pnp operational accomplishments · campaign against cpp-npa-ndf (cnn). the pnp figured in three...

Post on 17-Jul-2020






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The PNP, in improving crime prevention, sustains the Managing Police

Operations (MPO) approach, the anti-criminality campaign plan that addresses the eight focus crimes. This campaign plan was further expanded through the Enhanced MPO that is targeted towards reducing prevalent crimes and improving public safety in communities nationwide. The eight focus crimes consist of physical injury, robbery, theft, carnapping of motor vehicles, carnapping of motorcycles, rape, homicide and murder. Prevalent crimes are those that hit the top of the crime list or far outweighing any other crime in a particular area such as drug trafficking and illegal gambling.

Enhanced Managing Police Operations The Enhanced MPO as the PNP Operational Strategy, widened the concept on

anti-criminality with regular law enforcement activities through police presence and focused law enforcement operations, crime investigation and solution, and internal cleansing; security measures through target hardening, border control, social investigation, community partnership, proper deployment of resources; information operations through maximum use of quad media in intensifying public awareness; and contingency planning through regular conduct of SIMEX, CEREX, COMMEX. Organization of red teams to challenge security preparations; offensive stance through tactical operations and legal offensive; and lastly, feedback mechanism.

Eight Focus Crimes

Comparing data from 1st Quarter 2017 versus 1st Quarter 2018, the total

volume of eight focus crimes decreased by 34% from 30,228 in 2017 to 19,874 in 2018, the following were noted:

• Murder decreased by 31% from 2,464 to 1,693; • Homicide increased by 5% from 499 to 526; • Physical injury decreased by 33% from 8,082 to 5,401; • Rape decreased by 29% from 2,507 to 1,779; • Robbery decreased by 35% from 4,608 to 3,011; • Theft decreased by 40% from 10,248 to 6,198; • Carnapping – Motor Vehicle decreased by 43% from 157 to 89: and • Carnapping- Motorcycle decreased by 29% from 1,663 to 1,177

Regular Law Enforcement

Police Presence. Four Million Thirty Eight Thousand Six Hundred Forty Seven (4,038,647) foot and mobile patrol operations were conducted for the 1st Quarter of 2018. On manhours spent to improve crime prevention efforts of the PNP a total of 59,560,627 manhours of foot patrols and 30,120,282 manhours of mobile patrols were spent to sustain police presence on the streets. Police presence was

felt as evident by the reduction of the eight focus crimes, street crimes and other prevalent crimes Focused Law Enforcement. Aggressive police operations and other police interventions led to the arrest of lawless elements that somehow reduced the number of crimes that they may commit.

Campaign against Illegal Drugs. From the start of the PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan Double Barrel and Double Barrel Alpha from July 1, 2016 to March 31, 2018, there were 1,268,065 illegal drug personalities who surrendered to police stations nationwide. Meanwhile, 128,590 were arrested and 4,114 died during police operations, and the confiscation of illegal drugs with an estimated DDB value of Php22.9 Billion

Among the notable accomplishments include the following:

Buy-Bust/Raids and Search Operations

Place and Date Illegal Drugs Seized

Suspects Arrested/Killed

Estimated Street Value

Dumangas, Iloilo January 28, 2018

935.68 grams of shabu

Jose Alberto K Pinaga and Maybell P Belmonte

Php11.2 Million

Parklane Hotel, Guinsay, Danao City January 27, 2018

1 kilogram of shabu Dorotea Ausan Moyes

Php11 Million

Block 2, Block CH, Quintanana, Cabuco Trece Martirez, Cavite January 24, 2018

6 kilograms of shabu

Mauricia De Padua y Nadal and Taib Suriong III y Paidlac

Php30 Million

Parking 5, Alabang Town Center, Ayala, Alabang, Muntinlupa City March 23,2018

13.8 kilograms of shabu

Norodian G Samplidan, Lady Jane F Borja, and Regina I San Miguel

Php68.9 Million

Along Chino Roces Ave., Brgy. Pio Del Pilar, Makati City March 23, 2018

2.8 kilograms of shabu

Jianjia Shi a.k.a Lin Php14 Million

Marijuana Plants Uprooted and Destroyed

Place and Date Volume of Marijuana Plants Estimated Street Value

Brgy Loccong, Tinglayan, Kalinga February 9-12, 2018

28,000 fully grown marijuana plants,112,000 marijuana seedlings, 40 kilograms marijuana stalks, 2 kilograms marijuana hashish

Php15.5 Million

Sito Bana, Brgy. Tacadang, Kibungan, Benguet March 20, 2018

8,700 fully grown marijuana plants and 2.4 kilograms of marijuana plants

Php 2.4 Million

Campaign against Carnapping. One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Six

carnapping incidents were reported during the period. Of the total reported incidents, 52 motor vehicles and 382 motorcycles were recovered which translates to a recovery efficiency rating of 34%. In addition, 277 suspects were arrested and 245 cases filed in courts.

Campaign against Kidnapping-for-Ransom (KFR). Five KFR incidents were reported for the said period. Of the total incidents, 12 personalities were arrested, four cases were solved. Among the notable accomplishment on this campaign were the arrest of KFR suspects Kuangdi Shi and Kate Liu, both Chinese National on January 26, 2018,suspects were identified as Weitai Luo @ Tommy, Cheng Liu @ Zhou Kun @ Mike, and Samuel Garcia y Galop.

Campaign against Illegal Gambling. The campaign against illegal gambling

was also prioritized. In support of Small Town Lottery (STL), 4,617 anti-illegal gambling operations resulting in the arrest of 11,668 violators and confiscation of more than Php2.8 Million worth of cash and articles used in illegal gambling.

Heeding to the special instruction of PRRD on the Banning of Government

Employees from Gambling in Casinos, all RDs were directed to coordinate with the management of casinos in respective AOR to have signage posted at the entrance of their establishment.

Campaign against Loose Firearms. The relentless efforts to account loose

firearms resulted in the confiscation, recovery and surrender of 2,648 small arms and light weapons (SALW). The campaign likewise resulted in the arrest of 2,334 suspects and filing of 1,585 criminal cases in court for violations of Republic Act No. 10591.

Campaign against Smuggling and Piracy. PNP operations resulted in the arrest of 18 suspects and the confiscation of Php3.5 Million worth of. smuggled and pirated goods.

Campaign against Illegal Logging. There were 709 operations against illegal logging that led to the arrest of 1,123 suspects. In these operations, a total of 2,086,682 board feet of logs/lumber with an estimated worth of Php30.2 Million was confiscated. Two hundred six cases were filed in court.

Campaign against Illegal Fishing. A total of 2,752 suspects were arrested

for illegal fishing and 234 cases were filed in court. The operations also resulted in the confiscation of Php103 Million worth of fish and fishing paraphernalia.

Campaign against Criminal Gangs (CGs). Twenty-six CGs were disbanded with 539 leaders and members, of which 529 were arrested and ten killed in police operations nationwide. Also, eight firearms were confiscated/recovered and 43 cases were filed in courts..

Campaign against Wanted Persons with Reward. The crackdown on the

country’s Top Most Wanted Persons (TMWPs) with monetary rewards for their capture, resulted in the arrest of six (6).

Campaign against Other Wanted Persons. The crackdown on the country’s

Other Wanted Persons (OWPs) resulted in the arrests of 12,689; the surrender of 65 and death of 14 in police operations. Security Measures

Target Hardening is the next line of defense when prevention through intelligence fails. These are activities conducted to strengthen the security of our police station, camps and other vital installations in order to protect them in the event of enemy attack and eliminate the element of surprise. For the period, a total of 1,071,739 target hardening activities were conducted such as preventive patrols, inspection of motor repair shops, inspection of vital installations, police route security assistance among others.

Border Control is protecting our entrance and exit points from the illegal

movement of contravand and lawless elements while promoting safety and security of the community. A total of 234,024 operations were conducted during the period.

Social investigation- the PNP maximized the community mobilization and

public support through public relations. Organization and mobilization activities were undertaken in relation to the implementation of the peacekeeping concept responsive to the peace and order peculiarity of the area through the operationalization of PNP Memorandum Circular No.2015-009 “BARANGAYANIHAN” or the Revitalized Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT) to law enforcement, disaster preparedness and response, and the ownership of the local executives to the program has been defined. For the period, there were 103,748 social investigation activities conducted.

PNP Internal Security Operations Campaign Plan ‘KATATAGAN” 2017-2022 was developed to complement the AFP Development Support and Security Plan “KAPAYAPAAN” 2017-2022. This intends to develop the capability of field units to fully operationalize ISO campaign plan in support of the PNP enhance intelligence activities against threat groups as well as reduce the capabilities of these threat groups; enhance legal offensive against insurgents; promote public safety and order based on the National Security Police 2016; and adhere to the rule of law, human rights and social justice.

Campaign against CPP-NPA-NDF (CNN). The PNP figured in three

government-initiated encounters. In other operations conducted against CNN, nine were arrested/killed, 179 surrendered and 44 small and light weapons (SALW) were confiscated. Among the CNN personalities arrested was Mauricio SAGUN (wanted for murder with a reward of Php1.7 Million for his capture). He was arrested in Brgy Cabisera 17-21, San Antonio, City of Ilagan on February 18, 2018.

Campaign against Southern Philippines Terrorist Groups (SPTGs). No

government-initiated encounters was reported for the period . In other operations against SPTGs, 17 were arrested/killed, 16 surrendered and 11 SALWs were confiscated.

Public Safety. The PNP enhanced the capabilities of the 1,978 Tourist Assistance Desks (TADs) it maintains nationwide. This is in addition to the 558 Tourist Assistance Centers (TACs) established by the Department of Tourist (DOT) and Local Government Units (LGUs). There were 216 Touri0st Police trained under the National Tourist Oriented Police for Community Order and Protection (NTOPCOP) Project in coordination with the DOT. Also, there were 5,770 Tourist Police deployed in the 28 Priority Tourist Destination Areas.

On security coverage and foreign visits, the major event security framework

was the basis for crafting security and contingency plans in the 16,537 security operations on special events where the PNP rendered 4,,309,119 man-hours. There were also 10,846 VIP security operations conducted with 1,612,556 manhours spent. Conduct of SIMEX/CEREX/COMMEX

The conduct of Simulation Exercises (SIMEX), Crisis Emergency Response Exercises (CEREX), and Communication Exercises (COMMEX) in coordination with other government agencies and stakeholders established interoperability among participating agencies. These activities contributed to the successful conduct of major events with “zero” untoward incidents during the year.

Simulation exercises (SIMEX) were conducted to assess, enhance and evaluate preparedness of PNP units. A total of 16,167 SIMEX/CEREX/COMMEX were undertaken such as earthquake drills, fire drills, camp defense, hostage taking among others.

Red Teaming

Red Teaming aims to expose the vulnerabilities within the organization so that these can be properly addressed. The PNP, as a major security provider, has institutionalized red teaming. Local Red Teams were organized in all sites of major events. Also, a National Red Team (NRT) was organized and deployed composed of eight (8) PNP members.

The NRT challenged the following: assumptions and visions at the strategic level; plans, mental models, designs and decisions at the operational level; and operations in training or to examine characteristics of interoperability at the tactical level, during the Security and Safety coverage of the Feast of the Black Nazarene/Translacion 2018 on January 6 to 10 2018, and Southern Storm Exercises on February 19 to March 1, 2018 in Davao City.

Feedback Mechanism

Various inter-agency committees institutionalized measures in the form of meetings, resolutions, and review activities as feedback mechanism.

National Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (NALECC). The Chief, PNP chairs the NALECC that has 66 member agencies. Strengthening of linkages with other law enforcement agencies was sustained through the conduct of regular meetings and lateral coordination with the NALECC member agencies. One regular meeting was conducted for the period.

Joint Anti-Bank Robbery and Cybercrime Coordinating Committee

(JABRACC). One meeting was held to fortify measures against bank robbery, fraud and other related crimes, serves as the main task force of the PNP in the campaign against organized crime groups and criminal gangs involved in bank robbery and related crimes. The JABRACC, composed of the PNP, other government agencies and stakeholders from the banking sector, holds meetings to further strengthen coordination among members in addressing bank robbery and other related crimes.

Offensive Stance

Tactical Operations. In the fight against terrorism, the PNP and other law enforcement agencies conducted operations which resulted in the arrests of 16 personalities. Legal Offensive. The PNP and the AFP Inter-Agency Committee on Legal Action strengthened the intelligence gathering and cooperation, investigation, prosecution and monitoring of cases against threat groups. For the period, three cases were filed at the Prosecutors Office and nine cases were filed in court, 69 were under investigation of the 81 incidents perpetrated by the NPA.


As the President commits to the Filipino not to stop the war against illegal drugs and criminality until the last drug supplier, trader, coddler, and pusher will be put behind bars, Police Director General Oscar Albayalde , during his inaugural speech as the new Chief, Philippine National Police gave a sight of what will be the PNP's thrusts under his term: the anti-illegal drugs campaign, internal cleansing programs, teamwork, and high-standard policing.

Intensify campaign vs criminality and illegal drugs

The new Chief, PNP together with the Team PNP commits to work relentlessly to help the President fulfill his commitment to the Filipino people. He will carry on the programs of the previous leadership particularly the Oplan Double Barrel, as he believes that continuity is important to maintain the momentum of our accomplishments and gains, but will reform those programs that need to be more responsive to the existing situation and will not relent on the war against illegal drugs and other forms

Enhanced Managing Police Operations

The Enhanced MPO widened the anti-criminality operational plan on regular law enforcement activities through police presence and focused law enforcement operations; security measures through target hardening, border control, social investigation, community partnership, proper deployment of resources; information operations through maximum use of quad media in intensifying public awareness; contingency planning through regular conduct of SIMEX, CEREX, COMMEX. Organization of red teams to challenge security preparations; feedback mechanism; and offensive stance through tactical operations and legal offensive are likewise included in the EMPO.

. Eight Focus Crimes

Comparing data from 2nd Quarter 2017 versus 2nd Quarter 2018, the total

volume of eight focus crimes decreased by 33% from 27,824 in 2017 to 18,764 in 2018, the following were noted:

• Murder decreased by 28% from 2,398 to 1,723; • Homicide decreased by 21% from 641 to 505; • Physical injury decreased by 35% from 8,160 to 5,292; • Rape decreased by 24% from 2,158 to 1,643; • Robbery decreased by 35% from 4,050 to 2,650; • Theft decreased by 35% from 8,889 to 5,803; • Carnapping – Motor Vehicle decreased by 30% from 124 to 87: and • Carnapping- Motorcycle decreased by 24% from 1,404 to 1061

Regular Law Enforcement

Police Presence. Three Million Seven Hundred Sixty-Seven One Hundred Ninety Seven (3,767,197) foot and mobile patrol operations were conducted for the 2nd Quarter of 2018. On manhours spent to improve crime prevention efforts of the PNP a total of 58,516,622 manhours of foot patrols and 29,362,659 manhours of mobile patrols were spent to sustain police presence on the streets. Police presence was felt as evident by the reduction of the eight focus crimes, street crimes and other prevalent crimes

Focused Law Enforcement. Aggressive police operations and other police interventions led to the arrest of lawless elements that somehow reduced the number of crimes that they may commit.

Campaign against Illegal Drugs. The PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan Double Barrel and Double Barrel Alpha from April 1 to June 30,1 2018, there were 4,655 illegal drug personalities who surrendered to police stations nationwide. Meanwhile, 20,440 were arrested and 425 died during police operations, and the confiscation of illegal drugs with an estimated DDB value of Php421.8 Million

Among the notable accomplishments include the following:


Place and Date Illegal Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia Seized Suspects Arrested/Killed

Rilio Compound, Unit 16, King Christoper Kingspoint Subd., Brgy. Bagbag, Novaliches, Quezon City May 18, 2018

Several equipments and chemicals used for clandestine operation

No Suspects arrested

No, 15 D. dela Cruz St., Brgy Tenajeros, Malabon City April 13, 2018

Laboratory equipment and apparatus used in manufacturing of shabu and ecstacy, variety and volume of chemicals in powder and liquid form suspected to be Controlled Precursor and Essential Chemicals (CPECs)

Jiang Minshan, and Lauro S Santiago

Hingoso Farm, Brgy. Sto Ñino, Ibaan, Batangas April 12, 2018

CPECs and other essential chemicals

Tian Baoquan, Guo Zixin, Amancio Gallarde, Eduardo Lorenzo y Pamintuan, Sanny Baguio Y Verbo, Rosaleo Cesar Y Azada,Dy Hong, Nestor Baguio y Magalso, and Yue Hailong

Buy-Bust/Raids and Search Operations

Place and Date Illegal Drugs Seized

Suspects Arrested/Killed

Estimated Street Value

Sitio Sto Niño, Brgy San Martin de Porres along East Service Road, Parañaque City and in Lessandra Executive Subdivision 2, Brgy. Molino IV, Bacoor Cavite June 4,2018

11 kilograms of shabu

Dolores dela Cruz . Melchor Robiles Corocoto, Daniel Roberts Andrade, and William Ibañez Dela Piza

Php74.8 Million

Sitio Kalye-Away L Flores Street, Brgy. Pasil, Cebu City June 1, 2018

415 grams of shabu Jinalyn Rodriguez Cabije

Php 4.8Million

Sitio Panaghiusa, Brgy.Duljo, Fatima, Cebu City May 2, 2018

500 grams of shabu Joseph Peralo Oralde and Romeo Peligrino Orlade (both killed), Israel Patunob (wounded)

Php 5.9 Million

Unit 323 Marimba Bldg.,Rhapsody Residences, Brgy. Buli, East Service Road, Muntinlupa City April 23, 2018

One kilogram of shabu

Jianjia a.k.a.Lin, Lady Jane Flores Borja, and Regina Inocencia San Miguel


Along Service Road, Pasaje Del Carmen corner Roxas Blvd.,Manila April 21,2018

Five kilograms of shabu

Jason Chen Php 15Million

Interdiction Operations

Place and Date Illegal Drugs Seized

Suspects Arrested/Killed

Estimated Street Value

Cargo Warehouse, NAIA, Pasay City June 2, 2018

600 grams of shabu None Php3Million

Zebron Gasoline Station along Kalayaan Ave.,Brgy. Tejeros, Makati City April 27,2018

2 kilograms of shabu

Ariel Montilla Php10 Million

Marijuana Plants Uprooted and Destroyed

Place and Date Volume of Marijuana Plants Estimated Street Value

Brgy. Tulgao East qnd Sitio Balay, Brgy. Tulgao West, Tinglayan, Kalinga May 9, 2018

10,650 pcs fully grown marijuana plants, 3,000 pcs seedlings

Php 8.7 Million

Sitio Mapa, Brgy. Tagbao, Cebu City April 10,2018

14,152 pcs fully grown marijuana plants Php 5.6 Million

Brgy. Bugnay and Buscalan, Tinglayan, Kalinga April 10, 2018

25,050 pcs fully grown marijuana plants and 18,800 pcs marijuana seedlings

Php5 Million

Campaign against Carnapping. One Thousand One Hundred Forty Eight carnapping incidents were reported during the period. Of the total reported incidents, 37 motor vehicles and 242 motorcycles were recovered which translates to a recovery efficiency rating of 24%. In addition, 269 suspects were arrested and 221 cases filed in courts

Campaign against Kidnapping-for-Ransom (KFR). Fourteen KFR incidents were reported for the said period. Of the total incidents, 19 personalities were arrested/killed/surrendered, and six cases were solved. Among the significant accomplishment on this campaign was the rescue of Chinese national, Huang Bo Yu and arrest of four suspects namely: Ronald Piloton y Gonzales, Joseph Hibek y Manaig, @Jojo, Michael Austria y Talagsad @Mike, and Jowie Antiojo y Talagsad on June 27, 2018.

Campaign against Illegal Gambling. The campaign against illegal

gambling was also prioritized. In support of Small Town Lottery (STL), 6,031 anti-illegal gambling operations resulting in the arrest of 15,354 violators and confiscation of more than Php4 Million worth of cash and articles used in illegal gambling. Five Thousand Seven Hundred Nineteen cases were filed in courts.

Heeding to the special instruction of PRRD on the Banning of Government

Employees from Gambling in Casinos, all RDs were directed to coordinate with the management of casinos in respective AOR to have signage posted at the entrance of their establishment.

Campaign against Loose Firearms. The relentless efforts to account

loose firearms resulted in the confiscation, recovery and surrender of 3,724 small arms and light weapons (SALW). The campaign likewise resulted in the arrest of 2,991 suspects and filing of 1,821 criminal cases in court for violations of Republic Act No. 10591.

Campaign against Smuggling and Piracy. PNP operations resulted in the arrest of nine suspects and the confiscation of Php3.5 Million worth of smuggled and pirated goods.

Campaign against Illegal Logging. There were 1,128 operations against

illegal logging that led to the arrest of 935 suspects. In these operations, a total of 2,599,865 board feet of logs/lumber with an estimated worth of Php66.5 Million was confiscated. Two hundred thirty-nine cases were filed in court.

Campaign against Illegal Fishing. A total of 2,646 suspects were

arrested for illegal fishing and 274 cases were filed in court. The operations also resulted in the confiscation of Php75.7 Million worth of fish and fishing paraphernalia.

Campaign against Criminal Gangs (CGs). Sixty-one CGs were disbanded with 751 leaders and members, of which 731 were arrested and 20 killed in police operations nationwide. Also, 37 firearms were confiscated/recovered and 56 cases were filed in courts.

Campaign against Wanted Persons with Reward. The crackdown on the country’s Top Most Wanted Persons (TMWPs) with monetary rewards for their capture, resulted in the arrest of ten.

Campaign against Other Wanted Persons. The crackdown on the

country’s Other Wanted Persons (OWPs) resulted in the arrests of 14,235; the surrender of 82 and death of five in police operations. Security Measures

Target Hardening is the next line of defense when prevention through intelligence fails. These are activities conducted to strengthen the security of our police station, camps and other vital installations in order to protect them in the event of enemy attack and eliminate the element of surprise. For the period, a total of 490,752 target hardening activities were conducted such as preventive patrols, inspection of motor repair shops, inspection of vital installations, police route security assistance among others.

Border Control is protecting our entrance and exit points from the illegal

movement of contravand and lawless elements while promoting safety and security of the community. A total of 107,812 operations were conducted during the period.

Social investigation- the PNP maximized the community mobilization and

public support through public relations. Organization and mobilization activities were undertaken in relation to the implementation of the peacekeeping concept responsive to the peace and order peculiarity of the area through the operationalization of PNP Memorandum Circular No.2015-009 “BARANGAYANIHAN” or the Revitalized Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT) to law enforcement, disaster preparedness and response, and the ownership of the local executives to the program has been defined. For the period, there were 49,465 social investigation activities conducted.

PNP Internal Security Operations Campaign Plan ‘KATATAGAN”

2017-2022 was developed to complement the AFP Development Support and Security Plan “KAPAYAPAAN” 2017-2022. This intends to develop the capability of field units to fully operationalize ISO campaign plan in support of the PNP enhance intelligence activities against threat groups as well as reduce the capabilities of these threat groups; enhance legal offensive against insurgents; promote public safety and order based on the National Security Police 2016; and adhere to the rule of law, human rights and social justice.

Campaign against CPP-NPA-NDF (CNN). The PNP figured in nine

government-initiated encounters that resulted in 30 CNN arrested and three killed in police operations, three small and light weapons (SALW) were confiscated. In other operations conducted against CNN, seven were arrested/killed, 14 surrendered and nine SALW were confiscated.

Campaign against Southern Philippines Terrorist Groups (SPTGs). One government-initiated encounters was reported for the period that resulted in five SPTG arrested and two killed during police operations, three SALW were confiscated. In other operations against SPTGs, seven were arrested/killed, 18 surrendered and eight SALWs were confiscated.

Public Safety. The PNP enhanced the capabilities of the 1,978 Tourist Assistance Desks (TADs) it maintains nationwide. This is in addition to the 558 Tourist Assistance Centers (TACs) established by the Department of Tourist (DOT) and Local Government Units (LGUs). There were 85 Tourist Police trained under the National Tourist Oriented Police for Community Order and Protection (NTOPCOP) Project in coordination with the DOT. Also, there were 5,855 Tourist Police deployed in the 28 Priority Tourist Destination Areas.

On security coverage and foreign visits, the major event security framework

was the basis for crafting security and contingency plans in the 9,603 security operations on special events where the PNP rendered 3,997,273 man-hours. There were also 10,990 VIP security operations conducted with 947,910 manhours spent.

Ligtas SUMVAC 2018

On security coverage undertaken in maintaining peace and order, enforcement of laws, and in providing other public safety services during Summer Vacation (SUMVAC) 2018 from March 23, 2018 to June 13, 2018, the following activities were observed: Lenten Season, Araw Kagitingan, Philippine Veterans Week, Labor Day, Flores de Mayo, Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE) 2018, Balik Eskwela, and Philippine Independence Day. A total of 20,177 PNP personnel were deployed during the opening of Balik Eskwela CY 2018 on June 4, 2018. Conduct of SIMEX/CEREX/COMMEX

The conduct of Simulation Exercises (SIMEX), Crisis Emergency Response Exercises (CEREX), and Communication Exercises (COMMEX) in coordination with other government agencies and stakeholders established interoperability among participating agencies.

Simulation exercises (SIMEX) were conducted to assess, enhance and evaluate preparedness of PNP units. A total of 12,242 SIMEX/CEREX/COMMEX were undertaken such as earthquake drills, fire drills, camp defense, hostage taking among others. Red Teaming

Red Teaming aims to expose the vulnerabilities within the organization so that these can be properly addressed. The PNP, as a major security provider, has institutionalized red teaming. Local Red Teams were organized in all sites of

major events. Also, a National Red Team (NRT) was organized and deployed composed of eight (8) PNP members.

The NRT challenged the following: assumptions and visions at the strategic level; plans, mental models, designs and decisions at the operational level; and operations in training or to examine characteristics of interoperability at the tactical level, during the Security and Safety coverage of the 51st Asian Development Bank (ADB) Annual Board of Governors Meeting on April 27 to May 26, 2018, and Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Election (BSKU) on May 13 to 15, 2018.

Feedback Mechanism

Various inter-agency committees institutionalized measures in the form of meetings, resolutions, and review activities as feedback mechanism.

National Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (NALECC). The Chief, PNP chairs the NALECC that has 66 member agencies. Strengthening of linkages with other law enforcement agencies was sustained through the conduct of regular meetings and lateral coordination with the NALECC member agencies

Joint Anti-Bank Robbery and Cybercrime Coordinating Committee

(JABRACC). One meeting was held to fortify measures against bank robbery, fraud and other related crimes, serves as the main task force of the PNP in the campaign against organized crime groups and criminal gangs involved in bank robbery and related crimes. The JABRACC, composed of the PNP, other government agencies and stakeholders from the banking sector, holds meetings to further strengthen coordination among members in addressing bank robbery and other related crimes.

Offensive Stance

Tactical Operations. In the fight against terrorism, the PNP and other law enforcement agencies conducted operations which resulted in the arrests of 16 personalities. Legal Offensive. The PNP and the AFP Inter-Agency Committee on Legal Action strengthened the intelligence gathering and cooperation, investigation, prosecution and monitoring of cases against threat groups. For the period, seven cases were referred at the Prosecutors Office and five cases were filed in court, 88 were under investigation of the 100 incidents perpetrated by the NPA.


As the President commits to the Filipino not to stop the war against illegal drugs and criminality until the last drug supplier, trader, coddler, and pusher will be put behind bars, Police Director General Oscar Albayalde , during his inaugural speech as the new Chief, Philippine National Police gave a sight of what will be the PNP's thrusts under his term: the anti-illegal drugs campaign, internal cleansing programs, teamwork, and high-standard policing.

Intensify campaign vs criminality and illegal drugs

The Chief, PNP together with the Team PNP commits to work relentlessly to help the President fulfill his commitment to the Filipino people. He will carry on the programs of the previous leadership particularly the Campaign Against Illegal Drugs, as he believes that continuity is important to maintain the momentum of our accomplishments and gains, but will reform those programs that need to be more responsive to the existing situation and will not relent on the war against illegal drugs, corruption and criminality.

Enhanced Managing Police Operations

The Enhanced MPO widened the anti-criminality operational plan on regular law enforcement activities through police presence and focused law enforcement operations; security measures through target hardening, border control, social investigation, community partnership, proper deployment of resources; information operations through maximum use of quad media in intensifying public awareness; contingency planning through regular conduct of SIMEX, CEREX, COMMEX; organization of red teams to challenge security preparations; feedback mechanism; and offensive stance through tactical operations and legal offensive are likewise included in the EMPO.

. Eight Focus Crimes

Comparing data from 3rd Quarter 2017 versus 3rd Quarter 2018, the total

volume of eight focus crimes decreased by 31% from 26,316 in 2017 to 18,143 in 2018, the following were noted:

• Murder decreased by 24% from 2,199 to 1,675; • Homicide decreased by 33% from 786 to 528; • Physical injury decreased by 33% from 7,540 to 5,037; • Rape decreased by 9% from 1,814 to 1,644; • Robbery decreased by 34% from 3,939 to 2,609; • Theft decreased by 34% from 8,455 to 5,547; • Carnapping – Motor Vehicle decreased by 14% from 122 to 105: and • Carnapping- Motorcycle decreased by 32% from 1,461 to 998

Regular Law Enforcement

Police Presence. Four Million Thirty Nine Thousand Fifty (4,039,050) foot and mobile patrol operations were conducted for the 3rd Quarter of 2018. On manhours spent to improve crime prevention efforts of the PNP, a total of 54,407,931 manhours of foot patrols and 30,772,219 manhours of mobile patrols were spent to sustain police presence on the streets. Police presence was felt as evident by the reduction of the eight focus crimes, street crimes and other prevalent crimes. Focused Law Enforcement. Aggressive police operations and other police interventions led to the arrest of lawless elements that somehow reduced the number of crimes that they may commit.

Campaign against Illegal Drugs. From July 1 to September 30, 2018, there were 3,926 illegal drug personalities who surrendered to police stations nationwide. Meanwhile, 27,442 were arrested and 675 died during police operations, and the confiscation of illegal drugs with an estimated DDB value of Php580.3 Million.

Among the notable accomplishments include the following:

Buy-Bust/Raids and Search Operations

Place and Date Illegal Drugs Seized

Suspects Arrested/Killed

Estimated Street Value

Room 164, Sogo Hotel, Mabini corner Quirino Avenue, Manila September 6, 2018

3 kilograms of shabu

Ryan Fata Tomawis Php20.4Million

Brgy.Bajumpandan, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental August 16, 2018

2 kilograms of shabu

Janmark Abadilla a.k.a. “Biboy”

Php23.6 Million

House No.85, Toma Morato, Brgy. Obrero, Quezon City August 1, 2018

2,756 tablets of ecstacy, 248 capsules of ecstacy, 7.3 liters of liquid ecstacy, 100 grams of shabu

Hazel Grace Antonio Lanugan, Rafael Antonio Tadoran, and Warren Echano Calicdan

Php7.2 Million

Aviadores St.,Corner Depino St., Brgy. 779, Zone 57, District V. San Andres Bukid, Manila July 5, 2018

7 kilograms of shabu

Joshir dela Cruz Bernardo

Php47.2 Million

Interdiction Operations

Place and Date Illegal Drugs Seized

Suspects Arrested/Killed

Estimated Street Value

Central Mail Exchange Center (CMEC), Domestic Road, Pasay City August 17, 2018

14,704 tablets of ecstacy

Joan Reynoso y Loteria

Php 24.9 Million

Marijuana Plants Uprooted and Destroyed

Place and Date Volume of Marijuana Plants Estimated Street Value

Brgy Butbut Proper and Brgy Ngibat, Tinglayan, Kalinga

79,200 pcs fully grown marijuana plants Php15.8 Million

Brgy. Bugnay, Tinglayan, Kalinga August 7,2018

67,000 pcs fully grown marijuana plants Php13.4 Million

Brgy Butbut Proper, Busculan, Tinglayan, Kalinga July 27, 2018

54,900 pcs fully grown marijuana plants, 3 kilograms marijuana stalks

Php10.8 Million

Brgy Butbut Proper and Loccong, Tinglayan, Kalinga July 19, 2018

132,020 pcs fully grown marijuana plants, 3,000 pcs marijuana stalks

Php27.7 Million

Sitio Himatugan, Brgy., Gen. Climaco, Toledo City, Cebu July 18, 2018

3,110 pcs fully grown marijuana plants, 250 pcs newly grown marijuana plants, and 2,000 pcs marijuana seedlings

Php 10.7 Million

Campaign against Carnapping. There were 1,103 carnapping incidents

reported during the period. Of the total reported incidents, 55 motor vehicles and 324 motorcycles were recovered which translates to a recovery efficiency rating of 34%. In addition, 289 suspects were arrested and 220 cases were filed in court.

Campaign against Kidnapping-for-Ransom (KFR). Of the 11 KFR incidents reported for the period, there were 20 personalities arrested/ killed/ surrendered, and six cases were solved. Among the significant accomplishments on this campaign was the rescue of Chinese national, Si Yu Xing and arrest of five suspects namely: Guoxing Wu, Liang Wu, Yazhou Sun, Zhanzhou Hou, and Haichao Lin on August 13, 2018.

Campaign against Illegal Gambling. The campaign against illegal

gambling was also prioritized. In support to Small Town Lottery (STL), 5,277 anti-illegal gambling operations resulted in the arrest of 13,622 violators and

confiscation of more than Php2.5 Million worth of cash and articles used in illegal gambling. There were 4,936 cases filed in court.

Heeding to the special instruction of PRRD on the Banning of Government

Employees from Gambling in Casinos, all RDs were directed to coordinate with the management of casinos in respective AOR to have signage posted at the entrance of their establishment.

Campaign against Loose Firearms. The relentless efforts to account

loose firearms resulted in the confiscation, recovery and surrender of 3,649 small arms and light weapons (SALW). The campaign likewise resulted in the arrest of 2,876 suspects and filing of 1,847 criminal cases in court for violations of Republic Act No. 10591.

Campaign against Smuggling and Piracy. PNP operations resulted in the confiscation of Php1.5 Million worth of smuggled and pirated goods. One case was filed in court. Other cases were turned-over to the Bureau of Customs.

Campaign against Illegal Logging. There were 982 operations against

illegal logging that led to the arrest of 891 suspects. In these operations, a total of 947,108 board feet of logs/lumber with an estimated worth of Php33.9 Million was confiscated. Two hundred twenty-five cases were filed in court.

Campaign against Illegal Fishing. A total of 3,487 suspects were

arrested for illegal fishing and 195 cases were filed in court. The operations also resulted in the confiscation of Php85.1 Million worth of fish and fishing paraphernalia.

Campaign against Criminal Gangs (CGs). Twenty-two CGs were disbanded with 746 leaders and members, of which 737 were arrested and nine killed in police operations nationwide. Also, 33 firearms were confiscated/recovered and 42 cases were filed in court.

Campaign against Wanted Persons with Reward. The crackdown on the country’s Top Most Wanted Persons (TMWPs) with monetary rewards for their capture, resulted in the arrest of 12.

Campaign against Other Wanted Persons. The crackdown on the

country’s Other Wanted Persons (OWPs) resulted in the arrest of 15,563; the surrender of 78 and death of eight in police operations. Security Measures

Target Hardening is the next line of defense when prevention through intelligence fails. These are activities conducted to strengthen the security of our police station, camps and other vital installations in order to protect them in the event of enemy attack and eliminate the element of surprise. For the period, a total of 794,700 target hardening activities were conducted such as preventive

patrols, inspection of motor repair shops, inspection of vital installations, police route security assistance among others.

Border Control is protecting our entrance and exit points from the illegal

movement of contravand and lawless elements while promoting safety and security of the community. A total of 124,982 operations were conducted during the period.

Social Investigation. The PNP maximized the community mobilization

and public support through public relations. Organization and mobilization activities were undertaken in relation to the implementation of the peacekeeping concept responsive to the peace and order peculiarity of the area through the operationalization of PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2015-009 “BARANGAYANIHAN” or the Revitalized Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT) to law enforcement, disaster preparedness and response, and the ownership of the local executives to the program has been defined. For the period, there were 58,494 social investigation activities conducted.

PNP Internal Security Operations Campaign Plan ‘KATATAGAN”

2017-2022 was developed to complement the AFP Development Support and Security Plan “KAPAYAPAAN” 2017-2022. This intends to develop the capability of activities against threat groups as well as reduce the capabilities of these threat groups; enhance legal offensive against insurgents; promote public safety and order based on the National Security Police 2016; and adhere to the rule of law, human rights and social justice.

Joint Peace and Security Coordinating Center (JPSCC). A total of 71

regional, 916 provincial and 81 chartered city meetings were held during the period in review to further strengthen coordination and interoperability between PNP-AFP security forces.

Campaign against CPP-NPA-NDF (CNN). The PNP figured in three

government-initiated encounters that resulted in two CNN killed during police operations, one small and light weapon (SALW) was confiscated. In other operations conducted against CNN, 25 were arrested/killed, 23 surrendered and nine SALW were confiscated.

Campaign against Southern Philippines Terrorist Groups (SPTGs).

Three government-initiated encounters were reported for the period that resulted in two killed during police operations, two SALW were confiscated. In other operations against SPTGs, three were arrested/killed, 12 surrendered and nine SALWs were confiscated. Public Safety. The PNP enhanced the capabilities of the 1,978 Tourist Assistance Desks (TADs) it maintains nationwide. This is in addition to the 558 Tourist Assistance Centers (TACs) established by the Department of Tourist (DOT) and Local Government Units (LGUs). There were 85 Tourist Police trained under the National Tourist Oriented Police for Community Order and Protection

(NTOPCOP) Project in coordination with the DOT. Also, there were 18,956 Tourist Police deployed in the 28 Priority Tourist Destination Areas.

On security coverage and foreign visits, the major event security framework

was the basis for crafting security and contingency plans in the 12,158 security operations on special events where the PNP rendered 4,062,938 man-hours. There were also 13,165 VIP security operations conducted with 1,277,026 manhours spent. Conduct of SIMEX/CEREX/COMMEX

The conduct of Simulation Exercises (SIMEX), Crisis Emergency Response Exercises (CEREX), and Communication Exercises (COMMEX) in coordination with other government agencies and stakeholders established interoperability among participating agencies.

Simulation exercises (SIMEX) were conducted to assess, enhance and evaluate preparedness of PNP units. A total of 15,951 SIMEX/CEREX/COMMEX were undertaken such as earthquake drills, fire drills, camp defense, hostage taking among others. Red Teaming

Red Teaming aims to expose the vulnerabilities within the organization so that these can be properly addressed. The PNP, as a major security provider, has institutionalized red teaming. Local Red Teams were organized in all sites of major events. Also, a National Red Team (NRT) was organized and deployed composed of eight (8) PNP members.

The NRT challenged the following: assumptions and visions at the

strategic level; plans, mental models, designs and decisions at the operational level; and operations in training or to examine characteristics of interoperability at the tactical level.

Feedback Mechanism

Various inter-agency committees institutionalized measures in the form of meetings, resolutions, and review activities as feedback mechanism.

National Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (NALECC). The Chief, PNP chairs the NALECC that has 66 member agencies. Strengthening of linkages with other law enforcement agencies was sustained through the conduct of regular meetings and lateral coordination with the NALECC member agencies

Joint Anti-Bank Robbery and Cybercrime Coordinating Committee

(JABRACC). Regular meeting held to fortify measures against bank robbery,

fraud and other related crimes, serves as the main task force of the PNP in the campaign against organized crime groups and criminal gangs involved in bank robbery and related crimes. The JABRACC, composed of the PNP, other government agencies and stakeholders from the banking sector, holds meetings to further strengthen coordination among members in addressing bank robbery and other related crimes.

Offensive Stance

Tactical Operations. The PNP and other law enforcement agencies conducted operations in the fight against terrorism.

Legal Offensive. The PNP and the AFP Inter-Agency Committee on Legal

Action strengthened the intelligence gathering and cooperation, investigation, prosecution and monitoring of cases against threat groups. For the period, 12 cases were referred at the Prosecutors Office and two cases were filed in court, 74 were under investigation of the 88 incidents perpetrated by the NPA.


The PNP, in improving crime prevention, sustains the Managing Police

Operations (MPO) approach, the anti-criminality campaign plan that addresses the eight focus crimes. This campaign plan was further expanded through the Enhanced MPO that is targeted towards reducing prevalent crimes and improving public safety in communities nationwide.

Intensify campaign vs criminality and illegal drugs

The Team PNP committed to work relentlessly to help the President fulfill his commitment to the Filipino people. The PNP sustained the momentum of its accomplishments and gains with the implementation of the Enhanced Managing Police Operations (EMPO) and the recalibrated anti-illegal drugs campaign plan.

The EMPO broadened the anti-criminality operational plan on regular law enforcement activities through police presence and focused law enforcement operations; security measures through target hardening, border control, social investigation, community partnership, proper deployment of resources; information operations through maximum use of quad media in intensifying public awareness; contingency planning through regular conduct of SIMEX, CEREX, COMMEX; organization of red teams to challenge security preparations; feedback mechanism; and offensive stance through tactical operations and legal offensive; and feedback mechanism.

The EMPO anti-criminality campaign plan addresses the eight focus crimes, aims to reduce prevalent crimes and improve public safety in communities. The eight focus crimes consist of physical injury, robbery, theft, carnapping of motor vehicles, carnapping of motorcycles, rape, homicide and murder. Prevalent crimes are those that hit the top of the crime list or far outweigh any other crime in a particular area such as drug trafficking and illegal gambling.

Regular Law Enforcement

Police Presence. Four Million Three Hundred Forty Thousand Two

Hundred Five foot and mobile patrol operations were conducted spending 68,349,508 man-hours of foot patrols and 35,592,784 man-hours of mobile patrols, thus sustaining police presence on the streets. These efforts resulted in the reduction of the eight focus crimes and other prevalent crimes.

Eight Focus Crimes

Comparing data for 4th Quarter 2017 to 4th Quarter 2018, the total volume

of eight focus crimes decreased by 21% from 22,851 in 2017 to 18,156 in 2018, the following were noted:

• Murder decreased by 4% from 1,760 to 1,694;

• Homicide decreased by 15% from 665 to 565; • Physical injury decreased by 24% from 6,907 to 5,228; • Robbery decreased by 29% from 3,475 to 2,482; • Theft decreased by 20% from 6,836 to 5,468; • Carnapping – Motor Vehicle decreased by 15% from 106 to 90; • Carnapping- Motorcycle decreased by 34% from 1,434 to 945; and • Rape increased by a minimal percentage of 0 .96 from 1,668 to 1,684.

Focused Law Enforcement.

Focused crime prevention programs are implemented through intensified police operations specifically concentrated on a particular area of concern based on the current serious threats to peace and order affecting almost all of the communities.

Campaign against Illegal Drugs. The recalibrated anti-illegal drugs campaign resulted in the surrender of 2,608 illegal drug personalities to police stations nationwide, arrest of 23,987 and death of 549 during police operations, and the confiscation of illegal drugs with an estimated DDB value of Php1.1Billion.

Among the notable accomplishments include the following:

Buy-Bust/Raids and Search Operations

Place and Date Illegal Drugs Seized

Suspects Arrested/Killed

Estimated Street Value

Sitio Bilibid, Brgy. Casay, Argao, Cebu December 29,2018

1.5 kilograms of shabu

Tocelio Dibalucos Ababon (HVT)

Php10 Million

Bontores At., Brgy. Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City December 25, 2018

6.8 kilograms of shabu

Rejie Boy Abesia a.k.a. “BJ”, “SLT”,



Sitio Camansi, Brgy. Mambaling, Cebu City December 15, 2018

1.6 kilograms of shabu

Jeanrea Santillan Tabilan a.k.a. “Rea”


Sitio Caimito, Brgy. Tisa, Cebu City November 18, 2018

3.3 kilograms of shabu

Jeffrey Jade Cabaron y Luces


CPG East Avenue Mansasa District, Tagbilaran City October 17, 2018

935 grams of shabu Joseph Horcerada Alburadora


House No.55 Chives Street, Mahogany Place 3, Taguig City October 15, 2018

1.6 kilograms of shabu

No suspect arrested


Marijuana Plants Uprooted and Destroyed

Place and Date Volume of Marijuana Plants Estimated Street Value

Sitio Balay, tulgao West, Tinglayan, Kalinga October 6, 2018

21,750 pcs fully grown marijuana plants Php4.3 Million

Campaign against Carnapping. One Thousand Thirty-five carnapping

incidents were reported during the period. Of the total reported incidents, 42 motor vehicles and 246 motorcycles were recovered which translates to a recovery efficiency rating of 28%. In addition, 269 suspects were arrested and 195 cases were filed in court.

Campaign against Kidnapping-for-Ransom (KFR). Ten (10) KFR

incidents were reported for the said period. Of the total incidents, 30 personalities were arrested/killed/surrendered, and nine (9) cases were solved.

Campaign against Illegal Gambling. The campaign against illegal

gambling was also prioritized. In support of Small Town Lottery (STL), 4,979 anti-illegal gambling operations resulting in the arrest of 13,078 violators and confiscation of more than Php2.7 Million worth of cash and articles used in illegal gambling. Four Thousand Three hundred fifteen cases were filed in court.

Heeding to the special instruction of PRRD on the Banning of Government

Employees from Gambling in Casinos, all RDs were directed to coordinate with the management of casinos in respective AOR to have signage posted at the entrance of their establishment.

Campaign against Loose Firearms. The relentless efforts to account

loose firearms resulted in the confiscation, recovery and surrender of 3,455 small arms and light weapons (SALW). The campaign likewise resulted in the arrest of 2,727 suspects and filing of 1,603 criminal cases in court for violations of Republic Act No. 10591.

Campaign against Private Armed Groups (PAGs). For the period

covered, the PNP neutralized a total of three (3) members of PAGs, five (5) firearms were recovered.

Campaign against Smuggling and Piracy. PNP operations resulted in

the confiscation of Php29.8 Million worth of smuggled and pirated goods. Three (3) cases were filed in court. Other cases were turned-over to the Bureau of Customs.

Campaign against Illegal Logging. There were 754 operations against illegal logging that led to the arrest of 694 suspects. In these operations, a total of 457,277 board feet of logs/lumber with an estimated worth of Php13.2 Million was confiscated. One hundred sixty-two cases were filed in court.

Campaign against Illegal Fishing. A total of 3,659 suspects were

arrested for illegal fishing and 407 cases were filed in court. The operations also resulted in the confiscation of Php115 Million worth of fish and fishing paraphernalia.

Campaign against Criminal Gangs (CGs). Eighteen CGs were disbanded with 747 leaders and members, of which 734 were arrested and 13 killed in police operations nationwide. Also, 18 firearms were confiscated/ recovered and 31 cases were filed in court.

Campaign against Most Wanted Persons (MWP) with Reward. Four (4) MWPs covered by DILG MC were arrested/surrendered with a total monetary reward of Php465,000.00.

Campaign against Other Wanted Persons. The crackdown on the country’s Other Wanted Persons (OWPs) resulted in the arrests of 14,058; the surrender of 72 and death of 16 in police operations.

Campaign Plan: Clean Rider. This campaign plan aims to eradicate unroadworthy motorcycles, ensure the safety and security of motorcycle riders, impound stolen motorcycles and prevent crimes perpetrated by motorcycle riding suspects. Of the 831 incidents involving motorcycle riding suspects, only seven are drug-related. A total of 347 were cleared and solved while the remaining 484 are still under investigation. As to the status of suspects, 173 were arrested, 34 were killed during police response whereas the remaining 1,162 are still at-large.

Security Measures

Target Hardening. A total 646,521 target hardening activities were conducted such as preventive patrols, inspection of motor repair shops, inspection of vital installations, police route security assistance among others. These activities strengthened the security of police stations, camps and other vital installations to protect them in the event of enemy attack and eliminate the element of surprise.

Joint Peace and Security Coordinating Center (JPSCC). There were 19 regional, 77 provincial and 27 chartered city meetings held to further strengthen coordination and interoperability between the PNP and AFP security forces.

A National JPSCC Meeting was held on October 16, 2018 for the Joint

AFP-PNP Legal Action Plan to Counter the Communist Terrorist Group wherein three Joint Letter Directives were formulated as follows:

• Joint Planning Guidance 01-2018 “Formulation of the AFP-PNP Joint Campaign Plan to Address Common Concerns on Threat to National Security”;

• Joint Operational Guidelines to Enhance Coordination and the Provision

of Protective Security to Government Officials and Private Individuals; and • Joint Implementing Directives on the Monitoring of Local Chief Executives

in Mindanao. Campaign against CPP-NPA-NDF (CNN). The PNP figured in five

government-initiated encounters that resulted in the death of four (4) members of CNN during police operations and confiscation of one (1) small and light weapon (SALW). In other operations against CNN, ten (10) members were arrested/killed, 130 surrendered and 33 SALW were confiscated. Notable accomplishment on this campaign was the arrest of Danny German with Php550,000.00 monetary reward.

Campaign against Southern Philippines Terrorist Groups (SPTGs). On

this campaign, three (3) government-initiated encounters were reported that resulted in the death of one (1) SPTG in police operations, and confiscation of one (1) SALW. In other operations against SPTGs, two(2) were arrested/killed, 33 surrendered and 44 SALWs were confiscated.

Public Safety. The PNP has deployed 38,108 Tourist Police personnel in

28 priority tourist destinations. Trained and equipped with skills and knowledge, they were distributed to the 1,978 Tourist Assistance Desks (TADs) maintained by the PNP and 558 Tourist Assistance Centers (TACs) established by DOT and LGUs. The PNP in partnership with DOT, continues to conduct capacity building by facilitating the National Tourist Oriented Police for Community Order and Protection (NTOPCOP) seminar to the 212 Tourist Police Personnel for the year 2018.

The major event security framework was the basis for crafting security and

contingency plans in the 121,591 security operations on special events where the PNP rendered 5,170,928 man-hours. There were also 78,097 VIP security operations conducted with 1,298,473 man-hours spent that ensured the safety and security of the VIPs.

Border Control A total of 136,159 border control operations protected our entrance and exit

points from the illegal movement of contraband and lawless elements that likewise ensured the safety and security of the communities.

Social investigation

There were 70,953 activities conducted on social investigation nationwide.

These activities aided the PNP in its crime prevention and crime solution programs by knowing the community and doing PCR activities and at the same

time, doing intelligence operations. Personnel on the ground are able to differentiate new or strange people and/or unusual

PNP Internal Security Operations Campaign Plan ‘KATATAGAN”

2017-2022 was developed to complement the AFP Development Support and Security Plan “KAPAYAPAAN” 2017-2022. This intends to develop the capability of activities against threat groups as well as reduce the capabilities of these threat groups; enhance legal offensive against insurgents; promote public safety and order based on the National Security Police 2016; and adhere to the rule of law, human rights and social justice

Contingency Planning Preparedness in any situation is very vital in ensuring the security and

safety of the people. Contingency planning aims to eliminate the elements of surprise in case the security plan fails minimizing the effects of unexpected circumstances. Execution of contingency plans through Simulation Exercises (SIMEX) were conducted to assess, enhance and evaluate preparedness of PNP units. A total of 56,299 SIMEX/CEREX/COMMEX were undertaken such as earthquake drills, fire drills, camp defense, hostage taking among others. These exercises were conducted in coordination with other government agencies and stakeholders to establish interoperability among participating agencies.

Red Teaming

The PNP, as a major security provider, has institutionalized red teaming. Local Red Teams were organized in all sites of major events. Also, a National Red Team (NRT) was organized and deployed composed of eight (8) PNP members. Red Teaming aims to expose and properly address the vulnerabilities of security and contingency plans.

The NRT challenged the following: assumptions and visions at the strategic

level; plans, mental models, designs and decisions at the operational level; and operations in training or to examine characteristics of interoperability at the tactical level. As one of the initiatives to improve performance in providing security, a two–day Red Teaming Seminar participated in by 138 personnel from PROs and DIPOs on October 3 and 4, 2018 was conducted. The seminar aims to provide the participants knowledge in Red Teaming operations; improve their skills in identifying and assessing vulnerabilities, limitations and risks of the organization’s plans, programs, ideas and assumptions through rigorous analysis; and to improve the effectiveness of security and contingency plans.

Offensive Stance Tactical Operations. The PNP and other law enforcement agencies

conducted four (4) joint operations in the fight against terrorism. Legal Offensive. The PNP and the AFP Inter-Agency Committee on Legal

Action strengthened the intelligence gathering and cooperation, investigation, prosecution and monitoring of cases against threat groups. For the period, five

cases were referred to the Prosecutors Office and three cases were filed in court, 30 incidents perpetrated by the NPA were under investigation

Feedback Mechanism Various inter-agency committees institutionalized measures in the form of

meetings, resolutions, and review activities as feedback mechanism.

National Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (NALECC). The Chief, PNP chairs the NALECC that has 66 member agencies. Strengthening of linkages with other law enforcement agencies was sustained through the conduct of regular meeting and lateral coordination with the NALECC member agencies

Joint Anti-Bank Robbery and Cybercrime Coordinating Committee

(JABRACC). Regular meeting was held to fortify measures against bank robbery, fraud and other related crimes, serves as the main task force of the PNP in the campaign against organized crime groups and criminal gangs involved in bank robbery and related crimes. The JABRACC, composed of the PNP, other government agencies and stakeholders from the banking sector, holds meetings to further strengthen coordination among members in addressing bank robbery and other related crimes.

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