’ll

have to let us stay.”

Sal was right, Amanda was going to let them stay, she couldn’t turn out children. She logically couldn’t be mad at her husband.

These children were born in another universe. But it would have been easier if

they had stayed in that universe.

“I’ll make it up to you Amanda.” Thai promised.

“I’ll hold you to that.” Amanda sighed. “I’m going to bed.”


Paloma tried not to worry. Her half brother Oddmund was playing on the floor. She sat

down next to him.“What does the cat say?” She asked.

“Universe!” Oddmund laughed.

“Are we okay?” Thai asked joining Amanda upstairs.

“I don’t know, you tell me.” Amanda said pulling him closer.

Salbatore dug in the fridge for leftovers. He was always starving. Despite what he told

Paloma he wasn’t sure this was the best idea. He didn’t expect his father to have a new

family. He sighed, he would just have to stay out of trouble until he could go back to


This thing was first though. He had to get new clothes. He order some online for him

and Bran.

“Thai, I’m pregnant.” Amanda said the next morning, “And you should really put some

clothes on.”“You’re pregnant!” Thai exclaimed. “That’s

wonderful!”“I just hope we have a girl this time.”

Outside Tiffany was giving birth on the porch.

Christian(boy) and Zales(girl) were born and full of energy.

Sal and Bran brought Heather home from school.

“Wow you’re hot!” Salbatore exclaimed.“Don’t even think about it, I’m a family sim.”

“You’re missing out.”“I doubt it.”

Paloma tried making friends with her new siblings.

“Bran would you help me with my homework. It’s really hard.”

“Sure, Paloma.” Bran agreed.

Olaf brought Alice Clitheroe home from school.“Did you hear, I have a new sister!” He said.“But your mom hasn’t been pregnant.” Alice

argued.“She’s my half-sister from another universe!”

Olaf retorted.“That’s impossible.”

“But it’s true.”

Thai came home with a promotion. Only a few away from being a Professional Party

Guest and permy platinum.

“My friend didn’t believe me when I told her about you.” Olaf whined at the dinner table.

“What’s it like traveling on a ship?” Odin interrupted.“It’s stinky.” Paloma wrinkled her nose, “There was only one

bathroom.”“Pirate Steve taught us how to steer the ship.” Salbatore said

between bites.

Oddmund was often left to his own devices. He usually followed the dogs around.

“Hans!” He squealed in delight. The old dog put up with the abuse with a


“Oop.” Amanda exclaimed her baby growing bigger.

“Mom! Bran is hogging the shower!” Odin complained.

“Just go use mine dear.” Amanda sighed.

Amanda tried not to let pregnancy slow her down. Oddmund was sleeping so she snuck

a chance to work on her robotics badge.

She was so involved it took awhile for her to notice the dogs howling. She rushed outside

to see the Grim Reaper taking Hans away.“Hans…” She sobbed, he was old so it wasn’t

a surprise, but it still hurt so much.

Salbatore sighed, his grades were no where near what they used to be. Months at see without any studying had taken it’s toll.

The younger kids brought Alice home from school. She looked around making sure no

one was there before she pocketed Mr. Gnome.

Thai dragged Bran and Salbatore up to iRobot to get some work in for the day.

Marisa gave the business rank 6.

Thai let his teenage sons run the store while he built up inventory. He finally earned his

silver robotics badge.

Back home the teenage portion of the house was about to double. Odin and Olaf stood

next to their cakes.

Olaf grew up in a decent hoodie and jeans. He chose to be a romance/family sim. He

want to woo twenty beautiful women into his bed.

Odin wanted to be popular and found a new love for grilled cheese. He wanted to eat at least two hundred of the cheesy goodness in

his lifetime.

It was Oddmund’s birthday too.“I love duckies!” He shouted cheering for his


“Hey Heather come pick me up. My parents are asleep.”

“I’ll be there in a sec.” Heather replied.

Bran snuck out in the night.“Let’s not get caught this time.” Heather said.

“I told you that wasn’t my fault.”

“I’m gonna win this time!” Paloma promised her dad.

“Oh really?” Thai asked.

Amanda’s belly got bigger after she got off the energizer.

“Only one day left.” she said thankfully.

She looked around for her dream job in business. Still no opening despite the new

business district.

Thai came home with his final promotion to Professional Party Guest. He was finally

permanently platinum.

“Hey Heather want to do on a date with me?”“Sure Olaf.” Heather agreed, “Wait is your

romance half asking me or your family half?”“Family half.” Olaf assured her with a smile.

“I think I’ll just take this.” James snickered scooping up Mr. Gnome.

“You know I’m the chess champion Paloma.”“So, I’m still gonna win!” Paloma grinned, “I

beat Daddy.”“I’m not going go easy on you.” Bran


Salbatore was also doing his best to get to know his new siblings.

“You think we’ll get a mayor anytime soon?” He asked.

“Nah, Dad says our population needs ways bigger.”

The next morning while the kids were at school Amanda was on the job search once again. She wanted to permanently platinum

like her husband.She was in luck there was finally an opening

in business.

She wanted to get started right away, but labor pains stopped her.

Her first daughter and final child was born on the sidewalk. Lysbeth looked like most of her

siblings with Thai’s skintone and eyes.

Inside Zales with her blue eyes and Christian with his brown ones grew up.

Thai took the older boys to iRobot again. Bran got to chatting up with the review. His schmoozing netted them a Best of the Best


Thai finally earned his gold robotics badge. He was in the zone so he got to work on the

ultimate masterpiece.

It took hours and he had no idea what the boys were up too. But his servo was done.

Bran closed up the shop. His dad’s task done.

Amanda had gone to work after Lysbeth’sbirth. She rocked her first day and came

home with a promotion.

“Mom!” Oddmund yelled rushing to give her a hug.

Alice Clitheroe was up to her usual tricks.

Thai activated his servo.“Hello Palmer.” Thai said as the servo booted up.“What’s up?” Palmer replied. He was a pleasure

sim like Thai with a LTW of 50 dream dates.

Having a baby in the house was certainly a novelty.

“Bran are you going to let me hold my own daughter?” Thai wanted to know.

“She likes me better Dad.” Bran shrugged carting Lysbeth off to the kitchen.

“Oh hey, I’m Palmer.” The servo greet Keika who was walking by.

“Hi Palmer, is my daughter here? Buri said she got off the bus here.” Keika shook his

cold robot hand.

Salbatore spent time standing up all the flamingos. He was trying to keep his nose clean. But it was hard when Bran snuck out

nearly every night.

This night was no different. Except Amanda caught him sneaking out.

“Bran, where do you think you’re going?” She demanded.

“Umm, to the garden.” Bran stammered.“Uh nuh, get back inside this house.” She


Palmer decided he really needed to get a job. He found an opening in the music career.

Babes loved a rock star.

“Now it’s mine turn.” Thai said scooping up Lysbeth. “You do not like your brother better

than me.”Lysbeth cooed in response.

Thai’s new LTW was to be a celebrity chef. For that they needed to open up a restaurant.

Colour Café was born.

Thai ran the host station. While the boys were servers and Palmer was the chef.

Komei was the first guest to the newest business. He order the delicious strawberry


Brandi and Sandy had dinner together.

“You’re service was most excellent, Odin. Have a tip!” Brandi smiled.

“Thanks Brandi!”

Back home it was time for Lysbeth’sbirthday. Amanda had a little chuckled, she

definitely liked Bran.

She grew up super adorable if Amanda had any say so.

A/N: Lysbeth is this generation’s bad apple. I won’t be able to control her at all until college. So I haven’t look at her personality but she doesn’t look

like a clone of Bran.

Lysbeth made a beeline for a rotten bottle on the floor. Zales couldn’t help but notice it

didn’t go very well for her.

Amanda didn’t talk to Salbatore much. It was rare they crossed paths in the house.“We didn’t know he was married again.”

Salbatore said quietly, “We didn’t mean to cause you pain.”

“I know, Sal.” Amanda said just as quietly.Then why won’t you talk with me. Salbatore

thought slightly.

Palmer came home with a promotion after his first day of work.

His battery power was still good. So he spent some time with Lysbeth. What better thing

to do than teach her a nursery rhyme.

Thai felt the fractures in his family. The kids were bonding well, but there still was gaps.

He gathered everyone outside for family time. They just sat on ground and talked

about random things. He looked over at his wife who seemed to enjoying herself.

Thai brought a junker. No one in Silver Bend had a car yet. He wanted one, but he had to

fix up his own.

“Okay Lysbeth say Daddy!”“Bran!” Lysbeth giggled.

“This is so not fair.” Thai sighed hanging his head.

Sunday morning brought a special surprise.

“Frammit frammit frammit!” Amanda squealed as the pancakes she was making

caught fire. She thankfully was able to quickly put it out.

Olaf had brought home a cold from school and passed it around the house. Family Sunday was canceled in order to

keep the cold from spreading.Comfort soup was made to make everyone feel better.

“This stuff is the best.” Olaf told Paloma.“Will it make my cold go away?” she asked.

“If you eat enough of it.”

The soup worked. Paloma felt good enough to have birthday cake.

She wanted to pursue knowledge and be a Captain Hero.

Palmer started working on his robotics badge. What’s a servo without knowing how to make

other servos.

Zales got comfy in her bed. It had been a long week, but now she had time to take a


Rotation: Week 5Households: 2 of 5Playable Sims: 34# Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 34

Community Lots: 12Business Districts: 1Universities: 1Downtown: No

SM: 15

Population: 510

CAS Available: 16

University Funds: $1,004,753(+$10,000)(10% taken of available funds taken daily)# of Fires: 2# of Burglaries: 2 # of Electrocutions: 0# of Graves: 0

Businesses:Diem Digs – Pony Diem – 6Ambian Sounds – Ambi Diem - 7College Club – Jonah Diem – 8Silver Bend Shops – Delilah Diem -5Colouriffic – Thai Colours – 10iRobot – Amanda Colours – 5Dreamweaver – Thai Colours – 2Colour Café – Thai Colours - 3Goddess Spa – Keika Clitheroe – 0Sugar Sugar –Gabie Sugar – 3The Flower Garden – Clarence Phillippine – 8Star Gazing Park – Neil Cameron -3

Careers:Slacker: 1 of 2(Thai Colours)Business: unlocked!Architecture: 0 of 1 Music: unlocked!Criminal: 0 of 1Education: 0 of 1Law Enforcement: 0 of 1Pet Service: unlocked

Service calls unlocked.


Yay I’m so excited. I couldn’t figure out how to work it into the actual chapter

with all the things going with Salbatore and Paloma. But yay I’m so happy.

I’m determined to get Lysbeth through college. Once she’s there I’ll be able to

give her eight commands a day. Hopefully it will be enough.

Palmer was actually in the list of Scandinavian/Dutch names I was using

so I couldn’t resist/

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