q queen holy rosary

Post on 28-May-2022






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Q Queen of the Holy Rosary Wea Community

22779 Metcalf • Bucyrus, Kansas 66013

Mass Schedule Saturday Mass: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM; 11:00 AM; & 5:00 PM Daily Mass: Tuesday - Friday at 8:00 AM First Saturday of the Month at 8:00 AM Anointing of the Sick: Call Parish Office to schedule a time Reconciliation Schedule Tuesday 5:00 PM Saturday from 3:00 PM—3:45 PM Anytime upon request

Our Mission: To grow a welcoming community of faith

through prayer & worship, fellowship & service, formation & Christian living.

September 12, 2021

RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Are you someone or do you know someone who:

· Has expressed an interest in becoming

Catholic? · Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not

celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?

Beginning in October, we offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of the Church and prepare individuals to celebrate during the Easter season the Sacraments of: · Baptism · Confirmation · Eucharist You are welcome to participate in the RCIA process with your questions, insights, and faith. Please get in touch with Deacon Tom Rothermich at trothermich@gmail.com or visit the Church website qhrwea.church, then click on becoming Catholic/RCIA under the faith formation tab.


Parish and School Directory

Parish Number: 913-533-2464

School Number: 913-533-2462

Emergency Number: 913-276-0617

Parish Website: http://qhrwea.church

Pastor - Fr. Jerry Arano-Ponce Contact the Parish Office

Parish Secretary - Katrina DeGraeve 913-533-2464 - kdegraeve@qhrwea.org

Deacon - Tom Rothermich 314-393-3347

Parish Accountant - Nancy Doyle 913-533-2494 - ndoyle@qhrwea.org

Business Manager/IT - Mark Andrasik 913-879-7059- mandrasik@qhrwea.org

Holy Rosary Catholic School - 913-533-2462

School Principal - Nick Antista 913-533-2468 - nantista@qhrwea.org

School Secretary - Amy Wranosky 913-533-2462 - awranosky@qhrwea.org

Wea Angel House - Jessica Stuteville 913-879-1014 - angelhouse@qhrwea.org

School of Religion - Kimberly Zubillaga 913-879-1012 - formation@qhrwea.org

Youth Ministry - Caitlin Schneider 913-879-1012 - youthministry@qhrwea.org

Music Ministry - MJ Borgerding – 8:30 AM 913-660-4941

Church Cemetery:

Steve Thies-913-897-3449 Lenny Vohs-913-244-2403 Wedding Coordinators: Sarah Madl - s_madl@yahoo.com Katie Yoder - kradomsk2@gmail.com Ministry of Care - Marian Seuferling marianseuferling@gmail.com Wea Young Families - Adam & Diana Roth Diana Roth - 913-707-1738

Arts & Environment Committee - Karen Holland 913-272-4070

Homeschool Liaison - Sarah Madl 913-548-6472

Monday, September 13th

6:30 PM Family Rosary (Cemetery) 7:00 PM K o C (Parish Hall)

Tuesday, September 14th 8:00 AM Mass Fred Setter (Deceased) 5:00 PM Confessions

Wednesday, September 15th

8:00 AM Mass Mary Strausbaugh (Deceased) 9:00 AM Mass (School Kids Only)

Thursday, September 16th 8:00 AM Mass Mike Lindsay (Deceased) 6:15 PM 7th Grade Confirmation Meeting 7:00 PM 8th Grade Confirmation Meeting

Friday, September 17th

8:00 AM Mass Carle Baker Jr. (Deceased) 9:00 AM Mass (School Kids Only)

Saturday, September 18th

3:00 PM Confessions 4:00 PM Mass Don Boos (Deceased)

Sunday, September 19th

8:30 AM Mass Frank Seuferling (Deceased) 9:45-10:45 AM SOR (School) 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Blood Drive (School Gym) 11:00 AM Mass Mickey O’Keefe (Deceased) 5:00 PM Mass People of the Parish

Calendar of Events September 13th– September 19th

Please Pray For All The Sick Jim Jackson, Mary McKnight, Dennis Buck, Gary Perry, Debbie Bell Johnson, Sophia Foster, Andy Pastor, Jessica Wilcox, Donna Lett, Beatriz & Luis Grine, Dana Stewart, Ann West, Randy White, Patricia Suswick, Tara Moylan, Fritz Sullivan, Anita Javorski, Marjorie Javorski, Robert Goode, Tinley Bosley, Gracie Austin, Jack Stout, John Lucero, Marianne Green, Bill Piercy, Irene Page, Lola Shrout, Jean Carmichael, Kurt Schulte, Bill Verhaeghe, Shawn Keating, Mary Ann Hammond, Tommy Paulson, Kaylee Sanders, Jacob Nicolay, Adrianna Cuezze, Mike Strausbaugh, Kenny Koechner.

Please be kind enough to let us know when these people have recovered so that we may make room for others who are in immediate need of prayers. If you would like your

loved one remembered in this prayer list, please call the Parish Office.

Financial Stewardship Summary August 24, 2021-August 30, 2021 Last Week FYTD

Regular Collections $10,980 $134,028 Budget $18,286 $159,352 Over/(Under) Budget ($7,306) ($25,324)

Church Building Fund $70 $4,795

Frequently when I visit people at their homes for a home blessing, an anointing of the sick, a wedding anniversary or a lunch invitation, it never fails that they often ask me questions about some of the sacraments that they wish to better understand. For example, if there is a convert husband or wife in the family, since they did not grow up Catholic, they want to know more about the biblical origin of a particular sacrament. I hope that this chart of the Seven Sacraments by Fr. Felix Just, SJ helps us all to refresh our minds and enkindle our faith

about the sacraments where God touches us in a very special way and we grow in his grace. - Fr. Jerry Arano-Ponce

Sacrament Biblical Basis Central Words Central Actions Effects Ministers

Baptism Matt 28:19 - Jesus commissions the apostles: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”, John 3:22; 4:1-2 Jesus’ first disciples baptize other disciples; Acts 2:38-41: 10:47-48 New believers are baptized “in the name of Jesus: by Peter & others; (not just Jesus’ own baptism:: Mark1:9-11 & par.)

“ I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”. (the “Trinitarian Formula,” form Matt 28:19) [Note: some protestants baptize ‘in the name of Jesus”; see Acts 2 & 10]

The candidate is immersed in water, or water is poured over the candidate’s head.

Becoming a member of the Church of Christ (Christian Initiation); also being forgiven of one’s sins.

Bishops, Priests, Deacons; any Christian (in case of urgent need)

Eucharist Mark 14:22-25; Matt 26:26-30; Luke22:14-23; 1 Cor 11:23-25 Jesus’ “Last Supper” with his disciples; John 6:48-58 - the end of the Bread of Life discourse: “eat my flesh; drink my blood”; Luke 24:35;Acts 2:42 - Christians gather for the “Breaking of the Bread”.

“This is my body.. This is my blood..” (the “Words of Institution” from the Last Supper)

The bread and wine are blessed/consecrated by the minister and received/shared by the communicants.

Being spiritually nourished by Christ’s body and blood; being united (“in communion”) with Christ and other believers.

Bishops or Priests

Confirmation John 20:22 “(Jesus) breathed on them (the disciples) and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’”; Acts 8:17;19:6 - believers receive the Spirit, esp. through laying on of the apostle’s hands Acts 10:44-48 - the coming of the Sprit is closely associated with the Baptism of new believers

“(Name), be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirt.”

Laying on of hands (the bishop lays his hands on the head of the confirmed).

Being strengthened by the Holy Sprit; being “confirmed” in the fullness of the Christian faith.

Bishops; in some cases also priests

Penance/ Reconciliation

John 20:23 - “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are re-tained”; Matt 16:19; 18:18 - more sayings on “binding and loosing”; James 5:16 - “confess your sins to one another:

“I forgive you of all of your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (the “Words of Absolution”

The penitent confesses his sins, expresses contrition, and proposes amendment; the confessor suggests a penance and speaks the words of absolution.

Begin forgiven of one’s sin; being reconciled to God, the Church, and other people.

Bishops or Priests

Anointing of the Sick

Mark 6:7-13 - Jesus’ disciples “anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them”; James 5:14-16 - “call for the elders of the church and have them pray over (the sick), anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.”

“Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up.”

The minister anointing the sick person’s forehead and hands with blessed oil.

Being strengthened in time of illness.

Bishops or Priests

Matrimony/ Marriage

Gen 2:24 - “a man leaves his parents and clings to his wife and they become one flesh”; Mark 10:2-12; Matt 19:1-9 - Jesus teaches against divorce; “What God has joined together, let no one separate:”; Eph 5:22-23; 1Cor 7:10-16 - Paul stresses the unity of husbands and wives; (not simply Jesus’ presence at the wedding at Cana, John 2:1-11)

“I, (name), take you, (name), to be my husband/wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.” ( or a similar formula)

The husband and wife make these promises to each other publicly. (Rings are exchanged as a visible sign of this verbal commitment.)

Being united (”one flesh”) in God’s eyes; becoming a publicly and legally recognized couple.

The couple themselves! (clergy are just the official witnesses)

Holy Orders (Ordination of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons)

Mark 3:13-19 & par. - Jesus “calls” and “appoints” the 12 apostles; Acts 6:6; 1 Tim 4:14; 5:22; 2 Tim 1:6 - “laying on of hands” as the “ordaining” or commissioning rite of local Christian leaders

A long “Prayer of Consecration”

The bishop lays his hands on the ordinand’s head; he also anoints his hands and performs several other symbolic gestures

Becoming a member of the “ordained” clergy, the church’s official leadership “orders”

Bishops only

The Wea Knights of Columbus Star Council 2019-2021

Blood Drive Sunday, September 19th

8:30 AM - 12:30 PM School gym

The Knights are sponsoring a Blood Drive. Book your appointment today at savealifenow.org/group, and enter group code: KCEG. If you have any questions contact Ron Bruce or Bob Triano. Appointments are preferred. Masks are required

regardless of vaccination status. Ron Bruce 816-215-1894 or rbruce@builders-steel.com

Bob Triano 913-912-0378 or rgtriano15@gmail.com

No Neighbor Left Behind The Wea Knights “No Neighbor Left Behind” initiative is

asking for our parishioners to donate a variety of sizes of new socks, t-shirts, and underwear for both men and women for

Project Uplift. Tom & Teri McGuire will be delivering food and clothes to the homeless of Kansas City on Saturday,

October 2nd. Donations can be dropped off in the Adoration Chapel Hallway. Thank you for your help!

Interested in becoming a Knight?

Contact Bob Triano at 913-912-0378 or Dave Borgerding at 913-660-4940

QHRHR-R-Wea Youth Groups High School Youth Group:

The Quest: Living to Be a Saint We’re kicking off the fall high school youth night series, “A Call From Within”, with some awesome giveaways! Pizza + prizes, talking about striving for sainthood 2021! We’d love

to have you join us Sunday, September 12th

from 6-7:30 PM in the youth room. Junior High Youth Group

Mark your calendars middle schoolers! We’re gearing up for a brand new middle school youth group! Come one Sunday afternoon each month for snacks, games, plus a fun way to

talk about a topic of our faith. This month’s topic is Baptism and living as God’s Sons and Daughter’s. Meet outside on

the lawn east of the Church on Sunday, September 12th from 3:30-4:45 PM.

If you have questions about either youth group’s events, contact Caitlin at 913-709-4369 or



O God of love, compassion, and healing, Look on us, people of many different faiths and traditions, Who gather today at this site, The scene of incredible violence and pain,. We ask you in your goodness To give eternal light and peace To all who died here— The heroic first responders: Our firefighters, police officers Emergency service workers, and Port Authority personnel, Along with all the innocent men and women Who were victims of this tragedy Simply because their work or service brought them here on September 11, 2001. We ask you, in your compassion To bring healing to those Who, because of their presence here that day, Suffer from injuries and illness. Heal, too, the pain of still-grieving families And all who lost loved ones in this tragedy. Give them strength to continue their lives with courage and hope. We are mindful, as well, of those who suffered death, injury, and loss on the same day at the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Our hearts are one with theirs as our prayer embraces their pain and suffering. God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world: Peace in the hearts are one with theirs As our prayer embraces their pain and suffering. God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world: Peace in the hearts of all men and women And peace among the nations of the earth. Turn to your way of love Those whose hearts and minds are consumed with hatred. God of understanding, Overwhelmed by the magnitude of this tragedy, We seek your light and guidance As we confront such terrible events. Grant that those whose lives were spared May live so that the lives lost here May not have been lost in vain. Comfort and console us, strengthen us in hope, And give us the wisdom and courage To work tirelessly for a world Where true peace and love reign Among nations and in the hearts of all.


We hope you all had a fun, memorable night at the

Auction! Be on the look out for a detailed auction recap

coming soon!

Thank you, Mike & Kelli Dorrell

Auction Chairs

SCHOOL OF RELIGION Due to some changes, we

need Catechists for 2nd and 7th grades. This is an amziang

opportunity to help prepare children and teens for their

sacraments! Classes begin on Sunday, September 19th.

If you are interested, please get in touch with

Kimberly Zubillaga at: 913-879-1012 or


NOW ENROLLING!!!! Enrollment is now open for School of Religion! If you would like to

enroll your child/children, please visit :

qhrwea.church/sor-registration. For more details, please reach out

to Kimberly Zubillaga at: kzubillaga@qhrwea.org

or 913-879-1012.

Kids Corner Read the Gospel & Color

If you have a little brother who asks you to tie his shoes six times,

it is easy to get angry and say, “NO. Tie it yourself.” However,

God wants you to help others with a smile. He wants you to tie shoes for others. He wants you to open doors for others. He wants you to sweep the floor for others. God wants you to treat others with

kindness a favor to him.

Prayer Show me how to treat others with

kindness for you, Lord.

Mission For The Week When my parents ask me to help, I

will jump to it right away.

Formed.org Joan of Arc

Although she died at nineteen in 1431, her legend and legacy is

stronger than ever five hundred years later. Leelee Sobieski shines as the legendary warrior and saint, Joan of Arc,

who, at seventeen, led one of the greatest military campaigns for freedom the world has ever witnessed. Supported by an all-star cast, with glorious cinematography, music score,

and stunning scenery, Joan of Arc is a riveting epic film of faith, inspiration, triumph, and tears. Born to a peasant French family, Joan hears the voices of saints calling her to unite

her besieged nation.

Altar Society Our next meeting will be Monday, October 4th at 6:30 PM in the St.

Angela’s Alcove

Interested in joining the Altar Society?

Contact Gina Hillman 913-486-5848 or


Please call for information about our school, or to schedule a tour.

“Like” & follow us on Facebook at Holy Rosary— Wea Catholic School.

Holy Rosary-Wea Catholic School

We are... 100% Child Focused, 100% Faith Centered, 100% Committed to Excellence! nick@qhrwea.org 913-533-2462

Nick Antista, Principal (913) 533-2462 nick@qhrwea.org



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Mums blooming & making music in the rain garden.

Below: Mrs. Gruss interviews middle school students for Paygrade, a financial literacy program.

Students work together in literacy groups.

Archery and canoeing were just

a few of the activities the

6th-8th grade students enjoyed

while at Camp Tekakwitha for a

House team building field trip. Parachute fun in Pre-K

Morning Enrichment

Date Time Eucharistic Minsters Lectors Servers Greeters Ushers September 11 4:00 pm Dave Dougan [C]

Susan Dougan [C] Carol Quackenbush Blaise Vohs

Volunteer Needed

Elaine Jackson Jaden Vohs Lenny Vohs

September 12 8:30 am Greg Crow [C] Ted Guetterman [C] Greg Jecker [C]

Kam Crow Megan Benne Olivia Vohs

Brandi Guetterman Jim Thompson Don Vohs

September 12 11:00 am Jim Burditt [C] Jeff Guetterman [C]

David Smithson

Joel Keenan Michael Keenan

Steve Thies Chris Loper John Quinn

September 12 5:00 PM Steve Guetterman [C] Volunteer Needed [C]

Toni Williams Sam McMains Volunteer Needed

Volunteer Needed Jeremy Madl Mae Madl

September 18 4:00 pm Jim Blaise [C] Sheryl Keller [C]

Elaine Jackson Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed

Tony Kerr Joe Cusic Mark Gruber

September 19 8:30 am Hayden Guetterman [C] Paul Guetterman [C] Teri McGuire [C]

Tom McGuire Joseph Manderfeld Justin Manderfeld Ramsey Manderfeld

Margie Jecker Ralph Theis Steve Vohs

September 19 11:00 am Julie Reuter [C] Charlotte Vanderheidan [C]

Ray Reuter

Andy Beets A.J. Hastings

Chris Creason Larry Vanderheidan Volunteer Needed

September 19 5:00 PM Anita Javorski [C] Volunteer Needed [C]

Will Madl Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed

Volunteer Needed Jeremy Madl Mae Madl

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