review credible & reliable bias. you are researching the american civil war and find letters...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Credible & ReliableBias

You are researching the American Civil War and find letters written by soldiers fighting for the North. Why would these be more credible sources than a modern history textbook?

A. They are free of bias

B. They contain first hand accounts of what it was like to fight in the war.

C. The letters are more interesting than a textbook

D. The letter writers are likely to be experts on the history of war

A candidate is running for Ohio Governor. Which source would most likely be biased?

A. A copy of the candidate’s voting record as a state representative

B. A televised debate between all of the candidates for governor

C. A copy of the candidate’s tax records

D. A letter to the editor of the Columbus Dispatch from a supporter

A town decides to build a new park. A committee studies possible designs and releases a report of their recommendations. What factor contributes to its credibility?A. Length of the report

B. The cost of the report

C. The qualifications of the committee members

D. The number of tables and charts included

What source has the appropriate qualifications to be a credible source about the city streets with the most pedestrian- car accidents?

A. Data collected on a personal blog

B. Conversation with a personal injury lawyer

C. A letter to the editor by an upset parent

D. Data collected by local police department

You are researching World War II. Which sources would most likely be credible sources? (can be 1 or more)

A. D-Day: The Battle of Normandy written by Antony Beevor , a professor at the University of London

B. The movie, Saving Private Ryan, with Tom Hanks

C. The website, Causes of WWII, on

D. Veterans History Project archive collection at the Library of Congress

Analyzing Documents


Documents: Printed or written material relied upon to

communicate, record, or prove something.

Annotate the sourceUnderline/ highlight key wordsTakes notes in the margins- questions or



Main Idea- in your own words what does it say?

What is the document talking about?

OccasionWhat is the historical context?

What was happening when this document was written?

AudienceWho is being addressed?

Who was document created for?


Why was the document created?

Speaker Who is the speaker/author?

Significance Why is this document important? How does it relate to the writing prompt or


Let’s Try It!

Master Leonardo—Hearing that you are staying in Florence, we have conceived the hope that something we have long desired might come true: to have something by your hand. When you were here and drew our portrait in charcoal, you promised one day to do it in colour. But because this would be almost impossible, since it would be inconvenient for you to move here, we beg you to keep your good faith with us by substituting for our portrait another figure even more acceptable to us: that is, to do a youthful Christ of about twelve years old, which would be the age he was when he disputed with the doctors in the Temple, and executed with that sweetness and soft ethereal charm which is the peculiar excellence of your art. If we are gratified by you in this strong desire of ours, you shall know that beyond the payment, which you yourself shall fix, we shall remain so obliged to you that we shall think of nothing else but to do you good service, and from this very moment we offer ourselves to act at your convenience and pleasure. Expecting a favourable reply, we offer ourselves to do all your pleasure.

Isabella d’Este  to da Vinci, 14 May 1504

Using the document, what is Martin Luther saying about salvation? In his 95 Theses, Martin Luther says that

indulgences are wrong. He says a soul is not saved when “money clinks in the collection box.” This means a person cannot buy their way into Heaven. Luther also says that it is better for a person to do good acts in life to reach Heaven.

What does the Council of Trent advise its officials to do and why?

The Council of Trent was an attempt to regain influence for the Catholic Church. It reminded church officials that they should not be living in luxury but should be caring for the “glory of God.” The document says that if officials are good role models than people will be more excited about religion.

According to the Council of Trent, what is the church’s policy on indulgences?

The Council believes that indulgences benefit people but believes they should be used in moderation. They recognize that changes need to be made and indulgences should not be sold just to make money. Indulgences should only be given to people who are faithful and holy.

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