responsible research: professionalism and integrity. the practical, legal and technical bucket list

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Responsible research: professionalism and integrity. The practical, legal and technical bucket list.

honours college, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, 4 januari 2016Marlon Domingus

Science in transition


Rules and Principles

Storage and openness of research data needs a systematic Quality Assurance (QA) approach. We label this the Quality Assurance Research Data (QARD). This QARD approach is preferably built on a set of agreed principles (principle driven, not rules driven) and driven by researcher ownership and academic governance.

QARD cannot be a ‘one size fits all’ activity and is not aimed to create an administrative process as an end in itself, it is a means to become more excellent and reputable in research. QARD is meant to strengthen the focus on high quality standards with regards to research data.

The principles are based on VSNU [2014]: The Netherlands Code of Conduct for Academic Practice. Principles of good academic teaching and research. The QARD framework was developed in November 2015 by Wilfred Mijnhardt (Erasmus University

Rotterdam) and Marlon Domingus ((Erasmus University Rotterdam).

Rules and Principles

1: Fields and traditions matterThere are a variety of fields and research traditions at Erasmus University; for example, from philosophy to econometrics, from qualitative to big data, from empirical to more normative. Forcing al researchers to comply to the same rules, would mean unproductive and senseless bureaucracy for those involved.QARD needs to be able to accommodate for variety in: - The nature of the research (quantitative / qualitative)- The nature of the methodologies (case study / longitudinal study / big data)- The nature of the data (use of data or not), (sensitive or not), (self generated or externally bought)

Rules and Principles

2: Context is key The context of the research implicates the level of strictness in the QARD guidelines. Levels of transparency and openness of data, protocols and publications varies in different contexts. A context can be a field, a method, the nature of the data or the requirements by the university, institutes, publishers or research funders.

Openness of research data is also context dependent in relation to the context of the purpose, the audience and the nature of the data. We propose to distinguish at least 4 relevant contexts for research data storage and openness:(International) GrantsPublishing (Journals/Publishers)Academic Re-use (f.e. Replication)Business/Societal (f.e. Policy)

Rules and Principles

3: Flexibility for collaboration An important feature of the research at Erasmus University is that we are able to collaborate with international peers in a flexible and professional way. This makes researchers from Erasmus University attractive partners for top research. This is why QARD needs to be flexible and agile, with empathy for the relevant ‘context of collaboration’.

Rules and Principles

4: Multilevel: QA programme and RDM projects We propose to work from a two level approach: programme (long term logic) and project (short term logic and make these two aligned in a sensible way. We propose to see the QARD programme as an institutional journey, with 5 levels of achievements developed from a long term determination for excellence in research. We propose a programme perspective to cover the next 10 years (see example of the maturity levels model)

Maturity Model

Quality Assurance of Research Data is a maturity process. It is an institutional journey with levels of achievements. For this the Research Data Management Framework: Capability Maturity Guide, as developed by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) is leading.

See online:

Rules and Principles

5: Academic governance, professional support Governance of the QARD initiative is placed under the recently appointed Vice Rector Research and organized with excellent academics in the lead. The QARD has an academic advisory board. The University Library unit for Academic Services will be enabled to deliver the expertise for the organizational and technical support of the QARD and plan development and maintenance for the project-level RDM. The Academic service unit will collaborate with relevant internal and external experts for the delivering of their services.

Rules and Principles

6: Evaluation for Continuous ImprovementThe QARD is monitored for continuous improvement by annual and 5-annual assessments.To assess the annual progress of the QARD professionalization journey, an annual meta analysis is performed on the progress, performed in accordance with relevant international standards.Every 5 year the QARD performs a “SEP-like” self assessment report and external IPR assessment report to the Executive Board EUR on the progress of the quality assurance in according to international standards

Rules and Principles

7: Standard EUR practice: Integrity pledge Responsible research data management is a matter of attitude, of underlying principles and compliance with specified standards within a specific context. Compliance depends on context and sometimes even means compliance to applicable laws and regulations and compliance to requirements from publishers or research funders are examples of the latter.It is standard EUR practice that faculty sign the scientific integrity pledge, and act, in principle, in accordance with the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Academic Practice, as defined by the VSNU.

Rules and Principles

To give an overview of the complexity of the QARD, we show how different aspects of data can be identified to be documented in different stages of the research life cycle. The following provides a visual representation of the possible data elements that can be identified

Rules and Principles

The minimum protocol lists what all scientific and scholarly disciplines have in common and what at least and in general should be properly stated and documented for compliance to the quality assurance of data.Compliancy to the Quality Assurance of Research Data.

Elsevier RDM roadmap


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Legal Matters - complexiteit

1. de complexiteit van wet- en regelgeving zelf die in een bepaald geval tegelijk van toepassing is (bijvoorbeeld bij internationale onderzoeksprojecten met verschillende wetgeving),

2. het juridisch kader dat varieert, afhankelijk van de aard van de data (bijv. auteursrecht bij beeldmateriaal, geen bescherming bij meetgegevens),

3. het feit dat de wet- en regelgeving niet voor elke situatie direct toepasbaar is, maar interpretatie vergt,

4. het feit dat verschillende belangen voor de verschillende partijen dienen te worden geborgd (bijvoorbeeld bij publiek / private samenwerking) in onderhandelingen hierbij rekening houdend met soms elkaar conflicterende geldende wet- en regelgeving en bepalingen in standaardcontracten en agreements.

5. en tenslotte het feit dat wet- en regelgeving met enige regelmaat zelf aan verandering onderhevig is (zie bijvoorbeeld m.b.t. privacy de meldplicht datalekken en de nieuwe Europese Privacy Verordening).

Legal Matters – risico’s

1. Instelling /onderzoeker kan aansprakelijk worden gesteld2. Belang van instelling / de onderzoeker / het onderzoek

wordt niet gediend3. Risico van niet toegekende onderzoeksgelden (3e

geldstroom)4. Reputatieschade instelling / onderzoeker5. Efficiëntie

Legal Matters

Legal Matters – landelijke werkgroep

Landelijk Coördinatiepunt Research Data Management [LCRDM]:werkgroep juridische aspecten research data management

Doelstelling: Teweeg te brengen dat in een goede samenwerking tussen de instellingen juridische expertise wordt ontwikkeld en gedeeld, op basis waarvan binnen de instelling zelf goed advies kan worden gegeven over de juridische aspecten aangaande research data management, op zo’n manier dat juridische risico’s worden geminimaliseerd en deze geen obstakel vormen voor onderzoek, het delen van onderzoeksgegevens of devalorisatie van dezeonderzoeksgegevens.Kernteam werkgroep:Esther Hoorn (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)Melika Nariman (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam)Marlon Domingus (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam)

LCRDM:Ingeborg Verheul (SURF)Paul van den Brink (SURF)

Legal Matters: privacy


Further Information

drs. Marlon Domingusproject managerResearch Support OfficeErasmus University Rotterdam

  +31 10

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