project management ppt

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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different project management tools



What is a project?

A project is a series of activitiesdirected toward the accomplishmentof a desired objective.

Project Scheduling Management

Project scheduling is concerned with thetechniques that can be employed to managethe activities that need to be undertakenduring the development of a project.

Scheduling is carried out in advance of the project commencing and involves:

identifying the tasks that need to be carried out; estimating how long they will take; allocating resources (mainly personnel); scheduling when the tasks will occur.

Project Management Tools

Older simpler - Gantt Chart

More modern – CPM/PERT

PERT/CPM Type Projects Construction Engineering Software Development Equipment Cut-over Anything with many interdependent


What is the CPM? Critical Path Method (CPM), is a

procedure for using network analysis to identify those tasks which are on the critical path: i.e. where any delay in the completion of these tasks will lengthen the project timescale, unless action is taken.

For all tasks off the critical path, a degree of tolerance is possible (e.g.. late start, late completion, early start, etc.).

PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique

Time are NOT known well (uncertainty) Statistics used to estimate probability offinishing within a given time

The Six Steps Common to PERT & CPM

Define the project and identify each activity Develop relationships among the activities.

(Decide which activities must precede and which must follow others.)

Draw the network connecting all of the activities Assign time and/or cost estimates to each

activity Compute the longest time path through the

network. This is called the critical path Use the network to help plan, schedule, monitor,

and control the project

Advantages of PERT/CPM Especially useful when scheduling and controlling large

projects. Straightforward concept and not mathematically

complex. Graphical networks aid perception of relationships

among project activities. Critical path & slack time analyses help pinpoint

activities that need to be closely watched. Project documentation and graphics point out who is

responsible for various activities. Applicable to a wide variety of projects. Useful in monitoring schedules and costs

Thank you

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