sagrada família, barcelona (巴塞隆納 聖家堂)

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Sagrada Familia 聖家堂Full name is “Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família”, generally referred to as the Sagrada Familia. On 7 November 2010, the church of Sagrada Familia was solemnly dedicated and consecrated as a basilica by the Holy Father Benedict XVI and became a holy place open for worship. 全名是「聖家宗座聖殿暨贖罪殿」,一般簡稱為聖家堂。 2010 年 11 月 7 日,教宗本篤十六世認為聖家堂是專注於奉獻和廣為尊崇的大教堂,並且成為開放禮拜的神聖地方。In 1882, the foundation stone of a project conceived by Francisco de Paula del Villar, the first architect of the church, was laid. A year and a half later, Antoni Gaudi took over the works and turned the initial project around to create, over forty-three years, an outstanding, innovative church, which is still being built today according to his models. 1882 年,由教堂的第一位建築師 維拉 (Francisco de Villar) 奠基石。一年半後,安東尼高迪接手工作,圍繞著原訂的計劃打造, 43 年後高迪過世,這座卓越創新的教堂,直到今天 仍然按照他的模式在建造。Now that the naves have been closed, the church has 4,500 square metres where 8,000 people can worship. The construction is well past the halfway stage and is ready to raise the four towers dedicated to the evangelists, the tower dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the highest, erected at the centre of the crossing, which will recall the figure of Jesus, and the four bell towers on the Glory façade. 目前,教堂中殿已經關閉,教堂面積有 4,500 平方米,可容納 8,000 人禮拜。建築已超過了一半階段,代表致力傳道者的內部四座塔樓準備蓋高升起,獻給聖母瑪利亞的最高塔,在中央十字區拔地而起,這會憶起耶穌的身影以及在榮耀立面的四座鐘樓。Today the construction of the church of Sagrada Familia- a Barcelona landmark and an artistic and spiritual symbol of Catalonia- is going on thanks to the support of the faithful, friends and visitors from every corner of the globe.現今聖家堂的建築,是巴塞隆納的地標和加泰羅尼亞藝術和精神象徵,這要感謝忠實支持的朋友以及世界各個角落的遊客。

A. Nativity façade 誕生立面 ( 東面 )B. A place for prayer. 祈禱場所C. Interior 內部D. Glory façade and Paternoster doors 榮耀立面 ( 南面 ) 和帕特諾斯特門E. Passion façade 復活立面 ( 西面 )

Sagrada Familia interior sketch聖家堂內部簡圖






Cranes represents the church still under construction起重機代表教堂仍在興建中

Southeast of Sagrada Familia聖家堂的東南面

Sagrada Família spires capped with wheat and fruits, representations of the Eucharist (Last Supper).聖家堂尖頂上的小麥和水果,代表聖餐(最後的晚餐)。

Newly constructed stonework at the Sagrada Família is clearly visible against the stained and weathered older sections.聖家堂新建的石屋與從前舊屋對照,清晰可見汙舊與風化成對比。

Left side of the Nativity façade誕生立面 左側

Right side of the Nativity façade誕生立面 右側

Nativity façade - First completed façade誕生立面 - 最先完成的立面Expresses the joy of all creation at the birth of Jesus and recounts the main events in the lives of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Gaudi wanted to erect this façade complete to bear witness to the scale of the church as a whole.


The Nativity façade誕生立面 ( 東面 )

Nativity facade spent a total of nearly 50 years to complete, there are three doors, from right to left representing the most important Catholic spiritual "faith hope love" - the door of faith, the door of Christ love and the door of hope.誕生立面共花了將近 50 年才完成,共有三個門,由右到左分別代表天主教中最重要精神「信愛望」 - 信仰之門,基督之愛門和希望之門。

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The door of Christ love 基督之愛大門

The door decorated with realistic metal ivy, insects and butterflies.大門飾以逼真的金屬常春藤、小蟲和蝴蝶。

Nave ceiling中殿拱頂

Stained glass light fixture彩繪玻璃燈具設備

Close-up of the crucifix in the nave中殿耶穌十字架近觀

Standing in the transept and looking northeast站在大堂向東北方望

Numerous slender columns, reminiscent of trees rise to the golden ceiling, with rainbows of stained glass reflecting off their white surfaces. 很多細長柱子,讓人聯想到樹木攀升到金黃色的拱頂,而彩色玻璃的彩虹反射,顯不出它們原來的白色表面。

Detail of the roof in the nave. Gaudí designed the columns to light fixture trees and branches中殿拱頂的細部。高迪設計帶有燈具的樹狀結構列柱。

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Prayer Basilica 祈禱大殿

A place for prayer 祈禱場所The basilica is a place for prayer, silence and reflection. We invite you to make use of it, but we would ask you to show all due respect. Visitors can’t listen to their audio guide descriptions. Photography is not permitted. Due to limited space, no groups are permitted.大殿是祈禱,沉默和反思的場所。歡迎利用,但你必須表達應有的尊重。導遊不可做有聲的解說,禁止攝影,由於空間有限,不准團體進入。

Interior 內部“The intimacy combined with the spaciousness is that of the forest, which will be the interior of the church.” Gaudi’s words sum up this unique space where the light from the ceiling of the central nave, at a height of 45 metres, illuminates the rows of tiles and makes the green and golden triangles shine.「教堂內部結合森林的寬敞空間和親切感」高迪的話概括了這個獨特空間,中殿拱頂上 45 米高的燈具,照亮整排瓷磚,並與綠色和金色呈現三角形大放異彩。

Walked into the church at a sunny day, just like entering a rainbow-colored forest and bathed in the light of God from the spectacular stained-glass windows在陽光的天氣步入教堂,有如進入一座彩虹森林,沐浴在彩色窗玻璃的神光中。

Close-up the ceiling showing hyperbolas design近觀拱頂顯示雙曲線設計

Glory façade and Paternoster doors

The Glory façade, which is still to be built, will be the main one. It tells of the origin and the end of human beings and the roads which, according to Jesus’ teachings, lead to personal fulfillment and glory.

On the central door, made of bronze and 5 meters high, the entire text of Our Father in Catalan has been inscribed.

榮耀立面 (南面) 和帕特諾斯特門

仍在建築的榮耀立面,是主要立面。它講述人類的起源和結束,以及根據耶穌的教導,引領到個人成就和榮耀的道路。中央大門,高 5 米由青銅製成,整個主禱文是加泰羅尼亞文。

The Paternoster door 帕特諾斯特門The Paternoster door, designed to be the main entrance into the church, the Lords Prayer is in Catalan whilst behind is the words 'give us this day our daily bread' in fifty languages.帕特諾斯特門,設計為教堂的主大門,門上主禱文是加泰羅尼亞語,還有「請給我們今天所需的飲食」五十種不同語言的祈禱文。

The Paternoster door帕特諾斯特門

The floor at the Passion façade entrance 復活立面出入口處的地面

Passion façade (2016) [west side]復活立面 (2016 年 3 月 ) [ 西面 ]

Passion façade represents the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. The sculptures and the door, done since 1986, are the work of Josep Maria Subirachs.

復活立面代表耶穌的受難,死亡和復活。 1986 年完成的雕塑和門,是史巴奇斯 (Josep Maria Subirachs) 的作品。

Impressive six bone-shaped columns令人印象深刻的六根骨形柱子

Passion façade 復活立面 ( 西面 )

The Kiss of Judas on the left of the portal大門左側 猶大之吻

In profile, Jesus tied to a pillar in the flagellation scene with the kiss of Judas in the background.從側面看,耶穌綁在鞭笞柱子現場,猶大之吻為其背景。

Magic Square, the sum of a single line, row or diagonal is constant of 33, it's the age of Jesus Christ at the crucifixion.魔術方塊,水平,垂直以及對角線之和都是恆數 33 ,這是耶穌被釘上十字架的年齡。

Part of the Denial of Peter on the right side of the portal, here depicting Peter's shame.大門右側是彼得三不認主部分,這裡描繪了彼得的羞愧。

The flagellation sculpture of Jesus on the column 柱上的耶穌鞭笞雕塑

The vast metal doors, set behind the flagellation sculpture of Jesus, is inscribed all the words from the four gospels documenting Jesus crucifixion in various languages. Those words the artist wished to highlight is in gold.耶穌鞭笞雕塑後面的寬廣金屬門,文字記載耶穌被釘十字架的各種不同語文聖經語錄。藝術家將重點漆成金黃色。

I Que‘ es la veritat? (Is that the truth?) 這就是真相嗎?

The sine wave school roof 正弦波的學校屋頂

1882 figures represent the Sagrada Familia was founded in the year1882 年的數字代表聖家堂始建於該年

You can see faintly the word "Sanctus" decorated on the tower of Passion Facade

你可以隱約看到「 Sanctus 」的文字裝飾在復活立面的高塔上

Glory Façade (March 2016) 榮耀立面 (2016 年 3 月 ) [ 南面 ]The Glory façade, the final side to be built and the eventual main entrance, is currently shooting up.最晚建造的榮耀立面和最終主門,目前正在迅速趕工中。

Music : In Paradisum - Sarah Brightman

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