september 2013

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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First Presbyterian Church of Naples monthly newsletter


September 2013

IN THIS ISSUE From the Interim Pastor 2

From the Associate Pastor 3

From the Music Director 4

Preschool 5

Children and Youth 6

Presbyterian Women 8

Calendar 9

Missions 10

Congregational Care 12

Finance 13

News and Events 13

T h e F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f N a p l e s

Liz Richter Psota with her children Ian and Leah

Dear Friends, “The staff of First Presbyterian Church of Naples prayed for you today during our devotions.” Every week at the staff

meeting several members and families are included in the closing prayer. We are systematically going through the church roll so that all are included. At each meeting the staff who are present sign a card which is sent to you. We hope the prayers are encouraging to you. I will be on continuing education leave for a couple weeks in September. This is a time of reflection, learning, and planning. At Dubois, WY, I will be attending the Susan K. Black Foundation workshop. In this beautiful setting of the Wind River Mountains, the Tetons, and Yellowstone, being spiritually renewed and refreshed is a gracious gift. On September 22, we welcome back to the pulpit Dr. Schulz as guest preacher. He served two churches in

Southern California in the 1960’s and 70’s, and then moved to the far eastern end of Long Island, where for 20 years, he served the third oldest Presbyterian Church in the USA—the First Presbyterian Church of East Hampton. Retiring in 1993, he moved to Naples, where for two years he unexpectedly became the Interim Minister of Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church in North Naples. He also paints, writes, and fishes regularly. September is the beginning of meaningful and exciting programs at First Presbyterian Church. This Outreach is filled with many opportunities for learning, fellowship, and serving. Please review all the information carefully and participate in the ministries which appeal to you. Peace, Dr. David L. Horne


September Worship Schedule 9:30 a.m. Sanctuary

September 1

Holy Communion

Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16; Luke 14:1, 7-14

Strange Love Rev. Jonathan Evans

September 8

Jeremiah 18:1-11, Luke 14:25-33

The Potter and the Clay Dr. David Horne

September 15

Rev. Jonathan Evans

September 22

Psalm 139:1-12, 22,23, Luke 12:13-21

The Name of the Game!

Guest Preacher, Dr. Fred Schulz

September 29

Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15; Luke 16:19-31

The Rich Man and Lazarus Dr. David Horne

2 Dr. David Horne, Interim Senior Pastor, From the Interim Senior Pastor

Chancel Choir rehearsals begin

Wednesday, September 4

at 7:00 p.m.

E very two years, PCUSA holds the Big Tent Conference in

which several of the church’s conferences are held together at the same time. This year, ten conferences were held, such as the Theology, Worship, and Education Conference, the World Mission Conference, and the Evangelism and Church Growth Conference. Missions Committee members, Betty Plum, Shirley Hagerson and Keith Gahagan joined me at the World Mission Conference. We attended events and classes such as “How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help (And How to Reverse It),” World Mission updates from the field, types of mission work for the church, and current mission initiatives.

I, personally, experienced a spiritual reconnection to the work that I did earlier in my career as a mission volunteer in Argentina. I heard first hand stories of inspiring work done by our missionaries. I listened in awe to a woman in

Malawi that helps save young girls from early marriage and polygamy. I felt moved by the work of Joining Hands, a joint ministry between presbyteries and mission partners in countries such as Peru, El Salvador, and Cameroon. It was also a time of connecting with people with similar interests and making connections that will ultimately help the ministry that I’m doing with First Presbyterian Church.

Betty Plum says the Big Tent “opened my eyes to the work being accomplished by Presbyterian missionaries in the field. I was impressed by the missionaries I met. They seemed bright, well educated, knowledgeable about the countries where they are

working, and truly respectful of the native people with whom they are working. Most importantly, they truly see themselves doing God’s work in the world as well as advocating for justice.”

Betty recalls one of the sessions she attended about the issue of mission trips when members of U.S. churches go to other countries to do work projects that often take work from local people who are ultimately more skilled at those jobs.

Shirley Hagerson took away some principals in mission. “Being is more important than doing… community is more important than individualism.” She also comments “It was good to see and hear the enthusiasm of the young World Mission staff.”

3 From the Associate Pastor Rev. Jonathan Evans, Associate Pastor,

Big Tent Conference in Louisville, KY

4 Music Dr. Brice Gerlach, Director of Music Ministries,

F or the past five summers our whole family has travelled to Austria where my wife, Michele, has been the soprano soloist for the Classical Music Festival held in the city of Eisenstadt. My role with the festival

was to play the piano for the chorus rehearsals, play the organ for the church services and sing in the chorus. In addition to our family, several members of our church choir also attended the festival this year!

Before the festival began, we flew into Vienna where we rented a car and drove to Salzburg. This is one of our favorite places and we had a great time exploring the city. We then travelled to Munich to visit an old college friend of mine who is a tenor with the Munich Opera. We had a great time and saw some of the sites in the center of the city,

including the famous Glockenspiel. We then drove back to Eisenstadt in time for the beginning of the festival. The festival always features the music of Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) who lived and worked in Eisenstadt for forty years of his life. The concerts are held in the Esterházy Palace. The Esterházy family was one of the important royal families in the Habsburg monarchy (the Habsburg family ruled Austria from about 1526 until 1918). Haydn was the court composer for both Prince Paul Anton and Prince Nikolas Esterházy. Many of Haydn’s works were first performed in the Esterházy Palace and the performance hall, known as the Haydnsaal (or Haydn Hall) which is virtually unchanged since Haydn’s time. It still has the original frescoes on the ceiling and the same unfinished wood boards on the floor. It is considered to be one of the most acoustically perfect performance halls in the world.

The music for the festival featured Haydn’s Harmonie Messe, sometimes known as the Wind Band Mass for its prevalent use of wind instruments. The mass consists of musical settings of the Kyrie (Lord, have mercy), Gloria (Glory to God in the highest), Credo (the Nicene Creed), Sanctus

(Holy, Holy, Holy), Benedictus (Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord) and Agnus Dei (Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us). The music is interspersed throughout the service along with the scripture readings, sermon and communion. We performed the Harmonie Messe in the parish church of Mattersburg, St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna and in the Bergkirche in Eisenstadt (where the piece was debuted in 1802). This piece was Haydn’s last significant composition. He composed only a few small pieces after this mass. The other major work on the festival was Felix Mendelssohn’s oratorio, Elijah. Mendelssohn is not considered to be a composer of the Classical Era but his music was included this year because he was heavily influenced by the music of Joseph Haydn. Mendelssohn’s oratorio is a powerful and dramatic work. It is really an unstaged opera! In fact, the genre of the oratorio grew out of the operatic tradition. During Lent, the Catholic Church would not allow operas to be performed so composers invented the oratorio, a sacred musical drama (unstaged) held in the oratory of a church. Mendelssohn’s work tells several stories from the life of Elijah. One of the most dramatic is the scene on Mount Carmel between Elijah and the prophets of the god Baal. Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to invoke their god and have him light an offering on fire. The prophets sing “Hear and answer!” over and over. Their invocations are met with extended silence – a great compositional stroke by Mendelssohn. Elijah then prays to God and the fire descends from Heaven and lights the offering on fire causing all to believe that God is the Lord. Michele had several big solos throughout the work including the famous “Hear Ye, Israel” and performed them brilliantly! Our son, Colin, also had a solo in the oratorio and did a great job! We were so proud of him and the current Prince Esterházy, who was in the audience, spoke to him after the performance and told him how brave he was and how well he sang. It was a wonderful trip and one that we will never forget. I am always grateful for the time to travel and recharge my musical batteries. However, we are now glad to be home, and I look forward to another great year of music at First Presbyterian Church!

The Esterházy Palace in Eisenstadt

The Haydnsaal (Haydn Hall) in the Esterházy Palace.

The soloists and conductor take a bow after the performance of Mendelssohn’s Elijah.

All the singers from Naples!

The soloists and conductor after the Elijah performance. From left: Christa Ratzenböck, mezzo-soprano, Richard Zielinski, conductor, Michele Byrd-Gerlach, soprano, Rodney Westbrook, tenor, Todd Donovan, bass, Colin Gerlach, boy soprano.

5 Preschool Ashley Houk, Preschool Director,

Ready, Set, Go…

yes, it’s that time of the year. Welcoming new and returning students and staff has become

a standing tradition for the months of August and September at First Presbyterian Preschool since 1965. Granted, we’ve changed some since ’65, but the foundation of our program is still the same. In 2009 we added the state funded Voluntary Pre Kindergarten (VPK) program. We are adding a Curriculum Enhancement Specialist this year that will enable us to provide even more detailed instruction in the areas of literacy and art. We continue to offer Chapel to the children on a weekly basis, along with fun activities (water days, etc.) and visits from special guests (Fire Department, Dentists, etc.). We are currently serving 82 families (98 students) in our Preschool program.

It takes a village…and our “village” is made up of

staff that is dedicated to ensuring our children walk away from our program with positive experiences. We are fortunate to have staff that has been with First Presbyterian Preschool for more than 24 years, and we have some staff that are just beginning their careers with us. We would like to ask that you keep us all in your prayers as we venture into our new year.

VPK (4’s) Teachers: Carmen Dunwiddie Colleen Kennedy Bernie Shields 3’s Teachers: Erin Abougzir Claudia Schembri Jennifer Townsend

2’s Teacher: Christie Bandit

Teacher’s Aides: Nicki Birrell Madeline Bruener Marylee Finman Angela Kuenzle Dana Muller Isabella Sala-Junkroski Kelsey Santalla

Curriculum Enhancement: Leslie Barreto-Wilkinson

Office Staff: Ashley Houk-Director Liz Psota-Administrative Assistant

6 Children and Youth Andrea Plueddeman, Director of Children and Family Ministries

Children Grades K-5

September 11, 18 & 25 CHAOS Kids 3 - 6 p.m. Transportation available from

Lake Park Elementary School

Snacks and Dinner Grades K-5 - Snacks are offered by parents on a weekly rotational basis. To sign up contact Andrea.

Wednesday night dinner is free.

Youth Grades 6-12

September 11, 18 & 25 CHAOS Youth

2 - 7 p.m.

September 17 Early Release day Youth Movie—Youth Room 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Snacks and Dinner Please send in $5 to be used towards snacks or send in $5 worth of snacks per month to help cover costs. We will have dinner each Wednesday at $3 per person.

Wednesday youth group with snacks, dinner, music, bible and crafts. 2 p.m. High School students arrive 3 p.m. Elementary students arrive 4 p.m. Middle School students arrive 4 p.m. Elementary - Music 4:15 p.m. MS and HS - Worship 4:45 p.m. Elementary - Bible Study and crafts 4:45 p.m. MS and HS - Music 5:30 p.m. Dinner for all 6 p.m. MS and HS - small group Bible Study

7 Children and Youth

September 28 2 p.m.

Design and make your own

paper airplanes, then put them to the test!

Races start at 3 p.m. and you won’t

want to be late. One lucky family will

win a family movie pack.

Contact Andi for more information at 239.262.1311 ext. 229 or

September Schedule

5 - 8 p.m.

September 8 meet at church for a meal and worship

September 15 share a meal and gather for Bible Study with Host Families (assigned on September 8)

September 22 gather for a group service project at Grace Place

September 29 meet off campus for recreation together at Coral Cay Mini Golf $5

The Sundays that we gather at the church we will also have dinner. $3 per person. The Sundays we do not meet at church each person is responsible for their own dinner. On Host Family Sundays dinner will be provided by the host family.

Sunday Night Live Youth Group for grades 6-12

For the safety of our children, everyone from birth—grade 12 will be asked to register for

Sunday School and CHAOS through Checkpoint®

upon arrival and departure.

Children through grade 5 must have a parent check them in and out. Sunday School

check-in will be located in Spencer Hall. Nursery check in will be in the Nursery.

For students in grades 6-12 participating in

youth events, check-in will be located outside Rooms 205/206.

Classroom assignment: Nursery-age 2: Church

Nursery/Room 108 Ages 3 & 4: Room 107

Grades K-2: Room 205 Grades 3-5: Room 206

Sunday School Beginning Sunday, September 8

children from preschool age to grade 5 are invited to attend Sunday School

following Children’s Time in worship.

Andrea Plueddeman, Director of Children and Family Ministries


Our summer programs have been well received and the Bible study is ongoing. THANK YOU TO THE CONGREGATION FOR THE DONATIONS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND MONEY FOR THE CHILDREN AT GRACE PLACE BACK TO SCHOOL DRIVE. We packed 50 bags of supplies and gave $75 to help with needed purchases. We also prepared 240 plastic bags of laundry detergent for the people at the Shelter for Abused Women and Children. Each bag equals one load of fresh smelling clean clothes for those residents. We also enjoyed fellowship and a delicious salad luncheon and were joined by Dr. Horne and Rev. Evans.

Thank you to all the helping hands that packed these items.

We will be meeting on October 16th in Spencer Hall at noon for the Introduction to our Bible Study, Dispatches to God’s Household. The study guides will be available prior to this session for $8. Please watch for more information from Jeanie Weigel. Our directories will be available at that meeting or from your circle leader. Our programs are listed below so mark your calendars now and we will gather soon for food and fellowship. Date Topic October 16, 2013 Bible Study Introduction November 6, 2013 Botanical Gardens December 4, 2013 Christmas Concert January 8, 2014 Theater Zone February 5, 2014 Fashion Show March 5, 2014 Miracles in Action April 2, 2014 Conservancy of SW Florida May 7, 2014 Bible Study Conclusion

Presbyterian Women

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY All women are invited to participate in “To Live Is Christ” Bible Study. Please join us on a journey into the life and heart of Paul the Apostle. Along the way, you will get to know the “Apostle to the Gentiles” in a new way. You will discover him to be a man who formed many friendships with both men and women. He served faithfully and loved heartily! This study challenges and encourages you! We meet each Wednesday from 10 a.m.—12 p.m. in Room 204. For more information, please contact Jeanie Weigel at or 239.963.5318.

Presbyterian Women Ann Goodnight, PW Moderator,

Calendar Sandy Poore, Facilities Manager,


1 9:30 a.m. Communion Worship 12 p.m. Cumberland Church


3 7 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Bible Study (separate location) 11 a.m. Alzheimer’s Support Group

4 10 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 11 a.m. Preschool Chapel 12 p.m. Preschool Parent Meeting 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal

5 11 a.m. Preschool Chapel 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

6 9:30 a.m. Sunday Cookie Baking


8 9:30 a.m. Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 12 p.m. Cumberland Church 5 p.m. Sunday Night Live

9 6 p.m. Faith Communities Executive Meeting

10 7 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Bible Study (separate location)

8 a.m. Facilities Committee

11 10 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 11 a.m. Preschool Chapel 2 p.m. CHAOS 5:30 p.m. CHAOS dinner 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal

12 9:30 a.m. Stephen Ministry 10 a.m. Sew&Sews 11 a.m. Preschool Chapel 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

13 9:30 a.m. Sunday Cookie Baking 5 p.m. All Church Picnic (Lowdermilk Park)


15 9:30 a.m. Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 12 p.m. Cumberland Church 5 p.m. Sunday Night Live OUTREACH DEADLINE


17 7 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Bible Study (separate location) 1 p.m. Youth Movie 5:30 p.m. Deacon’s Meeting

18 10 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 11 a.m. Preschool Chapel 2 p.m. CHAOS 5:30 p.m. CHAOS dinner 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal

19 11 a.m. Preschool Chapel 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

20 9:30 a.m. Sunday Cookie Baking


22 9:30 a.m. Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 12 p.m. Cumberland Church 5 p.m. Sunday Night Live


24 7 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Bible Study (separate location)

9 a.m. Preschool Pictures 4 p.m. Session

25 9 a.m. Preschool Pictures 10 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 2 p.m. CHAOS 5:30 p.m. CHAOS dinner 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal

26 9 a.m. Preschool Pictures 10 a.m. Sew&Sews 1 p.m. Nominating Committee 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

27 9:30 a.m. Sunday Cookie Baking

28 2 p.m. Family Afternoon Adventure

29 9:30 a.m. Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 12 p.m. Cumberland Church 5 p.m. Sunday Night Live

30 1 p.m. Nominating Committee

This calendar does not necessarily include all events that are scheduled at the church. For additional information, call 239.262.1311 or visit the website Contact Facilities Manager, Sandy Poore at 239.262.1311 ext. 228 or to reserve a room for your meeting. Please do not assume that if a room is vacant that it is available for use. This will alleviate any awkward situations from occurring. Deadline for monthly Outreach is the fifteenth of the month prior to that edition. Submit all items to If submissions are not received prior to the deadline, we cannot guarantee that your article will be considered for publication for that month.


Feed the 5,000 Luke 9:10-17

This month we are using our food drive to help St. Matthews House. St. Matthews House feeds the hungry, houses the homeless,

and provides an opportunity to change lives for the better, in a caring, disciplined, spiritual

environment . If you are able to help this worthy program, pick up a Publix bag from an usher as you leave the Sanctuary on the first Sunday of the month. The bag has a list of desired food items. Bring your food contribution to the Sixth Street church entrance before the service on the second Sunday of the month. If you prefer, checks may be made payable to "First Presbyterian Church" and the memo marked "Feed the 5,000."

Suggested items are:

coffee sugar all purpose flour pasta sauce canned fruit peanut butter jam or jelly canned tuna, chicken, or spam dried beans hot or cold cereal

Missions Keith Gahagan , Mission Committee Chair, 10

Ever since I volunteered to write these articles for the Outreach and the Mission Committee….I have been touched and amazed by our Christian brothers and sisters. They go about their daily

lives never mentioning what they do. It seems they only talk to their Christ and look to please Him alone. No loud prayers on street corners for them! Think with me for a minute. Your church bulletin comes to you each week planned, printed, and folded. Do we have a clue who does this? How about the “elf” that keeps the library in shape? Then, there is that wonderful, hospitable cup of coffee after church. Do we even think how it gets to our cup? Friends of ours saw a need in Christ’s church and with no fanfare filled it. The “gal” I ‘m going to write about this month answered a call and helped fill a need in our community, a need she has helped fill faithfully and quietly for over thirty years!

Beverley Vining came to Miami, Florida from Windsor, Ontario in 1964. In 1975 she and Dr. Don Vining were married and moved to Naples

where he joined the staff of Naples Radiology at Naples Community Hospital and found “the real Paradise.” (I put that in.) After they moved, Beverley continued her career as a registered nurse. Now, we are coming to the reason for our article. Beverley became involved with the Immokalee Child Care Center while she was a member of the Medical Society Auxiliary. The Center was a project for which they raised funds. In 1982 she visited the Center and met Katie Livengood, a long time volunteer and a very active force in First Presbyterian Church, and as they say, “the rest is history.” Katie lost no time in enlisting Beverley’s help. In the early days of the Center the majority of volunteers came from FPC. They helped anywhere they were needed—reading to the children, sewing, painting, or raising funds. She reports that FPC was always there for them and that was why she was drawn to join the church. She says,” It feels like home.” Well, Katie chose

wisely. Beverley went on the Board at the Center. Nothing like starting at the top, I always say, except in the beginning Board members were the early teachers as well as fund raisers. She really has “worn many hats” through the years—treasurer, president, fund raiser, volunteer. A very busy woman!!

I went to the Center to find out more about the early days and more about Beverley. She doesn’t

by Gretchen Oakley

11 Missions Keith Gahagan , Mission Committee Chair,

stand and shout on street corners, either. The Immokalee Child Care Center began its work in 1964 in an old, rather rundown, wash house. All of the staff that I talked to said they remembered it as being old and dark. They described to me Beverley’s introduction to the children. When she arrived that first day, she opened the door to find a room full of high chairs lined up in rows. The chairs were filled with crying babies, all with runny noses. Did I mention Beverley was a nurse! The wash house was vacated in1996 when the beautiful new building that they are in now came into being. No longer is the Center a place for baby-sitting, custodial care, and meals and snacks.

The Immokalee Child Center is now a fully accredited Early Education and Development Center.

It has eleven classrooms, four of which are for VPK (Volunteer Pre-Kindergarten) classes. The center receives federal food subsidies and monetary support from churches in the area as well as community fund raisers. The Center is one of FPC’s Local Missions. It takes care of children from the age of one month to

five years old. These are children of working parents. Tuition fees are on a sliding scale according to the income of the parents. The children are given love, taught their ABC’s and English while they attend the Center. From a group of volunteers who play with the children, The Immokalee Child Center

now has a trained staff of 30 that teach and care for 110 children.

Valerie Bostic, the Center’s Director, told me that Beverley is responsible for the Giving Trees that are found all over town at Christmastime. She was the moving

force behind their appearance. She also makes certain every child at the Center has a Christmas gift.

As you look through the pictures Andy Spaulding, Assistant Director, took for me, you’ll see Beverley marching with the children or helping dress a “little” nurse. I asked Beverley why she became involved with the Center. She told me, “Well, I didn’t have any children of my own, and I didn’t want to miss out. I have had hundreds, maybe thousands of children and all of them little.” I watched while “her little ones” marched to This Old Man, chased bubbles, and gave and received hugs galore. When they are through outside, they go into the rooms that are pictured. They see wonderful

murals of Florida’s birds with Florida scenery in the background. They learn the months of the year, time, days of the week, etc. All of this knowledge is given along with fun and lots of love!

The next job that Beverley and the other volunteers are gearing up for is the grand celebration of the Immokalee Child Care Center’s Fiftieth year of watching over the growth and care of Immokalee’s children. They will gladly accept any help from you who are intrigued by the work of the

Center. They really need people to help with their reading programs. Around Christmas they can use help with the Giving Trees, and wrapping and organizing presents. They always need help at the Naples office at 3775 Airport Pulling Road N. Give them a call at 239.261.1774 to find out the particulars. Who knows, The Immokalee Child

Care Center may end up for you like it is for Beverley, hers and your Mission Action- First-Pres Style.

12 Congregational Care Rev. Jonathan Evans, Associate Pastor,

S tephen Ministry is a program of our congregation that equips

lay persons to provide distinctively Christian one-to-one care to those who are experiencing various kinds of life needs and circumstances in our congregation. Stephen Ministers are committed Christians who express God’s care through their lives to others. They receive 50 hours of training in important caring ministry skills and concepts and are commissioned as Stephen Ministers. They visit another person regularly in a confidential partnership and offer Christian support and care. Stephen Ministers back up our Pastors with visits to people who are hospitalized. Every Sunday there is a Stephen Minister at the table in Spencer Hall available for talk and prayer. This month we are featuring First Presbyterian Church Stephen Ministers, Shirley Hagerson and Janie Casassa, in an effort to “Meet the Stephen Minister.” This pictorial preview represents an opportunity to introduce these Christian lay leaders who are helping make a

difference in our Church, and in the lives of those hurting individuals they serve.

Shirley Hagerson

Shirley became a Stephen Minister in 2003 after completing the Stephen Minister classes at FPC. She believes that being a caring Stephen Minister is right for her because of her desire to help others. At FPC she is currently serving as a deacon, works in children’s ministry and is on the Missions Committee. She has served as Moderator of Presbyterian Women and the Board of Deacons.

Janie Casassa

Janie was in the first class of the FPC Stephen Ministers in 2002. She always had a desire to give back with some service in appreciation of what God has given. She feels Stephen Ministry was a way she could serve by listening, praying and caring for the members of the congregation.



Betty Sampson

July 24, 2013

Mary Lee Turner

July 8, 2013

13 Finance Michele Martin, Accountant,

If you have particular questions in relation to church budget and expenses, please speak to a member of the

Finance Committee or contact Michele Martin, our church accountant, 239.262.1311, ext. 242.

The Finance Committee members are: Jan Gazdic (chair), Terry Brennan, Lloyd Doerflinger, Don Grandi,

Bob King, Karen Martin, Bill Stafford and Tom Stevens.

News and Events Send all publication submissions to:

Attention Bowlers! Did you realize that FPCN is

involved in a Men’s Church

Bowling League?

We bowl weekly on Tuesday

evenings from 6-9 p.m. at

Woodside Lanes and are looking for

new members to join our team.

All skill levels are welcome.

If interested, please contact

Lee Lemasters at 239.643.0980.

Financial Report

July 31, 2013

Actual Budget Actual Budget


2013 2013 2012 2012

Offerings 616,895 658,706 771,873 805,043

Other 242,963 234,322 268,769 273,493


Expenses 933,750 1,029,899 944,009 970,019


Gain/(Loss) (73,892) (136,871) 96,633 108,517

There are many meanings of evangelism. The meanings often

intertwine with the meanings of mission, because evangelism and

mission are closely related. The goal is much the same; reaching out to others. At one time evangelism meant a reward given to the

messenger for bringing good news. Eventually, Evangelist came to mean much more than a messenger bringing good news, it came to

be the proclamation of the Good News. And there are many ways to Proclaim the Word of God.

There are many ways to Proclaim the Good News.

Preaching God’s Word

The revival of personal commitments to Christ

Connection within and outside the church

Acts of kindness, generosity and practical love

To serve with your gifts

Conversation leading to conversion

Our church attempts to do all of the above. We share our gifts with

acts of kindness, generosity, practical love and volunteering to serve.

There are those that each Sunday usher, serve punch and cookies or coffee, and any other chore that needs to be done. Are you part of

those who give their personal gifts?

Contact Joan Gust, Evangelism Committee Chair, at 239.262.4488 or

Evangelism News

News and Events Send all publication submissions to:

14 News and Events Send all publication submissions to:

Cris Crider

Church Experience: Member of FPCN since 2012; Church Historian; Sunday School Teacher, Children’s Choir Leader

Background: Executive Assistant to Police Chief; Member of the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP);

Student Scholarship Selection Committee.

Cal Pratt

Education: BA, MA, MBA, Michigan State University.

Church Experience: Member of FPCN for 37 years; Elder; Christian Education Committee member; Columbarium Committee member; Finance Committee member.

Background: President and Board Member Naples Rotary Club; President and Board Member YMCA of Collier County; Board Member Park Shore Association; Board Member Forum Club of Naples; Board Member First National Bank of the Gulf Coast; Board Member of Third St. Merchant’s Association.

Don Grandi

Education: BS and MBA from UCLA

Church Experience: Has attended FPCN for many years joining in 2012; Currently serving on the Finance Committee.

Background: Seven years consulting with national and international consulting firms; Fifteen years as co-founder and partner of a regional recruiting firm specializing in accounting and financial professionals.

Debbie Warren

Education: AA from Boston University; College of Practical Arts and Letters, majoring in Business and the Arts; Attended Art School in Old Lyme, CT.

Church Experience: Member of FPCN since 2002; Missions Committee member; Deacon, 2 terms; Organize receptions and

various Sunday duties.

Background: President Southington Women’s Club; President of Women’s Golf Association at Old Lyme Country Club and Somerset Hills Country Club.

Rex Storter

Education: BA The Citadel, Charleston, SC; MS University of Arkansas, College of Engineering.

Church Experience: Member of FPCN since 1996; Deacon for two terms.

Background: 35 years banking, mortgage banking, real estate finance and real estate portfolio ‘workout’; Currently a sales agent with John R. Wood Realtors; Served six years on City of Naples Planning Advisory Board; Two terms on City of Naples Community Services Board, one year as Chairman; Multiple years as Coach, Officer/Director for Greater Naples Little League, Naples Gators Pop Warner Football and the Touchdown Club of Naples.

Jane Ruprecht

Education: Ph.D in Education, Barry University; MA in Guidance and Special Services, Seton Hall University; BA in Health and Physical Education, Montclair State University.

Church Experience: Grew up in St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Montclair, NJ; Member of the youth choir and youth group. Has attended FPCN for many years joining in 2010.

Background: Lead Teacher/Guidance Counselor, New Beginnings Alternative, Immokalee, FL; Coordinator Gifted & Talented Program, Physical Education/Health/Teacher, Middlesex High School; Director YMCA Model United Nations Program and New Jersey Youth & Government Program; Golden Apple Teacher 2007; Teacher of Distinction 2001; 2002-Golden Apple Program, Immokalee Chamber of Commerce-Principal of the Year 2003.

Libby Biehl

Education: Edison Community College

Church Experience: Has attended FPCN since childhood joining in 2009; Choir and Sunday School Teacher.

Background: Business Owner; Married to Greg and has a 4 year-old son, Connor;

Mother, Mary Kirk was a founding member of FPCN.

Introducing the Pastor Nominating Committee

The following members were elected by the congregation, on August 11, to serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee:

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Nominating Form

Name of Nominee_______________________________________________________________ I hereby nominate the individual listed above for the office of:

Elder _______ Deacon _______ Nominating Committee _______

I have confirmed their willingness to serve _____ (check if yes)

Name of person who is nominating the above referenced individual:

_____________________________________________ Member of FPC _____ (check if yes) Please return this form to the Nominating Committee c/o Sharman Pfaus via mail to: First Presbyterian Church of Naples, 250 Sixth Street South, Naples, FL 34102

or leave in it the offering plate on Sunday to the attention of Sharman Pfaus.

The Nominating Committee is asking all members to assist in the nomination process by submitting names of members to serve as deacons, sitting elders, and at-large Nominating Committee members. You may use the attached form for this purpose. Remember to talk to those you nominate to be sure of their willingness to serve. Send the form to the committee in care of Sharman Pfaus in the office (see address on form below).

Service as an officer is vital to the work of the church, and it is also personally rewarding. In the case of the work of the deacons, it can never be said the deacons are all work and no play! Even in the midst of “work” the laughter and camaraderie of being together is a real joy. Would you like to be a part of such a special and fun group of people that are such an integral part of our church life? Please consider serving as a deacon, an elder, a member of the Nominating Committee, or nominate someone who would be perfect for one of these vital positions.

Nominating committee members are

Jim Applegate, Pat Barton, Joan Gust,

Joe Patton, Jerry Perkins, Betty Plum, and Patty Rutzler (chair).

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First Presbyterian Church of Naples 250 Sixth Street South Naples, FL 34102 239.262.1311 or fax 239.262.1275

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