prairie computer network solutions yearbooks/1932.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · 'l'o :.\li...

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Published by the Senior Class of '32








There's a high school in our town, in our town,

And it will win fame and renoun, and renoun,

For every tudent will forever be

Faithful, true with loyalty-


o fight! Hammond High-Fight Fair! is our cry

We'll be with you till the end

In Victory or Defeat-

o on to victory, Yes! On to victory!

Keep up your courage and ahead we'll be

To win <ind win uprightly is our ay!

Old Hammond High chool, Do or Die!

Hu~h rtt.ddol·k, J t.

Frank Helfl"ich


FrNI nrun-


• H BuckinJ!ham

..\lyrlin Buckingham

I<,dilor-in- hief

Huth Daugher y

artoon •

.:\Iary Yea,t


Keith Bolin


Phillip Leg~·

-\d,•. :'ll anarr 1

Eve)) n Vat Si('k:e



.\li :- , attPrfield


Bt>atrice Fish<•r

Bu:-inPss :\1~1.

Eu.:!ene Conner

Joke Edil<•r

~ora ~lo:;:-er


George Parks

All\ £'rtisin"

H 'l'hert Watt:.

Adwt tbing

Charlotte Stare

Soe1al Editor



As a reward to the one who ha o faithfully advi Pd

u during out· l'eniot yeat, ancl who gan' J.wr time that

thc~e mcmorie might bc pre e1 H'd, Wl heartily d dknt

this ~ixth volume of the i\IemoritPr.



I. s. '. l



l llinoi:-; ~ •.!1:-an 1. •.1\er:-i~y

~ocial .'t·i, n<"P, Hi:-tory.



"<orthwe:-;tPrn L'm"er;;it:..

Englbh, Latin, ~~u-~~-


Eureka Collec- '·

Hom Et•onomil's, R i nee.

S. H. VAN DYKE, M. A .

• 'nrthwe~·tcrn UmYe1·. it\'

:\lathematil'l:, Doys P. E.



I. s .. ·. u. (';omm rc1al, Gub' P. K

8; ·~~~~·~~~~~~~l~~~~[i·~~[a· ~·~~~w~v.~r~H~·..J..l]•·W~ MEMORITER 'n!~~:mlli~-t



I 9

3 2


Cia ~ SP<-retm y-Trea.,ur .. , '2!1, ·ao. C'!a:-:­pn·~id,.nt ·a 1, ·a2; I· ootball. Hn. ketball, T1ack, '2!1, '30, '31, '32; Capt. Ba k••th 11 '32; 'o- 'aptaln Track '32; Ath!Ptk ouu­<"ill '2'1; ourat•il 'pnetar~ ':!I ; roniH"l

PrP. idt>nt ':32; Bawl P1 • id••nt ':3:.!; "WhPn'. Yom· Hi rthda) "-':3 I ; \ th·•~rti i ng .lnn-

ag-t>r I 11:~2 ;\lem(JI'itPI".


Cia-.. Pn'!'Hlent ·:w; lla kdball ·:w, •:Jl, ':32; Dramatic luh •:w, •:a; l;J .. c Club '2'1, ':3tJ; "\\ h.•n. Your Birthday !"-'31 ; •·It 1 v •t

H::in "-'~ 1 ; "'-1 ignom••te"-':J2; Bu.;in :-.:-:\lana!.!•'' I !13:.! ~Ienaoriter.


'la~s !'rPsident '2!1; Drama til" Club '30, '3 I, "32; SN·rctary (l{ Rand '31, '3'~; "\\no \Vot:dn'• D< ~razy"!"-"30: "Wh •n',.. Yout Hirth lay ?"-'31; · ''lt ~PYer Rains" ·~ 1; "i.\lignonette"-'32; Editor-in-Chief 1 !13~



lass Secrelaly-Trea,.,t.rcr '32, Historia:1 '2!1; Ba. kl tball '2!1, '30, •:n, '32; Uramati,·

luh '2!1, '30, ':H, '32; Glee club '2!1, ·:30. '31, '32; "Who Wouldn't He razy'!"-'30; "WhPn', Your Birthday'?" -'31; ":\li~nor.­

< tte" '32; ::\lemorite1 ~taff 1!132.


Football '2!), '30, '31; Bn ketbnll '31, 3~; Track 'SO; Dramnti t'Jub '2!), '30, 31, '::!:.!; Hand '31; '3!.!; "\\ho Wouldn't Bt> Crazv?" ':30; "When':- Your Birth<) ) ?"-,-31; "Skidding-" ·:~~; "~lignonettt•"-'3~; ..\11

verti.inl! ~lannge•· I ~~3~ ~~~ nwritC'l.


Vi<'t' Pre ithmt '30, '31; Ba-kt>thall '~!', '30, '31, '3~; Athlt•tk < ouncil '32; Glee nuu '!ll, '3~; Band '32; "Who Wouldu't 1;11

razv?'' '30; "\\'ht>n' Your Birthtlav'!"­'31; "~lignont>tte"-'32; 1 !la2 ::\1t>morlt•'1

• tatf.


VirP-Prc~idPnt '2!); Football '2!1, '30, '!il; Captain of Fo )thall I H:! 1; Pn·~itll·nt of the "H" lub •:-:2; Ba><kl•thall '2!J, :30, ·:n, ·:~~; Vke-Pre ident of Athlctil' Counl'il '32; Dra­matic Glut> '30; ~lemoritl'r ~tafT of Hl3:.!;


MARY C. YEAST ".:\lacornne"

Ba,-kc•tball '~!1. '30, ':!1, '32; (11Pe 'luh '2!), '30, '!ll; Dramatic Cluh '2!!, '!!0, '31, '3~; Declamatory Conte i '30, '31, ·a2; "Whl) \\'ouldn't Be Cmzy?" '30; "Whc>n':-: Your Birthday?" '31; "Tt . 'pver Rain,."-'31; KHhling-"-';~2; "l\lil!'nonctte"-'!l2; 1!13::!

.:\lemoriter _tafT.

1 g

3 2


1 9


:~a k •thall 'a2; AthlPtlc Counc11 ;31; DIJ­

matic Iub '2!1, ·:•o, ·:> 1. •:;2: Gl 'l' c'lub · ~:,, ':{0, '31, ':12; ''It '\ l•\ 'J' T<ains" ·:~ 1; "~1~ -

J (Ill tlt" ':{2.


'Ia·. Stcretar:.-Trl'a urer ':{0, ':sl, Athletic r.ouncil '2!•: I'rack ':32; G!PP C!uh ·a;:;; O.::ki1\tlin!!·· '32: · :\lignon<·ttP" ·:~2; U)!J_

~1Pl1101 ite• Sl'lff.


B<t. kr>thall '30, ·:~2; lhamatic lub '2H, '30, '31, ':{2; GliP 'luh '2!1, '30, '31, '3~; '' \ \ht>n',- Your Bhthd11y"-'81; " :\l:gnoll-

t>tlt" '32; 1!1 :~2 :\l emoriter taft'.

JOHN W . CAPPS "Johnn~"

h1 er Leader '2!1. '80; Dramatic Club '2:1, '30, ·:~ 1, '32; Gle lub '2H, '30; " kidrlin~'

'31; " :\lknonette"- '32.

ELOISE MURPHY Qu t '<.:hool

EVELYN L. VAN SICKLE '-!-:\ l tt

Tran:-f••n•(l from La Plan• ';l I; Glee• ('Jub '32; "J\Iiguon tte"-'32; 1 !l:l2 ;.\lt•morit r

l' afT.


Tran~fet·.:<l from l\It. 7iot ':!:!; Football, Ba ketbaJI, Ttack, '32: -\thlt> i<· Cvuncil

'32; " ~li!rnonctte" ·:~~-


Ba:-.ketbaJI '2!1, '30, '31, ':32; Glet> 'lub '2~1, '30 '31, •:;2; Dramatic Cluh ':![1, '30, '31; '32'; ".Mignonette" '32; M •moriter staff vf



Tran:-;fered from La Place '31; Football '3 I ; Ba. ketball '32; Track '32; "~lignont•tte· ·

'32; 1!132 ~lt'moriter ~taft.


Tran:-;fered from Yorktown, Indiana '3~; Dramatic lub '32; Glee lub '32; ":\11"­

nonettc" '32.

I 9

3 2

&.~,~-. -.· . ..: . ·-•' ~



1 !JfiO Forewot d:

Hammond, Illinoi .lunP 11, 1 tiGO

Tonight Wt' find the graduatt>d l'lu of I !tB2, who hav" rPturned for thi. ca ion, . eatNI <'omfortnbly around a tabl • in th home of :\I r. and )h .. 7\Iyrli ham, of Oak !'ark, the lattet, formerl., i\1 i Gale ,ib on.

JH:'l'ia I oc­I.uckin~-

"You • •, darling, Gcn 'iPv • ha done '\t'ry "ell. She i d ·an of women at tlw niVPt ity of llammond. y., , that i hPr hu band with h1 r. She • Prtainly look gt•ntl<

with h.·r grP) hnir and unny mile." "C'ora ~to tr i a vt•ry fnmou autho1· and till ha her .mw old laugh. H r gr at

faml' came tht ough ht>r \\ l'iting of a v r~ popular •lOOk called 'Gi• ling Giggle hy

c;i •glct '." "B 1LricP Fi lwr. nftl'r a di "lPI ointment r ulting from a lo\'C ail'air, has gonf'

out wet. Althou •h 110 word ha. been tt>C<>i •Pd from her, Wl~ under tand th:1t ~h • ha

t.akPn up nur in •. '' "~larjoril' Hudtlol'k i now in IloJly\\oOd taking th phtcP of Clara Bow. 'fhp~· ay

• Jw i. cnjoyin r life illltnPn Ply." "(, •ot·g · l'm·k i. an old bachdot living twat • cw OrlN1n , Loui an.t, and work

hare! ev<>ry da) cultivating ugar canP with hi. old mule 'Gt•org '." "Ht•rbE'rt 'latt. livP on a farm in \\'yoming ,,nd i the gH~:ttt•::.t public ,p~aket

P\(~r produ<·Pd hy Hammond Hi••h .• .\t th JH" Pnt hP i walhng- on nut<'hc• l><•cau.·p of an injUl Pd foot u tain('(l wlwn H l'OW t pped on it an<l he . till WPar hi :-anll' old ·hoot ' that l'UU Pd half of thP dvk:- . t udE'nt:- to gl't :-t•nt out of l'la~~.''

"Ardu IIPntiPr.on i' a ha:- .in~er in }lontl' Carl . WP tind lw is ~till ,;ad ant! down-hPartPd ovPr tht• lo~. of hi:-; hi;,!;h !il'hool . \VCL't hf'art."

".lohn Cap)J is dri·.-ing an amhul· n<'e lw<au ... h hacl :-o mul'h C'XperiPncc \\hc·n in

hi you h-hy racing l'ar , nnci b :ning tr,•ins to mill o:ul cro. ing..,." "EvPlyn Van Sickle i:- a nur"e in Chi1·ago, aL tht Englewood ho,pital. lt is t•crtain

that hl' i happy for that ''a alwa~ s her lifP ambition." "Gent• ConnPr i in MinnP-ota rP:-idinl!; on a dairy farm. [ ast rPpoJt-. an.• to the

pffect that hi' i \cry happy with hb little :-on Erlg:u·. Too bad ht• i:-n't with us tonh!:ht. (and inl'identall~ hi hi~h-. <·hool romalll'f' wa,.. realized)."

"Pelf' Ll',!gP i.- now football l'Olll'h at hi., old .r hna ).[at,•r, otn• Dame, when• he was 'aptain and :-tar fullback \\ hile a ttl ndin~ -<chool then·."

" harlotte Sta1 c 1:-> an (•xpert StPnogmpbt•r in Det·ntur. Tht•y .ay ~im·p her h1 okPn Pllgagement :-he ha.- been v• r • un-"Happy."

"Virginia SandPr:- i:, a great opt'Ja singpr and at th' Jll'l'::"•nt time i: traveling abroad. She owl'~ •l1UCh of her sU<'lt'. ~ to thf' instruction r• l'l'ivl',l at D1•ar Old Hammonn High."

"~l:uy Ye: st ha::; ju~t puhii:-hed a very ).opular hook t'allt•d 'So Bi~'. ShE' i:- tlw happh·~t pe1'on in the c.roup, ha\·in~ n'l'c•ntly r turned from a trip abroad."

"Keith Bolin is still living in Hammond aftPr hi" Jon;!. expe('te I marriag·p to Frccla Capp,;. He ha a on, Jaek J t·., who i:- a:- great a ha~kethall star as I\.{ 1th wa~ in h1,.: day, and who ~reatly re:-t•mble.- him E'Xt'ept for the fatt that he has rE'd :1a•r."

"Huth Daugherty is 1unnin,!." 'The Stylt Slop' itt Pari . '1{ i.- ver:. qui,•t, :-ettled and happy with htl' hut' band."

ow l\Ii":- SattPrfield stand~ and taps for silt•nee. Let u" b • quiet and li:-ten to what

.:h 1a,. to :a:. s·~ned:

Phillip Leg-ge Marjorie Ruddoek Gl'or~· Park~


\ e, the t•la :- of '32 of H. C. H. S., Town of Hammond, County of Piatt. Stat<' nf Illinoi., ... •. A., in our own e timation of ound mind, hC'reby makP hi our la t I g.:lt

will and t .. tamt>nt n•voking all othl'r will:- heretofore mnrle.

To th Junior WP ll'a\'1' a vreat .pat'C' for th t•m to fill , ncl Franci Talkin •ton to had th m through n . t year.

To the Sophomore:' wP ll•un• our ability to refrain from e. hibiting- thl' trait. of

tUJ tl -clove,.

To th Fn• hmen we I •aY • our much-n,nrkrd upon .eat. in thC' mblr.

'l'o :.\li Sattt•rfield WP 1 U\'e a locker to hang h r in dut in chool.

To :.\1i ,. Burrough we lean• fiftt•en ponie. for tht• Latin cia. e •.

To .:Mi:-:- Goodrich w • lean• a box of brO\\ n :-ug r.

To :\lr. a dock w • leav • all the trophie" Wl' hav won om ing otu four year .

To :\lr. Van Dykt> Wt' lt•avt> a nC'w jokt• hook .o ht• won't tt>ll th£> old one ovt>r and

ovt•r again.

Thl' individual memher. of the 'enior Ia:; make tht• folio\\ ing lwqut> t to wi

I, Genevit'Yt> A::-kins, will lt>aYr my good grade:- and t'otH' •ntratPd .tudy to Herht•rt


I, l\lydin But·king-ham, do hPr •hy will and bequPath my wt>akne for tht> fair

to Elvin Eskriclgt>.

I, Gene Connl'r, do hen•by bt>~tow my t•urly hair upon :.\larjoriP Watts.

I, Ruth Daug-herty, will leave m~ cheerful face and quiet nature to Gale Gib on.

I, Beatrict• Fish<'r, do will and bequt>ath my quil't and • \":P<'t way to Thelma A kin

I, Ardu:- Hentler:-on, IP~n·<· m~ Pxp •riPnt·e with girl. to Kt>nnt'th Ohh r.

I, Phillip Legge, do hen•by will and bequt>ath my reeipe for "p l'ft>t't love nuking,"'

to Franci!' Talkington.

I, :\Iar~ Y{·a. t, do will and bequeath my book on "How to Bet·onw Slim," to

~laUl·ine Pittman.

I, GPorge Park:,, tlo hPrehy will and h queath my ~low and r>a. y manner to Charli •

Dall' Traxl 'I".

I, :\larjorie Ruddock, will and bPqueath my ability to chew gum to Hat rit•t Shir>lcl .

I, Evelyn Van SteklP, do will my gcntlr> di:.:po. ition to Dorothy ltun ford to he

u. ed .-paringly.

I, ora Mo :;er, ,viii h·ave my quiet littl£> chuekh• to EulPI.H C'rt•Pk, providing ~ht­eontrol it a:.: W( 11 a:- I havt>.

I, Charlotte Stan•, will g-i\·e my ability to gigg:)p to Verda Hale, on eondition that

.·he <loe::;n't mi'-'U'-'C it.

I, Herbert Watt!', will my oration to Kenneth Smith on coutlition that hf' k<'PP it

well in mind. I, John app~. will my ability to bluff thP teal'h •r,.. to John • chut>tz.

I, I~e1th Bolin, leave my plare:; on Hammond'. B..t:-ketball nnd Football Tc·1m to

my brother Darrell.

I, VIrginia Sander~', will and bequeath my :ipcaking ahility to Virgil Pairill.


ll/e U/o72cler l l3tillJrerJ' Joo

tz 7/CJ'h/e


J u ll j 0 1'.:3


Fir>'t Row- PPrnPtta Wntherholt, He:ter Foreman, Mary Bilby, Dorothy Ransford,

Bonnt£• \an Skklc, Lut·illP Ohl ~r.

Bat·k Row h.1 nn1 th Yakey, nale Smith, Jame" Helfrich, V<'rlin ro,·;der, ly<t·

Hoyt. 1''.-ant·i Talkmg-ton, Howard W •thcrholt, :.\Ij,.,. Burrough>', • pon,.or.


Pr · id •nt ---------------------------------------------------James Hclfric11

Trea.·urer ----------------------------------------------------- lyde Hoyt Vice Pre idcnt -- _ ------ ______ ------ _____________________________ Dal 1111th

~pon~or ---------------------------------------------------- :.\Ii~ Burrou~h"

Motto ------------· -" harm·ter b 'fhP Only Tru<· Diplonta"

olon ---------------------------------Ro:; and Grel'n Flower ___________ -- ____________________ - ________ Ho~w


l'o writ thP hbtory of our da ,

I. quit a job for thi:- younQ' las

They did appear in twl'nty-nine,

Twelve gr en, C:H~en fr ·~hi in a lin

It did not tak • them Jon;!' to 1 arn,

The teacher':- wi:-h thPy could not =>JlUl n.

ThP fir:-t year three of them did leave,

It really made the othPr,; !.!rii'VP,

The fir:;t to g-o was Jo:<Pph Poader,

But-"Ahsent·e make the heart •row fond ·•·.''

Bula and Barcu: left tog-ether,

Th •y took alontr the . unny weath ·r.

'ork Helfrich, an ar"l1 ean wield,

'ollecting coin,; from Satterfield

Pernetta i:< a little blond,

Of whom the boy~ ar • e~pe('ially fond.

Dale Smtth, whose name is only " rmtty."

Ju:-;t look!' at ":\farj" till it':- a pity.

Bonnie Van StcklP, a g-irl from La Place,

Won man)' a :-mile by hpr pretty face.

Kenneth Yakey, a little man,

We'll all confes,.; doe. th • bP-t lw t·an.

He:;ter Fon•man our brown-t•yPd beauty,

Finds leading- cheer." a plea~ant duty.

Clyde Hoyt': nicknanw ju,.t fib to a "T",

For "Happy" lyde will ever he.

Lucille Ohler i · a regular gal,

hP .·eem. to be everybody' pal.

Howard Wether holt, a La Place lad,

Trie.· to be good but is alway: bad.

Forget every naughty thing . he did,

For Mary' a regular "preacher·~ kid."

Verlin Crowder, our Kan.·a:- friend,

Will b a great typi:t in the end.

Miss Burrough., our :ponsor for thi: year,

We all have decided i: a "dear".


(JJ. m.(J.


,5o h om or &.5


Fi1 t Rov.·- hPstcr Dcttlmt:, Eulcta reck, \ n 1an Ihun:;, Freda a}Jp", ~1inni •

Barnett, .Maurine Pittman, Dale Tra. ·le r.

Second Row- Merh Sc..roggin,.,, Marjorie Wutb, Gale Gib,on, Blanche Curry, l\l r,...

Paulin<' Dil·k, Spon~or; Mildred Hoyt, (;erald FawlPy.

Back Row- Junior Fi"her, Tbndall Yeast, RobPrt onnPr, Herbert Foreman, Dille

South, Danl'll Bolin, \ lrt.dl Parrill, W illiam Yake).


President _________ ---- ______________________________________ Blanche Cuny

\ it·c President ---------------------------------------------- Freda Capp.

ur •ta1y-Trea::,urcr ----------------------------------------- ViV'ian Brun ... Spon~or ________________________________________________________ :\1r ·. Dick

Motto ---------------------"Backbone but not W ishbone"

Color,.. -------------------------------Black and OranJ.!:e

Flower ---------------------------------- _Sun Flower


\Ve Sophomor·e. are proud of our cia-,.. '"'"II mode tly udou that it i. the h t one rn the ~chool. Young a we are, w • tak an cth··· p:nt in our n·hool activitic .md Hm l-110nd Hig-h 'chool ha:- alrea,Jy d •p nded a ~rent d •al on u to help uphold h •r hi~h tandard.... Five ophomor .,.. are m mb rs of th band; i. girl,. are on th ~ girl ' 11al'­ct ball qund; eight of u" bel on r to the dr.1matk ('lub; on • having plm· d in th coun­Y contP. t la. t •a r ; and Pight of our boy h n· tnkl'n an lll·th·,. part in Bn kl'tbnll and

Football. Individually eacr op om ore ha:- a promiJwnc • all hi own. :\Iinnie---"Toot,..", our :-;malle t memb•r, won ('~·ond in thl de~lamator:~/ rontf' t

t year· with lwr humorou reading. DarTt>l•-''Wilhur", won a lett~r· thi"' year in football and i,.. a coming tar uth

I •t •. Yivi n-i not only important <:>nou~h to .... o with the SPnior boy , but i · a goo)tl

tudent a wc!J. Freda-" Red", b noted for h r fn'<JU'nt heart attack., her \\inuing rt mtin~ lind

her lnilliant hair. "Bob"-ha~ the di..;tinction of hPing: lh • ela .. '. !land ome, hi rh gnu!t m ll1

nd Ja.;;t but not lea..;t, it iadie ' mau. "Pegg-y"-ha~ r>roved a capable leadl't of our clas. for two ye:n· (n Pre ident)

nd can alwayr l'e depended on to do mol·· thr-n her part for the Sophomor l'la~ . "Chettie"-i our :-tar athlete. He •• 1a le til, t tt•nm both in football and loa kctb lll

nd playt•cl an important part in addin~ glory to Old Hammond' l'Jown. Geraltl-"Hon", i~ quite n favorit • wt•h the girl c pccially when ht• ha l'nnd •. Junior-"Buck':" grade~ thi~ year were the hig-he t in th' cia and :-inc he ha

hccn ab~ent from :l'hool, b •cau~P of illne..:s, there i~ a notkeabl • dedin • in ·.-vt••·nt the1 Sophomon·"' cTadt':->, espN·ially in Gt>omctry and Latin II.

H erbert-"Herb", may be ,..Jov .. · in returning his r«'JJOrt card, but he l'an urely -how ,.;omc ,..peed when it come· to foot hall and basket hall.

Gale':-big-g •st problem this year ha been wh •ther to bob her hair or 1 av It

I on.~. :\Iildred-"Mill~ ", ha~ bePn on • of ou, old :-,tnnd-by last ye:u nnd thi. \\hen '' •

-old refredHnent~ at thr> g<tmP:-:. Maurine-"Pittman", it ha: been whi. )cred about that since tht• new typf' of

movi ,.; hav • eome in, ~Iaurinc i. v •ry fond of one partil·ul:u "T·dkiP". M erle-i,.: cer tainlv mi~sed by the ot ht'r !!irl" who. e habit it i" to loaf in thP girl'.

Hl',..t Room. Dale S.-"Moo<iy", .~ r· portl'd to ha''~' lH• .,, PPn u far aw·1y from hone .1

'Cerro Gordo" on ccrlnm unday night .. Dale T.-" harlic", out only ix foot,,. will ~Ollle day O\'e!·comc hi inf• l'iont)

complex in regard to the gnls and b • a .;:cc nd "John Gilbert." Matjorie-"Littl Shtet". Wf' all ltke :\large and will mk her· gr atly if h~

.!'D •:-; to LO\ ington nPxt } car. Willi ... m-"Bill", we t'annot undPt •:111d why Bill i .n lean and lanky vhPn h •

eat,.: so many pean•.tt. in school. Randali-"Dhckie", ha!< . h0\\'11 a wonlt>rful knowledc • of agril'ult UJ'(' in hi Parly

tiff' and we think h1• will make a . plendi •farnwr in thP future. Euleta-"Diek", th~ little Hlond who ~:e m;;; to like our ~hool much hettPr tiUlll

-he doe: Lovington. She abo, i · one of our honoted ~tudenb. Virgil-WP hO!)t ..:ot11e riay will bP ar• cntomo1os:=i t h .·au:-;,• he lik ·. I:il'logy u

well. ''Mrs. D1ck", the lOach of th play:-. whit·h are ~o well likt•d bv the l'Ommunity, 1

our cia!<:> Sponsor. "That ks to you, :\Ir,... Dick, for yo1.1t• with anti advict• to the t•la ."

- opho 110rl' Clu. .

mplim nt of

,.\lr. E t I Huff

( omplim nt of

S nior la

C'omplimt>lll of


omplimcnt of

,J. '... ~~ d II lFP

C:omp!inwnt of

I>all outh

Compliment of

"Pete" and "( ork"

C'0mplimcnt of

:\Jr. and ..\ll·. Varwuren • nnd Lort'tt!l Mae

omplim nts of

W. R. E\"an

Compliment· of

;\JtJdrul Latld~n·he nnd

Huth Pondl'l'

:\1r. and ..\Ir . G. C. Hine.

Compliment of

..\lr. and . Ir". W, rd Silver.

1%lt>r Waltt>r ;\J illPr wi ht> ~ ou the greate t

'urrt' . both Temporal and Spiritual.


('oniJ liment of

.\1.·. Wortham

om pliment" of

W. Huff

"Our Gang''

(, ratd Hint

ompliment:-: of

Re\. & ..\lr,... BiliJ:-

{ <>lll! of

• ·oah Bodamer

Compliment,; of

Glaoy. '\1-.'. Leav1tt



Fir t Row-Bertha Halt>, Hclt•ll Lowe, Thl:lma :\~ki n.:::, E' elyn Bam tt, :\lyt·tle

'hiel<b, Thelma Ruddock, Evelyn Foreman.

'econd Row - Kenneth Ohler, Hm rit>tt Snidd,;, Violet Talkington, Mi~::; Goodric1l,

Spon~ot· ; leita Ke,;tn<•r, Venia Hale, KPnneth Smith.

Back Row- arl 1\lo~,;er, John 'c:hPutz, hn,; 1\lo:-;:er, Hugh Coc:hran, Haymond

Evr1n;;, Dale Traxler, Elvin E,;krid~·e , Donald Huff, Lewb D ttling-.


Pre i<l,.nt ------------------.---------------- -------------- I~aymond Evan;1

\ Jt • Pre:sident ----------------------------------------------- Lewi:s D •ttlin.1; cr •tary __________________________________________ ---- _____ Hugh Cochran

Trea,;urer ________________________________________ ---- _______ Ktnneth Ohler

pon~or --------------------------------------------------- lli~ · Goodrich

l\1 otto __________________________________________ " B • "

Color. ---------------------------------Red and White

Flower --------------------------------------Tea Ro~c

,MY~.lm]n"~-MEMORITER ~"':Jl"ll:~· ~·.a·~~~=,~~~;.;-~


Ln t fall w a a cla of twenty-one o called fre hm n, ]O\\ ly ancl h~·ly a c n'l­

ed th tep of th Hammond Hi h ~,.hool Buil ling-. Our mh-takt in fmdin .. cln room

were f w, but w were occn ion. lly the obj ct on \\ hich th upp.:r-cla m n • how r cl

th ir joke and j ering.

Th 11 camP the initiation party which wa th pri' ilege of the Sophomo1" < Ia

Of cour,..c tht y tried to make U" think it woulcl he bittt•r nll>dicin to takt• hut n verth -

]p wt• ~ u rviYed it. 'I' he party in every \ '3) wn c!Plightful. \\' t' w n "' Hd \dth fruit

nlnd, cak , nne! punch. and for goo I mea ur w • f1 c hmt>n \\ er pre ntcd "ith an ali­

day uckti.

fter the tin•t :-em .'ter exam wt> lo.t one of ou1 memb 1 , :'llyrtle Shi ld • which

left u t wt>nty in number.

\Ve arc eo1.tinuing to climb the ladder of ucce. ancl w hope' that wh n W" t

to be di •nifi d . nior we will b the tw t cia '·hich H. . H. ~. hn P\ cr com<• into

contact with.

-Venia Hal


Although w 're oftc•n eln. -cd u gl' • n;

\Ve'1 • not a ignorant a we• rna~ Pill.

We'n• only infant:- up in high,

But we'll "row up by and by.

~ @,.

omplimcnt of

Prof. W. A. Li t

Otn!>liment or

Brook'. ( afl

C•)mpliment of th('

B. & H. Stotc Lo,·ington, Ill.

omplin.ent. of

~li Goodrkh

Compliment of ) our Prineipal ~lr. Van Dyke

Complinwnb of

Do~. Hc>nry, & Dukt>

Compliment of

D. Godfrey

ompliment>' of

.T. A. Abram~ twood, Illinoi~

Complim('nts of Day~· Grocery Lovington, 111.

Compliment of ) our Eng·lish

teacher, ~1 L. Burrough.


= IH

Complim nt of thP 0. ;\I. (".

Bee Jan


He ty Tud£' Shorty

Co:nplinwnb of :.\Jr. and :\Ir~. H. C.


ColllplimPnt. of

Muneh'. Dmg Store.

Cnmpliment. of

Fred Ihun::

Complim 'lit' of

your f:ommercial tC'acher

~I i." Sattc>rfield

Compliments of Thomas IL Li\"en~ood

of the Voorhic·:-: Churt'11

Compliment:: of

A. T. Wilkin~on I:cn1 nt, 111.

omplimcnb of th£>

Junior Women':- Cluh

omplimcnts of

.\Jr. and ~h "'· J. T. Hoyt


____,, 0

-, , , ,



ThP initiation patty for thP Ft P, hnwn wa givPn Friday, ScptcntiH'I' 11, 1 !I:~ I.

Each FrP~hnH n wa c•omp lied to go 1htou~h .1 ,l'rie of .tunt-. tht>n f':.\('h h;Hl a

1\{ t to flPI'fOJIIl.

Ev •ryone parti<•ipatcd in thP ~;amP that followt>d aft 'I" bPing- entPrtaint>d hy the

frP. hi . I~ •frt> hnwnt of fruit alae!, pun('h and eake WPJ ,, C'l vt>d.


i\Ii. Satterfield pon 01c•cl thi. dPiightful jMrty on Friday, Ortolll'r 1fi, Hl:ll.

Ev •ryonP wa to ma k ot· pay a ni1·kel. GanH :- \\' rl' played, tht>n we• wprc tn>att>d to

pop, k · <'!'Pam, and l'OOkif' .


1\Ir. arlol'k and hi <'O'llnllttPe !'ntcrtainl'd thl' ~tudent body and faculty at a

ThanLgiving· ~ocial .:\0\l'nlbPr ~1, l!I:H. We, the :-tudent body and faculty, wc•n• ver~

thankful for thc> tPfrP~hnwnb of :andwicht'::, iee cream, and <"ocoa. G·tml's were played

and I'Veryonl' enjoyed them.l'lVP .

VALr-. 'TI 'E P • .\HTI

On February 10 the cntin> ,..l'110ol wa~ entertained :.1t :.1 Vall'ntine patty, ::pon:-or •d

by i\lr. Van Dyke•. ContP t of \'ariou~ sort: were held, with prize:-; of candy and c·ooky

hear •ivPn to thl' winning- idc· •. :\Iany othPr lau;!.·h-pt ovoking game, WPre indulgPd

in until the dimax of the party, which came when we were bidden to man·h in l'Ouple.•

to thl' deliciou.· refn•::;hnwnt which, as wPII a:-; the decoration::;, carri ·d out th :-pirit

of thP ea~on.


ApJil Fool Party pon~ored by Mi~~ Goodrieh, wa~ held Friday ni<>ht, ~pril 1,

1 !132. The idea of April Fool wa~ <'an·iecl out by fooli~h g-ame-:. Refn•-::hment: an <I

g-anw WI'I'P Pnjoyed by the faculty and ::tudc>nt body.



Fir»t How-~lildr •d Hoyt, Minnie Barnett, Thclnm .-\ kin., Blarwe "urry, Hnr­ril tt Shield.:, Myrtle hit>ld~. Thelma Ruddock, Evelyn Foreman, Lul'ille OhlPr'.

tcond Row- Virginia , andcr., :\lary Bilby, lt't.l Kt• tnPr, Vt•rda Hale, Fret!,\ Capps, Pern tta Wetherholt, l\laurine Pittman, He ter Fort>man, Marjori Watt..

B;~ck Row-K •nnPth :n11th, Kenneth Ohll•r, Herbert Watt , Gale Gih:,.on, Eul •ta C.reck Genevicv' A kin , \l•ry Yea:-t, ~lr . Paulin Dkk, Diret tor·, Myrlin BLH·king­ham, Phillip L 'l!l!e.


In the conte. t her • :\lar)' Y ca.-t placet! fir:-t .n ~Pnou~: F':reda Capp , fir t in orn-tion.-; and :\Iyrlin Bul'kingham, first in humorou:-. They all thrt•e w •nt to th ount onte.·t at Bement, .March 2f>. Freda placl'd N'ond; )l~·rlin, ~econd; and :\1. ry, . t:'\'t•nth,

giving us a total of :ix point:-. which ranked u:- third plal'e. Tht>y a! o wPnt to the Di -trict Conte. t at harleston, April 2:3, and made a very cood showin •·.

Thos • competing- in thP contest were a~ follow:-::

ORATIO"-: - Hcrlwrt Watt::;, :\lary Bilby, Fn•da Capp .

SERIOC ander.-.

::\Iary Yt .lst, Eulcta reek, Thelma A :-kin:', Venia Hal , Virginia

H •::\10RO 'S- Kenneth mith, Evt•lyn Foreman, Hestt•r Forem:~n, Lul'ill' Ohler , Kenneth Ohl •r, .Myrlin Bulkin1-h.m1, P rn<>tta Wetherholt, Thelmu l{ud•iol'k, Maurin,.. Pittman, l\Iildred Hoyt, Minnie Barn tt, Blanche urry, Rani tt Shit•ld , .-\leita Ke t­ner, :\Iarjorie Watt..


JudgP and :.\Irs. Hanl) JiH• i n a • mall town in Idaho. 'l'h{'il two mar riul daught r. livt> in anoth1•r town while :.\i a rian H artl y, a nothe1 ,[aught!'r, is <' Way a t eoll ;!1'. ;\ anan m ollc>g: P, i. int re t c>d in polit i and he r f ath<' r con e nt to h r Plect ionf'Pr in " f o r him ngain•t her moth r' w i. he . lnten ni n ).J C'd wi t h thf' polit ical plot , i · ;\laria n' lo\'<:' for· Waynl' '!'renton I I I. ;\larian wa nt t o have a can~cr nd not m a rry Wayn 'I r ento1. • irwe . h i' e1• how hPr t \ \ O hl" r it r • nUtr•'Hll'" tum out. Hu the .Juclg t• \\in · h r • 1 t tion and W a ' llP win i\lnr ran. 'I h i' fnmih cc r tainly w a ", kitlcl in " when ,\lr~. Hartly tluPa te n •d to l1•ave them a nd take a • acHtion.

THE CAST Aunt i\Iilly ___ --------- ------------------- __ l.lam·h e urr y Andy -------------- ------ ___ ----------------------- _______ John \Hpp :.\lr. Hardy __ _ ___ ----- -------------------- _ -------- 1\Iary Yea t .Judg e Hardy______________ ---------------------- _______ Verl in l'rowch·r· <.ran •lpa Hanly ------------------------------------ ________ Etl'"!'n ' 'omle• I~ l f' lla Hanly amplwll ------------------------------ ______ Lueillt• Ohl r :.\Im·ian Hal·,Jy ---------------------------------- _:.\lary Bilb:. Wayne TrPnton _ --------------------------------- _______ He rbert Watt :::. i\l)rH Hanly \\'ikox ----------------------------- ____ _ _H,, tPJ' l•on•mu11 l\Ir·. Stub hin ---------- --------------------- ---- _________ D:lll' Smith


The play i.., "'c t in thP antiqut• parlor ol a south!'rn home. i\lamm,· Lou, a TI PJ.!:l'" "' . Pll the homf' to Jonathan ::\Till., fornwr sw el'theart of ::\lignonPtte , ;\l.nnmy Lou's f o! ­mPr' mi tr1• .. . ThPn· i. a f t>ud hetWPl'll Jonathan 1\I ills tnd one David Frame:. conrt>rn­ing the love of :\lignonettP who finally manie::i David Franw , l e:t,•in ~ Jonathan i\lilb lwartbrokt•n and bitter. Year. later h P adonts Ro_P, ~rPat nii'Cf' of l\Iig nonette who ;, l' ngaJ.w d to J u tin Hallida y, n ' phew of Dadcl Franw:o. J onath:.n :\i ilb re fu. <'. to gin• hi. con t•nt to thP marriagP. ;\lamm~· Lou brings about tlw r •con<·ili:ltioil of Ho c an,) ::\Ir·. :\!ills, who eon:<enb to thP maniagl• . :\IihnonPtte eome to lifP f rom h er portrait and explain thing-:', ::ihowing (Act II) thP life in l <fil. Ro. <· a ud .Jn:-tin nrany hut :\I r. l\lill dit> in the la~ t art .. l•)a2 .'cPnl').


::\lammy Lou ---------------- ---- -------------------- . ::\lar:. \p·t~t .Jonathan 1\lill ------------------ _______________ :.\lyrlin Bta·, 1n1 ha m Annabelle Hic:gen~ . Pre:<idPnt of thl' Lndi<',.. Aid _______ ___________ Ruth Daug-her ty

SlPlla Bogg:<, abo a membPr ------------------------------ Evelyn van S1ckle Hannah Spliw•ns, another nwmbPr -------------------------- Vll .! ll1l<t Saunder:< E~meralda Gumption, anotlwr nwmb r --------------------- GPnPvievc A~kins Anna Bryant, a lovely young lad~ of 1 ()!_ _______________________ harlott< Stare Alit•t• Fox anothPr cirl of UWL _______________ ----- _ -------- Corn :.\lo,.:,.:, !' Elizabeth ::\Iaxwell, i\lignondtP'. h • t f rir••HL------------- _______ g, atJil'P Fi :o h•'r Glady:-: Dyke, another cirl of lHHl ----------------------------- ___ Freda Capp:-l\lignonPtte D ardon, a helle of I ()L ____________________________ l\Iary E. BilbY Ho P DPardon, her gn•at niet'P------------------ _________________ Mary K Bilby Ilavid Fmnnw~ . one of Mknonett<>':- Suitor:-: ____________________ .-\rdu,.: Ht~ndt>r,.:on

Paul De·u-don, her only brothe l' -----------------------------------Keith Bolin Ju:stin Halliday, i~ost• ' :- lo\'Pr -------------------------------------Plullip Leg~ Deaeon Parker ---------------------------- ------ -------- _Eug·pne Conner Thomas :\Iill:<, who lle:<troy :-< hi .·on':o happine'"--------------------Herht•Jt Watt.· Simon lay, a young rake of I fil ---------------------------------John apps He nry Sp't1l'er, a gay young blood of l fiL ________________________ GeorgP P a rJ;; ... Lou, a :- a Hi year old nPg re ..;-.. ________________________________ l\Iarjorie Ruddock


Fir:t Row-Ev ·l~n rorcman, :\Lujone Watt:-, Evelyn Ban.t•tt, 1 hehna A kin, :\linnie Barnett, l\1.} rtle Shwld,;, Bertha Hale, Helen Lowe, Harriett Shield~. ~lPrlP

SLrog-u;in::;, Bonnie Van Sickle, Thelma Ruddock. e<:ond Ro\\ Vngmia Sa. der:-, I'lanchc uny, 'ora :\lo,~ •r, ~lary l:ilhy, (,a

GibRon, Genevieve Askins, :\lildn•d Hoyt, Lucille Oni 'I, Hester Foreman, Vh·ian Bru ;\Iaurin • Pittman, l\li~s Burrough:-, in trut·tor.

Back How-Violet Talkin.l!'lvn, Eloi • :\Iw phy, Ewlyn Van <..;j, kiP, Ve1d t Hul<', Aleita Kestner, Freda Capp~. Pernetta \Vetherholt, Eulcta reek, harlottP Stan, Beatrice Fi:;her, :\l arjotiP Huddock, Huth Daughert:. Dorothy Han.forcl, ;\l:u.} Yt•a:sf.


The girl; glee dub, which L du.-t·tt•d b:. :.\ Burrough" ha been making vPtV .!!"OOd progress. Our fir:-t app arancP wa made "hri tmas. ;\larch 5th at th" I> t•lam.t­tory Conte~t, the glee club :ang two numbers.

The May Fc~tival at eno Gordo takes place th<' ;:,Pt·ond week in )lay. WP hop• to make a good impr •:;::.ion, in repn senting out school th •re.

Those repre:;enting our .·chool are: Sopranos- harlottP Stau•, Vil!!in a S,mdet,.., Vivian Brun. , LtH•ille Ohlt•r, V,.nln

Hale, Gen~\ Ie\ e Askins. Second Soprano:-- Mary Bilby, Harriet Shit ld,.., HonniP Van Skkle, Evelyn Vun­

Sickle, Dorothy Ransford, Evelyn BarnPtt. Altos- :.\linnie Barnett, :.\laut·ine Pittman, Freda Capp,, Mm·jot it ltuddock, Ol"

Mosser. AccompanL t-Ruth Dau~·nerly.


Fir,.t l{ow- ltuth Riehman, FayP Ih:Hiy, ~Iyrlin Hu('kin~ham, Blan('he 'uny,

Thr>lma nuddock, Lo1 en1 South, ~Iildt cd Hoyt, Evelyn Foreman, Vincent outh. r,d et>n

Gri \VOid.

Second Row- :\Ir. Lt t, In triH tor; Hcrht 1t Watt , Lt>wi-. D ttlinr;-, 'ad inc South.

Ht> tPr Foreman, ;\lary Gri:-.wold, Eleanor Bilby, ~lilburn HPlfrich, Lynll A~kin,, Hiilr

Foro'ntan, Elvin E kridg-l', Kl'nnl'th Ohle1·, Eu•,PJW L ·me, Ht>nry Lon".

Baek Row Eugem till \bower, Gc: ald Eagan, Ludlle Ohi 'r, Edwin .\ ·l:in~

Jamc::: Ht>lfri('h, \ tYian Brun~. ~~~.urint' Pitt.11an, harlottc Stare, Dale South, ~rw 11

South, Phillip L gg-e.


J>rfl~ ident ___________________________ ---- _____________ ----- __ _ Philli]> l.,e~~t·

pnetary-Tt a~urc1 __________________________________ --- _;\lyrlin Buekin;..:-h:•m

Instructor _ ------ ________ ------ __________ ------------- _ --- ____ --- _:\Ir. Li,.t


'l'he chool hand, which i compo d of both the high chool and ~rad rhool

pupils, wn ot-c:anizeu in ... ·ovemlH•r of l!l30, by th . G. Conn Company, under the <11-

rection of our w·r~ able in truct<'l, Prof . or \\'. A. Li. , of Brocton. He ha been th

in. tructor up to thi timP, exCP]Jt for an ab-em· of \'Cml month during th • ummer

of 1!1~1. during whilh tinw Profe -.ot -'l. C. -"lcCoy wa our leadt'l·.

Th<' ban<l i eompo:'ed of thirty-fin· member., tweln• of which are b ~inn r , hav­

ing- tart d in at thP b •ginning of thP chool ytar I !131-;{2. ' I IH•y hnv givl'n • v••ral pun­

lie concerts, playt>d for ba kethall and football game , and hroadca tt>1l O\'f~t· ~tation

WDZ of Tu,cola, all of which we an• ju tly proud.

A the band i>< now only a year a!lll a half old, we feel that it ha. mad!' C'Xl'C'IIC'nt

JH"O'"re~ , much of 'Nhil'h i •hH' to tlw individual anti to our ex•'••ll•nt in trudot·, who

ha:-: given tinw, money. and tniPut to ht>lp u proo-rp::; and bPcomP known to the' wmld.




Fir4 Row-~Iarjone ~ atb, harlotte sl~HC, \'i\Jall BrUII.:i, .l\Iarjone Huddo~k. l-Jp-:ter Foreman, Evelyn Foreman, Thelma Ru•ltloek. AI ita 1\:P.:-tner.

Second Row-HarriPtt Shield,:, Cora .l\lo,:~Pr, Lucill Ohler, Freda Capp,-, Pernettn Wcthcrholt, Dorothy Ran.·ford, MyrtlE:> ShtE:>ld,;, l\linnic Barnett, Verda HalP, H<>len

Lowe, Evelyn Barnett. Bat•k Row-Blanche urry, Thelma Askin:-, Eloi~e Murphy, GPn •vi!'n• A:kin,,

.l\Iary Ye~ t, Ruth Dau~h rty, ~li~=- SattcrfiPld, Euleta l'"Pk, Galt• Gib;-;on, Beatrit•e Fi:-her, .:\lildred Hoyt, Maurirw Pittman, BPrtha Hale.

CAN YOU IMAGINE ? Dorothy Ran ford . Jl( nt for fiw minutt•, in Eng·Ji;;;h Cia-..:? Mat jorie Ruddock without gum'? Freda \\.'ithout Ja<·k '? Elvin E~kridgP talkin~ to a ~itl': Pt·te Lege:!' without hi. maidenly blu::;h '? \ linnic Barnett without hPr w~l\'P d't '? \ Iro·inia Sandl'rl' on time fot ~<'hool '? -\ n Engli::;h a l'ignment without a thPme '? "Big Dale" Tra. ler on a miiP .print'? .l\laurine Pittman a:- a tig-ht-rop · walker'! The Editor-in-Chil'f at a dane • on Sunday niQ'ht '?

ora ~lo::;sPr :-;obPr for ~ day? Gt orge talking at 100 woHb a minute? \ Prlin Crowdt>r away from a typt!writer? Cork Helfri"h without hi:- bl<lck hat? John apps with a p rfecl lc:-:-on? Th • om•h J?Oing without hi.· dinn r? A :-hort Latin lps:-;on? ~lr. Van Dyk1• without a ,;ufficient comeback? The new Brun:- heard? l\lil',; Burrough: without a Jetter?


Fir~t Row-Hcrlwtt Watt-., H ·tlwrt l'o,"man, h. 1th Bolin, Captain Phillip Le 'J:'. Second now G£'OI'A"l' Park>-, Anlu.- HPIHI •r:oon, \ t !lin rowdt'l', Jam •::- Helfrich,

Franci. Talkington, h<' t<•t DPttling, 'lydl' Hoyt. Back Row-Eug-ene Conner, ~1anager; Randall Ypa~t, Dalt Smith, Virg-il Panill,

Junior Fbhe1·, Robert onnPr, Dale Traxler, I>ai< outh \V!llia1 Yak( y, Hul.::h Cochrau, Dan ell Bolin, oach Carlock.

HA:\L\10 'D 26; DE CAT R 0 Thb 1-,rame was played on S.1turda~ and wa~ the OJlCninl.!; of tht> l'ea~Otl. Hammonct

rnached down the fi •ld to make thP cort> li-0 at the half. Hammond came hack :-trong­and ~cored thrt>e touchdown~. Leg-g-e ,l!1d aptain Bolin wPre ou"tanding- for Hammond.

HA:\L\10"'\D 13; BETHA~Y 0 Thi~ g-ame wa:-; playt•d on a mudd~ field. The Plt•H n~ ,.,·en· well matcht'd, but tho

pa. ::-ing and kit• king attack wa:-. too much for them. The half Pnded fl-O for Hammond and thr•y camP back to ~eore in the la~t quart r. Hoyt drop kickt>d for xtra point. Leg:g-e was ehicf g"round-g:ainer.

H.UU10 D !l; HI'\DSBORO 0 We won OUl' third. traic:ht battlt of the ) ear 01. "Viet-:>ry FiPld." \Ve ::-t•orc(i on a

~afety and h'd 2-0 at thP half. Leg:gc .;cored a touchdown in tlw la't quarter to clinch the game.

H.-UL\10"D n; LOVI 'GTO'\ ll Thi: wa th · fir t tinw w< had hPen :<·ort'd on. Lo' ing"ton'~ team av •rag-<' wa~ Uih

pound . Foreman and Talkington \\(l'P oubtandinc: fo, Hammond. HA:\B10~D 0; BL E :\IOC'\D 0

Blue Mound wa,.. eon iden•d ,l,.. a pow •rful hall tuun, but wa:- held by the ~upt>t ior playing of th, Hammond elew~n. The,·e wen· no individu.ll :-tar:- that day hl't'!\ll~e •v rr man did hi part for Hamlllond.

HA:\L:\10 D 'i; CFIUW GORDO 1:3 This wa~ Hammond' fir:-t ddt·at in two yPar::- on Vtctor~ Field. In the la t 30

. eeond. a pu \On the g-anw on a protP~ted deei:-ion. Holm ,Tor >d on a pa,..,; from l.Pg-~,, and \\'atts addt'd the c;-tm point. .1ptain Bolin rect ivcd a broken arm in thl' )a,;t quar­t<•r.

HA:\1MO. ·n 20; • T. TeRE:A 0 We took th<> I ri h on a windy d y. I• oreman cor d two

• on one to h •ad Hammond to a vtctor~·. l-!nmmond did all of tt \\'att:- al:-o '-''a out t&nding for Hammond.

tou hdown nnd Ht'nd •.­c·ot inh in th la t h·tlf .

HA:.\11.\10. ·n 1 ; :\1.\IW ~0

Thi. ganw wa a rae UJI anti 1lown thl field with each t am t•orm down •. Park and Dt>ttling wer out tanding for Hammond in the I me wa" chief ground-gainct· with one run of ~~0 ynnl .

H.\i\11\IO ... 'D li; AHTH "R 33

thte• touch­"hil Llg •

Thi.· game was pia~ cd at At1.hur on a muddy field and it ruined during the wltoh· game .• ·\xthur \\II ht>av~ ancl fa t nne! they downPd the locaL. F1Heman nw It• n 75 ~·nt 1 run for Hammond'. only eote.

H ~I..\ I O •• I> 0; .\Lt.Ji\1. 'I I)

The old tim ·r nnd the High School l> ttled four pl·tiod and nPither t••am core1l. Thi-. wa th' la.,t !,'Uille for fi • ..., enior •• H ·rhert \·at • Phillip Lt>V," , G£>or~•' Park, \1 flu,.. Ht>ndet· on , nd Franc1. 'I'· 1kingt<H1.


KEITH BOLL·. ".Jaek" w.1 JU. C· ptain and :-hift~ qu, t'lt rb. ('k of the tPam thi ~ 'ar. Hi- JlPCd in th ha('kfit•lcl, hi .tbility to pa-. t\Jltl 1 atch pa e • pt u\'Pd d utgProu" for opponent and n f~>a ut eon a drh·' for Hammond touehdtl\\ n . Dun to an inJury re­l'eiYed in the Honwcomin~ o-anw with C(\n o ,onlo, Jal'k did not pi") in the In t fou,. l.rame.-. He '-'ill he J.!:l'f'atly mi""' •d n xt ~·ear.

PHILLIP LF, ~GE. ''PttP" wa our powerful iuilh:H'k. Here L , foothali 11iay~• who has madP hi tot·:. not on) for Hatnmoncl hut a! o fot· all·t't nttal lllinoi. \ai Jl 'l­

tator=- and coache WPre (•nthu iu. til' ·thout ;;PPing- ''Pete" on ont> of tho 1 opt'll ht>l1l run::;. He was ~enP-ral of th<> tt•;.un on the fiPld and did mo t of thP punting. Wt• n•gn to ;;ay ht> has played hi. l,1st football for Hanunvnd High.

HERBERT WATT' • H~>rh" ,-:a. ptohahly thP hanle.t 1lrivin~ halfhatk that t>VI'"

fou~ht for Hammot cl H gh H "'a goo1l on running intPt f1 I'PIH't> and al o a good tack­ler. He n •ver gave up and was a hard dt iver in the baekfil'ld. He t'PC •ivt•d evt tal in­jurie=- while playing football. Hl' i:- anothe1 that will bt> gn•atly mi,..,..ed from th · back­field.

GEORGE PARKS. "Park"'' '-"a out· clever littlP right nd who \\rt in on twarlJ cn~ry play. Ht• wa a hard tnl·kler and a playct rtt>'\er look <I too hi.,. for him. }t wa a j!;ra•luate of La Pial'~ and ('!llllt iwr' to finish hi:o " •niot yt>ar. \ \ ,~ hopt• h ha enjoy ·d Hammond Hi~h.

AHD HE. ·nER 0 . "At t'' wa,. our big right tat•kiP. He a! o mi •rat •d ft·om another st'hool, whkh ".,.. )It Zion. H pla~ed th g-tmw hatd and liP\' ,. gavt• Ull. It wa:-; abo hi:< fit· t and a t '" tr. Hl' will h mi:-:-ed in tht> lint>.

FRA ... ' IS T ALh.l. GTO:\. "Tal kit•" wa,.. our t'Htppy lt>ft gua1 d. He had mort' "pep" and fight than any other fellov .. · in the Hammond line. He got on the honomhl• mention Ji,..t of tht> 11-Star team of 'entral Illinoi::;. It wa hi fir t year on the var ity tenm and abo hi. la:st year. Hi "Ppp'' will he mi~""d from tlw line.

LYDE HOYT. "Hap" who playt>d )pft end :-urt>l) could ll'th tho-e pa P for good gain~. He had the •ducated toe of thP :-quad to ptodun• drop kick for point. aft,•r touchdowm. H<' :'CrYed ably at tlw quartPrback position towatd th(' latter par of the ~eason aftPr KPith Bolin \\'a:- injurPcl in the Cerro Gordo gam . "Hap" ha mtothd' year to serYe for Hammond High.

JA~lE HELFRI H. " o1k" wa, our tall lennthy ('Pllt< r. liP pldom mad· a lH (I pass and wa::; alway:- fighting hard. HP ha:- one more y at and houltl how g"tl'at abil­ity playing for hi. Alma Mat1•r Ill'. t y1 ar.

VEHLI. • ROWDER. "Bo'' wa. our big dght ~uanl. HP wa an athl te who mi­grated from Kan.a . He helpc·d Hammoncl High out wry mut·h and will bl' h tll'r JII'Xt

year. It wa hi..: fit t y('ar of football and WI' hop<' ht> ~tay. with u .


D LE .s •• I ITH. "Smilt~ " wu anothe r of ou1 ctappy I f t gu a rd . H e pla ) d h a rd ·whil h wn in th r and W P C' ·pect t o h Par f1 om him next y{'ar. H{' al o pia~ d ntl

OIUP. HI~ I{! J·.HT FO IU: I ~\ •. "H 1 b" pia) c<l lt>ft halfback and coulcl h{' carr y that ba 'I

around Pnd and wa h ~ good on intPrf{' t'enc ? H e wa. probabl~ th•• , p cdi t halfback Hammond ha. ePn. W" . hull hnat ' •ond"r from "llct·b" twxt Y•'at, '' hich will be hi In t.

('H ES'I'En !H .. T'I'LL ' (, ' ' ('hpt'' w n. o ur ldt ta('kl<>. H e plit tlwm ' ·1 • .-.n th y camP throu •h, and thC' htll' wn Pt otT by hi!> good pluy. liP hn two moll' ytar and hould g o good.

I>AHHELL BOLl.·. "Daddy" \\Ot' k• d him plf up t( a fir. t team birth about th mid- Pa on. Ht~ had ple nt~ of nap and fight and hould go g ood in two morP y ar .

J •• '101{ FISHCI{. "Bl•l'k" wa a b c·nt h rider but h e won't he onP n xt year. H e aw littlt> action on th ' team thi yt>ar, but watch out n c>xt fall.

nOllbHT CO:\' . 'ElL ··Bob" i in nPatly the :-am•~ . hOl' S a ··nuek" W P l t1U t t op him ne, t yt•ar h cau P h ~· g oing to " .ordo."

\VILLIA~l Y KI'..Y. "Sparky" \\a . • ub and he ha t\\o mot e yPars to how h i tufT.

Vli~GIL PAJUULL. Panill wa. our hi g uh. You'll .ce him in a c twn nP.xt ~ ear a a big tacklt~. Hf' ha two yPar. and hould how •onw punl'h.

DALI'.. SO TH. ··~Ioo(ly" didn't get to et' an y ,.. rdcP thi year but will prohabl:,· he in thP linPup n xt yPar. H e ha two mot•' ~Pal to play.

RA , ' DALL YE ST. "Blacki•" wa. ou1· fat ;;ub. H ' . < .. 'Pd all his Pnt>rgy thi yeat· fo1 llPXt :>P:II'. HP at o ha two morc y a r ..

HOW HD WE'l'liEJOIOLT. ''II i'' wa. a La Pial'" p10duct who . hnwo:!d mu('h kil l ~ an ·tthl, l •' . IT " a a :-uh on the t Pam a tHl ha ctw mot P y(>a r. \\7

1' h•J l H' you li :< Hammond Hi~h.

H ' GH 'OCHI{A~. ''Vid~" was probably thf' spccdie,..t .-utl that Carlol'k had . lll' j · ju ~t a F1 t'::>h!'1an •tnd h.t~ thn•p mort· yPars.


Haymond Evan ---------------- _____________________ p,., ~ ident of Fn-~hnwn Blanl'he Curry --------------------------------------Prt> iden t of SophomorP. JamP:-; H Pifrieh --------------- _ ------------------------Pre. icle nt of .h r 1or Phillip Leg ge ------------------------------------------- PrP"ldPnt of S 1 iors

clptair• of B.t.~k c tball

My rlin ------------------------------ Editor in 'hief of ~l c>moritP t' \\'inne t' of Hum()rou . Reading

Frt>da app ~larT Y ea t

---------------------------------- ---- ---- \\'innet of Oratory --------------------------------- -- \

7i!lll(' l' Of SPriOU

'\anw~ Ccno ,. C onft>n lll' l '

Keith Bolin -------------------- ---- _ --------- D ,;tril't All-Stow Forwar.I Ht>:< tcJ Foreman -------------------------------------------- Chl·c r Leader Lucille OhlPr ---------------------------------------------- Cheer Lead 'I' Chris :\lo:-;:-Pr _ --------------------------------------------- Cht ••r Leadl"' Eug;enc onncr -------------------------- _ _ ____ ..\lanal!er of Ath .. Jtic 'l't·am: John app --------------------------------------Manag-et· of AthPitil' T eam. L wi DPttling____________________ _ _____________ alana~l' t' of Athl >til- T eam

Gcncvic\·~· A"kinc; , Valc<licto t ian :O.Iary Yea"t , ~alu tatorian


Fir:;t How-George Park:-, Jame~ HPlfn:::h, he::;ter Dettling·, apt. Phillip Legge, lydc. Hoyt, Kt'ith Bolin.

econd Row-Coat•h arlock, HerbPrt Watt~, Dale South, Ardu Hendf'J' on, Dal • mith, Herbe1·t Foreman, Darrell Bolin, It'\\ i Dt>ttling, • lanngt•r.

Back How-Donald Hu1T, Handall Yt ,1-:t, Dale Traxle1, Hugh Cot•hmn, William Yakey, Francis Talkington, Howard \\-1 ht rholt, Verlin rowde1·.

Opponent:- Hammond Opponent:-; Hammond

Warren 'bur.~ 23 22 (3 overtime:<) Bethany 1!1 1 ( 0\" rtim •) Greenup 32 20 IlhopoJi,.. 17 24 Lovington 10 20 So. Tere,..a 13 ~Iaroa 10 Hi .\lumni 1 !I St. Tere"a 22 2() (2 overtime:;) Illiopolb 17 2 Atwood 21 13 erro Gordo 20 11 Steward:-on 13 l(j Maroa Hi 3') -Atwood 2(i 2-.) B •thany a;; 2!1 Loving-ton 11 25 V.'arren,.bul~ 1 !I 1;)

erro Gordo 20 17 (overtime) linton 20 13 linton 16 10 Greenup 23 22

PIATT COUNTY TOURNAME NT Bement 14 1() (3 O\ l rtimc.,..) Cerro Gordo 1;) 25 :\lontieello 2!1 12

SULLIVAN DISTRICT TOURNAME NT Stewar<bon 23 12 Shdb}nlh 17 a

Sullivan 20 1() (Title)


FRO, '1' Rl)\\ l\lanage1 Lewis Dettling, C'ly 't> Hoyt, J)alP South. H.n ·,u·l \\'ethe•·­

holt, I• ranci:-; Talk~r·g-ton, Robert Co1:ne1-. Keith Bolin, Ge >rgc Par:::-;.

BACK ROW- o-Car.tain Ardu3 Her.der~on, Co-Captain ~, .u., Leg-ge. Verlir. Cnl\vder, Eug-er.c Conner, James Helfrich, Jear ~oe.:ker, Herbert Foreman, Dan-ell Bolin, oach Harry Carlock.

oach Harry C. 'arlot·k had five letll rnwn hack thi:- y •ar. Tht•y were C'o-Cap:.:,;n "Pet •" LegQt• who comJ,et<'s in tlw Broad Jump, Hurdles, Da:--he", I>ist us and S.1ot. C1>·

aptain "Art" liender~on run. tlw :\lil<' and thp ~SO yard run. "Jack" Bolin comJwtPs in the High Jump, Pol' '\"tult, rum both Hurdle and abo run t> thP RO. "Herb'' Fore­man run.· the Da:o:ht·:- and Broad Jump·. D:urPII Bolin is a distance 1 unner, both in ~Lie and 0. ''Cork" Hl'lfrich throws the Jav!'lin · nd is a cla,.:h man. George Parks run-. in da he.s and i.· also a di•tance runnl'r.

Other member.s of the squad arP Ho~ t, Talkinc:ton, Schcutz, outh, G. onner, n. onnPr, apps, Dettling, rowder, Yeast, Yakey, and Parrill.

Tht• He lay t •am consi t:- of LPgg- , For •man, Bolin, Ht>lfrich and Parl<s. Coach arlock has no definitl' men on the r •lay team.

The Semon; that arc• lo:t on tlw team an• o-captain. Legg·c, an<l HPndl'rson, K. Bolin, Parks, Talkington and Watt-=. Watts didn't !.!:et into a single nPet becau,.:e of an aceidt•nt which occured and ht• wa:-- takl'n to the hospital. We hoJA' "Herb" g·eb all


Hammond took ~ cond in the pril 2. Troy won tht' mept with 1

arlyll' track and field mec·t whit•h was held on point . Hammond !!;Ot 1 l and .;\lonticello ~ot !1.

In a triang:ular nwt>t held at )fonti<·Pllo April , wl' took second in the nwct and Tolona got third. l\lontkello had !>!I point.-, Hammond ,got :31 and Tolona got 1 .

\Ve had :- '\'eral more nwt•t,.: which werl' Yl'l y int<'n ::;tine:.


F1rst Row- Herb 'It ForPnum, lyd Ho:. t, Darrell Bolin, Franl'i Talkington. S cond Row-Eu~cne onrwr, Dale Smith, JamP Ht>lfrkh, h•· ter D>ttlin~. Vel -

lin rowder. Back Row-Keith Bolin, Herbt•rt Watt . Anlu Ht>nd£>r on, Phillip l.t>ggc, Gcor~

Pm·k., oach arlork. INTER CLASS TOURNAMENT

B.1 kl l Ball Won I.o t Percentage

enlOl".' --------------------------------- :! 0 1000 Junior~ --------------------------------- 2 1 C.o7 Sophomores ----------------------------- 1 2 3:!:3 Fre~hmcn _ ·-------------------------- 0 :3 000

The Senior team which wa:' :-mall i.Jut ::peedy :<WPpt throt gh the Tournament with ea. e. The} clinched the title by d"featin!.! the Fre:<hmen team in th1' final . The Junior were expected to giYe the enior:' th hanle:-t hattie but wa ju t a walk a ~·ay for th

nior boy:.

Junior. Senior:'



--------------------------------- 3

--------------------------------- 2

Freshn1en ------------------------------- 1 ophomor• ----------------------------- 0

Lot Perccutage 0 1000 1 lifi7 2 3:J3 3 000

The Junior:' upset the SPnior team in the champion hip gam • by winning two . trai~ht .; t · ! The big~est upset in the Tournament r ':-ultl'd whPn thP Fre hmen up et the _ophomore: in a thrilling battle. The la:-t et being lo-15 forth • Frc hmPn.


l•t>llow., I hate to achnit iL h~t n a tl'am you'H~ a bu ~;

It' a hard thi g to ay h11t ) 111 fellows la~·k cr u. t. I r e\ 1· did think you coul•' get ~o durned fu.,~r-d

And I'm •lown hl'l't> to tPll you I'm .un• tilled with di:-g-u~t.

You guy nr.• morr- putrid than taint •d rod fi. h-

I hopt> you g-Pt lob of plPn:-un:· wutchin' I' r·eu11an makt> 'em ,.;wi~h.

I'm t(•llin' )OU, ;\'OU flat-foote•l, motionle:<f-,\Ou'vP !lOt no ambt"h,

And \ou'rp going again t m an y a fond mother' wi~h.

I wish at this tfme to havP a few word,.; with you, Hap.

Do you po ,, }I t·. Hoyt' glad to h.tvc you ('all him !lap'?

Your Epirit' thc· ::-ame a. a lifPr takin' hi. rap.

You're a petrifit>d <pccimen of a ~u~ with no ,crap.

And ChPttir-, the• wa) you are playin' .ur • giv • me no thrill,.;,

You act lik~ to 1 :p you •, e jl'"t c:onw out of thl' hili:-

And th£> way you ;.nt> :-hootin' doe:-n't dH Sulltvan chill:-­

And thP eon• ho,trd don't ·how you makin' a lot of hig· kilk

My ,.:o:-h! What a lemon I picked wh('n I put you in, Cork

You'rp as helple::-: a• a baby u,.;in' a fork-

You're ju't about a;; handy~--· a btoken win'.!;Pd ;;totk.

Fm· all tht• )..ooti you t.I'P doir.', you'd ju,.;t a,.; well be in 'pw York!

Parks, thP way you arc playin' cau;;e-., Sullivan no alarm.

:\1~ hoy, you'rp nut out thc•r • with a ptteh fork on our arm;

:-..ow get out thPrc thi:; half :mel at lea;;t ,tart to get warm.

Or I'•n going to send you back down on thc• farm.

i\Iy eom <'icncc ::.un• grit•\'<'. when I think of you, Jaek;

'Vhy, you're fout tinws as helplt -:s as a turtiP on it:- back

It eertainl ' would take volunw:; to tell all that you laek

You mtl.~t han• a bon(• of jPlly !'Ulllling down thru ~ ou1 had:

Jaek, honpst to t::o;;h you're :-;IO\\er than a snail

You look like a Duteh milk man a-balancin' a pail

Get out tlwre this half-hoi. t that an''•lOl, and spt <ail

And nm·pr ll't up until we'r<' in the lead and they trail.

P••te, I'm about to ad1nit you'r<> lPadin~ a team that won't ht::ht

There's mul'i1 hi. tory that could be made thb baturda:-· ui~ht.

I'd like to be able to tell my gTandchildren \\.hat a wonclP1 ful fig·ht

'rhat you g-uy~ put up heforl' 1 fly my Ia. t kite.

Get off tho,.;e sweat clothe~-I can't .-ay no more.

Fellows, [ do wi:;h you'd g'(J up there <md burn up that floor

Pl tl', I want you to !Pad thi!-< tpam back throug·h thi. door,


- Given by L. Rotz at Footbali-Ba:;ketball BanquP~.

Clas of 1927 : .rthur Quinlin

l·.m I 'I'm ne1 Frank ~mith l~o' En t Vi iPnne 'I raxl r .leli ·~a W)eth William I il'hman Class of 1928: Hugh South Ha1 old Hind lJP]en ~llller \lariP Smith Th< lma Land!:!rcbe Vl'ida Erhardt Lloyd Kcll"Y Hnrv('~ :.\I on i lazPl t i h .,.

Gilbert Yak~>\ ZtH!a Goodril h ll•'rman Ilucking-hnm Class of 1 ~29: Lola B: 1 nett GPrald Hirw ... 11 nzf>l f~ml'ry

'l'h• o D1 ttling-A udr<'y I!ol in L1 lu d A kin. l\I) rtJ,. Pnrrill Gl• nn Capp~ Class of 193 0: •· • )"( tt Fif;h• r H;u·hf'l ForPman Elva Bar{'Us

alvin Tomey v, na Krull \Vayne l\ritl'hell Pauline Huddock Da\'id Yakey !(f'nnf'th E\'an:-\ nna (' u n-y

" ·~o(g, Conner C0cil Moc·k :.e<'nard Ynkey 'arl Ilal"V tt rnpp .... Cl"ss of Hl31 : Eldon DUJ ·t J i<' Bolin llarold Foreman Pnuline Conner

Lcth naught rtr Ft·ancis Parrill HPlcn Pond ::-

WorJ,ing-1 ,ebhart


Bo Jkk •PPf'', !\l U<'llf rs .:t• de-n

~Iillikin 'nh • r ity Homl , I J aek J)] a d orrt \\'orkir;! \\' orking-'l'<·lephrme 0}J 1 a tor

s 't Po.t-~Ta t•r I l cc" Pd . h..,, Th~>odore 5aw~ ,,. llo.n• · 1". F1 d LarHI~rC'bC' Fn ntz Lu1 ht r Co.

\\'otkin I!on e ·•o l<'

Honw ~l!. Ang"l<• LUJJ.,>io 71omc H1•m<' H n-,w

Hom!' \\'orkin('o' Jlo1w !{ome 1Iom( • 'nvy i\tr . Fll 11 Hohhit Hammond, lllinoi. fl 0111('


Working . 't ud n Home Hnme Working-

Wo1·kin"' Honw T-Jonw ~l onw Ho 111'

llonw l!omt l-lomc•

bar~·. Indiana D rat ur, I llinor D catur, lllmoi D '11\'l'l', olomdo f{obin on. lllinoi Jad< om·ill , lllmois H1 mmond, lllintll

I) catur, lllinoi Hammond. lllinoi Hammond. Illi110i DC' atur. lllinoi Dccat •tr, lllinoi" Hammond, Illinoi Ii~ mmond, Illi rwi

On•ana, Illinoi Han mond. Illinoi. P P'll on•l, lllinPi. • 'ot lh lanch • tcr, lndian3

lle<''ltUl', lllin,,i Hammond. Illinoi Ham nond, Illino1 Hammond. lllinoi C'hka~o, Illinoi!< Hammond, Illinoi Hammond. Illi noi ·r, lllinoi~

H nmn,orHI lllinoi DE'I'atur. lllinni Hnnm ond. Illinoi Hammond. Illinoi Hammon I, Illinoi Santia~o. alifornia Lo\ in~ton, Illinoi . llom( HaJllmond. lllinoi~

Hammon•!. Illinoi {) Pl(Ul' IJlinoi C'hillicothP, i\lis ou•i Hammond. lllino1 Hammond. Illinoi I>ecatu1·, Tllinni,.

V('rn Cruz, i\ll'xieo Hammond, Ilhno:. Hammond. lllinoi C'ct ro (;ot·do Hammond, Illiuoi Hammon•l, Illinoi Hammond. Illinoi. Atwood, Illinoi

0 rr= lj I ::1J0 Now Boost for Hammond, Illinois IT

Facta About Hammond, I lllinoia

Hammond, lllinois L locnted on Stnte Bond Routt> 121 at the ,outh­we t Pd~t' of Piatt coun tv. and i ned by two g"ocd railroad -Waba~h and B. · 0. Hammond ha thre ~ood church(':, :.\1 thvdist, ( hurch (Jf C'hr i t ancl Bapti t. All h a v P go o d building.;; ,·hich r •fleet mueh credit to th(' "lillagP and com­munitY. lioo<l ervicc is to he· ha<l on both local , and long- di tance telP­phone. Hammond has 24· hour electric light and pow r Prvice. :\lo:;t of her· citizens are home 0\\ uer • nd a great deal of < hie pr·ide i hown hy tho> eit izLn . ll:umnonLI ha:; a v 'rv m·ti ~ c com­munitv ciuh. Hammond hn. a· \-year fully ac­creditt•d h:gh chool with an t.·cellcnt cour ·e of ctudv. A modern brick school building with the second largc:;t gym in Piatt county. A new pava­ment extt>nd~ from Route 121 to and throu~h the bu in '.S ~ •ction. Ham­mond own. its villa!!;•' park. Hammond owns it. villace hall, wh<•re thP. villagP hu inc s rs tran-::­actn•l and fire appartus rs kept. Hammond is the Be. t Little Town in thP Corn Belt. Havin~ a poTI­ulation of 500 inhabit­ant>'. Our busme~l' H'Ction is a good one. Our Bu~i­ness men for mo::;t part are wide-awake. Our str ds are linPd with • laplc treP and we have many mile;:; of concrete ~ide ~alk . All roads lead to Hammond. Her citi­zen~ nrP !oval and ever reath· to boo t. If VtJu car for more information pertaining to Hammond or community address the writer of thfl lettPr.

This Space

is paid for

by The




L ~ @rcc====~~~_.,~" ~~---,~~~~~~~®


31 Fr • hmen a •ony tart .

''EI TEl\! EH

1 • • w t •nch r ti factor). Purcha d book

2 Hain-m-m; cln lection h hi.

3 Fir. t Band Lc on today. Ta-ta-ta-boom.

4 ~lt>morit •r • tat t·ho n. En ,.li h them · • tart. 7 Eulel<'"l ( n• k back to Hammond.\\'(> \\Onder ,,hy???? l•ir t mu ic ]P. on .tart.

Harmony!'!?! Sophomor< at·e a. king for grape juic . We :-uppo"' th y arP going to into ·ic tf' thP Fre hmen. "Talkie'' think th n claration of I nd p nd ·nr · \\ t. '' ritll n and igtHdin l!ll -D•c••mblr??

!l OnP Fn• hman till ('an't find the Engli. h room. I 0 1 ~0 in tlw hn<h' and not c ·pt•dally hady in tlw Engh h room. 11 Initiation part) tonight; praeti('l' game "ith C\.lonticl'llo; C'ht•. t r I> ttling tatl

<"l'l<>hrating- his birthday. Watet mPlon. 12 Iwt•r:, one Jo. t I P}l I, t night ( hPcau . of the tln•; not t hPir tu<h ) . Stall' In­

:-pcetor here and he , dvo<"at . mon• thPllH''· 15 Girl ' ~ym da. tart . Practice game with A twoo<l. Thirt n •!irl. th r•• from

Hammond. 11) English l V tart:- "The T •mpc. t'', Phy ic~ quiz. 17 Fir • Drill. w,, )cam w • mu t l'omc fully clad to chool meaning tt>at ''<' mu t

wear ho~e. It won't he long until ( vol weather girl . Paulin!' Conn r \ i it . Hl'l n Ponder u today. W<• haw• pep mt•t>ting- and initiate our new ch r

lead t'., hris und arl. 21 Pep talk about Saturday g-ame-2G-0. Sophomor • catch gra hoppcl ~. We note

a budding RomancP-Way out W t in Kansas?:? 22 Practice gaml' with H m~nt. Girl ' l'hy.ical Education tart ., ith \ olle ball.

Fre:-hmen GirL' gym uit art too mall-the) ·,·e grown ince m a urement wer takPn.

23 Sewin~ gil'i an• g tting along right well. Freshmen girl . hould not wear pike heeled ·dipper:<.

24 Dept· ion! 2:> Hain and Bt>thany-Vietor~ for Hammond. Prt•pare f r Bak ~ I •. ~ Book R 'JlOr tart today. Biology du have a fidd trip. Bug. •alot' 2~1 Sho1'thand I <'Ia gPt a good ·work out. Boy ha\' pt·actic" game with ~1ontllt llo.

Surpri~e patty for one of the 'Herb twim'. :Hl Ar< .u. WPar hi. lmn :\fater wPat< r. We hould initiat<• th weat .,., • Pnior

And J uniot· order thdr <"Ia · 1 ing. today.



That JS what this bank endeavors to be

Here you are tre;:tted as an indivdual

-not merely as an account.

Het e you will find that friendly interest

in your welfare and progress that

n.eans so much.

You will like this bank. Come in and

get acquainted. Your business-large

or small - is appreciated here.



1 A · th about anc1 nt ' h1 I • b

2 to h lp in our phomor r

•;izz G om(' ry and AI bra. E' rybod~ r m mb th futur

e m k .

Biolo tud nt tud:- unt . (an

7 ' nio write e ~ . n \i w for exam n ·t v; k.

H ,j w.

~~ •o chool. Gam with l..o' ington. Fir t d f t of th 12 .. :o! W c 1 bra r '>lev; v.;th joke in En!!li h I\.

13 Hepol't of exam grad

14 What did you g t? 15 Mary Y t, a • nior, nam for Athl tic onf r nc . H. C. H. till

on th map. 1 G School tart at :00-0n to I lu lound. Pr p. r for Ilhnoi -Brad] ~ am on

aturday at hampaign. 1 !I P p m ting to eel brat(' the tie. E,· r:- body low in r citino- a u ual for Monday.

20 21

22 23

Typ invitation to lumni for Hom coming!

Pictur, taken today for i\lemoritPr. Typing II da:-:- typP more announcement of Homecoming for Alumni.

GirL Gym cia, play Volle~ Hall. Snake Danrt' and Pl'P talk fo1· Hom Homel'oming! :\I any Alumni pr nt. I> feat for Hammond. Cora Mo

in the ru:-h.

coming. r injured

26 • •o mu"k today. Biology t•la tudy era~ fi h. Fre.hmt•n write l'hy iology th m<' .

27 Jack Bolin utTt'l'ing with hrokPn arm from (,onla's ram .• "mitty ha an arm in a

~lingo too, anti on hi birthday. 2 enior have a cia, meeting. Finant'('! Bolin' hou g('t afil(' during .:'horthatHI

class. 2[1 Girl ' gym c]a,. do\\ nca:-t. • ·o weiner roa t.

30 t. TerP::;a and Victon·.

• 'OVE .. HBER

2 • ·o girl glee club. i\IL Burroughs prepaling for the role of lending lad~··

a i\Ii:;. Burrough i\Iothcr vi it tht' channing hamlet. 4 Junior, ~tart "SKIDDL 'G". Th Senior look forward to their hanqlll't. 5 Bui'y working up our pep for the i\laroa game and the Dau •lwrty Corn-Hu.king

ContP, t.

®~~~~~g=~~H~I' ~~~~::JI0 f




p e

G • ·o chool. Game with 1m oa. Good name.

7 Blue Monday quizze . !l Girl hm; \\" iner FPa t at Daugherty' and mor fun.

11 .. ·o chool. Pia) Arthur in l•ootbnll. 10 o'clock .nd :min.

12 S •nior' are getting proof of thPir dn pictur .

13 Alumni H'l u \ ar it~! 0-0. Happ~ hurt but i "coming up."

I li \\' ork fot' Exam ar eoming!

17 \\' ha\ \oil y Ball ont t in (,irl r;~ m Ia unior l'l.t~ practict and a nice

littl rain.

1 We have n tudy room no\\ make u e of it.

1 !I .. • o hool.

20 Voll y Ball contP t Pnd and Juniot and ophomo~t·~ ''in. 23 Freda app i till looking at th enior boy !

24 Exam.

2:J Pr par for Turk ~.

21) • ·o more chool until 30.

30 Gym floor i poli h d and paint d.


1 Ia~ B1lb), Bonm \an Sick! , Lu iii Ohl r, Cork H lfrich, ntl oth r jumo

o to n ighborin • to,, n to ad\ rti th i r pia~.

2 ·ic da). un 1 out and o ar th Junio lim tilk for t tr pi ) . 'fh r

i a bi fizz r h ar al.

3 Ft hm n p1 par for Hom -mad <and\ )P • aturda). ora, Eloi , and • lar

go to At\\ ood for , d\ rti m •JJt for th morit 1 ( af r an 1m port n bu m

m ting for th S ·nior cia . 4 Junior Ia Play go O\ r \\I h a boom 1 on ra ulation , Junior !

7 Order i r tor d in th Hi tor) room H rb rt Wa t , an up-and-comin • nior,

\\a tak n to th<' ho pitnl ano und rw nt an op ration for app nd1citi .


10 11



Latin II tud n hm; a qUJzz. Gl Club put

Girl Phy ical Ed. Ia choo for ba kf'tball. cur ain 1m r?????.

II qui t on the W<' t rn front.

W play taroa and 'in ca il). Herb rt i impro\ ing. till in th" Ho pi tal.

Engli h quizz , • 11 hri tma S al "nd m.1k thilt) -nin c nt ! B

16 practic . Eloi and larjor1 ha\ all-d ) uc' r .

17 Girl play ba k tball. Boy warm up for gamc> '' ith t ood.

1 Pep m <'ting for Atwood and a d f at. Too bad, Coach ~ !


~~~~~~~~~"'~' ~~~2~~ I f



We are always ready to fill YOUR ~

ORDERS, whether they are '

Large or Small

~ ~ OUR S ORE ~ rrr

is operated in a clean and san1tary manner and we u e ~ l!:!J o:Jr best knowledge in the selection of UR GOOD'"". ~

Our hundreds of ati fied C'ustomers are

I ~ Phone 12 for Grocery SERVICE ~

Our Best Advertisers

n Helfrich Bros.



21 • ually p akit,g, the Phy ic cla han: th •ir h on . { 01a a~ , " \\ ould it lJr

t rl ibl if--?" 2~ (,am \dth ~t \\ardon and t.irl ~~m cla pmt~. Eloi pia~ ~'lnt Clau.

23 ( uizz •

24 Vaeation ~:----

JA •. 'AHY

4 Bal'k from \ a~cation. ,Junior Fi h r . till nb , nt .• 1 rl • 1 og in quit and mo\

to Sullivan.

;) Dorothy Han.fonl lo e a 1 ttcr. Play .·Uwoo•l.

r. School n \\. should be in on tim .

7 .\li-. Burrough br ak it to u J.,• ntlj-\\'P mu t !em n th' {;t>ttybur' A•ldt

Book teport. and .Junior not hack y"t????? A k ~li lunou~n \'Ill) tUtn tl in

"So Big.'' 11 lweryhody tudying hatd. Wonder \\hy?

12 Four 'enior. get :- •nt out of c], '> '"

13 Herbert Watt wanb to know why a 'tow mok • when you light it. ( Phy ic


14 One week f1 om today i ;:., m • tt• . \\ ork for you \\', tt•tloo i. <'om in~. mn~ h

1 :i linton h<>rr> 1• 1 iday night. Gi1l. pia)'. Great tr at for the publif'.

Hi WhPn ... Ii Burrough-- a kPd Jack if h had gum in hi. mouth, It> aid, " 'o, onl~

a half a cake." 1!1 Bethany hen• and Hoo\' r refPtt'e . ~It·. auo :\It . (,. A. llr>laud a1·c h •rC'.

20 Tomonow t'Xam:-. Exemption" po h d and two St'Il!Ot arP free for t" o whole da~ :,\Inrjorie Watt:- t•ome::. to .chool with her hlou.P on wrong it! out.

21 Vacation for a. elel't few. :Scm ter • xam:>.

22 :::ieme t t' exam continu d.

2·1 I{ •suit of tht> exam tlon't l'• m to Ill' o xeiting. lmo t onl ft om Pa •h t•la

pa. e•l exam-??'! Dorothy Han folll quit chool. Kenneth Ynkey tntt n mill.

Wt• mi s Dorothy in Engli h .. nd fourth hour A .emi1l~·. :\IyrtlP ShiPld quit al o.

"Bud Fi:-her'' ba<'k today. Fift•'en fot Bud!

2(j "Bull :\loo,p"-:\lu .. -o-from ~Iillikin out with Boone South for H. J:.

27 Anoth •r "(•ow" :;tep on Herbert Watt · foot. Doroth~ !{an forti retum aft r nh-

..,ence of two day . 2. 'l'urmoil. Tournament antl all that tutf. Cork \\in title of "Goofii•• t <.uy."

2!1 Victory O\'l'l' Bt>nwnt! Hi!-:' pt>p meeting! :-ipPPt'ht• hy ~nme of the girl . 'utP good!

~~~~~~~RZ~~·I~·~~~~~~ ~




Why Buy


NOW? Becau e Pti ce> are






~Store ~

Pure Drugs and Medicine, Books

Wall Paper and Paints


@~c~~~ ...... ,. _...,,~, ~~~-==:=J2 ~


1 Ruth, Eloi ~. and l•.ug nc nh ~nt! II • tud nt '' ho • r failin • r "up on th •

gr<'en carp t." 2 CarlocK ag<'l' b at tn 1 ri. h. K 1th Holm a~ h' ha a i~ounfl-Hou P U_tl in tl

• 'orth End-only it i quare. H E'·er:- on kat d to • cbool thi::, morning. A II ic and 110\\. G n 'if>\

a bad arm today. J uniot· Fi h 1 • till .. .-rippling. A reln!lar ho pi tal h r .

'I hi goo- "00- y • stutf mu.:t h opp~:d. Gd otf th chool ground to do ~out· fhrt-

in .... It dot' n't m to do much good.

5 (, org ay that the rea on h can't wl'iv on tP, t tn Hi tory i that th ch k top

"have trench in them deep enou• h to bury Chin. in.''

Pcar.ut .cnndal. AI o anothf'r candal not mad kno\\n to the Jlublic.

!I Virginia 'andcr. tard;. thi morning. '!'. k-t k-Vi,.gi' in. 'l'h~: \ mbl e m to be an appropriat(• place for tl't -a-ll'te. Ye., w won th~ Il110poii. gam ith th

ame 01 a !. t y~:ar. 10 Big Valentine patty. Iuch excit(m nt among the elit. ( ota l\io ,r e JWCi II~ tn­

jo:> th party . .l\1 r. \'an Dykt' wa tht> pvn or and furni h d pi nty of fruit a Ind.

11 Kennt>th Yakt•y remind. u of the , 'ur ry rhym ·-" clillt'r, a doll.ll, a t n

o'clock .cholar." Big rain bring:- con olidat •d bu.,e from tlw . 'otih awl Soutlt

end:- of town. 12 Lincoln' bi1thday and a game with eno Gordo too br.d! 1.) I'!PW kind of h · nL out," Pt>te ay . A new cholar Sophomot'l till th •

ronw! (Jt•an :\o ckPt') I fi "It wouJ,} hav1• probably killed him twilt' if ht• hadn't diN I one ," a~. L\1 i Bur­

rough in Engli h-concPrning i\lath"''' .;\lauiP. 17 harlotte, hPttt'r kno\\ n a "Shorty'', had a light aecid nt to h r In \' I' mandih!P:!

Gen viP\ e had th<• a me trouble Ia. t prin"', we hl'ar. 1, \\'hen a:-kc•d what grain:- and plant bC'veragc wert> made from, a Hiolo •y tud nt

an wer d, "Some men like a hevc'rage made from rol'll." Hu •h an I Gal(' le. 1·n o1

the futur> and thl'ir need from )lr. C'arloek in Hi tor~ I cia . (Big hou .

1 !l EvNyone hu y with declamation .

~2 Wa hington' birthda~. G1·adP chool have I> clamatory conte t

hono•· Wa hington. : nior tnkc I eturt on :hort torie in Engli h IV. nlu Hend ron g t a gn'at kick out of rtading the ca!Pn<lar. \ c wonder ,·hy. ????

~3 Girl ' Ba~ketball Tournnment . tart . BooK H •port . Sophomor lo to • ('nior 15-0!! John get a good cont of acid-for why'!? BPthany up et l ammon<! in

their graham <'l acker box. 24 Sp ech ~ in Engli h 1 V! • •wing 1,-irL In · t mper • · <'\\ drP e d< n 't come!

~fi Awful pretty day and ign of piing from tudt nt bod. !

2G Warn•n hurg!!! noi ( onft r nc ·!!

2!l enior all takl' quiz at o'clock ty-my-my!

@n •lrc= il l• ::1_@ ....... A COMFORTING

SERVICE THE greate t. en·ice of the morl •rn funeral dir ctor is that

of lifting the load of respon~ ihility from the huulder. of the bereaved. From the moment he is called, he a". umes charge of the many details which require attention. In our organization w p;ive special attention to this comforting ervice.



~ aPlace Co=Opera1ive firain ~ ., ~-<Company~

A Farmer's Company. Strictly Co-Operative

Grain, Coal, Feeds, Flour, Fence Salt, Twine, Seeds

ELEVA TORS AT B urrowsville-----LaPlace----- Casner

@u .... 1u ___,, @


1 Ev 1) on f ding fin . I <"'it'\\ : e\\ chol:u- atlin.

3 Today i horn day, but that' nothing unu ual fot w r~ 'l'hur. da~

4 Horn day i o\cr but todu. hn b Pn a \\Ore on .. i -Wt k xam

7 elebrate 1"('. ult of Dt damatoty c ont t. 1 H•1la ''in. in Or. tion,.,, .!my Y a t in

S riou and J\Iy!lin Buckim;ham in Humorou .. Good luck kid .. • ophomorl' ~irl \\in Ha kt tball ganH from F1f'.hmcn. (,o t1• it l•ro h! You'H' •ot

• omP good "tuff th '1 P. 9 Do10thy get hPr hail bohb <l • ...;ay. girl l('t' all ~ •t out· haL cut! S nior han:

cia me('ting and 1! citl on th(' followin thing : Ia) • 1l a lot of annual ; (b)

ell a lot of ad : (<:) ha'' a "'econd Annual llak :=;all'· (d) llP1licat the .'l .noti­

ter to--?

10 ~ nior girl. win Ba k tball 'l'ournnlll{'nt b~ beating till .Junior gill . Di trict tour­

nam{'nt, and victory for Hammond O\' >r Stt "ani on. 11 EwryonP cxt>ited and p pp('d up for Sh •lb)' ill tonight. Hig JWP me ting. B. !1{.


14 C I b1 ate ('Cond pin<' in di trict. La t honor to St'llior. in I (' kf•tball. Ct'l tail'

Frt'. hmen gid and a <'t 11ain Sophomore ho~· g;,·e. us tht' pictun• of two turtl

don•l' again. 15 Bn kt>thall ToumamPnt fo1· l:oy •. .'ophomort>. wri npologie and invitation .

16 Humorou. incidt>nt in 1-..ngli h IV. I>oroth\ ha \'ery xpt·e I\(' (>) • 'ot man

people <·an ~mtle with only one eye!

17 Voll y Ball I ntPr Cl. • 'I'ournamPnt. A book agent herP. · othing unu ual.

Girl GIP(' luh ing "(,n ndfathe1' ('Jork." • 'il'e on•~.

21 Evelyn Van Sickle makP an oral repol"t in Engli h IV. · y , "I o )"OU \\ant to

tell another one?" Wt• don't l'ar<>. if if, a good one.

22 All the hoy play ockPr. Spring i fer ! 23 All the Seniot ehangt• ea in Engli h IV. \ little improvem('llt i notic able.

24 • ·o GirL g-ym. Choo c Senior play but not the ehntadtet·.

25 Piatt County D el:unutory Conte t. l•rcda Capp. win ,t• ond in Orator~, lyrhn

Buckingham win .t>cond in llumorou r 'EHiing. Hammond \\in. third in total

point:- in the county. Cerro Gordo win. fourth. 2 Fourte n boys art> up on th • gtt•e carp t. Thi ca e w nt down in hi tot) a th

"School Skipping Scrap •.'' 2fl John Capp,. . ay,., "Ye , I know whet Fifth AH~l1U{' i . 'l'h BolO\(!r Watch om-

puny i;:, on Fifth A vr•nue.'' 30 John app ay. wh n a ked "hat he con.idt>rt>d him {'}f, "Why, a man!"

a 1 ~ewing Cia vi it l>Pl'UtUl' Gartll nt facto ic . 'I h )' . t't' all th('l i. to e and

,.till don't let tht· public know thPy arc from tht> countr). Th•) "ill \'Ote for you!


Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing and

GROCERIES Our Store has served this commun­

ity for many years

Service is the watch-word here and we are constantly trying to ~

. . Improve our service

Trade at our store and SAVE the

~ Difference. You are welcome here

Suits Tailor-Made. See us Today ~

m ~

John Deere

Paints and Oils

HARNESS U. S. Tires, Tinning


Cars Trucks


~ Ascherman"s

GARAGE Established in 1915


Shoe and Har- ~ ness Repairing ~

0u . JJ~h ~~--,~~~u ~~~~510


1 Bi~ Apr·il Fool Part). Everybo<ly com and ad natural.

2 'ome of the fooli hn . lin • rs from Ia t Frid, ~ .• 'othinoo unu ual.

Sewing girl tart on ne'' drP. . P1omenade!

5 Bn. kt>thall and Football barHtlH't \\' hPld Ia t ni vht. ~lthPr, and F'ath l th I' •

oad1 make a • p C('h. Every on eat ehickf'n.

r, i\lor • them in !:' ophomor J:ngli h. Biology cia 1 arn thin ' .

7 'l'hP ''School Skipping- Scrave" i O\'t'l' and tlw hoy don't have to udy e rly no\\',

H rbert Watt i in th ho trital a a • · ult of a ,e, 1 ac ill nt. \Y hope ht> i

able to t•ome ba('k oon a:- w mi him Vf'ry much. ''HPrhi " ah' a~ do hi pnt1.

'l'he nior. ar • "'oing to i\lillikin tonight to ee "Sun- 'p". Dale 'l'r, lo~r, • op~lO-

morP ha:< I •ft u:-. Tmek me. t with }lontin•llo.

11 PracticP on S nior play. Ev•~r ~body mu t bring excu " . Ev ryon till full af•er

hig ham1uet the other night.

1::! Dual m •Pt with Lovington. \Vt> tn•at tiH m lik.-. wo• treat••d all th otho•r· tearn. at


13 Book l't>port ; S nior e" a) thou a ncl-word thl'lll ix w ek ,, ·am revi \\ and

a fpw oth •r thin • .

Biology tudent hav • field tJ ip. Gym ela plays ba. Ph:dl.

15 Quaclrangular trat•k meet at :ullh·an. Gl•• Club put in omP nic wmm prnl'tict•.

Junior makC> plan. for a nit- banquet. We're waiting, Junior .

1 ~~ GleP luh "0 • to ~lontict>llo to pra('ti<' for· <'Oming ~vent.

20 ~lor • play pmctire. Do you have any ol•l co tume

21 Girl g) m cia ha a hike .... 'ice hikP.

22 Sonw •xtra work in Engli h I\'. • ot nuch more tim to \\1 itt' tht•me , SC'nior •

~lake the best of what little time you haw left.

2fi La t Saturday Mary Yea t, ~lyrlin Buekingham, Frula Capp . and ;\lary l•.lizabe h

Bilby went to harle:-ton to eompete in Dramatic and I u i<•al cont t . A nice r'P-

·ult and thank. to the contL tant for wh t tht>y dorw.

2fi ~laroa here for track and Ja('k Bolin r•ntertains hi. fr iPnd from then•.

Clo e to time for the Senior play. Har•l pr·artin• and drt>

2 SPnior }ru ... y • ending invitations.

2H Tral·k hoy· get ready for Pnoi onferencP mcPt at .\I illikin.

~ =

Grain and

Supply Co.

Grain, Coal

Lumber and



120 East Prairie Street ~


Store I 5281 Phones l 5282


FLOWERS Direct from us

or from

t ~~ >'::

Furniture and ~ Undertaking ==

Ambulance Equipment ~~ T. C. HILL


~ Mrs. T. C. Hill ~ Assistant


®1~ _ ..... , ~~~ ~~---,~~ u@




1 ,,lor traek p1actic .... lay ba ket '!??????

2 Girl hik . Pia~ went O\ er '' ith a boom.

4 twood track me t. Junior work on hnnqu0t.

5 (,irl hav tyle parade. I• r hm n r<' tl

G Gl luh goc. to erro (,ordo to comp tt in ~lu i l· . tival.

9 atUJ·day, l\Iay 7, wa. th banqu t .... 'ic "ork, Junior . and thank .

10 Track meet. Girl · gym cla ha ha ball. Warm ?-ju t a little.

11 S nior work hanle1' than naturol. We \\Onder why????

12 nother nirc day. Sophomore g0t acth·it~ in Biology.

13 Spring i h r to tay-marbk •.

14 Di trit't track mt•et at l rbana.

Hi bn li.h IV g t wo1·k-out. Junior balan th ir bank account.

S nior. plan fo1· a wook of vacation. }I yb more?'!!!

HI Quizze in uch warm weather????

20 State Int<>r choln tk ircu. at lllinoL.

23 Bt>e hum; bird ing; tucl nt drt am and g-az out th \\indow. La t night wa


24 Final exam .. Ye1·y fmal fo1· omc.

25 School picnie. Don't fall in thP lakP!

26 Scnio1 havP a ni<'e ph·nit·. Com ha a wonderful tim

27 Comm necmcnt ____________ and fini .

0~~~~ ~rc=~~illt ::Jj® I WHEN l~ISg.EcATUR TYPEWRITERS r


Office upplies - We carry in stock at all time. over eleven thousand it ms to fit your n '•ds Anything from pins tu furniture

PRINTING We have a modern Printing­e tabli hmentand can print anything from a Visiting Card to a Catalogue. ~


The Student's $60•oo " PAL" ~

Terms if Desired

TY P EWRITER ,.. LINXWEILER <~ \~ '.:j Rented-~ old Repaired

Printing Company ~~

~ Office Outfitters ~~ Paxton r ypewriter Cor

~ 259 outh Park treet ~; ~

Il l! Phone 4-151. Decatur, Ill. ~~l Blooming ton , lllir o is Ill!

~I !1@)1 q[LZ_~@)I q@]~l ~~·~l~ ~ Quality Above ~ Dickson Kinlner &. Co. ~

all ~~ General ~s Herff-Jones Co. {~ Merchandise D ~

esigne rs and Manufac- ~s La Pla ce., Ill . ~ turers of ~~ · Cl)me to LaPlace for ~

HighSchool and ~ College Jewelry {~ I

and Commencem ent


Dry Goods Groceries and

Meats ~ i, Officials Jewelers to Ham- ~~ Your CREDIT is Good

mond} High rhool

if Not Abused

E. H. HALL Illinoi State Manager

Quality Merchandise at

Moderate Prices.


~H. Burrough -"Did you ver at·

trnd a .ehool for tutt 1ing'?"

Herb('rt F.-''• ·-n-no I j-j-j-ju t pick-

ed it up."

' ' ' '

onvil't (reading nPw.pap('r) ''D r '

ju tit'P for yet! football player bn~ak

two m n' jaw and another man' \('""

and i:- d(l lion of dl:' hour, while I g t tt ,

yl:'al· for on\~ ..,tunnin' an old guy wid a


I t t

Book Agent-'"l'hi book of 'nh·er­

' I KnowiPdge will tt•ll you ew1·ythin'\

you ought to know."

Van-" Don't n etl it! .ly wif~ tells

me all that and a lot more lwsid s.'"

I t t t

Georg~ Park. raced up th fi ld with

the goal at hi mercy, but lo:-t hi !wac!

and kicked it a('!'o s the field."

' ' ' '

:\Ir. arlo<·k-"Well, run up the cUl-


Beatril'e-"Whaddya think I mn, I•

:-quirrel ?''

! ! ! !

Burronghs-"Johnny u the

word 'miniatu1 •' in a entence."

Johnny- " I


~linnie a chewer of

Dr. (after ·amtna ion) -'I adam, ) ou

hnv•• a con titution of iron."

I., dy "I ha\ oftPn wond('T d wh

ma«le m o hl:'a\ ~ ."

I t ! !

.\lr. C'arlork "I hav tick t for th

th ater."

,\lr . l arlock-"rin 1"11 tmt dre .....

ing at once.''

Mr. Carloek-"Y (' do, th ticket m

for tomorrow night."


I'atht r-·· Did ~ ou hm e tht• car out

Ia t mght? '

lit•! b. W.-"Ye , Jad; I took om of

th«' boy for a run around.''

Father-''\\' dl tell th m I've fou'1d

t\\ n of th ir lip. tick ."

! ! ! !


\'ivian-"I hatr that fp]]ow l't>t

Huth-"Why, what ha happened?

thought you liked him o much."

\ hian-"flp aitl t•ouldn't \\hi lie

o ju t to how him, puck r d up my

lip ju t so :-w' t nnd round and \\hal

do you think he did'!'"

Huth-( blu hingl "How hould


Vh i. n " \\' Pll, th fool jn t I(lt m

w!1i t]P."



Your business is appreciated here. We have in our Meat Market at all

times fresh and cured Meats which is home killed.

Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

~ m WE ~:LIV~R 1:


HA::OND n~ [ill The wisest and most interesting [ill

Men talk little, think much, never complain---but travel on.

Such Men have Judgment, and they buy




ANDREW SWENSON Over Thirty-nine Years in


~~~rum~~~~~MEMORITER ~~ -~


Van-"Wh n my wife> g t indi PC tion

he doe n't talk to any one for a wP k."

,arlock-"Wh t kind of pa tty d1n

you a~ you buy her?"


~1i BUJ·rough - ''\\'hat Lh·p would

~ ou take if you :-aw lion 1 unning through the < o•-rido1· ?"

( a•·lo('k "L 0 .· c; 0 • g S!"


.:\11·. Van Dyke-"Wh) don't you a~­"WPI' lllC ?"

• mitty-"1 cii<i hak my head."

:.\fr. Vrm Dyke-" \Vt'll, did you t.­

p ct 111£! to hear it rattJ" cl ar up here?''

l\li <,oodrich-1 r • ding dir ction

for n1aking fudg-') "Add u •ar, nd th 1

it on . to\ p anti tir r peutNlly."

Eloi <'-"Who wouldn't?"

I I t I

Talkie-" L your ]o,·e for me d ad?

:.\Iaurine-" ... 'o, but it'. 'er~, 'ery ill."

I t t I

:.\Ii • Burrough -"Who \\ill r port

on F1tz Jamp' "\\'hat \\'a It?''

Dorothy "What did he \\l'ite ?"

~Ii B.- " What Wa It?"

Dorothy "What \\a it?"

®~~~~~~rc=~~~ ·~r ~~~::l_jr®,



are from

REMBRANDT STUDIO 314 North Main, Decatur, Illinois

"Quality Photographs

~ for Eighteen Years."


~ ~g=~~·ll ~~


We takE- this method of

acknowledging the many courtesies extended us

by the teachers and pu­

pils of the Hammond Community High School

which we assure all con­

cerned are thoroughly


TEXACO GAS Golden Motor Oils

Lunch and Cold Drinks


Hammond Illinois

Central Illinois ~ Electric and

W. B. READ Gas Co. ~ & CO. I Ill! Bloomington, Illinois 1111 ~

Bement, II inois ~

~~I ~~~q@)~l ~2JH~~@)I• I@J~L~~~~~~ ~ FLEENER'S chool ~upplie ~

Service Station Exide Batteries-Car

Greasing-Battery Charging

~ Hammond, Ill. Located on Route 121


Lewis & Lewis


Books - Art upplies

Sporting Goods


(E tablished in 1902)

Decatur, Ill. Office Supplies

KODAK Developing and Printing

lOc ar.y size 3c GIFT~ PICTURE




harlotte-"1 lo\'f~ you a much a C\ cr.''

Happ)-''Say, who 1. thi~ g-uy gver?''

' ' ' ' 'ork ''Say, I almo t broke my n ck

following you ai'Otmd thl' e curve ."

Virginia "Well, I hop that teachP

you not to <'h aft"r everv J>rl'tty girl that you ,,.e !"

' ' ' Van-''What'.,; the l'Ompo"ition of a

mateh ?"

Mary Elizah th-''A hoy aml girl 111

a dng with th moon.hine."

C 1lock ''What i mo tly rai d in

damp eli mat ~ ?"

Kenneth 0.-" 'mbrP!la "'

! ! ! !

.:'llyrlin-"1 got a real kick out of k1 -

111g GL le, In t night."

("; rw-'' Any n ore than u ual ?"

~Iyrlin-"Y , th old man caught


' ' ' Herb W.-"I'm burning with low for


~Iary Elizab th "Ah, don't mak a

fut>l ( fot>ll of your •If."

®~~~~~· rr= 1 ~11 ~~~~~J®


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From the Best little Church in the

Best little Town in the Corn Belt.


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