proven expert-views on how to get employed, hired or sell anything on linkedin in 2017

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Data & Analytics



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Results to expect after implementing my proven

LinkedIn strategies I discussed inside the eBook

1. Job recruiters and employers using LinkedIn will be contacting you

to submit your CVs, applications or to come for interviews. Example

is given below, immediately after I have tested and implemented

strategies for being spotted for your skills by the right employers

on LinkedIn.

2. People requesting to connect with you on LinkedIn will jump from

nothing per day to something like 500 to 1000 requests, if you

implement my proven strategies of getting more and more people

to be requesting to join your LinkedIn connections (network).

My connections by end of August 2016 was just around 2000. Four

months later it jumped to +9000, and approaching 10,000.

3. If you are not looking for job, but you want to be selling your

products and services via LinkedIn, your profile views will jumped

from nothing to 100s and 1000s of views per day. Your problem will

be how to be converting them into sales and cash. I will also teach

you how to do this….earning hard cash as much as +$17,248 USD

per week.

4. You will become one of the Top Social Seller on LinkedIn like me,

with high LinkedIn Social Selling Index which is a measure of how

effective you are at establishing your professional brand, finding

the right people, and engaging with insights and building

relationships with LinkedIn. If you are in marketing or advertising

industry, a high SSI can land you with big accounts of big companies

to market them on LinkedIn.

Proven expert-views on how to get employed,

hired or sell anything on LinkedIn in 2017

Let’s get started with the presentations


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