interview with chuck blakeman

Post on 13-Jul-2015



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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“Know with utter clarity what you want out of this because he who aims at nothing hits it every time.”

Remarkable ideas from chuck blakeman


Remarkable Business //

Remarkable Life interview is

with Chuck Blakeman. He’s

an Entrepreneur, Speaker,

Inc Magazine columnist and

the author of Making Money

is Killing Your Business and

Why Employees Are Always

a Bad Idea.

?What are your top

three pieces of advice for building a

remarkable business

Know your big why.1

Think of something big that you want to do with your business. It’s the most important thing you can do because he who aims at nothing hits it every time.

You know you have your big why when it affects and impacts every decision you do or that you make. It needs to drive what we do.

You have to see with utter clarity what it is you want out of this and then be willing to run toward it.

you need to play the business owner’s game.2

The objective of the business owner’s game is how do I make more money in less time.

It is a simple game to play, as there are only two questions. The first question is, whatever you are doing right now, driving, holding a piece of paper, filling out a contract…ask yourself is this the highest and best use of my time?

If this is not the highest and best use of my time then how do I do this for the last time?

Get outside eyes.3

The thing to remember here is that everyone needs a place and or a person to whom they can go and say three magic words: I don’t know.

It’s not practice that makes perfect, it’s really good practice that makes perfect. So, practicing the right things, that’s what outside eyes will do for us, it will get us doing the right things. We still have to practice but now it’s actually going to get us somewhere.

?what are your top

three pieces of advice for leading a

remarkable life

1 Know your big why (again)

You’re 112 years old and you are standing beside your casket and you’re listening to your buddies talk about you. What do you want to hear them say? What do you want to see behind you? What’s the legacy you’ve wanted to have left?

Your big why is a set of goals you can never check off as completed.

Your big why determines how successful you are going to be. Every decision in life should be filtered through your long term big why: will this get me where I need to go?

What do you believe about people, about work, about humanity, about the world around you.2

Everybody believes something. The problem is we’re all involved in the random hope strategy of life. I don’t run my life on my beliefs. When it is inconvenient I ignore my beliefs.

If I do some action often enough that determines my habits. If I do these habits long enough that becomes my character. My character determines my destiny. Your beliefs determine your destiny because your beliefs determine your values, your thoughts, your actions, your habits and your character.

CONATE, not velleity.3

Conation is committed movement in a purposeful direction.

I have a purpose, I’m committed to it, I know what the next one thing is and I’m doing it. If one of those four things is missing you’re not conating.

Velleity is the opposite of conation. It is the desire and the hope with no intention of doing anything. It’s just wishful thinking.

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