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Post on 23-Mar-2018






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Middle Ages

(click on the Title to get to the picture link)

Manor System

• Prevalent economic system in the Middle Ages.

• Slowly replaced by the market-based economy.

Black Death

• Swept through Europe in 1347-1351

• Caused the death of about 25% of the European population.

Hundred-Year War

• War between 1337-1453.

• Between England and France.

Genghis Khan

• Means universal ruler in Mongolian.

• Him and descendents conquered more of the known world outside of Africa and Japan.

Silk Road

• Road going through Asia to connect Asia and Europe with trade routes.

• Term coined in 1877 by a German geographer.


• Series of invasions by the Christians in the Middle Ages.

• Started because the Christians believed that the Muslims were attacking the pilgrims.


• System of government where the king gives land to nobles in exchange for protection.


• Monasteries are places where monks went to study languages and art.

• Convent usually used for places for nuns.


• Chivalry is the code of honor for knights.

• Derived from the French word chevalier, which means one who rides a horse.


• Catholicism is the catholic church.

• The catholic church was very corrupt because the got too involved in government.

Pictures 1 and 2

• Picture one shows the main art forms of the middle ages, including religion and 2-D drawings.

• Picture two shows stained glass windows common on churches during the middle ages.

Pictures 3 and 4

• Picture 3 is the Crusades in the eyes of medieval artists.

• Picture 4 is an example of late medieval armor.

Pictures 5 and 6

• Picture 5 is an example of the Gothic architecture popular in the Middle Ages.

• Picture 6 shows the clothing of many medieval rich women.

Pictures 7 and 8

• Picture 7 is a picture that shows a recreation of a medieval torture device.

• Picture 8 shows an interaction between a typical medieval doctor and his rich patient.

Pictures 9 and 10

• Picture 9 shows an example of a late medieval castle.

• Picture 10 shows and example of a family crest, common during the middle ages by rich people.

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