power of visualization

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Slides of a workshop by TriMM and GriDD showing the power of visualization. Using examples of infographics, process models, book summaries and more... For more about GriDD see http://www.gridd.nl


Kracht van visualisatieJeroen Grit

Slides of a visual thinking workshop with students of S.A. Communiqué showing the power of visualization.

“Het optimaliseren van het gebruik van informatie door mensen in organisaties”


Mensen Interactie Informatie


Quality assurance @ TriMM

Quality assurance model used at TriMM. An easy way to evaluate quality and spot possible problems quickly.

Napoleon’s Russian campaign

Visualization on the amount of troops Napoleon brought to Moscow and back combined with the temperature.

Visualize steps

Easy way to visualize steps. Especially relevant to make business plans quickly comprehensible.

Workshop material

Summary of a day of workshops. With a visual and some explanation everyone present could gain some new views.

By kevkev44 (Flickr.com)

What’s next?

A way to draw attention to your presentation instead of the known “death by powerpoint”. Present by presenting instead of letting dull bullets do your job.

Facebook privacy

A nice way to visualize the change in privacy settings on Facebook.

Facebook privacy

Facebook privacy

Facebook privacy

Facebook privacy

Facebook privacy

Twitter limits

It’s not always slick graphics that you need; putting some extra emphasis on data has an effect as well.

The success of iTunes

Just a cool infographic. Even though it does use quite a bit of text, it invites people to read it.

Resume infographic

A resume visualized. With a good amount of humour and fancy colours it has become a great example.


A book summary by GriDD. The Greggs are metaphors for every DaVince principle in the book.


More Gregg material on visual thinking. You can find more cartoons on http://www.whatthegregg.com.

Visualize your three Unique Selling Points

What makes you stand out?




Interested in Visual Thinking, graduation or working with TriMM or GriDD, please contact us.

www.gridd.nl/jeroenwww.pittenbijtrimm.nlwww.vizthink.nl Disclaimer

Most images in this presentation are from iStockphoto.com. Some are collected online over the years and we are not sure whom the rights belong to. If you feel that they should not be in this

presentation, let us know.

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