riyadh geeks - bulding products the lean way

Post on 16-Jul-2015



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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Building products the lean wayRiaydh Geeks

Let’s start with a story

Hello World!

• How many worked on a project that never got released?

• How many worked on a project that was released but nobody used it?

• What is the first thing you do when you have an idea for a new project?

• How many in here are in charge of managing or creating products?

A little about me• I worked on startups and a corporate

• Worked on about 20 different internal and external products, only 5 of which are actively in use today.

• I work at a department called Emerging Business at Elm which allows me to use lean every day.

On Lean• How many know about lean?

• How many applied lean in a project or tried to do that?

• A shout out to Elm, thanks for giving me the opportunity to attend the lean startup conference in SF. I wouldn’t be standing here today without it.

• Also, everything I say and do is my own opinion only and does not represent Elm in anyway or form.

Who uses lean?

Almost every serious startup seeking to be funded or admitted at an incubator.



Quickbooks, mint.com and many other tax software.

8000 employees

GE (General Electric)

300,000 employee

Founded by Thomas Edison (130 years of success !!)

Fast Works

they do it for new products,


internal processes

The American Government !!


What is lean?








Riskiest Assumption

Success Criteria





Applying Lean – Step 1:Idea• What is an idea?

• Kinds of ideas

Individual ideas

Corporate ideas

• How can lean help

Applying Lean – Step 2:Customer• Identify the customer who’s goanna use your product not the customer who

will make you money

• Understand these customers:

What their life is like?

Where do they hangout?

What topics are they interested in?

• Your goal is to know enough information to sympathize with them and understand how they think.

Applying Lean – Step 3:Problem• Define the problem very well. What is the problem that you think your

customers have.

• DO NOT try to find the solution yet. Focus on the problem.

• Brain storm problems and identify the biggest one.

• Your objective is to find the cookie monster look not to find the solution.

Applying Lean – Step 4:Riskest assumption • Brainstorm assumptions.

• What is the assumption that if it was true, it’ll drive you out of business.

• Different types of assumption:

Problem assumption

Solution assumption

Implementation assumption

Applying Lean – Step 5: Success Criteria• Design the experiment.

• What is the percentage that needs to hold to say that your experiment was a success.

• It doesn’t have to be accurate, it gives you a target.

• Trust your feelings here, you may iterate even if you have a 100% success.

Applying Lean – Step 6: Validation• Get out of the building

• Customers can not know that you’re running an experiment

• NO yes or no questions

• NO leading questions

• Stages

Problem validation

Solution validation

Implementation validation

Applying Lean – Step 7: Decision• When to persevere

• When to iterate

• When to pivot

Applying Lean – Step 8: Learn• Record your learning from this iteration

• Sometimes a pattern will emerge as you iterate, keep an eye out for those.

Applying Lean – Step 9: Solution• You only discuss the solution after you’ve identified the problem

• Don’t be shy to ask for money

• Ways to validate solutions: Landing pages :-/

Audience bulding

Blog, newsletter, twitter…etc.



Do the features you wanna build manually before you automate it.

You’re human.


Wizard of Oz

Make user think that you’re a robot


Fake doors

See how many people want to walk through the door before you make it



Get money.


Thank you, Help me improve :D • Pickup your phone

• Open your email app

• Create a new email

• Send it to Motaz.AG@gmail.com

• Put the title as (how much you liked this presentation out of 5) (would you like me to send you emails about “Lean in entreprises” and “customer development”)

i.e. “5 Yes” or “1 No”

• Send the email “empty messages are ok”

• Do. It. Now. please

Lean Startup Machine is coming to Riyadh• https://www.leanstartupmachine.com/cities/riyadh

• Thanks to the people who made this happen

اللحيداننورة @norahallohaidan

شهد الفريح@Shahd_F

For any questions regarding LSM you can mention Raat account@Ra_at1

Let’s stay in touch• Twitter: @MotazG

• E-Mail: motaz.ag@gmail.com

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