sagittarius woman - gemini man compatibility passion or dull?

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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Sagittarius woman and Gemini man are similar in many ways some of which include being restless by nature and having interest in various aspects of lifestyle and ways of

living. There are other qualities that match such as interest in adventure, surprises, change in life & new challenges. A

Gemini man tends to live their life according to the situations that arise which is not the same for a Sagittarius

woman. Despite the fact that Sagittarius woman and Gemini man have many uncommon view points, they can

develop compatibility because of the fact that they are adaptable and quite flexible by nature


Sagittarius woman are of outgoing nature that is also found in Gemini man but Sagittarius woman are additional inclined to household life. The factor to worry about could

be the damaging temper both have. If they control their temper then it would assist them develop much better


One good thing about each of them is that they both like talking and this high quality will help them produce much

better understanding among them. Gemini man are identified for their flirtatious nature which will be a issue to concern in your Sagittarius woman and can make her

believe unsecured using a Gemini man. Another drawback of relationship in between Sagittarius woman and Gemini man is that they're weak in powers of expression of their

feeling and emotions which are significant in any relationship and will really produce issues in future.

Sagittarius woman are of outgoing nature which is also found in Gemini man but Sagittarius woman are a lot more inclined to family members life. The factor to worry about

will be the damaging temper each have. If they manage their temper then it would assist them develop much

better compatibility.

One great thing about each of them is that they both like talking and this high quality will assist them produce better understanding between them. Gemini man are

recognized for their flirtatious nature which will be a issue to concern for your Sagittarius woman and can make her

think unsecured using a Gemini man. Another drawback of relationship between Sagittarius woman and Gemini man

is that they're weak in powers of expression of their feeling and emotions which are significant in any

relationship and will truly produce problems in future.

The Gemini man is a gregarious human being, a great company, who loves parties and people in general. His

mind is in no way tired, he has a quick understanding, he likes communicating and he includes a beneficial sense of

humour and brilliant replies. He can't stand routine, he loves freedom and exercise.

The Gemini man doesn't glimpse to obtain old either mentally or physically as if he have been Faust and signed a pact for eternal youth. Moreover, he usually behaves as if he lived a continuous adolescence. As soon as he likes a girl, he pays court to her nearly inside a rudimentary way, without guitar and serenades: "Do you need to? Ok!" or "You don't want to?! It's your loss". It couldn't be easier and far more boy-like than that. The essential for your

Gemini man is to keep away from passion and emotional involvement.

The Gemini man is somewhat terrified at emotional necessities. He may be the cerebral sort and sexuality

doesn't play an essential role in his life, although he has what psychologists call "apperception", that ways he

knows how to see reactions, doing his partner heading into ecstasies.

The Gemini man is exasperating, yet charming. He is neither jealous nor possessive and he finds it monstrous to

would like to keep a woman just for you. He does not refrain from any affair, but when he goes "hunting", he

isn't driven by sexual instincts, but by his eternal desire for some thing new.

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