scams awareness month€¦ · share sales, land banking, rare earth minerals and carbon credits to...

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Issue 13: July 2015











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Produced by Darlington Safer Neighbourhood Unit, Central House Annexe, Gladstone Street, Darlington DL3 6JX

Official newsletter for Darlington Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators

SCAMS AWARENESS MONTH EVERY YEAR People fall victim to fraud following a phone call. Fraudsters are posing as bank staff, police officers and other officials or companies in a position of trust. Often the fraudster will claim there has been a fraud on your account and that you need to take action. This type of fraud is called Vishing, and it’s becoming more sophisticated and widespread.

Investment Fraud - What you need to know Generally speaking, cold calling for investment purposes is prohibited by law. Investment fraud can take many forms, with fraudsters commonly using wine investments, share sales, land banking, rare earth minerals and carbon credits to target potential investors. Recently, criminals have tried to scam their victims using “pension release” frauds where a lifetime’s savings can be lost in a moment. Anyone can become a victim of this type of crime, which often starts with a cold call from someone claiming to be a financial services professional and offering an investment opportunity which sounds too good to be true. Thousands of people have been left devastated by this type of crime. Don’t let this happen to you. There are steps you can take to protect yourself from this kind of fraud.

Vishing - how it works You’ll get a call, claiming to be from your bank the police or other officials or companies, informing you that a fraudulent payment has been spotted on your account and this needs to be resolved, or that someone has been arrested for using your card. The caller may even claim to be from a service provider, informing you that you’re due a rebate, or you’ve overpaid on your account and they’d like to refund you. You may be asked to call back using the phone number on the back of your card. This further convinces you that the caller is genuine. However, the fraudster keeps the line open at their end, therefore when you make the call, you are unknowingly connected straight back to them or their accomplices. They may ask for your 4-digit PIN or ask you to key it into your phone’s handset. Once the fraudster has your PIN, bank details and/or online banking passwords, they have access to your money. Hang up, wait 5 minutes to clear the line, or where possible use a different phone line, then call back on an advertised number. If you don’t have another telephone to use, call someone you know first to make sure the telephone line is free.

Variations of this type of fraud include: Asking the victim to assist in a police investigation against corrupt bank staff giving away

counterfeit currency. The victim is requested to withdraw a large sum of cash and take it home, where it is then collected by a courier.

Being told that your computer has a virus and that you can pay to have it removed. The fraudster may also take control of your computer and add software to obtain your data.

Scams Awareness Month is about creating a self-supporting network of confident, alert consumers. People ready, willing and able to spot scams.

Your efforts during Scams Awareness Month are important because they will help spread the message that scams can be tackled if we take our time to spot the signs and share what we learn with others.

Citizens Advice and Trading Standards Services are leading activities throughout the month of July as part of Scams Awareness Month. More information is available from:











The police are actively targeting fraudsters and organised criminal gangs but you need to be mindful of unsolicited calls and emails. Follow our advice to help protect you from this type of crime. Protecting your card and personal details is vital. Be wary of all unsolicited calls and emails.

Never reveal personal or financial information, including your PIN or bank card details to anyone.

Don’t be pressured into making important financial decisions. If an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

In order to clear your line from the fraudster, wait at least five minutes before making any calls.

Your bank will never ask you to check the number showing on your telephone display matches their registered telephone number. This display cannot be trusted, as the number showing can be altered by the caller.

Remember - the police and banks will never ring you and ask you to verify your PIN or online banking passwords, withdraw cash, transfer money to another “safe” account or purchase high value goods.

If you believe you have had one of these calls or know someone who has, get in contact with your bank straight away, or, if you feel in immediate danger, call 999.


Telephone scams - what you need to know

Association AGM

This year, National Neighbourhood & Home Watch Week centred on a campaign to combat telephone scams. Co-ordinators were asked to help spread the word by making their friends and neighbours aware of how they could protect themselves.

The Week was a huge success, receiving record national publicity. Jim Allen, our very own North East Regional Representative, featured on BBC Breakfast in a segment by Simon Gompertz which was repeated multiple times on Monday 22 June, providing great free publicity for our NHW Association!

On 22 June some of our co-ordinators went to police HQ for the day, to learn more about fraud and cyber-crime. Mike Barton, the Chief Constable, also treated them to an entertaining problem solving masterclass, which was very well received. The following day, several of our co-ordinators buddied up with local PCSO’s to take part in a “Hawkeye” night of action. As a result, over 100 vehicle owners have been sent letters, advising them of the risks of leaving valuables on display in cars.


The Association held its AGM last month, and the committee for 2015-16 was elected as follows:

Chair Heather Carter Heather is a trained volunteer facilitator with Neighbourhood Resolution, and is a Street Champion. She has worked with women in the justice system, young offenders and young people in danger of exclusion. She has experience as an advertising copywriter working in PR, publicity and marketing. For many years she has been self employed. She is self-motivated, with good networking skills and a strong sense of community. She is also a confident public speaker, and a former adult education tutor accustomed to running training events. Heather’s aim is to raise the profile of NHW, motivating current members to be more active, recruiting new members, and publicising the work of the Association to ensure that its image is up to date and relevant to the needs of the community.

Vice Chairs (Joint) Dave Regan Dave is highly active within the local community as the chair of Cockerton PACT, and brings with him a wealth of experience. Lynn Walton Lynn has worked in the voluntary sector for 14 years and understands the true value of volunteers. She wants to use her skills in working with people and communities for the benefit of the Association.

Treasurer Ray Morris Ray continues in post, having been the treasurer in 2014/15. In his professional life, he is a qualified accountant.

Secretary Lucy Palmer Lucy is the new police community liaison officer for Darlington, and is keen to work with the Association. She was elected on an interim basis for six months.

Non Executive Officers Sandra Phipps Sandra is a previous chair of the Association, and wants to bring that experience to bear in support of the new committee. Karen Iley Karen is self-employed, with good verbal and written communication skills. She wants to help create a more friendly community atmosphere.

Please make sure you don’t run the same risk. Remember not to leave anything on display in your car... even an old coat on the back seat could tempt an opportunist thief!

In Darlington, since July last year Anti-social behaviour has increased by 2%

That means 108 more victims

Crime has reduced by 6%

That means 427 fewer victims

If you see or hear anything suspicious, please tell us on our non-emergency

number, 101.

Thank you!

Did you know?

In Darlington, we now have:

3742 stand-alone members &

1055 co-ordinators, who cover

13,854 households

38% of Darlington households are in a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

Facts and Figures

We now have a brand new website! Find us at:


As you may know, Darlington has not had a community liaison officer in post since December. Durham Constabulary recognise how important this role is and have been keen to recruit someone into the vacancy. Lucy Palmer has now been appointed, and she’s already brimming with ideas! Those of you who were at the Association AGM will have had the chance to meet her, and over the next few weeks she’ll be starting to make appearances at PACT meetings and NHW roadshows. We’d like to wish her all the very best in her new job, and look forward to hearing more about her work in future issues.

At the weekend, the police, fire service and ambulance service opened their doors to the public of Darlington. The two open days allowed the emergency services to show showcase their work in a way which was fun and interesting for everyone. Tours of the custody suite were on offer at the police station, and there was an opportunity to try the seatbelt sled and the driving simulator. Meanwhile, youngsters had the chance to see the inside of an ambulance, and for those who dared, fire and rescue officers were taking people for rides in their cherry picker! There was so much to see and do that some people spent the entire day with us - there was even a hog roast available as an outdoor alternative to the usual Sunday lunch!

Many thanks to the NHW volunteers who came along to support the Open Days. Your help, as always, was greatly appreciated. See you again next year!

10 July 11:00-13:00hrs

B&M, Meynell Road


16 July 11:00-13:00hrs

Wilkinsons, East Street


23 July 17:00-20:00hrs

Dolphin Centre, Market Place


31 July 11:00-13:00hrs

Boots, Northgate


06 August 11:00-13:00hrs

Asda, Whinbush Way


20 August 17:00-20:00hrs

Dolphin Centre, Market Place


28 August 11:00-13:00hrs

Boots, Northgate

Come along & see us there!

The next meeting of your Association will take place


Thursday 17 September 2015 at 6:30pm

in St. Cuthbert’s Church Hall


Association Meeting

We still have some Home and Away Kits, worth around £35 each, which we can give out on FREE long-term loan to co-ordinators. You can then loan them on to people in your scheme area who are on holiday, or going into hospital. Kits contain a simulated TV, auto-dialler, defender alarm, 24-hour segment timer and a UV pen. If you would like to know more, call Darlington SNU on 01325 406788.

If you have any stories or articles that you think might be of interest to your fellow NHW Association

members, please send them to Darlington SNU, Central House Annexe, Gladstone Street, Darlington

DL3 6JX or email




Sandra was nominated recently for a Police Support Volunteers Award in recognition of the work that she’s done on behalf of Darlington NHW Association. We were delighted to learn that Sandra had won the award, which was presented to her by Durham Constabulary’s Chief Constable, Mike Barton, at a presentation evening at Aykley Heads on 23 June.


COUNTY DURHAM NHW STEERING GROUP Jim Allen, the NHW NE regional representative, is looking to set up a steering group to help support the development of NHW across the county. If you’re interested, nomination forms are available from the Association website: You’ll need to be quick though, as the closing date for nominations is 06 July!

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