s adrian vasile · reference person: vasile oprea, vasile.oprea@academiadepolitie.ro coordinator...

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Europass Curriculum


Personal information

Surname / First name


Address 1A Aleea Privighetorilor Street, 1st District, Postal Code 014031, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Telephone + 40 21.317.55.23 Extension: 17320

E–mail sergiu.vasile@academiadepolitie.ro sergiu_vasile2003@yahoo.com

Website www.academiadepolitie.ro

Nationality Romanian

Date of birth 01.02.1981

Gender Male

Occupational field

Ministry of Internal Affairs - “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest - Romania Coordinate and delivering training for bachelor’s and master’s degrees’ studies for border guards, immigration officers in the IBM related fields: law, migration policies, technology in border security, strategic planning in border security, etc. PhD Coordinator at the Doctoral School of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy in the field of Public Order and National Security

Work experience

13 years practical and training experience in higher education for officers in the field of border guarding, immigration, travel documents and Schengen issues.

Dates, occupation

or position held

06.2017 – Present - Employer: "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania - Rank: Dean of the Border Police Faculty - Title: Professor (01.10.2016), PhD in the field of Public Order and National Security, awarded by the Minister of

Education, Research and Youth (certificate No. 5729/24.11.2010), "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Romania; - PhD Coordinator since 2016, affiliated since 2017 at the Doctoral School of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy,

Bucharest in the field of Public Order and National Security - Police Rank: Police Chief Commissioner (25.03.2017) - Holder of specialized disciplines: Technical surveillance systems for Schengen borders (Bachelors’ Degree), Applied

Informatics for Border Police in the Schengen Area (Bachelors’ Degree), Cross-border Criminality Investigation (Bachelors’ Degree) and European Informatics Systems used in Schengen cooperation (Masters’ Degree) 10.03.2016 – 14.04.2017

- Employer: "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania - Rank: Acting Vice-Rector of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy - Projects and grants:

External accreditation expert in colaboration with the Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (EKKA) for the accreditation of the one-year blended learning Course on Border Security and Management for Senior Leadership (BSMSL) at the OSCE Border Management Staff College in the Republic of Tajikistan in accordance with the document Requirements and procedure for accreditation of study programmes in continuing education (3-8.1/600/2017), Tadjikistan. Reference Person: Maiki Udam, maiki.udam@archimedes.ee

Expert în the framework of the European project The Mobility Partnership Facility (MPF) by the European Commission (EC - DG HOME) implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). Contract no SSA HR2017/2170541 – expert and speaker durring the thematic meetings held in Hungary, Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria și Belgium – period of the implementation of the project: September 2017 – April 2018. Reference person: Salvatore PETRONELLA (ICMPD), salvatore.petronella@icmpd.org

External evaluator / Member in ther accreditation team of the post-degree course Course on Border Security and Management for Senior Leadership (BSMSL) held in Border Management Staff College OSCE in Dushanbe – Tajikistan. Contractul no 3-8.1/600/2017 under the aegis Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education - EKKA – period of the contract August 2017 – January 2018 (Accreditation visit held 21-26.10.2017).

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Reference Person: Maiki Udam (EKKA), maiki.udam@archimedes.ee

Expert/Member in the european project under the aegis of Frontex Agency - Border and coast guards training delivery methodology – Train the Trainers 2017/TRU, contract no 60/585/2017, website: www.frontex.europa.eu, Reference Person: Amalia Nițu, amalia.nitu@frontex.europa.eu

Associate Professor in European Joint Masters’ in Strategic Border Management - Module 5 – Innovation and Technology in border security, master’s degree programme under the aegis of Frontex Agency (Common Curricula for BG Mid level and High level Education - CCMH), parte componentă a Programului Comun de Studii (Joint Degree Study Programme – JDSP). Reference Person: Anemona PEREŞ, anemona.peres@frontex.europa.eu

Postdoctoral fellowships in the project under the aegis of the National Defence University "Carol I" - Transnational network of integrated management and post-doctoral intelligent research in the fields of "Military Sciences", "Information and National Security" and "Public order and national security" - training program for elite researchers - "SmartSPODAS" Contract HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 138822. Reference Person: Professor Ştefan PRUNĂ PhD, stefan.pruna@academiadepolitie.ro

Expert in EU-funded project “Eastern Partnership cooperation in the fight against irregular migration – Supporting the implementation of the Prague Process Action Plan” (EaP – SIPPAP) DCI-MIGR/2012/283-399 - 19 April 2013 – 19 April 2015 under the aegis of International Centre for Migration Policy Development (Vienne), website: www.icmpd.org, Reference person: Veronika GONCHAROVA Veronika.Goncharova@icmpd.org

Member/Expert in European Commission Framework Programme „Combating and Preventing fight against criminality – HOME/2012/ISEC/AG, contract with the title „Reinforcing the capacity of reaction Public Order and Safety structures in the cases of terrorist attack with CBRN”, no. 4568032/30.12.2013, ISEC 2012, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, website: www.academiadepolitie.ro/old/programe.europene.html, Reference person: professor Dan CAVAROPOL PhD, dan.cavaropol@academiadepolitie.ro.

Director of national grant called Centre for promoting human rights in Public Order and Safety Institutions – CPDO (between 02.12.2011 and 20.03.2012), SMIS code 23120, financed by Operational Programme "Administrative Capacity Development" by European Social Fund, Priority Axis 1: Improvement of structure and process of public policy management cycle, Key area of intervention: 1.3.: Improving organizational effectiveness, contract No 264/11.04.2011, 728.600,35 Euro website: www.academiadepolitie.ro/old/programe.europene.html Reference Person: Vasile OPREA, vasile.oprea@academiadepolitie.ro

Coordinator and member of a working group of European Project carried out in Schengen Facility – 5.2 RO–FSCH, contract 6.931.268 Euro, Schengen Multifunctional Training Centre: SIS and the Schengen alerts proceedings (ISBN 978-973-0-09496-1), Communications, information technology and equipment used, Nationals and Europeans IT application – Personal data protection (ISBN 978-973-0-09523-4) – Project coordinator / member certificate No 410185/07.03.2011, website: http://www.cmps.mai.gov.ro/ Reference Person: Daniel GROFU, daniel.grofu@mai.gov.ro

Sub-leader of Module 5 – Innovation and Technology, during 2013 - present in European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management 2013/TRU/02 under the aegis of Frontex Agency, according to Decision of the Executive Director of Frontex, website: www.frontex.europa.eu, Reference Person: Anemona PEREŞ, anemona.peres@frontex.europa.eu

Project-assistant during 2012 in eLearning Experts Group 2012/TRU/18 under the aegis of Frontex Agency, according to Decision No 2009/76 from 17th of December 2009 of the Executive Director of Frontex, website: www.frontex.europa.eu, Reference Person: Friedrich Scheuermann, friedrich.scheuermann@frontex.europa.eu

Member/participant in 2012 in the project under the aegis of Frontex Agency CCC – Teachers’ Mobility Programme 2011/TRU/01/219, website: www.frontex.europa.eu, Reference Person: Gheorghe VÎRBAN, gheorghe.virban@frontex.europa.eu

Project-assistant during 2011-2012 in Sectoral Qualification Framework 2011/TRU/02b under the aegis of Frontex Agency, according to Decision No 2009/76 from 17th of December 2009 of the Executive Director of Frontex, website: www.frontex.europa.eu, Reference Person: Anemona PEREŞ, anemona.peres@frontex.europa.eu

Project-assistant during 2011 in Joint Degree Study Programme 2011/TRU/02a under the aegis of Frontex Agency, according to Decision No 2009/76 of 17 December 2009 of the Executive Director of Frontex, website: www.frontex.europa.eu, Reference Person: Anemona PEREŞ, anemona.peres@frontex.europa.eu

Project-assistant during 2010 in Curricula Higher Education 2010/TRU/04-223 under the aegis of Frontex Agency, according to Decision No 2009/76 from 17th of December 2009 of the Executive Director of Frontex, website: www.frontex.europa.eu, Reference Person: Friedrich SCHEUERMANN, friedrich.scheuermann@frontex.europa.eu

- Vice-President for Region 5 (''Alexandru Ioan Cuza'' Police Academy) of International Police Association – Romanian Section – elected on 23.01.2008 (re-elected on 01.06.2012), website: www.iparomania.ro, Reference Person: Daniel TORJE, daniel.torje@academiadepolitie.ro

- Principal member of Romanian Scientific Work Authors and Publishers Association – PERGAM, Bucharest, e-mail: office@pergam.ro, site: www.pergam.ro

- Reviewer since 2015 for the journal Public Security Studies (journal indexed in BDI databases CEEOL, Index Copernicus International, EBSCO, ProQuest, Hein Online, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, getCITED and grand: Matriu d'Információ per a l'Avaluació de les Revistes ), Sitech Publisher (NURC Code 70), site http://ssp.academiadepolitie.ro/ ;

- Reviewer since 2013 for the journal Human Rights in Law Enforcement0T, journal dedicated for the scientific research in

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human rights domain – under the aegis of the project CPDO, cod SMIS 23120, site: http://hrle-journal.eu/index.html, ISSN on-line: 2285-5076.

- Appointed since March 2011 in Reviewers Board of International Journal of Criminal Investigation, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of original research papers in forensic sciences - Master in Forensics Sciences in development in the project entitled: Promotion of scientific research in the field of forensic science in judiciary activity, POSDRU/86/1.2/S/62307, website: www.ijci.ro, Online ISSN: 2247-0271, Reference Person: Ion Gabriel OLTEANU, gabriel.olteanu@academiadepolitie.ro

- Journal Editor since August 2010 for The Journal of Criminal Investigation, publication indexed in EBSCO, Google Scholar and SSRN, semestrial issued under the auspices of International Police Association – Romanian Section, ''Alexandru Ioan Cuza'' Police Academy, , website: http://www.cij.ro/

- Editor since 2010 of Pro Patria Lex, (Publication indexed in EBSCO www.ebscohost.com, Google Scholar, scholar.google.ro and ProQuest www.proquest.com) journal hosting specialized papers in the fields of Law and Public Order and Safety, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Universul Juridic Publishing, site: http://www.propatrialex.ro/

- Frontex Partnership Academy Meeting Manager for organizing the strategic meeting within the project Joint Operation Focal Points 2010 Land in 2010, awarded with Letter of Appreciation No 15821/27.11.2010 signed by the Head of Joint Operation Unit, Reference Person: Rustamas LIUBAJEVAS, rustamas.liubajevas@frontex.europa.eu

- Frontex Partnership Academy Meeting Manager for organized conferences/activities at national and European Union level during 2011-2012, awarded with Letter of Appreciation No 5709/03.04.2012 signed by the Acting Head of Training Unit, Reference Person: Rainer BRENNER, rainer.brenner@frontex.europa.eu

2015 – 10.03.2016 - Employer: "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania - Rank: Director of Border Police, Immigration, Travel Documents and Schengen Training Department. - Title: Associate Professor - Police Rank: Police Commissioner (exceptionally awarded at 25.03.2014) - Holder of specialized disciplines: Technical surveillance systems for Schengen borders (Bachelors’ Degree), Applied

Informatics for Border Police in the Schengen Area (Bachelors’ Degree), Cross-border Criminality Investigation (Bachelors’ Degree) and European Informatics Systems used in Schengen cooperation (Masters’ Degree)

2013 – 2015 - Employer: "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania - Title: Associate Professor (RD No.157/01.03.2013), PhD in the field of Public Order and National Security, awarded by

the Minister of Education, Research and Youth (certificate No. 5729/24.11.2010), "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania

- Police Rank: Police Commissioner (exceptionally awarded at 25.03.2014) - Holder of specialized disciplines: Technical surveillance and control systems for Schengen borders and Applied

Informatics for Border Police in the Schengen Area Vice-President for Section 5 (''Alexandru Ioan Cuza'' Police Academy) of IPA – Romanian Section

2010 – 2013 - Employer: "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania - Rank: Deputy Head Of Border Police, Schengen Training and Foreign Languages Department - Title: Assistant lecturer, PhD in the field of Public Order and National Security - Police Rank: Police Principal Inspector - Holder of specialized disciplines: Technical surveillance and control systems for Schengen borders and Applied

Informatics for Border Police in the Schengen Area - Vice-President for Section 5 (''Alexandru Ioan Cuza'' Police Academy) of IPA – Romanian Section

2007–2010 - Employer: "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania - Rank: Assistant lecturer in Public Order, Safety and Schengen Training Department - Title: Assistant lecturer, PhD Candidate - Police Rank: Police Inspector - Holder of specialized disciplines: Technical surveillance and control systems for Schengen borders and Applied

Informatics for Border Police in the Schengen Area - Since 2008 – Elected Vice-President for Section 5 (''Alexandru Ioan Cuza'' Police Academy) of IPA – Romanian Section

2004–2007 - Employer: "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania - Rank: University Assistant in Border Police Department - Title: University Assistant - Police Rank: Police Subinspector - Holder of specialized disciplines: Technical surveillance and control systems for borders and Applied Informatics for

Border Police

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2003–2004 - Employer: General Inspectorate for Border Police, Giurgiu City, Romania - Rank: Superior Officer in charge with programming and administrating the surveillance systems and IT systems at

Border Police General Inspectorate, Giurgiu City, Giurgiu County, Romania - Police Rank: Police Subinspector

Main activities and


- National and international cooperation in the fields of Law Enforcement, higher education and scientific research - Leading courses, practical exercises and seminars on Technical surveillance systems for Schengen borders (Bachelors’

Degree), Applied Informatics for Border Police in the Schengen Area (Bachelors’ Degree), Cross-border Criminality Investigation (Bachelors’ Degree) and European Informatics Systems used in Schengen cooperation (Masters’ Degree)

- Coordinating the educational activities performed by the students to give them professional training and to support them in their extra–curricular activities

- PhD Coordinator in the field of Public Order and National Security - Leading workshops with superior officers - Partnership Academy Manager for Frontex meetings organized in “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy

Name and

address of employer

- Address: “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy 1A Aleea Privighetorilor Street, 1st District, Bucharest, ROMANIA Phone: +40 21.317.55.23 Extension: 17102 / 17103

- Fax: +40 21.317.55.17 - E-mail: secretar@academiadepolitie.ro - Website: www.academiadepolitie.ro

Type of business or


– Vocational higher education for border guards officers - 12 years’ practical and training experience in higher education for officers in the field of border guarding, immigration, travel documents and Schengen issues.

– Special training for border police superior officers - Delivering training for bachelors and master’s degree studies for border guards/immigration officers in the IBM related fields: law, migration policies, technology in border security, strategic planning in border security, etc.

– Applied Informatics and special surveillance systems for border guards – Advance user of e-Learning systems available for Romanian border guards training – Frontex Partnership Academy representative – Assigned Project-Assistant / Expert / Associate Professor in Frontex projects, EJMSBM and experts workgroups.


- 2017 – Professor affiliated since 2017 at the Doctoral School of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest in the field of Public Order and National Security

- 2016 - PhD Coordinator obtained in 2016 after the public defending of the Habilitation Thesis. - 2015 - Certificate of postdoctoral studies obtained on 11/27/2015 series MMXV no. 011, by supporting the final report of the

research project Transnational network for integrated management of research doctoral and postdoctoral smart fields "Military Sciences", "Information and National Security" and "Public order and national security" - training program for researchers elite - "SmartSPODAS" Contract HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 138 822, Bucharest

- 2015 - Assessor course for certification of projects supported under the Structural Euro Fond and Training 27.02-03.03.2015 Euro, COR code 241263, based on the certificate series J no. 00035007 issued by the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection for the Elderly and the Ministry of Education, registered in the National Registry of Adult Vocational Training Providers no. 40/3341 / 05.29.2014, Bucharest

- 2015 - Expert in accessing European structural and cohesion funds at European level certification course within the Structural Euro Fond and Training 06-08.02.2015, COR code 242213, based on the certificate series J no. 00030946 issued by the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection for the Elderly and the Ministry of Education, registered in the National Registry of Adult Vocational Training Providers no. 40/1480 / 11.03.2014, Bucharest

- 2014 - Postdoctoral fellowships in the project under the aegis of the National Defence University "Carol I" - Transnational network of integrated management and post-doctoral intelligent research in the fields of "Military Sciences", "Information and National Security" and "Public order and safety National "- training program for elite researchers -" SmartSPODAS "Contract HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 138822, Bucharest

- 2013 – Project Manager, European Project Manager training, professional training program held by Macro Structural Consulting, 24.05.2013-29.05.2013, COR code 242101, certificate series I no. 00050298 issued by the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection and the Ministry of National Education, registered in the National Records for Providers of Training for Adult Professionals no. 40/6015/15.06.2012, Bucharest

- 2012 – National College of Internal Affairs, Internal Affairs Management professional training program, 08.05.2012 – 24.07.2012, graduation certificate no. A0010363 / 07.05.2014 issued by the Ministry of National Education

- 2012 – Romanian Diplomatic Institute, Diplomacy and Security professional training program, held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 26.03.2012 – 19.06.2012, graduation certificate no. 2686/2012, Bucharest

- 2012 - Human Rights Specialist, granted by certificate no. 0050 of 10.05.2012 within the project of the Human Rights Promotion Centre for Public Order and Safety Institutions - CPDO, SMIS code 23120; Operational Program „Administrative Skills Development”, co-financed by the European Social Fund; Priority axis 1: Structural and process improvements in the public policy management cycle, Major Intervention Program 1.3.: Improving organizational effectiveness; Beneficiary: „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, contract no. 264/11.04.2011, Bucharest

- 2012 - Trainer since 15 January 2012, COR code 241205 granted by G series certificate no. 00395074 issued by the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, National Council for Adult Training, and the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport,

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registered in the National Records for Providers of Training for Adult Professionals, no. 40/10465/24.10.2011, Bucharest - 2010 – PhD in the field of Public Order and National Security - Presentation on 30 September 2010 of PhD thesis called National

and European strategies on border security, awarded by the Minister of Education, Research and Youth with certificate no. 5729/24.11.2010, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania

- 2005–2006 – Master’s Degree Diploma - Master course in Management of Border Security, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania

- 2004–2005 – Psycho–pedagogical certificate - Postgraduate course in Psycho–pedagogy, University of Bucharest, Romania - 2003–2004 – Postgraduate Course Degree Diploma - Postgraduate course in Constitutional law and public administration,

“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania - 2004 – English language course, ProManagement University, Bucharest– ENGLISH – advance level certificate - 2004 – French language course, ProManagement University, Bucharest – FRENCH – advance level certificate - 2004 – Course on advanced informatics, European Computer Driving License, ProManagement University, Bucharest, Romania –

ECDL – advanced level - 1999–2003 – Bachelor Degree Diploma in Law and Law Enforcement Fields - “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Police

Faculty, Border Police specialization, Bucharest, Romania - 1995–1999 – Baccalaureate Diploma - “Constantin Brancoveanu” Police High-school, Ploiesti, Romania


- 2015, 16-18.12 Participation in the closing conference of the research project "Developing responsiveness of public order and safety structures for terrorist acts using CBRN" contract registered number 4568032 from 30.12.2013 project European assigned to the "Prevention of and fight against crime" - general funding lines ISEC 2012 Poiana Brasov, Rina Vista Hotel - Participant

- 2015, 27.11 Participation in the closing conference for the project Transnational network for integrated management of research doctoral and postdoctoral smart fields "Military Sciences", "Information and National Security" and "Public order and national security" - a program of continuous training elite researchers - "SmartSPODAS" Contract HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 138 822, Marriott Hotel, Bucharest - Participant

- 2015, 15.11 Participation in the dissemination of the results of the research project "Developing responsiveness of public order and safety structures for terrorist acts using CBRN" contract registered number 4568032 from 30.12.2013, European project assigned to the "Prevention of and fight against crime" - general funding lines ISEC 2012 Police Academy - Participant

- 2015, 18.09 Conference Speaker - presentation in the textbooks developed in the research project "Developing responsiveness of public order and safety structures for terrorist acts using CBRN" contract registered number 4568032 on 30.12.2013 , belonging to the European project "Prevention of and fight against crime" - general funding lines ISEC 2012 Police Academy - Speaker at the conference

- 2015, 03.07 Participation in the workshop on "Integrated management of emergencies and industrial security" that was held in the conference room of the Hotel Marshal, project "SmartSPODAS" Contract HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 138 822- Participant

- 2015, 12.06 Participation at the scientific conference of doctoral schools Doctoral Research in the Field of Justice and Home Affairs - Third Edition, organized by the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, Bucharest - Participation Diploma and articles

- 2015, 28-29.05 Participation in International Conference Challenges and Strategies in Public Order and Safety organized by the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, Bucharest - Participation Diploma and articles

- 2015, 02-03.04 Participation in International Scientific Conference Strategies XXI Strategic changes in security and international relations organized by the Faculty of Security and Defence of the National Defence University "Carol I" Bucharest - Diploma Participation and articles

- 2015, 10.02 Speaker at the workshop Contemporary Issues on border security, migration and asylum which was held in the conference room of the Hotel Yesterday, project "SmartSPODAS" Contract HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 138822 - Conference speaker

- 2015, 26.01 Participation at the workshop Inter-agency cooperation in preventing and combating crime, first edition, held in January 2015 in the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy - Police Department under the project "SmartSPODAS" Contract HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 138 822 - Participation Diploma – Conference Speaker

- 2014, 19.09 Participation at the workshop organized by the National Defence University Carol I, with the theme Equality within the project SmartSPODAS Contract HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 138822, Bucharest – Conference Speaker

- 2013, 27-28.02 Participation at the International Conference IMS - Border Security 2013 and technical exhibition on complex border surveillance, hosted by Hilton, Bucharest - Participant

- 2013, 05.04 Participation at the International Conference held at the end of the project Centre for Promotion of Human Rights in Institutions of Public Order and Safety - PCHR SMIS code 23120, hosted by the Ibis Hotel, Bucharest – Conference Speaker

- 2012, 29.11 Participating as expert for "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy at the Round Table called European Union – the way forward, Romanian–American University, Bucharest – Conference Speaker

- 2011, 21.09 Participating as vice-president for Region 5 “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy at the 37th International Police Association Conference, event hosted by House of the Parliament, Bucharest

- 2011, 06.05 Attending the 18th Scientific Conference called Socio-juridical culture – stability factor, organized by „Spiru Haret” University, Law and Public Administration Faculty , Constanţa - Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2011, 14-15.04 The 7th International Conference Strategies XXI “Military Science Universe”, „Carol I” National University of Defense, Strategic Studies of Defense and Security Centre, Bucharest - Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2011, 02-04.03 Participation to Scientific Symposium entitled Schengen Area – state of play and the way forward organised by Multifunctional Schengen Training Centre, Ploiesti and Buzau - Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2011, 24.02 Scientific Symposium entitled Romania's accession to the Schengen area - from goal to Reality organized by the Police Academy and the Romanian Society of European Law, Bucharest - Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2011, 26-28.01 – Participating in training within Second Line of Defense Program (SLD) – border detection for nuclear and radiological materials to prevent illicit trafficking in these products, Ministry of Administration and Interior through the General Inspectorate of Romanian Border Police, in cooperation with the Department of Energy (DOE) the U.S. Government, Constanta – Certificate of attendance and trainer diploma

- 2010, 18-19.11 Scientific Conference with international participation called The impact of developments in international relations on the security environment, Challenges for the security environment Section, "Carol I" National Defense University, Centre for Defense and Security Strategic Studies (CDSSS), Bucharest – Certificate of attendance and articles published

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- 2010, 15-16.11 National Symposium entitled Protection of Romania's fundamental interests of cross–border crime, Cross–border crime Section, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2010, 12-13.11 International Scientific Conference, Contemporary legal institution in the context of Romanian EU integration, Reform in higher education under the Bologna Process, 4th Edition, Romanian - American University, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2010, 11.11 Scientific Conference with international participation called Intelligence of XXI Century: Analysis and strategic decision in a complex security environment, Modeling intelligence communities in a changing world, 6th Edition, Romanian Intelligence Service, „Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2010, 28-30.05 International Scientific Conference called Political Science, International Relations and European Studies, Security Studies Section, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu – Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2010. 13.05 International Scientific Conference, Affairs and justice in the process of European integration and globalization, Police filed section, 3rd Edition, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2010, 01.05 International Scientific Conference called Exploration, Education and Progress in the Third Millennium, Law and Public Administration, “Dunărea de Jos” University, Galati City – Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2010, 25.03 International Scientific Conference called The role of law in a society based on knowledge, Current Problems of International and European Law, "Constantin Brancusi" University, Tg–Jiu – Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2010, 12-13.02 Participating in Scientific session with international participation called Strategies XXI, European Security and Defense in the context of financial and economic crisis, "Carol I" National Defense University, Bucharest – Certificate and articles published

- 2009 International Conference called The man with two faces, PHARE Project RO 06 IB JH 08, Strengthening institutional capacity to prevent human trafficking in Romania, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance

- 2009 International Scientific Conference, Affairs and justice in the process of European integration and globalization, Second Edition, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2009 International Scientific Conference, Contemporary legal institution in the context of Romanian EU integration, Reform in higher education under the Bologna Process, 3rd Edition, Romanian–American University, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2009 Participating in TAIEX International Conference, Schengen Information System and S.I.Re.N.E. Bureau established at national level as a compensatory measure, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance

- 2009 Training course on non–proliferation of mass destruction weapons, FBI, within the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance

- 2008 Participating as Vice–president of 5th Region of International Police Association – Romanian Section, in the 4th Congress of IPA, Oradea – Certificate of attendance

- 2008 Course on banking frauds Perspectives and challenges in banking frauds, Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance

- 2008 Training course on Forensic products delivered through PHARE project, Lot 4, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest – Trainer diploma

- 2008 International Scientific Session called Contemporary legal institution in the context of Romanian EU integration, Second Edition, Romanian–American University, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance and articles published

- 2007 Training course on IT applications on administrating emergency situations, Ness Corporation, Ministry of Administration and Interior, Emergency Situations Management, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance

- 2007 Training course on non–proliferation of mass destruction weapons, Black Sea Regional WMD Command Post Exercise, FBI , within the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance

- 2005 Course in Preventing and combating terrorism and non–proliferation of mass destruction weapons, EXBS International, General Inspectorate of Romanian Border Police, Bucharest – Certificate of attendance


- 07-10.12.2015 Associate Professor in the MA program under the aegis of Frontex European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management (EJMSBM), teaching 4 themes and organizing a practical exercise under Module 5 - Border Security Innovation and Technology - 2014 / TRU / 02 (2015), Tallinn, ESTONIA

- 12-17.11.2015, Trainer - course organized in the research project "Developing responsiveness of public order and safety structures for terrorist acts using CBRN" contract registered number 4568032 from 30.12.2013 project European assigned to the "Prevention of and fight against crime" - general funding lines ISEC 2012 Police Academy "Al.I.C", Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 21-26.09.2015, Trainer - course organized in the research project "Developing responsiveness of public order and safety structures for terrorist acts using CBRN" contract registered number 4568032 from 30.12.2013 project European assigned to the "Prevention of and fight against crime" - general funding lines ISEC 2012 Police Academy "Al.I.C", Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 12-19.07.2015, Speaker and participating in the summer school organized by the Contemporary Affairs Police Academy "Al.IC" under the "SmartSPODAS" Contract HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 138 822, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA

- 28-29.05.2015, Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference entitled Challenges and Strategies in Public Order and Safety, organized by the Police Academy "Al.I.C.", Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 20.12.2014, Trainer within the project Centre for Promotion of Human Rights Institutions of Public Order and Safety - PCHR managed by organized Police Academy "Al.I.C", Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 03-07.11.2014, Trainer within train-the-trainer course held under European Commission Framework Programme Combating and Preventing fight against criminality – HOME/2012/ISEC/AG, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 27.03.2014, Speaker within the project under the aegis of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development - ICMPD, presentation training system of Border Police, 30 participants, Police Academy "Al.I.C", Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 16.05.2014, Organise and participate at International Scientific Conference called Challenges and strategies in Public Order and Safety, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 27.03.2014, Speaker / Moderator in the project meeting under the aegis of International Centre for Migration Policy Development - ICMPD, presenting the Romanian Border Police Training System, 30 participants, Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 19-20 and 26-27.11.2012, Trainer in the project of the Human Rights Promotion Centre for Public Order and Safety Institutions - CPDO, SMIS code 23120, within the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 06.11.2012, Organiser of the international conference called Human rights and Diversity focused on Police work, “Alexandru Ioan

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Cuza” Police Academy and European Association of Police Colleges - AEPC, Bucharest, ROMANIA - 24.02.2011, Organiser of the international conference Romania’s accession to Schengen area – from wish to reality National

Symposium, held by Police Academy in cooperation with the Romanian Association for European Law, Bucharest, ROMANIA - 02-03.03.2011, Schengen area – facts and perspectives National Symposium, held by the Multifunctional Schengen Training Centre,

www.cmps.ro, Buzău - Ploiesti, ROMANIA



- 2015, 23-25.03 Expert in EU-funded project “Eastern Partnership cooperation in the fight against irregular migration – Supporting the implementation of the Prague Process Action Plan” (EaP–SIPPAP), Tbilisi – GEORGIA

- 2014, 26.11 Speaker in EU-funded project “Eastern Partnership cooperation in the fight against irregular migration – Supporting the implementation of the Prague Process Action Plan” (EaP–SIPPAP), Chisinau - MOLDOVA

- 2014, 27-31.10 Course director / Moderator for the Common Security Defense Policy - Orientation Course - Activity 14-15/3/3 National College of Internal Affairs and European Security and Defense College, Brussels, BELGIUM

- 2014, 08-11.09 Expert in EU-funded project “Eastern Partnership cooperation in the fight against irregular migration – Supporting the implementation of the Prague Process Action Plan” (EaP–SIPPAP), Tbilisi – GEORGIA

- 2014, 29-02.09 Expert in EU-funded project “Eastern Partnership cooperation in the fight against irregular migration – Supporting the implementation of the Prague Process Action Plan” (EaP–SIPPAP), Chisinau/Ungheni - MOLDOVA

- 2014, 23-24.01 Attending with the President of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy’s Senate the AEPC Conference and Management Board Meeting, Lisbon, PORTUGAL

- 2012, 06-07.12 Attending as expert the Workshop on Future Needs in Border Security Research, organised by the Research and Development Unit of Frontex Agency, Warsaw, POLAND

- 2012, 13-16.02 Attending with the Rector of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy The AEPC European Conference and Management Board Meeting, Stockholm, SWEDEN

- 2011, 18-20.11 Attending with the Rector of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy the AEPC Conference and Management Board Meeting, Oslo, NORWAY

- 2007 Attending as member of the working group on implementing Schengen Information System II, Schengen Department, visit of SIRENE Bureau from Athens, GREECE

FRONTEX AGENCY – Projects Meetings, Workshops and Conferences

- 2017: 07-09.03 PA_NTC Meeting, Warsaw, POLAND; 03.06.04 European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management (EJMSBM) – Warsaw, POLAND;

- 2016: 23-34.02 European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management (EJMSBM) – Quality Assurance Meeting 2014/TRU/02 (2016), Vilnius, LITHUANIA; 24.05 European Day for Border Guards (ED4BG) 2016/TRU/02, Sherock, POLAND; 01-03.06 European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management (EJMSBM) – Development Meeting, Modules review 2016/TRU/04, Avila, SPAIN;

- 2015: 02-06.02 European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management (EJMSBM) – Development Meeting 2014/TRU/02 (2015), Salamanca, SPAIN; 02-06.03 European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management (EJMSBM) – Development Meeting 2014/TRU/02 (2015), Vilnius, LITHUANIA; 21.05 European Day for Border Guards 2014/TRU/EJMSBM, Warsaw, POLAND; 07-08.09 European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management (EJMSBM) – Opening Ceremony 2014/TRU/02 (2015), Warsaw, POLAND; 07-10.12 European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management (EJMSBM) – Module 5 – Innovation and Technology in Border Security 2014/TRU/02 (2015), Tallinn, ESTONIA;

- 2014: 11-14.02 European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management (EJMSBM) – Mock Validation Meeting 2013/TRU/02-52 (2014), Aranjuez (Madrid), SPAIN; 18-21.03 EJMSBM – Programme Review and Further Development 2013/TRU/02-53 A&B, La Valletta, MALTA; 22-25.04 EJMSBM – Programme and Regulations Review and Further Development II 2013/TRU/02-54, Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS; 21-23.05 European Day for Border Guards and EJMSBM Launching 2013/TRU/EJMSBM, Warsaw, POLAND; 17-20.06 EJMSBM 2014/TRU/02-141 ESTONIA – Tallinn; 16-18.07 EJMSBM 2014/TRU/02-142 A+B , La Valletta – MALTA; 07-10.10 PA_NTC Meeting 2014/TRU/18-148, Warsaw, POLAND; 01-05.12 EJMSBM 2014/TRU/02-206, Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS.

- 2013: 21-25.01 European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management – Development Meeting 2012/TRU/02-87, La Valletta, MALTA; 11-15.02 EJMSBM – Policies and Procedures 2013/TRU/02-88, Tallinn, ESTONIA; 19-22.03 EJMSBM – High Level Governing Board 2013/TRU/02-90, Warsaw, POLAND; 23-25.04 EJMSBM – Modules Development Meeting 2013/TRU/02-128, Iaşi, ROMANIA; 21-24.05 SQF Expert Board 1st Meeting & EDBG 2013/TRU/02-129, Warsaw, POLAND; 17-21.06 EJMSBM – Module Convenors 2013/TRU/02-130, La Valletta, MALTA; 15-18.07 EJMSBM – 3 WGs Meeting 2013/TRU/02-132, Tallinn, ESTONIA; 02-02.10 Partnership Academies and National Training Coordinators Conferences 2013/TRU/18-169, Warsaw, POLAND; 22-24.10 EJMSBM – Development Meeting 2013/TRU/02-137 Amsterdam, OLANDA; 19-23.11 EJMSBM 2013/TRU/02-125, Cesena, ITALIA

- 2012: 21-25.11 European Joint Master In Strategic Management and Cooperation – Development Meeting 2012/TRU/02-106, Espoo, FINLAND; 23-26.10 European Joint Master In Strategic Management and Cooperation – Development Meeting 2012/TRU/02-098a, Gaeta, ITALY; 15-17.10 Partnership Academies Conference 2011/TRU/ 02/18-144, Madrid, SPAIN; 08-11.10 eLearning Experts Group Meeting 2011/TRU/ 02/18-81, Espoo, FINLAND; 01-03.10 1st High Level Governance Board within European Joint Master In Strategic Management and Cooperation Project 2012/TRU/02-227, Warsaw, POLAND; 24-28.08 Joint Degree Study Programme – Development Meeting 2012/TRU/02-079, Iaşi, ROMANIA; 16-21.07 Programme Design in line with SQF and Bologna Copenhagen Principles 2012/TRU/02-161, 36-hour Course Competence Certificate, Vilnius, LITHUANIA; 11-22.06CCC – Teachers’ Mobility Exercise (EU level), 2012/TRU/01-187, Vilnius, LITHUANIA; 23-24.05 European Day of Border Police, 2012/TRU/02/ED4BG, Warsaw, POLAND; 21-22.05 Joint Degree Study Programme – Development Meeting 2012/TRU/051, Warsaw, POLAND; 28-30.03 Sectoral Qualification Framework – Second validation Meeting 2011/TRU/02-035b, 2011/TRU/18, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 25-27.03 Joint Degree Study Programme – Development Meeting 2011/TRU/02-035a 2011/TRU/18, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 19-21.03 eLearning Experts Group Meeting 2012/TRU/18-9, Cesena, ITALY; 05-08.03 CCC Teachers’ Mobility Implementation Meeting 2011/TRU/01/index219, Tallinn,

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ESTONIA; 29.02-02.03 Sectoral Qualification Framework – First Validation Meeting 2011/TRU/02/115b, Cesena, ITALY; 27-28.02 Joint Degree Study Programme – Milestone Meeting 2011/TRU/02/115a, Cesena, ITALY; 30.01-03.02 Competence Profiles Development Part II Common Workshop 2011/TRU/02/020, Tallinn, ESTONIA; 18-19.01 eLearning Experts Group On-line Meeting 2011/TRU/ 02/18-9, WebEx Videoconference Platform, Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 2011: 01.12 The 1st Educational Strategic Group Meeting 2011/TRU/02/199, La Valletta, MALTA; 29-30.11 The 1st European Conference “European Curricula for Border Guard Mid-level and High-Level Education” 2011/TRU/02/199, La Valletta, MALTA; 27-28.11 Curricula Higher Education Milestone Meeting 2011/TRU/02/199, La Valletta, MALTA; 18-19.10 eLearning Experts Group Meeting 2012/TRU/18-203, Tallinn, ESTONIA; 10-14.10 The Competence Profile Finalisation Workshop 2011/TRU/02-166, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA; 13-15.09 Curricula Higher Education Milestone Meeting 2011/TRU/02-145, Lyon, FRANCE; 11-15.07 The Competence Profile Finalisation Workshop 2011/TRU/02-133, Tallinn, ESTONIA; 08-09.06 Curricula Higher Education Milestone Meeting 2011/TRU/02-060, Espoo, FINLAND; 26-27.05 University Joint Degree Study Program Project Support Activities 2011/TRU/02-177, Warsaw, POLAND; 25.05 The European Day for Border Guards Conference 2010/TRU/02-57, Warsaw, POLAND; 24.05 Capacity Building Division Conference 2011/TRU/02-57, Warsaw, POLAND; 23.05 University Joint Degree Study Program Project Scenario Planning Meeting 2011/TRU/02-025, Warsaw, POLONIA; 11-12.05 University Joint Degree Study Program Working Group Meeting 2011/TRU/02-39, Tallinn, ESTONIA; 13-14.04 University Joint Degree Study Program Pilot Group Meeting 2011/TRU/02-024, La Valletta, MALTA; 21-23.02 University Joint Degree Study Program Pilot Group Meeting 2010/TRU/03-229, Lyon, FRANCE; 24-26.01 University Joint Degree Study Program Pilot Group Meeting 2010/TRU/03-229, Cesena, ITALY

- 2010, 07-08.12 Attending as national expert and project-assistant the meeting under the aegis of Frontex Agency called 1st University Study Program Pilot Meeting, Training Support Network 2010/TRU/04-223, Lübeck, GERMANY

FRONTEX AGENCY – Organised Meetings as PA Meeting Manager

- 2017: April SBC – e-Leanring Tool „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; - 2016: June SBC – e-Leanring Tool „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; - 2015: 14-25.09 CCC-Teachers Mobility Exercise number 7, 3 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest,

ROMANIA; 28.09-09.10 CCC-Teachers Mobility Exercise number 9, 2 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA;

- 2014: 10-14.03 Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Border Guarding – Translators’ Workshop 2013/TRU/03-56 (2014), 8 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 12.03 ED4BG on the road – Risk Analysis in Border Management (Live stream seminar) 50 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 15-26.09 CCC-Teachers Mobility, 2 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy and Coast Guard, Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 2013: 21-25.01 EBGT eLearning (Video Production) 2012/TRU/11-73 (2013), 7 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 24.02-01.03 European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management – Development Meeting 2012/TRU/02-89, 50 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 18-21.03 Common Core Curriculum – Teachers’ Mobility Implementation Meeting 2013/TRU/01-67, 39 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 13-17.05 European Border Guard Teams – Induction Training IV/2013 2013/TRU/11-116, 27 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 27-30.05 Focal Points Guests Officers – Common Briefing Package Development Meeting 2013/TRU/15-141, 20 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 17-21.06 English Language Working Meeting 2013/TRU/13-56&57, 12 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 06-13.09 Training for Schengen Evaluators 2013/TRU/08-143, 48 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 13-17.05 European Border Guard Teams – Induction Training IX/2013 2013/TRU/11-177, 27 participants, Hotel Pullman Conference Aula, Bucharest, ROMANIA;

- 2012: 12-15.11 Annual Training of the national assistance to virtual 2012/TRU/18-11, 35 participants MS şi TC, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 24-28.08 Intermediate Language Tool: Material Development Workshop 2012/TRU/13-93, 14 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 17-21.08 CCC – Schengen Border Code Module Development Module II 2012/TRU/01-135, 12 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 18-29.06 Air Crew Training – Second Translator Workshop for Air Crew Training Manual 2012/TRU/05-178, 10 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 18-22.06 CCC – Schengen Border Code Module Development 2012/TRU/01-160, 11 participants, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 28-30.03 Sectoral Qualification Framework – Second validation Meeting 2011/TRU/02-035b, 2011/TRU/18, 30 participants, venue “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 25-27.03 Joint Degree Study Programme – Development Meeting 2011/TRU/02-035a, 2011/TRU/18, 18 participants, venue “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA;

- 2011: 05-08.12 Air Crew Training Project for the Night Goggles Training Manual 2011/TRU/05-221, 8 participants, venue “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 29-30.11 The 1st European Conference “European Curricula for Border Guard Mid-level and High-Level Education”, 2011/TRU/02/199, La Valletta, MALTA; 22-24.11 Frontex Partnership Academy Meeting 2011/TRU/18/184, 34 participants, venue “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 21-23.11 National Training Coordinators Conference 2011/TRU/18/184 48 participants, venue “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 31.05-03.06 6th National Implementation, Monitoring and Multipliers’ Training Workshop 2011/TRU/13/53, 26 participants, venue “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 28-31.03 National Training Coordinators Conference 2011/TRU/18-023, 45 participants, venue “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; 15-18.03 University Joint Degree Study Program Pilot Group Meeting 2011/TRU/02-008, 25 participants, venue “Al. Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA

- 2010: Joint Operations focal points on the land border 2010, 20 participants, venue “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Personal skills and


Mother tongue Romanian

Other languages

English French

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Understanding Speaking Writing

European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

English C1 C1 C1 C1 B2

French C1 C1 B2 B1 B1

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Social skills and competences

- Team work, psycho–pedagogical skills and good communication with students and colleagues - Advanced computer skills - Advanced skills for use of surveillance and technical systems for Border Police - Adaptability to new situations - Management ability in the field of law enforcement

Organisational skills and


- Project management capabilities - Coordinating the educational activities performed by the students in order to give them professional training and to support them in

their extra–curricular activities - Leading workshops with students and superior officers - Organizing scientific events in the Police Academy, in the field of Border Police and international cooperation for law enforcement

Computer skills and


- Advanced user of general IT systems and software - Advanced user of specific IT systems and software related to Border Police - Advance user of e-Learning systems available for Romanian border guards training

Artistic skills and


- During high school I attended, the cultural group "Nichita Stănescu" in Ploiesti, I wrote poems, essays and prose, managing in 1997 to publish a book that included my work, the volume was revised and reedited in 2009

- I was a member of the folk band of the Police High School - I played cold guitar, electric guitar and drums - I was a member of the „Top Secret” humor group in the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy taking part in different shows as

well as an actor and as a director.

Driving license B category since 2000

Additional information

PhD THESIS PhD Thesis National and European strategies on securing the Schengen border, presented in public session on 30 of September 2010 in „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, PhD in the field of Public Order and National Security, awarded by the Minister of Education, Research and Youth with certificate No 5729/24.11.2010, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania, Reference Person: PhD Florian COMAN, florian0755@yahoo.com;

AUTHOR OF UNIVERSITY COURSES, TRAINING MANUALS, STUDYES, SPECIALISED DICTIONARYS AND GLOSSARYS 1. Author of Applied Informatics Treaty - Hardware Concepts, Part I, Sitech Publisher (NCSRHE Code 70) ISBN 978-606-11-5374-9,

511 pages, 2016; 2. Author of Investigation of Crossborder Criminality, Bachelors Manual, Border Police Field, Sitech Publisher (NCSRHE Code 70),

ISBN 978-607-34-3458-7, 389 pages, 2016; 3. Author of Theoretical and applicable background of a European strategy for the training of border authorities for the effectiveness

of the specific activities, developed within the project under the aegis of the National Defense University "Carol I" - Transnational network for integrated management of doctoral research and post smart fields "Military Sciences", "Information and National Security" and "Public Order and National Security" - training program for elite researchers - "SmartSPODAS" Contract HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 138 822, Sitech Publisher (NCSRHE Code 70) ISBN 978-606-11-5311-4, 194 pages, 2016;

4. Author of Agencies, mechanisms and operational units at EU level with responsibilities in protection of fundamental rights, within the national grant called Center for promoting human rights in Public Order and Safety Institutions - CPDO, SMIS code 23120, financed by Operational Programme "Administrative Capacity Development" by European Social Fund, Priority Axis 1: Improvement of structure and process of public policy management cycle, Key area of intervention: 1.3.: Improving organizational effectiveness, contract No 264/11.04.2011, 728.600,35 Euro – StudIS Publisher (NCSRHE Code 179), 118 pages, ISBN 978-606-624-284-4, Iaşi, December 2012;

5. Author of study called National and European strategies on securing the Schengen border, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), 400 pages, ISBN 978-606-11-1023-0, Bucharest, 2011;

6. Author of Introduction to Computer Science and Applied Computer Science, university course, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), 349 pages, ISBN 978-606-530-565-6, 2009;

7. Author of Zvon de gând a prose volume, essays and poems, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), 236 pages, ISBN 978-606-530-225-9, 2009;

8. Author of Dictionary of Applied Informatics and Information Technology, specialized dictionary, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), 306 pages, ISBN 978-606-530-079-8, 2008;

CO-AUTHOR OF UNIVERSITY COURSES, TRAINING MANUALS, STUDYES, SPECIALISED DICTIONARYS AND GLOSSARYS 1. Co-author of Best Practice Manual in CBRN-E – National and European Cooperation of public order and safety institutions,

developed within the project Co-Funded by the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of the European Union" - " Development of the capacity of the reaction of public order and safety structures for terrorist acts using CBRN, HOME / 2012 / ISEC / AG / 4000004426 - European Commission, Directorate-General for Home Affairs, ABAC: 30-CE-0613101 / 00-89, Programme Prevention of and fight against crime, the Beneficiary Police Academy, Publisher Dobrogea - Constanța (Cod CNCSIS 11), ISBN 978-606-565-090-9, 300 books, 150 pages, 2015;

2. Co-author of Guide to good practices identified in the prevention and mitigation of attacks with chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear developed within the project Co-Funded by the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of the European Union" - " Development of the capacity of the reaction of public order and safety structures for terrorist acts using CBRN, HOME / 2012 / ISEC / AG / 4000004426 - European Commission, Directorate-General for Home Affairs, ABAC: 30-CE-0613101 / 00-89,

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Programme Prevention of and fight against crime, the Beneficiary Police Academy, Real Publisher (NCSRHE), ISBN 978-973-0-18483-9 1,500 copies, 50 pages, Bucharest, 2015;

3. Co-author Bachelor’s Degree Tests Handbook, handbook for mural and extra-mural courses, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISBN 978-606-11-3416-8, 275 pages, Craiova, 2013;

4. Co-author of MA brochure Operational cooperation and best practices at Schengen borders, within Master Degree Study called Operational Border Cooperation and Information Systems at the Schengen Border, subject European Information Systems used in Schengen Cooperation, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISBN 978-606-11-3094-8, pp. 169-218, Craiova, 2013;

5. Co-author of Advanced eLearning, computer training manual, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), 290 pages, ISBN 978-606-11-1984-4, Bucharest 2011;

6. Co-author of Relevant European and national information systems in the Schengen context. Personal data protection, textbooks as coordinator of the project research team on the Project Schengen Facility RO-5-FSCH, Schengen Multifunctional Training Centre, 207 pages, ISBN 978-973-0-09496-1, Bucharest 2010;

7. Co-author of Legislation and procedures regarding Schengen alerts, textbooks as a member of the research team on the Project Schengen Facility RO-5-FSCH, Schengen Multifunctional Training Centre, 206 Pages, ISBN 978-973-0-09523-4, Bucharest, 2010;

8. Co-author of Information technology, systems infrastructure and services for European cooperation, Volume I and II textbooks as a member of the research Project Schengen Facility RO-5-FSCH, Schengen Multifunctional Training Centre Publisher, pages Vol. I 337, Vol. II 198, ISBN Confidential, Bucharest 2010;

9. Co-author of E-learning - Conceptual framework, computer training manual, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), 281 pages, ISBN 978-606-530-778-0, Bucharest 2009;

10. Co-author of MA brochure Schengen border cooperation, cooperation with SIS II and S.I.Re.N.E. Office within Master Degree Study called Operational Border Cooperation and Information Systems at the Schengen Border, ProUniversitaria Publisher (NCSRHE Code 102), ISBN 978-973-129 - 303-5, pp. 49-71, Bucharest 2008;

11. Co-author of MA brochure Schengen border, NISA system and protection of personal data - Risk Analysis and Rapid Border Intervention in Schengen cooperation, within Master Degree Study called Operational Border Cooperation and Information Systems at the Schengen Border, ProUniversitaria Publisher (NCSRHE Code 102), ISBN 978-973-129-304-2, pp. 120-126, Bucharest 2008;

12. Co-author of MA brochure Schengen border, the border security issue with surveillance and control systems - Risk Analysis and Rapid Border Intervention in Schengen cooperation within Master Degree Study called Operational Border Cooperation and Information Systems at the Schengen Border, ProUniversitaria (NCSRHE 102), ISBN 978-973-129-304-2, 84-103, Bucharest 2008;

13. Co-author of Small glossary for Border Police, specialty dictionary, ProUniversitaria Publishing (NCSRHE Code 102), 432 pages, ISBN (10) 973-8994 -08 X, ISBN (13) 978-973-8994 - 08-9, Bucharest 2006;

14. Co-author of Technical systems used for surveillance and border control, specialized university course, (Restricted), 229 pages, Bucharest 2006;

AUTHOR OF ARTICLES PUBLISHED AND PRESENTED IN NATIONALS OR INTERNATIONALS SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES 1. Author of article, Refugee crisis and the european effect of the “Achilles Heel “ - new challenges of the European Union migratory

pressure, The 5th Edition of the Scientific Conference under the aegis of the Doctoral School within the „Al.I.Cuza” Police Academy,

ISBN 1844-7945, Juridical Universe Publisher, pp. 57-65, Bucharest, 15 June 2016;

2. Author of article, Trojan Horse of the European Union refugee crisis. Stuck between the “tears of solidarity” and the “walls of responsability”, published at the International Conference Challenges and Strategies in Public Order and Safety, Edition XVI organized by the Police Academy, ISBN978-606-26-0604-6, ProUniversitaria Publishing, pp. 427-431, Bucharest, 02-03 June 2016;

3. Author of article European training strategy for border guards – between the need of a common voice and the difficulty of harmonizing the competencies, The 3rd Edition of the Scientific Conference under the aegis of the Doctoral School within the „Al.I.Cuza” Police Academy, Volumule 2 Special Edition (June 2015) of the Public Security Studies Journal, ISBN 2284-8592, Sitech Publisher, pp. 32-40, Bucharest, 12 June 2015;

4. Author of article Harmonisation and integration of border authorities training through European Union agencies, the 3rd Edition of the Scientific Conference under the aegis of the Doctoral School within the „Al.I.Cuza” Police Academy, Volumule 2 Special Edition (June 2015) of the Public Security Studies Journal, ISBN 2284-8592, Sitech Publisher, pp. 41-49, Bucharest, 12 June 2015;

5. Author of article An overview of the agencies, units and organizations with responsibilities in trening of European border authorities, published at the International Conference Challenges and Strategies in Public Order and Safety, organized by the Police Academy, ISBN 978-606-28-0244-8, University Publishing House, pp. 125-131, Bucharest, 28-29 May 2015;

6. Author of article First steps and Initiatives for a common law enforcement training scheme at EU level, volume of International Scientific Conference Strategies XXI Strategic changes in security and international relations organized by the Faculty of Security and Defence the National Defense University "Carol I". Conference Proceedings, Volume 3 ISSN 2285-8318, ISSN 2285-8318, pp. 333-340, Bucharest, 2 to 3 April, 2015;

7. Author of article The border array of training systems in EU member states - steps towards a common approach, the volume of International Scientific Conference Strategies XXI Strategic changes in security and international relations organized by the Faculty of Security Defence of the National Defence University "Carol I". Conference Proceedings, Volume 3 ISSN 2285-8318, ISSN 2285-8318, pp. 314-352, Bucharest, 2 to 3 April, 2015;

8. Author of the article Sectoral Qualifications Framework for border guards in the European Union (SQF - Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Border Guarding), presented at the International Conference Challenges and Strategies in Public Order and Safety, organized by the Police Academy, ISBN 978-606-591-972-3, University Publishing House, Bucharest, 15 to 16 May, 2014;

9. Author of article Puzzle-ul securităţii frontierelor externe ale UE - Blocaţi între Soft Power-ul paşnicei Venus şi Hard Power-ul războinicului Marte, presented in the scientific conference with international attendance European Union – space of liberty, security and freedom, Ist Volume, rganised by the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, ISBN 978-606-11-2011-6, Sitech Publisher, Craiova, 25 November 2011;

10. Author of article Congruence of national border security strategy in the context of accession to the Schengen Area, presented in the scientific conference Romania accession to Schengen Area - from goal to reality, organised by the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy and Romanian Society of European Law, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 24 February 2011, ISBN 978-973-129-820-7, pp.85-97;

11. Author of article The dualism of national and European strategies in the context of the Schengen border security, presented in the scientific conference Romania accession to Schengen Area - from goal to reality, organised by the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy and Romanian Society of European Law, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 24 February 2011,

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ISBN 978-973-129-820-7, pp.186-199; 12. Author of article Schengen Area’s virtual borders security – steps and initiatives in the informational flows management, presented

in the 7th scientific conference called Military Science Universe, under the aegis of „Carol I” National Defense University, UNAP Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 26), Bucharest, 14 - 15 April 2011, ISBN 978-973-663-896-1, pp. 264-271;

13. Author of article Ubiquity as a attribute for the special records it systems used in the security of the Schengen Area, presented in the 7th scientific conference called Military Science Universe, under the aegis of „Carol I” National Defense University, UNAP Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 26), Bucharest, 14 - 15 April 2011, ISBN 978-973-663-896-1, pp. 272-282;

14. Author of article Influences and perspectives on border security dimension of the European Union, presented in the 8th scientific conference called Cultura socio-juridică – un factor de echilibru şi stabilitate în perioadele de criză, organised by the „Spiru Haret” University, Law and Public Administration Faculty, „Universul Juridic” Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 103), Constanţa, 06 May 2011, ISBN 978-973-127-555-0, pp. 20-32;

15. Author of article Reconfiguration and the perspectives of strategic areas security in the European space, presented in the scientific conference Security in the post-conflict (Western) Balkans: Transition and challenges faced by the Republic of Macedonia (Security Studies and the Science of Security) organised by the “St. Kliment Ohridski”- Bitola University, Security Studies Faculty - Skopje, Ohrid, FYROM, 27-28 May 2011, ISBN 978-608-4532-16-3, pp. 43-49;

16. Author of article European Union acceptance for a joint concept concerning integrated management of external borders (Apetenţa Uniunii Europene pentru un concept comun de gestionare integrată a frontierelor externe), presented in the 3rd international scientific conference, Education and Progress in the Third Millennium, “Dunărea de Jos” University, Faculty of Legal, Social and Political Studies - Galaţi, full-member of Public Administration Institutes and School from Central and Eastern Europe, with participation of Urbino “Carlo Bo” University - Italia, Stanislaw Staszic Bia£ystok College of Public Administration - Polonia and “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” University - Cahul, Moldova, 29-30 April 2011, Galaţi University Publishing, (NCSRHE Code) ISBN 978-606-8008-64-6, pp.;

17. Author of article Intermestic Security And Foreshadow Of A New Strategy Of European Union Internal Security (Securitatea intermestică şi prefigurarea unei noi strategii de securitate internă a Uniunii Europene), presented in the 3rd international scientific conference, Education and Progress în the Third Millennium, “Dunărea de Jos” University, Faculty of Legal, Social and Political Studies - Galaţi, full-member of Public Administration Institutes and School from Central and Eastern Europe, with participation of Urbino “Carlo Bo” University - Italia, Stanislaw Staszic Bia£ystok College of Public Administration - Polonia and “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” University - Cahul, Moldova, 29-30 April 2011, Galaţi University Publishing, (NCSRHE Code) ISBN 978-606-8008-64-6, pp.;

18. Author of article Global crisis and industrial property rights, presented in the 3rd international scientific conference ETC International, called Corporate Social Responsibility in a Permanent Changing World, organised by the “George Bacovia” University - Bacău, ECT Journal, (B+ Journal, indexed in Copernicus Index, Directory of Open Access Journals, International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication, Cabell’s, ProQuest, SCIPIO, Open Access Journal Search Engine), Bacău, 13-14 May 2011, ISSN 2067 - 5046 - print edition; 2068 - 7389 - online edition, pp. 145-155;

19. Author of article Analysis of the criminal offences in gambles field in Romania, presented in the 3rd international scientific conference ETC International, called Corporate Social Responsibility in a Permanent Changing World, organised by the “George Bacovia” University - Bacău, ECT Journal, (B+ Journal, indexed in Copernicus Index, Directory of Open Access Journals, International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication, Cabell’s, ProQuest, SCIPIO, Open Access Journal Search Engine), Bacău, 13-14 May 2011, ISSN 2067 - 5046 - print edition; 2068 - 7389 - online edition, pp. 145-155;

20. Author of article The concept of personal data protection from the perspective of Prüm Treaty, presented in the 3rd international scientific conference ETC International, called Corporate Social Responsibility in a Permanent Changing World, organised by the “George Bacovia” University - Bacău, ECT Journal, (B+ Journal, indexed in Copernicus Index, Directory of Open Access Journals, International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication, Cabell’s, ProQuest, SCIPIO, Open Access Journal Search Engine), Bacău, 13-14 May 2011, ISSN 2067 - 5046 - print edition; 2068 - 7389 - online edition, pp. 145-155;

21. Author of article A contemporary and strategic approach on European Union border management, presented in the 3rd international scientific conference ETC International, called Corporate Social Responsibility in a Permanent Changing World, organised by the “George Bacovia” University - Bacău, ECT Journal, (B+ Journal, indexed in Copernicus Index, Directory of Open Access Journals, International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication, Cabell’s, ProQuest, SCIPIO, Open Access Journal Search Engine), Bacău, 13-14 May 2011, ISSN 2067 - 5046 - print edition; 2068 - 7389 - online edition, pp. 145-155;

22. Author of article The puzzle of EU's external border security - stuck between the Soft Power of peaceful Venus and Hard Power of warrior Mars, presented in the scientific conference with international attendance European Union – space of freedom, security and justice, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Sitech Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 70), Bucharest, 24 November 2011, ISBN 978-606-11-2011-6, pp. 457-466;

23. Author of article Operational management systems for securing the external borders of the European Union, presented in the 6th scientific conference with international attendance Strategii XXI, Securitate şi apărare europeană în contextul crizei economico-financiare, organised by „Carol I” National Defense University, UNAP Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 26), Bucharest, 15 - 16 April 2010, ISBN 978-973-663-811-4, pp. 849-862;

24. Author of article Prüm Treaty and the future of the third generation Schengen Information System (Tratatul de la Prüm şi viitorul celei de a treia generaţii a Sistemului de Informaţii Schengen), presented in the 2nd scientific conference with international attendance Exploration, Education and Progress in the Third Millennium, “Dunărea de Jos” University, Juridical and Political Sciences Faculty - Galaţi, full-member of Public Administration Institutes and School from Central and Eastern Europe, 23-24 April 2010, Galaţi University Publishing, (NCSRHE Code) ISBN 978-606-8008-64-6 CD version, pp. 55-65, ISSN volume I 2066-7019, pp.344-354;

25. Author of article Achievements and prospects of European Visa Information System (Realizări şi perspective ale Sistemului European de Informaţii privind Vizele), presented in the 2nd scientific conference with international attendance Exploration, Education and Progress în the Third Millennium, “Dunărea de Jos” University, Juridical and Political Sciences Faculty - Galaţi, full-member of Public Administration Institutes and School from Central and Eastern Europe, 23-24 April 2010, Galaţi University Publishing, (NCSRHE Code) ISBN 978-606-8008-64-6 CD version, pp. 55-65, ISSN volume I 2066-7019, pp. 385-395;

26. Author of article The protection of personal data in the context of the Prüm Treaty, presented in the 3rd scientific conference with international attendance Afacerile interne şi justiţia în contextul integrării europene şi al globalizării, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 2010, ISSN 2066-995X, pp. 1050-1060;

27. Author of article Achievements and prospects for visas domain at European level, presented in the 3rd scientific conference with international attendance Afacerile interne şi justiţia în contextul integrării europene şi al globalizării, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 2010, ISSN 2066-995X, pp. 1060-1073;

28. Author of article The concept of personal data protection from the perspective of The Prüm Treaty (Conceptul de protecţie a datelor

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cu caracter personal în perspectiva Tratatului de la Prüm), presented in the 2nd scientific conference with international attendance The Role and Place of Lawin a Society Based of Knowledge, organised by “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Law and Letters and Social Science Faculty - Târgu-Jiu in collaboration with Masaryk Law University – Czech Republic (Brno), under the aegis of Romanian Lawyers Union and Romanian Science Academy, 16-17 April 2010;

29. Author of article Eurojust şi impactul său asupra politicii externe şi de securitate comună a Uniunii Europene (Eurojust and its impact on common foreign and security policy of the European Union), presented in the international scientific conference Ştiinţe politice, relaţii internaţionale şi studii europene , organised by „Lucian Blaga” University – Sibiu in collaboration with Political Science, International Relationship and European Studies Faculty, with the participation of Graduates and Students League of Political Science and International Relations (LASSPRI), Sibiu 28-30 May 2010, ISBN: 978-973-739-990-8, pp. 178-186;

30. Author of article Schengen III şi perspectivele securizării frontierelor externe ale Uniunii Europene, (Schengen III and the perspectives of European Union’s external border security), presented in the international scientific conference Ştiinţe politice, relaţii internaţionale şi studii europene , organised by „Lucian Blaga” University – Sibiu in collaboration with Political Science, International Relationship and European Studies Faculty, with the participation of Graduates and Students League of Political Science and International Relations (LASSPRI), Sibiu 28-30 May 2010, ISBN: 978-973-739-990-8, pp. 246-256;

31. Author of article Integration at nationwide of the Common Model on the Concept of Risk Analysis (CIRAM), presented in the XVIth scientific conference with international attendance Intelligence pentru Secolul XXI: Analiză şi decizie strategică într-un mediu de securitate complex, Limitele cunoaşterii şi capacitatea de anticipare şi acţiune strategică, organised by the „Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy with Romanian Intelligence Service, Bucharest 12 November 2010, ISBN: 978-606-532-031-4;

32. Author of article EU virtual border security through effective management of information flows, presented in the XVIth scientific conference with international attendance Intelligence pentru Secolul XXI: Analiză şi decizie strategică într-un mediu de securitate complex, Limitele cunoaşterii şi capacitatea de anticipare şi acţiune strategică, organised by the „Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy with Romanian Intelligence Service, Bucharest 12 November 2010, ISBN: 978-606-532-031-4;

33. Author of article The impact of the National Strategy for accession to the Schengen Area on the legal regime of the state border, presented in the 4th scientific conference with international attendance Instituţii juridice contemporane în contextul integrării României în Uniunea Europeană, Romanian-American University, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 12-13 November 2010, ISSN 2065-5495, pp. 455-469;

34. Author of article The strategy focused on integrated border management for 2010-2012, presented in the 4th scientific conference with international attendance Instituţii juridice contemporane în contextul integrării României în Uniunea Europeană, Romanian-American University, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 12-13 November 2010, ISSN 2065-5495, pp. 469-480;

35. Author of article The intermestic security and foreshadowing a new Internal Security Strategy of the European Union, presented in the 10th scientific conference with international attendance Impactul evoluţiei relaţiilor internaţionale asupra mediului de securitate, organised by „Carol I” National Defense University, UNAP Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 26), Bucharest, 18 - 19 November 2010, ISBN 978-973-663-856-5, pp. 760-772;

36. Author of article European Union steps for a common concept of Integrated Border Management External, presented in the 10th scientific conference with international attendance Impactul evoluţiei relaţiilor internaţionale asupra mediului de securitate, organised by „Carol I” National Defense University, UNAP Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 26), Bucharest, 18 - 19 November 2010, ISBN 978-973-663-856-5, pp. 773-785;

37. Author of article The puzzle of national border security - Risk analysis and risk abolition of internal border controls, presented in the scientific conference Protecţia intereselor fundamentale ale României împotriva criminalităţii transfrontaliere, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 15-16 November 2010, ISBN 978-973-129-761-3, pp. 110-113;

38. Author of article Risk management and European border security threats, presented in the scientific conference Protecţia intereselor fundamentale ale României împotriva criminalităţii transfrontaliere, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 2009, ISSN 2066-995X, pp.451-456;

39. Author of article Issues concerning the applicability of asylum procedures, presented in the 2nd scientific conference Afacerile interne şi justiţia în contextul integrării europene şi al globalizării, Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 2009, ISSN 2066-995X, pp. 432-438;

40. Author of article Management staff training process - guarantor of success and efficiency of the Romanian Police, presented in the 3rd scientific conference with international attendance Instituţii juridice contemporane în contextul integrării României în Uniunea Europeană, Romanian-American University, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 2009, ISSN 2065-5495, pp. 541-551;

41. Author of article The influences of the Bologna Process on the basic training of border guards, presented in the 3rd scientific conference with international attendance Instituţii juridice contemporane în contextul integrării României în Uniunea Europeană, Romanian-American University, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 2009, ISSN 2065-5495, pp. 203-213;

42. Author of article Concepts and strategies for border security, presented in the scientific conference Afacerile interne şi justiţia în contextul integrării europene şi al globalizării – vol. I, Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, ProUniversitaria Publishing (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 2008, ISBN 978-973-129-297-7, ISBN Vol. I 978-973-129-298-4, pp. 309-328;

43. Author of article Implementing new concepts of national border security in the context of Romania's accession to Schengen, presented in the 2nd scientific conference with international attendance Instituţii juridice contemporane în contextul integrării României în Uniunea Europeană, Romanian-American University, ProUniversitaria Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 102), Bucharest, 2008, ISBN 978-973-129-345-5, pp. 529-533;

AUTHOR OF ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN ACADEMIC, INDEXED JOURNALS / MAGASINES AND SPECIALIZED PUBLICATIONS 1. Author of the article ABC (Automated Border Control) from A to Z - Facilitate bona fide passengers and maintain the security of

EU, published in the Public Security Studies Journal, Volume 4, Number 1 (13) / 2015, January-March. (The journal is indexed in databases CEEOL, Index Copernicus International, EBSCO, ProQuest, Hein Online, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, getCITED and grand: Matriu d'Információ per a l'Avaluació de les Revistes), Sitech Publisher (NCSRHE Code 70) , ISSN 2284-8592, ISSN 2284-8592, pp. 238-246, 2015;

2. Author of the article The 'Smart Borders Package' and the improvement of the management of the external borders of the Schengen area, published in the Journal of Criminal Investigation, Volume VII, Number 1/2014 (Journal indexed in international databases EBSCO, SSRN, PROQUEST and INDEX COPERNICUS), Universul Juridic Publisher (NCSRHE code 103), ISSN 2247-9503, pp.73 -78, 2014;

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3. Author of the article An overview of joint training of border authorities at EU level, published in Public Security Studies Journal, Volume 3, No. 4 (12) / 2014 October to December. (The journal is indexed in databases CEEOL, Index Copernicus International, EBSCO, ProQuest, Hein Online, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, getCITED and grand: Matriu d'Információ per a l'Avaluació de les Revistes), Sitech Publisher (NCSRHE Code 70) , ISSN 2284-8592, ISSN 2284-8592, pp. 247-258, 2014;

4. Author of the article Methods to harmonise training programs for border authorities in EU Member States, published in Public Security Studies Journal, Volume 3, No. 4 (12) / 2014 from October to December. (The journal is indexed in databases CEEOL, Index Copernicus International, EBSCO, ProQuest, Hein Online, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, getCITED and grand: Matriu d'Információ per a l'Avaluació de les Revistes), Sitech Publisher (NCSRHE Code 70) , ISSN 2284-8592, ISSN 2284-8592, pp. 225-236, 2014;

5. Author of the article Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Border Guarding - SQF the way forward, published in the Journal of Criminal Investigation, Volume VII, Number 2/2014 (Journal indexed in international databases EBSCO, SSRN, PROQUEST and INDEX COPERNICUS), Universul Juridic Publisher, (NCSRHE code 103), ISSN 2247-9503, pp.69 -76, 2014;

6. Author of the article The need to standardize the training of border authorities in the European Union, published in the Journal of Crime Investigation, Volume VII, Number 2/2014 (Journal indexed in international databases EBSCO and SSRN), Universul Juridic Publisher (NCSRHE code 103), ISSN 1844-7945, pp.125-132, 2014;

7. Co-author of the article EU necessity for a common concept of border security in the Schengen context, Journal of Crime Investigation (Journal indexed in international database EBSCO and SSRN), Volume VI, Issue 1/2013, ISSN 2247-9503 - printed edition; Universul Juridic Publisher (NCSRHE code 103), pp. 111-115, 2013; Author of article Consolidation of human rights within the space of liberty, security and justice, Human Rights in Law Enforcement Magazine, trimestrial edition, Universul Juridic Publisher (NCSRHE Code 103), Bucharest ISSN 2285 – 5076, 2013;

8. Author of article (co-author Eduard IVAŞCU) Perspectiva formării profesionale commune – fundament al securităţii spaţiului Schengen, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), Volume VI, Issue 2013, ISSN 1844 - 7945 – printed edition; Juridic Universe Publisher, (NCSRHE Code 103), pp. 1399-146, 2013;

9. Author of article (co-author Oana Popescu) Intelligent Borders – new horizons in computer systems operational management of EU external borders security, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), Volume V, Issue 10/2012, ISSN 1844 - 7945 – printed edition; Juridic Universe Publisher, (NCSRHE Code 103), pp. 229-237, 2012;

10. Author of article Smart Borders – initiatives and perspectives of the information flows management within Schengen area, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), Volume V, Issue 10/2012, ISSN 2247 - 9503 – printed edition; Juridic Universe Publisher, (NCSRHE Code103), pp. 175-183, 2012;

11. Author of article European agencies, institutions and bodies engaged in border security in the face of illegal migration flows, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), Volume V, Issue 1/2012, ISSN 2247 - 9503 – printed edition; Juridic Universe Publisher, (NCSRHE Code 103), pp.. 193-203, 2012;

12. Author of article Agencies, units and bodies with responsibilities in securing borders against illegal migration, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), Volume V, Issue 1/2012, ISSN 1844 - 7445 – printed edition; „Universul Juridic” Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 103), pp. 259-271, 2012;

13. Author of article A critical overview on the European Security Strategy in the context of reconfiguration of European Union external borders, Journal of Criminal Investigations, Volume IV, Issue 1/2011, ISSN 1844 - 7449 – printed edition; „Universul Juridic” Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 103), pp. 215-220, 2011;

14. Author of article A critical overview at the European security strategy in the context of the reconfiguration of the external borders of the European Union, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), Volume IV, Issue 1/2011, ISSN 1844 - 7945 – printed edition; „Universul Juridic” Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 103), pp. 209-217, 2011;

15. Author of article The EU concerted strategies vs. Transatlantic divergent trends on border security, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), Volume IV, Issue 2/2011, ISSN 1844 - 7945 – printed edition; „Universul Juridic” Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 103), pp. 245-253, 2011;

16. Author of article Joint Strategies of the European Union vs. Divergent Transatlantic Trends in Strengthening Border Security, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), Volume IV, Issue 2/2011, ISSN 2247 - 9503 – printed edition; „Universul Juridic” Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 103), pp. 179-187, 2011;

17. Author of article Piatra de temelie a Programului Pilot de Studii Universitare Comune ale poliţiştilor de frontieră la nivelul UE - Lübeck 06-08.12.2010, Frontiera Magasine, No 11 - 01/2011, Master Print Super Offset Publishing (NCSRHE Code), ISSN 1842-8061, Bucharest 2011, pp. 26-27;

18. Author of article Curricula Higher Education, Frontiera Magasine, No 02 - 01.03.2011, Master Print Super Offset Publishing (NCSRHE Code), ISSN 1842-8061, Bucharest 2011, p. 24;

19. Author of article Învăţământ european la Academia de poliţie, Frontiera Magasine, No 03 - 31.03.2011, Master Print Super Offset Publishing (NCSRHE Code), ISSN 1842-8061, Bucharest 2011, p. 27;

20. Author of article Întâlnirea reprezentanţilor universităţilor din UE ce pregătesc poliţişti de frontieră, Frontiera Magasine, No 04 - 02.05.2011, Master Print Super Offset Publishing (NCSRHE Code), ISSN 1842-8061, Bucharest 2011, p. 3;

21. Author of article Proiectul Curricula Higher Education la a VI-a întâlnire, articol publicat în Revista Frontiera, No 05 - 03.06.2011, Master Print Super Offset Publishing (NCSRHE Code), ISSN 1842-8061, Bucharest 2011, p. 13;

22. Author of article Gambling In Romania In The Context Of Globalized Economy, published in B+ Journal Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition, Vol. XIV, Issue 1/2011, indexed Index Copernicus, Directory of Open Access Journals and International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication, ISSN 2067 - 5046 – printed edition; 2068 - 7389 – on-line edition, pp. 145-155, 2011;

23. Author of article Eurosur - integrated surveillance of the external borders of the European Union, articol publicat în Revista de investigare a criminalităţii, No 4/2010, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISSN 1844-7449, Bucharest 2010, pp.305-312;

24. Author of article Visa Information System, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), No 4/2010, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISSN 1844-7449, Bucharest 2010, pp. 313-322;

25. Author of article Mark Registration în the European Union (Înregistrarea domeniului de marcă în cadrul Uniunii Europene), Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), No 5/2010, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISSN 1844-7449, Bucharest 2010, pp.60-67;

26. Author of article Judicial Cooperation Unit of the European Union - Eurojust, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), No 5/2010, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISSN 1844-7449, Bucharest 2010, pp.393-400;

27. Author of article Operational Strategic Meeting - Police Academy "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" – operaţiunea comună puncte focale

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terestre 2010, Frontiera Magasine, No 11 - 12/2010, Master Print Super Offset Publishing (NCSRHE Code), ISSN 1220-711X, Bucharest 2010, p. 28;

28. Author of article National security and the physical supervision of privacy in Romania, Pro Patria Lex Magasine, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, No 16-17, „Universul Juridic” Publishing, (NCSRHE Code 103), Bucharest, 2010, ISSN 1584-3556;

29. Author of article The concept of personal data protection from the perspective of Prum Treaty, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), No 6/2010, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISSN 1844-7449, Bucharest 2010, pp.35-46;

30. Author of article European Agencies, Institutions and Bodies Responsible for Border Security, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), No 6/2010, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISSN 1844-7449, Bucharest 2010, pp.211-220;

31. Author of article La politique etrangere assertive de L’Union Europeenne realize par la Strategie de Securite Europeenne, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), No 6/2010, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISSN 1844-7449, Bucharest 2010, pp.232-246;

32. Author of article Specifics of the information flow within the Schengen area, Internal Affairs Studies and Research Journal, Vol. III, Cermaprint Publishing (NCSRHE Code 98), Bucharest, 2009, ISBN 978-973-1887-41-8, pp. 152-157;

33. Author of article Eurodac, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), No 3/2009, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISSN 1844-7449, Bucharest 2009, pp.234-241;

34. Author of article Personal data protection and NISA System implementation, Internal Affairs Studies and Research Journal, Vol. I, Cermaprint Publishing (NCSRHE Code 98), Bucharest, 2008, ISBN 978-973-1887-41-8, pp. 111-119;

35. Author of article Implementation of new applications and special record their efficient management, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), No 1/2008, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISSN 1844-7449, Bucharest 2008, pp.255-264;

36. Author of article Border Security Strategy in the context of Schengen accession, Journal of Criminal Investigation (The Journal is indexed in the EBSCO international database), No 2/2008, Sitech Publishing (NCSRHE Code 70), ISSN 1844-7449, Bucharest 2008, pp.259-275;

Chief Commissioner Professor Dr. Sergiu Adrian VASILE

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