queen of the rosary

Rev. Edward J. Pelrine Pastor [email protected] Rev. Michael J. Owen Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. Ignatius Okonkwo In Residence Deacon Lawrence Smith [email protected] Deacon Jerrold Szostak [email protected] Masses Saturday 8:00 am & 5:30 pm Sunday 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 am Monday-Friday 6:30 am School Year-Wednesday-8:15 am Confessions Saturday 4:30-5:30 pm Wednesday 6:00-7:00 pm Parish Office 680 Elk Grove Blvd. Hours: 9:00-5:00 Mon-Fri. Kathleen McGinn Principal [email protected] Keith Strohm Faith Formation & Evangelization [email protected] Courtney Bonty Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected] Bob Alexander Religious Education [email protected] Diane Tieman Parish Nurse Ministry to Homebound [email protected] Steve Lisowski Music [email protected] Mary McKenzie Administrative Assistant [email protected] Pat O’Malley Business Manager [email protected] Billie Brutto Assistant to Business Manager [email protected] Queen of the Rosary Catholic Church Forming Disciples of Jesus Christ Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 750 W. Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Parish - 847-437-0403 School - 847-437-3322 Religious Education - 847-437-3349 www.qotr.org

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Page 1: Queen of the Rosary

Rev. Edward J. Pelrine Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Michael J. Owen Associate Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Ignatius Okonkwo In Residence

Deacon Lawrence Smith [email protected]

Deacon Jerrold Szostak [email protected]

Masses Saturday 8:00 am & 5:30 pm Sunday 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 am Monday-Friday 6:30 am School Year-Wednesday-8:15 am

Confessions Saturday 4:30-5:30 pm Wednesday 6:00-7:00 pm

Parish Office 680 Elk Grove Blvd. Hours: 9:00-5:00 Mon-Fri. Kathleen McGinn Principal [email protected]

Keith Strohm Faith Formation & Evangelization [email protected]

Courtney Bonty Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected]

Bob Alexander Religious Education [email protected]

Diane Tieman Parish Nurse Ministry to Homebound [email protected]

Steve Lisowski Music [email protected]

Mary McKenzie Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Pat O’Malley Business Manager [email protected]

Billie Brutto Assistant to Business Manager [email protected]

Queen of the Rosary Catholic Church

Forming Disciples of Jesus Christ

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015

750 W. Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Parish - 847-437-0403 School - 847-437-3322

Religious Education - 847-437-3349 www.qotr.org

Page 2: Queen of the Rosary

Two candle racks are in the rear corners of the church, near the statues of St. Therese and St. Gerard. These are memorial candles which may be lit in memory of a de-ceased loved one as a visible reminder for us to pray for and remember them. The candle will be lit for a period of one year. The name of the deceased is placed below each candle. The offering for the year is $200, and is renewable each year. If you would like to have one of these candles lit in someone’s memory, please contact the Parish Office.

Please remember those parishioners and family members who are currently serving on active duty in the Armed Forces. Please pray for: Staff Sgt. Christopher Bauer - Air Force Cpt. Victoria Hollowell Crowder - Marine Corps P.F.C. Colin Domme - Army SSGT. Richard E. Fafinski - Marine Corps Lt. Col. William Free - Air Force Major Craig Giancaterino - Army Military Police Cpt. Andre Hernandez - Army Army Specialist Kevin Huey - Army Lt. Rick Jobski - Navy Lt. Col. Steven Kriss - Navy Lance Corporal Zack Pearson - Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jeremy Schumacher - Marine Corps Lance Corporal John Sharpe - Marine Corps Airman First Class Colin Sobol - Air Force Lt. Col. Andrew Stoy - Air Force

Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration takes place on Mondays from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm followed by the Rosary and Benediction. Whether you regularly visit an Adora-tion Chapel, or have never experienced the quiet and peace of praying before our Lord in the Blessed Sac-rament, all are invited. Our Monday Eucharistic Adoration participation has fallen sharply in recent weeks. We are in need of Eu-charistic Adorers to pray before the Blessed Sacra-ment for a small period of time, or even an hour. We need you! Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to help.

Devotions Memorial Candles

Weddings Please make arrangements with one of the priests at least six months in advance. You must be a parishioner at least six months before scheduling a wedding. Please contact one of the parish priests for more information or to schedule a wedding at 847-437-0403.

Stewardship The collection for: May 3, 2015 - $10,807.25 Thank you for your generosity! We welcome those of you who would like to become parishioners to register with the Parish Office. There are three ways you can register. Stop by the Parish Office and fill out a form. Call the Parish Office and have a form mailed to you. Go to the parish website at www.qotr.org and register online. For any questions, call Mary at the Parish Office at 847-437-0403.

Register as a Parishioner

Armed Forces

Magnificats can be purchased at the Parish Office for the cost of $4.00 each. For any questions, or to get on a list to get yours on a regular basis, stop in the Parish Office or call Mary at 847-437-0403. Magnificats for Sale

Divine Mercy Please join the Divine Mercy Prayer Group every Friday at 3:00 pm. All are welcome to attend the Holy Hour in the church. For any questions or more information, please call Tim at 630-430-8290. Second Collections Retired Priests June 7, 2015 Peter’s Pence July 12, 2015 Summer Mission August 9, 2015

Page 3: Queen of the Rosary

St Paul talks about the fact that mar-ried couples have to deal with the anxieties of the world. Sometimes those stresses can really have a nega-tive impact on our marriages. Get away from all those worldly anxieties and take time to just focus on God and each other by making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is June 12-14, 2015, at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reserva-tions/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through http://wwme-chicagoland.org .

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Chicago/Gary/Joliet area Please support Luciano’s Luck Stars On May 16th at MDA Muscular Dystrophy Associations Annual Muscle Walk For secure online credit card donations go to: http//www2.mda.org/site/TR/Walk/General?px=1015752&pg=personal&fr_id=17530 For cash and/or check donations: Make payable to MDA Put team name, Luciano’s Lucky Stars, in memo and place in collection container in the vestibule THANK YOU and GOD bless you!

The QR Community Garden will once again be harvesting vegetables for the Elk Grove Township Food Pantry this summer. Grab your garden gloves and take a little time out to help nourish and tend to our bountiful garden. We are looking for anyone who would like to help water, weed and tend to the gar-den in one week increments during the summer months. A hose and water supply is provided. If you are inter-ested in volunteering and would like more information, please visit the fol-lowing website to sign up. We would love to provide delicious, fresh vegeta-bles to our needy families in the com-munity. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050f4baeab29a57-queen If you have questions, please contact Vicki Farmer at [email protected]

Page 4: Queen of the Rosary

M other’s Day blessings to all of our mothers, grandmothers, and godmothers! This week-end we offer all of our masses for our living and deceased moms. We are blessed to belong to a parish named in honor of the Mother of God and placed under her protection and intercession. We have several beautiful images of Mary in the church. In the vestibule is a carved image of Mary giving the Rosary to St. Dominic, and in the main body of the church there is a beautiful icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and a statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. But one of the crown-ing glories of the church is the marble statue of Mary and the Child Jesus standing at the back of the center aisle. These beautiful images come from varied cultures, and all express a love and devotion for our Mother, whom the Second Vatican Council called the “Mother of the Church.” In the East, she is called the “Theotokos,” or “God-bearer,” and is always represented in icons rather than statues. The ever more familiar image of Our Lady of Gua-dalupe comes to us, of course, from Mexico, where Mary is venerated very devoutly. Mexicans have brought their de-votion to the U.S., and Mary’s feast on Dec. 12 has become one of the largest celebrations of Mary each year. Our devotion to Mary goes back to the foot of the Cross, when Jesus said to Mary, “behold your son,” and to John, “behold your mother.” John 19:26-27 In all of the reported and confirmed apparitions of Mary, she has directed us to Jesus, and never to herself. In fact, in four of the five images of Mary in our church, she is holding the Child Jesus, and in the fifth, she is carrying Him in her womb.

The month of May is traditionally devoted to Mary. The Rosary is a fruitful way of praying and meditating on the mysteries of the life of Jesus. It is Scripture-based. For ex-ample, the five Joyful Myster-ies: the Anunciation, Visita-tion, Nativity, Presentation, and Finding in the Temple, are taken directly from the first two chapters of Luke’s Gospel. A s a way of honoring Mary, the beautiful statue in the rear of the center aisle will be relocated to the sanctuary of the church – in front, near the altar, along with St. Joseph, whose place was taken by St. Gerard. The presence of these images of the saints in church is most appropriate. When we celebrate the mass, we believe that we are joining the Heavenly Liturgy, where all the heavenly court worship the Risen Jesus, the Lamb. Our liturgy echoes the description of the liturgy of Heaven in the Book of Revela-tion, where the angels and saints, gathered before the throne of the Lamb, cry out “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.” Sound familiar? “We join the angels and saints in their triumphant hymn of praise.” So begins the Eucharistic Prayer in the Mass. N ext Saturday, our parishioner Matthew Alexan-der will be ordained a priest. The following day, he will offer his First Mass at 11:30. What a joy for our parish and for Matthew’s parents, Bob and Carrie, and his sisters and extended family. Please plan to join us for the Mass and a reception after-wards in the gym. The next day, parishioner Keith Strohm will be or-dained to the diaconate, and he will serve as a dea-con here at QR. Congratulations to Keith and his wife Debbie and their daughter Siena. Keith will as-sist at Mass and preach the following weekend at the 11:30 Mass, and there will be a light reception in the vestibule of the church. Please join us in greeting them on these very special days. God bless you,

Page 5: Queen of the Rosary

Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service Live Green, Love Green, Think Green

On April 22, Mrs. McCarthy’s preschoolers celebrated Earth Day with their sixth grade buddies. Putting their imagination to work, the students used items rescued from the trash to create one-of-a-kind bird houses.

The 2014-15 Recycle Rally contest ended on April 28. In May, we will be notified if we were one of the top ten schools in the small school category. Many thanks to our parishioners who have gone out of their way to bring in cans and bottles and Mike Clausen for helping with sorting, weighing, and bagging the containers. Through the combined efforts of many, we collected and recycled over 95,000 bottles and cans. By recycling beverage containers through the Recycle Rally, we continue to help PepsiCo support post-9/11 U.S. Veterans with disabilities through its partnership with the Entrepreneurship for Veterans with Disabilities (EVD).

Page 6: Queen of the Rosary

Religious Education A Catechetical Minute Here’s an excerpt from the article on “angels” in The Catholic Ency-clopedia: ANGELS (Latin angelus; Greek aggelos; from the Hebrew for "one going" or "one sent"; messenger). The word is used in Hebrew to denote indifferently either a divine or hu-man messenger. The Septuagint renders it by aggelos which also has both significations. The Latin version, however, distinguishes the divine or spirit-messenger from the human, rendering the original in the one case by angelus and in the other by legatus or more generally by nuntius. In a few passages the Latin version is misleading, the word angelus be-ing used where nuntius would have better expressed the mean-ing, e.g. Isaiah 18:2; 33:3, 6. It is with the spirit-messenger alone that we are here concerned. We have to discuss -the meaning of the term in the Bible, -the offices of the angels, -the names assigned to the angels, -the distinction between good and evil spirits, -the divisions of the angelic choirs, -the question of angelic appear- ances, and -the development of the scriptural idea of angels. The angels are represented throughout the Bible as a body of spiritual beings intermediate be-tween God and men: "You have made him (man) a little less than the angels" (Psalm 8:6). They, equally with man, are created be-ings; "praise ye Him, all His angels:

praise ye Him, all His hosts . . . for He spoke and they were made. He commanded and they were created" (Psalm 148:2, 5: Colossians 1:16, 17). That the angels were created was laid down in the Fourth Lateran Council (1215). The decree "Firmiter" against the Albigenses declared both the fact that they were created and that men were created after them. This decree was repeated by the Vatican Council, "Dei Fil-ius". We mention it here because the words: "He that liveth for ever created all things together" (Ecclesiasticus 18:1) have been held to prove a simultaneous crea-tion of all things; but it is generally conceded that "together" (simul) may here mean "equally", in the sense that all things were "alike" created. They are spirits; the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews says: "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent to minister to them who shall receive the inheritance of salvation?" (Heb. i, 14). God's Messengers to Mankind But these glimpses of life beyond the veil are only occasional. The angels of the Bible generally appear in the role of God's messengers to mankind. They are His instru-ments by whom He communicates His will to men, and in Jacob's vision they are depicted as ascending and descending the ladder which stretches from earth to heaven while the Eternal Father gazes upon the wanderer below. It was an angel who found Agar in the wilderness (Gen., xvi); angels drew Lot out of Sodom; an an-gel announces to Gideon that he is to save his people; an angel foretells the birth of Samson (Judges, xiii), and the angel Gabriel instructs Daniel (Dan., viii, 16), though he is not called an angel in either of these passages, but "the man Gabriel" (9:21). The same heavenly spirit announced the birth of St. John the Baptist and the Incar-nation of the Redeemer, while tradition ascribes to him both the message to the shepherds (Luke, ii, 9), and the most glorious mission of all, that of strengthening the King of Angels in His Agony (Luke 22:43). The spiritual nature of the angels is manifested very clearly in the account which Zacharias gives of the revelations be-stowed upon him by the ministry of an angel. The prophet depicts the angel as speaking "in him". He seems to imply that he was conscious of an interior voice which was not that of God but of His messenger. The Massoretic text, the Septuagint, and the Vulgate all agree in thus describing the communications made by the angel to the prophet. It is a pity that the "Revised Version" should, in apparent defiance of the above-named texts, obscure this trait by persistently giving the rendering: "the angel that talked with me: instead of "within me" (cf. Zach., i, 9, 13, 14; ii, 3; iv, 5; v, 10). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1, www.ccel.org. Website of the Week The Christian Classics Ethereal Library is an amazing online resource. The Catholic Encyclopedia is just one of the available collections/books/volumes. “The Christian Classics Ethereal Library is a digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books selected for edification and education. The online www.ccel.org server reaches sev-eral million different users each year.” Catechists We are grateful to these wonderful, faith-filled Catechists who sacrifice precious time and energy to form young disciples of Jesus Christ. Please pray for them this summer, as we take a break from teaching and prepare for the coming year: Antonio Alvarado – Grade 4, Eleanor Bavaro – Grade 7, Gerry Bliss – Grade 8, Jennifer Christopher – Grade 5 & Grade 8, Carole Clark – Grade 5, Alex Cuatchon – Grade 7, Mary Duffy – Grade 7, Erin Fitzgerald – Grade 3, Lisa Kuchar – Grade 2, Rachael Kuchar – Grade 6, Amy Leininger – Grade 1 Linda McCauley – Grade 2, Chris Meyers – Grade 8, Chris Schiffer – Grade 7 Laura Smoter – Grade 1, Geri Spinnato – Grade 2,

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Ask a Priest Q: I want to incorporate the Bible more into my daily prayer life, but I am not sure how to do it. I often get lost or distracted as I read through pas-sages, and I feel that jumping around from book to book is confusing as well. Any suggestions as to how I can pray with the Bible? A: First off, I want to commend you on your en-deavor. It is a stereotypical comment in religious circles that Catholics are ‘so biblically illiterate.’ The only way we will be able to shake that stereotype is if we incorporate the Bible more and more into our daily lives. As you have already observed, the Bible is a compli-cated organism. The Bible is not a single book, but rather an anthology. It was written by myriad au-thors, over several hundreds of years, all with di-verse experiences of culture, custom, socio-economic stresses, and theology. When we say that the text is divinely inspired, we do not mean that it fell out of the sky one day in its completed form! Inspiration means that God stirred the hearts and minds of these various authors to use their talents and gifts to explain in their own circumstances the movement of God in their lives. There are several different ways to pray with the Bible, but for the sake of brevity, let me focus on just one; Lectio Divina (Sacred Reading). Lectio Divina is a four-step process which is very effective for use in both the Old and New Testament. It is effective for all types of people; the beginners on the journey of faith, the mystics on the top of the mountain, and everyone in between. All you need is a comfortable chair, a good translation of the Bible (I recommend the RSV or NRSV), and at least thirty minutes of free time (this is more than enough for beginners, but as you gain more practice, try to add more time). The first step is lectio (reading). We start by saying a little prayer to God, saying thanks that we have this opportunity to grow in our faith, and asking that He guides our eyes and minds to focus on the passage, phrase, or word which will nourish us this day. We then open our Bibles and begin to read. If you want, you can start at Genesis, chapter 1, or on the first chapter of any other book. You could con-tinue reading from where you left off the day before, or you could just randomly open your Bible and start reading! Pay attention as you continue read-ing, and as soon as you reach a word or a phrase you feel particularly drawn or attracted to, stop. You now enter into phase two, meditatio.

In meditatio (meditation), we repeat the word or phrase over and over in our minds. We allow it to sink in, and savor it. Allow God to work on your mind, intellect, and reason to help you apply the word or phrase to your particular life situation. Don’t force the prayer, but allow God to lead you to new insights and meanings. Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that are being stirred up. If nothing seems to be happening, just be patient! As soon as you feel that you have drawn all that you can from this word, you can move on to oratio. In oratio (prayer response), we enter into a sponta-neous, loving dialogue with God. We talk to God as to an intimate friend. We are totally honest with God about what we are thinking and feeling. After listening to God in meditatio, now we make a per-sonal response to the Word of God as it has just been revealed to us. Express your response through praise, thanksgiving, contrition, or petition. When this dialogue is finished, we move on to contempla-tio. In contemplatio (contemplation), go back to the word or phrase. Simply repeat it over and over, and then rest for a time in loving silence. Close your eyes, breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth. If distracting thoughts or feelings pop into your mind (did I remember to close the ga-rage?!), simply return once again to your word or phrase until the thought passes. Just be present to God; there is nothing you have to do or accomplish. Invite God to speak to you, or to simply be present with you in the silence. Trust in God’s presence and work in your live, even if you don’t feel like anything is happening. After completing the four steps, you can stop and end your time of prayer. Of course, if the entire process took only a few minutes, or if you have more free time available, you can continue reading the Bi-ble passage until you find yourself drawn to the next word or phrase. At this point, you repeat steps one through four, allowing God to open your heart and mind once again through the method of Lectio Di-vina. If you have any questions or comments that you would like answered, please submit them to [email protected] Peace,

Page 8: Queen of the Rosary

Pray for the Sick Pray for the healing of our sick parishioners and friends:

If you would like to have sick friends or relatives placed on the parish prayer list, please call the Parish Office. We will be happy to put them on. They will be removed from the list after one month. Please call us if they need to continue being on the list for prayers.


Queen of the Rosary “Feeding the Poor” at Catholic Charities in Des Plaines. Parish volunteers, please note our schedule. We will serve the monthly dinners in 2015 on the following dates: May 26, 2015 June 30, 2015 July 28, 2015 August 25, 2015 September 22, 2015 October 27, 2015 November 24, 2015 December 22, 2015 On behalf of our pastor, Father Edward Pelrine, thank you for your generous support for our program. Pa-rishioners who wish to assist in this apostolate of charity or donate, please contact Deacon Larry Smith for details at 847-437-0403.

Catholic Charities Dinners

een - I s

Monday - May 11 6:30 am - † John Lantz † Leonard Koska † Olympia Cozzi-Onesto Tuesday - May 12 - St. Nereus, St. Achilleus, St. Pancras 6:30 am - † Joan Shannon † Leonard Koska † John Lantz Wednesday - May 13 - Our Lady of Fatima 6:30 am - † Fermin Gomez Thursday - May 14 - The Ascension of the Lord St. Matthias 6:30 am - † Antoinette P. Mitchell Friday - May 15 - St. Isidore 6:30 am - † Donald Sullivan Saturday - May 16 8:00 am - † Anthony Lotta Saturday - May 16 - Sunday Vigil 5:30 pm - † Lawrence Mulholland, Jr. † Russell Schumacher † Leroy & Dorothy Spoerlen † Keith Roller † Mr. & Mrs. John Roller † Mr. & Mrs. Bert Friedrichs † Rev. Arthur Fagan Fr. Matthew Alexander Sunday - May 17 - Seventh Sunday of Easter 8:00 am - † Frank Duffy † John Lantz † Leroy & Dorothy Spoerlen † Evelyn Slupik 10:00 am - For the People of the Parish 11:30 am - † Donald Ceckowski † Fred Brandstatter † Sam & Jane Pecoraro † Jacob Fayfar † Sebastian Alexander † Jacqueline & Carl Stevens † Michael Dayiantis † Rosaleen Waters Family † Suzanne Rudden Family

In Memoriam Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. Gervas Narlock

There is a promise of marriage between Nathalie Schiffer & Adam Sowatzke - II Wedding Banns

Yasmin Almonte Baby Kayla Avleen Jennifer Avila Violeta Baylosis Rob Cramer Joan Crum Baby Josephine Daniels Analiza David Regina DelCampo Dan Enright Dana Foster Vicki Foss Kathy Garcia Mary Gerbig Ruth Gilbert Ray Hohman Tracey Hrajona Gregory Ibarra Pio Joven

Dennis L. Betty Levitzke Michael Levitzke, Sr. Ana Marie Lopez Joseph Markech Baby Margaret Elizabeth Larry Michalski Tony Nudo Joel Rivera Gene Rogalski Baby Colin Ryan Grace Sampson Barbara Schiavo Helen Seidl Dina Shepard Blanca Statt Marie Streib Jim Taylor Baby Allayna Tripp Marie Wienert

Page 9: Queen of the Rosary

Youth Ministry

Page 10: Queen of the Rosary
Page 11: Queen of the Rosary

Carrying the Cross of Infertility? There IS a moral, effective alternative to IVF! The Creighton Model System combined with NaPro Technology seeks to correct the underlying prob-lem so couples can conceive naturally. It is up to 2.8 times more effective than IVF. The next introductory session will be at Queen of the Rosary Parish Office on Saturday, May 16th. Contact Tammy for details and to reg-ister at 847-282-0390 or [email protected] The Elk Grove Village Relay for Life Committee would like to invite all ‘Survivors’ to our daytime Relay which will be held on Saturday, May 16th. A cancer survivor is anyone who has ever heard the words, “you have cancer.” We would love to honor you and treat you to refreshments and fellowship. If the internet is convenient, please register online at: www.RelayForLife.org/ElkGroveVillageIL Click on ‘Survivors & Caregivers’ on the front page and then click on: SIGN UP FOR THE SURVIVOR LAP Once you are registered, we will be contacting you for upcoming events, some are targeted just for Survivors. If you are unable to register online, and if registration forms are not avail-able at your church or if you have questions, please feel free to contact: Jo Anne Martin, Survivorship Chairperson – 847-437-5692 or Eileen McWherter, Relay Committee Member ALSO if you are Interested in Partici-pating on a TEAM OR STARTING a TEAM OR DONATING to the ‘AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY’ fundraiser Please join us on May 16 or go to the above website! Thank you!

Relay for Life

Why Join the Knights of Columbus? Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with mak-ing a difference. Knights are Catholic men, 18yrs of age and older, who are com-mitted to making their community a better place, while supporting their Parish. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie: it is being involved with your commu-nity and it’s supporting Queen of the Rosary Parish, while enhancing your own faith. It’s about protecting and enhancing your family life. Contact Jeff Amour at 630-878-4271 or [email protected], if you’re inter-ested in becoming a member of the most significant men’s Catholic organization in the Church today. You can also visit our website at www.kofc.org.

Northwest Suburban Catholic Senior Network 16th Annual Senior Day

Sponsored by Vicariate 1DEF Ministry Commission

“Lord, Are You Listening?”

Presented by Amy Florian

Ms. Florian is a nationally recognized speaker, teacher and retreat director who uses her personal experience along with the best of current research for her engaging and dynamic presentations. She is a liturgy and bereavement consultant who holds a Mas-ter’s Degree in Pastoral Studies and a Fellow in Thanatology (the highest level of certification in the field of death and grief studies). She founded Corgenius, a com-pany that teaches professionals how to better serve people in times of transition and loss and teaches in the graduate ministry department of Loyola University in Chi-cago. Amy has published over ninety articles and two books and has a passion for helping people pray, heal and live fully. Where: St. Thomas Becket, 1321 Burning Bush Lane, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 When: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 Time: Doors open at 10:00 a.m. Coffee, juice & donut holes served at 10:00 a.m. Presentation from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Box lunch to follow. Cost: $9.00, non-refundable (please make the checks payable to Queen of the Rosary

Church. Final deadline is June 15, unless all seats are filled before June 15. No reservations taken after June 15, 2015. Fill out the form below and submit with your check to the parish office. Attn: Senior Day --Contact Diane TIeman parish nurse at 847-437-3905 if you have

questions. Thank you. Northwest Suburban Catholic Senior Network -- 16th Annual Senior Day Nam(s):______________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________

Page 12: Queen of the Rosary

Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession

June 7, 2015

Rosary and Adoration immediately following the 11:30 am Mass at Queen of the Rosary.

Procession departs from Queen of the Rosary at 12:45 pm,

arriving at St. Julian Eymard approximately 1:30 pm.

Adoration continues at St. Julian Eymard until 3:00 pm, concluding with Benediction.

Please join us as we unite the Catholic Parishes of

Elk Grove Village with the Sacred Body and Blood of Our Savior Jesus Christ.

Page 13: Queen of the Rosary


Monday, May 11 Acts 16:11-15 Psalm 149:1-6, 9 John 15:26-16:4 Tuesday, May 12 Acts 16:22-34 Psalm 138:1-3, 7-8 John 16:5-11 Wednesday, May 13 Acts 148:1-2, 11-14 Psalm 122:1-5 John 16:12-15 Thursday, May 14 Acts 1:1-11 Psalm 47:2-3, 6-9 Ephesians 1:17-23 or Ephesians 4:1-13 Mark 16:15-20 Friday, May 15 Acts 18:9-18 Psalm 47:2-7 John 16:20-23 Saturday, May 16 Acts 18:23-28 Psalm 47:2-3, 8-10 John 16:23-28 Sunday, May 17 Acts 1:1-11 Psalm 47:2-3, 6-9 Ephesians 1:17-23 or Ephesians 4:1-13 Mark 16:15-20

Calendar of Events

May 16 & 17, 2015 5:30 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 11:30 am Lectors & Commentators C. Kilty I. Lange A. Murray A. Cuatchon B. Schumacher G. Kveck M. Murray S. Gorden Extraordinary Ministers of Communion V. Leone K. Bradley M. Clausen D. Ambrose A. Duffy R. Fries D. Bergman R. Flosi K. Bartfay E. Luong K. Bergman F. Ramljak K. Rose N. Koziatek D. Chakeen E. Ambrose L. Casolari L. Gajos L. McCauley J. Rowe J. McCormick M. Kveck M. Youhn G. Allaire Altar Servers MC: N. Jones MC: Z. Leininger MC: T. Youhn MC: A. Cattapan A. Petric R. Wittmann K. Aguilar J. Nalywajko M. Sahagun A. Wittmann J. Aguilar D. Nalywajko A. Mallek N. Leininger D. Pelriine J. Cattapan

Monday, May 11 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Girl Scouts Gr. 8-PO-West Mtg. Rm Tuesday, May 12 10:00 AM Grains of Wheat Sm. Fth Grp-PO-Liv. Rm. 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Small Faith Group - PO-Living Rm 7:00 PM Living Hope-PO-Liv. Rm 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM School Board-Teachers Lounge, Room K Wednesday, May 13 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Girl Scouts-Gr. 2-PO-West Mtg. Rm 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Confessions 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Choir Practice- Church 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Minister of Care Mtg PO Liv Rm Thursday, May 14 Friday, May 15 7:30 PM AA-PO-Kit.-Liv. 7:30 PM Alanon-PO-West Mtg. Rm Saturday, May 16 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM NFP-Tammy King-West Mtg Room 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM Setup for Parish Reception - School Gym, Lobby, Kitchen 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration - Church Sunday, May 17 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM Setup for Parish Reception - School Gym, Lobby, Kitchen 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM Parish Reception - School Gym, Lobby, Kitchen 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Youth Ministry Life Night-Entire PO & Chu

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Spring Cleaning Time

Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, August 30, 2015, at 2:45 pm, at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North Sate Street, Chicago, IL. Couples married in 1965 interested in attending this celebration should con-tact their parish to register. For further information, call the Marriage and Family Ministries Office at 312-534-8351 or visit www.marriageamdfamilyministries.org

Join Fr. Mike in April 2016 Footsteps of Apostle Paul a Pilgrimage to Greece 10 Day Tour to: Athens, Thessalonika, Veria, Meteora, Crusing, Corinth Call Fr. Mike at the Parish Office For more information or questions.

“Sparkle-Brite” carpet cleaning will take care of cleaning the carpets and furniture and give 15% back to Queen of the Rosary Church during April & May. Call Tony Chakeen (parishioner) to schedule an appointment at 847-593-2335 www.sparklebritecarpetcleaning.com

Calling all readers! Queen of the Rosary will begin a spiri-tual/faith based book club for adults. A variety of book genres will be discussed over time in order to grow in our rela-tionship with God. We will meet once a month for open discussion and fellow-ship. The first book we will read is Life’s Greatest Lesson by Allen R. Hunt. It was given to parishioners as a Christmas gift last December. Our first meeting to dis-cuss this book will be on Monday, June 1 at 7:00pm in the Parish Office. If you are interested in attending, please contact Keith Strohm at 847-437-0403 or at [email protected] so that we can reserve a spot for you. Please let us know if you need a copy of Life’s Great-est Lessons when you register.

AFC Family Hours & More The principle outreach of the Apostolate for Family Consecration (AFC) is the Be Not Afraid Family Hours, inspired by Mother Teresa. It is meant to bring the family as a unit, closer to God, the parish community and the Church through a series of videos, produced at the AFC headquarters, a 950-acre center in Bloomingdale, Ohio called Catholic Familyland. You are invited to join these Be Not Afraid Family Hours at Queen of the Rosary Parish, this month on the 3rd Monday (May 18, 2015) at 7:00 PM in the church. Each series of 9 videos includes a theme. This time, we con-tinue the series on “Healing Through Consecration”. The visual aids are great for the children, and each family can learn and pray together. Singles and every person of any age are invited too. We look forward to seeing you on May 18th at 7:00 PM here at Queen of the Rosary in the church. For further information, please contact Chuck or Alice Hunt at (630) 529-8519 or Betsy Christensen at 847-640-1241.

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Parish Contacts Altar Servers…………………………………………….…. Fr. Mike Owen - 847-437-0403 Apostolate for Family Consecration…….……...… Chuck & Alice Hunt - 630-529-8519 Baptism Preparation………………………………….… Deacon Larry Smith- 847-437-0403 Bereavement Ministry (Funerals)……………….... Deacon Larry Smith- 847-437-0403 Church Environment………………………………….... Courage Apostolate……………………………………… Fr. Ed Pelrine - 847-437-0403 Eucharistic Adoration………………………................ Marie Wienert - 847-439-1095 Evangelization & Faith Formation……………….. Keith Strohm - 847-437-0403 Apostolate of Prayer, RCIA, Small Faith Groups, Bible Study Football Program………………………………………… Tom Ragauskis Health Committee……………………………………….. Diane Tieman - 847-437-3905 Interfaith Pastoral Counseling……………….…….. 847-981-3514 Knights of Columbus……………………………………. Jeff Amour - 847-593-7698 Liturgical ministries………….…………………..…….. Deacon Larry Smith - 847-437-0403 Maintenance……………………………………………….. Matt Ellefson - 847-437-0403 Ministry of Care/Homebound……………………… Diane Tieman - 847-437-3905 Music - Adult Choir……………………………………... Steve Lisowski - 847-437-0403 Music - Bell Choir………………………………………… Vicki Ilczyn - 630-773-0744 Music - 11:30 Ensemble………………………………. Bob Alexander - 847-437-3349 Parish Nurse Program…………………………………. Diane Tieman - 847-437-3905 Reflections (Women’s Spirituality)………………. Diane Tieman - 847-437-3905 Respect Life ……………….………………………………. Pete Gennuso Scouting Boy Scouts………………………………….….…… Eileen McWherter - 847-228-6227 Cub Scouts………………………………………….. Carrie Ralls - 847-437-5481 Daisy/Girl Scouts………………………………….Julie Krol - 847-952-1613 Ushers……………………………………………………….... Mike Clausen - 847-364-1926 Wedding Coordination…………………………………. Christine Schiffer Young Adult Ministry…………………………………… Fr. Mike Owen - 847-437-0403 Unless indicated otherwise, contacts can be reached at Parish Office.