pitlochry primary school life orientation- grade 7 term 4

Post on 08-Apr-2022






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In this lesson we will discuss factors that influence choice of personal diet and ways to improve the nutritional value of ones diet. These factors include:

• Individual preferences

• Cultural preferences

• Social influences

• Religious influences

• Economic influences

• Political influences

• Ecological influences


There are many factors that affect how and what we eat. We all have different likes and dislikes, which have developed over time. Our likes and dislikes are influenced by the types of food that are available, advertising, personal taste, lifestyle, health conditions and family customs. For example, one family member may suffer from a certain illness which requires them to eat certain types of foods. Personal values can also affect what we eat, for example , if people believe it is wrong to kill animals, they may refrain from eating meat.


Our society is diverse, we share different norms, values, customs and cultures within communities. The culture you grew up in or live in can influence what and how we eat, what is acceptable in one culture may not be acceptable to another, for example with the Rastafarianism, their culture prohibits them to eat meat yet eating meat in other cultures is acceptable. In India, a lot of food is seasoned with chilli powder or curry leaves, while in other cultural groups these ingredients are not popular. Muslim and Jewish communities do not eat pork yet in other communities pork is not a problem, so it is true that our different cultural preferences affect the way we eat. Some communities eat certain food just to celebrate special occasions while others would eat just to feed the body. In our diverse world, our cultural upbringing often dictates what and how we eat.


Who we associate with can also dictate the way we eat, for example, being a member of a certain social group can influence a person’s diet, maybe you live with a group of dancers or sport players or dieticians, those people all have a certain way they choose to eat, and they have a certain choice of their diet plan, for example, a sports team may get together after matches to share a meal or dietitians may have a special routine they follow for their meal plan. Dancers may have a goal to shape their bodies and in that way they will have a certain way of eating food in order to maintain their bodies. Advertising whether on television or magazines can also influence people’s choices of food and encourage people to try new and different foods.


One’s religion can also affect ones food choices. Most religions have rules relating to what foods can be eaten, when it should be eaten and how the food must be prepared. Some religions have more restrictions than others, for example, the Muslims eat only halaal foods. Some religions do not allow the eating of meat at certain times and others have periods of fasting, where eating is not allowed at all for a certain period of time.


The country’s economy dictates what and how we eat, it influences what food is available and what people buy. The state of employment of the citizens also affects what they eat because it dictates the affordability. If one is employed, one can afford to buy many things one wishes to eat, even if it is expensive one can still manage to buy from a wide range and variety of foods, while if one is not employed the choice becomes limited. In economically wealthy countries, many foods are widely available but in poor countries, only a smaller variety might be available.


Governments control what food is available to the people in a country. This is because they control the funding of food production. For example, the government may decide to spend on certain types of agriculture, such as growing crops or fishing. If more of a certain type of food is available in the country, it will become cheaper to buy. When countries make trade agreements with one another about what foods can be bought and sold, their decisions can affect what types of foods are available in the market of their countries. People then adapt and change their eating habits and choices due to the type of food that is available to them in their country.


What people eat is also influenced by what is grown in their country because of its climate and rainfall. People may eat what is easily grown in their region, such as in China, their climate allows perfect environment to grow rice, therefore, rice is a big part of the Chinese diet. In warm climates such as Angola and Mozambique, conditions are good for growing maize, so people eat a lot of maize. Most foods are grown and harvested in particular seasons of the year, for example, strawberries are harvested in summer. This then gives us seasonal foods which means that foods harvested during those seasons would be much cheaper than it would be for the same food produced out of season.


Creating a healthy habit relies on creating a well-balanced meal plan. A well-balanced meal plan can be accomplished by sticking to the six food groups that provide us with all the nutrients our bodies need. Food can be divided in the following way:

1. The fruit group- fruits are an important part of healthy eating. It is advisable to eat fresh fruit than to drink fruit juice, this is because whole fruit contains fibre, which is essential.

2. The vegetable group-they contain vitamins and minerals.

3. The grains group- this includes cereals, rice, pasta and bread. These provide energy for the body.

4. The dairy group- these are high in calcium and vitamin D which help to build strong bones and teeth.

5. The protein group- this comes from meat, poultry, fish and eggs. It also comes from milk products such as cheese and yoghurt as well as certain grains such as soya, beans and peas.

6. The oil and fats food group-oils and fats are high in Vitamin E and are important for brain function, heart circulation and other processes in the body. These are found in nuts and seeds.


A food pyramid helps us to understand how much of each of the food groups we should eat everyday, it also help us to create and maintain a balanced diet and meal plan. A healthy , well-balanced meal contains foods from each or most of the food groups, so that it provides a range of nutrients you need in order to be healthy and to strengthen your immune system.

A healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day which you should never miss because it is the first meal and gives your body energy to start, concentrate and operate well through out the day.


A good and healthy breakfast should include a good quality grain, such as oats, pap or other cereal, or whole wheat bread. It should also include a good quality protein, such as a boiled egg or some baked beans and some fruit and dairy.


1. List and define factors that influence choice of personal diet.2. Make a list of six food groups and give two examples of each.3. Define the following terms: 3.1 carbohydrates 3.2 crave 3.3 minerals 3.4 calcium 3.5 nutrients4. Why is a food pyramid important?5. Prepare a healthy plate of food that consists of a proper required food serving.6. Evaluate the importance of a breakfast meal and give an example of a healthy breakfast.

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