psychology 40s exam review - mcmurray  ·...

Post on 30-Jan-2018






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Psychology 40S Final Exam Review Exam Date: Thursday, January 22nd, 1:30-3:3070 marks multiple choice and 30 marks short and long answer questions

Psychology3 Main Levels of Analysis “The Biopsychosocial Approach”Psychology’s perspectives:

1. Neuroscience2. Evolutionary3. Behaviour Genetics4. Psychodynamic5. Behavioural 6. Cognitive7. Social-Cultural

Psychology’s subfields:Research (basic)Applied

Clinical psychologistCounseling psychologistPsychiatrist

Goals of PsychologyHindsight biasHypothesis

3 types of Research:Descriptive (case study, survey, naturalistic observation)CorrelationalExperimental

Random samplePopulationPositive correlationNegative correlationNo correlationDouble blind procedurePlaceboPlacebo effectIndependent variableDependent variableExperimental groupControl groupDescriptive statistics (mean, mode, median, range)

Ethics in Research (Human and Animal)

Memory 3 levels of Processing (3 levels of Memory)EncodingStorageRetrievalEffortful processingAutomatic processingMnemonics (Peg word, chunking, hierarchy, acronyms)Memory palaceConcept mapsShort term memory/Working memoryMagical #7 plus or minus 2RehearsalLong Term memoryFlashbulb memoryContext effectsDéjà vuMood congruent memoryMisinformation

PersonalityTraitsExtroverts and IntrovertsBig Five Personality Test and Myers Briggs testFreud:Psychodynamic PerspectiveStages of Psychosexual DevelopmentPsychoanalysisFree AssociationPersonality: Structure of the Mind (ID, EGO SUPEREGO)Defense Mechanisms: repression. Regression, reaction formation, projection, reationalization, displacement, denial

Biological Basis of BehaviourThe Brain:Brain StemMedullaCerebellumCorpus CallosumThalamusLimbic systemAmygadalaPituitary GlandHippocampusHypothalamusCerebral CortexMotor CortexSensory CortexLobes of the Brain: Frontal, parietal, temporal, occipitalPlasticityOther: Phineas Gage, PlasticityFranz Gall: Phrenology

The Nervous System:Parts of the neuron and their functions:DendritesAxonMyelin SheathAxon Terminal BranchesSynapseAction Potential

Neurotransmitters:SerotoninAchDopamineCentral Nervous SystemPeripheral Nervous SystemAutonomic Nervous SystemSympathetic Nervous System (Fight or Flight Response)Parasympathetic Nervous system

The Endocrine System:Glands and hormonesPituitary Gland – growth hormoneThyroid Gland – ThyroxinAdrenal Gland – AdrenalineTestes – TestosteroneOvaries – Estrogen and progesterone

Altered States of ConsciousnessConsciousness (definition)90 minute Sleep CycleSleep stages: one, two, three, four (Deep sleep) and REM sleepThe importance of Deep Sleep The importance of REM sleepDelta wavesBeta wavesAlpha wavesSleep spindlesSleep disorders: narcolepsy, sleep walking, sleep talking, sleep apnea, night terrorsPsychoactive drugs (definition)Know the 3 types of drugs, examples for each and the effects on the body

Depressants: Alcohol, barbituates (tranquilizers), opiates (morphine and heroin)Stimulants: Methamphetamine, Caffeine, Nicotine, Cocaine, Ectasy (also a mild hallucinogen)Hallucinogens: LSD, Marijuana

DevelopmentDevelopmental Psychologists: Jean Piaget (Stages of Cognitive Development)Lawrence Kohlberg (Stages of Moral Development)Erik Erikson (Stages of Psychosocial Development

Developmental Terms:Rooting reflexGrasping reflexMaturationSchemasAssimilationAccommodationObject permanenceStranger AnxietyEgocentrismConservationHarry Harlow and the monkeyAttachmentCritical periodImprintingParenting styles (Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive)MoralsNature vs Nurture

Motivation and EmotionExtrinsic motivationIntrinsic motivationMaslow’s Hierarchy of needsImmediate vs delayed gratificationEmotional intelligenceEmotionsBasic EmotionsPaul EkmanThe Marshmallow TestLie Detector testsAnger and CatharsisPredictors of Happiness

Stress and HealthStressDistress and EustressExternal locus of controlInternal locus of controlType A type B personality typesStress Appraisal: threat or challenge

Learning Classical Conditioning

Neutral StimulusUnconditioned StimulusUnconditioned ResponseConditioned StimulusConditioned ResponseGeneralization and DiscriminationExtinction and Spontaneous Recovery

Ivan Pavlov’s Dog ExperimentJohn Watson’s Little Albert Experiment

Operant ConditioningPositive ReinforcementNegative ReinforcementPositive PunishmentNegative Punishment

BF Skinner’s Experiment

Social Learning/Observational LearningAlbert Bandura’s Bobo Doll ExperimentMirror Neurons

Social PsychologySocial Psychology (definition)

Stanley Milgram’s Experiment: ObedienceSolomon Asch’s Experiment: ConformityPhilip Zimbardo’s Experiment: Role Playing

Psychological DisordersPsychological disorders (definition)Anxiety Disorders: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, OCD, PTSDMood Disorders: Major depressive disorder, Bipolar disorderSchizophreniaPersonality Disorders: Antisocial Personality disorderDissociative Disorders: Dissociative Identity disorder

Sensation and PerceptionSensation PerceptionBottom-up processingTop-down processingAbsolute thresholdsSubliminal thresholdsRods and ConesIllusions

Biopsychosocial Approach:

Jean PiagetNotes:

Lawrence KohlbergNotes:

Developmental Theorists:Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, Erik Erikson, Sigmund Freud

Erik EriksonNotes:

Sigmund FreudNotes:

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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