shabbat schedule upcoming events shabbat …tuesday, june 12 is the final class for this session!...

Post on 21-May-2020






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Candle Lighting: 8:14 p.m.

June 8-15, 2018 25 Sivan-2 Tammuz 5778

Parashat Shelach Shabbat Mevarchim

SHABBAT SCHEDULE Shabbat Candle Lighting 8:14 pm (Plag 7:00 pm) Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat Early: 6:45 pm (S); Ruach: 7:15 pm (YBM); Bizman: 8:20 pm (S) Shacharit 7:00 am; 8:00 am; 8:45 am; 9:15 am (Youth) WTG 5:00 pm Shabbat Mincha 6:00 pm, 8:10 pm Shabbat Ends 9:21 pm

Sunday: Shacharit: 8:00 am, 9:00 am (Youth), M/M: 8:20 pm Monday: Shacharit: 6:45 am, M/M: 8:20 pm Tuesday: Shacharit: 7:00 am, M/M: 8:20 pm Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz: Shacharit: 6:30 am, M/M: 8:20 pm Thursday, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz: Shacharit: 6:30 am, M/M: 8:20 pm Friday: Shacharit: 7:00 am, Candle Lighting (next week): 8:18 pm

Earliest Tallit/Tefillin: 4:37 am Latest Kriat Shema: 9:25 am Earliest Mincha 1:46 pm





This Week: Schreiber Next Week: Friedman

7am: Fran & George Wollner, celebrating Aaron’s upcoming marriage to Ariella Rechthand, daughter of Esther & Manny Rechthand of Baltimore. 8am: • Barbara & Stephen Blank and Sarah & Richard Dine in memory of Nathan Blank, z”l, father of Stephen Blank and Sarah Dine. • Pesha Malka & Victor Jacobson in memory of Victor's mother's yahrzeit, Esther bat Lillian (Julius) Jacobson. 8:45am: Phyllis & Marty Fingerhut in honor of their granddaughter Emma Loshin's Bat Mitzvah. Youth: • Miriam & Achi Guggenheim in honor of all the terrific 2018 graduates including Sharona and Benjamin; and in honor of Judah and Zach serving as this past year's Gabbaim of the Friday night Ruach Minyan. • The Elikan, Lesnoy, Siegel and Zaghi families in honor of this year’s Bachurim and Bnot Sheirut Daniel, Etzion, Liel, Yitzchak, Oria and Shulamit—we will miss you.

7:00 am: George Wollner 8:00 am: Steve Blank 8:45 am: Emma Loshin Youth: Ezra Troy 9:00 am Mechy Frankel's Gemara Shiur will resume on June 16th 10:30 am Review of this week's Daf Yomi WTG: Emma Loshin Between Mincha and Maariv: ~ Seudah Shlishit: ‘Ask the Rabbi’ Session with Rabbi Weinberg ~ David Eisenman’s Gemara Shiur

This Shabbat, June 9 between Mincha/Maariv: KMS Community Seudah Shlishit, ‘Ask the Rabbi’ session with Rabbi Weinberg. Come with questions, or email them in advance to See flyer here.

Thursday, June 14, 7:30-9:30 pm: The Women’s Rosh Chodesh Series continues with Spa Night - treat yourself before Shabbat... at Bright Star Nails, 1335 Lamberton Drive. Dvar Torah by Elana Weinberg. Desserts & Wine. Pedicure: $23, Manicure: $10. See flyer here for details. For more info, contact

Shabbat, June 15-16: Scholar in Residence, Rav Doron Perez, Chief Executive of the Mizrachi World Movement. See flyer here.

• Friday Night at Youth Minyan: Amos Oz, the Sadigur Rebbe, and the Meaning of Lecha Dodi Today

• Shabbat Morning at 8:45 am Minyan: Israel at 70 - A Greater Miracle than Yetziat Mitzrayim

• Shabbat Afternoon Between Mincha/Maariv: Marvel and Miracle - Revival of a Land, Resurrection of a Language



MAZAL TOV Mazal tov to Emma Loshin on the occasion of her bat mitzvah and to parents Jill & David Loshin, siblings Kira, Jonah, Brianna, and Gabi, grandparents Phyllis & Marty Fingerhut, and all of their extended family who have come from near and far to celebrate in their simcha.

Mazal tov to Kira Lowenstein on becoming a bat mitzvah. Mazal tov to her parents, Mandi & David, and siblings, Shana and Elie. Mazal tov to great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Mazal tov to Alicia & Larry Stern on Rachel Stern’s engagement to Meir Mondrow. Mazal tov to Meir’s mom, Ellen Mondrow, of Fresh Meadows, NY.

Mazal tov to Fran & George Wollner on Aaron Wollner's upcoming marriage to Ariella Rechthand, daughter of Esther & Manny Rechthand of Baltimore.

Mazal tov to Susan & Scott Eleff on the birth of a grandson last Shabbat, and mazal tov to the baby's parents, Melissa & Zev Eleff.

Mazal tov to Marilyn & Don Schwartz on the birth of a grandson, Aviel Meir Ronen, born to Chana Leah & Anthony Brehm of Beit Shemesh, Israel. Mazal tov to his siblings Livia, Brielle, and Itai. Mazal tov as well to aunt and uncle Susan & Arnie Schwartz and to cousins, Jenny & Ron Offer and Shira & Dan Schwartz and their families.

Mazal tov to Sheila Manevitz on the marriage of her son Hanania Falik to Meredith Raab of Teaneck, New Jersey.

Mazal tov to Nancy & Pesach Mehlman on the birth of a grandson, Nachshon, to their children, Rivky & Yoni Mehlman. Mazal tov to big brother Yitzchak and great-grandpas Menache Israel and Jack Mehlman.

Mazal tov to Miriam & Steve Friedman and Edan Friedman on being honored at the upcoming YISE Annual Banquet.

Mazal tov to Amy Blum on being honored at the Sulam Gala last week.


As you may know, the KMS Trip to Poland will leave iy”h next month. Approximately 40 of us will visit sites across Poland that speak to the history, strength, and resilience of the Jewish people. We will stand and mourn in places of unspeakable tragedy and destruction contemplating the horrific loss that we endured as a people. Some participants will visit places where their families lived and where their families died. We feel that we are going as representatives of KMS and its members. We carry upon our shoulders the many neshamot of relatives who died and of those who survived. We will say Kel Maleh in many places we visit and would like to include names of those who perished in those locations. Submit names and locations here where any of your relatives perished in the Holocaust.

CONDOLENCES Condolences to Marcelle & Sol Chalom on the passing of Marcelle's sister, Sarah Pinhas, z"l. Condolences also to niece and nephews Isaac, Joseph, and Danielle.

Condolences on the passing of Anne Green, z”l to her husband, Max, and the entire family. Shiva will continue at the Green home, 815 North Belgrade Road until Monday morning. The family requests no visitors between 11:00 am-2:00 pm, 5:00 pm-7:00 pm, and after 10:00 pm daily. Minyan Times at the Green Home (in addition to regular KMS minyanim): Friday: 7:00 am; Sunday: 8:00 am & 8:20 pm; Monday: 6:45 am


Sunday 7:15 pm: Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman's Parasha Explorations class: Explorations of (typically halachic) themes from the weekly parasha. *BM*

Monday 10:45 am: Laura Goldman’s class on Sefer Bereishit at the Mayberg home, 411 Hermleigh Road. Participants should bring a Chumash Bereishit. For women only. This is the last class of the season. 8:00 pm: Dr. Erica Brown’s parasha class, In-Depth Analysis Focusing on Parashanut. Please bring a Hebrew/English Tanakh. All are welcome. *YBM* 8:00-9:00 pm: Dinah Haramati’s class, Stories of Agnon. At the Haramati home.

Tuesday Rav Itiel Oron’s class is on hiatus for the summer.

Wednesday 9:45-10:45 am: Esther Dziadek’s Siddur class: In-Depth Analysis of the Daily Prayers. *Classroom E (downstairs)* 7:30 pm: Rabbi Weinberg’s class on Hilchot Shabbat. *Lobby* This is the last class of the season.

Thursday 10:00 am: Rabbi Weinberg’s class on Sefer Melachim. *Lobby* This is the last class of the season.


• Every morning Rabbi Weinberg discusses a Rashi on the parasha of that week. Every afternoon, he gives a brief review of some halachot, often tied to the season. To receive the recordings automatically as a podcast, select the class below, log in or create an iTunes account, and click subscribe: Daily Rashi ▫ Divrei Halacha. The Divrei Mitzva podcast is over and has been replaced with the Daily Rashi podcast. Please note that you will need to subscribe to the new podcast, even if you were previously subscribed to the Divrei Mitzva podcast. The archive of past Divrei Mitzva podcasts is available here: Divrei Mitzva.

• To subscribe to Rabbi Weinberg’s weekly video Parasha mini-shiur on Netivot Shalom visit his Youtube page here and subscribe.



KMS Yoetzet Halacha Bracha Rutner welcomes your questions about mikvah, observance of taharat mishpacha (halacha relating to married life) and women’s health, as it connects to Jewish law. Reach out to her at: Phone: 718-614-2677 Email: All conversations and emails are kept confidential.

Bracha will join us on: August 11

This Shabbat, June 9, 10:20-11:00 am: Junior Davening Group in the Beit Midrash. Geared towards kids ages 8-11. Parents welcome.

Follow Bnei Akiva of Silver Spring @BneiAkivaofSilverSpring for updates throughout the summer. This year, we are trying something new where will be introducing members of our Hadracha to the community each and every Monday. Stay tuned!

~~~ KMS Youth FB Page:

Click here to purchase a copy of Miracle of Survival, The testimony of Mendel Max Rozmaryn of his experiences living through concentration camps in World War II.

Proceeds of the sale of the book will benefit KMS.


SEFARIM REPAIR INITIATIVE We are in need of several individuals to help repair our sefarim and a leader to organize the groups. No previous experience necessary but welcome! Please contact to avail yourself.


There is an active cycling group that meets most Sunday mornings at the KMS parking lot at 7:30 am for 1 1/2 - 2 hour road rides. This group is open to anyone and the group welcomes new cyclists. Click here to join the Whatsapp group to be connected and informed about rides. For any questions, speak to Jay Mazel or Steve Fleisher.

ZUMBA CLASSES Tuesday, June 12 is the final class for this session! Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming summer session. Zumba classes, Tuesdays, 8-9 pm in the social hall. This women-only class is open to the community. Licensed instructors, Mandi Lowenstein, Rachel Falk and Shani Malka, will lead a fun filled hour of dance. $8 per class. All levels welcome even if you have never taken a Zumba class before. Payment accepted via PayPal or at the door. Direct payment and questions to


KMS Uplifts is a strategic planning initiative focused on KMS core values: engagement, warmth, religious growth, financial stability and improved physical spaces. There will be many opportunities to get involved as this process develops. Please watch for

announcements and updates here to stay informed and learn how you can help KMS further its strategic goals and realize its vision.

Check out our latest Strategic Planning update here. Looking for a great cup of coffee and some friendly company? Join us after minyan on Monday mornings for coffee in the KMS lobby.


KIDDUSH REMINDERS • KMS welcomes kiddush sponsors for all of our kiddushes. Please click

here to request to sponsor a kiddush. Please keep in mind that the office places the kiddush order on Monday of each week. Kiddush requests must be submitted to the office online by Sunday night preceding the kiddush in order to accommodate your selections.

• In order to guarantee that alcohol is not left out unattended in the Social Hall where minors can access it as kiddush winds down, we ask that members of the Spirits Club, the kiddush crew, and all adults help see to it that any leftover alcohol is returned to the kitchen.


Contact the office if you are interested in sponsoring Seudah Shlishit. Sponsors will can speak briefly at the meal to share their reason for sponsorship. A sponsorship costs $350. Upcoming KMS Community Seudah Shlishit dates are: This Shabbat: 6/9, as well as 7/28, 9/1

KOL MEVASER BLOG Shavuot at KMS this year had an extra day and something for everyone. Jeremy Brown, our VP of Education, recaps the learning events and what he found most meaningful.



We have compiled a book of all the “Getting to Know You” write-ups thus far. The book is available in the lobby for your perusal. Please “get to know” various members of our shul and introduce yourself when you see them. If you’d like to be featured in the “Getting to Know You” section of the Shabbat Sheet, please contact the office.

COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE This Sunday, June 10, 10:00 am-2:00 pm: Community Blood Drive in memory of Dr. Avi Karkowsky, Dr. Clif Price, & Mrs. Beverly Brinn at Chabad of Silver Spring, 519 Lamberton Dr. Make your lifesaving appointment today by calling Inova Blood Donor Services at 1-866-BLOODSAVES (1-866-256-6372) or contacting Blood donors will receive an Inova Blood Donor Services Cooling Towel. Photo ID required. Allow one hour for donation. Please also contact if you can volunteer to help with greeting donors, distributing snacks, or entertaining children while their parents donate blood. Community service documentation available on request. Click here to make an appointment. KEILIM MIKVAH UPDATE The Keilim Mikvah at YISE will be closed beginning Monday, June 4 for a thorough cleaning. KOSHER FOOD PANTRY CAMPAIGN—613 is coming! 613 is coming!!! Let’s take advantage of this momentous date (June 13) and help replenish the Capital Kosher Pantry (the CKP). Suggested items are: Apple Sauce, Brown Rice, Cereal (especially Honey Nut Cheerios), Chick Peas (canned or dried), Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables (no sweet potatoes, please), Healthy Lunch snacks, Parave Granola Bars, and Oil. Factory-sealed boxes may be deposited in the collection boxes at most area shuls, Jewish schools, Shalom’s and Moti’s, or the porch of the food pantry, 1910 University Blvd. COMMUNITY-WIDE PROJECT: ON THE SAME PAGE Study an Amud (Page) of Gemara each week with other across the community! Learning options that fit YOUR lifestyle: Attend weekly classes in a location near you, Study on-the-go with weekly audio/video lectures, Learn with an individually-selected study partner, Explore illuminating insights on the Amud, delivered directly into your inbox. To register: For more info, contact or 347-869-9361. REFUAH SHLEIMAH - We have refreshed the mishebeirach list for cholim. Please send any names you would like listed to May Hashem grant a refuah shleimah to all those who are ill.

Ahava Emunah bat Chaya Eta, Ariela bat Katriella, Beinish ben Chana, Chagai HaLevi ben Malka, Esther bat Tzippora, Ita bat Bluma Leah, Michael Yaacov ben Chava Dvora, Nechama Pearl bat Golda, Shmuel Yerucham HaKohen ben Minna



President, Saul Newman: First VP, Marcy Wolf: VP Development, Fran Kritz: VP Administration, Risa Margulies: VP Kehilla, Sara Elikan: VP Klal Yisrael, Yoni Heilman: VP Finance, Shulamith Lesnoy: VP Limmud Torah, Jeremy Brown: VP Ritual, Lowell Abrams: VP Youth, Lisa Brookman:


Henry Feller, Executive Director Mindy Levin, Operations Manager Elisheva Cohen, Administrator

Office Hours: M,W,Th: 9am - 3pm; T: 9am-6pm (unless otherwise noted) F: 9am - 12pm

301-593-0996 ▪

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