respect – responsibility – resilience · 5 july spelling bee . 5 july stage 3 planetarium...

Post on 10-Aug-2020






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Respect – Responsibility – Resilience




Monday 17 June • 8am DIM Senior Band in Hall • Year 1 MCA Art Excursion 1M & 1T

Tuesday 18 June • Year 1 MCA Art Excursion 1A & 1H • 11.15am - 12.15pm Chess Lessons in Library • 2.40pm 3-6 Primary Assembly 5G Hosting • 7.30pm P&C meeting in the Library

Wednesday 19 June • 8.30am Senior Choir • Athletics Carnival • NO DIM Senior & Junior Strings

Thursday 20 June • 8.30am Stage 2 Choir in 5C • 8.30am Greek & Italian extension classes • 8.50am Junior Choir in 1H classroom • Dancefever – Athletics • 2.35pm Parent Volunteer Training - last for 2019 • 3.30pm - 4.30pm Stage 3 Code Club

Friday 21 June • 8.00-8.40am Junior Band in Hall • 2.40pm K-2 Infants Assembly 2K Hosting


24 June 6pm DIM Winter Soiree 25 June 2.40pm 3-6 Primary Assembly 1T Hosting 25 June Group Photo Day 26 June 2.35pm Parent Cyber Safety Workshop 28 June K-2 Infants Assembly Prefects Hosting 2 July Stage 2 Performance Matinee & Evening 5 July Spelling Bee 5 July Stage 3 Planetarium Incursion 30 July Kindy Performance Matinee & Evening 6 August – Open Day/Grandparents Day 15 August Zone Athletics Carnival 20 August Stage 1 Performance Matinee & Evening 21-23 August Year 6 Canberra Excursion 25 August School Fete


Stage 3 Planetarium Incursion – Yrs 5&6 Dancefever Athletics – All students Overdue Year 6 Canberra Excursion final payments Athletics Carnival – All Students Year 4 Camp Expression of Interest forms Overdue Ella Greek lessons note – Kindie

Year 3 students at The Rocks walking tour this week

PRINCIPAL’S THOUGHTS Valuables Policy On occasion, students may decide to bring items to school that hold significant monetary or sentimental value. In keeping with legal advice from the Department of Education, the school cannot accept liability for personal belongings, valuables and other student owned property if these items become lost, stolen or broken. As a result, we discourage students from bringing valuables to school including mobile telephones, Smart watches, digital devices, cameras, ‘swap’ cards and the like to school.

2018 School Report I am pleased to provide the 2018 School Report to the community as an account of the school’s achievements throughout the year. This is reported against the first year of implementing the 2018 - 2020 School Plan based on our purposeful strategic directions in student learning, innovative teaching and a resilient community. The report can be found at: Use of the Playgrounds After School As part of the lease for before and after school care, Gowrie NSW uses the school hall and school playgrounds after school. Families are asked to vacate the playgrounds to allow Gowrie to run their programs outside.

New Performance Date The Stage 3 performing arts shows have been moved to Tuesday 24th September, a week later than originally scheduled. Tickets will be released next term.

Drummoyne Public School Email: Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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Education Week Open Day Under the theme ‘Every Student, Every Voice’, Drummoyne Public School will celebrate Education Week 2019 with an Open Day, Grandparent’s Day and Book Fair on Tuesday 6th August. This will be a wonderful opportunity to showcase the efforts and achievements of the students and we hope that you will set this day aside to join us for the celebration.

Semester 1 Student Reports In recent weeks, teachers have been working hard in preparing student reports to parents which will go home in the last week of term. The reports are part of our assessment and reporting process and an integral component of the overall teaching and learning cycle.

Our teachers have been working in their stage teams to ensure our assessment practices allow every student to display their knowledge and skills in relation to the outcomes and content covered in classrooms this semester. We are aiming to provide parents with relevant and clear information about the performance and achievements of your child, in terms of both strengths and areas for development. We welcome your feedback.

June P&C Meeting The June meeting of the P&C will be held this Tuesday 18 June from 7.30pm in the school library. There will be a short presentation on the school’s annual report which is now located on the school’s website.

Activitython – Last Days Thank you to everyone for your wonderful support of the recent Activitython. Almost everyone has returned their sponsorship forms and we would like to announce the winning classes and students next week. Would you please remind the children that all sponsorship forms are to be returned to the school including any blank forms so that names can be marked off by class teachers. If anyone has lost their sponsorship form, would you please write a note to your child's class teacher. Thank you again for your support of this special event. With best wishes for the week ahead, Brian J Dill PRINCIPAL


Class 4P have been very productive in class this week with their writing. Their persuasive writing task was titled “What is the most important subject to learn at school?” I hope you enjoy reading some of their responses.

Please stop by my office to see the rest of their outstanding classwork! Nationally Consistent Collection of Data

From 2015, all schools in Australia are required to participate in the annual Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School

Students with Disability. The aim of the national data collection is to collect quality information about school students receiving an adjustment due to disability in Australia. This information will help teachers, principals, education authorities and families to better support students with disability to take part in school on the same basis as other students. Schools are required to make reasonable adjustments, where needed, to assist students with disability to access and participate in education free from discrimination and on the same basis as other students. This approach is based on the professional judgement of teachers about their students and the level of reasonable adjustments needed that draws on the broad definition of disability under the Disability Discrimination

Drummoyne Public School Email: Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005. The data provided to the Australian Government by the NSW Department of Education is provided in such a way that it cannot be used to identify individual students or schools. For more information, please see the parent/carer fact sheet attached to this newsletter.



Parent Workshop Parents and caregivers are invited to an information session on Wednesday 26th June at 2:35pm to hear our Police Youth Liason Officer Senior Constable James Bottalico share practical ways to ensure our children remain safe when engaging with mobile phones, iPads and other devices. This session is relevant to every parent and we encourage you to take the opportunity to hear about how you can help kids to be safe online.

Please email the school to reserve your place – or call 9181 2636.

Leigh Russ Assistant Principal


On Friday last week Year 3 went to The Rocks. We went on a walking tour and learnt many things. We learnt that 11 boats arrived at The Rocks in 1788. We also learnt that long ago there were normally only two bedrooms in houses – one for the parents and one for all the children. At the end of the tour we went to the old fashioned lolly shop to see how they made the candy. We got to taste cherry candy! Natalia Villamil 3F


Parents who reside in the parish of St Mark’s Drummoyne are welcome to enrol their children who are in years 6, 7 and above for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Enrolment letters are available in the Church foyer or from the Parish office from 14th June 2019. Enrolments close on 28th June 2019. The preparation sessions commence when third term starts. The celebration Masses are Saturday 6pm 31st August and Sunday 9am Mass 1st September 2019. For further details, contact the Parish Office on 9181 1795 or email:

Drummoyne Public School Email: Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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This week we played soccer against Bourke Street Public School at Lyhstart Park in Concord. It was a great game for our side! We scored 14 goals and BSPS had 2 goals. I didn’t get much action because I played goalkeeper for the first half but it was a fantastic day. As we won, we now progress to round 4 and will play in Gymea next week. Wish us luck! Ben Ugov


If you ordered 2 books from the May issue of book club but haven’t yet received them. Please see Brenda in the Library Office as there was a book club order with no name on it so she was unable to get the books to their rightful owner.


Year 6, SRC & Prefects School Photos Sample photos of the Year 6, Fun Year 6, Semester 1 SRC reps & 2019 Prefect groups are now available to view outside the Principal’s office or on the website at using the code 19S1570EL40D. Please order online or by collecting a cash envelope from the school office. Orders will close 17 June.

2020 Kindergarten Enrolments Applications are now being accepted for Kindergarten 2020. If your child turns 5 before July 31, 2020 they are eligible to start school next year. We would appreciate if our local area enrolments would submit their applications as soon as possible. This will allow us to determine if we have any ‘out of area’ places available. Please let your friends and neighbours know.

School Bus Routes & Timetables For information about the school bus routes, timetables and Opal cards please go to the Transport for NSW website:


Next week teachers will be reinforcing the need for students to show resilience and that everybody has the right to learn. Resilience is built as we learn how to problem solve.

Term 2

Resilience In the classroom

Stay positive. Bounce back

Week 8



● I accept challenges and try to

complete a task on my own, with my partner or with my group

● I ask for assistance if I am unsure ● I listen to my peers if they express

a problem ● I try to resolve problems on my

own ● I accept responsibility for my

actions ● I learn from experiences


The 2019 Fete is coming – Please see the attached P&C Fete newsletter for all the latest details.

Uniform Shop The upcoming Winter Soirée on Monday 24th June will feature items from both DIM Strings and Bands. This is their first major performance for the year. The students will be performing in their Strings/Band uniforms. These special polo shirts are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop for $20. All students

Drummoyne Public School Email: Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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in both Strings and Bands are asked to wear the band polo shirt for the performance.

Entertainment Books

Each year we raise vital funds for our school and the children via selling Entertainment Books or Entertainment Mobile Membership (mobile apps).

There is a limited number of books available for pick up from the school office, however the digital (mobile app) version of the membership is highly recommended as it can be shared between several people. The cost of the book/ digital membership is $70 and the school receives 20% ($14).

Also, if you have a digital membership and are travelling to other major cities in Australia, NZ or Bali, you can purchase a 30-day Holiday Digital Membership for $30 to save on your holidays.

To purchase your book or a digital membership, please visit


Band – Monday and Friday am Contact Directions in Music on 9662 2211

Keyboard & Guitar – Tuesday and Thursday pm Contact David Koh on 9411 3122

Greek Classes – Monday, Tuesday, Friday pm Contact Charoulla Themistocleous on 0411 137 266

ChiFUNese Class – Wednesday am email or call (02) 8006 8606

Turkish Language Class – Thursday pm OmerCan 0418 695 766 Bahar 0475 738 726

Enrolment forms and detailed Information on atatu .au/okul


(The following notices are listed as a service to the community but are not necessarily endorsed by the school)

*** Drummoyne students will be performing on the

9th and 10th only.

Drummoyne Public School Email: Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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Drummoyne Public School Email: Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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Drummoyne Public School Email: Rawson Ave, Drummoyne 2047 Phone: 02 9181 2636 or 02 9181 1927

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Supported by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. © 2019 Education Services Australia Ltd, unless otherwise indicated. Creative Commons BY 4.0, unless otherwise indicated.


The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (the national data collection) is an annual collection that counts the number of school students receiving an adjustment due to disability and the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students.

Each of the included students has been identified by a school team as receiving a reasonable adjustment to address a disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

WHY IS THIS DATA BEING COLLECTED?All schools across Australia collect information about students with disability. However, until recently, the type of information collected has varied between each state and territory and across government, Catholic and independent school sectors. The national data collection ensures that, for the first time, information about students with disability is transparent, consistent and reliable at a national level.

A nationally consistent approach to collecting data provides evidence on:

• the number of school students receiving anadjustment due to disability

• the level of adjustment they receive

• the broad type of disability.

From 2018, the student with disability loading providedby the Australian Government is based on the national data collection. Funding is being provided via a loading at different rates based on students’ received level of adjustment (supplementary, substantial or extensive). This will enable funding to be better targeted to studenneed as identified through the collection. Schools will continue to manage their total resources to meet the learning needs of their students based on the educational expertise of their staff.


It is important to note that states and territories are responsible for decisions about the level of funding for government schools; and non-government education systems and approved authorities are responsible for the distribution of the needs-based Commonwealth funding that they receive. While Government funding is calculated with reference to students enrolled at a school, the Government expects schools and school systems to pool their funding from all sources—Australian Government, state/territory and private—and prioritise their spending to meet the educational needs of all of their students. This is because the Government recognises that schools and school systems are best placed to understand the individual needs of students and budget accordingly.

The students with disability loading may be used for broader supports at the classroom, school and sector level, as well as for supports for individual students. Education authorities may, for example, opt to use funding for professional learning and to build capacity and inclusive cultures in schools.

Better information about school students with disability helps parents, carers, teachers, principals, education authorities and government to gain a more complete understanding of students who are receiving adjustments because of disability and how to best support them to take part in schooling on the same basis as other students.

WHAT INFORMATION WILL BE COLLECTED?Every year, your child’s school will collect the following information for each student receiving an adjustment due to disability:

• the student’s year of schooling

• the student’s level of adjustment

• the student’s broad type of disability.

If a student has multiple disabilities, the school team, using their professional judgement, selects the broad category of disability that has the greatest impact on his/her access to education and for which adjustments are being provided.


Supported by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. © 2019 Education Services Australia Ltd, unless otherwise indicated. Creative Commons BY 4.0, unless otherwise indicated.

When undertaking the national data collection, every school in Australia uses the same method to collect information. Therefore, a government schoin suburban Sydney collects and submits data in thsame way as a Catholic school in country Victoria and an independent school in the Northern TerritoThe information collected by schools will be availato all governments to inform policy and program improvement for students with disability.

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HOW WILL THIS DATA BE USED?In addition to informing funding, the data will inform work at a school and system/sectoral level. It will help to ensure that better support for students who are receiving adjustments because of disability becomes routine in the day-to-day practice of schools through:

• strengthening understanding of schools’ legislativeobligations and the Disability Standards forEducation 2005 in relation to students who arereceiving adjustments because of disability

• focusing attention on the individual adjustmentsrequired to support students with disability toparticipate in learning on the same basis as otherstudents, and enabling schools to better reflect onthe needs of these students and to support themmore effectively

• facilitating a more collaborative and coordinatedapproach to supporting students who arereceiving adjustments because of disability,including through encouraging improvements indocumentation at the school level

• strengthening communication between schools,parents/carers and the broader communityabout the needs of students who are receivingadjustments because of disability.

WHO IS INCLUDED IN THE NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION?The definition of disability for the national data collection is based on the broad definition under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

For the purposes of the national data collection, students with learning difficulties (such as dyslexia or auditory processing disorder) or chronic health conditions (like epilepsy or diabetes) that require monitoring and the provision of adjustments by the school may be included.

WHO COLLECTS INFORMATION FOR THE NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION?Teachers and school staff identify the number of students receiving an adjustment due to disability in their school, the broad type of disability and the level of adjustment provided, based on:

• consultation with parents and carers in the courseof determining and providing adjustments

• the school team’s observations and professionaljudgements

• any medical or other professional diagnosis

• other relevant information.

School principals are responsible for ensuring the information identified about each student is accurate.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THE NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION FOR MY CHILD?The aim of the national data collection is to collect quality information about Australian school students receiving adjustments due to disability.

This information will help teachers, principals, education authorities and governments to better support students with disability to take part in school on the same basis as other students.

The national data collection provides an opportunity for schools to review their learning and support systems and processes to continually improve education outcomes for students with disability and all students.

Supported by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. © 2019 Education Services Australia Ltd, unless otherwise indicated. Creative Commons BY 4.0, unless otherwise indicated.

WHAT ARE SCHOOLS REQUIRED TO DO FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITY?All students are entitled to a quality learning experience at school.

Schools are required to make reasonable adjustments, where needed, to assist students with disability to access and participate in education free from discrimination and on the same basis as other students.

These responsibilities are outlined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards). The Standards require educators, students, parents and others (e.g. allied health professionals) to work together to ensure students with disability can participate in education.

WHAT IS A REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT?A reasonable adjustment is a measure or action taken to help a student with disability access and participate in education on the same basis as other students. Adjustments can be made across the whole school setting (e.g. ramps into school buildings), in the classroom (such as adapting teaching methods) and at an individual student level (e.g. extra tuition for a student with learning difficulties).

Reasonable adjustments reflect the assessed individual needs of the student, and are provided in consultation with the student and/or their parents and carers. For the Disability Standards for Education 2005, an adjustment is reasonable in relation to a student with disability if it balances the interests of all parties affected. Schools are required to make reasonable adjustments for students with disability under the Standards.

WHEN DOES THE COLLECTION TAKE PLACE?The national data collection is conducted in August each year.

IS THE NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION COMPULSORY?Yes. All education ministers agreed to full implementation of the national data collection from 2015. This means that all schools must now collect and submit information annually on the number of students receiving adjustments due to disability in their care, and the level of adjustment they receive.

Information about the arrangements that may apply to your school in relation to this data collection is available from your child’s school principal and the relevant education authority.

HOW IS MY CHILD’S PRIVACY PROTECTED?Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all students and their families is essential and is an explicit focus of the national data collection. Data is collected within each school, and personal details, such as student names or other identifying information, are not provided to local or federal education authorities.

Further information about privacy is available in the Public information notice.

FURTHER INFORMATIONContact your child’s school if you have further questions about the NCCD. You can also visit the NCCD Portal.

An e-learning resource about the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Disability Standards for Education 2005 is freely available for the use of individuals, families and communities.

The document must be attributed as Parent, guardian and carer fact sheet.



Add the DPS Spring Fete to your calendar

and tell your family and friends!


Fête 2019- Q&As

Every ‘fête season’ brings with it questions. None earth shattering. None worth losing sleep over. But each

question shows how little improvements are shaping our DPS Fête into a great legacy. What’s more, each shows

the sheer luck that we have such a great bunch of people in one room willing to miss a dinner with their families

to give back to the rest of us (and some):

1. Angela/Kirsty (Communication & Social Media): Will they let me write this dribble without taming my ‘style’? And will they find a way to communicate with you, dear parent, on how critical your support/sponsorship to the Fête can be to all kinds of things?

2. Matt (Logistics): Will he be able to drop two dodgems side by side without knocking walls or trees? A possible cure to the Love-Hate-Long-Queues-But-We-Want-Them-Dodgem syndrome.

3. Kat (Licensing & Notifications): Will she be able to convince the Police Department that her ‘yearly’ fête application shouldn’t really be due until 2030? True story.

4. Joanne/Bec/Chuck (Stalls): What rabbit will they pull out this year? And from which stall? Heard the Toy Stall Story?

5. Sam/Corinne (Sponsorship) and their rainmakers (Jenny, Natasha, Christina, Victoria): Will they finally find the $5k Platinum Fête Sponsor? And will they stop talking about it at their dinner tables?

6. Mel (Stage): She discovered she could have 2 stages for her events! Only God knows what she will do now. Or should we worry what Matt will do instead?

7. Martina (Treasurer): Will she be able to stop me pestering her and her team each hour of the fete day about ‘How much did we make now?’. I should be asking instead “what do we do with Martina?!

8. Anna (Secretary): I have not met Anna yet. I managed to call our first meeting exactly when it’s impossible for her to attend. Oh, by the way, she’s also the P&C secretary and wants to shadow …. (blank is intentional).

9. Hunter (Graphic Designer). I lied. Hunter is the P&C IT guru. He took it onto himself to be our graphic designer until we find one. Will Hunter ever say NO to anything?

10. Brian and his ‘tinkers’ Nina/Angela/Dora/Kirsty/Phil: They pick up the pieces left behind by the rest of us. Please say thank you each time you pass by.

11. God (Droughts, Hurricanes & Stage Events): will she break off the drought on fête day? Or start earlier and give us a break that day? Either way, this year, our loss won’t be our rain.

Below are our usual Q&As. They hardly change but they always need reminders:


There will be 3 mufti days in the lead up to the fete – Business/Parent Vouchers &

Donations, Home Spun Craft and Tombola Jars.


We request that you start collecting now! Ask your boss or a business you frequent to

help out! Cash sponsors welcome (


or vouchers/gift baskets for chocolate wheel and silent auction.

NOTE: All cash donations/sponsorships will be tracked by class and the class that raises

the most cash donations up to and including the “Vouchers & Donations Mufti Day” will

win an All-Day Fete Ride Pass for each and every child in the class!

If you want your child or young person to be resilient enough to cope with the hardships that come his or her way, and in doing so build strengths for the future, consider fostering your own resilience first. Parents are in the best position to influence their children’s resilience. Children watch our reactions to adverse events and view first hand how we look after – or neglect – our own mental health and wellbeing.

Focusing on our own resilience is not as difficult as it may seem. If you adapt a resilience mindset you’ll find that resilient behaviour follows. Want to get fitter physically? You could take up a new fitness regime or you could simply adopt a fitness mindset. Adopt the former and there’s a reasonable chance that you’ll start off gung ho and run out of steam after a month. Adopt the latter and you’ll more likely take small, sustainable steps such as walking or riding to work, taking stairs instead of escalators and playing active games rather than sitting on the couch on weekends.

The mindset approach works well with resilience. Take the sustainable approach of looking after your mental health, becoming conscious of the messages you send yourself and developing coping skills that allow you to respond rather than react to adverse events. These simple ideas will help:

Watch your self-talk

The little voice inside your head can have a catastrophic impact when you allow it to. It can talk you into the blues, lower your confidence and build mountainous problems out of molehills. Once you’re aware of its impact, you can switch it off or change its negative chatter to something more positive and realistic. It takes practice but it’s worth it. When you have a resilience mindset you’ll start to check that chatter in your head.

Park the bad stuff

Ever had an argument with a family member at breakfast only to find it messed up your whole day? A common trait with resilient people is that they can compartmentalise their lives so that difficult experiences in one domain won’t interfere with their effectiveness elsewhere. When you have a resilience mindset you’ll consciously park the negative stuff while you get on with the rest of the day, only revisiting it on your own terms.

Stay flexible in your thinking

People who lack resilience pepper their language with absolute, imperative statements such as ‘I must always be on time,’ ‘They never do anything to help,’ or ‘They should always use good manners’. This shows inflexible,

We're a Parenting Ideas school

Developing a resilience mindsetby Michael Grose



unrealistic thinking that leads to stress and anxiousness. When you have a resilience mindset you’ll use more moderate language reflecting a flexible approach to life. The above statements become ‘I’ll always try to be on time but sometimes it’s impossible,’ ‘They are sometimes helpful but they can be forgetful,’ and ‘I’d like it if they were well-mannered but sometimes they aren’t’.

Make sleep a priority

We are only beginning to make solid links between sleep and resilience. Mothers of newborns know how debilitating sleep deprivation can be. They can’t function effectively and depression is close at hand. Many people spend much of their lives experiencing some form of sleep deprivation, compensating by taking regular caffeine hits, self-medicating with alcohol and using other ineffective remedies. When you develop a resilience mindset, you make sleep a high priority, taking the necessary lifestyle steps to make sleep easy to attain.

Create a pressure valve

In a society that views busyness as a status symbol, it’s tempting to keep working until you drop, neglecting to enjoy some downtime that releases the pressures of work. When you have a resilience mindset you value down-time and relaxation and understand the positive impact these have on your mental health and the wellbeing of people around you.

When you have a resilience mindset you have a greater understanding of what resilience is about and you’re in a better position to develop a lasting sense of resilience in your kids. Developing resilience in kids is like jumping off a pier with some friends on a cold winter’s day. In both instances you need to go first.

Michael Grose

Michael Grose, founder of Parenting Ideas, is one of Australia’s leading parenting educators. He’s the author of 10 books for parents including Thriving! and the best-selling Why First Borns Rule the World and Last Borns Want to Change It, and his latest release Spoonfed Generation: How to raise independent children.

We're a Parenting Ideas school

DRUMMOYNEOutside School Hours Care

June 2019 Newsletter

comparing our organic produce with supermarket produce.

Basketball ClubThe Basket Ball club, taking place every Monday, has been a great success with the children. Basketball is not only a great way for children to get active, but it is also a great way to teach them the value of teamwork.

Important Reminder for Families

AbsenceA friendly reminder to families, please notify the centre if your children will not be attending any scheduled bookings. The school does not notify the centre if your child has gone home early or is absent for the day.

Welcome to the June edition of our newsletter.

In the past three months our children have been engaging and participating in various exciting club activities, focusing on cooking, sports and the environment.

Cooking ClubDuring Cooking Club, the children made protein balls with guidance from Bassma and Nicole. The children learnt about healthy ingredients and why protein balls are good for your health. The treats were tasty and healthy, packed with nutritious ingredients for the children to eat. All the children loved taking part making and eating the protein balls.

Gardening ClubThe staff have been working hard with the children to nurture and maintain the veggie garden at Drummoyne Public School. A fantastic selection of vegetables have flourished such as carrots, radishes, cabbage and brussel sprouts. We also picked the vegetables and had a taste,

another family member or friend, please send an email or text message to the centre stating who will be collecting your child and their relationship to the parents of the child. Also, a photo ID must be available to the responsible person upon collection.

Staff UpdateI would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new staff Brianna, and Katrina who have experience in Early childhood education and are studying at university.

A reminder of St Marks Student Term Dates

Term 2 ends: 5 JulyTerm 3 starts: 22 July Term 3 ends: 27 SeptemberTerm 4 starts: 14 OctoberTerm 4 ends: 18 December

Staff Development DaysThursday 4 JulyFriday 5 JulyThursday 19 DecemberFriday 20 December

A reminder of Drummoyne Public School dates

11 June 2.40pm 3-6 Primary Assembly.5C Hosting 14 June K-2 Infants Assembly 1A Hosting14 June Stage 3 Gala Day 17 & 18 June Year 1 MCA Art Excursion 19 June Athletics Carnival 24 June 6pm DIM Winter Soiree & Stage 2 Choir 25 June Group Photo Day 26 June Parent Cyber Safety Workshop 2 July Stage 2 Performance Matinee & Evening 5 July Spelling Bee 30 July Kindy Performance Matinee & Evening 6 August – Open Day/Grandparents Day 15 August Zone Athletics Carnival 20 August Stage 1 Performance Matinee & Evening 21-23 August Year 6 Canberra Excursion 25 August School Fete

Cancellations and ChangesWhen cancelling any bookings, a 2 weeks’ notice is required. If bookings are cancelled after this 2-week period, sessions will be charged at a normal fee, whether the child is in attendance or not.

Any permanent changes to your child’s booking must be communicated in writing to the program manager.

Cessation of CareIf a cancellation has been made to an enrolment, and the child does not attend their final booked day or days, full fees will be charged as the cessation of care requirement.

Late FeesGowrie Drummoyne ends afternoon care at 6pm every day. There is a late collection fee for all children collected after this time. The Gowrie NSW late collection fee policy, which is $1 per minute for the first 10 minutes and $5 for every minute after.

MedicationIf your child has any medical considerations such as anaphylaxis, asthma or allergies a medical plan or action plan and medication, along with a Gowrie risk minimisation plan (supplied by the service and completed by parents and staff) is required at the centre. All medication must be correctly labelled in its original container with no details obstructed for clear display, including an expiry date. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s health and wellbeing, please do not hesitate to speak with the program manager (Juliana) or Assistant Program Manager (Josh).

School Gate PolicyPlease ensure the side gate to Drummoyne school in between St Marks school is shut every time you enter and exit the school as this is a school policy which we all have abide by.

Alternative Child Pick-UpIf your child is going to be picked up by

The children working together on their gardening project.

Keeping active at OSHC!

DRUMMOYNEOutside School Hours Care

Rawson Avenue, Drummoyne 2047 P 0436 616 744 E E

The children enjoying arts and crafts.

Planetarium Incursion 13 June 2019

Dear Parent/Caregiver, Year 5 and Year 6 have the opportunity to participate in an exciting Planetarium workshop being held at school in our hall on Friday, 5 July 2019. The workshop called ‘Moon Base One’ is an integral part of our science unit this term. The experienced presenter will provide an interactive display that will be both highly educational and a lot of fun! Each 50 minute session will look at:

Interactions between the Earth, Moon, and Sun.

The Earth's position in the solar system as a dynamic part of a complex, interrelated system.

Predictable phenomena on the Earth, including day and night, seasons and eclipses are caused

by the relative positions of the sun, the Earth and the moon.

The cost will be $9.00 per student. Please return this note by Monday 1 July. Sincerely

Orla Page Brian J Dill Assistant Principal Principal -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Planetarium Incursion I give permission for my child_____________________________ of class ________________ to attend the Planetarium Incursion on 5 July 2019 at the cost of $9.00. Signature ______________________________________________ Date ______________________ For your convenience you can pay with the secure Parent Online Payment (POP) system on our school website under the MAKE A PAYMENT, no later than Monday 1 July. Alternatively you can pay with cash or cheque to the school office. Please write your POP receipt number here ________________. Please note that when paying online, a signed permission note is still required to be sent to school.

7 June 2019

K-6 ANNUAL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 2019 Dear Parent/Caregiver, The 2019 Athletics Carnival will be held at Taplin Park and Drummoyne Oval on Wednesday, 19 June. All students K-6 will travel to and from the venue by foot crossing at Lyons Road and participating in a rotation of different athletic and tabloid activities. This is a whole school event and all students are expected to participate. Students in Years 3-6 will be leaving school at 9.00am and returning at approximately 3.00pm, participating in activities including high jump, shot put, discus and running events. Primary students will need to be at school no later than 8.50am.

PLEASE NOTE EARLY DEPARTURE TIMES Students in Years K-2 will be leaving school at 9.30am and returning to school at approximately 1:00pm participating in a rotation of tabloid activities. Students are expected to attend the carnival until completion and are only permitted to leave the park with their parent providing they are signed out at the First Aid desk. A written permission note will be required prior to the carnival if a child is to go home with someone other than the child’s parent. Students are asked to bring their lunch, recess and water bottle in their excursion bag. No lunch orders can be made. Please remember to wear your house colours!

Cook- BLUE Phillip- RED Macarthur-YELLOW Farrer- GREEN. In order for the carnival to run smoothly parent helpers are needed for both the K-2 or 3-6 carnivals. It would be much appreciated if you could commit to 9am-1pm for K-2 events and 9am-2:30pm for 3-6 events. Please email Mr McLean on if you are able to help, with your name, contact details, child’s name and class. Sincerely,

Jon McLean, Amanda Champion,

Adam Westwood, Zena Cassar Brian J Dill

Sports Committee PRINCIPAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PERMISSION NOTE Athletics Carnival

I hereby give permission for …………………………………………………………… of class ………. to participate in the school athletics carnivals on Wednesday 19 June 2019 travelling to and from Taplin Park and Drummoyne Oval by foot. I understand that this excursion has the approval of the Principal. Special needs of my child include (eg allergies, medication, etc – please provide full details):


Please return to the school office by Friday 14 June.

Signature of Parent/Caregiver: Date:

6 June 2019 Dear Parent/Caregiver,


Students of Year 6 have the opportunity to participate in the Canberra excursion from Wednesday 21 August to Friday 23 August 2019. The total cost of this excursion is $365. This cost covers transport, accommodation, entry fees and meals. Students will however need to bring food and drinks for 2 small breaks and lunch on the first day. Thank you for providing a $100 deposit. Please note the balance will need to be finalised no later than Friday 26 July 2019. We would like to provide the option of a payment plan to ease the burden of a large lump sum payment. If you wish to participate in this plan, payments would need to be made as follows: Friday 5 July $165.00 and Friday 26 July $100.00. Financial assistance is available to support students to attend. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or your chilld’s class teacher for any further information. Sincerely,

Leigh Russ Brian J Dill Assistant Principal Principal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERMISSION NOTE – CANBERRA EXCURSION The accompanying cash/cheque/ or online payment is an acknowledgment that _________________________________________________of class ______________ will be participating in the Canberra excursion (Wednesday 21 August to Friday 23 August 2019). I acknowledge that this deposit is non-refundable. This excursion has the approval of the Principal.

Signature of Parent/Caregiver:


For your convenience you can pay with the secure Parent Online Payment (POP) system on our school website under the MAKE A PAYMENT, no later than Friday 26 July. Alternatively you can pay with cash or cheque to the school office. Please write your POP receipt number here ________________.

Please return permission note and deposit to the Administration Office no later than

Friday 26 July 2019. Thank You

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