rape and sexual harassment

Post on 01-Feb-2016






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caso juridico sobre el acusado


Rape and sexual harassment

The following facts were raised in the Territorial coordination of public security and administration of Justice Izp-9: there was a complaint for sexual harassment by Mariana Ruiz Alan Gómez, however the authorities failed to act in time against the subject, later came other two complaints for sexual harassment towards the same subject, enough as to initiate a preliminary investigation However the corresponding investigation unit did not act promptly and yesterday, February 2, 2015 the victim that it responds to the name of Mariana Ruiz was found in a little busy area located in the Colonia Santa Cruz Meyehualco Delegación Iztapalapa, Mexico, Distrito Federal.

At the scene of the crime could be contemplated to the wife of 26 years of age, complexion, brown hair, of slim build and with a height around 1.60 meters, bleeding. Chuck at that location half-naked, with torn clothes which was a white blouse and a pair of jeans indigo blue color, and with a single Brown Shoe. The victim had multiple body injuries, abrasions on her knees and elbows, multiple bruises on the body, mainly in the neck and the face, the body was found by the local police Samuel Vidal at 10:26 a.m.

Clinical analysis also determined the existence of tear vaginal and vaginal bleeding in addition to strong lesions in the perianal area but did not find traces of body fluids in that area but if they met in the abdominal area and they are already being analyzed.

The victim was found in condition of unconsciousness and determined that contains internal lesions in kidneys and the stomach, allegedly kicked product.

The woman is already in recovery and the investigation into the case was opened.

The delivery of clinical analyses determined that indeed found fluids belong to the accused Alan Gómez who now is available to the appropriate authorities; in regard to victim Mariana Ruiz was determined that his multiple injuries do not endanger life and that there are no fractures, however you will be given medical care and above all psychological care.

On this basis the Public Ministry charged you the guilty charges of rape, sexual harassment and injury with which the judge issued a condemnatory resolution of 21 years 7 months in prison without the right to get out on bail or probation and will be held in the Centro de Readaptación Social Varonil Santa Martha Acatitla.

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