progress report - new jersey · progress report original aims of the project. 11/7/2014...

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Original aims of the project.



The Trustees of Princeton University

The project sought to contribute to our understanding of how brain areas are

connected, and how this connectivity changes as a result of brain injury,

rehabilitation, and recovery. Because our understanding of the human brain and its

connectivity is limited due to the use of mainly non-invasive techniques, the primary

focus of our project was to explore the limitations of such techniques in a model

that is well understood. For this reason, we chose to use the macaque brain as our

model to explore issues related to measuring anatomical connectivity using

non-invasive methods. In the proposed project, we sought to establish macaque

diffusion imaging in order to examine long-term changes in post-lesion connectivity,

with a particular emphasis on the brain�¶s attention network since it is a

well-studied brain network in both species. We proposed to develop novel diffusion

imaging techniques in the macaque and examine the limits of diffusion tractography by

using fMRI-defined regions of interest and known anatomical connectivity from

previous anatomical tracer studies. Further, we planned to induce focal lesions in

key areas of the macaque attention network to examine changes in the connectivity

profile of the network as a result of the lesion. The proposed studies would lay the

groundwork to establish a highly novel methodology combining state-of-the-art

diffusion imaging and an animal lesion model to study brain injury.


Project successes.



The Trustees of Princeton University

The project aimed to establish state-of-the-art diffusion imaging in the in vivo

macaque brain, and link it to known anatomical connectivity. Most current

implementations of macaque diffusion imaging by other laboratories are limited to

�³traditional�´ diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) with a small number of diffusion

directions, low signal to noise ratio (SNR), and large spatial distortions. This

project began with attempts to explore the limits of macaque DTI imaging, and

successfully ended with an advanced diffusion protocol that goes well beyond typical

DTI in many respects. As described below, we encountered methodological and technical

limits regarding what could be accomplished at our Siemens Allegra 3T MRI scanner,

which led us to switching the project to our new imaging facility that houses the

first US installation of a new state-of-the-art Siemens Prisma 3T MRI scanner.

In brief, our testing found that a rigid stereotaxic instrument (Figure 1) worked

best as opposed to an MRI-compatible primate chair system that we had started with.

While attempts to use an MRI-compatible primate chair with an integrated head holder

were successful, using such a chair limited our use to only animals with cranial

head-fixation devices surgically implanted. We also found that the materials used in

such implants above the skull compromised the imaging quality. Alternatively we found

the use of an MRI-compatible plastic stereotaxic frame provided both good head

stabilization in animals without surgical implants, and also provided a system for RF

coil stabilization over and around the head. Most importantly, the stereotaxic frame

provided the additional advantage of placing the head in the Horsley-Clarke frame of

reference so that MRI images could be used for surgical guidance in future lesion


Comparisons were made between single-loop surface RF coils, volume �³birdcage�´

circular-polarized coils, and multi-channel phase array coils. Much of the data

collected during the first half of the project was at the Siemens Allegra scanner

using a single-loop surface coil. The coil provided high SNR for the dorsal regions

of the brain, but SNR suffered with increasing distance from the coil, leading to

Final Progress Report

varReportResuts continued

difficulties in tractography ventral to the corpus callosum. This difficulty is

one of several reasons (see Project Challenges) why we later transitioned to the

Siemens Prisma scanner where we had access to and implemented a 4-channel �³Flex

Coil�´ as shown in Figure 2. The coil was a remarkable success�²its flexible

design and small size allowed for ideal placement around the head. Unlike the

single-loop surface coil, the four small channels provided uniform SNR across

the entire brain that extended ventrally past the cerebellum (Figure 3).

Furthermore, the multi-channel design allowed us to implement accelerated

parallel imaging (i.e. integrated parallel acquisition techniques, or IPAT).

This allowed us to decrease our scanning time (that is, we could collect more

data in a given amount of time), increase the spatial resolution, and decrease

the diffusion echo time (TE) for considerable SNR gains unobtainable at the

Siemens Allegra scanner.

The transition from the Siemens Allegra scanner to the Siemens Prisma scanner

allowed us to push our diffusion imaging acquisition schemed from a

�³traditional�´ DTI acquisition to the current cutting edge of the field:

multi-shell high angular resolution imaging (HARDI) acquisitions. At the Siemens

Allegra scanner, we were limited to a diffusion tensor imaging sequence of 60

gradient directions with a diffusion weighting of b = 1,000 s/mm^2. While a

60-direction DTI sequence can resolve major white matter fiber tracts fairly

well, it quickly reaches its limits when attempting to track through areas with

heterogeneous fiber orientations. This is an inherent limitation of the tensor

model that it cannot easily resolve fibers crossing, bending, or twisting within

an individual voxel. Since the goals of our project are to use diffusion imaging

to examine changes in complex neural architecture after trauma, it was critical

that we move beyond simple tensor models to more advanced q-space diffusion

imaging techniques.

We explored several options for sampling q-space, including measurements on a

single sphere with HARDI (Tuch et al. 2002), sampling multiple spheres

(multi-shell) (Assaf & Basser 2005; Wu & Alexander 2007), or sampling on a

Cartesian grid (diffusion spectrum imaging, DSI) (Wedeen et al. 2005).


Final Progress Report

varReportResuts continued

Currently, the analytical options available for DSI data are limited to

streamline tractography techniques. Probabilistic diffusion tractography, a

powerful tool for connectivity analyses, is not yet possible with DSI data. For

this reason, and because we can closely approximate Cartesian sampling by a

multiple-sphere scheme (Wu & Alexander 2007), our final diffusion imaging

protocol is a high resolution spherical sampling scheme with 270 diffusion

directions distributed optimally across three spherical shells (Caruyer et al.

2011) with a maximum shell value of b = 2,500 s/mm^2. Our comparisons of these

methods have found that multi-shell schemes have greater sensitivity in

detecting fiber crossings (particularly three-way crossings) than single-shell

schemes. Also, for human diffusion imaging at 2 mm spatial resolution, the best

trade-offs between fiber angular contrast and SNR occurs when shells are below b

= 3,500 s/mm^2. Given the higher spatial resolution possible with the Siemens

Prisma scanner, we were able to push the spatial resolution to 0.8 mm at a

maximum b = 2,500 s/mm^2 (Figure 4). An analytical advantage to multi-shell

diffusion is the data can be processed using both a model-based method or

model-free methods. Currently we have implemented a model-based analysis method

using a modified ball and stick model based on a continuous gamma distribution

of diffusivities (Jbabdi et al. 2012). Recent work suggests such a model

performs well with multi-shell data without over fitting problems, and allows

for straightforward comparisons to single-shell data (Figure 5). As shown in

Figure 5, the high resolution multi-shell diffusion scheme allowed for improved

estimation of crossing fibers in areas of known complex fiber architecture. The

white matter directly underneath the cerebrum and superior to the corpus

callosum contains a complex matrix of projection, commissural, and association

fibers. Such a region is particularly challenging for diffusion tractography.

With respect to this project, projections between key nodes in the attention

network, namely the frontal eye fields (FEF) and the lateral intraparietal area

(LIP) traverse through the centrum semiovale. As described in Project

Challenges, despite the imaging advancements we have made over the course of

this project, we are still wrestling with this challenge and will likely have to

push the spatial resolution and scanning protocols further.


Final Progress Report

varReportResuts continued

In summary, we proposed to develop novel diffusion imaging techniques in the

macaque and examine the limits of diffusion tractography by using fMRI-defined

regions of interest and known anatomical connectivity from previous anatomical

tracer studies. To this end, we have successfully moved beyond traditional DTI

imaging and established a high resolution multi-shell HARDI imaging acquisition

scheme that has provided us with unprecedented detail in the macaque white

matter architecture (within the limits of 3T MR technology). Further, we planned

to induce focal lesions in key areas of the macaque attention network to examine

changes in the connectivity profile of the network as a result of the lesion.

Given the permanent nature of these lesion studies, we are continuing to advance

our imaging capabilities with longer acquisition protocols, higher resolutions,

and implanted RF coils so that the tractography can accurately map white matter

through complex regions before the lesions are performed.



Project challenges.



The Trustees of Princeton University

One challenge we encountered concerned the severe geometric distortions in the

macaque data (more pronounced than human data due to the size and shape of the

macaque brain and surrounding anatomy). Typically, diffusion images are plagued by

distortions caused by sensitivity to inhomogeneities of the magnetic field. Such

inhomogeneities are caused by the object that is being scanned

(susceptibility-induced distortions) and by the rapid switching of the diffusion

gradients (eddy current-induced distortions). In consultation with Dr. Jesper

Andersson of the Karolinska Institute we addressed this problem with a model-based

approach that simultaneously considers and corrects for all types of distortions. The

correction is based on the idea of manipulating the acquisitions so that a given

field inhomogeneity manifests itself differently in different images (Andersson et

al. 2003). Specifically, images acquired with reversed phase-encoding (PE) directions

carry complementary information, and by combining the pairs of images, a

susceptibility induced off-resonance field can be estimated and successfully applied

to obtain a corrected image (Figure 6). Our testing found unexpected asymmetries in

the fiber orientations with PE directions that are often used in human imaging (i.e.,

anterior/posterior). In the end we found that right/left PE directions showed the

least amount of asymmetry to provide an unbiased estimation of the fiber orientations

in the corrected image.

One unexpected challenge surrounded the limitations imposed by the Siemens Allegra

MRI scanner. The software did not allow diffusion acquisition schemes beyond 60

directions, and did not allow the end user to input custom gradient vector tables to

implement multi-shell schemes with unique directions on each shell. As described

earlier, being limited to a DTI acquisition scheme with limited number of diffusion

directions prevented detailed white matter tractography in areas of complex

architecture. Fortunately access to the newly installed Siemens Prisma scanner

removed many of the barriers imposed by the Allegra, allowing us to push the limits

of macaque diffusion imaging to a high spatial and high angular resolution (0.8mm^3)

acquisition scheme.

Final Progress Report

varReportProblems continued

One of the goals of the project is to map the intact attention network in the

macaque using diffusion imaging and compare it to known anatomical tracing

results. While we�¶ve been able to successfully map ventral portions of the

network (i.e. visual areas V4 and TEO to the ventral) (Saalmann e t al. 2012),

there are dorsal portions of the network that have thus far proven difficult to

track. Key attentional control areas in the fronto-parietal cortex, namely the

frontal eye fields (FEF) and the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) have well

established connections to each other and to the dorsal pulvinar. As shown in

Figure 7, even with the high resolution diffusion sequence we have implemented,

the probable fiber tracks between these areas are disappointingly weak. We

believe the issue is related to complex fiber crossings beyond the spatial

resolution of our images in white matter between these brain areas (Figure 5).

Our current efforts are now aimed at pushing our imaging resolution to 0.5mm^3.

Because SNR decreases with increased spatial resolution, diffusion imaging at

0.5mm voxel size will require additional measures to help increase the signal.

One way to increase SNR is to collect additional data for subsequent averaging,

and given that our current 0.8mm protocol requires 3 hours of scanning, we are

currently working with our veterinarians to implement a 12-hour general

anesthesia protocol to allow for a 4-fold increase in data. Further, the

increased voxel resolution will require a decrease in the maximum diffusion

weighting, which will result in reduced angular resolution. To counteract these

losses, we plan to next use surgically implanted multi-channel RF coils where

the coils are placed directly on the skull surface to provide an over 3-fold

increase in SNR over external multi-channel coils (Janssens et al. 2012). Given

the permanent nature of the planned cortical lesion studies, where we plan to

examine recovery over the course of several months, it is critical that the

diffusion tractography accurately follows the known anatomy before the lesions

are performed in order to examine the changes in network connectivity that

reflect neural reality and not biases in the measurement technique.



Implications for future research and/or clinical treatment.



The Trustees of Princeton University

Studies in brain plasticity in animals have shown that lesions can trigger

modifications in structure, wiring, and representations. When a lesion is

introduced, it often induces both anterograde and retrograde degeneration (Payne and

Peters 2001). Recovery is rarely full, but partial recovery does occur, more so for

younger animals. Recovery of a system requires rebuilding of the damaged pathway by

various means, including migration of new neurons to an alternate pathway, sprouting

or rerouting of axons, the unmasking and stabilization of ephemeral axonal

projections, and the expansion of dendritic arborizations (Payne and Lomber 2001).

While diffusion imaging does not provide us with the spatial resolution necessary to

view these cellular changes, changes in the probability of connections between areas

are suggestive that such mechanisms are in use.

Recent human DTI studies have shown correlations between DTI measures and brain

injury. Fractional anisotropy (FA) measures in patients with brain injury are lower

in areas involved with the injury as compared to the same areas in uninjured control

subjects (e.g. Lee et al 2006; Rutgers et al. 2008), marking axonal injury in those

areas. Furthermore, recent DTI studies have attempted to perform tractography in

brain-injured patients (Sugiyama et al. 2007; Cherubini et al. 2007). While these

studies have shown the usefulness of tractography for evaluating brain injuries, our

studies sought to push the limits of diffusion imaging in an animal model in order to

examine how the connectivity of a large-scale network changes over time. Knowledge of

the time course of recovery will undoubtedly assist in the development of

environmental, behavioral, and pharmacological treatments to improve lesion-induced



Plans to continue the research, including applications submitted to other sources for ongoing support.



The Trustees of Princeton University

We plan to continue advancing the diffusion imaging technique in the macaque model as

described earlier with increases in spatial resolution and coil technologies to more

accurately map known networks in macaque brain. Once completed, these advances will

be used for future proposals to examine network plasticity after injury.


Explain how you have leveraged NJCBIR funding to obtain additional federal or other support for brain injury research and list the appropriate funding organizations.



The Trustees of Princeton University

We are currently preparing an NIH proposal that will include the techniques developed

thus far for diffusion imaging in the macaque to study network dynamics during visual

attention. While not directly related to brain injury, the proposal aims to increase

our understanding of network communication and ultimately network dysfunction.


All papers, presentations, chapters, and abstracts should mention that the research was supported by a grant from New Jersey Commission on Brain Injury Research. Copies must be sent to the NJCBIR office, even if you inadvertently forgot to cite NJCBIR support.List and include a copy of all publications emerging from this research,including those in preparation.



The Trustees of Princeton University

Saalmann YB, Pinsk MA, Wang L, Li X, Kastner S (2012). The pulvinar regulates

information transmission between cortical areas according to attention demands.

Science 337: 753-756.

Szczepanski SM, Pinsk MA, Douglas MM, Kastner S, Saalmann YB (2013). Functional and

structural architecture of the human dorsal frontoparietal attention network. Proc.

Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110(39): 15806-11.

Arcaro M, Pinsk MA, Kastner, S. The anatomical and functional organization of the

human visual pulvinar. J. Neurosci. Under review.




The Trustees of Princeton University




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