senator mike lee's 2012 annual report to the state of utah

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A summary of Senator Mike Lee's activities in the Senate during 2012. The report highlights his legislative activities, constituent outreach efforts, and media outreach.



Nov 26, 2012

LEE: After fiscal cliff comes fiscal avalanche

Rejection of U.S. debt leads to interest rate spikeWhile Washington is preoccupied with the so-called fiscal cliff, little attention has been given to the fiscal avalanche that will occur if we continue down an unsustainable, long-term path, causing markets to turn sour on U.S. debt and leading to a spike in interest rates.

Such a eurolike crisis would make the fiscal cliff look like a dip in the road. Unlike driving off a cliff, which you can see coming and make last-minute adjustments to avert, we cannot predict with any reasonable certainty when the avalanche will break. If it does, there will be little anyone can do to prevent its devastating effects.

No one knows just how long the United States can continue to accrue massive debts before lenders lose confidence. Delaying significant fiscal restraint for yet another year will send the wrong signal to financial markets and may serve as a tipping point that could lead to disastrous consequences for our economy.

If U.S. creditors decide that our debt is no longer the safest form of investment available, demand for Treasurys will drop, interest rates will rise and the cost of servicing our debt will begin to explode. Paying interest on our national debt will quickly crowd out spending on almost all other federal priorities. At that point, any deficit reduction undertaken by Washington — including the sorts of spending cuts or tax increases being discussed today — will be too little, too late.

The Congressional Budget Office projects that under the most likely policy scenario, in 30 years, net interest payments on the debt could total $3.8 trillion in today’s dollars. That is more than total government spending for 2011.

In reality, we are unlikely to maintain the same level of borrowing and spending for the next three decades without a significant change in interest rates for our debt. Even a modest 1 percentage point increase, for example, in effect would wipe out all the deficit reduction included in last year’s Budget Control Act. In other words, we would have to shoulder the burden of fiscal restraint without any actual deficit reduction — all pain and no gain.

It could get much worse.

If our failure to make significant structural changes in government spending leads to borrowing conditions like those of Greece, we could experience a meltdown of the financial markets and broad economic upheaval from which we may never recover. Such circumstances would require massive and immediate cuts to Social Security, Medicare, national defense and virtually every discretionary program to avoid a credit default.


Most Americans will find this scenario difficult to believe, but make no mistake — if we do nothing, the avalanche will break suddenly and without warning. As Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff recently explained, “By the time [markets] lose confidence, it’s too late: The option to tighten from a position of strength has evaporated.”

President Obama says his solution to our deficit and debt is to raise taxes on the very wealthy. His approach does almost nothing to address the structural spending challenges we face. Over 10 years, the president’s most recent budget, which includes his tax hike, still adds almost another $11 trillion to the national debt.

Equally unserious is the suggestion by some senior Senate Democrats that we increase spending with another stimulus program. Failure to achieve robust recovery is not the result of too little government spending. Rather, excessive government spending, intervention and regulation have stifled growth and incited fear over what will be required to bring the budget into balance.

What our country needs most is fiscal restraint, structural spending reform and sound economic policy to promote investment and jobs. Simply continuing to kick the budget can farther down the road will make these required reforms increasingly more difficult and ultimately more painful. Such continued delay risks arriving at a point when we no longer can borrow and we have no choice but to painfully slash government spending overnight.

Is Washington up to the challenge? So far, the answer has been no. That must change soon. If the fiscal avalanche breaks before we change course, the result will be disastrous.



Saving the American DreamThe true greatness of our nation lies in the promise that every individual is free to pursue the American Dream. Unfortunately, today Americans find themselves shackled to the growing burdens of government debt, deficits, regulations and a complex tax system, and the American Dream is becoming more difficult to achieve.

The American spirit made us the most prosperous nation on earth, so it makes sense that at a time of economic stagnation we should look for policy solutions that encourage the quintessential American values of innovation, ingenuity and entrepreneurship to help promote economic recovery.

In Washington, one side says government knows best, insisting that Congress should be taxing more, spending more, and imposing more regulations that limit the choices families and businesses can make. But that approach stalls the engine we need to get the country moving forward again.

President Obama is not responsible for getting us into an economic recession, but he has certainly proven himself unable to get us out. Last year, the Joint Economic Committee in Congress published a study concluding that our current recovery amounted to “the worst economic recovery the American people have suffered through in a lifetime.”

The American public remains dissatisfied with our current course. Growing the size of government and

ignoring the biggest issues have only increased the disappointment they have in their elected leaders.

To live up to America’s promise, the country needs an agenda that focuses on its greatest strength: it’s people.

Recently, I have developed a proposal called the Saving the American Dream plan modeled on reforms long-advocated by the Heritage Foundation. This plan would put America on a sustainable and affordable path to economic growth by empowering individuals to define their own financial futures.

It creates a more efficient delivery system for our entitlement programs, reforming the greatest driver of our debt while protecting the most vulnerable in our society from poverty.

This plan simplifies the tax code in a way that is more transparent and straightforward so average Americans can understand and file their own taxes. And it reins in federal spending so we can balance our budget, spur job creation, and leave something other than a mountain of debt to future generations.

The centerpiece of my plan is economic freedom. Families will be able to save and invest tax-free. Individuals and their doctors – not government bureaucrats – will control health care dollars and medical decisions. Our children and grandchildren will no longer suffer the insurmountable burden of paying for our accumulated debt. The Saving the American Dream plan encourages productive economic activity by giving individuals at every income level essential tools to take care of their families, save for retirement, access affordable health care, and improve their quality of life.

It is not government that made America great. Our greatness lies in the ingenuity of the American people when left free to make their own choices and pursue their own dreams

A freedom agenda that empowers individual Americans to determine their own happiness will move the country forward and restore the American dream.


Customizing Your American Dream

You Choose your financial plan

Easy as 1,2,3• 1 Unified Rate • 2 Credits Health Insurance Earned Income Credit • 3 Deductions Charitable Contributions Home Mortgage Interest Higher Education

No Taxes on Savings and Investment = Economic Growth

You Choose your security

Social Security Reform

A simple new flat tax creates powerful incentives to save and invest

Capital GainsTaxes

Estate TaxesTaxes on

Savings & Investment

Taxpayers will see overall rate reduction

We Choose to prosper

Balances federal budget by 2017

Begin running surpluses in five years

Reduces publicly held debt to 52% of GDP

Payroll Taxes

“The Saving the American Dream budgetempowers individuals to de�ne their own�nancial future, creates a better deliverysystem for safety net services, reduces

spending across the federal government,and adequately protects America’s

national security”

Renewed fiscal strength provides the

FREEDOM and RESOURCES we need to solve our greatest


Ensures adequate funding to protect America’s national defense

Strengthens and modernizes our militaryforce

Keeps our promises to America’s heroes

Creates a retirement security system that will be available for future generations

Flexible transition to new benefit system for future retirees

Prevents sudden poverty as a result of unforseen events

Medicare ReformProvides a contribution that can be used to purchase a policy thatmeets your needs while allowing current users to keep their plans

Freedom to choose your doctor & permanently fixes pricing distortions

Creates a competitive system where private insurers vie for your business

Health Care ReformRepeals Obamacare and replaces it with a market-based income-adjustedtax credit that you control

Frees individuals to make their own health care choices

Eliminates government takeover of health care

We Choose strength


Customizing Your American Dream

You Choose your financial plan

Easy as 1,2,3• 1 Unified Rate • 2 Credits Health Insurance Earned Income Credit • 3 Deductions Charitable Contributions Home Mortgage Interest Higher Education

No Taxes on Savings and Investment = Economic Growth

You Choose your security

Social Security Reform

A simple new flat tax creates powerful incentives to save and invest

Capital GainsTaxes

Estate TaxesTaxes on

Savings & Investment

Taxpayers will see overall rate reduction

We Choose to prosper

Balances federal budget by 2017

Begin running surpluses in five years

Reduces publicly held debt to 52% of GDP

Payroll Taxes

“The Saving the American Dream budgetempowers individuals to de�ne their own�nancial future, creates a better deliverysystem for safety net services, reduces

spending across the federal government,and adequately protects America’s

national security”

Renewed fiscal strength provides the

FREEDOM and RESOURCES we need to solve our greatest


Ensures adequate funding to protect America’s national defense

Strengthens and modernizes our militaryforce

Keeps our promises to America’s heroes

Creates a retirement security system that will be available for future generations

Flexible transition to new benefit system for future retirees

Prevents sudden poverty as a result of unforseen events

Medicare ReformProvides a contribution that can be used to purchase a policy thatmeets your needs while allowing current users to keep their plans

Freedom to choose your doctor & permanently fixes pricing distortions

Creates a competitive system where private insurers vie for your business

Health Care ReformRepeals Obamacare and replaces it with a market-based income-adjustedtax credit that you control

Frees individuals to make their own health care choices

Eliminates government takeover of health care

We Choose strength


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, May 10, 2012

Lee Introduces Budget ProposalSenator’s Plan Gives Americans Greater Choice and Freedom to Improve Their Own Financial Future

WASHINGTON – Senator Mike Lee introduced a budget resolution that puts the country on a sustainable economic path, fixes America’s deeply flawed entitlement programs, and creates a new simple and transparent tax system. Lee’s bold and innovative plan is built upon the principles of individual freedom and consumer choice, rather than government mandates and market distortion. His tax plan and entitlement reform frees Americans to make financial planning and health care decisions based on their own individual needs and personal choices, promotes personal savings and wealth creation for all income levels, and reduces the burden of government programs on future taxpayers.

“Americans deserve to define their own financial future,” said Lee. “Today, we have a government that mandates, regulates, and controls almost everything we do. As a result, we have an unsustainable debt, less prosperity, and less economic freedom. This plan reverses the endless growth of government and empowers individuals to make their own savings, investment, and health care choices, while creating a better delivery system for America’s safety net services, like Social Security and Medicaid.”

Lee’s budget proposal is modeled on a plan first published by the Heritage Foundation called Saving the American Dream, which eliminates budget deficits after five years and stays balanced thereafter.

The plan introduces a new single, unified income-based tax rate on consumption for both individuals and businesses, eliminates special interest loopholes, and retains just two tax credits and three deductions. The Social Security plan reforms the program into a retirement security system more akin to a traditional insurance plan, and Medicare transitions to a defined contribution premium support plan that ensures seniors at all income levels can afford health insurance. All entitlements are means-tested, eliminating payments to wealthy individuals and preventing sudden poverty as a result of unforeseen events.

“Americans understand we have a big problem and that it is going to take big solutions to solve them,” Lee added. “Our answer is more freedom, not more government control. The Saving the American Dream budget puts power in the hands of Americans to decide what works best for their own needs and families.”



Lee Expects Budget Vote This WeekSenate Democrats Fail to Offer Solutions

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee announced that he expects his budget resolution to receive a vote on the Senate floor this week. The resolution is based on Senator Lee’s proposal to balance the federal budget in five years, simplify the tax code, reform entitlement programs, and significantly reduce federal spending.

“The differing visions for the future of the country will be on display this week when the Senate votes on the various budget proposals,” said Senator Lee. “Senate Republicans have proposals that solve the problems. The President’s proposal ignores the problems or makes them worse. And Senate Democrats have absolutely nothing to offer.

“Families and businesses must have budgets. State and local governments need them, too. But for three years, the Democrat-controlled Senate has gone without a plan to spend taxpayer money. It is an abdication of the core responsibility of Congress that must be reversed immediately.”

Last week, Senator Lee officially submitted his budget resolution and announced the “Saving the American Dream” plan. The plan simplifies the tax code by creating a single, low, unified tax rate, eliminating most credits and deductions, and repealing the death and payroll taxes. The proposal repeals ObamaCare and replaces it with a new market-based income-adjusted tax credit for purchasing health insurance. It also saves Social Security by providing economic security for seniors, protecting retirees from poverty due to unforeseen events, and means-testing benefits so that the affluent elderly do not add unnecessary stress to the program.

Lee’s budget is expected to receive a vote on Thursday along with proposals from Senators Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Rand Paul of Kentucky, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, and the President.


May 16 2012

Saving the American DreamTranscript of floor speech delivered on May 16, 2012

Mr. President, The true greatness of our nation lies in the power and promise of the American dream. Unfortunately for many individuals and families this dream has become a national nightmare. Without the clear priorities and accountability of a budget we continue to careen toward the economic cliff with our massive debt and trillion dollar deficits threatening the prosperity of Americans from every walk of life. To put it simply, we must change course!

Restoring the American dream will require more than clever bumper-sticker slogans. While optimism is an important part of the American dream, hope simply is not a strategy for the kind of course correction our country needs.

Doing nothing is no longer an option! – Although this President and this Congress have attempted, by not having a budget, to convince the American people that doing nothing is the only option.

Ignoring our broken entitlement programs, maintaining our complex tax code, and pretending we don’t have a spending problem ensures that our economy will never truly recover and the American dream will not be restored.

The good news for Americans is that many of us do have solutions to confront and correct the country’s most pressing challenges. In today’s debate and discussion the nation has seen that changing course and balancing our budget doesn’t take 30 years, nor does it require the kind of drastic cuts that could devastate America’s our most vulnerable citizens.

As we approach this debate I remind my colleagues of the old adage, “You can make excuses or you can make progress, but you cannot make both.”

Given the gravity of our current situation we should also recognize that our present path is unsustainable. A course correction is coming - the question we will be held accountable for is whether that correction comes by choice or as a consequence of making excuses and doing nothing.

The Saving the American Dream plan, which I have proposed, puts us on a sustainable and affordable path toward economic growth. It reforms our tax code to make paying taxes a simple, transparent, and equitable process that regular people can perform on their own.

It empowers families to save – by making savings tax free, which in turn lowers their tax burden in a way that helps them and our economy. It establishes a single rate, eliminates the payroll tax, helping all Americans – especially those at the lowest income levels – and it abolishes the death tax permanently.


Under this plan, Americans will no longer be forced to navigate the complex web of countless loopholes - for people who don’t need them, contained within a tax code longer than the works of Shakespeare. In addition to placing an enormous burden and creating immense uncertainty on our people, such a tax system hides the true size and cost of government. This plan is simple and provides certainty for individuals and businesses.

Opponents of reform will play petty politics and prey on false fears about the government’s ability to help the helpless. They claim that any course correction in entitlement or social service spending will damage the social safety net.

The truth is, doing nothing will absolutely and completely destroy the safety net. If we do not change course the collapse of safety net services for our most vulnerable Americans is certain – and it is certain to hurt most those who have the least.

This plan saves Social Security by transitioning to a real insurance plan that provides income security for seniors and prevents sudden poverty as a result of unforeseen events.

The affluent elderly, such as Warren Buffett, will see a decrease in benefits. This plan allows people like Mr. Buffett to help in a way that is actually good for our economy and our job creators.

The Saving the American Dream plan also ends the government takeover of health care and puts dollars and decisions back into the hands of families and their doctors. Just like school choice allows parents to make sure their kids don’t get stuck in a failing school system, this plan ensures families don’t get stuck in a failing health care system.

And finally, this plan acknowledges that we have a spending problem and works to reduce the size of government, eliminate waste, lower the future burden on taxpayers, encourage productive economic activity, and enhance individual liberty and choice.

It reins in spending by a total of $9.6 trillion over ten years when compared to President’s budget, and by $7.1 trillion against the CBO baseline.

Supporters of the status quo will have every excuse as to why this budget or that budget won’t work. But now is the time to stop making excuses and start making progress.

Today, we will have a vote on 5 budget proposals, but it is only the beginning of the discussion. I can say confidently that Republicans have done a tremendous amount of work to craft proposals that begin to change our course and move our country in the right direction.

The President’s budget reflects the status quo – do nothing, keep our complex tax code and broken entitlement programs, and ignore spending.

As for Senate Democrats, for three straight years, my friends across the aisle have refused to participate in this discussion except to criticize ideas they don’t like.

Leadership is what leadership does - and for the past 1,113 days our country has suffered from a lack of leadership.


I ask my colleagues, if you cannot vote for these budget plans today, will you at least do the right thing for the country, put aside election-year politics, show true leadership and work with us to explore and implement real solutions.

We cannot stand by the status quo, we cannot decide by default to do nothing - The American people expect more and deserve better.

We need every American to join us in finding the solutions that will enable us as a nation to change course. The Saving the American Dream plan is about empowering individuals to define their own dream and ensuring they have every opportunity to make it reality.

This is the greatest civilization the world has ever known, not because government made it great, but because Americans continually reject the status quo, chose to change course when needed, demand economic freedom while ensuring individual liberty and the right to pursue happiness.

This budget provides the clear priorities and accountability we must have to jump-start the economy, create real jobs, strengthen the safety net and restore the American Dream.



Senate Foreign Relations Committee2012 Summary


Senator Lee continued to defend American sovereignty and national security as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. From questioning witnesses at hearings on Libya oversight and UN treaties to speaking on the Senate floor against extravagant foreign aid, Senator Lee has been a voice of reason and responsibility in these issues.

Legislation Sponsored and Co-sponsored:

Senator Lee’s contribution to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is notable for legislation—specifically treaties—that he opposed. In doing so, he took a stand for American sovereignty and the proper role of treaties.

Senator Lee’s highest priority in foreign relations this year was to prevent the Senate ratification of two UN treaties: the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). After several hearings on LOST, the Senate did not bring it to the floor for ratification. The UNCRPD, however, was rushed to the floor for consideration. Senator Lee reached out to his Senate colleagues, 37 of whom joined him in opposing the UNCRPD, thus preventing the 2/3 majority required to pass a treaty.

Other legislation that Senator Lee Co-sponsored:

• S. 2165, “United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012”• S. 3551, “Investigations into the September 11, 2012 attacks on the US missions in Libya…”• S.Res. 380, “A resolution to express the sense of the Senate regarding the importance of preventing the Government of Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability”

Looking Forward:

In the coming session of Congress, Senator Lee will no longer sit on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Instead, he will be a member of the Senate Armed Services where he will continue to speak for principles that will make a strong America.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, September 12, 2012

Lee Statement on Attack in LibyaWASHINGTON – Senator Mike Lee, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement regarding the killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Ambassador Chris Stevens and the three other embassy staff members who were killed in the outrageous attacks on the U.S. facility in Libya. Ambassador Stevens served his country faithfully and bravely in one of the most dangerous parts of the world. I strongly condemn the violence that led to the unnecessary deaths of these American Foreign Service officers and pray that the remaining staff members will be safe.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, October 10, 2012

Lee Statement on House Oversight Committee Hearing on Benghazi Attacks

As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Lee made the following statement in response to the House Oversight Committee’s hearing today on the September 11 Benghazi attacks:

“I am tremendously disappointed by press reports that suggest the Obama administration relayed incomplete or inaccurate information to the American people following the attack at our embassy in Benghazi. While representatives of the White House went before the American people to describe the attacks as ‘spontaneous’ and the unfortunate result of protests over an anti-Islamic video on YouTube, the State Department says that it never believed that account, and did not reflect the information they were sending to the White House.

“The variance in accounts of the State Department and the White House is disturbing evidence of one of two things: either the White House never received the proper intelligence, showing gross ineptitude and major flaws in national security policy, or the White House actually had valid intelligence from the time the events occurred but willfully attempted to mislead the American people. While the forthcoming evidence points to the latter, both possibilities show a tremendous failure of leadership and I look forward to reviewing the testimonies of State Department officials at today’s hearing of the House Oversight committee.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETuesday, December 4, 2012

Lee Applauds Vote to Protect Parental Rights, American SovereigntyWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee applauded the Senate for voting to protect American sovereignty, uphold the rights of parents, and block the recognition of so-called international “entitlement rights.” Thirty-seven senators joined Lee in opposing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in an effort to ensure certain provisions would not become the “supreme law of the land.”

“America is the gold standard when it comes to protecting the rights of the disabled. Today’s vote doesn’t change that,” said Lee after the vote. “Instead, the Senate rightfully rejected a treaty that could threaten the rights of parents to determine the best education, treatment, and care for their disabled children. It also halted our possible descent down the rabbit hole of international ‘entitlement rights’ – which could have serious consequences for domestic law. I applaud the Senate for preserving our sovereignty.”

The UNCRPD received 61 votes of support and ratification requires two-thirds of the Senate to vote in favor.


Sep 24 2012

Lame Duck Session Not the Time for New Treaty RatificationsLast Thursday, Senator Pat Toomey and I passed around a letter to my colleagues requesting that Senate leadership not bring treaties to the Senate floor for consideration during the lame-duck session of the 112th Congress. Here is an excerpt from that letter:

“Under Article 6 Section 2 of the Constitution, treaties that receive the advice and consent of the Senate will become the “supreme law of the land.” The writers of the Constitution clearly believed that all treaties presented to the Senate should undergo the most thorough scrutiny before being agreed upon. The American people will be electing representatives and senators in November, and new representatives carrying the election mandate should be afforded the opportunity to review and consider any international agreements that are outstanding at the time of their election.”

Treaties require a two-thirds majority in the senate for ratification and with the signatures of thirty seven of my colleagues, we will be able to prevent Senate leadership from hastily passing any new “supreme laws of the land” without the necessary consideration such an alteration to our Constitution and legal code would deserve.The necessity of this letter was confirmed last week when Senate Democrats attempted to pass the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) by unanimous consent. My colleagues and I expressed concerns with UNCRPD when it came under consideration in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for a variety of reasons:

Concern #1: Sovereignty- Treaties by their very nature affect our sovereign authority to govern ourselves. In this case, parties to this convention are subjected to the direction of an independent committee charged with the duties of making regulations and enforcing them. In the past similar independent committees have been known to make demands of state parties that fall outside the legal, social, economic and cultural traditions and norms of state parties.

Concern #2: “Best Interests of the Child-” The convention states “in all actions concerning children with disabilities, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.” Subjecting the protection of children with disabilities to an independent committee’s definition of the “best interests of the child” is not something I’m comfortable with. Several parental rights groups (including the Home School Legal Defense Fund) have shared this concern and fear this treaty could strip parents of fundamental rights. For example, a right that could be stripped could be the ability to home school a child with disabilities if the Committee (or those carrying out its recommendations) believes it is in the best interests of their child.

Concern #3: Dangerous Precedent for Treaties- By obligating the U.S. to recognize economic, social, and cultural entitlements as rights, this convention sets a precedent for treaties that would actually allow an international body to define our own domestic law. We have never allowed this type of precedent to be set by treaty. While the sentiment of the treaty is admirable, it would be better addressed in a different venue than a binding international law. The Senate needs much more than one hearing to investigate how this treaty will affect domestic federal and state law.


Concern #4: Superfluous Treaty for American Rights- The United States already has the most comprehensive legislation in the world to protect the rights of Americans with disabilities. The Americans with disabilities act of 1990 provides a private cause of action for the disabled for instances of discrimination in employment, public accommodations, transportation, etc. This treaty does not address any actual need the United States is experiencing with regard to legislation.

Concern #5: Abortion –There is specific language in the convention that requires parties to “provide persons with disabilities with the same range, quality and standard of free or affordable health care and programs as provided to other persons, including in the area of sexual and reproductive health and population-based public health programs.” The Obama administration has declared that abortion itself falls under “sexual and reproductive health” and therefore would fall under the requirements of this language.

As with every piece of legislation that comes across my desk, I read the UNCRPD with a fine-tooth comb, analyzed it with my staff and my senate colleagues, and found these five major concerns that give me great pause before allowing it’s passage into law. The Senate Foreign Relations committee convened just once to discuss the treaty and these concerns were not addressed, and while I am pleased that some of my colleagues are comfortable with it, I am not.

With the admittedly hurried passage of the Affordable Care Act and other similar pieces of legislation we have seen that there are those in Congress who have little problem with passing laws only to find out what’s in them later. But I was not elected to pass as many pieces of legislation as possible. I was elected to pass legislation that directly benefits my constituents in Utah and the people of the United States while protecting their freedoms and unalienable rights as citizens.

This treaty does not accomplish those goals and illustrates precisely why we have chosen not to support any treaties between now and the end of the lame duck session of the 112th congress.


Nov 01 2012

Demanding Answers on the September 11th Benghazi Terrorist AttackI have received an influx of constituent inquiries in recent weeks regarding the September 11th attack in Benghazi. After initial reports showed conflicting accounts between the White House and the State Department I released the statement linked here in which I concluded that the variance in accounts provided disturbing evidence of either gross ineptitude or an attempt to willfully mislead the American people. The credibility gap has only widened since that time as more troubling information has reached the American people.

On October 31st my Senate colleagues sent a letter to President Obama, raising questions regarding the timeline of events and the manner in which information was shared. The questions and concerns expressed in that letter are shared by many of my constituents, who have understandably been demanding answers via telephone calls, emails, letters, and every other form of communication.

My colleagues added in their letter that this is not the first letter they’ve sent on the subject, nor will it be the last. I support them in their efforts because the American people have a right to know the truth and the President has a responsibility to provide answers.

In the next few weeks there will be hearings and briefings on Capitol Hill that will clarify exactly what happened. I am encouraged that Americans are aware and are forcefully demanding answers from those they have elected to lead them. It’s been over 40 days since Ambassador Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, and Sean Smith were killed in a deadly terrorist attack. The questions being asked pertain to our national security, to the safety and effectiveness of our diplomatic missions around the world, and to the leadership capacity of our elected officials.

I echo the demand of the American people and the demands of my colleagues (Senators Graham, McCain, Ayotte and Johnson) for information. While the answers to these questions may be troubling, they will not be nearly as troubling as continued silence from this Administration.


Joint Economic Committee2012 Summary


This year Senator Lee took bold steps toward repairing our economy and curtailing federal government overreach. Noteworthy among these items was the “Saving the American Dream” Budget, which was brought to a vote in the Senate. This budget would create a simpler, consumption based tax system, roll back excessive federal government intrusions, and put us on a path to a balanced budget in the next decade. Senator Lee will continue to fight for the reforms contained in this budget over the next Congress.

Along with Senator Lee’s own “Saving the American Dream” Budget, Senator Lee voted to support several other fiscally responsible budgets that came before the Senate, including those sponsored by Congressman Paul Ryan (WI), Senator Patrick Toomey (PA), and Senator Rand Paul (KY). Unfortunately, the majority controlling the Senate Budget Committee failed, for yet another year, to bring a budget forward. However, hope remains for a conservative budget that can work as a first step to fixing our nation’s problems.

Senator Lee also reintroduced the “Cut, Cap, Balance Act” to cut federal spending immediately, cap future spending at sustainable levels, and demand that a balanced budget amendment be sent to the States for ratification before future increases in the debt limit occur. These reforms would limit the need for future debt limit increases and would set the American economy on a path to recovery and fiscal sanity.

The Joint Economic Committee, on which Senator Lee sits, held several vigorous and important hearings. This afforded Senator Lee the ability to examine key economic policy issues. During one hearing, he called to the attention of Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics, the possibility of a “Fiscal Avalanche” due to the high risks of the country’s unsustainable debt and spending. Senator Lee also used his position on the committee for oversight of the Federal Reserve System. He both questioned Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke about the risk associated with the Federal Reserve’s policy of “Quantitative Easing” and asked economist John Taylor about the Federal Reserve’s actions.

Finally, Senator Lee continued to advocate for a strong balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. The Lee Balanced Budget Amendment, if passed by both Houses of Congress and ratified by the States, would provide binding discipline for Congress. This would result in an end to deficits, protection from an ever-growing federal government, and serious prioritization by Congress. Senator Lee will remain an advocate for his balanced budget amendment in next year’s session of Congress.

Legislation Sponsored and Co-sponsored

S. 2040: Budget Before Borrowing ActThe Budget Before Borrowing Act would require a 2/3 supermajority to pass a debt limit increase if Congress has not enacted a budget.

S. 2107: Social Security Preservation through Individual Choice Enhancement ActThis bill would allow taxpayers to reduce their payroll tax liability today in exchange for suspending their collection of Social Security benefits at a later date. For each year a taxpayer elects to reduce their payroll tax by 2%, their Social Security retirement eligibility age would be delayed by one month.


S. 2199: Grow America Act of 2012The Grow America Act is a comprehensive bill that contains major energy production reform, tax reform, and regulatory reform. This bill would streamline the tax code, slow the adoption of new regulations, and encourage new energy production in the United States.

S. 2200: Saving the Family Farm Act of 2012The Saving the Family Farm Act would provide permanent death tax relief to family farms and small businesses.

S. 2247: Federal Reserve Modernization ActThe Federal Reserve Modernization Act reforms the role of the Federal Reserve in response to its excesses over the past few years. It increases Congressional reporting and transparency from the Fed, narrows the scope of Treasury’s stabilization fund, forces the Federal Reserve to clearly and directly articulate its lender of last resort policy, and repeals much of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

S. 3420: Permanent Tax Relief ActThe Permanent Tax Relief Act would extend the 2001, 2003, and 2010 tax cuts permanently. As the bulk of this was dealt with in the January tax deal, there is no clear reason to introduce this bill.

S. 3482: Cut, Cap and Balance ActThe Cut, Cap and Balance Act would cut federal spending immediately, cap all future spending at sustainable levels, and demand that a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution first pass Congress and be sent to the States before Congress raises the statutory debt limit.

S. Con. Res. 44: Saving the American Dream BudgetThe Saving the American Dream budget empowers individuals to define their own financial future, creates a better delivery system for safety net services, reduces spending across the federal government, and adequately protects America’s national security. The Saving the American Dream budget replaces today’s complex tax system with a new, simple structure that creates powerful incentives for individuals to save, invest, and build wealth. Social Security and Medicare are reformed to focus on their core purposes. The budget also significant spending reforms to programs across the federal government to reduce the size of government, eliminate waste, lower future burdens on taxpayers, encourage productive economic activity, and enhance individual liberty and choice. Finally, the budget recognizes the need for America’s defense, and adequately funds security at home and abroad.

S. Amdt. 2100: Phase Out Authority of the Export-Import BankThis amendment would terminate the authority for the Export-Import bank and request the President initiate negotiations to end export-financing provisions. This would end an agency that funds corporate welfare, distorting the market and feeding crony capitalism.

Looking Forward

In the coming year, Senator Lee will continue to show leadership on spending restraint and prudent fiscal policy. This may include a wide range of legislative activities, from fighting spending to arguing for a simpler tax code. Senator Lee will continue to pursue legislation that shrinks government, eliminates the debt, and frees individuals to make their own choices.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFriday, January 27, 2012

Lee Introduces Budget Before Borrowing ActWASHINGTON - Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced the Budget Before Borrowing Act, which would forbid the raising of the debt ceiling unless Congress has already passed a budget in the same fiscal year. The bill was introduced with 9 additional cosponsors.

“The fact that this law is necessary is a testament to the complete lack of leadership that has been demonstrated by the Democrats in their inability and unwillingness to simply pass a budget for the government that leads the free world,” said Senator Lee. “It is absolutely disgraceful that they quite literally must be forced to assume even the most basic level of financial responsibility when it comes to running the federal affairs of the largest economy in human history.

“The debt ceiling should not be raised so easily or so often in the first place, but if it is, doing so without so much as a coherent plan as to how the money raised by the new borrowing will be used is an act of national insanity. We have now gone a thousand days without such a plan. The national debt has grown by more than $4 trillion in that span of time, and the United States government lost its AAA credit rating for the first time ever as a result. This economic recklessness must stop, and it must stop now.”

“President Obama and Congressional Democrats have added trillions to our national debt and failed to pass a budget in over 1,000 days, while taxpayers and job creators are suffering under the weight of Washington’s spending binge,” said Senator Rubio. “The Budget Before Borrowing Act will send a simple message to the big spenders: no more rubber stamp to raise the federal debt ceiling without a real plan to control our spiraling debt.”

The Budget Before Borrowing Act is cosponsored by Marco Rubio (FL), David Vitter (LA), Tom Coburn (OK), Jim DeMint (SC), Mike Crapo (ID), Ron Johnson (WI), Rand Paul (KY), James Risch (ID), John Thune (SD), and Pat Toomey (PA).


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, March 15, 2012

Lee Introduces Act to Protect Family FarmsWASHINGTON - Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced the Saving the Family Farm Act of 2012. The bill would eliminate the death tax on family-owned farms and other family-owned businesses that are not “C” corporations, which are those that are taxed separately from their owners. The tax would be applied if the establishment in question were to be sold off within the first five years after the death.

“We need to protect farms and other businesses that are a part of a family’s heritage when the family wants to keep and maintain them,” said Senator Lee. “Farms are of particular concern because of the land. Currently, there are many old family farms that will someday face taxes several times their entire annual operating profit, which is the family income. These families will often have no choice but to sell the land worked and maintained by their elder generations.

“The federal government should not be in the business of strangling the owners of cherished and long-held private property. This bill will fix what is broken and end the practice of bleeding certain American families dry.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, March 19, 2012

Lee Introduces ‘Grow America’ ActWASHINGTON - Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced the Grow America Act (S. 2199), a comprehensive bill that contains major energy production reform, tax reform, and regulatory reform. It is the counterpart to the Jobs Through Growth Act in the House.

“The size of government is perpetually expanding to the detriment of the American economy and jobs. It’s time to stop the growth of government and start to grow America,” said Senator Lee. “Through a number of common sense solutions, the Grow America Act will make government more efficient, the economy more productive, and jobs more plentiful. That means additional opportunities for Americans, more freedom to run their lives and businesses the way they see fit, and greater prosperity for the country as a whole.

“First, the bill will drastically streamline the tax code. The personal income tax will be reduced to just two rates, and only a select few deductions and credits that protect families, charities, and seniors will be carried over. Capital gains will also be protected from inflation before being taxed.“Business taxes will also be simplified. Loopholes and industry-specific deductions, credits, and taxes will all be eliminated. Archaic depreciation schedules will be replaced with full expensing, and the barriers erected by the federal government between American companies and their overseas profits will finally be gone for good. Family farms and businesses will also be relieved from extreme taxation when the owner passes their assets on.

“This legislation will also impose a moratorium on new major regulations and impose the REINS Act for when they return. REINS requires every new major regulation to be passed by Congress within 90 days, or else it will ‘sunset’ and no longer be in effect. Additionally, small businesses will be able to opt out of regulations imposed since the end of 2007.

“Finally, the Grow America Act will encourage domestic energy production to power the country out of its economic stagnation and increase energy security and independence. The outer continental shelf, the Eastern Gulf, and ANWR will all be opened up for energy exploration and development, and the unnecessary delays in Gulf permitting will be eliminated.“A one-year extension will also be provided to all outer continental shelf leases that were directly impacted and delayed by the Obama administration’s failure to move forward with the permitting process. The legislation further encourages offshore energy production by providing 50% revenue sharing to participating states.

“This administration’s ‘wild lands’ policy will be repealed, as will the EPA’s burdensome greenhouse gas regulation. The EPA will also be prevented from imposing regulations in the name of climate change. And President Obama’s tone-deaf decision to block the Keystone XL pipeline will be reversed.

“The time for action is now. The American people deserve a booming economy, a tax code they can understand, and a government that doesn’t believe regulation can solve all of the country’s problems. We need to embrace the proven methods of achieving these goals, which made America the richest and most powerful nation on Earth. The Grow America Act does just that.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, March 29, 2012

Lee Introduces the Federal Reserve Modernization ActWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced legislation that would make much needed reforms to the nation’s Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve Modernization Act (FRMA) will focus the Fed’s mission on price stability, require better reporting and make the organization more transparent to Americans.

“The Federal Reserve has experienced significant mission creep since its establishment in 1913, particularly in recent years where it has been involved in multi-trillion dollar bailouts and reckless easy money policies that created asset bubbles in the stock and real estate markets,” said Sen. Lee, a member of the Joint Economic Committee. “The Constitution grants Congress the power to oversee the implementation of sound monetary policy. It is an area that receives too little attention even though it has a great impact on our economy.”

Specifically, FRMA would:1. Replace the Fed’s dual mandate with a single mandate for achieving price stability; 2. Make the Fed articulate its lender-of-last-resort policy; 3. Extend permanent Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) voting membership to all regional Federal

Reserve Bank Presidents; 4. Allow the Fed to release its meeting transcripts within three years to increase transparency; 5. Require the Fed report on the impact of FOMC policies on the exchange rate value of the U.S. dollar; 6. Have the Fed invest only in Treasuries, repos and reverse repos, except during emergencies; and 7. Require the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to be funded through regular Congressional appropriations.

Of 47 major countries, including all G-7 and OECD countries, the U.S. is one of only two countries (Canada being the other) that do not have a single mandate for price stability or a primary mandate for price stability. Price stability is key to growth and jobs because it encourages employers to invest and create jobs.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, April 12, 2012

Lee: “Buffett Rule” Attempting to Divide, Distract AmericansNEW YORK – Last night, Senator Mike Lee discussed President Obama’s push to distract Americans with the “Buffett Rule,” legislation that raises taxes on job creators and ignores the need for comprehensive tax reform.

LEE: “To what end is the right question to be asking because [the Buffett Rule] doesn’t solve our jobs problem. It does not solve our debt problem, our deficit problem. It does not solve the problem associated with increased fuel prices…This does not solve any of the problems that are of most concern to Americans.

“Americans want jobs, they want to be able to afford their way of life. They don’t need a president coming in and try to divide Americans, to pit one group of Americans against another in a way that won’t solve anything we’re facing right now. And that is why we see this as a cynical campaign-year effort to distract attention away from the fact that our economy is in trouble, in part because our government is simply too big and expensive.”

“We are talking about four or five billion per year, which is a lot of money, but a tiny drop in the bucket when we look at our overall budget, our annual deficit. This is a tiny amount. It won’t perceptively change anyone’s tax burden, not anyone’s. But what it will do, what it very likely could do, is chill exactly the kind of economic activity we desperately need in this country: investment; people with money putting their capital at risk so as to create jobs.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETuesday, May 15, 2012

Lee Offers Amendment to End Export-Import BankWASHINGTON—Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) delivered a speech on the Senate floor today regarding his amendment to the Export-Import Bank Reauthorization legislation, which is scheduled to get a vote in the Senate today. His amendment seeks to wind down the Export-Import bank over the next year.

“It’s time that we wind down the Export-Import Bank, and my amendment, amendment number 2100, would do precisely that. The American people cannot be the world’s financial backstop. The government shouldn’t be picking winners and losers. Businesses in Utah and across the country are not receiving government help and are shutting their doors after decades serving their communities. We should not through this government be adding insult to injury by using tax money they contributed to prop up companies overseas.

“We need to end the corporate welfare that distorts the market and feeds crony capitalism. The corporations that largely benefit from the Ex-Im Bank should have no trouble marshaling their resources to compete in today’s economy. If they are struggling, then they are most likely not deserving of taxpayer help, and if they are turning billions in profit, then they clearly do not need taxpayer-subsidized loans.

“Further, government subsidies breed undue favoritism from government bureaucrats who control where the money goes. Unless we want more Solyndras, we should end the practice immediately.

“Some have suggested that the Ex-Im bank is good for businesses. Mr. President, what’s best for American businesses is getting the federal government out of their way, letting them operate without burdensome government regulations and without a complex tax system. Having the government pick winners and losers does not make industries stronger and makes them more dependent on subsidies, and when government is picking who wins, the loser is always the taxpayer.

“We have an opportunity today to reverse the status quo and defend the American taxpayer. My amendment winds down the Ex-Im Bank. I urge my colleagues to support this amendment, amendment number 2100. Thank you, Mr. President.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, August 1, 2012

Lee Introduces Cut, Cap, Balance ActBill Would Dodge the “Fiscal Cliff” and Eliminate the Sequester

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee reintroduced legislation with 21 cosponsors that would put the country on a path toward sound financial footing, significantly reduce the annual deficit and national debt, and require Congress to balance the federal budget. The bill, known as “Cut, Cap, Balance,” would cut federal spending immediately, cap all future spending at sustainable levels, and demand that a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution first pass Congress and be sent to the States before Congress raises the statutory debt limit.

“The country is on an unsustainable fiscal path,” said Lee, a member of the Joint Economic Committee and author of the consensus Republican Balanced Budget Amendment. “Cut, Cap, Balance is the only plan with significant support in the House and Senate that will address our debt and deficits, control spending, and fundamentally change the way Washington does business.”

The legislation cuts $62 billion from discretionary spending in 2013, places caps on future spending over the next decade, and creates a glide path to balancing the budget by 2020. It also effectively “turns off” the sequester – the massive spending cuts to domestic and defense programs due to trigger at the end of the year – by amending the Budget Control Act and offsetting the cost of the sequester with other cuts.

The bill is an updated version of last year’s “Cut, Cap, Balance Act” and reflects new budget numbers. It currently has a growing list of 21 cosponsors in the Senate, and there are plans to introduce corresponding legislation in the House. In a CNN poll conducted when the bill was introduced last year, 66% of the country supported the Cut, Cap, Balance plan. The previous version of the plan passed easily in the House, but was then tabled by Majority Leader Harry Reid in the Senate.

“Congress has a spending problem and it’s our job to fix it. This plan does that,” said Lee. “It’s not right to ask the American people to pay for the debt Congress created, especially if it has not taken significant steps to reverse overspending. We have to identify our priorities, set responsible spending levels to meet them, and eliminate the trillion dollar deficits that are sapping the economy of precious resources. Cut, Cap, Balance moves us in the right direction so we can restore confidence in our economy, create jobs, and get the country moving again.”

Senator Lee’s bill is currently cosponsored by Sens. Paul (KY), DeMint (SC), Coburn (OK), Blunt (MO), Risch (ID), Toomey (PA), Graham (SC), Isakson (GA), Vitter (LA), Rubio (FL), Cornyn (TX), Crapo (ID), Johnson (WI), Alexander (TN), Chambliss (GA), Barrasso (WY), Inhoffe (OK), Hatch (UT), Boozman (AR), Wicker (MS), and Thune (SD). UPDATE: Senator Portman (OH) has joined the list of cosponsors.


Energy and Natural Resources Committee 2012 Summary

Overview Senator Lee’s legislative priorities concerning domestic natural resources are founded on principles of federalism, a respect for private property, and a reliance on free market economics. Senator Lee has been and will continue to be an ardent supporter of unlocking federal lands for responsible development, in Utah and across the West. Additionally, Senator Lee is committed to defending the state of Utah’s role in creating tailored regulations that best balance environmental concerns and economic growth, and participating in Congressional oversight of federal agencies.

Utah is blessed with immense natural resources, and the production and extraction of these resources will continue to be an essential part of the economic growth of the State. As a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Senator Lee looks forward to debating and voting on these critical issues. Legislation Sponsored and Co-sponsored

I. Major Co-Sponsored Legislation a. Disposal of Excess Federal Lands Act

i. Directs the Secretary of the Interior to offer for disposal by competitive sale certain federal lands in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, previously identified as suitable for disposal in the report submitted to Congress on May 27, 1997, pursuant to the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996.

b. Federal Lands Designation Act i. Bars a covered unit (a unit of the National Forest System, National

Park System, National Wildlife Refuge System, National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, National Trails System, National Wilderness Preservation System, or any other system established by federal law, a national monument, or any national conservation or national recreation area) from being established unless approved by the legislature of the state in which the proposed covered unit is located.

c. Catastrophic Wildfire Protection Act i. Authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture (USDA), with respect to

National Forest System lands and the Secretary of the Interior, with respect to public lands, (the Secretaries) to implement authorized wildfire prevention projects in at-risk forests and on threatened and endangered species habitat in a manner that focuses on surface, ladder, and canopy fuels reduction activities.


d. Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act S. 2064 i. Amends the Internal Revenue Code to repeal: (1) the excise tax

credits for alcohol fuel, biodiesel, and alternative fuel mixtures; (2) the tax credits for the purchase of certain plug-in electric vehicles and alternative motor vehicles; (3) the alternative fuel vehicle refueling property tax credit; (4) the tax credits for alcohol used as fuel and for biodiesel and renewable diesel used as fuel; (5) the enhanced oil recovery tax credit and the tax credit for producing oil and gas from marginal wells; (6) the tax credit for carbon dioxide sequestration; (7) the energy tax credit; and (8) the tax credits for investment in qualifying advanced coal projects and qualifying gasification projects. Terminates after 2012 the tax credits for the production of electricity from certain renewable resources and from advanced nuclear power facilities.

ii. Repeals the grant program under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for payments to invest in alternative and renewable energy property in lieu of tax credits.

iii. Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to reduce the corporate income tax rates by prescribing proportionate modifications to such rates based upon revenue savings resulting from the repeal of energy tax expenditures by this Act.

e. ESA Settlement Reform Bill i. Amends the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to require the

Secretary of the Interior, within 30 days after being served with a complaint in an action alleging a failure to perform an act or duty related to an endangered species or threatened species determination, to publish the complaint. Prohibits the failure of the Secretary to meet such deadline from being the basis for such an action. Sets forth requirements concerning the intervention in such actions by affected parties and referral to a mediation program.

ii. Authorizes the court, in issuing any final order in such an action, to award litigation costs to any party. Prohibits the court from: (1) awarding litigation costs in any proposed covered settlement, (2) granting a motion that is based on a proposed covered settlement or other consent decree that includes payment for litigation costs, (3) approving a proposed covered settlement unless each state and county in which the Secretary believes a species occurs approves it, or (4) granting a motion that is based on a proposed covered settlement unless such settlement is approved by each such state and county. Requires the courts to ensure that a settlement is approved by each such state and county.

iii. Requires the Secretary to provide notice of a proposed covered settlement to each such state and county. Authorizes a court to approve such a settlement or grant such a motion if, within 45 days of notification, a: (1) state or county fails to respond, and (2) each


state or county that responds approves the covered settlement, or (3) all of the states and counties fail to respond.

II. Other Supported Legislation

a. Preserve the Waters of the United States Act – S. 2245 b. Boutique Fuel Reduction Act of 2011 – S. 511 c. A bill to prohibit the establishment of national monuments in Utah –

S. 1182 d. National Monument Designation Transparency and Accountability

Act – S. 407 e. FLAIR Act – S. 1153 f. CARE Act – S. 609 g. Gray Wolf ESA Bill – S. 249 h. Wasatch Range Recreation Access Enhancement Act – S. 1883 i. Bonneville Unit Clean Hydropower Facilitation Act S. 499 j. Defense of Environment and Property Act – S. 2122 k. Government Litigation Savings Act – S. 1061 l. Hill Creek Extension Land Transfer Act – S. 3305 m. Keystone XL Act - S. 2041 n. Section 103 prevention of funding EPA – S. 2226 o. Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act of 2011 – S. 1087 p. Graving Improvement Act of 2011 – S. 1129 q. County Payments Reauthorization Act of 2011 – S. 1692 r. Defending America’s Affordable Energy and Jobs Act – S. 228 s. Free Sugar Act of 2011 – S. 685 t. Y Mountain Access Enhancement Act – S. 2471 u. Order 1000 Act – S. 400 v. Federal Register Notice Timeliness Act – S. 1844 w. Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act – S. 1751 x. Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Act – S. 3382 y. Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 – S. 482 z. South Valley Utah Electric Conveyance Act – S. 500 aa. Protecting Public Safety and Sacred Sites from the Utah Prairie Dog

Act of 2011 – S. 1580 bb. American Energy and Western Jobs Act – S. 1027 cc. Fracturing Regulations are Effective in State Hands Act – S. 2248

Looking Forward In the 113th Congress, it is not likely that any comprehensive legislation regarding energy and natural resources will reach the floor of the United States Senate. However, there are specific issues affecting Utah and the rest of the country that will be discussed and debated in Washington. One of the most pressing issues is whether exports of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) should be allowed. Senator Lee believes that increased LNG exports will allow


American companies to take advantage of the current surplus of domestic natural gas and will help boost GDP. The concerns raised by some over the possibility of increased domestic prices are certainly worth consideration, but arbitrarily keeping prices suppressed by preventing exports would have detrimental impacts to long-term price stability. By all reports, this year will be a busy one for the country’s regulatory agencies, with new regulations being proposed almost daily. Senator Lee will remain engaged in the regulatory process, and will seek to ensure that any new regulations respect states rights and private property. Among these are the long-awaited BLM and EPA regulations on hydraulic fracturing; the regulation of which Senator Lee believes should remain under state jurisdiction. These and other regulations have the potential to burden Utah’s economy without proportionate benefit, and Senator Lee will work to prevent unreasonable regulations. Senator Lee will continue to argue for large-scale reform of the Endangered Species Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Equal Access to Justice Act, as these laws have been extended far beyond the original intent of Congress since their passage. While such reform is unlikely in the 113th Congress, Senator Lee will continue to look for opportunities to build a case for such reforms and make corrections where possible.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, January 9, 2012

Senators and Congressman Denounce Obama Administration’s Decision to Ban Uranium Mining in Northern Arizona

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), John Barrasso (R-WY) and Mike Lee (R-UT) and U.S. Congressmen Rob Bishop (UT-01), Jeff Flake (AZ-06), David Schweikert (AZ-05) and Ben Quayle (AZ-03) issued the following statement denouncing the Obama Administration’s decision announced today by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to withdraw approximately 1 million acres of federal land in northern Arizona from uranium mining:

“The Obama Administration’s ban on uranium mining is a devastating blow to job creation in northern Arizona, particularly in Mohave County,” said Senator John McCain. “This decision is fueled by an emotional public relations campaign pitting the public’s love for the Grand Canyon against a modern form of low-impact mining that occurs many miles from the Canyon walls and in no way impacts the quality of drinking water from the Colorado River. It is deeply unfortunate that certain environmental groups have chosen to break faith with a 30 year-old compromise with environmentalists that successfully balanced conservation with mining and other commercial activities. The Administration has shown that it is either careless enough to break this historic agreement or foolish enough to fall for these groups’ alarmist arguments. Either way, the Obama Administration’s decision will cost Arizonans more high paying jobs under the false pretense of ‘protecting’ one of our national treasures, the Grand Canyon.”

“Today’s announcement by the Interior Department shows how much this Administration just doesn’t get it,” said Senator Orrin Hatch. “Mining this land poses no environmental threat and is expected to create thousands of jobs, but the Administration continues to pander to extremist environmentalists who oppose one of the cleanest sources of energy we have. I wish I could say today’s announcement comes as a surprise but sadly it’s just another sign that the Obama Administration is one of the most anti-American energy presidencies in history.”

“The Obama Administration must end its war on western jobs,” said Senator John Barrasso. “Secretary Salazar’s decision is irresponsible and overturns a reasonable, decades old compromise between conservationists and uranium producers. With 8.5 percent unemployment, we need the good-paying jobs and the energy that America’s uranium producers provide. Make no mistake, this decision is a step backwards for the unemployed and America’s energy security.”

“This administration has proven incapable of using even the slightest bit of common sense when it comes to lands policy,” said Senator Mike Lee. “The American people are desperate for jobs, and our domestic energy industry provides some of the best paying jobs in the western states. However, the President and Interior Secretary Salazar are intent on appeasing their friends in the extreme left wing of the environmentalist movement during an election year by locking up as much land as possible, regardless of the negative effects on our economy. For energy production that has long been safe and responsible, the announcement represents a needless overreaction to a fictitious problem.”


“It is unconscionable that the Administration has yet again caved to political pressure from radical special interest groups rather than standing up for the American people. Banning access to the most uranium rich land in the United States will be overwhelmingly detrimental to both jobs in Utah and Arizona and our nation’s domestic energy security. While I’m disappointed that the Administration has again allowed politics to usurp sound science, I am unfortunately not surprised. The President and his cabinet have proven they’re already on the campaign trail and right now it’s more about pandering to their political allies than doing what’s right for the American people,” said Congressman Rob Bishop, Chairman of the House Natural Resources subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands.

“Uranium mining in northern Arizona occurs well outside Grand Canyon National Park and poses no threat to the Grand Canyon or the tourism industry in northern Arizona. This withdrawal is simply another example of the Obama Administration’s overreach that will stymie local economic growth and local job creation,” said Congressman Jeff Flake.

“I am extremely disappointed that the Obama Administration continues to do everything in its power to implement the job-killing policies of fringe environmental groups. At a time when we are desperate for jobs and economic growth, it’s clear political positioning got the best of the Administration’s decision,” said Congressman David Schweikert.

“Secretary Salazar’s announcement is yet another example of the Obama Administration putting politics above all else,” said Congressman Ben Quayle. “The Department of Interior’s own study shows that uranium mining in this part of Arizona poses little to no environmental risk. Unfortunately, the President is more concerned with his own re-election and catering to radical environmental groups than creating hundreds of jobs in Arizona.”

The decision by Secretary Salazar disregards the Arizona Wilderness Act of 1984 (AWA), a compromise that permanently banned uranium exploration on over 650,000 acres outside the Grand Canyon through designated Wilderness. This historic agreement was part of a negotiated compromise with environmental groups which affirmed the compatibility of mining with conservation interests in areas not locked away by the Wilderness Act. Additionally, the Interior Department’s own environmental study on the proposed withdrawal found ‘no conclusive evidence’ that modern-day mining operations in this area are harming the Grand Canyon watershed.

Last October, U .S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Mike Lee (R-UT) and John Barrasso (R-WY) and U.S. Congressmen Trent Franks (AZ-02), Rob Bishop (UT-01), Jeff Flake (AZ-06), Paul Gosar (AZ-01), David Schweikert (AZ-05) and Ben Quayle (AZ-03) introduced the Northern Arizona Mining Continuity Act of 2011 in an effort to stop the U.S. Department of the Interior from banning mining in a vast area of Arizona, and killing jobs in the uranium mining industry.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, January 30, 2012

Bipartisan Group of Senators to Introduce Legislation to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline

44 Cosponsors Support the Bill

WASHINGTON –U.S. Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), David Vitter (R-La.) and a total of 44 senators today announced that they will introduce legislation to approve the Keystone XL pipeline project under Congress’s authority enumerated in the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8. The bipartisan group of senators committed to working together to advance this critical project for the United States. Hoeven, Lugar and the other senators have been working with colleagues in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to ensure that this vital project is advanced. The legislation authorizes TransCanada to construct and operate the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta, Canada, to the U.S. Gulf Coast, transporting an additional 830,000 barrels of oil per day to U.S. refineries, which includes 100,000 barrels a day from the Bakken region of North Dakota and Montana. The bill allows the company to move forward with construction of the pipeline in the United States while the state of Nebraska works to determine an alternative route. Hoeven secured an opinion from the non-partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) confirming Congress’s constitutional authority to approve the project.

The Keystone XL pipeline project has been under review for more than three years, but President Obama rejected it last week saying the 60-day provision authored by Lugar, Hoeven and Vitter included in the payroll tax cut extension bill passed in December didn’t give him enough time to review the project. In fact, the Obama Administration spent 1,217 days reviewing the pipeline and there was no time limit on the State Department’s ability to review the Nebraska portion of the project.

“Our legislation not only acknowledges the vital national interest this project represents on many levels, but also works in a bipartisan way to begin construction,” Senator Hoeven said. “It will create thousands of jobs, help control fuel prices at the pump and reduce our reliance on Middle East oil and it can be accomplished with congressional authority, just as the Alaska Pipeline was nearly 40 years ago. The reality is that if America doesn’t build the Keystone project the Canadian oil will still be produced and shipped, but instead of being refined in the United States by American workers and benefiting American consumers, it will be shipped by tanker across the Pacific to China.”

“The job creation, economic and energy security arguments are overwhelmingly in favor of building the pipeline. A majority of Americans support it. President Obama’s opposition is not in the best interest of the United States. The President has failed to lead but we will not stop trying to complete this critical supply line,” Senator Lugar said.


“This new bill is a lot like the old one, but it makes it definitive that Congress has the authority to push the Keystone XL Pipeline forward,” said Senator Vitter. “Everyone in Washington talks about saving the economy and creating jobs – the Keystone XL project will actually do something about that. And it would be pure politics for the president not to support it.”

“The President said recently that he was for an ‘all of the above’ approach to energy, yet he rejected the one bipartisan energy project that is shovel-ready and can produce thousands of new jobs almost immediately – the Keystone XL Pipeline,” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said. “While it’s clear that the President was appealing to his liberal environmental base when he blocked Keystone, this legislation would move us towards the creation of thousands of jobs and energy security for our nation.”

“There is absolutely no rational justification for standing in the way of profitable enterprise that would create American jobs, American wealth, and greater American energy security,” said Senator Lee. “President Obama is kowtowing to the most extreme elements of the environmentalist movement by blocking the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, and he has the audacity to do so while calling Congress ‘obstructionist.’ It is time for America to reject the president’s failed economic policies and embrace proven methods of job creation, and this bill is a step in the right direction.”

Legislative Summary

The Keystone XL pipeline has been subject to rigorous environmental analysis for more than three years, and was on schedule to be decided on by the U.S. State Department by the end of 2011. By contrast, the original Keystone pipeline took two years to review and became operational last year.

The Hoeven-Lugar-Vitter legislation builds off the completed Environmental Impact Statement, which was finished by the State Department on Aug. 26, 2011. Additionally, it requires the U.S. State Department to enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) within 30 days with the State of Nebraska to assist in rerouting in that state, which will be subject to the Nebraska governor’s agreement on the route within the state. However, it allows Nebraska all the time it needs to identify a new route within the state to strengthen the completed Environmental Impact Statement.

Further, the legislation requires strong environmental and safety requirements by incorporating the environmental and safety standards required and finalized by the Secretary of State. At the same time, the bill protects state and local laws relating to the protection of private property rights by ensuring those laws are not changed in this process.

In addition to Senators Hoeven, Lugar, and Vitter, other original cosponsors of the bill are Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Mike Johanns (R-Neb.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), John Thune (R-S.D.), Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), John Boozman (R-Ark.), Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Ala.), Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.); Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Patrick Toomey (R-Penn.), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), Dan Coats (R-Ind.), Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Dean Heller (R-Nev.), Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.).


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, January 30, 2012

Hatch, Lee Introduce Legislation to Resolve Land Ownership for Homeowners Near Scofield Reservoir

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) today introduced legislation that allows for the transfer of ownership of certain federal lands surrounding the Scofield Reservoir in Carbon County. Within the last few years it has been discovered that dozens of homes around the Reservoir are encroaching on land owned by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), meaning that homeowners do not own the land underneath their homes. The legislation allows the homeowners to purchase the land from the Bureau.

“This common-sense legislation ensures that the families who have owned homes around the Reservoir for generations will not have to worry that their homes will be seized and destroyed by the government,” Hatch said. “Hopefully this legislation moves quickly and we can resolve this issue once and for all.”

“This solution will ensure the affected residents of Carbon County are protected and their homes are not in jeopardy,” said Sen. Lee. “With the help of Senator Hatch and Rep. Matheson, I am confident that will be the case.”

The issue became a priority for Senator Hatch last year after State Rep. Patrick Painter raised the issue and the potential devastation that could be caused to the homeowners in Carbon County. U.S. Rep. Jim Matheson is planning on introducing identical legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, February 2, 2012

DeMint, Lee Bill Would End Corporate Welfare for Energy Companies in Tax Code

Energy Freedom & Economic Prosperity Act Repeals all Energy Tax Subsidies

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) introduced the Energy Freedom & Economic Prosperity Act (EFEPA) to repeal all energy specific tax credits. The legislation is revenue neutral as it also requires a corresponding reduction in the corporate tax rate. U.S. Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-Kansas) has previously introduced companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Senator DeMint said, “Our tax code is riddled with loopholes for special interests and it’s time to end this corporate welfare that is hurting our economy. When Washington picks winners and losers in the energy market, those with the highest paid lobbyists win while the small businesses and taxpayers lose. We shouldn’t favor ethanol over hydrogen, nuclear over natural gas, or oil over renewables. The free market economy works when everyone competes on a level playing field and works to provide Americans with the best, lowest-cost products. The ultimate solution is to create a true flat tax that ends all corporate welfare, and this is a significant first step.”

Senator Lee said, “The federal government has for decades been making the mistake of picking winners and losers in the energy industry. Not only does this go against the very nature of the American economy, but it is accomplished by adding layers of costly complexity to our tax code. The waste and futility of our current energy policies are demonstrated time and time again, from the backfiring of ethanol mandates to the bankruptcies of favored companies like Solyndra to the utterly inexplicable rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline. In this era of rapidly growing energy demands, we must be willing to stop government interference in the energy market and the obstruction of domestic energy production. There is no more efficient way to power the nation.”

Congressman Pompeo said, “I applaud Senators DeMint and Lee for leading the charge in the Senate against President Obama’s failed policy of energy tax subsidies. For far too long, Washington has engaged in crony capitalism by using the tax code to pick winners and losers in the marketplace. This is all too evident in our current energy policy. My bill, The Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act (HR 3308) is a comprehensive and thorough effort to stop this “Washington knows best” approach. I am thrilled that Senators DeMint and Lee have taken Senate action and joined with me to end taxpayer handouts to politically favored industries. Neither our nation, nor our free market system, can afford them.”

EFEPA is supported by numerous taxpayer-watchdog groups including Americans for Prosperity, Americans for Tax Reform, Club for Growth, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, Freedom Action, Heritage Action, Less Government, National Taxpayers Union, and Taxpayers for Common Sense.


The EFEPA will make the following changes:

• Repeals all energy tax credits.

• Treats all energy sources fairly by eliminating all tax credits for renewable and conventional energy sources alike. The EFEPA does not pick winners and losers.

• Requires a corresponding reduction in the corporate tax rate which keeps the legislation revenue neutral and does not take any more money out of the private economy for politicians to spend.

• Assuming these tax credits are continuously extended this legislation would end nearly $90 billion in energy subsidies over the next 10 years, including credits that expired at the end of 2011.

Subsidies that will be eliminated under EFEPA include:

Enhanced oil recovery credit, credit for producing oil and gas from marginal wells, advanced nuclear power generation credit, plug-in electric and fuel cell vehicles, alternative fuel and alternative fuel mixtures, cellulosic biofuel producer credit, alternative fuel infrastructure, production tax credit for electricity produced from renewable sources, investment tax credit for equipment (solar, fuel cells, geothermal or other renewable sources of energy), clean coal investment credits.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, February 8, 2012

Utah Congressional Delegation Pushes the Interior Department on Restrictive American Energy Policy

In Letter to the Interior Secretary, Delegation Calls for Recent BLM Ruling to be Scrapped

WASHINGTON – Utah’s Congressional delegation today wrote to Secretary Ken Salazar of the U.S. Department of the Interior to urge he overturn the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Oil Shale and Tar Sands that was recently announced. The PEIS reduced the federal lands available to oil shale development from 2 million acres to only 461,965 acres. Closing off these lands is a significant missed opportunity to create jobs and lower energy costs for Utahns.

In the letter to Secretary Salazar, the delegation notes that the BLM ruling runs contrary to President Obama’s message in his recent State of the Union address where he called for an “all-of-the-above strategy that develops every available source of American energy.”

HATCH: “The BLM’s decision is yet another assault on American energy production and the jobs that come with it. By cutting back the original oil shale and tar sands development lands by 75 percent, the Administration has made it clear that instead of going against their liberal environmentalist allies in an election year, their willing to import more foreign sources of oil and export more American jobs. It’s another failure in leadership from this White House while energy costs and unemployment are both far too high.”

LEE: “In his State of the Union, the President said he wanted to pursue an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy, but apparently that doesn’t include one of the country’s most abundant domestic sources. That has to set a land speed record for broken promises. Unfortunately, it will be the American people who suffer, both in lost jobs and in higher energy prices.”

MATHESON: “If the goal is to become less dependent on foreign oil, we need more domestic supply, including from untapped sources. New methodology to extract oil from shale is on the horizon in Utah. It should be allowed to compete for commercial development and BLM’s proposed leasing rules are an obstacle.”

BISHOP: “The Department of Interior’s decision to radically reduce BLM lands available for energy production in Utah and other western states illustrates this Administration’s lack of commitment to advance energy independence and jobs in the U.S. The political unrest occurring in many of the oil producing countries, upon which we increasingly rely, could send prices skyrocketing, and it’s hard-working Americans who would be forced to shoulder the burden of rising costs. This doesn’t have to be the case when we have abundant resources located right here in the U.S. that remain untapped, and millions of Americans out of work who would benefit from the subsequent creation of new jobs. Unfortunately, though, we have an Administration that is focused more on reelection and appealing to their special interest group supporters than doing what’s right for the future of this country.”


CHAFFETZ: “President Obama is hostile towards American energy. His decision to shut down oil shale development on public lands inhibits energy independence and economic growth. BLM professionals conducted a three-year, stakeholder driven environmental analysis pursuant to the bipartisan Energy and Policy Act of 2005. This apparently wasn’t good enough for the President. His need to re-review the review is disappointing and is lacking in leadership.” The full text of the letter is below:

February 7, 2012

The Honorable Ken SalazarSecretaryUnited States Department of the Interior1849 C Street, N.W.Washington, DC 20240

Dear Secretary Salazar:

We write to provide our comments on the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Oil Shale and Tar Sands. Our strongly held view is that the premise of the PEIS is supported by neither the spirit nor letter of the law, that the alternatives considered by this document are deficient, and that all of the preferred alternatives run contrary to the needs of the nation and of the President’s State of the Union message calling for an “all-of-the-above strategy that develops every available source of American energy.” The BLM’s stated preference for reducing the available acreage of oil shale and oil sands development by more than 75 percent causes the President’s statement to ring hollow.

Congress enacted the Oil Shale, Tar Sands, and Other Strategic Unconventional Fuels Act as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005), which passed with a large bipartisan majority. The law recognized the national strategic importance of developing domestic unconventional fuels and called for an effort by the relevant agencies of this government to “coordinate and accelerate the commercial development” of oil shale and oil sands. That is the spirit and letter of the law. With this announcement, the BLM is pursuing a path that is contrary to the clear intent of the law.

As required by EPAct 2005, three years of intensive studies, widespread stakeholder input, and robust public comment led to a comprehensive report by the Task Force on Strategic Unconventional Fuels and a final Oil Shale Rule in 2008 which set forth 2 million acres of land available for potential oil shale development. We fail to understand why that massive regulatory process, completed by countless government professionals, is being arbitrarily discarded by the BLM. We also cannot discern whereby the BLM has the authority to unilaterally reverse enacted law or to break precedent by willfully failing to offer a No-Action Alternative. Even the BLM’s early announcement that it would revisit the 2008 Oil Shale Rule to consider wilderness characteristics would have been forbidden by the Congressional funding moratorium on the Department of the Interior Secretarial Wildlands Order 3310.

It is well known that the Department of Energy has determined that U.S. oil shale resources are about three times as large as the proven oil reserves of Saudi Arabia. As the world and our President must deal with an increasingly dangerous Middle East, it is unconscionable at this time to retreat from one of America’s greatest potential energy sources, especially when industry has shown the will and the means to move forward.

As you well know, oil shale has been commercially produced and sold competitively in global oil markets for decades. There is no lack of existing technology or data associated with that technology. Moreover, there has already been an impressive level of investment by members of industry ready to bring current and enhanced technology to American oil shale deposits. What is needed is a regulatory atmosphere that encourages this trend. Sadly, it appears that your administration has taken every opportunity to send the opposite signal to this burgeoning industry. The latest move by the BLM to restrict by more than 75 percent the acreage available to possible oil shale research and development would do harm to this industry and our nation’s energy security.

We strongly urge you to bring your department’s actions in line with the current law and the stated goals of the President Barack Obama. Rather than retreat from this important and strategic undertaking, you should take steps to vigorously defend the 2008 Oil Shale PEIS.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, February 29, 2012

Western Caucus Examines Washington Barriers to Prosperity and Property Rights in the West

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Senate Western Caucus Chairman John Barrasso (R-WY), Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Steve Pearce (R-NM), Hearing Chairman Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Members of the Senate and Congressional Western Caucuses hosted a bicameral hearing entitled “Washington Barriers to Prosperity and Property Rights in the West.”

Caucus Members and witnesses, including Idaho Governor Butch Otter and Mike and Chantell Sackett of Idaho, examined the Obama Administration’s environmental and natural resource policies and their negative impact on jobs, economic growth and private property rights in western states and communities.

Highlights from the Hearing:

U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT)

“Since Obama’s inauguration in 2009, gas prices have doubled, unemployment has increased, and our national debt has skyrocket. Today, we heard from people across the West who feel the pain of this administration’s indifference. Whether from an elected official focused on helping their state, county or town succeed, a fourth generation farmer trying to pass down the family farm a little better than he found it, or just a couple trying to build a home, we heard example after example of our federal government getting in the way of the American dream. The West and the rest of our country deserves better.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFriday, March 23, 2012

Governor Herbert, Federal Delegation, and State Legislators Join Together to Demand Transfer of Public Lands to Utah

SALT LAKE CITY – Today, Utah Governor Gary R. Herbert signed House Bill 148, which demands the federal government make good on the promises made in the 1894 Enabling Act to extinguish title to federal lands in Utah.

The Governor was joined by U.S. Senators Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee, Congressman Rob Bishop, Utah Representatives Ken Ivory and Roger Barrus, and other stakeholders in a show of unity for the effort to return public lands to state control.

H.B. 148 creates a principle-driven framework for a structured public dialogue, a potential legal challenge, and path forward to re-balance Utah’s relationship with the federal government.

“We need a paradigm change when it comes to public lands management. This bill creates a mechanism to put the federal government on notice that Utah must be restored to its rightful place as a co-equal partner,” said the Governor. “The federal government retaining control of two-thirds of our landmass was never in the bargain when we became a state, and it is indefensible 116 years later.

“This is only the first step in a long process, but it is a step we must take. Federal control of our public lands puts Utah at a distinct disadvantage, specifically with regard to education funding,” he continued. “State and local property taxes cannot be levied on federal lands, and royalties and severance taxes are curtailed due to federal land use restrictions. Federal control hampers our ability to adequately fund our public education system.”

“Utahns can better manage the lands in our state far better than any bureaucrat in Washington ever could,” said Senator Orrin Hatch. “As a leader in the Sagebrush Rebellion, I’ve been fighting to turn federal lands in our state over to Utahns to own and control. I believe we are in a climate where, if we do it right, the lands in Utah can finally be under the management of our state, and I applaud the Legislature, Governor Herbert, and other parties in our state for sending this message.”

“This issue is as much about state sovereignty as it is about our state economy,” said Senator Mike Lee. “Utah can manage its priorities – like education, public safety, and health care – much more efficiently than the federal government. But the state needs resources to be effective and Washington is standing in the way. Utahns deserve the opportunity to use the land how they see fit to improve the state economy, the education system, and our communities.”


“Signing this bill into law is a vital step in our united efforts to return the land back to the State of Utah where it rightfully belongs. Maintaining the status quo, with the federal government owning nearly 70% of the state, will continue to hurt education funding. Children in Utah’s public school system deserve every educational opportunity afforded to those who come from states with few federal lands,” said Congressman Rob Bishop. “This was never intended to be a plight for the state and much of the West. However, Washington bureaucrats have been stockpiling and hoarding land as part of their overzealous efforts to grow federal power. As a result, our ability to generate funding for public education has been severely hampered. Utah has suffered long enough and it’s time that the federal government allow the state to have the opportunity to better manage and control the land within our border. I am grateful to Governor Herbert, Lieutenant Governor Bell, and especially State Legislators Ken Ivory and Roger Barrus for their efforts to make this legislation a success.”

“A unanimous U.S. Supreme Court recently declared that congress cannot change the ‘uniquely sovereign character of a state’s admission’ into the Union and that this proposition applies with even greater force where ‘virtually all of a State’s public lands are at stake.’ With trillions of dollars in mineral resources and millions of acres of our lands tied up by acts of congress, what is at stake is a $2 billion education funding gap and nearly $5 billion in federal funds to Utah that are seriously at risk from a fiscally reckless federal government,” said Representative Ken Ivory. “After waiting 116 years, we simply can’t wait any longer for Washington to honor to Utah the same promise it made and kept with all states east of Colorado to transfer title the public lands in a timely fashion from being admitted into the Union.”

“Utah’s children deserve equal treatment with the children of any other state. Utah consistently ranks last in per-pupil spending. Without access to our public lands, it would take ruinous tax increases to bring Utah to the national per-pupil average,” said Governor Herbert. “I am leading this fight because we are reaching a point when our educational needs – which are critical to sustained economic growth – are colliding with broken federal promises and moribund federal policies. The status quo cannot continue. This is a fight worth fighting.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, April 25, 2012

Lee Responds to Interior Secretary’s Comments on Utah LandsWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee responded to comments made yesterday by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar regarding recent Utah state land transfer legislation. The bill sets a deadline for the federal government to transfer all lands not designated as “wilderness” or as a national park to state control by 2014. In a statement during a campaign-style press conference in Washington D.C., Salazar suggested Utah state legislators were not serious about the land transfer, calling it “political rhetoric you see in an election year.”

“The White House remains in full campaign mode spending taxpayer funds to rally their political base with events such as yesterday’s press conference with Secretary Salazar,” said Lee, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “But let me assure the Secretary and the President that Utahns and their representatives could not be more serious about protecting our land rights and preventing federal land grabs.

“More than two-thirds of all the land within Utah’s borders is owned by the federal government, which makes it very difficult to grow our state economy, pay for education, and create new opportunities for Utahns. The President and his advisers like to talk about “fairness,” yet how fair is it that the state of Utah must ask for federal permission to use the vast majority of their own land?

“Thankfully, states like Arizona are joining Utah in standing up for their rights and I certainly expect more to support our effort soon.

“Frankly, given the President’s terrible record on energy security, exploration and development, gas prices, and property rights, it is not surprising he would want to distract attention from his failed and economy-crippling policies and inject politics into these important issues. But we will not let him hide from his decisions that hurting families and communities.”



Lee Introduces Federal Land Designation Requirements Act of 2012WASHINGTON—Senator Mike Lee introduced the Federal Land Designation Requirements Act of 2012, which would limit the federal government’s power to make a variety of land designations, including national parks, national monuments, and national recreation areas. The bill requires the approval of the state legislature before the federal government can make any federal land designation.

“Federal and state authority must be balanced if we are to have successful land use policies,” said Senator Lee. “Too often, the federal government ignores the people’s rights to determine for themselves how best to utilize their own land. States with smaller populations, like Utah, end up with only a limited voice in Congress. The process should include greater protections for states and local communities against unwanted and often economically damaging decisions.

“Requiring the federal government and state governments to agree on proper land designation balances the interests of all involved without interfering with the protection of areas that truly deserve protection.“

The bill is currently cosponsored by Senators John Barasso (R-WY), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Rand Paul (R-KY).


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, July 19, 2012

Lee Introduces Bill to Address WildfiresWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced legislation that would protect communities near federal lands that are at risk of catastrophic wildfire destruction. The bill would expedite projects to reduce fuel loads on certain lands owned by the federal government through livestock grazing and timber management plans. It reduces regulatory burdens on these projects while still allowing for reasonable public review and environmental analysis.

“The lives and livelihoods of affected communities are at risk by poor management of our public lands,” said Lee, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “The bill will allow federal agencies to implement fuel reduction projects to reduce the danger of catastrophic fires in the future and address a key component that caused much of the wildfire destruction we have seen recently.”

The “Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Act of 2012” was first introduced in the House by Arizona Representative Paul Gosar (AZ-1) and has 31 cosponsors, including Utah Reps. Bishop and Matheson.

“I thank Senator Lee for joining me to push for this common sense solution that will prevent catastrophic fire conditions in our national forests,” said Rep. Paul Gosar. “With nearly 900 forest fires having raged across the country, especially in Arizona, Utah and other western states, the legislation we’ve proposed will be crucial tools in fighting devastating wildfires. By removing the red tape and expediting the federal review process on Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management lands we can better manage our forests and create rural jobs. The gridlock between agencies must end.”

“The Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Act empowers land managers to more dynamically manage our nation’s public lands,” said National Parks, Forests, and Public Land Subcommittee Chairman Rob Bishop. “Timber harvests and livestock grazing are effective tools that when used responsibly can promote forest health and reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire. The Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Act ensures that hazardous fuel reduction and forest restoration activities are done in an efficient, effective, and environmentally responsible manner. I’m grateful that Sen. Lee has introduced the Senate companion and look forward to the House consideration of the bill [HR 5744] before the Subcommittee Friday morning.”So far, nearly 400,000 acres of Utah land have burned this year.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFriday, November 30, 2012

Lee Calls to Extend Comment Period for Proposal to List Coral Pink Sand Dunes Tiger Beetle as Threatened

WASHINGTON – On November 2, 2012, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) joined Representatives Rob Bishop (R-UT) and Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) in asking Director Daniel Ashe of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to provide a 90 day extension to the comment period for the Proposed Rule on Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Threatened Status for Coral Pink Sand Dunes Tiger Beetle and Designation of Critical Habitat.

In a letter written to Ashe, these three members of the Utah delegation identify the complexity of the proposed designation of critical habitat, the requirement that comments be highly technical in nature, and the need for the Service to make cited sources available to the public as reasons for the proposed extension.

On November 23, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service made the cited sources available to the public leaving only 10 days for the public to make informed comments on this proposal before the comment period closes on December 3.

“An initial review of the proposal to list the Coral Pink Sand Dunes tiger beetle as a threatened species and the designation of critical habitat indicates that this listing could essentially shut down one of Utah’s popular state parks,” Lee said. “Because this listing could shut down the Coral Pink Sand Dunes for recreational use, a thorough analysis of whether this species truly warrants the powerful protections of the Endangered Species Act is necessary. I am hopeful that the Fish and Wildlife Service will provide a 90 day extension to the comment period to give the public the time it needs to evaluate this proposal.”


Judiciary Committee

2012 Summary In 2012, Senator Lee continued his active and prominent role on the Senate Judiciary Committee as a Constitutional scholar and defender of individual liberty. He carefully scrutinized each bill brought before the Committee to ensure that it does not encroach on States’ rights and the Constitution’s other guarantees of liberty. For example, he played a key role in opposing potential violations of individual liberty in the reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Amendments. He was also an original co-sponsor and key supporter of the legislation that passed the Senate and would prohibit the indefinite detention of U.S. persons apprehended in the United States.

Senator Lee also served as a leader on issues related to the president’s judicial and executive nominations. In addition to consistently attending hearings on individual nominees to determine their qualifications and their judicial philosophy, Senator Lee played an important role with respect to the President’s unconstitutional and unprecedented unilateral appointment of nominees to the National Labor Relations Board and the Consumer Financial Protection Board. Senator Lee voted against the president’s nominees until action was taken to check the president’s aggressive claim of executive power. Recently, the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit validated the position Senator Lee took when it ruled that the president’s unilateral appointments were unconstitutional and invalid.

Senator Lee served as the ranking member of the Antitrust Subcommittee. In that role, he worked to ensure that the government does not interfere with the proper functioning of the free market or pick winners and losers among businesses. He worked to protect free markets in the Subcommittee’s consideration of a joint venture between Verizon and Comcast, as well as its consideration of a merger between Universal and EMI. He also played a prominent role in asking substantive, fair questions of the president’s nominee for the director of the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, William Baer.

Senator Lee attended numerous oversight hearings to ensure that the Constitution’s separation of government powers and system of checks and balances functions properly. Among others, he attended hearings dedicated to oversight of the Patent and Trademark Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Department of Homeland Security.

Senator Lee is widely respected as a thoughtful, engaged, and courteous colleague on the Senate Judiciary Committee. His influence on the Committee has increased steadily during his time in office and will continue to grow in the coming years.


Accomplishments in 2012


FISA Sunsets Act of 2012 (S. 3276)

• Senator Lee led the opposition to reauthorization of controversial wiretapping provisions within the FISA Amendments Act.

• He made a statement in Committee setting forth constitutional grounds for opposition to reauthorization (without amendment) of the FISA Amendments Act.

• He introduced in Committee an amendment that would prohibit the government from conducting warrantless backdoor searches within their FISA database for information on U.S. persons.

• He authored minority views in Senate Report 112-229 setting forth opposition to FISA Amendments Act and the need for the amendment that was offered in Committee. Senator Durbin joined the views.

• Senator Lee was an original co-sponsor of four high profile amendments to the FISA Sunsets Act on the Senate Floor.

• The first amendment, offered by Senator Wyden, is similar to the one offered by Senator Lee in Committee and would prohibit the government from conducting warrantless backdoor searches.

• The second amendment (Merkley-Lee Amendment) would require that the government make publicly available previously secret FISA Court rulings (or, in the alternative, summaries of rulings) that make substantive interpretations of the law and hence affect Americans’ constitutional rights.

• The Third amendment (Wyden-Udall-Lee-Durbin Amendment) would require the Director of National Intelligence to provide information on the extent to which communications of Americans are collected under the FISA Amendments Act.

• The Fourth Amendment, introduced by Senator Paul, would prohibit the government from using an individual’s name or identification information to obtain information on a U.S. person from a third party unless the government has obtained consent or a warrant.

• Senator Lee gave a lengthy floor speech detailing the constitutional and prudential reasons why these amendments are necessary and why members should not reauthorize the FISA Amendments Act without implementation of such reforms.


National Defense Authorization Act

• Senator Lee played an important leadership role in opposing measures within the 2012 and 2013 NDAA bills that endanger important constitutional liberties.

• Senator Lee was an original co-sponsor and key supporter of the Due Process Guarantee Act (S. 2003), introduced by Senator Feinstein in December 2011. The Act would prohibit the indefinite detention of U.S. persons apprehended in the United States.

• Senator Lee attended and participated in a hearing held in February 2012 by the full Judiciary Committee on the Due Process Guarantee Act. Senator Lee asked witnesses several questions regarding the constitutional issues involved in indefinite detention.

• In November 2012, Senator Lee continued playing an important leadership role on the issue of indefinite detention when he gave a floor speech in support of the Feinstein-Lee Amendment to the 2013 NDAA. This amendment, like the Due Process Guarantee Act, would prohibit indefinite detention of U.S persons apprehended on U.S. soil. The Amendment passed the Senate, receiving 67 votes.

• Senator Lee met with groups concerned about potential misunderstanding of the scope of the Feinstein-Lee amendment and published a detailed blog post explaining how the Amendment would protect U.S. persons from indefinite detention.

Innovative Design Protection Act of 2012 (Fashion Bill)

• Senator Lee led opposition to the creation of a new and unjustified intellectual property right for fashion designs that would include a new right to sue for alleged infringement of a fashion design.

• Senator Lee made a statement in Committee setting forth the reasons creation of a new right at this time does not appear to be justified and might lead to undesirable unintended consequences.

• Senator Lee introduced an amendment that would provide for the court to grant reasonable attorneys’ fees to the prevailing party in an infringement lawsuit under the new law. This Amendment would ensure that the litigation system could not be abused by large fashion designers attempting to use the new law to bully smaller business. The Amendment received the votes of five Republicans on the Committee. Senator Lee’s leadership on the issue also resulted in four votes against the legislation in Committee.

• Senator Lee co-authored minority views on Senate Report PROTECT IP • While advocating for strong protection of intellectual property,


(PIPA) Senator Lee called into question several controversial provisions early on in the process, allowing time for effective opposition to build. Such provisions included the requirement for internet service providers to prevent the domain name of a rogue site from resolving to its IP address (DNS disconnect), the requirement for search engines to censor their results, and the definition of an “infringing site.”

• We met with dozens of interested parties both on the content side and on the internet side for several weeks, attempting to broker a deal that would protect both intellectual property and the stability and freedom of the internet.

• When efforts to come to a consensus failed, Senator Lee led out in opposing the bill and its overreaching enforcement provisions.

Violence Against Women Act

• Senator Lee led efforts to oppose the reauthorization of the costly grant programs that VAWA included, programs that violate principles of federalism and lead to increased state dependence on the Federal government.

• We met with and established an ongoing relationship with the YWCA, the largest domestic violence facility in Utah, eventually touring their facility in Salt Lake City.

Railroad Antitrust Bill

• Led opposition to bill that would impose additional regulations on rail industry, including lengthy speech on Senate floor setting forth concerns that helped prevent enactment of the legislation.

SAFE Doses Act

• Senator Lee cosponsored and helped pass legislation strengthening the fight against the theft of pre-retail medications and medical products.

• Before the bill was introduced in Committee, Senator Lee worked with the authoring office to ensure that the criminal provisions of the bill included an appropriate mens rea requirement, was suitably limited in its jurisdiction, and was free of mandatory minimums.

• As the bill came to the floor, Senator Lee worked to increase support from other Senators and ensure the bill’s passage.

Child Protection Improvements Act

• The CPIA as voted on in Committee would have a process by which children’s agencies could request FBI background checks, separate and distinct from the process that exists for all other similar requests.

• Senator Lee joined with Senator Sessions in demanding a reduction in the bureaucracy this bill would create, leading Senator Schumer to amend the bill before final passage to accord with his requests.



Antitrust Subcommittee

Verizon/Comcast Hearing

• Protected free markets by ensuring that companies can enter joint marketing agreements where such agreements do not harm consumers. Wrote detailed letter to the Department of Justice analyzing the proposed transaction.

Universal/EMI hearing

• Explored the factual complexities of the recorded music market through tough questions to witnesses. Tempered the Senator Kohl’s office’s position by co-writing a neutral letter to the FTC.

Nomination Hearing of William Baer as Director of DOJ Antitrust Division

• As the Ranking Member, asked numerous questions of the nominee to ensure that antitrust enforcement would protect free market competition and protect consumers.

Judiciary Committee Hearings

Judicial Nominations Hearings

• Attended and asked questions of President Obama’s federal district and appellate judicial nominees at 7 different nominations hearings throughout the year.

Oversight of Patent and Trademark Office

• Asked questions of director of PTO, specifically with respect to the propriety of exclusion orders in cases involving standard essential patents.

Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

• Asked Director Mueller questions regarding the NDAA and FISA Sunsets Act so as to ensure that Fourth Amendment rights are being protected.

Oversight of Department of Homeland Security

• Asked Secretary Napolitano questions regarding immigration, including a specific and prescient question regarding the propriety of using prosecutorial discretion in the immigration context given that Congress declined the enact the Dream Act.

Hearing on Oversight of the Impact on Competition of Exclusion Orders to Enforce Standard-

• Asked Assistant Attorney General Wayland and FTC Commissioner Ramirez questions to help determine the potential negative impacts of the International Trade Commission granting exclusion orders in cases involving standard essential patents.


Essential Patents Hearing on Ensuring Judicial Independence Through Civics Education

• Asked Justice O’Conner questions regarding the effect of state judicial elections on judicial independence.

Rising Prison Costs: Restricting Budgets and Crime Prevention Options

• Asked questions regarding the negative impact of increased sentences for low-impact crimes.

Judicial Nominees

President Obama’s Unconstitutional Recess Appointments

• Was the leader and intellectual force behind the arguments against President Obama’s unconstitutional appointments, giving numerous speeches and successfully

• In protest of President Obama’s unconstitutional appointments and violation of the separation of powers, voted against all President Obama’s judicial and executive nominees until the Leahy-Thurmond Rule was enforced in July.

Leahy-Thurmond Rule

• Was a leader on the Senate Judiciary Committee in pushing to enforce the Leahy-Thurmond Rule so as to prevent confirmation of Circuit Court nominees after June of a Presidential election year.

Paul Watford • Led opposition to confirmation of Watford to already-liberal dominated Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Through personal efforts on Senate floor, was able to convince 33 other Senators to vote against confirmation.

Andrew Hurwitz

• Led opposition to confirmation of Andrew Hurwitz, who had effectively claimed credit for helping develop the rationale for Roe v. Wade.

Brian Davis • Made statement in Judiciary Committee setting forth concerns with Mr. Davis’s nomination to a federal court in light of incendiary remarks the nominee had made with respect to race


and his own judicial bias. Utah district court nominees

• Made statements in nominations hearing, Committee markup hearing, and on Senate floor in support of David Nuffer and Robert Shelby.

Hearings Before the House of Representatives

President Obama’s Unconstitutional Recess Appointments

• Testified as a witness, providing an opening statement, written testimony, and responding to numerous questions from members of Congress regarding the constitutional issues raised by President Obama’s unilateral appointments

President Obama’s Abuse of Power

• Testified as a witness, providing an opening statement, written testimony, and responding to numerous questions from members of Congress regarding constitutional issues (including issues related to separation of powers) raised by President Obama’s actions.

• Made specific mention of President Obama’s unconstitutional recess appointments, obstruction of legitimate congressional efforts to oversee the executive’s failures with respect to Operation Fast & Furious, and President Obama’s unilateral decision to cease enforcing the Immigration and Nationality Act.





FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, January 5, 2012

Senator Lee: Cordray Appointment Shows Disrespect for ConstitutionWASHINGTON - The President’s decision yesterday to bypass the Senate and make four controversial recess appointments shows an alarming disrespect for Congress and our constitutional system of separation of powers. Article II, Section 2, paragraph 2 of the Constitution provides that such appointments must receive the “Advice and Consent” of the Senate. Article II, Section 2 elsewhere provides that the President may “fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate,” but Presidential practice and Senate precedent has long established that this authority does not extend to brief breaks such as the one used by the President yesterday to make his ill-advised appointments.

The Senate’s role in providing advice and consent is an important function under our constitutional system and I take very seriously my role to carefully consider the individuals nominated by the President. Unfortunately, the President has not shown the same level of care and respect for the Constitution and the role of the Senate. I join Leader McConnell, Senator Grassley, and others interested in upholding the separation of powers contemplated by the Constitution and call for the President to make public the legal and constitutional rationale for his hasty decision to ignore the Senate’s role in considering such nominations.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFriday, January 6, 2012

Senators Fight Back on AppointmentsToday, Senator Mike Lee joined Senators Charles Grassley, Orrin Hatch, Jon Kyle, Jeff Sessions, Lindsey Graham, John Cornyn, and Tom Coburn in signing a letter addressed to Attorney General Eric Holder regarding the recent appointment of four officials to various positions in the Obama administration. Excerpts of the letter are below.

Dear Attorney General Holder:

On Wednesday, President Obama deviated from over 90 years of precedent established by the Department of Justice (Department), and the Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), by recess appointing four individuals to posts in the Administration, namely Richard Cordray as the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and three members of the National Labor Relations Board, despite the fact that the Senate has not adjourned under the terms of a concurrent resolution passed by Congress. This action was allegedly based upon legal advice provided to the President by the Office of White House Counsel. We write today seeking information about what role, if any, the Department or OLC played in developing, formulating, or advising the White House on the decision to make these recess appointments. Further, we want to know whether the Department has formally revised or amended past opinions issued by the Department on this matter.

In 1921, Attorney General Daugherty issued an opinion to the President regarding recess appointments and the length of recess required for the President to make an appointment under Article II Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. The Attorney General opined that “no one, I venture to say, would for a moment contend that the Senate is not in session when an adjournment [of 2 days] is taken. Nor do I think an adjournment for 5 or even 10 days can be said to constitute the recess intended by the Constitution.”[1] The reasoning of the 1921 opinion was given affirmative recognition in subsequent opinions issued by the Department, including opinions issued in 1960,[2] 1992,[3] and 2001.[4]…Given the Department’s historical position on this issue and the President’s unprecedented decision to unilaterally reject the years of Department precedent and Executive Branch practice, we ask that you provide responses to the following questions:

(1) Was the Department asked to provide legal advice to the President regarding the decision to issue recess appointments of Cordray, Block, Flynn, and Griffin? If so, was a formal opinion from the Department prepared? If so, which office at the Department prepared the advice? If such advice was prepared, when will it to be made public?

(2) If a formal opinion was prepared, provide a copy of that opinion.

(3) Attorney General Opinions, such as the one offered in 1921, are essentially the forerunner to opinions that today come from the Office of Legal Counsel, providing legal advice to the President and executive branch on questions of law. Such OLC opinions are accorded, in the words of one former head of OLC, a “superstrong stare decisis presumption.” Was the 1921 Attorney General Opinion withdrawn to make way for this new opinion of law that a recess appointment could be exercised when the Senate is in recess for only three days?


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, January 18, 2012

Lee Reaffirms Opposition to PROTECT IP ActWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee reaffirmed his opposition to the PROTECT IP Act, flawed legislation that would unduly burden certain online businesses, threaten Internet security, and stifle innovation.

“Protection of private property rights is an essential foundation of our nation’s free market economy. Online piracy poses a significant threat to the intellectual property rights of American innovators, and much of that threat comes from foreign websites that are currently unaccountable to the rule of law. I am committed to making certain that these infringing pirate sites are not able to continue stealing our country’s intellectual property without consequence.

“While I am sympathetic to the basic objectives of the PROTECT IP Act, I have consistently expressed concern that several of its provisions would threaten Internet security, stifle the free flow of online information, and unduly burden third parties. As a result, I declined to cosponsor this legislation and have worked from the beginning to make critical changes to the bill to resolve these concerns. Unless and until such revisions are made, I will continue to oppose the bill.

“Rather than rush to vote on such deeply flawed legislation, the Senate should carefully discuss and debate how best to protect American intellectual property, preserve Internet security, and promote the free exchange of ideas. I hope and expect that Leaders Reid and McConnell will ensure that we have ample opportunity to explore the issue and attempt to resolve these concerns before the Senate holds a vote.”

Note: Last week, Senator Lee joined several fellow Judiciary Committee members in a letter calling on to Senate Majority Reid to postpone Tuesday’s scheduled vote on the Protect IP Act and allow for full discussion and debate.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFriday, February 17, 2012

Lee Delivers Remarks on Obama’s Unconstitutional AppointmentsWASHINGTON—Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding his position on President Obama’s unconstitutional appointments:

“On January 4, 2012, President Obama bypassed the Senate’ s constitutional right to advise and consent to nominees and instead unilaterally made appointments to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and National Labor Relations Board. He purported to do so under the Constitution’s Recess Appointments Clause, even though at the time of the appointments the Senate was holding pro-forma sessions approximately every 72 hours.

“If allowed to stand, President Obama’s unprecedented and unconstitutional assertion of the recess appointment power could result in presidents of both parties routinely circumventing the Senate’s Advice and Consent function and thus depriving the people’s representatives of an essential constitutional check on the executive branch. President Obama’s actions also violate the Constitution’s separation of powers. He has asserted the unilateral power to override Congress’s own determination of when it is in session. At an absolute minimum, the Senate’s institutional prerogatives demand that we be allowed to make our own rules, and yet President Obama’s actions would deprive our body of even that basic right.

“In the past, I have given the President’s judicial nominees great deference. Both in the Judiciary Committee and on the floor, I have voted in favor of the vast majority of President Obama’s nominees, including many which whom I fundamentally disagree.

“But I can do so no more. The Founders expected that each branch of government would exercise the necessary constitutional means to resist encroachments by the other branches. Among those constitutional means is the Senate’s Advice and Consent function, which I exercised today by voting against a nominee that otherwise might have received my support. Thirty three other Senators did the same.

“The President cannot expect the Senate’s full cooperation at the same time that he does violence to this body’s constitutional prerogatives. The threshold for confirming President Obama’s nominees must change accordingly. Simply put, there is a new standard for confirmation.

“Both today, and in the coming days, I will join with other Senators to act as a check on the President’s unconstitutional conduct by voting against some nominees. I expect that many of my Republican colleagues, and in time some of my Democratic colleagues, will rise in defense of the Constitution and vote against President Obama’s nominees until such time that he takes actions to restore the Senate’s full constitutional right to advise and consent to his nominees. “


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, February 23, 2012

Lee Merger of Pharmacy Benefit Managers a Significant Transaction That Could Benefit Consumers

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission regarding the proposed merger between Express Scripts, Inc. and Medco Health Solutions, Inc. Lee, the Ranking Member on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee, noted that the merger of these two large pharmacy benefit managers (“PBMs”) is a significant transaction that should be given careful consideration by the FTC. Lee’s letter urged the FTC to pay close attention to the pro-competitive effects that may result from the merger.

“The merger of these PBMs may pose some risks to the market’s competitive balance but overall has the potential to create meaningful efficiencies and provide significant savings for consumers.” “The combined entity may produce significant cost savings for health plan sponsors by means of its increased bargaining power and its improved tools for closing gaps in care, promoting adherence to medications, and overall disease management.”

“I am not aware of significant evidence that this merger will result in decreased competition among viable PBMs able to service most companies and accounts.”

Lee stated that any anticompetitive effects of the merger on community pharmacies would be of special concern, “in light of the important service those small businesses provide to rural and otherwise underserved residents in my State and throughout the country.”

Lee’s letter added that it is important to remember that the purpose of the antitrust laws is to maximize consumer welfare, not to protect competitors, and that “government regulators must be careful not to intervene in a manner that will constrain productive market forces.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, February 29, 2012

Lee Attends Hearing on Due Process RightsToday, in a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee entitled, “The Due Process Guarantee Act: Banning Indefinite Detention of Americans,” Senator Mike Lee reaffirmed his support for legislation that would clarify that the U.S. government does not have the authority to detain without trial American citizens apprehended on U.S. soil.

Senator Lee is an original co-sponsor of The Due Process Guarantee Act, an important piece of legislation that would restore fundamental Constitutional rights put in jeopardy by the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.

“The Constitution’s basic purpose is to protect against undue government intrusion into the lives of citizens,” said Senator Lee, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. “The constitutional right to due process is fundamental to individual liberty, and we must not sacrifice this right in the pursuit of perceived greater security. Without freedom there is no security.”

The Due Process Guarantee Act, S. 2003, provides: “An authorization to use military force, a declaration of war, or any similar authority shall not authorize the detention without charge or trial of a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States apprehended in the United States, unless an Act of Congress expressly authorizes such detention.”

The bill currently has twenty-three co-sponsors.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, March 8, 2012

Lee Speaks in Opposition of Antitrust Railroad AmendmentWASHINGTON—Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) took to the Senate floor in opposition of Senator Herb Kohl’s (D-WI) railroad antitrust amendment. Lee opposes the amendment because it would add an additional layer of government oversight to an industry already burdened by extensive government regulation. A portion of the remarks are available below, and the full text can be viewed here.

“I rise in opposition to the railroad antitrust amendment offered by my distinguished colleague, Senator Kohl, and I urge my fellow Senators to do likewise.

“As the Antitrust Modernization Commission noted in 2007, “free market competition is the fundamental economic policy of the United States.” In advancing this overarching policy goal, we should be wary of particularized exemptions from our nation’s antitrust laws. I know that Senator Kohl shares my view in that regard. When properly applied, antitrust laws function to help ensure that market forces promote robust competition, spur innovation, and result in the greatest benefit to consumers.

“In many respects, federal and state agencies enforce antitrust laws in order to forestall the need for burdensome and long-lasting government regulation. If competition thrives and market forces operate properly, there is no need for extensive government intrusion or interference. Likewise, where the antitrust laws do apply, comprehensive economic regulations should not dictate how an industry operates.

“It makes little sense to impose upon a heavily-regulated industry an additional layer of government oversight and enforcement through the application of antitrust laws, while at the same time leaving in place a comprehensive regime of government oversight through economic regulation. Piling layer upon layer of government interference will not advance the cause of free market competition, innovation, and consumer welfare.

“I am concerned that such layering of government regulation is effectively what the Kohl amendment does. I worry that in extending the reach of antitrust laws to the freight rail industry, the amendment does not remove any authority or jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation Board, the regulatory agency currently overseeing the rail industry. As a result, the amendment simply imposes additional government supervision over the rail industry with attendant increased regulatory burdens and costs, as well as inevitable conflicts and uncertainties resulting from a second layer of government oversight of the same activities. Given the highly-regulated nature of the freight rail industry, application of antitrust laws would likely require courts to wade into the complex realm of rate-setting and other highly technical matters – a task for which judges are ill-equipped.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, March 22, 2012

Lee Pleased by Confirmation of Judge NufferSenator’s “NO” Vote Reflects Principled Objection to Unconstitutional Appointments

WASHINGTON – Today, after Judge David Nuffer was confirmed to be a District Judge for the District of Utah, Senator Mike Lee released the following statement:

“In recent weeks, I have made a point of objecting to President Obama’s unconstitutional ‘recess’ appointments. On January 4, President Obama bypassed the Senate’s constitutional right to advise and consent to nominees and unilaterally made four controversial appointments at a time when the Senate was holding regular pro-forma sessions and did not consider itself to be in recess. President Obama’s appointments are different in kind than any previous recess appointments made by any previous president. No president—Democrat or Republican—has ever asserted the authority to determine for himself when the Senate is or is not in session.

“The President consciously chose to trample on the Constitution. Considering himself above the law, he took for himself a power that our founding document makes clear belongs to the Senate.“His appointments were unprecedented and clearly unconstitutional. Having taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution, I find myself duty-bound to resist this brazen and unprecedented attack on legislative branch authority.

“Among the ways I have chosen to register my objection to these unconstitutional actions is to vote against the President’s nominees for district and circuit court judgeships. Today I continued in taking this principled stance by voting “no” on the confirmation of Magistrate Judge David Nuffer to be a District Judge for the District of Utah. I did so despite my unequivocal support for Judge Nuffer and my belief that he will be an excellent federal district court judge.

“I have been a strong and consistent advocate for Judge Nuffer. I was pleased to speak on his behalf at his Judiciary Committee hearing last year and to reiterate my support when the Judiciary Committee voted to report his nomination to the Senate floor. I remain confident in Judge Nuffer’s abilities and qualifications.

“I had the privilege of appearing before Judge Nuffer when he was a magistrate judge and I was an attorney. I found him to be unusually well informed and well prepared, and to exercise exceptionally good judgment. He has served the bar and the bench in Utah and beyond with distinction. He has served as President of the Utah State Bar Association and as a member of the Utah District Court Civil Procedure Rules Committee, the Utah District Court Arbitration and Mediation Panel, and the National U.S. Court IT Advisory Committee.

“Judge Nuffer has become an expert in the use of technology by litigants and in the courts, and his extensive publications in this field and others have benefitted countless attorneys and judges. In addition, for the last decade or so, Judge Nuffer has also served as an adjunct professor at BYU’s law school, preparing the next generation of attorneys for their work in the law.

“Judge Nuffer is well known and highly regarded throughout the State of Utah. His knowledge, his temperament, and his experience, including 16 years as a magistrate judge, are among the qualities for which he is rightly admired.

“I am pleased that Judge Nuffer will now have the opportunity to serve Utah and the nation in this important federal district court judgeship.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, March 26, 2012

Senators Unveil Bipartisan Proposal to Boost Economy by Cutting Through Red Tape that has Hurt International Travel to U.S.

New Proposal Will Combine Separate Senate Travel Bills into Bipartisan Package Designed to Reform America’s Antiquated Travel Visa Laws and Create Hundreds of Thousands of Travel JobsBill Will Be Focus of Senate Hearing Tomorrow—Heads of U.S. Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Travel Association To Testify Proposal Would Boost Int’l Travel to U.S., Which Has Fallen Drastically In Past Decade Due To Inefficient Visa System

WASHINGTON, DC—With the economy just starting to turn the corner, a bipartisan group of senators unveiled a new proposal Monday that will boost the U.S. economy and create jobs by jumpstarting international travel to the United States. The legislation—named the Jobs Originated through Launching Travel (“JOLT”) Act—will reform outdated visa laws to cut through red tape that has caused a lag in foreign travel to the U.S.

The bipartisan package is sponsored by U.S. Senators Charles Schumer, Mike Lee, Amy Klobuchar, Marco Rubio, Barbara Mikulski, Roy Blunt and Mark Kirk.

While the global travel market is expected to double over the next decade, the United States’ market share of this industry has declined by 5% since the 2000. The JOLT Act is aimed at reversing that trend and recapturing the United States’ historic share of worldwide overseas travel, which could add nearly $100 billion to the economy over the next decade and create nearly 700,000 more American jobs.

The JOLT Act will be the subject of a Senate hearing tomorrow, Tuesday, March 27th.

“With the global travel market set to dramatically increase in the coming years, it is critical that we harness its power to boost our travel and tourism industries,” said Senator Schumer. “This bipartisan proposal will create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the next decade and inject billions of dollars into our country’s economy. It is extremely important and vastly beneficial to our nation’s health.”

“Legal travel and legal immigration are too often left out of the ongoing immigration debate we are having in this country,” said Senator Lee. “We cannot ignore the benefits we enjoy by maintaining an efficient visa system that keeps us safe while avoiding excessive delays to legitimate travel across our borders. This bill will modernize that system.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, April 2, 2012

Senator Lee Commends FTC’s Careful AnalysisSenator Lee today commended the FTC for its careful analysis and decision to approve the proposed merger

between Express Scripts, Inc. and Medco Health Solutions, Inc.

“Our antitrust laws serve important purposes, but federal regulators should not interfere with productive market forces absent evidence demonstrating a significant threat to consumer welfare. Based on the evidence presented at our Antitrust Subcommittee hearing, I am convinced that although significant in size this merger does not pose a threat to robust competition. I am pleased that the FTC’s extensive investigation corroborated my view and demonstrated that this transaction is unlikely to have adverse affects on the PBM and specialty drug markets or lead to the exercise of monopsony power over retail pharmacies, and that the merger may well lead to lower prices for PBM services.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, April 11, 2012

Lee: DOJ Complaint Raises Serious IssuesWASHINGTON – Today, Antitrust Subcommittee Ranking Member Senator Mike Lee made the following statement regarding the Department of Justice’s announcement of a lawsuit against several book publishers and Apple, Inc. alleging that the companies conspired to raise prices for e-books:

“The proper focus of our antitrust laws is consumer welfare. Although government regulators should not interfere with market forces absent a significant threat to competition, the allegations made in the complaint filed today by the Department of Justice raise serious concerns about the prices paid by consumers for e-books. Illegal price fixing harms consumers and must not be tolerated. I am confident the judicial process will properly resolve this matter and curtail any illegal actions that result in significant consumer harm.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, May 16, 2012

Senator Lee Presses FBI Director Mueller on Detention and Surveillance of U.S. Citizens

At a Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing this morning, Senator Lee questioned FBI Director Mueller on the potential for indefinite detention of U.S. citizens under the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. Director Mueller agreed that the government should not be allowed to detain U.S. citizens indefinitely without charge or trial.

Senator Lee explained that although the current administration has stated it will not detain U.S. citizens without charge or trial, legislation is essential to ensure that this administration does not change its policy and that such detention does not occur in future administrations. Senator Lee is an original co-sponsor of The Due Process Guarantee Act (S.2003), which provides: “An authorization to use military force, a declaration of war, or any similar authority shall not authorize the detention without charge or trial of a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States apprehended in the United States, unless an Act of Congress expressly authorizes such detention.” The bill currently has 29 cosponsors in the Senate.

At the hearing today, Senator Lee also expressed concerns about the broad categories of surveillance authorized by the 2008 Amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Senator Lee noted the importance of ensuring that FISA not be used for unwarranted surveillance of U.S. citizens. As Congress considers reauthorizing the FISA Amendments, Senator Lee will continue to work to ensure that the constitutional rights and civil liberties of Americans are protected.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, June 21, 2012

The Universal Music Group/EMI Merger and the Future of Online Music

WASHINGTON—Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) today highlighted the challenges facing the music industry and identified important issues relating the Universal Music Group’s proposed acquisition of EMI’s record label.

Lee, the Ranking Member on the Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee, noted concerns about the merger, which would reduce the number of major labels from four to three and give Universal a larger market share than either of the remaining majors. Lee also stated that competitive factors within the recorded music industry may counteract the potentially harmful effects of the merger and that the transaction may also have procompetitive effects.

Lee concluded by stating that “government regulators should be wary of intervening in rapidly changing and innovative markets.”

Remarks as prepared for delivery at today’s hearing on “The Universal Music Group/EMI Merger and the Future of Online Music” are available below.Ranking Member statement as prepared for delivery:

“The recorded music industry is both a staple of our popular culture and an essential element of our economy. The 40,000 businesses involved in the U.S. music industry employ over 100,000 people—including artists, managers, technicians, and record label staff. And music can be big business. Estimated revenues for the sale of recorded music in America now exceed $7 billion per year.

“The music industry is also changing rapidly. Last year, digital sales surpassed physical sales for the first time. Online retail and digital distribution services provide consumers unprecedented access to lesser-known artists who might otherwise have been unable to obtain a recording contract. Digitization has opened the door to a new and diverse world of innovative platforms and modes of competition. But the rise of digital music has also made illegal, pirated recordings readily accessible to anyone with a computer and an Internet connection.

“The future of online music is bright but uncertain. Although Internet-based radio and other music services are growing at an impressive pace, some suggest that the Copyright Royalty Board’s rate-setting process is broken and should be reformed. Whatever the nature of any such reforms, enforcement of our antitrust laws must be oriented to help foster innovative technologies and enhance consumer welfare.

“As the music industry attempts to traverse a changing technological and competitive landscape, some consolidation may be expected. It therefore came as little surprise when Universal Music Group announced its intention to acquire EMI’s record label. This announcement followed the 2007 transfer of EMI—which had suffered from sharply declining market share and enormous debt—to a private-equity firm and eventually to Citigroup.

“Many industry observers welcome the prospect of Universal taking full advantage of EMI’s artists and catalog, helping to revive an industry in the midst of some decline. Universal’s productive use of EMI’s assets promises efficiencies that an equity firm or bank is unlikely to achieve.


“At the same time, some competitors and public interest groups note that a Universal/EMI merger would reduce the number of major labels from four to three and give Universal a larger market share than either of the remaining majors. Critics fear that a combined Universal-EMI could leverage its market power to increase prices to retailers and consumers. Some worry that the combined company may stifle innovation in emerging digital distribution models by refusing to license its catalog to inventive services. Others also fear that a dominant label might seek to exclude competitors from accessing key promotional space in retail and digital distribution services.

“These concerns underscore the complex, evolving nature of the music industry and the need for careful analysis of the relevant markets and the manner in which market power might be exercised. I am hopeful that this hearing will provide insight into the competitive landscape of the recorded music industry.

“Mergers play an essential role in our economy and should be permitted where they do not harm consumers. Mergers can bring to bear superior managerial skills, allow for more productive use of underutilized assets, and result in economies of scale, reduced costs, improved quality, and increased output. The potential for mergers generally provides positive incentives for industry managers, who recognize a need to maximize profits or face consolidation. Likewise, innovators know there is an acquisition market for the businesses they create.

“Under most definitions of the relevant markets, this merger will result in a significant degree of concentration. As the Merger Guidelines make clear, however, this is not the end of the analysis, and the merger may proceed where other competitive factors “counteract the potentially harmful effects of increased concentration.”

“Universal and other proponents of the merger assert that there is reason to believe such competitive factors are present in the various markets for recorded music. Music retailers wield tremendous market power, with Apple and Wal-Mart alone accounting for up to 60 percent of sales. This countervailing market power may well protect against labels successfully raising marginal prices.

“The nature of the modern music industry may provide an additional protection against anticompetitive effects. The prevalence and affordability of technology has increased the ease of entry substantially, resulting in greater access—and an increased variety of access points, whether YouTube, MySpace, or iTunes—for artists and independent labels. In fact, independent labels now account for approximately 30 percent of music ownership.

“Finally, at least at present, we cannot ignore the effect of pirated music. The threat (and prevalence) of piracy surely impacts decision making throughout the legitimate recorded music industry, and therefore must be considered as part of any comprehensive antitrust analysis.

“Government regulators should be wary of intervening in rapidly changing and innovative markets. The music industry has experienced much turmoil as it has struggled to adjust to changes in technology, pricing models, and consumer expectations. Gone are the days when consumers bought entire albums in order to acquire a single song. Also gone are the days when consumers purchased the same album a second time simply to update their libraries to the latest format. Today, record labels and the artists they represent have their work stolen and shared freely over the Internet. Every year consumers demand more music for less money. As the music industry grapples with these and other challenges, government regulators ought to be careful not to prohibit reasonable business judgments and decisions that may lead to efficiencies and productive solutions.

“I look forward to hearing the testimony of the witnesses and thank them for being here today.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFriday, August 3, 2012

Kohl, Lee Outline Analysis of Universal-EMI Merger in Letter to FTCSenators examined consumer implications of merger in an Antitrust Subcommittee hearing in June

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Herb Kohl (D-WI) and Mike Lee (R-UT), chairman and ranking member of the Senate Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights Subcommittee, today outlined their analysis of the pending acquisition of EMI Group by Universal Music Group in a letter to the chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which is currently reviewing the merger. The subcommittee convened a hearing on June 21, 2012 to consider the sale of EMI’s recorded music business to Universal, and its impact on competition, artists, and consumers.

“This letter summarizes the findings of our investigation into this transaction. In brief, without reaching any final judgment as to the legality of the deal under the antitrust laws, we believe this proposed acquisition presents significant competition issues that merit careful FTC review to ensure that the transaction is not likely to cause substantial harm to competition in the affected markets. In the course of this review, we also urge the Commission to be mindful of the changes in the music industry in the last decade, particularly the shift to online distribution as the preferred way consumers purchase music,” the Senators wrote.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFriday, September 21, 2012

Lee Satisfied With FTC Approval of EMI MergerWASHINGTON—Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights subcommittee, today released the following statement regarding the Federal Trade Commission’s decision on the merger of recording labels Universal Music Group and EMI.

“I am satisfied with the FTC’s decision to allow Universal Music Group’s acquisition of recording label EMI. In dynamic markets such as this one, in which innovation is constantly changing the means of production and distribution of music, government regulators must be careful not to intervene without evidence that a merger will harm consumers. The FTC’s decision appears to be fact-based, well-reasoned, and focused on consumer welfare. I trust that the acquisition of EMI will enable Universal’s labels and artists to continue recording, producing and distributing great music at a fair price.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, November 29, 2012

Feinstein, Lee Introduce Amendment to Protect Civil LibertiesWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would protect American citizens from being indefinitely detained. The amendment, which is cosponsored by several other Republican and Democratic senators, uses essentially the same language as the Due Process Guarantee Act, which Feinstein and Lee introduced last year. The language of the amendment assures that no authorization to use military force, war declaration, or any similar authority would allow an American apprehended in the United States to be held without charge or trial.

During a discussion of their amendment on the Senate floor today, Sen. Lee said, “Senator Feinstein and I have worked closely together over the course of the past year to craft what we believe represents a very prudent course in protecting both our nation and our liberties at the same time. Security is important, and precisely because it’s important, it must not be acquired at the expense of our individual liberty. It may well be said that government’s most important basic responsibility is to protect the liberties of its citizens. Our nation has fought wars on American soil and around the world in defense of individual liberty. And we must not sacrifice this most fundamental right in pursuit of greater security, especially when we can achieve security without compromising liberty. The Feinstein-Lee amendment does precisely that.

“We must stand behind our 225-year-old founding document as it’s been amended to ensure our liberty isn’t taken away from us, to give us a path to providing for our security without jeopardizing the freedom that our American citizens cherish so much and have fought so hard and so long to protect. Granting the United States government the power to deprive its own citizens of life, liberty, or property without full due process of law goes against the very nature of our nation’s great constitutional values. This amendment, the Feinstein-Lee amendment, protects those values.”

On the floor, Sen. Feinstein explained, “I want to be very clear about what this amendment is and what it’s not about. It’s not about whether citizens such as [Yaser Esam] Hamdi and [Jose] Padilla or others who would do us harm should be captured, interrogated, incarcerated and severely punished. They should be. But what about an innocent American? What about someone in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong skin color?

“The beauty of our Constitution is that it gives everyone in the United States basic due process rights to a trial by a jury of their peers. That is what makes this nation great. As Justice Sandra Day O’Connor wrote for the plurality in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, ‘[A]s critical as the government’s interest may be in detaining those who actually pose an immediate threat to the national security of the United States during ongoing international conflict, history and common sense teach us that an unchecked system of detention carries the potential to become a means for oppression and abuse of others who do not present that sort of threat.’

“The federal government experimented with indefinite detention of United States citizens during World War II, a mistake we now recognize as a betrayal of our core values. Let’s not repeat it.”

The amendment is also sponsored by Senators Paul (R-KY), Coons (D-DE), Collins (R-ME), Lautenberg (D-NNJ), Gillibrand (D-NY), Kirk (R-IL), Tester (D-MT), Johnson (D-SD), Sanders (I-VT), Whitehouse (D-RI), Baucus (D-MT), and Heller (R-NV).


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, November 29, 2012

Feinstein, Lee Amendment PassesWASHINGTON - Today, the Senate overwhelmingly passed an amendment sponsored by Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) that protects Americans from indefinite detention. By a vote of 67 to 29, the amendment was added to the National Defense Authorization Act and ensures that American citizens and permanent legal residents apprehended on American soil will be charged and have access to a trial. It was the result of more than a year of collaboration by the California Democrat and Utah Republican in an effort to protect Americans’ due process rights.

“I am pleased to see a large bipartisan majority of the Senate support basic protections for all Americans,” said Lee after the vote. “Once again we prove that increasing security does not have to result in diminished liberty. Today we have reaffirmed our constitutional values and shown we are committed to being both free and safe.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, November 9, 2012

Lee Votes in Favor of Amending the ECPAWASHINGTON - Today at the Senate Judiciary Committee markup, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) voted in favor of amending the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) to require that the government obtain a warrant to access the contents of a person’s email. The measure, which was favorably reported out of the committee, would eliminate the “180-day rule” that currently allows government agencies to access emails older than 180 days with only an administrative subpoena or other similar request.

“I believe that email is precisely the type of private communication the Fourth Amendment was meant to protect from unjustified government intrusion,” said Senator Lee. “Eliminating the ‘180-day rule’ is crucial to establish the privacy protections that Americans rightly expect when it comes to their electronic communications. I am pleased that my colleagues agreed that the government should be required to obtain a warrant to access the content of our emails.”

The privacy measure was included as part of the Video Protection Privacy Act (VPPA), which increases consumer choice over how video records are shared by services like Netflix, allowing users to opt-in to a service that could publish on social media sites the titles of videos users watch.




Mike Lee, of Utah


S. 635 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/17/2011

A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to sell certain Federal lands in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho,

Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, previously identified as suitable

for disposal, and for other purposes.





Mar 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 683 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/30/2011

A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain parcels of land to the town of Mantua, Utah.




Mar 30, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

May 18, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and

Forests. Hearings held. With printed Hearing: S.Hrg. 112-39.

Jul 14, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Ordered to be reported with

amendments favorably.

Aug 30, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Reported by Senator Bingaman under

authority of the order of the Senate of 08/02/2011 with amendments. With written report

No. 112-60.

Aug 30, 2011 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 140.

Nov 02, 2011 Passed Senate with amendments by Unanimous Consent.

Nov 03, 2011 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

Dec 05, 2011 Considered under suspension of the rules.

Dec 07, 2011 Considered as unfinished business.

Dec 07, 2011 On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote.

Dec 09, 2011 Presented to President.

Dec 19, 2011 Signed by President.

Dec 19, 2011 Became Public Law No: 112-70.

S. 684 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/30/2011

A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain parcels of land to the town of Alta, Utah.




Mar 30, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

May 18, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and

Forests. Hearings held. With printed Hearing: S.Hrg. 112-39.

Jul 14, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Ordered to be reported with

amendments favorably.

I - 2


Mike Lee, of Utah

Aug 30, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Reported by Senator Bingaman under

authority of the order of the Senate of 08/02/2011 with amendments. With written report

No. 112-61.

Aug 30, 2011 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 141.

Nov 02, 2011 Passed Senate with amendments by Unanimous Consent.

Nov 03, 2011 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

Nov 03, 2011 Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources.

Nov 04, 2011 Referred to the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands.

Dec 02, 2011 Subcommittee Hearings Held.

Feb 29, 2012 Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands Discharged.

Feb 29, 2012 Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.

Feb 29, 2012 Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.

Apr 16, 2012 Reported by the Committee on Natural Resources. H. Rept. 112-434.

Apr 16, 2012 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 301.

Jun 18, 2012 Considered under suspension of the rules.

Jun 18, 2012 Considered as unfinished business.

Jun 18, 2012 On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3

required): 383 - 3 (Roll no. 379).

Jun 20, 2012 Presented to President.

Jun 27, 2012 Signed by President.

Jun 27, 2012 Became Public Law No: 112-138.

S. 1340 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/07/2011

A bill to cut, cap, and balance the Federal budget.



Toomey, Paul, DeMint, Johnson of Wisconsin, Hatch, Ayotte, Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Coburn,

Corker, Graham, Isakson, Portman, Roberts, Rubio, Sessions, Thune, Vitter, and Wicker


Jul 13, 2011 Cornyn, Moran, Burr, Chambliss, Inhofe, and Johanns

Jul 14, 2011 Alexander, Coats, Enzi, Hoeven, Hutchison, and McConnell

Jul 18, 2011 Crapo, Grassley, McCain, Risch, and Shelby

Jul 20, 2011 Heller, and Lugar


Jul 07, 2011 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Jul 11, 2011 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 97.

S. 1697 DATE INTRODUCED: 10/12/2011

A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide a special rule for the period of admission of

H-2A nonimmigrants employed as sheepherders, goat herders, or dairy farmers, and for other purposes.





Oct 12, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 1837 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/09/2011

I - 3


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify and permanently extend the incentives to

reinvest foreign earnings in the United States.



Crapo, DeMint, Paul, Risch, and Blunt


Nov 09, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 1857 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/10/2011

A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate the per-country numerical limitation for

employment-based immigrants, to increase the per-country numerical limitation for family-sponsored

immigrants, and for other purposes.




Nov 10, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 1875 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/15/2011

A bill to reauthorize the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.





Nov 15, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S. 2040 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/26/2012

A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to establish a point of order to prohibit an increase

or other modification of the public debt limit unless a concurrent resolution on the budget has been

agreed to and is in effect.



Rubio, Vitter, Toomey, Thune, Coburn, Paul, DeMint, Johnson of Wisconsin, Risch, and Crapo


Jan 26, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 2103 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/13/2012

A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to protect pain-capable unborn children in the District of

Columbia, and for other purposes.



Feb 15, 2012 Blunt

Mar 01, 2012 Thune

Mar 08, 2012 Enzi

Mar 15, 2012 Vitter, and Johanns

Mar 26, 2012 Coburn, and Boozman

I - 4


Mike Lee, of Utah

Mar 29, 2012 Graham, and Risch

Apr 17, 2012 Moran

Apr 18, 2012 Wicker

Apr 23, 2012 DeMint

Apr 24, 2012 Toomey, and Paul

Apr 25, 2012 Johnson of Wisconsin, Cornyn, Hatch, McConnell, Coats, and Burr

May 10, 2012 Grassley, and Roberts

May 14, 2012 Hoeven

Jun 06, 2012 Chambliss

Jun 14, 2012 Crapo

Jun 20, 2012 Rubio

Jun 21, 2012 Portman, and Ayotte

Jun 25, 2012 Inhofe


Feb 13, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


Mar 13, 2012 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs referred to Subcommittee

on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of


S. 2107 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/14/2012

A bill to amend the extension of the temporary employee payroll tax holiday to give individuals the choice

of whether to participate.





Feb 14, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 2199 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/15/2012

A bill to spur economic growth and create jobs.




Mar 15, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 2200 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/15/2012

A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt certain family-owned farms and businesses

from the estate tax.




Mar 15, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 2247 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/28/2012


I - 5


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to amend the Federal Reserve Act to improve the functioning and transparency of the Board of

Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee, and for other



Nov 14, 2012 Cornyn

Dec 04, 2012 Rubio


Mar 28, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

S. 2473 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/26/2012

A bill to prohibit the establishment of new units of the National Forest System, National Park System,

National Wildlife Refuge System, National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, National Trails System,

National Wilderness Preservation System, or any other system established by Federal law, or any

national conservation or national recreation area without approval of the applicable State legislature.



Barrasso, Murkowski, Paul, and Hatch


Apr 26, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 3178 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/15/2012

A bill to amend section 1951 of title 18, United States Code (commonly known as the Hobbs Act), and for

other purposes.



Rubio and Paul


Jun 19, 2012 Risch


May 15, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 3409 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/19/2012

A bill to address the forest health, public safety, and wildlife habitat threat presented by the risk of wildfire,

including catastrophic wildfire, on National Forest System land and public land managed by the Bureau of

Land Management by requiring the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to expedite

forest management projects relating to hazardous fuels reduction, forest health, and economic

development, and for other purposes.



Jul 25, 2012 Barrasso


Jul 19, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 3411 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/19/2012


I - 6


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to provide that the individual mandate under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act shall not

be construed as a tax.



Jul 19, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 3420 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/23/2012

A bill to permanently extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, to provide for permanent alternative minimum

tax relief, and to repeal the estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes, and for other purposes.



Rubio, Risch, DeMint, Cornyn, Vitter, and Johnson of Wisconsin


Jul 23, 2012 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Jul 24, 2012 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 472.

S. 3482 DATE INTRODUCED: 08/02/2012

A bill to cut, cap, and balance the Federal budget.



Paul, DeMint, Coburn, Blunt, Risch, Toomey, Graham, Isakson, Vitter, Rubio, Cornyn, Crapo,

Johnson of Wisconsin, Alexander, Chambliss, Barrasso, Hatch, Thune, Boozman, Inhofe, Wicker,

and Portman


Aug 02, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Budget.

S.J.Res. 5 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/03/2011

A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States requiring that the

Federal budget be balanced.



Kyl, Barrasso, Burr, DeMint, Graham, Paul, Risch, Rubio, Thune, Toomey, Vitter, Crapo, and



Feb 14, 2011 Coburn, Ensign, Enzi, and Johanns

Feb 28, 2011 Blunt

Mar 02, 2011 Grassley


Feb 03, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Nov 30, 2011 Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human

Rights. Hearings held. With printed Hearing: S.Hrg. 112-512.

I - 7


Mike Lee, of Utah

S.Res. 350 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/17/2011

A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the recent presidential election in the

Democratic Republic of the Congo.




Dec 17, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S.Con.Res. 44 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/08/2012

A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal

year 2013 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2014 through 2022.



Paul and DeMint


May 08, 2012 Referred to the Committee on the Budget.

May 08, 2012 Senate Committee on the Budget discharged pursuant to section 300 of the

Congressional Budget Act.

May 08, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 395.

May 16, 2012 Motion to proceed to consideration of measure made in Senate.

S.Con.Res. 52 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/19/2012

A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal

year 2013 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2014 through 2022.




Jul 19, 2012 Referred to the Committee on the Budget.

Jul 19, 2012 Senate Committee on the Budget discharged pursuant to section 300 of the

Congressional Budget Act.

Jul 19, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 462.

I - 8


Mike Lee, of Utah


S. 17 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/25/2011


A bill to repeal the job-killing tax on medical devices to ensure continued access to life-saving medical

devices for patients and maintain the standing of United States as the world leader in medical device




Burr, Coburn, and Cornyn


Jan 27, 2011 Brown of Massachusetts

Feb 07, 2011 Inhofe

Feb 10, 2011 Moran

Feb 14, 2011 Risch, Barrasso, and Coats

Feb 17, 2011 Toomey, and Wicker

Mar 02, 2011 Roberts

Mar 07, 2011 Ayotte

Mar 29, 2011 Lugar

Apr 13, 2011 Kirk

Jun 08, 2011 Heller

Jun 13, 2011 Blunt

Jul 11, 2011 Hoeven

Nov 28, 2011 Lee

Feb 27, 2012 Portman

Apr 16, 2012 Isakson, and Alexander

May 08, 2012 Hutchison, Crapo, and Collins

Jun 06, 2012 Johanns

Jun 21, 2012 Chambliss, and Rubio

Jun 27, 2012 McCain

Jul 16, 2012 Murkowski

Jul 17, 2012 Kyl, Thune, and Boozman


Jan 25, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 18 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/25/2011

SPONSOR: Johanns

A bill to repeal the expansion of information reporting requirements for payments of $600 or more to

corporations and for other purposes.



Manchin, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Begich, Bennet, Blunt, Boozman, Brown of Massachusetts,

Burr, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Collins, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, Ensign, Enzi, Graham, Grassley,

Hagan, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Isakson, Klobuchar, Kyl, Lee, Lugar, McCain, McConnell,

Moran, Murkowski, Nelson of Nebraska, Portman, Risch, Roberts, Snowe, Stabenow, Tester,

Thune, Udall of Colorado, Wicker, Cantwell, Shelby, Vitter, Kirk, Sessions, Warner, Pryor, Hatch,

Nelson of Florida, Toomey, and McCaskill

II - 1


Mike Lee, of Utah


Jan 26, 2011 Paul, and Cochran

Jan 27, 2011 Johnson of Wisconsin, and Webb

Feb 01, 2011 Kohl


Jan 25, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 81 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/25/2011

SPONSOR: Isakson

A bill to direct unused appropriations for Senate Official Personnel and Office Expense Accounts to be

deposited in the Treasury and used for deficit reduction or to reduce the Federal debt.



Nelson of Nebraska, Johanns, Burr, Wicker, Barrasso, Lee, Collins, Enzi, Johnson of Wisconsin,

Paul, Crapo, Thune, Brown of Massachusetts, and Graham


Jan 26, 2011 Chambliss, and Rubio

Feb 01, 2011 Klobuchar

Feb 02, 2011 Hagan

Feb 03, 2011 Udall of Colorado

Feb 07, 2011 Inhofe

Feb 28, 2011 McCaskill


Jan 25, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration.

S. 119 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/25/2011


A bill to preserve open competition and Federal Government neutrality towards the labor relations of

Federal Government contractors on Federal and federally funded construction projects.



Jun 07, 2011 Ayotte, Sessions, DeMint, Rubio, Coburn, Cornyn, Risch, Paul, Lee, and Johnson

of Wisconsin

Jun 08, 2011 Wicker, Hatch, Graham, Crapo, Roberts, Cochran, Grassley, Blunt, Kyl, Boozman,

McConnell, Hutchison, Toomey, and Isakson

Jun 09, 2011 Heller

Jun 13, 2011 Collins

Jun 16, 2011 Chambliss

Jul 21, 2011 Inhofe

Sep 19, 2011 Moran

Oct 04, 2011 Burr

Jul 10, 2012 Coats


Jan 25, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


S. 163 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/25/2011


II - 2


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to require that the Government prioritize all obligations on the debt held by the public in the event

that the debt limit is reached.



Blunt, Lee, DeMint, Barrasso, Johanns, Isakson, Kirk, Enzi, Vitter, Inhofe, Johnson of Wisconsin,

Paul, Ensign, Coburn, Chambliss, and Rubio


Feb 01, 2011 Risch, and Graham

Feb 16, 2011 Coats, Cornyn, and Wicker

Mar 02, 2011 Hatch


Jan 25, 2011 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Jan 26, 2011 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 2.

S. 192 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/26/2011


A bill to repeal the job-killing health care law and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and

Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.



Ayotte, Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Brown of Massachusetts, Burr, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn,

Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, Ensign, Graham, Hatch, Hutchison, Inhofe, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Kyl, Lee, McCain, McConnell, Moran, Paul, Portman, Risch, Roberts, Rubio, Sessions,

Shelby, Thune, Toomey, Vitter, Wicker, Kirk, Snowe, and Enzi


Jan 31, 2011 Alexander, Cochran, Collins, Grassley, Hoeven, Lugar, and Murkowski

Jun 08, 2011 Heller


Jan 26, 2011 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Jan 27, 2011 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 4.

S. 202 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/26/2011


A bill to require a full audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal

reserve banks by the Comptroller General of the United States before the end of 2012, and for other




DeMint and Vitter


Mar 01, 2011 Lee

May 24, 2011 Hatch, and Boozman

Jun 22, 2011 Heller

Jul 25, 2011 Chambliss

Sep 06, 2011 Crapo

II - 3


Mike Lee, of Utah

Oct 06, 2011 Risch, Rubio, Coburn, Blunt, Barrasso, Burr, Thune, Inhofe, and Wicker

Oct 31, 2011 McCain, and Grassley

Mar 28, 2012 Cornyn

Jul 17, 2012 Graham

Jul 23, 2012 Murkowski

Jul 25, 2012 Cochran

Jul 31, 2012 Kirk

Aug 01, 2012 Toomey

Aug 02, 2012 Shelby, and Enzi

Sep 10, 2012 Ayotte, Isakson, and Moran

Sep 12, 2012 Begich, and Hutchison

Sep 19, 2012 Sessions, and Brown of Massachusetts

Nov 13, 2012 Collins, Portman, and Roberts


Jan 26, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

S. 228 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/31/2011

SPONSOR: Barrasso

A bill to preempt regulation of, action relating to, or consideration of greenhouse gases under Federal and

common law on enactment of a Federal policy to mitigate climate change.



Inhofe, Blunt, Enzi, Vitter, Roberts, Moran, Thune, Cornyn, Hatch, and Lee


Feb 04, 2011 DeMint, and Risch

Feb 07, 2011 Cochran, and Boozman

Feb 10, 2011 Hoeven

Feb 15, 2011 Isakson

Mar 02, 2011 Chambliss

Mar 03, 2011 Wicker

Mar 09, 2011 Coats

Mar 28, 2011 Paul

Sep 15, 2011 Johnson of Wisconsin

Dec 16, 2011 Rubio


Jan 31, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 249 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/01/2011


A bill to amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to provide that Act shall not apply to any gray wolf

(Canis lupus).



Barrasso, Crapo, Risch, McCain, Kyl, Lee, and Enzi


Feb 03, 2011 Murkowski

Feb 15, 2011 Moran

Mar 01, 2011 Inhofe

Dec 15, 2011 Heller

II - 4


Mike Lee, of Utah


Feb 01, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 281 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/03/2011

SPONSOR: Hutchison

A bill to delay the implementation of the health reform law in the United States until there is a final

resolution in pending lawsuits.



Coburn, Crapo, Ensign, Inhofe, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Kyl, Moran, Risch, Roberts,

Wicker, Barrasso, Coats, Blunt, and Cornyn


Feb 07, 2011 Hatch

Feb 10, 2011 McConnell, McCain, Shelby, Isakson, Sessions, DeMint, Toomey, Rubio,

Chambliss, Boozman, Lee, Grassley, Enzi, Lugar, and Collins

Feb 14, 2011 Burr, Cochran, Hoeven, and Murkowski

Feb 17, 2011 Ayotte

Mar 31, 2011 Portman

Jun 09, 2011 Alexander


Feb 03, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 282 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/03/2011


A bill to rescind unused earmarks.





Feb 10, 2011 McCain, Lee, Burr, and Kohl

Feb 14, 2011 Lieberman

Feb 17, 2011 McCaskill, and Kirk

Mar 03, 2011 Udall of Colorado

Mar 29, 2011 Tester


Feb 03, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.

S. 299 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/07/2011


A bill to amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive

branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law.



DeMint, Ensign, Grassley, Coburn, Blunt, Thune, Enzi, Cornyn, Hatch, Chambliss, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Isakson, Barrasso, Wicker, Ayotte, Sessions, Portman, Johanns, Boozman, Vitter,

Lee, Inhofe, Hutchison, and Rubio


Feb 17, 2011 Toomey

II - 5


Mike Lee, of Utah

Jun 07, 2011 Heller

Jun 08, 2011 Manchin

Jul 21, 2011 Moran

Oct 06, 2011 Crapo

Nov 03, 2011 Snowe

Nov 15, 2011 McCain


Feb 07, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


Jun 23, 2011 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Hearings held. Hearings

printed: S.Hrg. 112-220.

Jul 20, 2011 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Hearings held. Hearings

printed: S.Hrg. 112-220.

S. 358 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/15/2011

SPONSOR: Roberts

A bill to codify and modify regulatory requirements of Federal agencies.



Barrasso and Coats


Feb 16, 2011 Johanns, Chambliss, Coburn, McCain, Boozman, Lee, Burr, Sessions, DeMint,

Isakson, Inhofe, Hatch, Hoeven, Hutchison, Blunt, Paul, Risch, Wicker, and Moran

Feb 17, 2011 Kyl, McConnell, Alexander, Ayotte, Cornyn, Grassley, and Thune

Feb 28, 2011 Toomey, and Portman

Mar 09, 2011 Kirk, Enzi, Cochran, Graham, and Crapo

Mar 14, 2011 Vitter, Corker, Shelby, Murkowski, Lugar, and Snowe

Mar 16, 2011 Ensign, and Collins

Mar 17, 2011 Brown of Massachusetts, Johnson of Wisconsin, and Rubio


Feb 15, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


Jun 23, 2011 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Hearings held. Hearings

printed: S.Hrg. 112-220.

Jul 20, 2011 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Hearings held. Hearings

printed: S.Hrg. 112-220.

S. 375 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/17/2011

SPONSOR: Barrasso

A bill to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to enter into cooperative

agreements with State foresters authorizing State foresters to provide certain forest, rangeland, and

watershed restoration and protection services.



Johnson of South Dakota, Enzi, Thune, and Lee


Apr 05, 2011 Hatch


Feb 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

II - 6


Mike Lee, of Utah

Apr 14, 2011 Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry discharged by Unanimous


Apr 14, 2011 Rereferred to Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources by Unanimous


May 25, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and

Forests. Hearings held. With printed Hearing: S.Hrg. 112-131.

S. 395 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/17/2011


A bill to repeal certain amendments to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act with respect to lighting

energy efficiency.



DeMint, Wicker, Toomey, Sessions, Coburn, Johnson of Wisconsin, Cornyn, Paul, Lee, Ensign,

Risch, Barrasso, Vitter, Kyl, Blunt, Inhofe, Hutchison, Coats, Thune, Hatch, Grassley, Boozman,

Chambliss, Isakson, Burr, McCain, and Johanns


Mar 30, 2011 Rubio

Jun 14, 2011 Heller


Feb 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

Mar 10, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Hearings held.

S. 400 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/17/2011


A bill to amend the Federal Power Act to ensure that rates and charges for electric energy are assessed

in proportion to measurable reliability or economic benefit, and for other purposes.



Wyden, Murkowski, Burr, Graham, Chambliss, and Lee


Feb 28, 2011 Isakson


Feb 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 407 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/17/2011


A bill to amend the Act of June 8, 1906, to require certain procedures for designating national

monuments, and for other purposes.



Ensign, Lee, Enzi, Risch, Barrasso, Hatch, Roberts, and Murkowski


Feb 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 460 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/02/2011

II - 7


Mike Lee, of Utah


A bill to prohibit the Secretary of Education from promulgating or enforcing regulations or guidance

regarding gainful employment.



Coburn, DeMint, Lee, and Johnson of Wisconsin


Mar 02, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

S. 482 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/03/2011


A bill to amend the Clean Air Act to prohibit the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency

from promulgating any regulation concerning, taking action relating to, or taking into consideration the

emission of a greenhouse gas to address climate change, and for other purposes.



Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Burr, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Corker,

Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Ensign, Enzi, Graham, Grassley, Hatch, Hoeven, Hutchison, Isakson,

Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Kyl, Lee, Lugar, McConnell, Moran, Murkowski, Paul, Portman,

Risch, Roberts, Rubio, Sessions, Shelby, Thune, Toomey, Vitter, Wicker, McCain, and Manchin


Jun 15, 2011 Heller


Mar 03, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 499 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/07/2011


A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate the development of hydroelectric power on the

Diamond Fork System of the Central Utah Project.



Mar 08, 2011 Lee


Mar 07, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

May 19, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power.

Hearings held. With printed Hearing: S.Hrg. 112-63.

Nov 10, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Ordered to be reported without

amendment favorably.

Jan 13, 2012 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Reported by Senator Bingaman under

authority of the order of the Senate of 12/17/2011 without amendment. With written

report No. 112-110.

Jan 13, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 272.

Dec 30, 2012 Passed Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.

Dec 31, 2012 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

S. 500 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/07/2011


II - 8


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain Federal features of the electric distribution

system to the South Utah Valley Electric Service District, and for other purposes.



Mar 08, 2011 Lee


Mar 07, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

Jun 23, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Senate Subcommittee on Water and

Power. Hearings held. With printed Hearing: S.Hrg. 112-129.

Nov 10, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Ordered to be reported with

amendments favorably.

Jan 13, 2012 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Reported by Senator Bingaman under

authority of the order of the Senate of 12/17/2011 with amendments. With written report

No. 112-111.

Jan 13, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 273.

S. 504 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/08/2011


A bill to preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor

organizations, or to refrain from such activities.



Coburn, Hatch, Lee, Paul, Toomey, Vitter, and Risch


Mar 17, 2011 Inhofe, and Barrasso

Mar 30, 2011 Graham, and Sessions

May 11, 2011 Rubio

Jun 09, 2011 Cornyn

Jun 14, 2011 Wicker

Jul 07, 2011 Kyl

Sep 12, 2011 Burr

Oct 03, 2011 McCain

Oct 06, 2011 Heller

Oct 17, 2011 Moran

Oct 18, 2011 Chambliss

Jan 24, 2012 Grassley

Jun 21, 2012 Roberts


Mar 08, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

S. 511 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/08/2011


A bill to amend the Clean Air Act to provide for a reduction in the number of boutique fuels, and for other




Kirk, Wicker, Corker, Coburn, Lee, Sessions, McConnell, Thune, Cornyn, Hatch, Ensign, DeMint,

Toomey, Kyl, McCain, Alexander, Hoeven, Johnson of Wisconsin, Coats, Boozman, Chambliss,

Rubio, Isakson, Johanns, Crapo, Roberts, Lugar, Cochran, Barrasso, Grassley, Portman,

Murkowski, Risch, Ayotte, Brown of Massachusetts, Shelby, and Burr

II - 9


Mike Lee, of Utah


Mar 10, 2011 Enzi


Mar 08, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 520 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/09/2011


A bill to repeal the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit.





Mar 15, 2011 Corker, Collins, Snowe, and Ensign

Mar 16, 2011 Rockefeller

Mar 17, 2011 Kyl, and McCain

Mar 29, 2011 Inhofe, and Lee

Mar 30, 2011 Burr, Shaheen, and Ayotte

Apr 04, 2011 Whitehouse

Apr 05, 2011 Reed of Rhode Island

Apr 07, 2011 Risch, Sessions, Cornyn, and Toomey


Mar 09, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 533 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/09/2011

SPONSOR: Grassley

A bill to amend Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to improve attorney accountability, and for

other purposes.





Mar 28, 2011 Coburn


Mar 09, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 554 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/10/2011


A bill to prohibit the use of Department of Justice funds for the prosecution in Article III courts of the

United States of individuals involved in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.



McCain, Chambliss, Ayotte, Grassley, Rubio, Burr, Ensign, Alexander, Johanns, Lieberman, and

Brown of Massachusetts


Mar 14, 2011 Sessions, and Vitter

Mar 16, 2011 Coburn, and Lee

Mar 30, 2011 Roberts

II - 10


Mike Lee, of Utah

Apr 04, 2011 Hutchison


Mar 10, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 569 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/14/2011

SPONSOR: Feinstein

A bill to provide for fairness for the Federal judiciary.



Hatch, Leahy, Graham, Reid of Nevada, Lee, Inouye, Bingaman, Lieberman, and Kerry


Sep 06, 2011 Lautenberg


Mar 14, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 575 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/15/2011


A bill to study the market and appropriate regulatory structure for electronic debit card transactions, and

for other purposes.



Corker, Carper, Roberts, Coons, Lee, Nelson of Nebraska, Kyl, Toomey, Thune, and Coburn


Mar 16, 2011 McCaskill

Mar 17, 2011 Baucus, and Akaka

Mar 29, 2011 Sessions, Blunt, and Nelson of Florida


Mar 15, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

S. 609 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/17/2011


A bill to provide for the establishment of a committee to assess the effects of certain Federal regulatory






Jul 06, 2011 Blunt, Cochran, Coats, and Roberts

Jul 18, 2011 Toomey, and Murkowski

Jul 25, 2011 McConnell, Johnson of Wisconsin, Vitter, Hutchison, Isakson, Graham, Rubio,

Cornyn, Wicker, Hoeven, Risch, Crapo, Lee, Paul, McCain, Barrasso, and Burr

Sep 26, 2011 Enzi, and Sessions

Dec 12, 2011 Thune


Mar 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

II - 11


Mike Lee, of Utah

S. 644 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/17/2011


A bill to amend subchapter II of chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code, to prohibit coverage for annuity

purposes for any individual hired as a Federal employee after 2012.



Coburn, Chambliss, McCain, Johnson of Wisconsin, Cornyn, Thune, Inhofe, Kyl, Sessions,

Ensign, Lee, and Toomey


Mar 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


May 09, 2011 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs referred to Subcommittee

on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of


S. 668 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/29/2011


A bill to remove unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats from seniors' personal health decisions by

repealing the Independent Payment Advisory Board.



Hatch, Roberts, Kyl, Thune, Barrasso, Isakson, Wicker, Burr, Coburn, and Inhofe


Apr 06, 2011 Moran, and Crapo

Apr 07, 2011 Blunt

Apr 12, 2011 McCain

Apr 13, 2011 Kirk, and Lee

Apr 14, 2011 Chambliss

May 02, 2011 Cochran

May 03, 2011 Johanns

May 04, 2011 Grassley, and Rubio

May 09, 2011 Boozman, and Hoeven

May 10, 2011 Ayotte

May 16, 2011 Collins

May 18, 2011 Paul

May 23, 2011 Graham

May 24, 2011 Coats

Jun 08, 2011 Heller

Jun 14, 2011 Brown of Massachusetts

Jun 30, 2011 Toomey

Aug 01, 2011 Risch


Mar 29, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 671 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/29/2011

SPONSOR: Sessions

A bill to authorize the United States Marshals Service to issue administrative subpoenas in investigations

relating to unregistered sex offenders.


II - 12


Mike Lee, of Utah


Blumenthal, Hatch, Klobuchar, Grassley, Whitehouse, Cornyn, Kyl, Graham, Lee, Collins, Thune,

Coburn, Burr, and Chambliss


Mar 30, 2011 Feinstein

Apr 05, 2011 Vitter

Apr 06, 2011 Ensign

May 02, 2011 Risch

May 11, 2011 Tester

Jun 28, 2011 Ayotte

Nov 17, 2011 Schumer


Mar 29, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Dec 01, 2011 Committee on the Judiciary. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of

a substitute favorably.

Dec 01, 2011 Committee on the Judiciary. Reported by Senator Leahy with an amendment in the

nature of a substitute. Without written report.

Dec 01, 2011 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 247.

S. 685 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/30/2011


A bill to repeal the Federal sugar program.





Mar 31, 2011 McCain

May 02, 2011 Coburn

Jun 20, 2011 Coats

Dec 14, 2011 Lee

Mar 19, 2012 Corker


Mar 30, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

S. 706 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/31/2011


A bill to stimulate the economy, produce domestic energy, and create jobs at no cost to the taxpayers,

and without borrowing money from foreign governments for which our children and grandchildren will be

responsible, and for other purposes.



Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Ensign, Enzi,

Graham, Hatch, Hutchison, Inhofe, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Kyl, Lee, Moran,

Risch, Roberts, Sessions, Shelby, Wicker, Hoeven, and Rubio


Apr 08, 2011 Toomey


Mar 31, 2011 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

II - 13


Mike Lee, of Utah

Apr 04, 2011 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 23.

S. 712 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/31/2011


A bill to repeal the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.



Alexander, Coburn, Cornyn, Crapo, Ensign, Hutchison, Inhofe, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Kyl, Lee, McConnell, Paul, Risch, Sessions, Thune, and Vitter


Apr 05, 2011 Shelby, Toomey, Chambliss, Moran, and Corker

Apr 06, 2011 Wicker

Apr 07, 2011 Graham

Apr 14, 2011 Blunt

May 03, 2011 Boozman

May 18, 2011 Heller


Mar 31, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 720 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/04/2011


A bill to repeal the CLASS program.





Apr 05, 2011 Sessions, Johanns, Boozman, Ensign, Johnson of Wisconsin, Collins, Toomey,

Lee, Barrasso, Roberts, Crapo, Isakson, Chambliss, Burr, Rubio, Cornyn, Hatch,

Coburn, DeMint(Withdrawn Oct 31, 2011), Inhofe, Alexander, Cochran, Wicker,

Snowe, McCain, and Enzi

Apr 06, 2011 Blunt, and Kyl

Apr 07, 2011 Risch

May 02, 2011 Grassley

May 05, 2011 Johnson of South Dakota (Withdrawn May 09, 2011)

May 19, 2011 Corker

Oct 19, 2011 Lugar

Oct 20, 2011 McConnell, Hoeven, and Shelby

Nov 01, 2011 Coats, Murkowski, and Ayotte

Nov 02, 2011 Kirk, and Portman

Nov 03, 2011 Moran

Nov 07, 2011 Paul

Feb 01, 2012 Hutchison


Apr 04, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 723 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/05/2011


II - 14


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to amend section 301 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to clarify those classes of individuals

born in the United States who are nationals and citizens of the United States at birth.



Paul, Lee, and Moran


May 19, 2011 Boozman


Apr 05, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 724 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/05/2011

SPONSOR: Hutchison

A bill to appropriate such funds as may be necessary to ensure that members of the Armed Forces,

including reserve components thereof, and supporting civilian and contractor personnel continue to

receive pay and allowances for active service performed when a funding gap caused by the failure to

enact interim or full-year appropriations for the Armed Forces occurs, which results in the furlough of

non-emergency personnel and the curtailment of Government activities and services.



Snowe, Inhofe, Murkowski, Hoeven, and Casey


Apr 06, 2011 Ayotte, Portman, Collins, Johanns, Cornyn, Enzi, Kyl, DeMint, Ensign, Lee, Thune,

Crapo, Chambliss, Blunt, Burr, Johnson of Wisconsin, Stabenow, Hatch, Roberts,

Grassley, Rubio, Graham, Toomey, Risch, Moran, Barrasso, McConnell, Coats,

and Hagan

Apr 07, 2011 Lieberman, Udall of New Mexico, Bingaman, Tester, Vitter, Corker, Manchin, Udall

of Colorado, Rockefeller, Blumenthal, Sessions, Brown of Massachusetts,

Klobuchar, Alexander, Shelby, and Lugar

Apr 08, 2011 Pryor, Boozman, Bennet, Baucus, Isakson, Kirk, Johnson of South Dakota, Durbin,

Warner, Kerry, Franken, Cantwell, Feinstein, Wicker, McCaskill, McCain, Kohl,

Cochran, Coons, Nelson of Florida, Brown of Ohio, Conrad, Coburn, Leahy,

Merkley, Boxer, Landrieu, Paul, and Begich

Apr 12, 2011 Whitehouse

Jun 30, 2011 Heller


Apr 05, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.

S. 726 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/05/2011


A bill to rescind $45 billion of unobligated discretionary appropriations, and for other purposes.



Apr 07, 2011 Johanns

Apr 12, 2011 Hatch, McCain, and Vitter

Apr 14, 2011 Lee

May 02, 2011 Isakson

May 18, 2011 Ayotte, Coburn, Johnson of Wisconsin, and Paul

Jun 14, 2011 DeMint

Jun 16, 2011 Blunt, Sessions, Thune, and Risch

II - 15


Mike Lee, of Utah

Jun 21, 2011 Coats

Jul 07, 2011 Cornyn

Jul 20, 2011 Hoeven


Apr 05, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Budget.

S. 746 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/06/2011


A bill to repeal provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.



DeMint, Alexander, Coburn, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, Ensign, Hutchison, Inhofe, Isakson, Johanns,

Johnson of Wisconsin, Kirk, Kyl, Lee, McConnell, Moran, Paul, Risch, Sessions, Thune, Toomey,

Vitter, and Wicker


Apr 13, 2011 Blunt


Apr 06, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

S. 792 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/12/2011


A bill to authorize the waiver of certain debts relating to assistance provided to individuals and households

since 2005.



May 17, 2011 Hoeven, and Landrieu

May 26, 2011 Cochran

Jun 08, 2011 Shelby, and Lee

Jun 16, 2011 Vitter


Apr 12, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


May 26, 2011 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Ordered to be reported

with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably.

Jul 31, 2012 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Reported by Senator

Lieberman with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. Without written report.

Jul 31, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 478.

S. 804 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/13/2011


A bill to adjust the normal and early retirement ages for receipts of benefits under the Social Security

program, increase the maximum age for delayed retirement credit, and provide for progressive price

indexing of benefits.



Paul and Lee


II - 16


Mike Lee, of Utah

Apr 13, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 808 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/13/2011


A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to allow for prepayment of repayment contracts between the

United States and the Uintah Water Conservancy District.





Apr 13, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

May 19, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power.

Hearings held. With printed Hearing: S.Hrg. 112-63.

Jul 14, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Ordered to be reported without

amendment favorably.

Aug 30, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Reported by Senator Bingaman under

authority of the order of the Senate of 08/02/2011 without amendment. With written

report No. 112-62.

Aug 30, 2011 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 142.

Nov 02, 2011 Passed Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.

Nov 03, 2011 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

S. 827 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/14/2011


A bill to allow a State to combine certain funds and enter into a performance agreement with the

Secretary of Education to improve the academic achievement of students.



Cornyn, Coburn, Graham, Grassley, Inhofe, Johnson of Wisconsin, and Vitter


Jun 28, 2011 Rubio

Sep 06, 2011 Lee

Sep 12, 2012 Boozman


Apr 14, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

S. 868 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/03/2011


A bill to restore the longstanding partnership between the States and the Federal Government in

managing the Medicaid program.



Alexander, Barrasso, Burr, Coburn, Cornyn, Johanns, and Kyl


May 04, 2011 Risch, Thune, Shelby, Paul, Johnson of Wisconsin, Grassley, Lee, McCain, and


May 05, 2011 Sessions

May 09, 2011 Inhofe

II - 17


Mike Lee, of Utah

May 10, 2011 Blunt, Chambliss, and Hoeven

May 26, 2011 Corker

Jun 06, 2011 Roberts

Jun 07, 2011 Boozman

Jun 27, 2011 Cochran


May 03, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 877 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/04/2011


A bill to prevent taxpayer-funded elective abortions by applying the longstanding policy of the Hyde

amendment to the new health care law.



Coburn, McConnell, Hutchison, Roberts, Rubio, Blunt, Ayotte, Wicker, Isakson, Vitter, Chambliss,

Barrasso, Boozman, Burr, Thune, Risch, Inhofe, Moran, Grassley, Crapo, Johanns, Hoeven,

Shelby, Coats, Corker, Paul, Johnson of Wisconsin, McCain, Lee, and Kyl


May 09, 2011 Cornyn

Jun 06, 2011 Enzi

Oct 13, 2011 Sessions

Nov 09, 2011 Portman


May 04, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 892 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/05/2011


A bill to establish the Department of Energy and the Environment, and for other purposes.



DeMint, Enzi, Thune, McCain, Coats, Shelby, Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Cochran, Hutchison,

Vitter, Hatch, Johnson of Wisconsin, and Lee


May 25, 2011 Coburn, and Toomey


May 05, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


S. 897 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/05/2011

SPONSOR: Bingaman

A bill to amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 to clarify that uncertified States

and Indian tribes have the authority to use certain payments for certain noncoal reclamation projects and

acid mine remediation programs.



Bennet, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, and Lee


II - 18


Mike Lee, of Utah

May 05, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

May 18, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and

Forests. Hearings held. With printed Hearing: S.Hrg. 112-39.

Jul 14, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Ordered to be reported without

amendment favorably.

Aug 30, 2011 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Reported by Senator Bingaman under

authority of the order of the Senate of 08/02/2011 without amendment. With written

report No. 112-63.

Aug 30, 2011 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 143.

Nov 02, 2011 Passed Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.

Nov 03, 2011 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

Nov 03, 2011 Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources.

Nov 04, 2011 Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.

Feb 29, 2012 Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources Discharged.

Feb 29, 2012 Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.

Feb 29, 2012 Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.

Apr 16, 2012 Reported by the Committee on Natural Resources. H. Rept. 112-429.

Apr 16, 2012 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 296.

S. 906 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/05/2011


A bill to prohibit taxpayer funded abortions and to provide for conscience protections, and for other




Shelby, Blunt, DeMint, Coats, Burr, Enzi, Coburn, Vitter, Risch, Barrasso, Cochran, Boozman,

Moran, Ayotte, Johanns, Grassley, Paul, Rubio, Inhofe, Hatch, Kyl, and Thune


May 10, 2011 Lugar, and Chambliss

May 11, 2011 Roberts, and Graham

May 12, 2011 Hoeven

May 16, 2011 Lee

May 18, 2011 Crapo

May 23, 2011 Sessions

May 26, 2011 McConnell

Jun 06, 2011 Corker, and Toomey

Jun 14, 2011 Portman

Jun 16, 2011 Cornyn

Jul 13, 2011 Johnson of Wisconsin


May 05, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 964 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/12/2011

SPONSOR: Alexander

A bill to amend the National Labor Relations Act to clarify the applicability of such Act with respect to

States that have right to work laws in effect.



II - 19


Mike Lee, of Utah

Graham, DeMint, Paul, Cornyn, Lugar, Shelby, Isakson, Risch, Boozman, Lee, Kyl, Vitter,

Cochran, Coburn, Grassley, Hutchison, Hoeven, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, McConnell,

Barrasso, Burr, Roberts, Sessions, Hatch, Enzi, Chambliss, Inhofe, Heller, McCain, Wicker, Rubio,

and Corker


May 16, 2011 Thune

May 24, 2011 Toomey

Jun 14, 2011 Moran


May 12, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

S. 1002 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/16/2011

SPONSOR: Schumer

A bill to prohibit theft of medical products, and for other purposes.



Kyl, Klobuchar, Brown of Ohio, Whitehouse, Sessions, Graham, Coons, Bennet, Lugar, Nelson of

Florida, Casey, Blumenthal, and Lautenberg


May 17, 2011 Hagan, and Portman

May 19, 2011 Wyden

Jun 06, 2011 Menendez

Jun 07, 2011 Ayotte

Jun 22, 2011 Wicker

Jun 23, 2011 Kirk

Jun 29, 2011 Cochran

Jun 30, 2011 Corker

Jul 05, 2011 Alexander

Aug 02, 2011 Coats, and Gillibrand

Sep 13, 2011 Kohl

Sep 15, 2011 Brown of Massachusetts

Oct 17, 2011 Roberts

Nov 03, 2011 Cornyn

Feb 28, 2012 Lee, and Feinstein

Mar 07, 2012 Coburn

Mar 08, 2012 Hatch


May 16, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Mar 08, 2012 Committee on the Judiciary. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of

a substitute favorably.

Aug 28, 2012 Committee on the Judiciary. Reported by Senator Leahy under authority of the order of

the Senate of 08/02/2012 with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. With written

report No. 112-204.

Aug 28, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 495.

S. 1006 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/17/2011


A bill to allow seniors to file their Federal income tax on a new Form 1040SR.



II - 20


Mike Lee, of Utah

Nelson of Florida


May 24, 2011 Inhofe

Jun 06, 2011 Lee


May 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 1009 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/17/2011


A bill to rescind certain Federal funds identified by States as unwanted and use the funds to reduce the

Federal debt.



May 18, 2011 Ayotte, Barrasso, Coburn, Johnson of Wisconsin, Lee, Vitter, and Paul

May 24, 2011 Coats, Enzi, Inhofe, and Risch

Jun 06, 2011 Toomey

Jun 09, 2011 Isakson

Jun 14, 2011 DeMint

Jun 16, 2011 Blunt, Chambliss, Cornyn, Hatch, Johanns, Sessions, Thune, McConnell, and


Jun 23, 2011 Kyl

Sep 13, 2011 Alexander


May 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.

S. 1025 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/19/2011


A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to enhance the national defense through empowerment of

the National Guard, enhancement of the functions of the National Guard Bureau, and improvement of

Federal-State military coordination in domestic emergency response, and for other purposes.





May 23, 2011 Begich, and Corker

May 26, 2011 Gillibrand, Coons, and Johnson of South Dakota

Jun 07, 2011 Alexander

Jun 08, 2011 Sanders, Wyden, and Bingaman

Jun 09, 2011 Tester

Jun 13, 2011 Lautenberg, Menendez, and Grassley

Jun 15, 2011 Coats, Pryor, Rockefeller, and Baucus

Jun 16, 2011 Shaheen, and Boozman

Jun 20, 2011 Manchin, and Snowe

Jun 21, 2011 Franken, and Lugar

Jun 23, 2011 Brown of Ohio, and Brown of Massachusetts

Jun 27, 2011 Blumenthal, and Klobuchar

Jun 29, 2011 Whitehouse

Jul 05, 2011 Harkin

Jul 06, 2011 Casey, and Stabenow

Jul 07, 2011 Feinstein, and Merkley

II - 21


Mike Lee, of Utah

Jul 11, 2011 Murray, and Akaka

Jul 12, 2011 Ayotte

Jul 22, 2011 Hagan

Jul 25, 2011 Landrieu

Jul 26, 2011 Blunt

Jul 27, 2011 Hoeven, and Vitter

Jul 28, 2011 McCaskill

Jul 29, 2011 Risch

Aug 02, 2011 Boxer

Sep 06, 2011 Cantwell, Cardin, Bennet, Carper, and Burr

Sep 07, 2011 Moran

Sep 13, 2011 Durbin

Sep 15, 2011 Enzi

Sep 21, 2011 Heller, and Conrad

Sep 22, 2011 Lee, and Roberts

Sep 23, 2011 Warner

Oct 03, 2011 Schumer, and Udall of Colorado

Oct 05, 2011 Mikulski

Oct 06, 2011 Crapo, and Johnson of Wisconsin

Oct 11, 2011 Johanns

Oct 20, 2011 Toomey

Nov 10, 2011 Inhofe

Nov 17, 2011 Kerry

Nov 30, 2011 Kohl


May 19, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.

S. 1027 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/19/2011

SPONSOR: Barrasso

A bill to provide for the rescission of certain instruction memoranda of the Bureau of Land Management,

to amend the Mineral Leasing Act to provide for the determination of the impact of proposed policy

modifications, and for other purposes.



Enzi, Lee, and Hatch


Jun 08, 2011 Hoeven


May 19, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 1039 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/19/2011


A bill to impose sanctions on persons responsible for the detention, abuse, or death of Sergei Magnitsky,

for the conspiracy to defraud the Russian Federation of taxes on corporate profits through fraudulent

transactions and lawsuits against Hermitage, and for other gross violations of human rights in the

Russian Federation, and for other purposes.



McCain, Ayotte, Begich, Blumenthal, Durbin, Johanns, Kirk, Kyl, Lieberman, Rubio, Shaheen,

Whitehouse, and Wicker

II - 22


Mike Lee, of Utah


May 23, 2011 Udall of New Mexico, and Casey

May 26, 2011 Boxer

Jun 16, 2011 Sessions

Jun 20, 2011 Menendez

Aug 02, 2011 Inhofe, and Graham

Sep 15, 2011 Risch

Nov 07, 2011 Blunt

Nov 09, 2011 Cornyn

Nov 10, 2011 Coons, and DeMint

Jan 23, 2012 Wyden

Feb 06, 2012 Collins

Feb 13, 2012 Schumer

Mar 14, 2012 Coburn

Mar 21, 2012 Brown of Ohio, and Lee

Apr 18, 2012 Burr

May 07, 2012 Harkin

May 24, 2012 Johnson of Wisconsin

Jun 12, 2012 Thune

Jun 21, 2012 Cantwell

Jul 18, 2012 Snowe, and Grassley


May 19, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Jun 26, 2012 Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the

nature of a substitute favorably.

Jul 23, 2012 Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Kerry with an amendment in the

nature of a substitute. With written report No. 112-191.

Jul 23, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 469.

S. 1048 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/23/2011

SPONSOR: Menendez

A bill to expand sanctions imposed with respect to the Islamic Republic of Iran, North Korea, and Syria,

and for other purposes.



Lieberman, Kyl, Casey, Gillibrand, Collins, and Kirk


May 24, 2011 Schumer, Cornyn, Vitter, Crapo, and Risch

May 25, 2011 Roberts

May 26, 2011 Barrasso, and Heller

Jun 06, 2011 Coons, Wyden, and Blumenthal

Jun 08, 2011 Kohl, Cantwell, and Rubio

Jun 09, 2011 McCain, Moran, Blunt, Tester, and Wicker

Jun 14, 2011 Boozman, and Coburn

Jun 15, 2011 Coats

Jun 16, 2011 Hutchison

Jun 20, 2011 Brown of Ohio

Jun 22, 2011 Isakson, Thune, Nelson of Florida, Conrad, and Murray

Jun 23, 2011 Cardin, Graham, and Nelson of Nebraska

Jun 27, 2011 Mikulski

Jun 30, 2011 Whitehouse, Portman, and Inhofe

Jul 05, 2011 Hagan, and Toomey

II - 23


Mike Lee, of Utah

Jul 11, 2011 Murkowski

Jul 13, 2011 Pryor

Jul 18, 2011 McCaskill

Jul 19, 2011 Shaheen, and Chambliss

Jul 20, 2011 Lugar

Jul 21, 2011 McConnell, and Hoeven

Jul 25, 2011 Ayotte, and Lee

Jul 26, 2011 Cochran

Jul 27, 2011 Stabenow

Jul 28, 2011 Begich

Aug 01, 2011 Inouye

Aug 02, 2011 Merkley, and Akaka

Sep 06, 2011 Snowe

Sep 07, 2011 Grassley, and Johanns

Sep 19, 2011 Lautenberg

Sep 20, 2011 Klobuchar, Udall of Colorado, Warner, Carper, and Manchin

Sep 21, 2011 Landrieu, and Brown of Massachusetts

Sep 22, 2011 Burr

Sep 23, 2011 Bennet

Oct 04, 2011 Franken

Oct 11, 2011 Sessions

Oct 31, 2011 Durbin

Nov 09, 2011 Baucus

Nov 15, 2011 Boxer

Nov 16, 2011 Rockefeller

Nov 17, 2011 Feinstein

Mar 05, 2012 Hatch


May 23, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Oct 13, 2011 Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Hearings held. Hearings printed:

S.Hrg. 112-332.

S. 1061 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/25/2011

SPONSOR: Barrasso

A bill to amend title 5 and 28, United States Code, with respect to the award of fees and other expenses

in cases brought against agencies of the United States, to require the Administrative Conference of the

United States to compile, and make publically available, certain data relating to the Equal Access to

Justice Act, and for other purposes.



Crapo, Enzi, Heller, Lee, Risch, Thune, and Hatch


Jun 27, 2011 Murkowski

Jul 12, 2011 McCain

Jul 27, 2011 Boozman

Jul 28, 2011 Hutchison

Oct 06, 2011 Coburn

Aug 02, 2012 Inhofe


May 25, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

II - 24


Mike Lee, of Utah

S. 1087 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/26/2011

SPONSOR: Barrasso

A bill to release wilderness study areas administered by the Bureau of Land Management that are not

suitable for wilderness designation from continued management as de facto wilderness areas and to

release inventoried roadless areas within the National Forest System that are not recommended for

wilderness designation from the land use restrictions of the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Final Rule

and the 2005 State Petitions for Inventoried Roadless Area Management Final Rule, and for other




Murkowski, Hatch, Heller, and Enzi


Jul 27, 2011 Lee


May 26, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 1116 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/26/2011


A bill to merge the Department of Labor, the Department of Commerce, and the Small Business

Administration to establish a Department of Commerce and the Workforce, and for other purposes.



Wicker, Cochran, Inhofe, Lee, McCain, Coats, and Thune


May 26, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


S. 1129 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/26/2011

SPONSOR: Barrasso

A bill to amend the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to improve the management of

grazing leases and permits, and for other purposes.



Enzi, Crapo, Risch, Thune, Heller, and Hatch


Mar 21, 2012 Lee, and Hoeven


May 26, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

Mar 22, 2012 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and

Forests. Hearings held.

S. 1153 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/07/2011



II - 25


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to improve Federal land management, resource conservation, environmental protection, and use of

Federal land by requiring the Secretary of the Interior to develop a multipurpose cadastre of Federal land

and identifying inaccurate, duplicate, and out-of-date Federal land inventories, and for other purposes.




Jun 07, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 1162 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/09/2011


A bill to authorize the International Trade Commission to develop and recommend legislation for

temporarily suspending duties, and for other purposes.





Apr 26, 2012 Coburn, Toomey, Chambliss, Coats, Vitter, Lee, and Ayotte


Jun 09, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 1164 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/09/2011


A bill to empower States with authority for most taxing and spending for highway programs and mass

transit programs, and for other purposes.



Feb 09, 2012 Lee


Jun 09, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 1182 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/13/2011


A bill to prohibit the further extension or establishment of national monuments in Utah except by express

authorization of Congress.





Jun 13, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 1189 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/14/2011

SPONSOR: Portman


II - 26


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to amend the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) to provide for

regulatory impact analyses for certain rules, consideration of the least burdensome regulatory alternative,

and for other purposes.


Cornyn, Crapo, Enzi, Hatch, Risch, and Toomey


Jun 16, 2011 Grassley

Jun 21, 2011 Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Blunt, Chambliss, Coats, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Lee, Roberts, and McConnell

Jun 22, 2011 Boozman, and Moran

Jun 23, 2011 Kyl

Jul 06, 2011 Sessions


Jun 14, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


Jun 23, 2011 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Hearings held. Hearings

printed: S.Hrg. 112-220.

Jul 20, 2011 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Hearings held. Hearings

printed: S.Hrg. 112-220.

S. 1196 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/14/2011

SPONSOR: Grassley

A bill to expand the use of E-Verify, to hold employers accountable, and for other purposes.



Sessions, Rubio, Wicker, Boozman, Lee, Hatch, Vitter, Coburn, and Corker


Jun 15, 2011 Barrasso

Nov 10, 2011 Johanns


Jun 14, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 1209 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/15/2011


A bill to clarify authority granted under the Act entitled "An Act to define the exterior boundary of the

Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation in the State of Utah, and for other purposes".





Jun 15, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 1241 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/21/2011


A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit taking minors across State lines in circumvention

of laws requiring the involvement of parents in abortion decisions.


II - 27


Mike Lee, of Utah


Hatch, Ayotte, Blunt, Burr, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cornyn, DeMint, Enzi, Graham, Grassley,

Hutchison, Johanns, Kyl, Lee, McCain, Moran, Risch, Sessions, Thune, Wicker, Vitter, and Paul


Jun 22, 2011 Cochran, Inhofe, Johnson of Wisconsin, McConnell, and Roberts

Jul 12, 2011 Toomey

Oct 13, 2011 Corker

Jan 23, 2012 Hoeven


Jun 21, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 1248 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/22/2011


A bill to prohibit the consideration of any bill by Congress unless the authority provided by the Constitution

of the United States for the legislation can be determined and is clearly specified.



Paul, Barrasso, Blunt, Burr, Corker, Crapo, DeMint, Enzi, Graham, Grassley, Hatch, Hutchison,

Inhofe, Isakson, Johnson of Wisconsin, Kyl, Lee, McCain, Risch, Rubio, Sessions, Thune, Vitter,

and Wicker


Jun 29, 2011 Chambliss, and Boozman

Aug 02, 2011 Heller

Sep 08, 2011 Cornyn


Jun 22, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration.

S. 1276 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/23/2011


A bill to repeal the authority to provide certain loans to the International Monetary Fund, the increase in

the United States quota to the Fund, and certain other related authorities, to rescind related appropriated

amounts, and for other purposes.



Vitter, Cornyn, Crapo, Inhofe, Hatch, and Risch


Jun 28, 2011 Lee


Jun 23, 2011 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Jun 27, 2011 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 85.

S. 1287 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/28/2011



II - 28


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to treat gold and silver coins used as legal tender in the same manner as United States currency for

taxation purposes.


Lee and Paul


Jun 28, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 1316 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/30/2011


A bill to prevent a fiscal crisis by enacting legislation to balance the Federal budget through reductions of

discretionary and mandatory spending.



Jul 13, 2011 Paul

Jul 20, 2011 Barrasso

Aug 01, 2011 Hutchison, and Rubio

Aug 02, 2011 Lee

Sep 06, 2011 Vitter

Oct 17, 2011 Crapo

Jan 26, 2012 Toomey

Feb 06, 2012 Moran, and Johanns

Mar 27, 2012 Isakson

Apr 18, 2012 Chambliss

Jun 13, 2012 Hatch


Jun 30, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Budget.

S. 1317 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/30/2011


A bill to allow individuals to choose to opt out of the Medicare part A benefit.



Coburn, Vitter, Paul, Sessions, Lee, Risch, Chambliss, Graham, Ayotte, Toomey, Johnson of

Wisconsin, and Hutchison


Jul 05, 2011 Blunt

Jul 07, 2011 Cochran, and Inhofe


Jun 30, 2011 Introduced in the Senate. Read twice. Ordered Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under General Orders. Calendar No. 92.

S. 1322 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/30/2011


A bill to permit commercial vehicles at weights up to 129,000 pounds to use certain highways on the

Interstate System in the State of Idaho, and for other purposes.



Risch, Hatch, and Lee

II - 29


Mike Lee, of Utah


Jun 30, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 1335 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/06/2011


A bill to amend title 49, United States Code, to provide rights for pilots, and for other purposes.



Begich, Johanns, Boozman, Snowe, Moran, Pryor, Collins, Crapo, Thune, Cornyn, Murkowski,

Alexander, Enzi, Burr, Barrasso, Chambliss, Coats, Hoeven, Isakson, Johnson of Wisconsin,

Roberts, Blunt, Coburn, Risch, and Wicker


Jul 14, 2011 Manchin, and Stabenow

Jul 27, 2011 Toomey

Jul 29, 2011 Rubio

Sep 08, 2011 Ayotte, DeMint, and Heller

Sep 15, 2011 Sessions

Oct 06, 2011 Warner

Oct 17, 2011 Cochran, Corker, Graham, Grassley, Kirk, and Shelby

Oct 31, 2011 Nelson of Nebraska, and Portman

Nov 02, 2011 Merkley

Nov 09, 2011 Hatch, Lee, and Paul

Nov 14, 2011 Akaka, Lautenberg, Lugar, and Vitter

Nov 16, 2011 Tester, Udall of Colorado, Carper, Harkin, Inouye, Landrieu, and Nelson of Florida

Nov 17, 2011 Hagan, and Gillibrand

Feb 06, 2012 Johnson of South Dakota

Feb 09, 2012 Wyden

Mar 13, 2012 Shaheen

May 16, 2012 Kyl

May 17, 2012 Brown of Ohio

Jun 05, 2012 McCain


Jul 06, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

Jun 29, 2012 Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation discharged by

Unanimous Consent.

Jun 29, 2012 Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.

Jun 29, 2012 S.Amdt. 2489 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Hutchison.

Jun 29, 2012 S.Amdt. 2489 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

Jun 29, 2012 Passed Senate with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.

Jun 29, 2012 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

Jun 29, 2012 Referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Jul 23, 2012 Considered under suspension of the rules.

Jul 23, 2012 On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote.

Jul 26, 2012 Presented to President.

Aug 03, 2012 Signed by President.

Aug 03, 2012 Became Public Law No: 112-153.

S. 1341 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/11/2011

SPONSOR: Sessions

II - 30


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to provide a point of order against consideration of any measure that would increase the statutory

limit on the public debt above $14.294 trillion unless that measure has been publicly available for a full 7

calendar days before consideration on the floor of the Senate.



Vitter, Ayotte, and Lee


Jul 12, 2011 DeMint, and Toomey

Jul 13, 2011 Johnson of Wisconsin, and Paul


Jul 11, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration.

S. 1420 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/26/2011


A bill to require that the United States Government prioritize all obligations on the debt held by the public,

Social Security benefits, and military pay in the event that the debt limit is reached, and for other




Vitter, Paul, Rubio, Lee, Risch, DeMint, Hoeven, Coats, Barrasso, Boozman, Chambliss, Coburn,

Cornyn, Crapo, Enzi, Graham, Grassley, Hatch, Heller, Hutchison, Inhofe, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Kirk, Lugar, Moran, Roberts, Wicker, Ayotte, Isakson, Blunt, and Corker


Aug 02, 2011 Burr


Jul 26, 2011 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Jul 27, 2011 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 112.

S. 1438 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/28/2011

SPONSOR: Johnson, of WI

A bill to provide that no agency may take any significant regulatory action until the unemployment rate is

equal to or less than 7.7 percent.



Paul, Cornyn, Lee, Toomey, Risch, Coburn, Ayotte, Rubio, DeMint, Vitter, Grassley, Isakson,

Hatch, Wicker, Hutchison, Inhofe, Burr, Coats, Boozman, and Enzi


Sep 07, 2011 Johanns

Sep 08, 2011 Blunt

Sep 12, 2011 Moran

Sep 13, 2011 Sessions, Barrasso, and McConnell

Oct 06, 2011 Crapo

Sep 12, 2012 Chambliss


Jul 28, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


II - 31


Mike Lee, of Utah

S. 1446 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/28/2011


A bill to free States to spend gas taxes on their transportation priorities.



McCain, Lee, DeMint, Paul, Vitter, Kyl, Cornyn, Hatch, Coats, Chambliss, Burr, Isakson, and



Jul 28, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 1501 DATE INTRODUCED: 08/02/2011


A bill to require the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to conduct the business of the

Committee in a manner that is open to the public.



Rubio, Vitter, Lee, Ayotte, Paul, Boozman, and Johnson of Wisconsin


Sep 13, 2011 Snowe, and Sessions


Aug 02, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration.

S. 1506 DATE INTRODUCED: 08/02/2011


A bill to prevent the Secretary of the Treasury from expanding United States bank reporting requirements

with respect to interest on deposits paid to nonresident aliens.



Cornyn and Hutchison


Sep 12, 2011 Nelson of Florida

Oct 12, 2011 Ayotte, Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Burr, Coburn, DeMint, Hatch, Inhofe, Lee,

Johnson of Wisconsin, Paul, Vitter, and Wicker

Nov 03, 2011 Thune

Dec 12, 2011 Chambliss, and Sessions

Mar 28, 2012 Risch


Aug 02, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 1507 DATE INTRODUCED: 08/02/2011


A bill to provide protections from workers with respect to their right to select or refrain from selecting

representation by a labor organization.



II - 32


Mike Lee, of Utah

Burr, McCain, and Graham


Sep 12, 2011 Roberts, and Cornyn

Sep 13, 2011 Risch

Sep 16, 2011 Kyl, DeMint, Sessions, Thune, Paul, Rubio, and Johnson of Wisconsin

Sep 20, 2011 Chambliss, Barrasso, and Lee

Sep 26, 2011 Cochran

Oct 11, 2011 Wicker

Oct 17, 2011 Inhofe

Nov 01, 2011 Boozman

May 21, 2012 Heller

Jun 13, 2012 Shelby


Aug 02, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

S. 1523 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/08/2011


A bill to prohibit the National Labor Relations Board from ordering any employers to close, relocate, or

transfer employment under any circumstance.



Sep 13, 2011 Alexander, DeMint, Enzi, Johanns, Lee, Moran, and Risch

Sep 14, 2011 McConnell

Sep 15, 2011 Chambliss, Cochran, Hutchison, Johnson of Wisconsin, Rubio, and Paul

Oct 17, 2011 Cornyn, Heller, Sessions, and Toomey

Dec 13, 2011 Coburn


Sep 08, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

S. 1544 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/12/2011


A bill to amend the Securities Act of 1933 to require the Securities and Exchange Commission to exempt

a certain class of securities from such Act.





Dec 01, 2011 Crapo, and Blumenthal

Dec 06, 2011 McCaskill

Dec 14, 2011 Menendez

Mar 01, 2012 Lee

Mar 07, 2012 Hagan


Sep 12, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

Dec 01, 2011 Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Hearings held.

Mar 06, 2012 Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Hearings held.

S. 1556 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/14/2011

II - 33


Mike Lee, of Utah


A bill to require an accounting for financial support made to promote the production or use of renewable

energy, and for other purposes.



Johnson of Wisconsin


Sep 20, 2011 Lee


Sep 14, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


S. 1578 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/19/2011


A bill to amend the Safe Drinking Water Act with respect to consumer confidence reports by community

water systems.





Sep 21, 2011 Moran

Sep 26, 2011 Roberts

Oct 03, 2011 Barrasso, and Pryor

Oct 18, 2011 Enzi

Nov 17, 2011 Casey

Nov 28, 2011 Paul

Dec 01, 2011 Harkin

Dec 14, 2011 Lee

Mar 02, 2012 Sessions

May 21, 2012 Snowe

Jul 10, 2012 Rubio


Sep 19, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 1580 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/20/2011


A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to extend an exemption from certain requirements of the

Endangered Species Act of 1973 to protect public health and safety.





Sep 20, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 1591 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/21/2011

SPONSOR: Gillibrand

II - 34


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to award a Congressional Gold Medal to Raoul Wallenberg, in recognition of his achievements and

heroic actions during the Holocaust.



Kirk, Levin, and Johanns


Oct 31, 2011 Moran

Nov 01, 2011 Brown of Ohio, and Casey

Nov 18, 2011 Feinstein, and Lieberman

Dec 08, 2011 Barrasso

Jan 23, 2012 Durbin, and Nelson of Florida

Jan 30, 2012 Schumer

Jan 31, 2012 Lautenberg

Feb 09, 2012 Shaheen

Feb 27, 2012 Vitter, and Lee

Mar 05, 2012 Lugar

Mar 06, 2012 Bennet

Mar 07, 2012 Enzi

Mar 12, 2012 Murkowski

Mar 19, 2012 Ayotte

Mar 27, 2012 Menendez

Apr 16, 2012 Conrad, and Udall of Colorado

Apr 17, 2012 Heller

Apr 18, 2012 Alexander, Blumenthal, Mikulski, and Sanders

Apr 19, 2012 Boxer, and Landrieu

Apr 25, 2012 Wyden

May 07, 2012 Portman

May 08, 2012 Stabenow

May 09, 2012 Tester, and Begich

May 10, 2012 Harkin, Corker, and Merkley

May 14, 2012 Nelson of Nebraska, Kohl, and Inouye

May 15, 2012 Grassley

May 17, 2012 Klobuchar, and Hagan

May 22, 2012 Cardin

Jun 04, 2012 McCaskill

Jun 05, 2012 Franken, Isakson, Bingaman, Rubio, and Blunt

Jun 06, 2012 Coons

Jun 11, 2012 Snowe, Hatch, Collins, and Sessions

Jun 12, 2012 Whitehouse

Jun 18, 2012 Brown of Massachusetts, Murray, and Kerry

Jun 19, 2012 Chambliss

Jun 20, 2012 Risch, Roberts, Hoeven, and Shelby

Jun 27, 2012 Manchin

Jun 28, 2012 Reed of Rhode Island, and Cornyn

Jun 29, 2012 Thune


Sep 21, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

S. 1595 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/21/2011



II - 35


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to prohibit funding for the United Nations in the event the United Nations grants Palestine a change

in status from a permanent observer entity before a comprehensive peace agreement has been reached

with Israel.


Barrasso, Risch, Ayotte, Wicker, Rubio, Coats, Inhofe, Hutchison, Roberts, DeMint, Blunt,

Chambliss, and Coburn


Sep 22, 2011 McConnell, Cornyn, and Johanns

Sep 23, 2011 Crapo, and Lee


Sep 21, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S. 1611 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/22/2011

SPONSOR: Johnson, of WI

A bill to reduce the size of the Federal workforce through attrition, and for other purposes.



Ayotte, Paul, and Johanns


Oct 06, 2011 McConnell, Kyl, Cornyn, Sessions, McCain, Inhofe, Wicker, DeMint, Coburn, Risch,

Crapo, Barrasso, Vitter, Rubio, and Lee


Sep 22, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


S. 1651 DATE INTRODUCED: 10/04/2011

SPONSOR: Sessions

A bill to provide for greater transparency and honesty in the Federal budget process.





Oct 11, 2011 Ayotte, and Alexander

Oct 17, 2011 Chambliss

Oct 19, 2011 Burr, Cornyn, and Enzi

Oct 20, 2011 Johnson of Wisconsin

Oct 31, 2011 Portman

Nov 02, 2011 Lee, and Paul

Nov 08, 2011 Barrasso, Crapo, McCain, Isakson, and Brown of Massachusetts

Nov 10, 2011 Corker, Johanns, and Hutchison

Nov 15, 2011 Boozman

Dec 05, 2011 Coats


Oct 04, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Budget.

S. 1676 DATE INTRODUCED: 10/06/2011


II - 36


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for taxpayers making donations with their

returns of income tax to the Federal Government to pay down the public debt.



Oct 12, 2011 Blunt, Grassley, Johanns, Inhofe, Boozman, Burr, Rubio, Ayotte, Graham, Paul,

Hatch, Kyl, Wicker, Roberts, Hoeven, Lugar, Chambliss, Risch, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Portman, Coats, Barrasso, Corker, Heller, DeMint, McCain, Kirk,

Cornyn, Toomey, and Vitter

Oct 13, 2011 Enzi, Isakson, and Lee

Oct 18, 2011 Sessions

Oct 19, 2011 Crapo

Nov 01, 2011 Alexander

Nov 15, 2011 Shelby

Nov 16, 2011 McConnell, and Cochran

Feb 09, 2012 Hutchison


Oct 06, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 1690 DATE INTRODUCED: 10/12/2011


A bill to preserve the multiple use land management policy in the State of Arizona, and for other




Kyl, Hatch, Lee, and Barrasso


Oct 17, 2011 Murkowski


Oct 12, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 1692 DATE INTRODUCED: 10/12/2011

SPONSOR: Bingaman

A bill to reauthorize the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000, to provide

full funding for the Payments in Lieu of Taxes program, and for other purposes.



Murkowski, Baucus, Crapo, Wyden, Risch, Reid of Nevada, Cochran, Tester, Blunt, Feinstein,

Heller, Udall of New Mexico, Boxer, Cantwell, Murray, Bennet, Merkley, Sanders, Johnson of

South Dakota, Begich, McCaskill, Udall of Colorado, Franken, and Levin


Oct 19, 2011 Boozman, and Wicker

Nov 01, 2011 Klobuchar

Nov 07, 2011 Lee, and Pryor

Nov 30, 2011 Manchin

Dec 05, 2011 Nelson of Florida

Dec 07, 2011 Rockefeller


Oct 12, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

II - 37


Mike Lee, of Utah

S. 1720 DATE INTRODUCED: 10/17/2011


A bill to provide American jobs through economic growth.



Paul, Portman, McConnell, Chambliss, Coats, Cochran, Crapo, DeMint, Grassley, Heller, Hoeven,

Hutchison, Inhofe, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Kirk, Lee, Lugar, Roberts, Rubio,

Toomey, Wicker, Shelby, Thune, Graham, Vitter, Enzi, Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, and Sessions


Oct 18, 2011 Burr, and Moran

Oct 19, 2011 Risch

Nov 07, 2011 Cornyn

Nov 08, 2011 Hatch


Oct 17, 2011 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Oct 18, 2011 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 203.

S. 1746 DATE INTRODUCED: 10/20/2011

SPONSOR: Schumer

A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to stimulate international tourism to the United States.





Dec 14, 2011 Akaka, Blumenthal, Landrieu, and Manchin


Oct 20, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 1751 DATE INTRODUCED: 10/20/2011


A bill to amend subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act to facilitate recovery and beneficial use, and

provide for the proper management and disposal, of materials generated by the combustion of coal and

other fossil fuels.



Conrad, Enzi, Landrieu, Boozman, Nelson of Nebraska, Portman, Manchin, Thune, and



May 07, 2012 Blunt, Johnson of Wisconsin, and Lee


Oct 20, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 1843 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/10/2011

SPONSOR: Isakson

II - 38


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to amend the National Labor Relations Act to provide for appropriate designation of collective

bargaining units.



Alexander, Ayotte, Blunt, Boozman, Burr, Chambliss, Coburn, Coats, Cochran, Collins, Corker,

DeMint, Enzi, Graham, Hatch, Hutchison, Inhofe, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Lee, Lugar,

McCain, Paul, Risch, Shelby, Snowe, Thune, and Vitter


Feb 28, 2012 Toomey

Jun 12, 2012 Moran

Jun 26, 2012 Hoeven

Jul 23, 2012 Kirk

Jul 30, 2012 Sessions


Nov 10, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

S. 1844 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/10/2011


A bill to ensure that Federal Register notices submitted to the Bureau of Land Management are reviewed

in a timely manner.



Hatch, Lee, Thune, Hoeven, Enzi, Crapo, Barrasso, Risch, and Murkowski


Nov 10, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 1866 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/15/2011


A bill to provide incentives for economic growth, and for other purposes.





Nov 16, 2011 Gillibrand, and Blunt

Nov 28, 2011 Casey

Dec 01, 2011 Begich, and Wicker

Dec 08, 2011 Lee, Schumer, and Risch

Dec 12, 2011 Brown of Massachusetts

Dec 17, 2011 Boozman


Nov 15, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 1883 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/17/2011



II - 39


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to provide for the sale of approximately 30 acres of Federal land in Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National

Forest in Salt Lake County, Utah, to permit the establishment of a minimally invasive transportation

alternative called "SkiLink" to connect 2 ski resorts in the Wasatch Mountains, and for other purposes.




Nov 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 1896 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/17/2011


A bill to eliminate the automatic inflation increases for discretionary programs built into the baseline

projections and require budget estimates to be compared with the prior year's level.



Johnson of Wisconsin


Dec 08, 2011 Lee

Jan 23, 2012 Portman


Nov 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Budget.

S. 1904 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/17/2011


A bill to provide information on total spending on means-tested welfare programs, to provide additional

work requirements, and to provide an overall spending limit on means-tested welfare programs.



Lee, Vitter, Paul, Sessions, Graham, Inhofe, and Coburn


Nov 29, 2011 Rubio, and Johnson of Wisconsin

Dec 07, 2011 Risch

May 22, 2012 Toomey


Nov 17, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 1930 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/30/2011


A bill to prohibit earmarks.





Dec 01, 2011 Rubio

Dec 13, 2011 Ayotte, Burr, Chambliss, DeMint, Johnson of South Dakota(Withdrawn Jan 30,

2012), and Thune

Dec 16, 2011 Udall of Colorado

II - 40


Mike Lee, of Utah

Jan 23, 2012 Johanns, and Portman

Jan 30, 2012 Johnson of Wisconsin

Feb 01, 2012 Brown of Massachusetts

Feb 27, 2012 Enzi

Mar 01, 2012 Lee


Nov 30, 2011 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Dec 01, 2011 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 243.

S. 1932 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/30/2011


A bill to require the Secretary of State to act on a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline.



Hoeven, Vitter, Murkowski, McConnell, Johanns, Roberts, Barrasso, Coats, Rubio, Isakson,

Cornyn, Wicker, Inhofe, Moran, Thune, Johnson of Wisconsin, Crapo, Graham, Blunt, Sessions,

Enzi, Alexander, Hutchison, Risch, Chambliss, Kirk, Portman, Burr, Shelby, Lee, Boozman,

Coburn, Cochran, Grassley, Heller, Corker, and Toomey


Dec 01, 2011 Ayotte

Dec 05, 2011 Manchin

Dec 14, 2011 Hatch


Nov 30, 2011 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Dec 01, 2011 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 245.

S. 1936 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/01/2011

SPONSOR: Johnson, of WI

A bill to adopt the seven immediate reforms recommended by the National Commission on Fiscal

Responsibility and Reform to reduce spending and make the Federal government more efficient.



Hutchison, Wicker, Risch, Coburn, Sessions, DeMint, Rubio, Enzi, Cornyn, Lee, Paul, Barrasso,

Ayotte, and McCain


Dec 01, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


S. 1957 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/07/2011


A bill to provide taxpayers with an annual report disclosing the cost of, performance by, and areas for

improvements for Government programs, and for other purposes.



II - 41


Mike Lee, of Utah

Sessions, Chambliss, Burr, McCaskill, Collins, Begich, McCain, Ayotte, Hatch, Paul, Heller, Crapo,

Coats, Enzi, DeMint, Thune, Rubio, Johnson of Wisconsin, Lee, Boozman, Hoeven, Cornyn, Vitter,

Graham, Kyl, Toomey, McConnell, Risch, Wicker, Inhofe, and Barrasso


Dec 12, 2011 Corker


Dec 07, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


S. 1975 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/08/2011


A bill to repeal the authority to provide certain loans to the International Monetary Fund, to prohibit loans

to enable the Fund to provide financing for European financial stability and to oppose the provision of

such financing, and for other purposes.



Cornyn, Vitter, Toomey, Risch, Ayotte, Johnson of Wisconsin, Lee, Paul, Blunt, Hatch, Boozman,

Graham, Kyl, Hutchison, Crapo, Inhofe, Barrasso, Chambliss, Coburn, Thune, Burr, Heller, Rubio,

Johanns, and Sessions


Dec 08, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S. 1990 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/14/2011

SPONSOR: Lieberman

A bill to require the Transportation Security Administration to comply with the Uniformed Services

Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.



Blumenthal, Collins, Burr, Akaka, Tester, and Landrieu


Jan 26, 2012 Begich

Jan 31, 2012 McCaskill, Leahy, and Brown of Massachusetts

Feb 09, 2012 Blunt

Feb 13, 2012 Sanders, Murkowski, and Boozman

Feb 27, 2012 Cardin, and Moran

Feb 28, 2012 Coburn

Mar 05, 2012 Udall of Colorado, and Brown of Ohio

Mar 13, 2012 Carper, and Heller

Mar 29, 2012 Baucus, and Webb

Apr 16, 2012 Nelson of Nebraska, and Klobuchar

Apr 23, 2012 Wyden

May 08, 2012 Portman

Jun 04, 2012 Bennet, Lautenberg, Johnson of South Dakota, and Harkin

Jun 19, 2012 Lee

Jun 29, 2012 Johanns

Jul 19, 2012 Snowe

Jul 26, 2012 Casey

Jul 30, 2012 Rockefeller, and Boxer

Jul 31, 2012 Isakson

Aug 01, 2012 Thune

II - 42


Mike Lee, of Utah


Dec 14, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

S. 1997 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/15/2011


A bill to prohibit the Secretary of the Treasury from providing extra support to the Federal Housing




Crapo, Johanns, Toomey, DeMint, Paul, Risch, Cornyn, and Lee


Dec 15, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

S. 2003 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/15/2011

SPONSOR: Feinstein

A bill to clarify that an authorization to use military force, a declaration of war, or any similar authority shall

not authorize the detention without charge or trial of a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United

States and for other purposes.



Leahy, Lee, Udall of Colorado, Kirk, Gillibrand, Paul, Coons, Durbin, Nelson of Florida, Shaheen,

Udall of New Mexico, Franken, and McCaskill


Dec 16, 2011 Klobuchar, and Blumenthal

Jan 23, 2012 Boxer, Mikulski, and Wyden

Jan 24, 2012 Lautenberg, and Tester

Jan 26, 2012 Rockefeller

Jan 31, 2012 Moran

Feb 01, 2012 Harkin

Mar 26, 2012 Johnson of South Dakota

Apr 16, 2012 Collins

Apr 19, 2012 Bingaman

May 10, 2012 Merkley, and Menendez

May 15, 2012 Baucus

Jun 04, 2012 Sanders


Dec 15, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Feb 29, 2012 Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings held. Hearings printed: S.Hrg. 112-383.

S. 2041 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/30/2012


A bill to approve the Keystone XL pipeline project and provide for environmental protection and

government oversight.



II - 43


Mike Lee, of Utah

Lugar, Vitter, McConnell, Johanns, Portman, Barrasso, McCain, Cornyn, Hutchison, Thune,

Sessions, Alexander, Moran, Ayotte, Boozman, DeMint, Paul, Murkowski, Kyl, Manchin, Lee,

Blunt, Inhofe, Toomey, Hatch, Burr, Chambliss, Coats, Corker, Coburn, Cochran, Crapo, Graham,

Enzi, Grassley, Heller, Isakson, Johnson of Wisconsin, Risch, Roberts, Rubio, Shelby, Wicker,

and Brown of Massachusetts


Mar 05, 2012 Landrieu


Jan 30, 2012 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Jan 31, 2012 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 308.

S. 2043 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/30/2012


A bill to amend title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act to provide religious conscience protections for

individuals and organizations.



Jan 31, 2012 Coats, Vitter, and Lee

Feb 01, 2012 Paul, McCain, Cornyn, Hoeven, Hutchison, Kyl, Wicker, McConnell, Toomey,

Risch, Crapo, Chambliss, Thune, Sessions, Hatch, Coburn, Boozman, Collins, and


Feb 06, 2012 Alexander

Feb 07, 2012 Murkowski, Inhofe, and Heller

Feb 09, 2012 Burr, Graham, and Snowe

Feb 16, 2012 Portman


Jan 30, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

S. 2056 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/01/2012


A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain interests in Federal land acquired for the

Scofield Project in Carbon County, Utah.





Feb 01, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

Mar 22, 2012 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and

Forests. Hearings held.

S. 2062 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/02/2012


A bill to amend the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 to repeal certain provisions relating to criminal

penalties and violations of foreign laws, and for other purposes.



II - 44


Mike Lee, of Utah

DeMint, Lee, Risch, and Coburn


Feb 09, 2012 Enzi

Mar 29, 2012 Wicker

Apr 17, 2012 McConnell


Feb 02, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 2064 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/02/2012


A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to terminate certain energy tax subsidies and lower

the corporate income tax rate.





Feb 07, 2012 Johnson of Wisconsin


Feb 02, 2012 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Feb 06, 2012 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 309.

S. 2085 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/09/2012


A bill to strengthen employee cost savings suggestions programs within the Federal Government.



Johnson of Wisconsin and Lee


Mar 26, 2012 Sessions

Jun 27, 2012 Chambliss


Feb 09, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


S. 2118 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/16/2012


A bill to remove unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats from seniors' personal health decisions by

repealing the Independent Payment Advisory Board.



Burr, Coburn, Roberts, Blunt, Grassley, Lee, Paul, Coats, Inhofe, Isakson, Risch, Heller, Barrasso,

Cochran, Rubio, Moran, Johanns, Thune, and Crapo


Mar 01, 2012 Wicker, Kyl, and Lugar

May 10, 2012 Hutchison

II - 45


Mike Lee, of Utah

Aug 01, 2012 Portman


Feb 16, 2012 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Feb 17, 2012 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 326.

S. 2122 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/16/2012


A bill to clarify the definition of navigable waters, and for other purposes.





Feb 17, 2012 DeMint

Feb 29, 2012 Johnson of Wisconsin, Coburn, Toomey, and Hatch

Mar 15, 2012 McConnell

Mar 21, 2012 Rubio

Apr 24, 2012 Chambliss


Feb 16, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 2165 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/06/2012


A bill to enhance strategic cooperation between the United States and Israel, and for other purposes.



Isakson and Collins


Mar 14, 2012 Feinstein

Mar 19, 2012 Blunt

Mar 21, 2012 Coburn

Mar 22, 2012 Chambliss

Mar 26, 2012 Heller, and McCaskill

Mar 27, 2012 Rubio

Mar 28, 2012 Hoeven

Mar 29, 2012 Moran

Apr 16, 2012 Pryor, Nelson of Florida, and Blumenthal

Apr 17, 2012 Mikulski

Apr 18, 2012 Wyden, and Boozman

Apr 19, 2012 Shaheen, and Burr

Apr 23, 2012 Brown of Ohio, Casey, and Klobuchar

Apr 24, 2012 Portman, Roberts, Lieberman, and Vitter

Apr 26, 2012 Coons, Lee, and Begich

May 07, 2012 Gillibrand, Hagan, and Ayotte

May 08, 2012 Schumer

May 10, 2012 Crapo, Whitehouse, Kirk, and Murkowski

May 14, 2012 Johanns, Inouye, Wicker, Akaka, Inhofe, and Carper

May 16, 2012 Cardin, and Hatch

May 21, 2012 Cornyn, Warner, and Baucus

II - 46


Mike Lee, of Utah

May 22, 2012 Hutchison

May 24, 2012 Cochran

Jun 05, 2012 Toomey, and Merkley

Jun 06, 2012 Kohl, Coats, and Brown of Massachusetts

Jun 07, 2012 Lautenberg

Jun 11, 2012 Barrasso, Johnson of South Dakota, and Sessions

Jun 12, 2012 Cantwell

Jun 13, 2012 Grassley, and Risch

Jun 18, 2012 Udall of Colorado

Jun 19, 2012 Menendez

Jun 20, 2012 Reed of Rhode Island

Jun 26, 2012 Franken, and Landrieu

Jun 27, 2012 Shelby

Jun 28, 2012 Graham

Jun 29, 2012 Durbin, and Stabenow

Jul 16, 2012 Levin


Mar 06, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Jun 19, 2012 Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the

nature of a substitute favorably.

Jun 27, 2012 Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Kerry with an amendment in the

nature of a substitute. With written report No. 112-179.

Jun 27, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 437.

Jun 29, 2012 Passed Senate with an amendment by Voice Vote.

Jun 29, 2012 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

Jul 17, 2012 Considered under suspension of the rules.

Jul 17, 2012 On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote.

Jul 19, 2012 Presented to President.

Jul 27, 2012 Signed by President.

Jul 27, 2012 Became Public Law No: 112-150.

S. 2170 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/07/2012


A bill to amend the provisions of title 5, United States Code, which are commonly referred to as the 'Hatch

Act', to scale back the provision forbidding certain State and local employees from seeking elective office,

clarify the application of certain provisions to the District of Columbia, and modify the penalties which may

be imposed for certain violations under subchapter III of chapter 73 of that title.



Lieberman, Levin, and Lee


Mar 07, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


Mar 13, 2012 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs referred to Subcommittee

on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of


Jun 29, 2012 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Ordered to be reported

with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably.

Sep 13, 2012 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Reported by Senator

Lieberman with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and an amendment to the

title. With written report No. 112-211.

Sep 13, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 508.

II - 47


Mike Lee, of Utah

Nov 30, 2012 Passed Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title by Unanimous


Dec 03, 2012 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

Dec 03, 2012 Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Dec 19, 2012 Considered under suspension of the rules.

Dec 19, 2012 On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote.

Dec 20, 2012 Presented to President.

Dec 28, 2012 Signed by President.

Dec 28, 2012 Became Public Law No: 112-230.

S. 2173 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/07/2012


A bill to preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor

organizations, or to refrain from such activities.



Coburn, Hatch, Lee, Paul, Toomey, Vitter, and Risch


Apr 26, 2012 Barrasso, Burr, Chambliss, Cornyn, Graham, Grassley, Inhofe, Heller, McCain,

Moran, Rubio, and Sessions

Jun 21, 2012 Roberts

Jul 11, 2012 Shelby

Jul 17, 2012 Boozman

Aug 01, 2012 Ayotte, and Wicker


Mar 07, 2012 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Mar 08, 2012 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 333.

S. 2196 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/15/2012


A bill to provide higher-quality, lower-cost health care to seniors.



Graham, Lee, and DeMint


Mar 15, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 2205 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/19/2012


A bill to prohibit funding to negotiate a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty that restricts the Second

Amendment rights of United States citizens.



Mar 22, 2012 Paul

Mar 27, 2012 Boozman

Apr 18, 2012 Johanns

II - 48


Mike Lee, of Utah

Apr 24, 2012 Thune

May 08, 2012 Vitter, Heller, Rubio, and Coburn

May 09, 2012 Crapo

May 10, 2012 Sessions, and Wicker

May 14, 2012 Chambliss, and Hatch

May 22, 2012 Ayotte

May 24, 2012 Toomey

Jun 07, 2012 Isakson, and Cochran

Jun 13, 2012 Risch

Jun 27, 2012 Grassley

Jul 17, 2012 Inhofe

Jul 19, 2012 Lee

Jul 25, 2012 DeMint


Mar 19, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S. 2213 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/20/2012


A bill to allow reciprocity for the carrying of certain concealed firearms.



Vitter, Barrasso, Boozman, Burr, Chambliss, Coburn, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Enzi, Grassley,

Inhofe, Isakson, Johnson of Wisconsin, McConnell, Paul, Portman, Risch, Rubio, Sessions,

Toomey, Wicker, Cochran, Hatch, Lugar (Withdrawn Mar 21, 2012), Graham, Ayotte, and Lee


Mar 21, 2012 Moran, and Roberts

Mar 27, 2012 Hoeven

Mar 28, 2012 Blunt, and Johanns

Mar 29, 2012 Heller

Jun 19, 2012 Hutchison


Mar 20, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 2221 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/21/2012


A bill to prohibit the Secretary of Labor from finalizing a proposed rule under the Fair Labor Standards Act

of 1938 relating to child labor.



Moran, McCain, Tester, Rubio, Paul, Toomey, Wicker, Sessions, Vitter, Lee, McConnell, Ayotte,

Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Burr, Chambliss, Cochran, Coats, Crapo, DeMint, Enzi, Graham,

Cornyn, Grassley, Coburn, Hoeven, Inhofe, Isakson, Johanns, Hatch, Kirk, Kyl, Lugar, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Risch, Roberts, and Alexander


Mar 22, 2012 Shelby, and Corker

Mar 26, 2012 Baucus, and McCaskill

Mar 27, 2012 Shaheen

Mar 28, 2012 Klobuchar


II - 49


Mike Lee, of Utah

Mar 21, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

S. 2226 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/22/2012


A bill to prohibit the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from awarding any grant,

contract, cooperative agreement, or other financial assistance under section 103 of the Clean Air Act for

any program, project, or activity carried out outside the United States, including the territories and

possessions of the United States.



Mar 27, 2012 Lee

May 17, 2012 Johanns


Mar 22, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 2233 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/26/2012

SPONSOR: Schumer

A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to stimulate international tourism to the United States.



Lee, Mikulski, Blunt, Klobuchar, Kirk, Rubio, and Coons


Mar 27, 2012 Blumenthal, and Kohl

Mar 28, 2012 Manchin

Apr 16, 2012 Heller

May 08, 2012 Shaheen


Mar 26, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Mar 27, 2012 Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border

Security . Hearings held.

S. 2242 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/28/2012


A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the estate and generation-skipping transfer

taxes, and for other purposes.



Rubio, Boozman, Lugar, Vitter, Isakson, Kyl, Heller, Moran, Roberts, Inhofe, Enzi, Grassley, Lee,

Paul, Blunt, McCain, Barrasso, Cornyn, McConnell, Crapo, Hoeven, Kirk, Wicker, Hutchison,

Cochran, Burr, Sessions, Toomey, Ayotte, Risch, Coburn, Johanns, DeMint, and Coats


Apr 17, 2012 Chambliss

Apr 24, 2012 Shelby

Jun 07, 2012 Graham


Mar 28, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

II - 50


Mike Lee, of Utah

S. 2245 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/28/2012

SPONSOR: Barrasso

A bill to preserve existing rights and responsibilities with respect to waters of the United States.



Inhofe, Sessions, Heller, Vitter, Boozman, Crapo, McConnell, Roberts, Wicker, Risch, Grassley,

Cornyn, Coburn, Thune, Lugar, Blunt, Rubio, Enzi, Kyl, Toomey, Coats, Paul, Johanns, Chambliss,

Hoeven, Moran, Isakson, Johnson of Wisconsin, and Cochran


Mar 29, 2012 Lee, Corker, and Hutchison

May 10, 2012 Alexander, and Murkowski

May 15, 2012 Hatch, and McCain

May 16, 2012 DeMint, and Shelby

Jul 31, 2012 Burr


Mar 28, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 2248 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/28/2012


A bill to clarify that a State has the sole authority to regulate hydraulic fracturing on Federal land within the

boundaries of the State.



Murkowski, Vitter, Sessions, Cornyn, Risch, Hoeven, and Lee


Apr 23, 2012 Portman, and Roberts


Mar 28, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 2368 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/25/2012

SPONSOR: Johnson, of WI

A bill to ensure economy and efficiency of Federal Government operations by establishing a moratorium

on midnight rules during a President's final days in office, and for other purposes.



Hutchison, Kyl, Shelby, Thune, DeMint, Paul, Ayotte, Risch, Johanns, Coats, Chambliss, Rubio,

Boozman, Barrasso, Vitter, McConnell, Blunt, Sessions, Roberts, Inhofe, Graham, Toomey, Burr,

Heller, Moran, Isakson, Cornyn, Lee, Collins, Cochran, Hoeven, McCain, Coburn, and Wicker


May 08, 2012 Enzi


Apr 25, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental


S. 2371 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/26/2012


II - 51


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to amend the National Labor Relations Act to permit employers to pay higher wages to their




Vitter, DeMint, and Lee


May 10, 2012 Thune

May 16, 2012 Enzi

May 21, 2012 Risch

May 22, 2012 Hatch, Isakson, and Coburn

Jun 04, 2012 Chambliss, Cornyn, and Inhofe

Jun 05, 2012 Moran

Jun 06, 2012 Johanns

Jun 07, 2012 Blunt

Jun 18, 2012 Roberts, and Johnson of Wisconsin

Jun 25, 2012 Hoeven

Sep 12, 2012 Boozman


Apr 26, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

S. 2471 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/26/2012


A bill to provide for the conveyance of a small parcel of National Forest System land in the

Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest in Utah to Brigham Young University, and for other purposes.





Apr 26, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 3083 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/10/2012


A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require certain nonresident aliens to provide valid

immigration documents to claim the refundable portion of the child tax credit.



May 15, 2012 Thune

May 17, 2012 Isakson, Moran, and Chambliss

May 23, 2012 McConnell, Inhofe, Lee, Coats, Boozman, Risch, Roberts, Ayotte, Wicker,

Barrasso, Burr, Blunt, Paul, Hoeven, Johanns, and Corker

May 24, 2012 Crapo

Sep 11, 2012 Hutchison


May 10, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 3176 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/14/2012


II - 52


Mike Lee, of Utah

A bill to provide that the President must seek congressional approval before engaging members of the

United States Armed Forces in military humanitarian operations.





May 14, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S. 3199 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/17/2012

SPONSOR: Schumer

A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to stimulate international tourism to the United States

and for other purposes.



Blumenthal, Blunt, Coons, Heller, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Lee, Manchin, Mikulski, Rubio, Shaheen,

Brown of Massachusetts, Murkowski, Ayotte, and Risch


May 21, 2012 Begich

Jun 05, 2012 Nelson of Florida

Jun 26, 2012 Franken

Jul 10, 2012 Lugar

Sep 11, 2012 Cochran, and Leahy

Dec 03, 2012 Gillibrand


May 17, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 3204 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/17/2012

SPONSOR: Johanns

A bill to address fee disclosure requirements under the Electronic Fund Transfer Act, and for other




Warner, Corker, and Tester


May 24, 2012 Isakson, and Chambliss

Jun 04, 2012 Blunt

Jun 05, 2012 Collins

Jun 07, 2012 Merkley

Jun 11, 2012 McCaskill

Jun 12, 2012 Rubio

Jun 13, 2012 Cornyn

Jun 18, 2012 Portman, Stabenow, and Boozman

Jun 20, 2012 Brown of Massachusetts, and Toomey

Jun 25, 2012 Wyden

Jun 26, 2012 Moran

Jun 27, 2012 Brown of Ohio, and Thune

Jun 28, 2012 Wicker

Jul 10, 2012 Lieberman, Crapo, Blumenthal, and Hutchison

Jul 11, 2012 Alexander, Inhofe, and Burr

II - 53


Mike Lee, of Utah

Jul 12, 2012 Nelson of Florida

Jul 16, 2012 Heller

Jul 17, 2012 Hagan, Kerry, Coons, and Hoeven

Jul 18, 2012 Risch, Manchin, and Barrasso

Jul 25, 2012 McConnell, Murkowski, Grassley, Vitter, Hatch, Johnson of Wisconsin, Coburn,

Sessions, Coats, Paul, DeMint, Roberts, and McCain

Jul 26, 2012 Shelby, and Ayotte

Jul 30, 2012 Enzi, and Kyl

Jul 31, 2012 Kirk

Aug 01, 2012 Nelson of Nebraska, Graham, Lee, Cochran, and Bennet

Aug 02, 2012 Carper

Sep 11, 2012 Klobuchar

Sep 13, 2012 Baucus


May 17, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

S. 3221 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/22/2012


A bill to amend the National Labor Relations Act to permit employers to pay higher wages to their




Enzi, DeMint, Risch, Thune, Lee, Vitter, Hatch, Isakson, and Coburn


May 23, 2012 McConnell

Jun 04, 2012 Chambliss, Cornyn, Inhofe, and Alexander

Jun 05, 2012 Moran

Jun 06, 2012 Johanns

Jun 07, 2012 Blunt

Jun 18, 2012 Roberts, and Johnson of Wisconsin

Jun 25, 2012 Hoeven


May 22, 2012 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

May 23, 2012 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 411.

S. 3245 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/24/2012


A bill to extend by 3 years the authorization of the EB-5 Regional Center Program, the E-Verify Program,

the Special Immigrant Nonminister Religious Worker Program, and the Conrad State 30 J-1 Visa Waiver






Jun 28, 2012 Kohl, Hatch, Rubio, Schumer, Lee, and Conrad

Aug 02, 2012 Collins


II - 54


Mike Lee, of Utah

May 24, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Aug 02, 2012 Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.

Aug 02, 2012 Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.

Aug 02, 2012 S.Amdt. 2773 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Leahy.

Aug 02, 2012 S.Amdt. 2773 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

Aug 02, 2012 S.Amdt. 2774 proposed by Senator Reid for Senator Leahy.

Aug 02, 2012 S.Amdt. 2774 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

Aug 02, 2012 Passed Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title by Unanimous


Aug 03, 2012 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

Aug 03, 2012 Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on

Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the

Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction

of the committee concerned.

Aug 14, 2012 Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement.

Sep 11, 2012 Considered under suspension of the rules.

Sep 13, 2012 Considered as unfinished business.

Sep 13, 2012 On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3

required): 412 - 3 (Roll no. 580).

Sep 20, 2012 Presented to President.

Sep 28, 2012 Signed by President.

Sep 28, 2012 Became Public Law No: 112-176.

S. 3252 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/24/2012

SPONSOR: Portman

A bill to provide for the award of a gold medal on behalf of Congress to Jack Nicklaus, in recognition of

his service to the Nation in promoting excellence, good sportsmanship, and philanthropy.



Brown of Ohio, Hoeven, Ayotte, Begich, Vitter, Blunt, Barrasso, Blumenthal, Cornyn, Risch,

Cochran, Udall of Colorado, Coburn, Rubio, Johnson of Wisconsin, Nelson of Florida, Toomey,

Wicker, Lee, Coons, Graham, Landrieu, and Carper


Jun 12, 2012 Cardin

Jul 12, 2012 Casey, Durbin, Kohl, and Lieberman

Jul 18, 2012 Burr, Inhofe, Hutchison, Sessions, Corker, Alexander, Isakson, and Pryor

Sep 13, 2012 Reid of Nevada


May 24, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

S. 3269 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/06/2012


A bill to provide that no United States assistance may be provided to Pakistan until Dr. Shakil Afridi is




DeMint, Lee, Coburn, Hutchison, and Risch


Jun 12, 2012 Johanns

Jul 24, 2012 Tester

II - 55


Mike Lee, of Utah

Sep 12, 2012 Grassley


Jun 06, 2012 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Jun 07, 2012 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 423.

S. 3290 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/13/2012


A bill to prohibit discrimination against the unborn on the basis of sex or gender, and for other purposes.



DeMint, Ayotte, Coburn, Sessions, Lee, Cornyn, Risch, Johnson of Wisconsin, Chambliss,

Isakson, Johanns, Inhofe, Hutchison, Roberts, Cochran, Hoeven, Wicker, Coats, Enzi, Graham,

Boozman, Thune, Barrasso, Crapo, and McConnell


Jun 19, 2012 Blunt, Burr, and Kyl

Jun 20, 2012 Toomey

Jun 28, 2012 Grassley

Jul 16, 2012 Moran

Jul 23, 2012 Rubio


Jun 13, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. 3305 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/18/2012


A bill to clarify authority granted under the Act entitled "An Act to define the exterior boundary of the

Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation in the State of Utah, and for other purposes".





Jun 18, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 3382 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/12/2012

SPONSOR: Grassley

A bill to impose certain limitations on consent decrees and settlement agreements by agencies that

require the agencies to take regulatory action in accordance with the terms thereof, and for other




Kyl, Cornyn, Lee, Paul, and Coburn


Aug 02, 2012 Sessions


Jul 12, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

II - 56


Mike Lee, of Utah

S. 3397 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/18/2012


A bill to prohibit waivers relating to compliance with the work requirements for the program of block grants

to States for temporary assistance for needy families, and for other purposes.



Roberts, Cornyn, Grassley, Enzi, Coburn, Crapo, Thune, Burr, Kyl, and McConnell


Jul 19, 2012 Lee

Jul 24, 2012 Alexander, and Vitter

Jul 25, 2012 Isakson, and Cochran

Aug 02, 2012 Wicker

Sep 12, 2012 Chambliss


Jul 18, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 3434 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/25/2012

SPONSOR: Portman

A bill to amend title 31, United States Code, to provide for automatic continuing resolutions.



Tester, Boozman, Coats, Barrasso, Lee, McCain, Enzi, Hoeven, Cornyn, Coburn, Wicker, Risch,

Burr, Crapo, Isakson, Grassley, Hatch, Hutchison, Johnson of Wisconsin, McConnell, and Toomey


Jul 25, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.

S. 3450 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/26/2012


A bill to limit the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to issue regulations before December 31, 2013,

under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.



Barrasso, Enzi, Inhofe, Hoeven, Lee, Cochran, Coburn, Risch, Crapo, Paul, McConnell, Hatch,

Sessions, Wicker, Boozman, McCain, Burr, Isakson, and Chambliss


Jul 30, 2012 Blunt

Jul 31, 2012 Murkowski


Jul 26, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

S. 3471 DATE INTRODUCED: 08/01/2012


A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to eliminate the tax on Olympic medals won by United

States athletes.



II - 57


Mike Lee, of Utah

Aug 02, 2012 Alexander, Isakson, Vitter, Lee, and Boozman

Sep 11, 2012 Hoeven, and Brown of Massachusetts


Aug 01, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S. 3500 DATE INTRODUCED: 08/02/2012


A bill to amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to establish a procedure for approval of certain




Barrasso, Coburn, Inhofe, Lee, Murkowski, Roberts, Vitter, and Wicker


Sep 19, 2012 Enzi


Aug 02, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

S. 3519 DATE INTRODUCED: 08/02/2012


A bill to require sponsoring Senators to pay the printing costs of ceremonial and commemorative Senate




Coburn, Corker, Johnson of Wisconsin, Lee, McCaskill, Paul, Risch, Sessions, and Toomey


Aug 02, 2012 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Sep 10, 2012 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 501.

S. 3551 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/13/2012


A bill to require investigations into and a report on the September 11-13, 2012, attacks on the United

States missions in Libya, Egypt, and Yemen, and for other purposes.





Sep 19, 2012 Isakson, Lee, Inhofe, Barrasso, and Risch

Sep 20, 2012 Boozman

Sep 21, 2012 Grassley

Nov 27, 2012 Toomey


Sep 13, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S. 3612 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/21/2012

II - 58


Mike Lee, of Utah


A bill to prohibit the payment of surcharges for commemorative coin programs to private organizations or

entities, and for other purposes.



Coburn, Graham, Hutchison, Johnson of Wisconsin, Lee, McCain, and Risch


Sep 21, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

S.J.Res. 6 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/16/2011

SPONSOR: Hutchison

A joint resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission with

respect to regulating the Internet and broadband industry practices.



McConnell, Ensign, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Burr, Chambliss, Coats,

Coburn, Collins, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Enzi, Graham, Grassley, Hatch, Hoeven, Inhofe,

Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Kirk, Kyl, Lee, McCain, Paul, Risch, Roberts, Sessions,

Shelby, Snowe, Thune, Toomey, Vitter, and Wicker


Jul 19, 2011 Heller

Oct 04, 2011 Rubio

Oct 12, 2011 Lugar


Feb 16, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

Nov 03, 2011 Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation discharged by petition,

pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 802(c).

Nov 03, 2011 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 219.

Nov 09, 2011 Motion to proceed to consideration of measure made in Senate.

Nov 10, 2011 Motion to proceed to measure considered in Senate.

Nov 10, 2011 Motion to proceed to consideration of measure rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 46

- 52. Record Vote Number: 200.

S.J.Res. 10 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/31/2011


Joint resolution proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States.



Lee, Cornyn, Kyl, McConnell, Toomey, Snowe, Risch, Rubio, DeMint, Paul, Vitter, Enzi, Kirk,

Thune, Alexander, Inhofe, Crapo, Burr, Barrasso, Coburn, Moran, Lugar, Hutchison, Isakson,

Brown of Massachusetts, Johnson of Wisconsin, Graham, Grassley, Shelby, Sessions, McCain,

Boozman, Roberts, Collins, Hoeven, Chambliss, Ayotte, Blunt, Coats, Cochran, Corker, Ensign,

Johanns, Murkowski, Portman, and Wicker


May 10, 2011 Heller


Mar 31, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

II - 59


Mike Lee, of Utah

Dec 13, 2011 Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent as pursuant to

the Budget Control Act of 2011.

Dec 13, 2011 Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.

Dec 13, 2011 S.Amdt. 1460 proposed by Senator Hatch.

Dec 13, 2011 S.Amdt. 1460 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

Dec 14, 2011 Considered by Senate.

Dec 14, 2011 Failed of passage in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 47 - 53. Record Vote Number: 229.

S.J.Res. 11 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/14/2011


A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to limiting the

number of terms that a Member of Congress may serve to 3 in the House of Representatives and 2 in the




Vitter, Ayotte, Coburn, Ensign, Hutchison, Johnson of Wisconsin, Lee, Paul, Rubio, and Toomey


Apr 14, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S.J.Res. 18 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/08/2011


A joint resolution prohibiting the deployment, establishment, or maintenance of a presence of units and

members of the United States Armed Forces on the ground in Libya, and for other purposes.





Jun 09, 2011 Lee


Jun 08, 2011 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S.J.Res. 23 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/29/2011

SPONSOR: McConnell

A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to balancing

the budget.



Hatch, Lee, Cornyn, Kyl, Toomey, Snowe, Risch, Rubio, DeMint, Paul, Vitter, Enzi, Kirk, Thune,

Alexander, Inhofe, Crapo, Burr, Barrasso, Coburn, Moran, Lugar, Hutchison, Isakson, Brown of

Massachusetts, Johnson of Wisconsin, Graham, Grassley, Shelby, Sessions, McCain, Boozman,

Roberts, Collins, Hoeven, Chambliss, Ayotte, Blunt, Coats, Cochran, Corker, Johanns, Murkowski,

Portman, Wicker, and Heller


Jun 29, 2011 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Jun 30, 2011 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 90.

II - 60


Mike Lee, of Utah

Nov 30, 2011 Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human

Rights. Hearings held. With printed Hearing: S.Hrg. 112-512.

S.J.Res. 25 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/06/2011

SPONSOR: McConnell

A joint resolution relating to the disapproval of the President's exercise of authority to increase the debt

limit, as submitted under section 3101A of title 31, United States Code, on August 2, 2011.



McCain, Paul, Inhofe, Blunt, Coats, Enzi, Grassley, Hutchison, Roberts, Sessions, Barrasso,

Boozman, Cornyn, Rubio, Kyl, Alexander, Hatch, Ayotte, Chambliss, Moran, Wicker, Shelby, and



Sep 07, 2011 Risch

Sep 08, 2011 Crapo


Sep 06, 2011 Read twice. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar

No. 153 pursuant to Public Law 112-25, sec. 301(a)(2).

Sep 08, 2011 Motion to proceed to consideration of measure made in Senate.

S.J.Res. 34 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/23/2012

SPONSOR: McConnell

A joint resolution relating to the disapproval of the President's exercise of authority to increase the debt

limit, as submitted under section 3101A of title 31, United States Code, on January 12, 2012



Hutchison, Lee, Hatch, Barrasso, Cornyn, Ayotte, Moran, Alexander, Crapo, Rubio, Coats, Enzi,

Sessions, Burr, Vitter (Withdrawn Jan 24, 2012), Isakson, Blunt, Boozman, Kyl, McCain, Shelby,

Wicker, Chambliss, Lugar, Risch, Roberts, Inhofe, Grassley, Kirk, and Graham


Jan 24, 2012 Coburn, Thune, and Paul


Jan 23, 2012 Introduced in the Senate. Read twice. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under

General Orders. Calendar No. 295 pursuant to P.L. 112-25, sec. 301(a)(2).

S.J.Res. 36 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/16/2012


A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of

the rule submitted by the National Labor Relations Board relating to representation election procedures.



Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Burr, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins,

Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Graham, Grassley, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe,

Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Kyl, Lee, Lugar, McCain, McConnell, Moran, Paul,

Portman, Risch, Roberts, Rubio, Sessions, Shelby, Snowe, Thune, Toomey, Vitter, and Wicker


Mar 14, 2012 Kirk


II - 61


Mike Lee, of Utah

Feb 16, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Apr 19, 2012 Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions discharged by petition

pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 803(c).

Apr 19, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 361.

Apr 23, 2012 Motion to proceed to consideration of measure made in Senate.

Apr 24, 2012 Motion to proceed to measure considered in Senate.

Apr 24, 2012 Motion to proceed to consideration of measure rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 45

- 54. Record Vote Number: 68.

S.J.Res. 40 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/15/2012


A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of

the rules submitted by the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service relating to the

reporting requirements for interest that relates to the deposits maintained at United States offices of

certain financial institutions and is paid to certain nonresident alien individuals.



Cornyn, Hutchison, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Inhofe, DeMint, Blunt, and Lee


May 22, 2012 Chambliss

May 23, 2012 Thune

May 24, 2012 Risch


May 15, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S.J.Res. 41 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/24/2012


A joint resolution expressing the sense of Congress regarding the nuclear program of the Government of

the Islamic Republic of Iran.



Casey, Lieberman, Ayotte, Blumenthal, Boozman, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio,

Cardin, Chambliss, Coats, Collins, Coons, Cornyn, Gillibrand, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison,

Inhofe, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Mikulski, Nelson of Florida, Nelson of Nebraska, Portman,

Pryor, Risch, Schumer, Udall of Colorado, Wyden, Snowe, Vitter, Isakson, Sessions, Wicker,

Manchin, Whitehouse, Burr, Moran, Crapo, Kirk, Hagan, Grassley, Lautenberg, Toomey, Bennet,

Rubio, Stabenow, Lugar, Warner, Carper, Lee, DeMint, McConnell, Cochran, Johanns, Blunt,

Barrasso, Landrieu, Tester, Roberts, Begich, Klobuchar, Inouye, Akaka, Coburn, Rockefeller,

Murray, Johnson of Wisconsin, Kohl, Cantwell, Thune, Murkowski, Shelby, Merkley, and Durbin


Jun 19, 2012 Reed of Rhode Island

Jul 18, 2012 Baucus

Sep 20, 2012 Boxer

Sep 21, 2012 Shaheen, Corker, and Kerry


May 24, 2012 Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar

under Read the First Time.

Jun 04, 2012 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.

Calendar No. 418.

Sep 22, 2012 Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.

II - 62


Mike Lee, of Utah

Sep 22, 2012 Passed Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay Vote. 90 - 1.

Record Vote Number: 197.

Sep 24, 2012 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

Sep 25, 2012 Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

S.J.Res. 42 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/05/2012


A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to parental




Barrasso, Blunt, Chambliss, Enzi, Isakson, Lee, Graham, Grassley, and Risch


Jun 06, 2012 Rubio

Jun 18, 2012 Boozman

Jul 19, 2012 Moran


Jun 05, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S.J.Res. 46 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/28/2012


A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of

the rules submitted by the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service relating to the

reporting requirements for interest that relates to deposits maintained at United States offices of certain

financial institutions and is paid to certain nonresident alien individuals.



Blunt, Chambliss, Cornyn, DeMint, Hutchison, Inhofe, Lee, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Risch, and



Jul 19, 2012 Wicker


Jun 28, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S.J.Res. 50 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/11/2012


A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of

the rule submitted by the Office of Family Assistance of the Administration for Children and Families of

the Department of Health and Human Services relating to waiver and expenditure authority under section

1115 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1315) with respect to the Temporary Assistance for Needy

Families program.



McConnell, Grassley, Cornyn, Thune, Toomey, Enzi, Vitter, Crapo, Roberts, Burr, Coburn, and Kyl


Sep 12, 2012 Coats, Inhofe, Collins, and Corker

Sep 13, 2012 Hoeven, Hutchison, Alexander, Isakson, and Graham

Sep 19, 2012 Lee

II - 63


Mike Lee, of Utah

Nov 13, 2012 Johanns


Sep 11, 2012 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

S.Res. 4 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/05/2011


A resolution honoring Senator Barbara Mikulski for becoming the longest-serving female Senator in




McConnell, Cardin, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet, Bingaman,

Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr, Cantwell,

Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons, Corker, Cornyn,

Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Ensign, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley, Hagan,

Harkin, Hatch, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin,

Johnson of South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Leahy, Lee,

Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Moran, Murkowski,

Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode Island,

Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe,

Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb,

Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Jan 05, 2011 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 14 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/25/2011


A resolution honoring the victims and heroes of the shooting on January 8, 2011 in Tucson, Arizona.



Kyl, Reid of Nevada, McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet,

Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr,

Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons,

Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Ensign, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham,

Grassley, Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson

of Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Landrieu, Lautenberg,

Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski, Moran,

Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode

Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby,

Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter,

Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Jan 25, 2011 Submitted in the Senate and ordered held at desk.

Jan 26, 2011 Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.

Jan 26, 2011 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay

Vote. 97 - 0. Record Vote Number: 1.

S.Res. 78 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/28/2011

II - 64


Mike Lee, of Utah


A resolution relative to the death of James Albertus McClure, former United States Senator for the State

of Idaho.



Risch, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet, Bingaman, Blumenthal,

Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr, Cantwell, Cardin, Carper,

Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons, Corker, Cornyn, DeMint,

Durbin, Ensign, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley, Hagan, Harkin, Hatch,

Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Johnson of South

Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman,

Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, McConnell, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski, Moran, Murkowski,

Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode Island, Reid

of Nevada, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe,

Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb,

Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Feb 28, 2011 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 99 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/10/2011


A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the primary safeguard for the well-being and

protection of children is the family, and that the primary safeguards for the legal rights of children in the

United States are the Constitutions of the United States and the several States, and that, because the

use of international treaties to govern policy in the United States on families and children is contrary to

principles of self-government and federalism, and that, because the United Nations Convention on the

Rights of the Child undermines traditional principles of law in the United States regarding parents and

children, the President should not transmit the Convention to the Senate for its advice and consent.



Barrasso, Burr, Blunt, Boozman, Chambliss, Coburn, Cornyn, Crapo, Ensign, Enzi, Graham,

Grassley, Hatch, Hutchison, Inhofe, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Kyl, Lee, McCain,

Moran, Paul, Risch, Rubio, Sessions, Vitter, and Wicker


Mar 14, 2011 Ayotte, and Murkowski

Mar 16, 2011 Cochran

Mar 28, 2011 Thune, and Roberts

Mar 30, 2011 Coats

Mar 31, 2011 Corker

Apr 06, 2011 Alexander

Feb 06, 2012 Heller


Mar 10, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S.Res. 101 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/14/2011


A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate relating to the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami

in Japan.


II - 65


Mike Lee, of Utah


McConnell, Kerry, Lugar, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet, Bingaman,

Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr, Cantwell,

Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons, Corker,

Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Ensign, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley,

Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Leahy,

Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski, Moran,

Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode

Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby,

Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter,

Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Mar 14, 2011 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 138 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/08/2011

SPONSOR: Gillibrand

A resolution calling on the United Nations to rescind the Goldstone report, and for other purposes.





Apr 12, 2011 Crapo, Blunt, Collins, Cardin, and Baucus

Apr 13, 2011 Moran, Blumenthal, Nelson of Florida, Casey, Rubio, Brown of Massachusetts,

Kirk, Mikulski, Menendez, Wyden, Schumer, Hatch, and DeMint

Apr 14, 2011 Nelson of Nebraska, Johanns, Reed of Rhode Island, Ayotte, Vitter, Cornyn, Lee,

Inhofe, Lautenberg, Whitehouse, Franken, Boozman, Klobuchar, and Levin

May 04, 2011 Coons


Apr 08, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Apr 14, 2011 Senate Committee on Foreign Relations discharged by Unanimous Consent.

Apr 14, 2011 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous


S.Res. 145 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/14/2011


A resolution designating April 15, 2011, as "National TEA Party Day".





Apr 14, 2011 Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S.Res. 148 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/14/2011



II - 66


Mike Lee, of Utah

A resolution calling on the President to submit to Congress a detailed description of United States policy

objectives in Libya, both during and after Muammar Qaddafi's rule, and a plan to achieve them, and to

seek congressional authorization for the use of military force against Libya.


Collins, Blunt, Lee, Roberts, and Inhofe


May 02, 2011 Ayotte


Apr 14, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S.Res. 159 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/03/2011


A resolution honoring the members of the military and intelligence community who carried out the mission

that killed Osama bin Laden, and for other purposes.



McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet, Bingaman, Blumenthal,

Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr, Cantwell, Cardin, Carper,

Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo,

DeMint, Durbin, Ensign, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley, Hagan, Harkin,

Hatch, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Johnson of

South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Leahy, Lee, Levin,

Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski, Moran, Murkowski,

Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode Island,

Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe,

Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb,

Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


May 03, 2011 Submitted in the Senate.

May 03, 2011 Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.

May 03, 2011 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Yea-Nay.

97 - 0. Record Vote Number: 63.

S.Res. 185 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/16/2011


A resolution reaffirming the commitment of the United States to a negotiated settlement of the

Israeli-Palestinian conflict through direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, reaffirming opposition to the

inclusion of Hamas in a unity government unless it is willing to accept peace with Israel and renounce

violence, and declaring that Palestinian efforts to gain recognition of a state outside direct negotiations

demonstrates absence of a good faith commitment to peace negotiations, and will have implications for

continued United States aid.



Collins, Thune, Menendez, Casey, and Risch


May 24, 2011 Boozman, Moran, Franken, Kirk, Snowe, Cornyn, Roberts, Inhofe, and Brown of


May 25, 2011 Coburn, Burr, and Kyl

May 26, 2011 Wyden, Ayotte, Klobuchar, Nelson of Nebraska, and McCaskill

Jun 06, 2011 Coons, Gillibrand, Blumenthal, Lieberman, Landrieu, Crapo, and Vitter

II - 67


Mike Lee, of Utah

Jun 07, 2011 Johnson of South Dakota, Johanns, Heller, Bennet, Wicker, Isakson, Shaheen,

Baucus, and Chambliss

Jun 08, 2011 Mikulski, Whitehouse, Stabenow, Lee, Begich, Inouye, Udall of Colorado, and


Jun 09, 2011 Blunt, Cochran, Murkowski, Levin, Grassley, Merkley, DeMint, Tester, Portman,

Cantwell, Corker, and Akaka

Jun 13, 2011 Warner, Rubio, Pryor, Nelson of Florida, Brown of Massachusetts, Lautenberg, and


Jun 14, 2011 Barrasso, Toomey, Graham, and Murray

Jun 15, 2011 Durbin, Schumer, Shelby, Hagan, and Coats

Jun 16, 2011 Carper, and McConnell

Jun 20, 2011 Hatch, McCain, Hutchison, Feinstein, and Hoeven

Jun 22, 2011 Sessions, Reed of Rhode Island, Alexander, and Conrad

Jun 27, 2011 Lugar, and Enzi

Jun 28, 2011 Udall of New Mexico

Jun 29, 2011 Kohl

Jul 26, 2011 Rockefeller


May 16, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Jun 28, 2011 Senate Committee on Foreign Relations discharged by Unanimous Consent.

Jun 28, 2011 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous


S.Res. 213 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/21/2011


A resolution commending and expressing thanks to professionals of the intelligence community.



Cornyn, Vitter, Ayotte, Barrasso, Blunt, Boozman, Burr, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran,

Crapo, Enzi, Grassley, Hatch, Hutchison, Inhofe, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Kirk,

Lee, McConnell, Portman, Risch, Rubio, Sessions, Shelby, Thune, Wicker, Roberts, Lieberman,

Graham, and Alexander


Jun 22, 2011 Brown of Massachusetts

Jun 23, 2011 Hoeven, Heller, Corker, Toomey, and Lugar

Jun 27, 2011 Moran


Jun 21, 2011 Referred to the Select Committee on Intelligence.

S.Res. 216 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/23/2011


A resolution encouraging women's political participation in Saudi Arabia.





Jul 14, 2011 Feinstein, and Gillibrand

Jul 19, 2011 Merkley

Jul 20, 2011 Durbin

Jul 26, 2011 Cardin, Landrieu, and Coons

II - 68


Mike Lee, of Utah

Jul 28, 2011 Lee, Ayotte, and Barrasso

Jul 29, 2011 Isakson, and Hutchison


Jun 23, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Jul 26, 2011 Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the

nature of a substitute favorably.

Jul 27, 2011 Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Kerry with an amendment in the

nature of a substitute and with an amended preamble. Without written report.

Jul 27, 2011 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 114.

Jul 29, 2011 Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and an amended preamble by

Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 226 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/07/2011


A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President does not have the authority to ignore

the statutory debt limit by ordering the Secretary of the Treasury to continue issuing debt on the full faith

and credit of the United States.



Cornyn, McCain, Ayotte, Isakson, Coats, Inhofe, Sessions, Chambliss, Barrasso, Johanns,

Murkowski, and Risch


Jul 11, 2011 Lee, and Hatch

Jul 13, 2011 Hoeven


Jul 07, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Finance.

S.Res. 237 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/22/2011

SPONSOR: Lautenberg

A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding coming together as a Nation and ceasing all

work or other activity for a moment of remembrance beginning at 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time on

September 11, 2011, in honor of the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks committed against the

United States on September 11, 2001.



Toomey, Menendez, Schumer, Gillibrand, Casey, Lieberman, Blumenthal, Webb, Warner, Reid of

Nevada, McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet, Bingaman,

Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr, Cantwell, Cardin, Carper,

Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint,

Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Graham, Grassley, Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven,

Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota,

Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill,

Merkley, Mikulski, Moran, Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul,

Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Sessions,

Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico,

Vitter, Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Jul 22, 2011 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

II - 69


Mike Lee, of Utah

S.Res. 240 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/27/2011

SPONSOR: Klobuchar

A resolution condemning the horrific attacks on government buildings in Oslo, Norway, and a youth camp

on Utoya Island, Norway, on July 22, 2011, and for other purposes.



Durbin, Kerry, Lugar, Boxer, Kohl, Cantwell, Cardin, Harkin, Franken, Hoeven, Wyden, Kyl,

Barrasso, Conrad, McCain, Lieberman, Merkley, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Baucus, Begich,

Bennet, Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr,

Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Coons, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo,

DeMint, Enzi, Feinstein, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley, Hagan, Hatch, Heller, Hutchison, Inhofe,

Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kirk, Landrieu,

Lautenberg, Leahy, Lee, Levin, Manchin, McCaskill, McConnell, Menendez, Mikulski, Moran,

Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode

Island, Reid of Nevada, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions,

Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New

Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, and Wicker


Jul 27, 2011 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 257 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/06/2011


A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable Mark O. Hatfield, former United States Senator for the

State of Oregon.



Merkley, McConnell, Reid of Nevada, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich,

Bennet, Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio,

Burr, Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad,

Coons, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham,

Grassley, Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns,

Johnson of Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu,

Lautenberg, Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez,

Mikulski, Moran, Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor,

Reed of Rhode Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions,

Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New

Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, and Wicker


Sep 06, 2011 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 268 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/15/2011


A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable Malcolm Wallop, former Senator for the State of




II - 70


Mike Lee, of Utah

Barrasso, McConnell, Reid of Nevada, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Baucus, Begich, Bennet,

Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr,

Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons,

Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley, Hagan,

Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg,

Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski,

Moran, Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of

Rhode Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby,

Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter,

Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Sep 15, 2011 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous


S.Res. 271 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/19/2011


A resolution honoring the life and legacy of the Honorable Charles H. Percy, former Senator for the State

of Illinois.



Kirk, Rockefeller, Reid of Nevada, McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus,

Begich, Bennet, Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown

of Ohio, Burr, Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins,

Conrad, Coons, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham,

Grassley, Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns,

Johnson of Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kerry, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu,

Lautenberg, Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez,

Merkley, Mikulski, Moran, Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul,

Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode Island, Risch, Roberts, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions,

Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New

Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Sep 19, 2011 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 278 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/23/2011

SPONSOR: Sessions

A resolution designating September 2011 as "National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month".



Cardin, Inhofe, Wicker, Brown of Massachusetts, Kerry, Shelby, Crapo, Johnson of South Dakota,

Lee, Chambliss, Akaka, Boxer, Kirk, Wyden, Johanns, and Blunt


Sep 23, 2011 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 323 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/15/2011


II - 71


Mike Lee, of Utah

A resolution recognizing the 75th Anniversary of the Welfare Program of The Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter-day Saints and the significant impact of the Welfare Program in the United States and throughout

the world in helping people in need.



Reid of Nevada, Crapo, Heller, Lee, and Udall of New Mexico


Nov 15, 2011 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 349 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/17/2011

SPONSOR: Whitehouse

A resolution commemorating and honoring the service and sacrifice of members of the United States

Armed Forces and their families as the official combat mission in Iraq draws to a close.



Reed of Rhode Island, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet, Bingaman,

Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr, Cantwell,

Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons, Corker,

Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley, Hagan,

Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg,

Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, McConnell, Menendez,

Merkley, Mikulski, Moran, Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul,

Portman, Pryor, Reid of Nevada, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer,

Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall

of New Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb, Wicker, and Wyden


Dec 17, 2011 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Voice Vote.

S.Res. 355 DATE INTRODUCED: 01/26/2012


A resolution honoring the memory of Special Agent Jared Francom of the Ogden, Utah Police






Jan 26, 2012 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 380 DATE INTRODUCED: 02/16/2012


A resolution to express the sense of the Senate regarding the importance of preventing the Government

of Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability.



II - 72


Mike Lee, of Utah

Lieberman, Casey, Ayotte, Blumenthal, Boozman, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio,

Cardin, Chambliss, Coats, Collins, Coons, Cornyn, Gillibrand, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison,

Inhofe, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Mikulski, Nelson of Florida, Nelson of Nebraska, Portman,

Pryor, Risch, Schumer, Udall of Colorado, Wyden, Snowe, Vitter, Isakson, and Sessions


Feb 27, 2012 Wicker, and Manchin

Feb 28, 2012 Whitehouse

Feb 29, 2012 Burr, Moran, Crapo, Kirk, Hagan, and Grassley

Mar 05, 2012 Lautenberg, Toomey, and Bennet

Mar 06, 2012 Rubio, Stabenow, Lugar, Warner, Carper, and Lee

Mar 07, 2012 DeMint, McConnell, and Cochran

Mar 13, 2012 Johanns, and Blunt

Mar 20, 2012 Barrasso

Mar 22, 2012 Landrieu

Mar 26, 2012 Tester, Roberts, and Begich

Mar 28, 2012 Klobuchar, Inouye, and Akaka

Mar 29, 2012 Coburn

Apr 17, 2012 Rockefeller

Apr 19, 2012 Murray

Apr 25, 2012 Johnson of Wisconsin

Apr 26, 2012 Kohl

May 08, 2012 Cantwell, and Thune

May 14, 2012 Murkowski

May 17, 2012 Shelby, Merkley, and Durbin


Feb 16, 2012 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S.Res. 386 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/01/2012


A resolution calling for free and fair elections in Iran, and for other purposes.



Blumenthal, Lieberman, Graham, McCain, Begich, Sessions, Nelson of Nebraska, Ayotte, Coons,

McConnell, Mikulski, Cornyn, Schumer, Thune, Shaheen, Alexander, Gillibrand, Risch, Brown of

Ohio, Chambliss, Menendez, Blunt, McCaskill, Collins, Nelson of Florida, Isakson, Lautenberg,

Barrasso, Pryor, Coats, Feinstein, Coburn, Udall of Colorado, Johnson of Wisconsin, Casey,

Crapo, Bennet, Grassley, Wyden, Heller, Hutchison, Inhofe, Kyl, Lee, Portman, Toomey, Wicker,

Shelby, Vitter, Burr, Boozman, Brown of Massachusetts, Snowe, Roberts, Cochran, Hatch, Moran,

Murkowski, Rubio, Johanns, Kohl, Durbin, Franken, Conrad, Klobuchar, and Enzi


Mar 07, 2012 Levin


Mar 01, 2012 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Mar 05, 2012 Senate Committee on Foreign Relations discharged by Unanimous Consent.

Mar 05, 2012 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote.

S.Res. 475 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/24/2012



II - 73


Mike Lee, of Utah

A resolution relating to the death of the Honorable E. James Abdnor, former United States Senator and

Congressman from the State of South Dakota.


Johnson of South Dakota, Reid of Nevada, McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso,

Baucus, Begich, Bennet, Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of

Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr, Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn,

Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein,

Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley, Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe,

Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu,

Lautenberg, Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez,

Merkley, Mikulski, Moran, Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul,

Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer,

Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New

Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


May 24, 2012 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

May 25, 2012 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

S.Res. 504 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/25/2012

SPONSOR: Gillibrand

A resolution expressing support for the International Olympic Committee to recognize with a minute of

silence at the 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony the athletes and others killed at the 1972 Munich




Rubio, Blumenthal, Kirk, Schumer, Menendez, Inhofe, Kohl, Risch, Lieberman, Brown of

Massachusetts, Wyden, Boxer, Cardin, Mikulski, Levin, Begich, Snowe, Brown of Ohio, Moran,

Hutchison, Nelson of Florida, Grassley, Lee, Landrieu, Barrasso, Stabenow, Durbin, Blunt,

Feinstein, Ayotte, Roberts, Casey, and Boozman


Jun 25, 2012 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 551 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/12/2012


A resolution commending the 4 American public servants who died in Benghazi, Libya, including

Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, for their tireless efforts on behalf of the American people and

condemning the violent attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi.



II - 74


Mike Lee, of Utah

Kerry, Reid of Nevada, McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet,

Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr,

Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons,

Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley,

Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Leahy,

Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski, Moran,

Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode

Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby,

Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter,

Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Sep 12, 2012 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 556 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/13/2012


A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that foreign assistance funding to the Governments of

Libya and Egypt should be suspended until the President certifies to Congress that both governments are

providing proper security at United States embassies and consulates pursuant to the Vienna Convention

on Consular Relations.



Sep 19, 2012 Lee


Sep 13, 2012 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S.Res. 588 DATE INTRODUCED: 09/22/2012


A resolution commending the 4 American public servants who died in Benghazi, Libya, United States

Ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty, for their

tireless efforts on behalf of the American people, and condemning the violent attack on the United States

consulate in Benghazi.



Kerry, Reid of Nevada, McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet,

Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr,

Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons,

Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley,

Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Leahy,

Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski, Moran,

Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode

Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby,

Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter,

Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Sep 22, 2012 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

II - 75


Mike Lee, of Utah

S.Res. 604 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/29/2012

SPONSOR: Shaheen

A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable Warren B. Rudman, former United States Senator for

the State of New Hampshire.



Ayotte, Reid of Nevada, McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet,

Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr,

Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons,

Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley,

Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg,

Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski,

Moran, Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of

Rhode Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shelby, Snowe,

Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb,

Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Nov 29, 2012 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 607 DATE INTRODUCED: 11/30/2012

SPONSOR: Johnson, of SD

A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable George McGovern, former United States Senator and

Congressman from the State of South Dakota.



Thune, Reid of Nevada, McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet,

Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr,

Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons,

Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley,

Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman,

Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski, Moran, Murkowski, Murray,

Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode Island, Risch,

Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe, Stabenow,

Tester, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb, Whitehouse,

Wicker, and Wyden


Nov 30, 2012 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 612 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/10/2012


A resolution honoring the life and legacy of the Honorable Arlen Specter, distinguished former Senator for

the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.



II - 76


Mike Lee, of Utah

Toomey, Reid of Nevada, McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich,

Bennet, Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio,

Burr, Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons,

Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley,

Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg,

Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski,

Moran, Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of

Rhode Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby,

Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb,

Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Dec 10, 2012 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 613 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/11/2012

SPONSOR: Lieberman

A resolution urging the governments of Europe and the European Union to designate Hizballah as a

terrorist organization and impose sanctions, and urging the President to provide information about

Hizballah to the European allies of the United States and to support to the Government of Bulgaria in

investigating the July 18, 2012, terrorist attack in Burgas.



Casey, Risch, Cardin, Rubio, Feinstein, Collins, Brown of Ohio, Blumenthal, Wicker, Shaheen,

Crapo, Nelson of Florida, Inhofe, Boxer, Blunt, Wyden, Kirk, Tester, Roberts, Lautenberg, Isakson,

Chambliss, Graham, Gillibrand, Kyl, Menendez, Barrasso, Johnson of Wisconsin, Boozman, Burr,

Udall of Colorado, Johanns, Whitehouse, Cornyn, Coons, Brown of Massachusetts, Franken,

Ayotte, Klobuchar, Coats, Schumer, Lee, Mikulski, Moran, McCaskill, Hoeven, Pryor, Portman,

Begich, McCain, Carper, Thune, McConnell, Bennet, Enzi, and Johnson of South Dakota


Dec 13, 2012 Stabenow

Dec 18, 2012 Toomey, and Harkin

Dec 19, 2012 Sessions, Heller, Grassley, Levin, Reed of Rhode Island, and Murkowski


Dec 11, 2012 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Dec 21, 2012 Senate Committee on Foreign Relations discharged by Unanimous Consent.

Dec 21, 2012 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice.

S.Res. 621 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/17/2012

SPONSOR: Lieberman

A resolution condemning the horrific attacks in Newtown, Connecticut, and expressing support and

prayers for all those impacted by that tragedy.



II - 77


Mike Lee, of Utah

Blumenthal, Reid of Nevada, McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich,

Bennet, Bingaman, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr,

Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons,

Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley,

Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg,

Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski, Moran,

Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode

Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby,

Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter,

Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Dec 17, 2012 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 624 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/18/2012


A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable Daniel Ken Inouye, Senator from the State of Hawaii.



Reid of Nevada, McConnell, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich, Bennet, Bingaman,

Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr, Cantwell,

Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons, Corker,

Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley, Hagan,

Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of Wisconsin,

Johnson of South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Leahy, Lee,

Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski, Moran,

Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode

Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby,

Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter,

Warner, Webb, Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Dec 18, 2012 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a

preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Con.Res. 13 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/14/2011

SPONSOR: Isakson

A concurrent resolution honoring the service and sacrifice of members of the United States Armed

Forces who are serving in, or have served in, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom,

and Operation New Dawn.



Begich, Boozman, Brown of Massachusetts, Burr, Johanns, Moran, Murray, Sanders, and Webb


May 23, 2011 Tester

II - 78


Mike Lee, of Utah

May 25, 2011 Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Bennet, Bingaman, Blumenthal,

Blunt, Boxer, Brown of Ohio, Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats,

Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons, Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin,

Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley, Hagan, Harkin, Hatch,

Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Johnson of Wisconsin, Johnson of

South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Leahy, Lee,

Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, McConnell, Menendez,

Merkley, Mikulski, Murkowski, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul,

Portman, Pryor, Reed of Rhode Island, Reid of Nevada, Risch, Roberts,

Rockefeller, Rubio, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe, Stabenow,

Thune, Toomey, Udall of Colorado, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter, Warner,

Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Apr 14, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Armed Services.

May 25, 2011 Senate Committee on Armed Services discharged by Unanimous Consent.

May 25, 2011 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous


May 26, 2011 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

May 26, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on

Veterans' Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each

case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee


Jun 03, 2011 Referred to the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs.

Jun 24, 2011 Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.

S.Con.Res. 21 DATE INTRODUCED: 05/23/2011


A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal

year 2012 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2021.



DeMint, Vitter, Coburn, Burr, Risch, Rubio, Johnson of Wisconsin, and Lee


May 23, 2011 Referred to the Committee on the Budget.

May 23, 2011 Senate Committee on the Budget discharged pursuant to Section 300 of the

Congressional Budget Act.

May 23, 2011 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 65.

May 25, 2011 Motion to proceed to consideration of measure rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 42

- 55. Record Vote Number: 79.

S.Con.Res. 23 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/09/2011


A concurrent resolution declaring that it is the policy of the United States to support and facilitate Israel in

maintaining defensible borders and that it is contrary to United States policy and national security to have

the borders of Israel return to the armistice lines that existed on June 4, 1967.



Lieberman, Rubio, Nelson of Nebraska, Johanns, Wyden, Moran, Toomey, Inhofe, Barrasso, Kirk,

Burr, Cornyn, Kyl, Lee, Thune, Portman, Coats, Coburn, Ayotte, Boozman, Blunt, Brown of

Massachusetts, Vitter, Roberts, Enzi, Isakson, Murkowski, Wicker, Lugar, and Chambliss

II - 79


Mike Lee, of Utah


Jun 15, 2011 Grassley

Jun 21, 2011 Heller

Jun 23, 2011 Collins


Jun 09, 2011 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

S.Con.Res. 37 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/29/2012


A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal

year 2013, and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2014 through 2022.



Vitter, Lee, DeMint, Coburn, Burr, Kyl, and Risch


Mar 29, 2012 Referred to the Committee on the Budget.

Apr 17, 2012 Senate Committee on the Budget discharged pursuant to Section 300 of the

Congressional Budget Act.

Apr 17, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 356.

May 16, 2012 Motion to proceed to consideration of measure made in Senate.

S.Con.Res. 39 DATE INTRODUCED: 03/29/2012


A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal

year 2013, revising the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal year 2012, and setting forth the appropriate

budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2022.



DeMint and Lee


Mar 29, 2012 Referred to the Committee on the Budget.

S.Con.Res. 40 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/16/2012


A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal

year 2013, revising the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal year 2012, and setting forth the appropriate

budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2022.



DeMint and Lee


Apr 16, 2012 Referred to the Committee on the Budget.

Apr 16, 2012 Senate Committee on the Budget discharged pursuant to Section 300 of the

Congressional Budget Act.

Apr 16, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 355.

Apr 16, 2012 See also H.Con.Res. 112.

II - 80


Mike Lee, of Utah

S.Con.Res. 42 DATE INTRODUCED: 04/26/2012


A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal

year 2013, revising the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal year 2012, and setting forth the appropriate

budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2022.



May 09, 2012 DeMint, and Lee


Apr 26, 2012 Referred to the Committee on the Budget.

Apr 26, 2012 Senate Committee on the Budget discharged pursuant to Section 300 of the

Congressional Budget Act.

Apr 26, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 384.

May 16, 2012 Motion to proceed to consideration of measure made in Senate.

S.Con.Res. 46 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/06/2012


A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that an appropriate site at the former Navy

Dive School at the Washington Navy Yard should be provided for the Man in the Sea Memorial

Monument to honor the members of the Armed Forces who have served as divers and whose service in

defense of the United States has been carried out beneath the waters of the world.



Jun 07, 2012 Nelson of Florida

Jun 19, 2012 Inhofe

Jun 29, 2012 Blumenthal

Jul 18, 2012 Lee, and Lieberman

Sep 19, 2012 Snowe


Jun 06, 2012 Referred to the Committee on Armed Services.

S.Con.Res. 50 DATE INTRODUCED: 06/27/2012


A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress regarding actions to preserve and advance the

multistakeholder governance model under which the Internet has thrived.



McCaskill, McCain, Kerry, DeMint, Nelson of Florida, Johanns, Udall of New Mexico, Ayotte,

Warner, Heller, Boozman, and Casey


Jun 29, 2012 Coons, and Blunt

Jul 12, 2012 Hatch, Hutchison, Roberts, and Wicker

Jul 19, 2012 Alexander, Barrasso, Isakson, Klobuchar, Murkowski, Tester, and Vitter

Jul 25, 2012 Moran, Shaheen, and Thune

Jul 30, 2012 Lee, and Menendez

Jul 31, 2012 Toomey

Aug 02, 2012 Risch

Sep 10, 2012 Cornyn, and Wyden

Sep 19, 2012 Blumenthal, Brown of Massachusetts, Coburn, and Kirk

II - 81


Mike Lee, of Utah

Sep 20, 2012 Enzi

Sep 21, 2012 McConnell


Jun 27, 2012 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Sep 19, 2012 Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.

Sep 19, 2012 Committee on Foreign Relations. Reported by Senator Kerry without amendment and

with a preamble. Without written report.

Sep 19, 2012 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 529.

Sep 22, 2012 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous


Sep 24, 2012 Message on Senate action sent to the House.

Dec 05, 2012 Considered under suspension of the rules.

Dec 05, 2012 On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and

Nays: (2/3 required): 397 - 0 (Roll no. 617).

S.Con.Res. 53 DATE INTRODUCED: 07/24/2012

SPONSOR: Udall, of CO

A concurrent resolution honoring the victims of the Aurora, Colorado, movie theater shooting and

condemning the atrocities that occurred in Aurora, Colorado.



Bennet, Reid of Nevada, McConnell, Akaka, Alexander, Ayotte, Barrasso, Baucus, Begich,

Bingaman, Blumenthal, Blunt, Boozman, Boxer, Brown of Massachusetts, Brown of Ohio, Burr,

Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Chambliss, Coats, Coburn, Cochran, Collins, Conrad, Coons,

Corker, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Durbin, Enzi, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Graham, Grassley,

Hagan, Harkin, Hatch, Heller, Hoeven, Hutchison, Inhofe, Inouye, Isakson, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Johnson of South Dakota, Kerry, Kirk, Klobuchar, Kohl, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg,

Leahy, Lee, Levin, Lieberman, Lugar, Manchin, McCain, McCaskill, Menendez, Merkley, Mikulski,

Moran, Murkowski, Murray, Nelson of Nebraska, Nelson of Florida, Paul, Portman, Pryor, Reed of

Rhode Island, Risch, Roberts, Rockefeller, Rubio, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, Shaheen, Shelby,

Snowe, Stabenow, Tester, Thune, Toomey, Udall of New Mexico, Vitter, Warner, Webb,

Whitehouse, Wicker, and Wyden


Jul 24, 2012 Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S.Con.Res. 61 DATE INTRODUCED: 12/06/2012


A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax is not in the economic

interest of the United States.



Barrasso, Blunt, Coats, Coburn, Cornyn, Enzi, Heller, Hutchison, Inhofe, Johanns, Johnson of

Wisconsin, Lee, McConnell, Moran, Risch, Roberts, Thune, Boozman, Cochran, and Wicker


Dec 06, 2012 Referred to the Committee on Finance.

II - 82


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, February 15, 2012

Lee Introduces Pain-Capable Abortion Restriction in DCWASHINGTON - Yesterday, Senator Mike Lee introduced legislation that would prohibit abortions in Washington, D.C. after the 20th week of pregnancy, the point at which doctors say a child has developed the ability to experience pain. The “District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” is modeled on legislation passed in Nebraska, Kansas, Idaho, Oklahoma, and Alabama. There are no current restrictions on abortions in the District.

“Protecting unborn children from experiencing pain should not be controversial,” said Senator Lee. “Similar laws have already been passed in multiple states. With respect to the Federal District, Congress not only has the responsibility to act immediately, but also the undisputed authority to do so.

“Over the years, science has developed the ability to determine when an unborn child can experience pain. On this basis, I hope we are able to reach broad consensus where science has moved forward. While I will continue to fight for further protection of life, there is no justifiable reason for anyone to oppose this specific level of protection.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, March 12, 2012

Hatch Act Modernization Act IntroducedWashington, D.C. -- Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) and Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) introduced legislation today to modernize the Hatch Act. They were joined in the Senate by cosponsors Senators Joseph Lieberman (ID-Connecticut), Carl Levin (D-Michigan), and Mike Lee (R-Utah).

Senator Akaka said: “The Hatch Act has worked for nearly 75 years to shield employees from pressure to use federal time and resources for partisan gain, while also protecting employees’ personal freedoms of choice and expression. It is time for Congress to update the Hatch Act to provide greater flexibility for state and local government employees, and additional options for disciplining federal employees charged with minor violations of the Hatch Act.”

Senator Lee said: “While federal employees must ensure that their first priority is serving the people, they are also citizens and deserve to have their freedoms protected. If we can update the Hatch Act to provide for greater flexibility for public workers while still ensuring the legitimacy of our politics, there should be no reason for anyone to oppose such a change.”

The Hatch Act Modernization Act of 2012 (S. 2170) would:Allow state and local government employees covered by the Hatch Act to run for partisan elective office; Provide the Merit Systems Protection Board - the independent federal agency that adjudicates Hatch Act complaints - with flexibility to issue a range of penalties for Hatch Act violations. Currently, employees who violate the Act must be terminated unless the Board unanimously agrees to reduce the penalty; and Ensure that employees of the District of Columbia are subject to the same restrictions on political activity that currently apply to employees of all other state and local government agencies.

The Hatch Act, enacted in 1939 and last amended in 1993, is a federal law that restricts political activity of federal employees, as well as state, local, and District of Columbia government employees whose positions are federally funded. It was created to ensure that federal resources are not directed for partisan political objectives and to protect civil servants from being coerced to participate in political activities.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, March 15, 2012

Senators Introduce Medicare Reform Plan: The Congressional Health Care for Seniors Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today in the U.S. Capitol, Sen. Rand Paul introduced his Medicare Reform Plan, the Congressional Health Care for Seniors Act (CHCSA) – S. 2196 – with co-sponsors Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Jim DeMint (R-S.C.). CHCSA will not only fix the Medicare system in its entirety, it also saves taxpayers $1 trillion in the first 10 years. This plan will provide better health care benefits, choice, quality, and outcomes by enrolling all senior citizens into the same health care plan as Members of Congress and other federal employees.

“As a doctor, I have had firsthand experience with the vast problems facing health care in the United States. Medicare, as we know it, is broken and in desperate need of reform. The CHCSA fixes the Medicare system, and gives Seniors access to the best health care plans enjoyed currently by Members of Congress and does so without breaking the bank; in fact this plan will save taxpayers $1 trillion over 10 years” Sen. Paul said. “Seniors deserve to have a world-class health care system, and Americans deserve to have their tax payer dollars put to better use, in a system that will not eventually bankrupt this country.”

“Allowing Medicare recipients to enroll in the FEHBP is a win for both seniors and the taxpayer. The FEHBP fosters competition among its hundreds of individual plans, provides better benefits for enrollees, and offers much wider choice and flexibility to participants. Most importantly, switching to the FEHBP will save the American people more than $1 trillion over the next decade. Frankly, it’s hard to argue against this common sense reform because the FEHBP covers every Member of Congress and all federal employees. Our seniors on Medicare should have the opportunity to enroll as well” Sen. Lee said.

“Our goal is to save Medicare from bankruptcy and ensure seniors have affordable, high-quality health care — a crisis President Obama has only made worse during his time in office. Allowing seniors access to the Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB) program, which Members of Congress and federal employees use, will give them more choices and lower their out-of-pocket costs. It’s also good for the taxpayers because it will save the federal government $1 trillion over the next decade and reduce the unfunded liability of Medicare by $16 trillion. To get our nation’s fiscal house in order we must address future entitlement spending. Our bill gets a handle on Medicare costs, which continue to escalate, and ensures the program is sustainable for future generations” Sen. Graham said.

“This is a common-sense solution that gives seniors more control over their own health care, access to more doctors and better quality care,” Sen. DeMint said. “Doing nothing is not an option because we cannot allow Medicare to go bankrupt and for doctors to close their doors to seniors. For the first time, seniors will also have the freedom to keep private plans they like instead of being forced into a one-size-fits-all government plan. This bill improves health care for seniors, saves taxpayers trillions of dollars, and will help save our economy from unsustainable generational debt.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFriday, August 3, 2012

Senators Introduce Bipartisan Pay for Printing ActWashington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators DeMint (R-South Carolina), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) are introducing the Pay for Printing Act, which would require senators to pay for celebratory or commemorative resolutions out of their own budgets, rather than using taxpayer funds.

“The printing of symbolic, nonbinding resolutions has gotten out of hand and it’s costing taxpayers more of their hard-earned dollars,” DeMint said. “This bipartisan legislation simply requires senators to take responsibility for paying for the cost of printing these symbolic resolutions out of their own office budgets. This will require senators to be more judicious with taxpayer dollars and hopefully cut down on many of these unnecessary resolutions.”

“Our bill is a common sense measure to remind all of us that if we can’t responsibly pay for the small things, then how are we going to do the big things necessary to finally get spending under control in Washington,” Corker said. “Members of Congress who introduce these commemorative resolutions should pay for them as a ceremonial function of their office, rather than adding them to the cost of government.”

During the 112th Congress alone the Senate has passed or agreed to more than 350 simple resolutions and introduced over 100 more. The overwhelming majority of these resolutions are commemorative or celebratory in nature.

Examples of these resolutions in the last year include National Chess Day, National Day of the American Cowboy, commemorating the 75th Anniversary of Ducks Unlimited, National Safe Digging Month, Year of Water, National Work and Family Month, commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the American Podiatric Medical Association, congratulating the Miami Heat for their NBA championship, celebrating Pacific Lutheran University Lutes Softball Team, and commending Yellow Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing Bonding.

These resolutions incur printing costs of about $1,200 per page. So far in the 112th Congress, simple resolutions may have already cost taxpayers nearly $400,000 in printing costs alone.

According to the Legislative Information System of Congress, the number of simple resolutions has nearly doubled over the past decade. In 2001-2002, the Senate of the 107th Congress passed 247 simple resolutions. In 2009-2010, the Senate of the 111th Congress passed 493.

The Pay for Printing Act requires that the sponsor of a simple resolution -- which is commemorative or celebratory in nature -- pay for the printing costs of his or her resolution. This money shall come from the sponsor’s Members’ Representative Allowance (MRA).


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, November 15, 2012

Lee Calls to End Process of ‘Filling the Tree’WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee called on the Senate Majority Leader to end the abuse of procedural tactics used to prevent debate on legislation. In a speech on the Senate floor, Senator Lee said that by “filling the tree” the Majority Leader blocked other senators from offering “any amendments other than those few that the majority leader decided could be offered.”

The Senate is currently considering legislation that would have a wide range of effects on public land use, as well as wildlife conservation and management. Lee said he voted to proceed to the bill believing he would have an opportunity to offer up amendments.

“The bill is important to me in many respects. One of the things that has gotten my attention is that it addresses a number of issues related to federal public lands. It addresses a number of other issues related to wildlife conservation, wildlife management and other issues that are important to hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts across the country. One of the reasons why this bill is especially important to me is that I represent the great state of Utah, a state that has a lot of federal land,” Lee remarked in the speech.

He inquired as to why the Majority Leader felt it necessary to block the amendment process when the Senate has shown the ability to debate and amend broad and complicated pieces of legislation in the past, such as the National Defense Authorization Act and the Farm Bill.

“I appreciated the Majority Leader’s willingness in that circumstance to allow us to have a pretty open, robust debate and discussion and an open amendment process. We still passed the bill even though we had to conduct a lot of debate, a lot of discussion, and a lot of votes,” he said.

Lee concluded: “I ask him, I implore him as my friend to reconsider this practice of ‘filling the tree’ and thereby forestalling the introduction of amendments. We need an open amendment process. Our status as the world’s greatest deliberative legislative body requires nothing less.”

Read the full text of the speech below:Mr. president, I stand today to explain my “no” vote on cloture this morning in connection with the Sportsman’s Bill, s. 3525. This is a large bill made up of a number of legislative proposals that have been put together in many settings. This is a good way to legislate. In many respects, it is, and we utilize this procedure on a constant basis in order to make the laws of our country. Like many other pieces of legislation that have come before us that have been formed in this fashion, this is a bill to which I can say I support it in part and I don’t support in part. There are parts of it that a like a lot and there are other parts that I like a lot less. That’s exactly why we have an amendment process. True debate in this country, especially in this body presupposes and depends for its existence on the availability of an open amendment process. You see, when you go into a store you can decide


which items you want to buy. You can decide to buy bread and milk and eggs or any combination of the three or other products you might want. However, it would be disturbing if you got to the grocery store counter and were told that you may not buy bread and milk and eggs unless you also buy a bucket of nails, a half ton of iron ore, a book about cowboy poetry and a Barry Manilow album. Sometimes that’s what we’re told when we vote in the senate. In order to get some things you want, you have to buy a whole bunch of other things that you might not want. That is the reality of the legislative process. It’s the reality of compromise and it’s one that we experience everyday. But again, this is why it’s important for us to have an amendment process, so that we can at least debate and discuss the relevant merits of each piece of legislation and more importantly, so that we might figure out how to take a good piece of legislation and make it better.

In this circumstance, the majority leader has used a procedure known as filling the tree. He filled the tree, which means, in effect, that we can’t offer amendments other than those few that the majority leader decided could be offered. It shuts down debate. There can be no significant debate beyond that which will lead to a vote once the tree has been filled. This is a problem. Republicans in this body, myself included, voted recently to proceed to this bill believing in good faith that there would be an opportunity to amend it.

The bill is important to me in many respects. One of the things that has gotten my attention is that the bill addresses a number of issues related to federal public lands. It addresses a number of other issues related to wildlife conservation, wildlife management and other items that are important to hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts across the country and in my state in particular. One of the reasons why this bill is especially important to me is that i represent the great state of Utah, a state that has a lot of federal land. in fact, two-thirds of the land in my state is owned by the federal government. For that and other reasons, I’d like the opportunity to address this piece of legislation by offering up amendments, amendments that would make a good bill better. But this process, a process whereby the majority leader rules this body by dictate is not good for the senate. We come to expect that the United States Senate will be a great deliberative body. In fact, the United States senate has long prided itself on being the world’s greatest deliberative legislative body. There are a number of realities about the senate that make this possible, far more possible than it might be in the House of Representatives. Here in the senate, we have only a hundred members. Just down the hall in the House of Representatives, they have 435 members. In that body, it’s not always possible to have an open amendment process. In this body, it is assumed. This is the usual order. This is the way we’re supposed to operate, is to have an opportunity for members to offer and debate and discuss amendments in advance of voting for the procedure at the end of the day. Yet we have not had such an opportunity in this case because the leader filled the tree. This is significant and I want to emphasize this point. It is true, of course, that majority leaders from both political parties have utilized this procedure from time to time for one reason or another, perhaps out of professed need to expedite the legislative process in certain instances. But this majority leader has utilized this procedure a lot more than others. In fact, he’s utilized it, by my count, a total of 67 times, more than any other majority leader in history. Why, I ask, has he done this? Why has he done this in this circumstance? Why has he done it in so many other circumstances in this congress and throughout his service as majority leader? Is it because the senate has demonstrated an inability to debate and discuss bills and amendments to bills in a reasonable, responsible manner? I don’t think so.

Let’s point to a couple of examples of when the open-amendment process has benefitted us. One example is the National Defense Authorization Act, which this body passed toward the end of last year. It passed out of this body overwhelmingly, notwithstanding the fact that there were a number of amendments introduced. I believe there were dozens of amendments that were introduced, debated, discussed and ultimately voted upon. Another example involves the farm bill that was passed by this body earlier this year. If I’m not mistaken, we had over 70 amendments to that bill. I appreciated the majority leader’s willingness in that circumstance to allow us to have a pretty open, robust debate and discussion and an open amendment process. We still passed the bill even though we had to conduct a lot of debate, have a lot of discussion and hold a lot of votes. But this, you see, is what makes this the greatest deliberative body in the world. This is what separates us from other legislative


bodies around the country and throughout this planet. So it’s not the case that the senate simply isn’t responsible enough to be able to handle something like an open amendment process because it has demonstrated its ability to do so time and time and time again.

Now let’s talk about some of the things I like in this bill. I support the fact that this bill would increase access to public lands and would remove some burdensome regulations on some activities occurring on those lands. On the other hand, I am not as enthusiastic about the fact that this bill devotes $6.5 million on neo tropical migratory birds on a program that would require 75% of those funds to be spent outside the United States. Now, I know in the big picture of things this is a very, very small figure in terms of our total national budget. Nevertheless, this is a lot of money to hardworking Americans who are paying their taxes in order to fund programs like this. We ought at least to have an opportunity to debate and discuss amendments so that Americans can feel like their money is being spent in the United States for causes that are important to Americans and not on birds outside the United States. Other senators have other differences with the bill and other concerns. I agree with some of those concerns. I disagree with others. Each of them should have an opportunity to have those concerns aired, to have them debated and discussed in connection with amendments of their own choosing, that they might choose to introduce. We should be debating all of them. Instead, in effect, we’re debating none of them. That kind of process is especially important in this circumstance because, this bill, as I understand it, has never gone through committee. Normally in committee we have an opportunity to put a bill through the markup process, to make amendments in committee. This didn’t go there, which is all the more reason why we should have an open amendment process.

I have introduced several amendments. I’ll refer to just a few of them. One of them would involve a proposal to not spend money that we don’t have in order to support the conservation of multinational species, saving $150 million over five years. In other words, it’s one thing to spend money on habitat preservation and species rehabilitation for species that actually exist in the United States but it’s another thing to spend a lot of money on species outside the United States, on creatures that have never entered our borders and never will. That’s something that I think Americans are concerned about and it’s something that I think we ought to have a chance to debate and discuss as long as we are debating and discussing and voting on this legislation.

I have another piece of legislation that would require state legislative approval for any new federal land designations. As I said a few minutes ago, with the federal government owning two-thirds of the land in my state, I’m especially concerned about the possibility of, for example, the president deciding to just designate a new national monument within my state. This happened a few years ago when president Clinton designated the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. It’s beautiful land and territory, but all of this was accomplished by the stroke of a pen of one chief executive without any opportunity for input from Utah, from its 3 million residents, from its elected officials. I think that any time the federal government takes this kind of action, the type that will have a profound impact on the state, on its sovereign rights, on its ability to raise revenue, on its ability to encourage and promote economic activity within its boundaries, there ought to be input and approval from the state legislature. I have an amendment that would address this concern.

I have another amendment that would offer certain federal lands for disposal by competitive sale process. We have an enormous amount of land in this country. Some of it is being put to good use and some is being set aside because of its wilderness characteristics. Other land still is just sitting there not doing anything. I think some of that land could be sold and some of that money could be used to fund our programs, programs that are cash strapped along with everything else in this country right now. These and other amendments need to receive consideration. I’m not saying that every one of them has to pass in order for this legislation to proceed, but every one of them ought to be discussed, every one of them ought to be debated. American people should have an opportunity to have their input through their own elected U.S. Senators. I would deeply regret it if this were somehow an indication that our majority leader intends to operate the senate this way, not only throughout


the duration of this congress but into the next congress as well. I want to be clear that I have great respect and admiration for our majority leader. I’ve known him for most of my life, since I was 11 years old, in fact. I consider him a friend. I ask him, I implore him as my friend to reconsider this practice of filling the tree and thereby forestalling the instruction of amendments. We need an open amendment process.Our status as the world’s greatest deliberative legislative body requires nothing less. Thank you, Mr. President.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, December 3, 2012

Lee-Akaka Bipartisan Hatch Act Reform Passes SenateWASHINGTON – Senator Mike Lee’s bipartisan reform that protects the rights of states to determine for themselves how to handle partisan political activity by state and local employees recently passed in the Senate. The bill, S. 2170 The Hatch Act Modernization Act, still prohibits inappropriate political action, but fixes the law so that state and local employees who work for agencies which receive partial federal funding are not barred from running in a partisan election.

“The law was meant to prevent federal employees from engaging in partisan politics,” said Senator Lee. “Unfortunately, it has been used to prevent state and local employees whose organizations may receive some federal funding from running for elected office. States should be allowed to make their own laws with regard to the political activity of state and local employees and not have the policy dictated to them by Washington. I am pleased that we were able to come to a bipartisan solution on this issue and encourage my colleagues in the House to do the same.”

Two Democratic senators, Daniel Akaka (HI) and Carl Levin (MI), and one Independent, Joe Lieberman (CT), have cosponsored the bill along with Senator Lee. The bill was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate and will be sent to the House of Representatives.




Office of Senator Mike Lee2012 Northern Utah Area Report

Northern Utah DirectorLarry Shepherd125 South State Street STE 4225Salt Lake City, UT 84138(801) 524-5933 office(801) 995-0102 mobile(801) 524-5730

The geographic area of US Senator Mike Lee’s Northern Utah region includes the following counties: Box Elder, Cache, Rich, Weber, Morgan, Davis, Tooele, Summit, and Daggett. This area includes several of Utah’s smallest and least populated counties where agriculture and outdoor recreation are the major economic activities as well as the more urban and economically diverse northern Wasatch Front counties.

OutreachDuring 2012, Senator Lee’s northern Utah director interacted with local elected city and county officials regularly in commission and council meetings and other organized multi-level governmental meetings. Throughout each county the director attended conferences, ribbon cuttings, open houses, tours, and receptions with civic, business, and community groups. The director works to be an available and effective representative of the senator to local government and constituents. Outreach to the business community included visits by the director to local companies of all sizes identified as having challenges with oppressive federal government regulation.

Senator Lee visited each county in Northern Utah during 2012, holding organized meetings with local elected officials, business leaders and constituents. When possible, the senator made visits to local schools to present flags flown over the US Capitol and to briefly interact with students. Senator Lee held Town Hall Meetings with constituents in Brigham City and Logan in May of 2012.

In recognition of the significant role the military plays in the economy of the area, the northern Utah director also performs military outreach functions for Senator Lee. Hill Air Force Base, Tooele Army Depot, Dugway Proving Ground, the Utah Test and Training Range and other full-time and guard and reserve military installations are located in northern Utah. The director attends meetings, briefings, and tours with military officials and supporting community groups to keep in touch on matters of interest to Utah’s military installations and armed forces personnel.

Major issues:Hill Air Force BaseIn addition to being one of the largest employers in the state, economic activity in and around Hill Air Force Base is a mainstay of the economy of Northern Utah. The base is the engine of economic growth in the region and a magnet for future business opportunity. Senator Lee personally accompanied Air Force Secretary Michael Donley on a tour of the base in March. The senator and his staff continue to commit significant time and resources to support of the base and efforts to highlight its valuable workforce and the high-quality work they perform.


F-35Senator Lee has joined with local community leaders and Hill Air Force Base officials in support of the basing of multiple squadrons of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft at Hill. The base, already identified as the Air Force’s preferred alternative for F-35 operational basing, is the ideal location for geographic, technical, environmental, and operational reasons.

Daggett County Land SwapThe Daggett County commission has been working to facilitate a land exchange between the U.S. Forest Service and the Utah School Institutional Trust Lands Administration for a small parcel of land along the shore of Flaming Gorge Reservoir. If the exchange were successful, SITLA would then market the property to developers in a way that would bring needed jobs and tax base to this small and financially challenged county. For most of the last five years, the proposed exchange has focused on a parcel on the shoreline of Linwood Bay, near the town of Manila. Senator Lee has indicated his support for this land exchange in conversations with the commission and staff has toured the area and is working toward legislation that will enable the swap.

Deep Creeks Wilderness Study AreaSenator Lee has indicated to Tooele County Commissioners his support of their efforts to resolve a long-standing disagreement with the Bureau of Land Management over road closures within the Deep Creek Wilderness Study Area in western Tooele County. A recent agreement between the BLM and Juab County settled a lawsuit and resolved a similar dispute over closures in that county’s portion of the Deep Creek WSA. Resolving the issue within Tooele County is compounded by language in federal legislation from 2000 and 2005 that the BLM feels restricts its ability to negotiate rights-of-way near the Utah Test and Training Range.

End of Operations, Deseret Chemical DepotArmy officials recognized the end of operations at Deseret Chemical Depot in April 2012, marking the destruction of the nation’s largest stockpile of chemical weapons. As the decontamination and demolition of the incinerator wrap up, the property will be turned over to Tooele Army Depot.

GrowthMuch of the intra-governmental activity along the Wasatch Front is focused on issues of continued population growth and the need for transportation options and the preservation of transportation corridors for future needs. Senator Lee’s staff monitor and participate in discussions that will shape the quality of life for Utah’s communities in years to come.


Office of Senator Mike Lee2012 Southern Utah Area Report

Southern Utah Director:Ellen Schunk285 W. TabernacleSt. George, UT 84770(435) 628-5514 (office)(435) 201-2499 (cell) The Southern Utah area is comprised of 11 Counties: Beaver, Garfield, Grand, Iron, Kane, Millard, Piute, San Juan, Sevier, Washington, and Wayne. During 2012 we again met with County Commissioners and Mayors in all 11 counties. We gathered information on local concerns and issues, and provided reports on federal activity. The focus of this office is on constituent outreach - staying in regular contact with elected officials, government agencies and the general public. Various regularly scheduled meetings are attended (ex. AOG, Veterans, Transportation, County, BLM, Forest Service, NRC, etc.), as are other specific meetings (State and Federal Agencies, Law Enforcement, Economic Forums, etc).

Daily phone calls are received from constituents, and people regularly come into the Southern Utah office. In 2012 we had approximately 400 constituents visit our office, and we took approximately 900 constituent phone calls.

Town Hall meetings were held in Blanding (San Juan County), Washington City (Washington County) and Richfield (Sevier County). Senator Lee conducted meetings with County Commissioners, Mayors, business leaders, veterans’ groups, etc. in Beaver, Blanding, Fillmore, Junction, Kanab, Loa, Moab, Monticello, Panguitch, Parowan, Richfield and St. George. The Town Hall and other meetings were well attended and provided a great opportunity for dialogue on various issues. This summer we saw a challenge with wildfires in Utah. We closely monitored these, went to the affected Southern Utah areas, attended town hall meetings, and met with local, state and federal officials. We helped as needed with federal assistance issues.Our office has worked on a variety of issues this year and looks forward to identifying and addressing issues that face Southern Utah, and Utah as a whole. We will continue to work hard, and are dedicated to making a positive difference.


Office of Senator Mike Lee2012 Utah Mobile Office Report

Community Outreach DirectorLarry Shepherd125 South State Street STE 4225Salt Lake City, UT 84138(801) 524-5933 office(801) 995-0102 mobile(801) 524-5730

Completing its first full year of operation in 2012, Senator Mike Lee’s mobile office travelled the state; visiting every county and hosting established office hours at 95 separate locations. This effort reflects Senator Lee’s desire that his staff be accessible throughout the state. “I want my office to be open and available to Utahns. The best way to achieve that is by going directly to them. Utahns deal with a range of federal issues – from Social Security to veterans benefits to navigating the bureaucracy of the federal government – and I want to be there to help them get answers,” said Senator Lee.

The mobile office is a resource for constituents who might not otherwise be able to meet with casework officers or other staff in the senator’s regular offices in Salt Lake City or St. George. The mobile office travels throughout the state of Utah and opens a temporary U.S. Senate staff office, on behalf of Senator Lee, in all of Utah’s counties – generally conducting office hours in the morning and in the afternoon at pre-arranged and pre-advertised locations (usually in Utah’s cities, towns, and communities at municipal or local governmental buildings).

Mobile office hours, dates, and event locations are regulary updated and available for public notice at Additionally, Utah residents may use the website to request a specific visit from the mobile office, recommend a location for a future visit, and invite the mobile office for an educational presentation on the U.S. Constitution and the process of the federal government.

In recognition of the important relationship between the government of the state of Utah and its elected federal representative, Senator Lee’s mobile office established a presence in the Utah capitol building during the 2012 state legislative session. The mobile office greeted, assisted and took comments from state legislators, employees, and other capitol visitors throughout the session.



VICTOR IVERSON: NATURAL RESOURCE ADVISOR  SUMMARY: As a policy advisor for Senator Mike Lee in the State of Utah, I have the responsibility to cover the following areas and issues that might arise within them; public lands, mining, oil and gas, energy, forest and timber, agriculture, grazing, water rights, endangered species and tribal issues. I meet with and interact with the following state and federal agencies; BLM, Forest Service, USDA, BIA, Fish and Wildlife, Army Corps of Engineers, EPA, National Park Service, Bureau of Reclamation, NRCS, Tribal Governments, Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah Department of Agriculture, and, SITLA. I meet with agricultural groups such as, Utah Farm Bureau, Utah Cattlemen, Utah Dairy Producers, Utah Wool Growers, Utah Farmers Union, and Egg Producers. As issues and concerns arise I meet with interest groups and citizens such as ATV clubs, ranchers, farmers and tribal citizens. This year has been busy with numerous meetings and important issues. Outreach Highlights of meetings and events attended in the Past 12 Months

1. Utah Cattlemen Annual meeting 2. Utah Farm Bureau Annual meeting 3. Utah Wool Growers Annual meeting 4. Utah Governors Energy Summit 5. Escalante Ranching group 6. BLM wild horse gather in Tooele County 7. Ute Reservation Oil Field tour 8. Four trips to the Navajo Reservation 9. NACO meeting in Santa Fe, NM

10. Congressional Field hearing in Elko, NV 11. Uintah Basin Energy Summit


12. NRCC Annual Tour 13. Numerous public and elected officials

Policy Highlights from the past 12 months

1. Uranium withdrawal by Secretary Salazar 2. Navajo Trust fund 3. Navajo Utah Water Settlement 4. Timber contract pricing 5. Wild fire and fuel reduction 6. BLM wild horse and burrow issue 7. EPA clean water regulation impacts on agriculture 8. Air quality issues in the basin 9. Grazing issues around the state and in the National Monument

10. Sage Grouse 11. Utah Prairie Dog 12. Forest Service Travel Plans 13. Filming on public lands

Travel overview and interesting facts A review of my calendared events and major meetings over the past 12 months; BLM-Forest Service ………40 ATV Groups………………..9 Tours –Summits……….…..12 State-Local Gov.…………..75 Agriculture………………...18 Energy …………………….20 Tribal………………...…….11 I traveled around 27,000 miles across and around the state in the last 12 months. That is approximately the same as 13 road trips from Salt Lake City to Washington, D.C., or one air trip around the world. Conclusion As I round the corner on my second year of service for Senator Mike Lee, I am proud of the distance I have come. I believe I have succeeded in representing Senator Lee in the most friendly and professional manner possible. My knowledge of the people, processes and issues of the areas I


cover is excellent. I work very hard to be prepared for every meeting or event I attend for the office. I try very hard to help my fellow staff succeed in their work and consider myself a part of a successful team. With so much important reform and work before us I look to the quote from John Paul Jones “ we have just begun to fight’.


U.S. Service Academy NominationsSenator Lee’s first class of academy applicants entered their respective academies during July 2012. He invited all of the appointed applicants to dinner with their parents before they entered the academies. It was a nice evening honoring those dedicated young people who have committed themselves to military service.

The 2013 application process opened in March 2012. Applicants applied to the Air Force Academy, Naval Academy, Military Academy at West Point, and the Merchant Marine Academy. The Coast Guard Academy does not require a congressional nomination.

Senator Lee utilizes his website at to provide information to interested applicants. The Salt Lake City staff is available to answer questions about the current application cycle or for those interested in a future nomination.

2012 Appointments

Air Force Academy James Cardinal Connor Crandall Taylor Lanier Brandon Lloyd Mormon Redd Darren Craig Tidwell

Merchant Marine Academy Blair Roberts

Military Academy at West Point Bryce Magera Collin Shurtleff Amy Slaughter Naval Academy Zachery Santella


2013 Academy Nominations

Application Available: March 2, 2012Application Deadline: October 26, 2012

Total Applicants: 69Counties represented: 14 of 29

Academy Interviews: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 (8:00 am – 12:00 pm)

Lee Staff: 13 Academy Liaisons: 11 Total number of interviews: 97 Air Force Academy: 32 Merchant Marine Academy: 12 Military Academy: 22 Naval Academy: 31

Total applicants nominated by Senator Lee: 41Total number of Senator Lee’s applicants nominated from any source: 69 The final 2013 academy appointments will be determined during the first quarter of 2013.


Utah  Appointments    Counties  (29):  Beaver:  8/12  Box  Elder:  5/12  Cache:  5/12  Carbon:  4/12  Daggett:  2/12  Davis:    5/12,  11/12  Duchesne:  2/12  Emery:  4/12    Garfield:  8/12  Grand:  4/12  Iron:  7/12  

Juab:  5/12  Kane:  8/12  Millard:  5/12  Morgan:  5/12  Piute:  8/12  Rich:  5/12  Salt  Lake:  2/12,  3/12,  4/12,  5/12  San  Juan:  4/12  Sanpete:  11/12  Sevier:  8/12  

Summit:  5/12  Tooele:  8/12  Uintah:  2/12,  9/12  Utah:  1/12,  2/12,  3/12,  5/12  Wasatch:  5/12  Washington:  8/12  Wayne:  8/12  Weber:  1/12,  3/12  

 Cities  (42):  Alpine  Beaver    Blanding*  Brigham  City*  Castle  Dale*  Cedar  City  Draper  Ephraim*  Fairview*  Fillmore*  Garden  City*  Green  River*  Gunnison*  Heber  Kanab*  Layton  Lehi*  Loa*  Logan  Manila*  Moab*  Monticello*  

Morgan  City*  Moroni*  Nephi*  North  Logan*  Ogden  Orem  Panguitch*  Park  City*  Parowan*  Perry*  Price*  Provo  Richfield  Roosevelt*  Salt  Lake  South  Jordan  St.  George  Tooele*  Vernal*  Washington*    

 *First  time  visits  since  being  elected  (28)            


 Utah  Appointments    Appointments  with  Elected  Officials  Commissions/County  Councils:  22  Countywide  Mayor  Groups:  7  Individual  Mayors:  15  


Individual  Legislators:  6

 Education  Visits  Brigham  Young  University    Brigham  Young  University  Federalist  Society  Morgan  Elementary  Southern  Utah  University’s  Governor’s  Academy  Three-­‐Mile  Creek  Elementary  School  

University  of  Utah  Law  School  Federalist  Society  Utah  State  University  Utah  Valley  University  Weber  State  University  Wilson  Elementary  School  

University  of  Utah  Hinckley  Institute  of  Politics    Major  Events  Constitution  Bowl    Town  Halls:  Blanding  Brigham  City  Green  River  Heber  

Logan  Nephi  Richfield  Washington  

 Youth  Town  Halls:  Blanding  Green  River  Heber  

Logan  Nephi  

   Jello  with  the  Utah  Office:  10  Military:  7  Groups  &  Associations:  30  Tours:  15      


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFriday, January 6, 2012

Senator Lee Appoints Boyd Matheson as State DirectorSALT LAKE CITY - Today, Boyd Matheson became the Utah State Director for Senator Mike Lee. Matheson is bringing more than two decades of experience in the business world to the senator’s state operations. He is an exceptional strategist with specialized knowledge in many fields, including communication, leadership, and internal culture development. Since 2005, Matheson has served as president of Trillium Strategies, helping organizations to transform through effective branding, restructuring, and messaging. He will replace outgoing State Director Dan Hauser, who has decided to move on to new opportunities.

“I would like to thank Dan Hauser for his fantastic work during his time here,” said Senator Lee. “He has served both this office and the people of Utah in exemplary fashion, and I wish him the best of luck in his new and future endeavors.

“I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Boyd Matheson. He has already demonstrated his deep understanding of how effective organizations are run, and I have complete confidence that he will be an excellent leader in Utah. His previous success speaks for itself. Utahns should always expect to have access to the helpful and efficient service that my state offices will continue to provide under Boyd’s careful direction.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETuesday, January 17, 2012

Lee Adds Major General (Ret) Condon as Senior Policy AdvisorWASHINGTON – TODAY, Senator Mike Lee announced the addition of Air Force Major General (Retired) Pat Condon as a senior advisor on military issues. General Condon served on active duty in the Air Force for 33 years, commanding at different times the Air Force Armament Laboratory at Eglin AFB, FL, the Arnold Engineering Development Center at Arnold Air Force Base, TN, and the Ogden Air Logistics Center at Utah’s own Hill AFB. He has also served in the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition in the Pentagon and as the Director of Plans and Programs in Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. Condon holds a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.

“I am incredibly honored to be able to work with a man of General Condon’s caliber,” said Senator Lee. “Not only has he devoted his life to serving his country and keeping Americans safe, he has done so with tremendous success at the highest levels. His understanding of national defense matters is exemplary.

“Going forward, I will consult with General Condon on the specific military issues that fall under the watch of the United States Senate. While the President is the commander-in-chief, Congress has a responsibility to oversee a number of decisions that affect our armed forces. These include determining the size of procurement budgets, providing proper benefits for our veterans, and authorizing base realignment and closure. With General Condon’s help, I will always be sure to make the best decisions for both the United States and Utah.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETuesday, January 24, 2012

Sen. Lee Pays Tribute to Fallen Officer Francom on Senate FloorToday, Senator Mike Lee spoke on the Senate floor about the tragic death of Utah policeman Jared Francom, who was shot in the line of duty on January 4th. A video of the speech is available here, and a transcript of Senator Lee’s remarks is below:

Mr. President, today I rise with a heavy heart to mourn the loss of Ogden police officer Jared Francom.

Earlier this month, on the evening of January 4th, 2012, Agent Francom was senselessly gunned down defending his fellow officers as they attempted to serve a search warrant in Ogden, Utah. Five other officers – Shawn Grogan, Kasey Burrell, Michael Rounkles, Nate Hutchinson, and Jason VanderWarf – were wounded in the gun battle.

A week later, a crowd of roughly 4000 family members, friends, and supporters, including more than a thousand uniformed officers, gathered at a public memorial for Jared to saygoodbye to one of America’s fallen heroes.

The sentiment from all that knew him was the same: Jared was a devoted family man, a dedicated father to his two young daughters, a fun loving brother and son to his family.

At the funeral, which I attended, I heard Jared’s brother Ben say he “taught people to care for each other and taught others to change the world like he was doing on the streets of Ogden.”

Commenting on the outpouring of support, Jared’s brother Travis said, “I know my brother would be proud, because we all are his family.”

Achieving a goal he’d set for himself as a young boy, Agent Francom became a member of the Ogden police force seven years ago and and was assigned to the Weber-Morgan Narcotics Strike Force.

Jared’s sacrifice should be a reminder to us of the incredible risks our brave law enforcement officers all take to protect the people they serve. I have a deep and unwavering respect for the law enforcement community and, as a former Assistant U.S. Attorney, have seen up close how these men and women serve with honor, integrity, and dedication.

Jared Francom was no exception. He will be remembered for giving his life in service to the people and community he loved.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, March 12, 2012

Lee Commends State Legislature on Recent SessionWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee congratulated the Utah State Legislature on a productive and bold legislative session, which concluded March 8th. Lasting just over 6 weeks, the session encompassed important work on issues ranging from education to law enforcement, land policy to state sovereignty. Senator Lee commended the legislature for taking on tough issues and contrasted it with Washington’s inability to properly address the country’s most serious challenges.

“I want to congratulate the Utah State Legislature for its incredible courage and vision during the 45-day session,” said Sen. Lee. “In particular, their willingness to assert Utah’s rightful place in overseeing its own land should be a model for other states to follow.

“The ability of a State to oversee the land within its borders is inextricably tied to economic growth as well as critical funding for education. The federal government – which owns nearly seven out of every 10 acres in Utah – has had far too much control, for far too long. Growing frustration over the government’s interference in the State’s ability to responsibly access, manage and develop land, combined with an administration intent on controlling the decisions of states and citizens from Washington, led the Utah Legislature to send a strong message that they were willing to stand up for our rights.

“This session was also a good example of why States are better suited to handle the everyday challenges that face its people. While Washington attempts to fashion one-size-fits-all solutions that benefit no one, and generally do more harm than good, the States can react quickly and efficiently to the local needs of their constituents.

“I commend the Utah State Legislature for their work this year and look forward to continuing to build on our strong relationship in order to better serve the people of our State.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, March 26, 2012

Hatch, Lee, Bishop Welcome Air Force Secretary to Hill Air Force BaseSALT LAKE CITY – U.S. Senators Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah) today welcomed the Secretary of the Air Force, Michael Donley, to Hill Air Force Base. During the visit, the members of Utah’s congressional delegation toured the base with the Secretary and showcased Hill’s industrial, operational and training capabilities. The Delegation has long stressed that Hill is central to America’s defense, and impressed that upon the Secretary during his visit to Hill today. In addition to the delegation and top leaders at the base, the Secretary met with service members and their families as well as local leaders.

“The Secretary’s visit today was an opportunity to showcase Hill’s efficiency and its central role to our nation’s defense,” Hatch said. “The delegation has worked very well together to ensure that the hard-working men and women at Hill have the tools they need to remain one of the most efficient and effective bases in the our military. Today was a great day for northern Utah, and I look forward to continuing to work with the delegation and Secretary Donley to show why Hill is second to none and must remain a central figure in keeping America safe.”

“The time to fight for the mission of Hill Air Force Base is now,” said Lee. “If we wait until we face another round of BRAC, it may be too late to preserve the vital service the base provides to Utah and the country. I am encouraged by Secretary Donley’s visit and believe Hill AFB continues to be one of the military’s most well-run installations.”

“I appreciate Secretary Donley visiting hill AFB today,” Bishop said. “It is often a challenge to bridge the more than 2000 mile divide between Utah and Washington, D.C., which is why visits such as today’s are inherently important not only to Utah but to the future of our national defense capabilities. The visit allowed the Secretary to see first-hand the hard working men and women that support the many dynamic components of Hill AFB, which contribute to its role as one of the preeminent training, operational, and industrial military facilities in this country.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, May 3, 2012

Lee’s Mobile Office Visits All 29 CountiesWASHINGTON—Last week, Senator Mike Lee’s Mobile Office completed its first round of visits to towns and cities in each county in the state of Utah. The Mobile Office is run by Senator Lee’s Community Outreach Director, D. Gary Beck, CAPT, USCG (Ret), and it allows the senator to provide Utahns who might not otherwise be able to interact with him or his staff in the Salt Lake City, St. George or Washington D.C. offices a way to do so in or near their local communities throughout Utah. Since its creation late last year, the Mobile Office has visited 54 cities and towns, and has provided service to 599 constituents.

“The Mobile Office has been tremendously successful, and I am very proud to say that it has made stops in every single county in Utah,” said Senator Lee. “Our goal was to do so within a year and we did it within six months. It’s important that citizens in every part of the state have the opportunity to voice their issues without having to drive hundreds of miles.

“Open access to elected officials is a fundamentally necessary part of our constitutional republic, and the Mobile Office greatly increases that access for the citizens of this state. I look forward to once again sending the office to every county in Utah over the next six months.”

Below is a list of just a few of the stops the Mobile Office has made:

Thursday, November 3: Roosevelt, Duchesne CountyTuesday, November 15: Green River, Emery CountyThursday, November 17: Blanding, San Juan CountyThursday December 1: Brigham City, Box Elder CountyWednesday, December 7: Farmington, Davis CountyThursday, December 15: Hurricane, Washington CountyThursday, April 5: Morgan, Morgan CountyTuesday, April 17: Beaver, Beaver CountyThursday, April 26: Price, Carbon County


Apr 10, 2012

Green River Town Hall Recap

Last week, I held a town hall meeting at the John Wesley Powell River History Museum in Green River. I spoke with several county commissioners, the mayor of Green River, and other local officials, but more importantly I spoke with everyday citizens about the issues that they found to be most important.

Normally, the focus of this sort of event is on local issues. In this case, however, I was struck by the consistent worries surrounding the direction of the nation as a whole. Utahns are increasingly troubled by the national-level policies that are interfering in their lives, and with good reason—the federal government has never been larger, more intrusive, or more expensive.

I had several conversations with business leaders who find their enterprises stuck in neutral, unable to expand because of a wide variety of problems created in Washington, from the difficulty of complying with the tax code to excessive and seemingly never-ending EPA “studies” and lawsuits. It should come as no surprise that unemployment remains above 8% after a year in which over 80,000 pages of new federal regulations went into effect.

Many of the town hall attendees were also extremely frustrated with the continued state of inactivity produced by Washington’s control of the majority of Utah’s land. Not only does this overreach prevent countless businesses from growing their normal operations, but technological developments in recent years would specifically allow energy companies to tap vast reserves of oil and natural gas if only the federal government would let them.

Concerns about the future of the nation’s finances were raised repeatedly. Utahns see annual deficits of nearly one and a half trillion dollars and know that such spending is unsustainable. Moreover, they have become aware of just how many budgetary gimmicks are used to hide the reality of our spending from voters. This is why I will continue to fight for real reform like the Honest Budget Act, so that a cut will truly be a cut.

Perhaps most importantly, the people who gave their time to share their opinions with me were disturbed by what they perceived to be the loss of America’s most basic principles. They have become afraid of a government that is attempting to break its own constraints as established in the country’s founding document, the Constitution. As our Founding Fathers knew more than two centuries ago, the people I spoke with knew that government without limits leads to tyranny, and therefore how important it is to maintain limits on federal power.

I am deeply grateful to those who attended this town hall meeting, and indeed to every single Utahn who reaches out to me in any way. I will always remain committed to listening to Utah’s citizens and representing them well in Congress.


Sep 18 2012

Lee Holds Constitution Bowl for Local Students

Senator Mike Lee and the Utah League of Cities and Towns hosted the first annual “Constitution Bowl” on Friday, September 14, testing the knowledge of teams from four local high schools on topics related to the U.S. Constitution and government. The event was held in honor of the 225th Anniversary of the U.S. Constitution and to get students talking about the country’s founding document.

Students from Taylorsville, Cottonwood Heights, North Salt Lake, and West Point competed in the Jeopardy-style game in teams of four, with Senator Mike Lee, Speaker of the House Becky Lockhart, and Murray Mayor Dan Snarr delivering the clues.

“The students impressed us all with their knowledge of the Constitution and the federal and state government,” said Senator Lee. “So many of the challenges facing our country today could be resolved if our leaders would return to that founding document. It gives me great confidence in our future leaders knowing that this generation recognizes the importance and meaning of the Constitution.”

Students Morgan Valentine, Steven Deng, Monica Kowalski, Hailey Roberts from Cottonwood Heights walked away the winners of the competition, securing a lead early on and answering the final question correctly. The Utah League of Cities and Towns awarded the team with an all expenses paid trip to visit Washington, DC to meet with Senator Lee and visit various attractions in our nation’s capital.

2012 Participants:

Cottonwood Heights—Morgan Valentine, Steven Deng, Monica Kowalski, Hailey Roberts Taylorsville—Andy Ho, Sidnee Huff, Erin Penrose, Taylor Moulton West Point—Nate Seffker, Julianne Orton, Valerie Hart and Sierra Hart North Salt Lake—Lynsie Allen, Jacob Cho, Hunter Jensen and Dexter Murray










FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASESaturday, January 28, 2012

Lee Responds to the President’s AddressWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee responded to the President’s weekly address that singled out Senator Lee and criticized his vow to hold the President accountable for his unconstitutional recess appointments.

“The President’s recent recess appointments were unconstitutional. As a Senator, sworn to protect and defend the Constitution, I am duty-bound to resist the president’s actions and seek to restore our nation’s proper constitutional order.

“Ironically, the President invoked our Founding Fathers in his remarks claiming they did not envision such a defense of our constitutional rights. In fact, the Founding Fathers specifically instituted a system of checks and balances designed to protect American liberties against the unrestrained power of a tyrannical Executive. The Founders worried that one branch would attempt to assert its will over the others, so they supplied each branch with tools and incentives to resist such encroachments. That is what I am exercising here.

“Sadly, the President has sought to make this a partisan issue; but the Constitution is not partisan. The Constitution does not allow any president, Republican or Democrat, to circumvent the Senate in making appointments, and I will resist, just as vigorously, members of my own party who would attempt to do the same thing.

“I ask the President to stop campaigning briefly and reread the relevant portions of the Constitution.

“Article Two, Section Two says the president ‘shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States…’ and that ‘The President shall have power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.’

“Appointments may be made if one of two conditions are satisfied: either the Senate has given its advice and consent, or when the Senate is in recess. The Senate did not consent to these appointments; nor was it in recess. The President cannot make appointments unilaterally and he does not have the authority unilaterally to decide whether the Senate is in recess. These appointments were therefore unconstitutional.

“From ObamaCare to the takeover of the auto industry to his unconstitutional attempt to make recess appointments, the president has consistently shown almost no regard for the constitutional limitations placed on his office.

“That is why I must take a stand. And I call on all Americans – Republicans, Democrats, Independents – who care about our nation, to stand with me in defense of this blatant and egregious encroachment on our basic constitutional liberties.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, April 26, 2012

Lee: VAWA Oversteps Limits on Federal Power“I rise today to speak about our Constitution’s federalist structure and the real danger of the federal government unduly interfering with the ability of states and localities to address activities and concerns in their communities.

“Everyone agrees that violence against women is reprehensible. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) reauthorization has the honorable goal of assisting victims of domestic violence, but it oversteps the Constitution’s rightful limits on federal power, it interferes with the flexibility states and localities should have in tailoring programs to meet particular needs of individual communities, and it fails to address problems of duplication and inefficiency.

“First, violent crimes are regulated and enforced almost exclusively by state governments. In fact, domestic violence is one of the few activities that the Supreme Court of the United States has specifically said Congress may not regulate under the Commerce Clause. As a matter of constitutional policy, Congress should not seek to impose rules and standards as conditions for federal funding in areas where the federal government lacks constitutional authority to regulate directly.

“Second, the strings that Congress attaches to federal funding in the VAWA reauthorization restrict each state’s ability to govern itself. Rather than interfering with state and local programs under the guise of spending federal tax dollars, Congress should allow states and localities to exercise their rightful responsibility over domestic violence. State and local leaders should have flexibility in enforcing state law and tailoring victims’ services to the individualized needs of their communities, rather than having to comply with one-size-fits-all federal requirements.

“Third, even if the federal government had a legitimate role in administering VAWA grant programs, the current reauthorization fails to address many instances of duplication and overlap among VAWA and other programs operated by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services. Nor does it address the grant management failings identified by the Government Accountability Office.

“My opposition to the current VAWA reauthorization is a vote against big government and inefficient spending, and a vote in favor of state autonomy and local control. We must not allow a desire by some to score political points and an appetite for federal spending to prevent states and localities from efficiently and effectively serving women and other victims of domestic violence.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, June 28, 2012

Lee Statement on Affordable Care Act RulingToday Senator Mike Lee issued the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act:

“Today’s Supreme Court decision is only a temporary and hollow victory for the Affordable Care Act. The Supreme Court allowed the individual mandate to stand as a tax, but it concluded that Congress had exceeded its regulatory authority under the Commerce Clause by attempting to impose the individual mandate as a government directive. The individual mandate is already highly unpopular, and it will become even more so as theAmerican people recognize it for what the Court deemed it to be—a tax on the middle class that coerces Americans into healthcare decisions they would not choose for themselves.

“Importantly, the Court today also held that the manner in which the Affordable Care Act sought to expand Medicaid violates the Constitution and our nation’s system of federalism. The federal government may not bully the states into expanding Medicaid by threatening to take away all federal Medicaid funding.

“Today’s decision makes it all the more important—and likely—that the Affordable Care Act will be repealed after the elections this November. It is essential that members of Congress, as the people’s elected representatives, act to protect individual liberty. When we look back at today’s decision in the coming months and years, I believe it may ultimately be regarded not as a victory for the Affordable Care Act but instead as a recognition and validation of federalism, limited government, and the freedoms protected by our constitutional structure.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, July 18, 2012

Lee: American People Shouldn’t Have To Pay For The Mess Congress Created

Tax Increases will Kill Jobs and Damage the Economy

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) warned of the consequences of letting the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts expire and spoke of the impact on families and businesses from massive tax increases.

“On Monday we heard from Democrats who insist that Congress must now raise taxes of the American people. In fact, they’re so committed to this task that they’re willing to take the country off the fiscal cliff in order to get their way,” Lee said.

“Congress has proven time and time again that the money it takes from the American people, from hardworking taxpayers, isn’t always spent carefully. In fact, it’s been spending more than it takes in for so long people almost can’t remember a time when Congress routinely balanced its budget…[T]his is not the fault of the American people. And the job of fixing it lies right here in Congress,” he said.

“I’d argue that there is a certain irony in the president’s proposal to increase taxes on some Americans while leaving the necessary tax relief in place for others. While purporting to help hard working Americans, this approach would actually have the opposite effect, hurting many of those Americans who can least afford the hit right now.

“These are people who are living paycheck to paycheck. These are not C.E.O.s, these are not the top 1%. These are hard working Americans that cannot afford to lose a job. We can’t let a tax hike bring about that kind of terrible consequence.”

Senator Lee’s full remarks are available below.

LEE: On Monday we heard from Democrats who insist that Congress must now raise taxes of the American people. In fact, they’re so committed to this task that they’re willing to take the country off the fiscal cliff in order to get their way.

This is unfortunate. It’s unnecessary and it’s a course of action that we cannot pursue. Mind you, they’re not trying to pursue comprehensive tax reform. No, they’re not trying to fix this byzantine era of tax code, which occupies tens of thousands of pages. What they’re doing instead is just to raise taxes right now so that they can get their way right now, so that they can cover their shortfall that exists right now because of a chronic failure by Congress over time to set and stick to spending priorities.

Well, the vast majority of Republicans are committed not to raise taxes, not on anyone, and there are some very good reasons for this.


First, the federal government has proven its inadequacy in this area. Congress has proven time and time again that the money it takes from the American people, from hardworking taxpayers, isn’t always spent carefully. In fact, it’s been spending more than it takes in for so long people almost can’t remember a time when Congress routinely balanced its budget. This is a problem. And it’s a problem that shouldn’t be fixed by taxing the same people who are already paying this bill even more. Now this is not the fault of the American people. And the job of fixing it lies right here in Congress, not with the American people.

Second, from the C.B.O. to the I.M.F. to the Federal Reserve to Ernst & Young, experts around the world are warning of the dire economic consequences that await us if we raise taxes. And we cannot allow it to happen. We’ve had over $4 trillion added to the national debt during this president’s administration. At the same time we’ve had unemployment exceeding 8% for the last 41 consecutive months. Nearly 13 million Americans are currently out of work and millions more are underemployed and looking for more work. We can’t allow this to continue.

I’d argue that there is a certain irony in the president’s proposal to increase taxes on some Americans while leaving the necessary tax relief in place for others. While purporting to help hard working Americans, this approach would actually have the opposite effect, hurting many of those Americans who can least afford the hit right now. A new study from Ernst & young reveals he that this tax hike, a tax hike that hits some Americans but not others, would kill 710,000 jobs. These are people who can’t afford to lose their jobs. These are people who are living paycheck to paycheck. These are not C.E.O.s, these are not the top 1%. These are hard working Americans that cannot afford to lose a job. We can’t let a tax hike bring about that kind of terrible consequence.

Now, Democrats will assure you that their tax hikes are all about reducing the deficit. That’s curious because their proposal would leave 94% of this year’s deficit intact, which makes it an inherently unserious proposal insofar as it relates to deficit reduction. Further, the president’s own ten-year budget, which includes massive tax increases, by the way, still adds $11 trillion to the national debt. Now, I really do appreciate the fact that the president is finally talking about these issues, issues that have long gone unaddressed and need to be addressed. But he can’t look the American people in the eye and tell them he’s doing something about the debt when his own budget, while raising taxes, nearly doubles our already sprawling national debt over the next ten years.

Republicans have proposals. We have proposals to reform the tax code, to reduce the deficit and to do so in ways that will grow the economy, not cause it to contract. I’ve got an amendment that I hope we’ll get to consider in the next week or two that would permanently keep tax rates at their current levels so that American families and businesses can know what to expect. It would also eliminate the death tax and it would stop the expansion of the alternative minimum tax, which is quickly becoming the middle-income penalty tax. These measures and others would go a long way, a long way toward improving our economy and getting the American people back to work again.

If my friends on the other side of the aisle disagree, as is their right to do, then let’s come together and work to find some common ground. But these election-year antics and distractions are not what the American people sent us here to do. And the longer we wait before enacting real reform, the worse the problem is going to get.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, October 3, 2012

Lee Statement on Fallen Border Patrol AgentWASHINGTON—Today, Senator Mike Lee issued the following statement regarding the death of Border Patrol Agent Nicholas Ivie, who was killed yesterday at the Brian Terry Station near Naco, Arizona.

“Our hearts are heavy from the loss of Border Patrol Agent Nicholas Ivie, who was tragically killed yesterday while serving his country and his community. His death is a solemn reminder of the selfless sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform every day. It also brings home the often silent and unseen sacrifices made by the families of those who serve and protect this great nation. Nicholas grew up in Provo, Utah, so today we mourn the loss of a great American, and a great Utahn, a servant we thankfully and proudly call one of our own.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Ivie family during this time.”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, December 6, 2012

Lee Statement on Senator DeMint’s RetirementWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee issued the following statement regarding Senator Jim DeMint’s announcement he will be leaving the Senate to join The Heritage Foundation as the think tank’s new president:

“Jim has been a source of inspiration for many of us who came to Washington to fight for our core conservative beliefs. He has shown that getting things done doesn’t have to mean abandoning your principles. For too long, he was a movement unto himself in the Senate, keeping the torch lit for free-market principles and limited government. We are a better country for his service. Jim is a friend and mentor, and I plan to honor his time in the Senate by continuing the push for individual liberty and restoring constitutional government.”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, December 17, 2012

Lee Welcomes Appointment of Tim Scott to U.S. SenateWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee released this statement following the appointment of Rep. Tim Scott to the United States Senate to take the place of Senator Jim DeMint:

“I welcome the appointment of Rep. Tim Scott to the Senate and congratulate Governor Nikki Haley on a terrific choice,” said Lee. “Tim brings a strong record of fiscal conservatism to our caucus. Today’s challenges require principled leaders like Tim who will fight to reform spending and protect individual liberty. Like many conservatives across the country, I was saddened by the retirement of Jim DeMint. The appointment of Tim Scott ensures the movement to restore constitutionally limited government will not be diminished.”


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, July 16, 2012

Lee Comments on Passing of Stephen CoveyWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee made the following comments regarding the passing of best-selling author Stephen Covey:

“Today, our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Stephen Covey, who passed away this morning at age 80 in Idaho Falls. He was loved and respected by many and will most certainly be missed,” said Lee.

“He was an inspiration to millions, a revolutionary problem solver, and an icon for business managers everywhere. It is impossible to calculate the immense amount of good that Stephen Covey did for so many people. His insight helped to shape the future of an untold number of businesses, resulting in better jobs and indeed better lives for people around the world.”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, December 19, 2012

Lee Statement on Passing of Judge Robert BorkWASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee released the following statement on Judge Robert Bork, who died this morning near his home in Virginia:

“Robert Bork was one of America’s greatest jurists and a brilliant legal mind,” said Lee.

“He was an expert on issues ranging from antitrust to privacy laws and was deeply influential in promoting constitutional originalism. Despite the unfortunate and unnecessary controversy surrounding his Supreme Court nomination, Judge Bork remained an inspirational figure for those seeking to enforce constitutional limits on the federal government. My thoughts and prayers are with the Bork family.”


Jan 24, 2012

State of the Union

Upon taking office, President Obama encountered one of the worst recessions in the country’s history. He faced tremendous challenges and made a compelling case during the election that he could solve them. To be sure, it would have been difficult for any President to make reforms that would have had an immediate effect on an economy that many believed had not yet hit bottom. But the country was ready to give “hope and change” a chance.

By July 2009, after the last contested Senate race had been decided, President Obama and the Democrats had a 78-vote advantage in the House and a filibuster-proof Senate. If the President had been focused on enacting an agenda to create jobs and get the economy moving again, there would have been little in the way to stop him. But, we all know what really happened.

Instead of focusing on jobs, President Obama and the Democrats used their tremendous advantage to push for greater government control over Americans’ health care choices, more burdensome and debilitating regulations on businesses, and a failed stimulus package that led to record-setting annual deficits.

The unemployment rate when the President took office was 7.8 percent. It ballooned to a high of 10 percent by October of that year and has slowly declined by just a point-and-a-half in more than 2 years, much of that time hovering around 9 percent.

The President has added more than $4 trillion to the national debt and recorded the three largest annual deficits in the country’s history. Our debt is now larger than our entire economy thanks to his out-of-control spending and, under the President’s own budget proposal, will require $1 trillion per year to service that debt in the next 10 years.

He brought the country to the brink of economic collapse by refusing to consider any significant spending reforms as a condition for raising the nation’s debt ceiling. He presided over the downgrading of America’s credit rating - the first in our country’s history. And he has taken every opportunity to block the development of America’s energy resources – a source of much needed revenue and jobs.

Most troubling, the President has intentionally divided the country by waging a vicious class warfare campaign, separating average hardworking Americans by income and then pitting them against one another. The President’s record on this score has been repugnant.

Americans sent President Obama an unmistakable message in the midterm elections: stop doing harm, undo the damage, freeze and then cut spending, and put the budget on a sustainable path toward balance.


The President responded by starting his reelection campaign early. In a continuing series of taxpayer-funded campaign stops the President sharpened his divisive class warfare message and, astoundingly, blamed Republicans – who control just one-half of Congress – for legislative gridlock. Never mind that the President’s most recent budget proposal failed to attract a single vote in the Senate, and it was, in fact, Senate Democrats who refused to bring the President’s “jobs plan” to the floor for a vote.

Even today, less than a year before Americans head to the polls, members of the President’s own party are lining up against him to oppose his tone-deaf decision on the Keystone XL pipeline. The project would create 20,000 American jobs, inject much-needed private sector capital into our economy, and increase the country’s energy security, but the President has chosen to block the project as an election-year nod to his friends in the extreme left-wing of the environmentalist movement. President Obama has put the state of the union in disarray. Certainly he inherited a poor economy, but the decisions he has made since taking office are making it worse. He was handed an economic emergency and instead of taking the challenge head-on he chose to ignore it and turned it into a national tragedy. Leadership means more than trying to fulfill campaign promises. It also means dealing directly and decisively with the needs of the country. The President has very little time left to show the American people that he can be the kind of leader who will put the country before his own political interests.

For the sake of all Americans, I hope he uses that time wisely.


Feb 16, 2012

Lee: Assault on Religious Liberty Highlights Need to Repeal ObamaCare

The assault on religious conscience by the White House highlights the imperative of repealing ObamaCare. We know it will raise premiums. We know it will require higher taxes. We know it will kill jobs. And the more we start to peel back the layers of this 2,700 page onion, the more we learn how it encroaches on our basic freedoms and constitutionally guaranteed liberties. The most recent discovery is the attempt, by this administration, to mandate that all insurance plans cover contraception, sterilization, and morning-after pills that induce abortion. The government has no right to force individuals, companies or organizations to purchase or provide a product or service that stands in contradiction with deeply held religious and moral beliefs. We cannot stand for this violation of personal and religious liberty. Together with improving our economy and creating jobs, repealing ObamaCare must remain a top priority.


Jan 24, 2012

Senate and Congressional Western Caucuses Response to the State of the Union – Senator Mike Lee (R-UT)

Lee: “To begin repairing our economy the President should act immediately to reduce regulations that prevent land use, delay on and off-shore leasing, and block development of America’s domestic resources.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senate Western Caucus member Mike Lee (R-UT) delivered the Senate and Congressional Western Caucuses response to the State of the Union. In his remarks, Senator Lee spoke about how efforts by the Obama Administration to block domestic energy production and prevent the responsible use of public lands, has cut off an important supply of revenue and jobs.

“Hello. I’m Senator Mike Lee of Utah.

“As the President addresses the country this evening, one question will be on the minds of most Americans: what is the President doing to improve our economy and create jobs?

“It’s a fair question.

“The past three years have seen much economic turmoil and not much progress.

“The unemployment rate when the President took office was 7.8 percent. It ballooned to a high of 10 percent and has slowly declined by just a point-and-a-half in more than 2 years.

“During most of that time, the unemployment rate remained stagnant around 9 percent.

“In the last three years, we have added more than $4 trillion to the national debt and recorded the three largest annual deficits in the country’s history.

“Our debt is now larger than our entire economy thanks to Washington’s out-of-control spending.

“Under the President’s own budget proposal, by the end of this decade we will have to pay $1 trillion per year to service that debt. Unless we make the necessary adjustments now, our trillion-dollar annual interest payments will make it difficult for us to fund everything from national defense to Social Security.

“Upon taking office, President Obama faced tremendous challenges. Any new president would have had a tough time making an immediate impact.

“But after three years, we can say confidently, but sadly, that the President’s policies have made it worse.

“The President took an economic emergency and turned it into a national tragedy.


“Instead of focusing on creating jobs, President Obama by using his party’s majority in Congress to push for greater government control, more burdensome and debilitating regulations, and a failed stimulus package that lead to record-setting annual deficits.

“The Western States, such as Utah, have felt the pain acutely. Through a series of efforts to block domestic energy production and prevent the responsible use of public lands, the Obama Administration has cut off an important supply of revenue and jobs.

“He has placed unnecessary and unjustified moratoriums on offshore exploration for oil and gas. He has blocked plans to look for oil in Alaska and Virginia, and has prevented the development of oil shale in Utah.

“This Administration has delayed or revoked energy development permits and used heavy-handed regulation to slow the creation of new projects.

“Most recently, the President denied the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. The project would create 20,000 American jobs, inject much-needed private sector capital into our economy, and increase the country’s energy security.

“However, the President has chosen to block the project as an election-year nod to his friends in the extreme left-wing of the environmentalist movement.

“The President has also been active in locking up public lands that communities could use to improve their local economies.

“For example, the Interior Secretary recently announced the decision to withdraw nearly 1 million acres in Arizona from potential uranium mining.

“For energy production that has long been safe and responsible, this announcement was a needless overreaction to a fictitious problem, and will cost Arizona and Utah hundreds, perhaps thousands, of good paying jobs.

“The Administration has also been busy designating new wilderness study areas that effectively block the responsible use of federal land by the citizens of that state.

“Roughly two thirds of Utah is already owned by some part of the federal government.

“While any other owner would pay property taxes on this land to the state, the federal government does not, depriving Utah of an enormous source of income.

“In addition, Washington’s regulatory overreach also affects countless groups that want to put a small portion of land to some sort of use.

“Utahns must go to the federal government, hat in hand, and ask permission to merely dig a well, or to build a road, or to bury cable, or indeed to do virtually anything.

“Like every other state, Utah knows what is best for Utah’s land. Congress should not support any new wilderness designations unless the proposal is first considered and approved by the legislature of the state in question.

“The Western States could be a great source of revenue and jobs for the country. But under the President’s stewardship, we see America’s tremendous resources unutilized.


“To begin repairing our economy the President should act immediately to reduce regulations that prevent land use, delay on- and off-shore leasing, and block development of America’s domestic resources.

“He should place a moratorium on all new wilderness study areas and institute a policy whereby he receives guidance and recommendations from state legislatures before acting to lock up public lands.

“And he should immediately reverse his decision on the Keystone XL pipeline.

“The President has very little time left to show the American people that he can be the kind of leader who will put the interests of the country before his own. For the sake of all Americans, I hope he uses that time wisely.

“Thank you.”


Jun 19, 2012

Regulating the RegulatorsMr. President, I rise today to express my support for Senate Joint Resolution 37 and to express my deep and profound disapproval of the Obama Administration’s handling of the utility MACT rule.

Let me first address what this debate is not about. This is not about a debate between one side that supports clean air and another side that does not. We all support and understand the importance of maintaining our pristine environment, maintaining the quality of human health and the ecosystem.

In my state, the great state of Utah holds some of the greatest land resources in the country and some of the most beautiful landscapes. They are all a source of pride for all Americans and especially for all Utahans, and they provide a significant economic benefit for my state in the form of tourism dollars. I would not support any legislation ever that would damage our environmental brand in Utah or that would harm our environment.What this debate does expose is this administration’s vigorous, unfettered attempts to severely limit the use of coal technology and a complete and utter disregard for the economic benefits of this industry and the economic effects of this kind of overall aggressive regulation. If implemented fully, the Utility MACT rule would give utilities nationwide just three short years to fully complete very costly upgrades to their plants. Many industry experts believe that these standards are nearly impossible to meet in that time frame. Utilities will need closer to five or six years to make the necessary upgrades required by this regulatory scheme. Those who are unable to comply will have no choice but to shut down unless or until they can meet those standards. This inevitably, with absolute certainty, will result in sharp spikes to energy costs, increased power bills for all Americans, affecting the most vulnerable among us, the most severely.

Higher energy costs will in turn have a direct impact on the family budget. The more we as Americans spend on higher energy costs, the less we have available for savings, for education, and for other priorities.

Although the President campaigns around the country by trying to convince Americans that he knows how to create jobs, this rule alone has been estimated by some industry experts as likely to kill 180,000 to 215,000 jobs by 2015.

So, one has to wonder why it is that this administration is nonetheless imposing rules that it knows cannot be met and that if they must be met will kill this many jobs and hurt this many Americans. Why are they ignoring the obvious economic consequences of shutting down an industry that produces about half of all the electricity we use in the United States of America today? It just doesn’t make any sense.

We can have sensible regulations that keep our air and our water and other aspects of our environment clean. We need those things; we want those things as Americans. We can also have a balanced approach that considers the economic cost of new rules and restrictions on small businesses and on consumers. That’s what we need.


Utility MACT is an example of a regulation that does neither of these things. It accomplishes none of these interests.

I strongly urge my colleagues to support Senate Joint Resolution 37, and I stand with a growing bipartisan group of Senators, private sector unions and business interests who believe we can do better as Americans than imposing these kinds of regulations on the American people, and who also believe that it’s vitally important that when we do put these kinds of regulations on the American people, that we first have the kind of robust debate and discussion that Americans have come to expect from their political institutions.

Two separate provisions of the constitution, Article 1, Section 1, and Article 1, Section 7, clearly place the legislative process, the power to make rules that carry the force of generally applicable, binding federal law in the hands of congress, not in an Executive Branch Agency.

The American people know this, they understand it, they expect it, they rely on it because they know that if we pass laws that the people don’t like, that the people can’t accept, that kills jobs that hurts those most vulnerable among us; that we can be held politically accountable come election time, every two years in the case of members of the House, every six years in the case of members of this body.

When we circumvent that process, when we allow that process, the law-making process to be carried out entirely within an Executive Branch Agency, consisting of people who are perfectly well-intentioned and well-educated, do not stand accountable to the people, we insulate the lawmakers from those governed by those same laws.

This is exactly why we need to exercise our authority under the congressional review act by passing these resolutions of disapproval from time to time, but it’s all the more reason why we need more lasting, significant reform, reform that can be had through the REINS Act Proposal. This is a proposal that has already passed through the House favorably and needs to be passed in this body. It’s a bill that would require that for any new regulation promulgated at the administrative level - any new regulation that qualifies as a major rule because it costs American consumers and small business interests, individuals and families and all others in America more than $100 million in a year - that it would take effect if and only if it were first passed into law in the House and in the Senate and signed into law by the President.

This is how our law-making process is supposed to operate. This is a system that our founding fathers carefully put in place. Assuring that those who make the laws and thereby have the capacity to affect the rights of individual Americans can and will be held accountable to the people for the very laws that they pass.Now, I tried to get the REINS Act up for consideration in connection with the Agriculture Bill. We were not successful in doing that. Apparently, some in this body, some in control of this body were unwilling to have a vote on the REINS Act Proposal as an amendment to the Agriculture Bill.

Sooner or later, we need to have a vote on the REINS Act. We need to have this debate and discussion to assure that the laws that are passed in this country are passed by men and women chosen by the people accountable to the people, that we may yet still have that guarantee in our country, a guarantee of government of the people, by the people and for the people. Thank you, Mr. President.


Dec 6, 2012

Getting this Right, Right NowSenator Mike Lee: Thank you very much. I’d like to take a step back for a minute and step in a slightly different direction from the fiscal cliff and talk about the long term and medium term economic realities that we face.Mr Zandi, in your written testimony to this committee you warned against kicking the can down the road indefinitely because of the adverse effect that might have on the economy, the medium and long term impact that might have, and I thought your analysis was definitely something we need to pay attention to on this point.As you observed that any failure to make progress in this area now could signal that we’ve got bigger troubles ahead, and as you pointed out the Moody’s analytics model that you use breaks down in about 2028 and the reason it does that is because at that point the interest on our ballooning national debt will start to swamp and cripple our economy, thwarting our ability to fund everything from defense and entitlements and everything in between, and we’ll be left without much recourse. At that moment I’m not sure there’s a tax increase on the planet that can suddenly fix that. I’m not sure we can print money fast enough to fix that and if we did we would go the way of Argentina and other countries that have tried that and that doesn’t ever end except in blood and tears.

I tend to think of this medium and long-term risk as the fiscal avalanche. The cliff is something we can see now, we’re approaching where it is based on our current location, our direction and our velocity we know we’re going to hit the cliff if we’re going to hit it. But the avalanche is different. I come from a mountainous state where avalanches happen all the time. The only thing you know about avalanches – you know when the conditions are present, when they might occur. You know when the snow pack has built up to the point where it could happen. You don’t know exactly when it’s going to happen, you just know it’s coming. And you try to deal with the risk of it, but once it hits you the avalanche becomes completely impossible to control. Do you agree with this characterization about the avalanche and could you sort of elaborate to us about that kind of threat?

Dr. Mark Zandi: Would you mind if I steal that from you? And I’ll give you credit…

Lee: That’d be great. It’s not copyrighted.

Zandi: … but I love that imagery and the metaphor – I think it’s right. I do think that that’s why what you’re doing now is so important. I really think this is a once in a generation opportunity for you to nail these things down, and we’re not that far apart. I really don’t think we are. So if you’re able to put us on a credible fiscal path to sustainable responsibility, roughly get to my 3 trillion dollars, do it in a roughly balanced way, I think we’re golden. I really do. And we’re going to avoid that avalanche. But if we don’t do that, if we kind of kick the can down the road, then ultimately I think we’re never really going to do it until we’re forced by that avalanche.

Lee: How soon would we need to do that in order to avoid the conditions that would lead to the avalanche? How soon would we need to get to balance?


Zandi: I don’t know the answer to that but I do know and that’s why I put it into the testimony – my model breaks down. Of course it’s going to happen long before that point.

Lee: Right. And we’re not going to get to that point. We’re not going to get anywhere close to 2028 without it happening. In fact, it could happen within the next 4, 5, 6 years, certainly the next 10 years, couldn’t it if yield rates start to jump.

Zandi: Certainly. Here’s the thing. The problem is that if we don’t address this and we kick the can, we’re going to be stuck in this slow growth netherworld going forward and most importantly, we’re going to get nailed by something. You know? I don’t know what it is, but something bad is going to happen, and when that bad thing happens that’s going to be the thing that sets off that avalanche, right?Lee: You mean a credit downgrade … ?

Zandi: No, no no it’s going to be something that we’re not even contemplating that happens in the world to oil prices, to other geopolitical ?? even to our own economy you know it’s just … we don’t know what that will be but it will happen. And we will have set ourselves up for that avalanche because we didn’t get our fundamentals in the right place. That’s’ why it’s so important to get this right, right now.

Lee: What about a credit downgrade? If that were to happen, doesn’t that call into question all kinds of things like money market funds and other types of investment funds are chartered to invest only in a certain grade of funds and if all of a sudden U.S. treasuries were downgraded wouldn’t that have a pretty significant effect on where we are relative to the avalanche?

Zandi: If there is downgrade to treasury debt, this will likely trigger other downgrades. Anything that’s backstopped by the government will be downgraded. Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac debt. Federal home owned bank debt, too big to fail banks … they’re still implicitly backstopped – they’ll get downgraded. JP Morgan, Citi’s of the world. State and local government debt will get downgraded. And you’re right. Money managers have, in their relationships with their clients, agreements not to invest in bonds that have ratings below a certain grade, and they will divest themselves because of the downgrades, and this will cause problems in the credit markets. The credit markets will ultimately adjust because the reality of what’s happened to the value of these bonds has not changed, the economics have not changed for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, so you’ll see hedge funds and private equity firms and other players come in, but that’s a process. And it’ll take time, and between now and then it’ll create a great deal of turmoil. The most important thing isn’t what the credit rating agencies do or say, it’s what this means. It means we do not have the political will to nail this thing down. And we won’t until we’re forced by that avalanche. And people will recognize that and we will go nowhere.

Lee: So what you’re saying is if we want to preserve entitlements, get us to balance. If you want to preserve our ability to fund national defense, get us to balance.

Zandi: Get us to sustainability.



Feb 06 2012

Lee: Obama ignored Constitution

In drafting the Constitution and establishing our nation’s system of government, the Founding Fathers carefully instituted a system of checks and balances among the three coequal branches of government — executive, legislative and judicial.

For example, although the Constitution vests in Congress “[a]ll legislative Powers,” it grants the president an important legislative role by requiring that all bills be presented for his signature, allowing him to veto legislation with which he disagrees.

Such overlapping power and required collaboration is a bedrock feature of the Constitution’s governing structure. I was therefore shocked and appalled when President Obama recently chose to ignore clear constitutional requirements in making a series of controversial executive appointments.

The Constitution authorizes the president to appoint federal judges and executive officers only where one of two conditions is met: The president’s appointment must either receive “the Advice and Consent of the Senate,” or he must make the appointment during a period in which the Senate remains in recess.

On Jan. 4, the president appointed Richard Cordray to head a new federal agency with oversight over the financial industry, and filled three seats on the National Labor Relations Board. The Senate approved none of these positions. In fact, Cordray was specifically rejected by a vote in the Senate last December. The NLRB appointments came just days after they were announced, leaving no time for the Senate to consider or approve the nominees.

The president argued the appointments were valid because he made them during a congressional recess. But, in fact, the Senate continued to hold sessions and did not take the formal steps necessary under the Constitution to be in recess.

Faced with this constitutional hurdle, the president claimed he could simply decide for himself whether or not the Senate was in recess. Such an unprecedented claim cannot pass a laugh test, much less withstand reasonable constitutional analysis. Nothing in our founding documents suggests the president could possibly possess this power.

To the contrary, the Constitution specifically requires that each chamber of Congress


must consent to the adjournment of the other chamber if the adjournment is to last longer than three days. At the time of the appointments, the House had not consented to the adjournment of the Senate for a period longer than three days.

Sadly, since making these unconstitutional appointments, President Obama has sought to turn his actions into a partisan political issue. He suggests it was necessary, and even proper, to violate the Constitution because Republicans opposed (or may have opposed) the nominations.

Whatever one may think about the qualifications of his nominees, or even the legitimacy of the agencies to which they were appointed, the president cannot simply ignore constitutional requirements when he finds them inconvenient.

As a U.S. senator, I took an oath to uphold the Constitution. I am obligated to resist the action of any president, Republican or Democrat, who seeks to circumvent clear constitutional requirements and upset the critical balance between the coequal branches of government. Our Founding Fathers knew that this constitutional balance was necessary to protect each of us from the tyranny of a single branch or a single man.

As Americans, we must not allow the president to aggrandize his own power at the expense of the Constitution, and ultimately to threaten our liberty. The president is wrong to do so and I will take every opportunity to resist this unprecedented encroachment and to preserve our constitutional Republic.

Originally published in the Salt Lake Tribune




Feb 23 2012

Obama’s Dangerous Hypocrisy As published by the Deseret News:

This year America will celebrate the 225th anniversary of our Constitution. Its legal framework of checks and balances, enumerated powers, and individual rights has helped create and maintain the freest, most prosperous nation in history.

As a United States Senator, I pledged an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. It is because of my fidelity to this oath and my commitment to protecting liberty through constitutional government that I recently made public my tremendous disappointment with President Obama’s decision to ignore the constitutional limitations of his office.

Earlier this year, the President made an appointment to head a controversial new agency known as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and filled three vacancies at the National Labor Relations Board.

The Constitution specifies that the President may appoint nominees with the “advice and consent” of the Senate, and that in exceptional circumstances he may make appointments when the Senate remains in a lengthy period of recess. Neither of these constitutional requirements was satisfied at the time the President made the appointments.

In doing so, the President violated the fundamental system of checks and balances enshrined in our Constitution that protect against the dominance of one branch of government over another.

I take this violation seriously, as must all Americans. To allow the President to take power that does not belong to him without consequence is a step toward tyranny.

Not too long ago, Democrats understood the importance of preserving the Senate’s shared role in the appointments power. From December of 2007 to January of 2008, the Democratic-controlled Senate used procedural tactics to prevent President Bush from making recess appointments during the normal Christmas break.

On January 18, 2008, Senator Ben Cardin from Maryland in a press release wrote, “This rare procedural step has been necessary to prevent the Administration from making recess appointments to circumvent the Senate's responsibility of ‘advice and consent’ of senior government officials.”


Senator Jim Webb of Virginia said that such recess appointments would break with “a really important principle” and amount to “violating the intent of the [appointments] provision of the Constitution.”

Senator Byron Dorgan of North Dakota explained that President Bush wanted to make "appointments that could not possibly be confirmed by the Senate ... through recess appointments and we aren't going to let them do that."

These Democratic Senators were exercising an authority well within their rights as members of a coequal branch of government. They correctly concluded that the White House was attempting to thwart their constitutional authority and they took action to retain that power.

Even then-Senator Barack Obama once respected and defended the constitutional role of the Senate in the appointments process. “There are some who believe that the President, having won the election, should have complete authority to appoint his nominee,” the future president explained. “I disagree with this view. I believe firmly that the Constitution calls for the Senate to advise and consent.”

Today, the President cares nothing for the wisdom of the Founding Fathers nor feels restrained by clear constitutional limitations. Unlike President Bush, who made no such intrasession recess appointments, President Obama took the unprecedented step of flouting constitutional guidelines, as well as nearly 100 years of Senate procedure, and installed his appointments unilaterally.

This is a dangerous hypocrisy that threatens our liberty and I will not sit idly by and allow the President to trample the legitimate constitutional limitations placed on his office.

Ours is not a government of one. The Constitution isn't always efficient, but for nearly 225 years it has protected our God-given rights from would-be despots and self-styled monarchs.

It is our fundamental law and I am duty-bound to uphold it. The American people deserve better than to have the Constitution overlooked.


Feb 28 2012

LEE: Obama’s lawless recess appointments

Unless the president reverses course, the Senate should get tough on nominees Fundamental to our constitutional republic is the axiom that we are a government of laws, not a government of men. The rule of law ensures that no man, not even the president of the United States, is above the Constitution.

Upholding the rule of law requires effort. It requires that citizens hold their elected officials accountable to the Constitution and that each branch of government guards against unconstitutional encroachments by the others.

On Jan. 4, President Obama bypassed the Senate’s constitutional right to advise and consent to nominees and instead, unilaterally made appointments to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and National Labor Relations Board. He purported to do so under the Constitution’s recess appointments clause, even though at the time of the appointments, the Senate was not in recess but rather was meeting approximately every 72 hours in pro-forma sessions.

Mr. Obama’s unprecedented and unconstitutional assertion of the recess appointment power would allow presidents of both parties to routinely circumvent the Senate’s advice-and-consent function and thus deprive the people’s representatives of an essential constitutional check on the executive branch. President Obama’s actions also violate the Constitution’s separation of powers. He has asserted the unilateral power to override Congress‘ own determination of when it is in session and thus has deprived that body of its constitutional right to make its own rules.

As citizens who enjoy the protections the Constitution affords, we cannot allow the president to ignore that document’s required procedures for making appointments. As a United States senator, I cannot allow the president to take a constitutional power that is not his.

In the past, I have given the president’s judicial nominees great deference. Both in the Judiciary Committee and on the Senate floor, I have voted in favor of the vast majority of the president’s nominees, including many with whom I fundamentally disagree. But I can do so no more. Recently I exercised my constitutional advice-and-consent function by voting against a nominee who otherwise might have received my support. Thirty-three


other senators did the same.

The president cannot expect the Senate’s full cooperation at the same time that he does violence to Congress‘ constitutional prerogatives. In response to the president’s unconstitutional actions, the Senate must adopt a new threshold for confirming his nominees. Simply put, there is a new standard for Senate confirmations.

As citizens across the country learn more about the plainly unconstitutional nature of Mr. Obama’s Jan. 4 appointments, I am confident they will join in condemning this assault on the rule of law. I also am confident that in the coming days, many of my Republican colleagues and, in time, some of my Democratic colleagues will rise in defense of the Constitution and vote against the president’s nominees until such time that he takes actions to restore the Senate’s full constitutional right to advise and consent to his nominees.

Read article as originally published in the Washington Times


Mar 26 2012

ObamaCare’s Backwards Approach to the Constitution

I grew up learning about the Constitution. In fact, as unique as I now realize this was, my family’s dinner discussions often centered on the Constitution. Because of this, from an early age, I gained a deep appreciation for the wisdom of the Framers and the genius of our republic’s founding document. I learned of how the Framers, through their own experience with a distant, tyrannical government in London, recognized the critical importance of limited government. The Framers knew that British tyranny was not an accident of history—that England was not the only government capable of oppression. Rather, as students of human nature, they recognized the reality that a government of men, left unchecked, would naturally tend toward tyranny.

Accordingly, the constitution the Framers fashioned to structure the new American government did not begin with a presumption that the national government possesses all power—that it was authorized to enact any legislation it could dream up and enact. Rather, the Constitution properly begins with the opposite presumption—that the federal government is not authorized to exercise any power except that which the Constitution expressly grants it. Accordingly, before Congress enacts a piece of legislation, it must deliberately and conscientiously determine whether the proposed exercise of federal government power is authorized and, if so, which specific provision of the Constitution grants that authority.

In the case of ObamaCare, however, it is plain that President Obama and the Democrat Congress did not, as they should have, begin the process by determining what the Constitution did and did not authorize them to do. Rather, they determined first what they wanted to do—regardless of how intrusive that action might be—and have since been in search of a potential constitutional justification to hide their unauthorized power grab.

This post-hoc search for a basis on which ObamaCare might be considered constitutional is hopeless and futile. In fact, attempts to justify ObamaCare only highlight how far beyond our founding document President Obama and the Democrat Congress went in enacting that law. Central to Obamacare, and fatal to its claim of constitutionality, is its unprecedented mandate that every individual in the United States must purchase and maintain health insurance at all times. Nowhere does the Constitution countenance the novel and remarkable theory that the federal government is allowed to tell everyone in the country what they must purchase. Tellingly, ObamaCare marks the first time in our country’s constitutional history that the federal government has asserted such an extraordinary



None of this, however, has prevented Democrats from attempting to justify ObamaCare’s individual mandate by expanding, twisting, and contorting provisions of the Constitution to their liking. For example, proponents of ObamaCare primarily rely on the Commerce Clause, which authorizes Congress to regulate commerce “among the several states.” This is a narrow grant of authority, directed specifically to commerce and delimited to the subset of such activity that occurs in interstate transactions. No reasonable construction of the text of the Commerce Clause can lead to the conclusion that the Constitution authorizes Congress to regulate any and all affairs of human life throughout our nation, let alone personal decisions such as whether or not to purchase health insurance.

For the Commerce Clause to authorize ObamaCare, it would have to be changed to allow the government to regulate all commerce (not just interstate commerce); it would also have to be changed so as to authorize the government not only to regulate commerce, but also to compel individuals to enter into that commerce in the first instance. The proper process for enacting such a change to the Constitution is through the amendment process. Absent such a constitutional amendment, the Commerce Clause cannot be used to justify the enactment of ObamaCare without doing great violence to the text, tradition, and purpose of the Constitution.

No doubt cognizant that the text of the Commerce Clause does not authorize ObamaCare’s individual mandate, proponents of that law have looked to other provisions of the Constitution, including the Taxing and Spending Clause, and Necessary and Proper Clause. But these desperate attempts to mold constitutional provisions into something that can legitimize ObamaCare likewise fail to honor the text, purpose, and original meaning of the Constitution.

The Constitutional authorizes the government “[t]o lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposes and Excises.” But ObamaCare’s individual mandate is not a tax, and the distinction matters. Voters don’t like taxes and there is good reason to think that Congress could not have passed the law had the individual mandate been structured and labeled as a tax.

The Constitution also grants Congress the power “[t]o make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution” other federal powers. But there is no constitutional aspect of ObamaCare that the individual mandate carries into effect, and Congress may not use an unconstitutional law to carry into execution an unconstitutional law. If ObamaCare were considered constitutional under the Necessary and Proper Clause because Congress needs exceptional powers to carry into effect coercive government laws never authorized by the Constitution in the first place, then there is literally no limit to the federal government’s powers.

The arguments made by proponents of ObamaCare thus turn the Constitution on its head and would create a federal government of unlimited power where the Constitution authorizes a federal government of limited, enumerated powers. Because none of the federal government’s enumerated powers authorizes the kind of government coercion imposed by ObamaCare, that law must be considered unconstitutional.


Mar 28 2012

Obama's constitutional disregard

As a senator, I’ve sworn an oath to the Constitution. Complying is not always convenient. Sometimes it means voting against legislation that includes policies I support. Other times, it requires standing up for our nation’s founding principles — even if it’s unpopular. The Constitution itself is not a document of convenience. It specifies an onerous process — bicameralism and presentment — to pass legislation. It imposes a system of checks and balances among the branches. Perhaps most important, it limits the types of power the federal government can exercise. In the words of James Madison, the father of our founding document: “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the state governments are numerous and indefinite.” This basic limitation on federal powers is inconvenient for national politicians, who often seek to advance their agenda by any means. Nowhere is this more evident than with “Obamacare.” President Barack Obama began work on a national health care plan soon after his election. Health care involves a complex set of markets already regulated by the states — and Obama found it difficult to reach his desired policy outcome using only the legitimate legislative tools available. In particular, the president found it impossible to control certain aspects of the health insurance market without an ability to control how people act within that market. This was not the first time that federal officials had contemplated mandating how individuals participate in the marketplace. In hundreds of previous laws, such mandates could have been useful shortcuts to accomplish desired objectives. But this extraordinary exercise of coercion by the federal government was considered illegitimate and constitutionally impermissible. Accordingly, our national leaders have never attempted to tell individuals whether and how to engage in the marketplace. Even as the size and scope of the federal government


exploded after the New Deal, and Congress began to claim exceptionally broad powers, it always limited itself to regulating economic activities in which people are already engaged — rather than requiring individual economic action. So the individual mandate of “Obamacare” represents an extraordinary departure. By seeking to compel individuals to enter into specific commercial activity in the first place, the president and the Democratic Congress disregarded any semblance of congressional restraint. They recklessly exceeded federal constitutional authority and attempted to exercise a power the Constitution reserves to the states. As inconvenient as constitutional limits may seem, individual liberty requires that they be respected. In fact, it is precisely when temptation is greatest to disregard constitutional structures to achieve some national policy outcome that our Constitution’s limits must be enforced. As the Supreme Court once explained, though the Constitution’s restrictions may at times appear “formalistic” and may prohibit measures that are “the product of the era’s perceived necessity,” our founding document wisely “protects us from our own best intentions … so that we may resist the temptation to concentrate power in one location as an expedient solution to the crisis of the day.” I trust that the current justices recognize this truth — and don’t allow the president illegitimate exercise of federal power to stand.


Mar 29 2012

SENATE JUDICIARY: Obamacare not an enumerated power Congress exceeded its constitutional limits with health care law

This month marks the two-year anniversary of Obamacare’s enactment. For most Americans, it is not a time to celebrate with cake or confetti; it is a solemn acknowledgment of the looming implementation of Obamacare’s most controversial provision - the “individual mandate” that will force every American to purchase government-approved health insurance.

The mandate is more than just unpopular - fully 72 percent of Americans, including 56 percent of Democrats, think it is unconstitutional. Accordingly, arguments have commenced in a landmark Supreme Court case that will decide the issue.

The powers of Congress are limited to those that are enumerated in the text of the Constitution.

Yet, over the years, those powers have been expanded through judicial interpretation so that Congress now regulates more than what the Constitution actually allows. If the individual mandate is upheld, the federal government could, for the first time in history, force Americans to purchase a government-approved commercial product. As a practical matter, this would dramatically erode the limits to what the government could command citizens to do - radically altering the relationship between Americans and their government.

The real purpose of the mandate is to force the young and healthy to compensate insurance companies for the costs imposed upon them by Obamacare’s other regulations. Regardless of whether this is good policy, the Supreme Court has found that Congress does not have a free hand to expand its own powers to suit its agenda.

For example, in United States v. Lopez, the court determined that the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 did not fall within Congress‘ commercial regulatory powers. As Justice Anthony M. Kennedy noted, “While it is doubtful that any State, or indeed any reasonable person, would argue that it is wise policy to allow students to carry guns on school premises, considerable disagreement exists about how best to accomplish that goal.”


In other words, righteous motivations do not determine whether a law is constitutional; for the Constitution, good ends do not justify unconstitutional means.

And, as Justice Kennedy further explained, unconstitutional statutes prevent “the States from experimenting and exercising their own judgment in an area to which States lay claim by right of history and expertise.” Sweeping federal mandates prevent the states from fulfilling their constitutional role - implementing policies that fit with their unique needs and populations.

Indeed, before Obamacare, health insurance markets were largely governed by the states. They took widely varying approaches; some worked, others did not. But the new law - even if it were constitutionally permissible - would stamp out health policy innovation at the state level.

Imposition of numerous federal mandates also would eliminate interstate competition. States compete with each other to attract the best companies and provide the best environment for their residents.

When a state gets it wrong, effective policies from another state can be tried - or residents can vote with their feet and move elsewhere. When the federal government gets it wrong, there is no escape.

Yet that’s exactly what we’d have under Obamacare.

Justice Kennedy said this in the recent case of Bond v. U.S.: “Federalism secures to citizens the liberties that derive from the diffusion of sovereign power. … [It] protects the liberty of all persons within a State by ensuring that laws enacted in excess of delegated governmental power cannot direct or control their actions … . By denying any one government complete jurisdiction over all the concerns of public life, federalism protects the liberty of the individual from arbitrary power. When government acts in excess of its lawful powers, that liberty is at stake.”

We agree.


Apr 19 2012

Corporate Tax “Fairness” that is Anything But

“The whole concept of corporate tax reform,” President Obama said on announcing his new plan to accomplish the task, “is to simplify, eliminate loopholes, [to] treat everybody fairly.” It is a theme he has repeatedly emphasized: making the tax code more equitable so that everyone pays their fair share. But like most of the president’s initiatives, the rhetoric does not reflect the reality.

Far from making the corporate tax system “fair,” the president’s corporate tax plan punishes smaller businesses, worsens the punitive double taxation of American companies that operate overseas, and, at a time when gas prices are spiking, selectively hikes taxes on American oil producers.

Fairness in the market means companies compete on a level playing field, and no one receives special treatment. The president’s idea of fairness is just the opposite, relying on market manipulation and picking winners and losers. His budget and corporate tax reform plan are chock-full of examples of special treatment, subsidies, and regulatory manipulations designed to determine outcomes. President Obama believes he can control markets by taxing Americans and deciding for himself how to allocate revenue, rather than letting us decide what to do with our own money in the free market.

Far from being “fair”, the president’s plan discriminates against family-owned smaller businesses by only reducing the tax rate for big corporate employers. For the 30 million sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLCs, and S-corporations that face taxation at the individual rates, their tax rate goes up from 35 percent today all the way to over 40 percent next year. For a president who claims to look out for the little guy in the face of predatory corporate greed, this tipping of the scales in favor of big business contradicts his rhetoric.

Further, with prices at the pump soaring and consumers and businesses across the nation feeling the squeeze, the President’s corporate tax plan will push gas prices even higher. What Democrats refer to as “special tax breaks for Big Oil” are, in reality, deductions that are available for all companies engaged in manufacturing or production activities. The president’s plan would eliminate this tax deduction for oil companies but leave it untouched for everyone else; a classic case of picking winners and losers.


Moreover, the revenues gained by eliminating these deductions are completely lost on a plan that showers new carve-outs for so-called “green energy” producers in yet another attempt to artificially boost consumption of products and technologies that no one seems to want.

The Obama Administration is explicit about their aim to spur green energy development through selective “investments” (aka subsidies). The plan continues the disastrous support for corn-based ethanol biofuels, at a price tag of $30 billion over the next five years. Another example is the special subsidy for electric cars, with the goal of putting one million on the road by 2015. For President Obama, government “investment” is preferred to letting the consumers decide where they want to invest their money because the American people might make the “wrong” choice.

And what happens to workers in the industries affected by picking winners and losers? President Obama’s corporate tax plan operates under the false notion that all blue-collar jobs are interchangeable. A worker employed as an oil rig technician for the last two decades cannot transition overnight to a job maintaining green-energy windmills at a wind farm, or putting together solar panels. Not only does this demonstrate that the president is painfully unaware of how specific training, expertise, and experience determine qualifications in the real job market, it shows that he is hardly interested in the effects his “transformative” policies will have on the lives of real workers and families.

When the president claims he wants “to treat everybody fairly,” what he means is he wants to tilt the tax code in favor of those industries and businesses he supports. In order to foster greater market competition, he should be reducing, not creating, special interest loopholes, as well as lowering rates and removing the incentives to keep profits overseas. It would send a positive message through our economy and lead to greater productivity and job creation.

Mike Lee is a U.S. Senator from Utah and a member of the Joint Economic Committee


Jun 11 2012

Saving the American Dream

The true greatness of our nation lies in the promise that every individual is free to pursue the American Dream. Unfortunately, today Americans find themselves shackled to the growing burdens of government debt, deficits, regulations and a complex tax system, and the American Dream is becoming more difficult to achieve.

The American spirit is what made this the most prosperous nation on earth, so it makes sense that at a time of economic stagnation we should look for policy solutions that encourage the quintessential American values of innovation, ingenuity and entrepreneurship to help promote economic recovery.

In Washington, one side says government knows best, insisting that Congress should be taxing more, spending more, and imposing more regulations that limit the choices families and businesses can make. But that approach stalls the engine we need to get the country moving forward again.

President Obama is not responsible for getting us into an economic recession, but he has certainly proven himself unable to get us out. Last year, the Joint Economic Committee in Congress published a study concluding that our current recovery amounted to “the worst economic recovery the American people have suffered through in a lifetime.”

Since then, the President has recklessly turned his focus entirely to his reelection campaign and has embarked on a purely political agenda intended to divide and distract the American people from his dismal and embarrassing economic record.

The American public remains dissatisfied with our current course. Growing the size of government and ignoring the biggest issues have only increased the disappointment they have in their elected leaders.

To live up to America’s promise, the country needs an agenda that focuses on its greatest strength: it’s people.

Recently, I have developed a proposal called the Saving the American Dream plan modeled on reforms long-advocated by the Heritage Foundation. This plan would put America on a sustainable and affordable path to economic growth by empowering individuals to define their own financial futures.


It creates a more efficient delivery system for our entitlement programs, reforming the greatest driver of our debt while protecting the most vulnerable in our society from poverty.

This plan simplifies the tax code in a way that is more transparent and straightforward so average Americans can understand and file their own taxes. And it reins in federal spending so we can balance our budget, spur job creation, and leave something other than a mountain of debt to future generations.

The centerpiece of my plan is economic freedom. Families will be able to save and invest tax-free. Individuals and their doctors – not government bureaucrats – will control health care dollars and medical decisions. Our children and grandchildren will no longer suffer the insurmountable burden of paying for our accumulated debt. The Saving the American Dream plan encourages productive economic activity by giving individuals at every income level essential tools to take care of their families, save for retirement, access affordable health care, and improve their quality of life.

It is not government that made American great. Our greatness lies in the ingenuity of the American people when left free to make their own choices and pursue their own dreams

A freedom agenda that empowers individual Americans to determine their own happiness will move the country forward and restore the American dream. (To learn more about this plan, please visit


Jul 02 2012

A Hollow Victory for ObamaCare

This morning the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA). But I believe it will ultimately prove to be a hollow and short-lived victory for the health care law.

I believe it will prove hollow because the Supreme Court was able to find the individual mandate constitutional only through a series of extraordinary logical gymnastics that led the Court to conclude that the mandate is actually a tax. But, of course, members of Congress did not vote to pass the ACA as a tax. Nor did the American people understand it to be a tax. Indeed, President Obama himself flatly stated that the individual mandate “is absolutely not a tax increase”—that “nobody” considers it a tax.

As Justice Kennedy noted in his dissent, “[i]mposing a tax through judicial legislation inverts the constitutional scheme, and places the power to tax in the branch of government least accountable to the citizenry.” There is simply no way that the ACA would have become law had the American public and their representatives understood it as a tax.

As a result, I believe the practical effect of today’s Supreme Court decision upholding the mandate will be short-lived. As numerous public opinion polls confirm, the majority of citizens already oppose the individual mandate. As more Americans come to understand the individual mandate as a middle-class tax hike, it will only become more unpopular. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, at least 75 percent of the penalties or “taxes” imposed by the individual mandate will fall on hard-working Americans who make less than $250,000. In making choices at the ballot box this November, I believe the American people simply will not stand for the ACA to remain the law of the land.

When we look back at today’s decision in the coming months and years, it may ultimately be regarded less as a victory for the Affordable Care Act and instead as an important recognition and validation of the freedoms protected by our constitutional structure. The Court’s decision today upheld the individual mandate as a tax, but it also validated fundamental principles of limited government and federalism.

A majority of the justices rightfully concluded that Congress had exceeded its regulatory authority under the Commerce Clause by attempting to impose the individual mandate as


a government directive. As Chief Justice Roberts’ opinion explained, “The power to regulate commerce presupposes the existence of commercial activity to be regulated. . . . Construing the Commerce Clause to permit Congress to regulate individuals precisely because they are doing nothing would open a new and potentially vast domain to congressional authority. . . . That is not the country the Framers of our Constitution envisioned.”

In so holding, the majority opinion expressly embraced the limiting implications of the distinction between activity and inactivity, put forward by critics of the Act. The Court noted that although its Commerce Clause jurisprudence throughout much of the last century had been notoriously expansive, even at its most expansive in cases like Wickard v. Filburn, it had always limited Congress to regulating preexisting activity. The ACA, by contrast, impermissibly attempted to reach inactivity. The Court refused to countenance such limitless congressional regulatory power.

Today’s ruling also includes an important precedent upholding the right of the States not to be coerced into administering federal regulatory programs. The Court held that the manner in which the ACA sought to expand Medicaid violates the Constitution and our nation’s system of federalism. The federal government may not bully the States into expanding Medicaid coverage by threatening to take away all preexisting Medicaid funding. As the federal government increasingly attempts to circumvent the Constitution by coercing States through funding threats, this aspect of the Court’s opinion may prove to have enormous significance.

For now, the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the ACA’s individual mandate as a tax puts the call to action squarely back on the people’s elected leaders in Congress. As the majority opinion reminded, the Court “possesses neither the expertise nor the prerogative to make policy judgments. Those decisions are entrusted to our nation’s elected leaders, who can be thrown out of office if the people disagree with them.”

Without a single Republican vote, Congress enacted an intrusive and burdensome mandate on the American people—a mandate that is hugely unpopular and has the potential to do our country great harm. The individual mandate violates basic American freedoms and personal liberty in a way no Congress had before attempted in the 225 year-history of our Republic.

With a new administration and new leadership in Congress, we can repeal the ACA and restore individual liberty to all Americans.


Jul 24 2012

Americans can’t afford Democrats’ tax increases

Last week, Democrats insisted that Congress raise taxes on the American people. So committed are they to the cause that one top Democrat said they would actually allow the country to drive off the so-called “fiscal cliff” if it gave them the leverage they needed to get their way. Mind you, they’re not demanding comprehensive tax reform. They haven’t insisted on overhauling the tax code or proposed major revisions that simplify the system so Americans can understand and file their own taxes. Instead, Democrats are demanding Republicans join them in a plan that divides Americans by income and pits them against one another. The Democrats are trying to enflame the basest of human emotions to create division amongst the country and then use this division for short-term political gain. This divisive rhetoric is a far cry from the “hope and change” promised four years ago, and exposes the desperation many on the left feel as the electorate realizes Democrats are out of ideas. Aside from the fact that this call for higher taxes is politically motivated, there are plenty of good reasons to oppose the Democrats’ tax hike. The proposal does not solve the problem of out-of-control deficits and debt and will do significant damage to the American economy. First, the American people did not create our unsustainable debt and they shouldn’t be asked to give more of their hard-earned tax dollars to fix it. Washington takes enough in taxes from hardworking Americans. The problem is that the government does not spend the nation’s tax dollars carefully. Our $16 trillion debt is a result of Congress’s unwillingness to perform one of its most basic functions — setting spending priorities. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution provides that Congress controls the purse strings, which means that we in Congress are accountable. The responsibility falls on the House and Senate — not the American people — to reform the system, enact hard caps on future spending, and balance the federal budget. Bottom line: Congress shouldn’t ask hardworking taxpayers to give the federal government an additional dime until we get federal spending under control.


Second, the CBO, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, and experts and economists of all stripes warn that the proposed tax hike will significantly damage our economy and make it even harder for employers to create jobs. Think about where we are right now. We’ve had more than $5 trillion added to the national debt under President Obama. Unemployment has exceeded 8% for 41 consecutive months. Nearly 13 million people are out of work. Millions more are underemployed or have quit looking for jobs. If the president and Senate Democrats are successful in taking hundreds of millions of dollars out of the hands of employers, what resources are those employers supposed to use to grow their businesses? What resources are they supposed to use to hire back all those workers? There is a certain irony in the Democrats’ proposal to increase taxes on some Americans while leaving the necessary tax relief in place for others. While purporting to help hardworking Americans, this approach would actually have the opposite effect and hurt many of those Americans who can least afford the hit right now. A new study from Ernst & Young reveals that the Democrats’ plan would directly kill 710,000 jobs. These job losses will come from those living paycheck to paycheck, the very people who can least afford to lose their jobs. These are not corporate CEOs or the top 1%. Democrats will tell you that their tax hikes are about reducing the deficit and national debt. But their proposal would still leave 94% of this year’s deficit intact — which makes it an inherently unserious proposal for deficit reduction. Further, the president’s own 10-year budget, which includes massive tax increases, still adds $11 trillion to the national debt. I appreciate that the president is finally talking about our unsustainable debt and deficits. But you can’t look the American people in the eye and tell them you’re doing something about the debt when your own budget nearly doubles the national debt over the next 10 years. Republicans have proposals and plans to reform the tax code, reduce the deficit, grow the economy, and create jobs. I have legislation that would permanently keep tax rates at their current levels so families and businesses know what to expect. It would also eliminate the death tax and stop the expansion of the “alternative minimum tax,” which is quickly becoming the “middle-class penalty tax.” These measures and others would go a long way to improve our economy and get people working again. If my friends on the other side of the aisle disagree, then let’s work together to find some common ground. But these election-year antics and distractions are not what the American people sent us here to do and do not reflect a good-faith effort to craft solutions. The longer we wait to enact real reform the more difficult the problem will be to solve. Mike Lee is a senator from Utah and a member of the Joint Economic Committee.


Oct 19 2012

Waive the Renewable Fuel Standard

In 2007, Congress reauthorized the Renewable Fuel Standard, an excessive regulation that requires a certain percentage of fuel to be made from renewable sources such as corn-based ethanol. As the mandate for corn-as-fuel rises, so does the price. The Heritage Foundation calculates that ethanol production will increase the price of corn by up to 68 percent worldwide. As the cost of corn rises, so will the price of countless other products directly and indirectly related to corn production. Record-level droughts are also significantly affecting corn prices and causing great pain around the country. According to the USDA, almost forty percent of the corn produced this year is of a "poor to very poor" quality and the per-acre yield in the United States will be it’s lowest level in almost 20 years. These drought conditions, which have been declared "natural disasters" in 26 states, combined with the burdensome RFS, create a very difficult environment for agriculture. The USDA also predicts food prices will rise by more than the normal 3 to 4 percent next year as a result. Corn yields are down but prices are up, hurting consumers, livestock and poultry producers, food manufacturers and foodservice providers. So what can we do about it? As part of the Energy Independence and Security Act, Congress authorized the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to adjust the Renewable Fuel Standard in the event that farms could not produce enough corn or to avert economic harm to the country. I believe current conditions meet that standard and have written to Lisa Jackson, head of the EPA, to use her authority to waive the RFS requirement until the country can restore normal crop yields. In the letter, I wrote, "The Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) mandate exacerbates this upward pressure on the price of corn by creating artificial demand for corn, and the downstream effects have been devastating to America’s food producers and consumers. Congress has provided you, as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, with the authority to waive the RFS mandate in an effort to help both business and consumers and to protect our economy. I encourage you to exercise that authority immediately."


Shrinking supply and higher demand are a recipe for disaster but it’s one that the Environmental Protection Agency largely has the ability to control. Waiving the RFS standard will relieve much of the pressure the industry is feeling and keep prices under control for consumers. Bruce Babcock from Iowa State University estimates that waiving the mandate would moderate corn prices by 8 percent. The administrator of the EPA was given this power for just this purpose. She should use it to provide the needed relief to the agricultural industry as a whole and to all American consumers.

































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