peterson chapter 9/10. reading answers 1. feeling of intense loyalty and devotion to one’s country...

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Chapter 9/10

Reading answers

1. Feeling of intense loyalty and devotion to one’s country

2. Victory in the War of 18123. James Monroe4. Roads, Canals, Transportation5. A Tariff6. A National Bank7. It was a protective tariff8. The right of congress to make “necessary and

proper laws”9. Violate a federal law

Section 2

10. Draft Animals 11. States or private business12. Muddy, Washouts, rough travel13. Crops, Manufactured goods ($$$)14. Steam ships15. Robert Fulton16. Snags, Ice, Boiler Explosions, fire17. Canals18. Erie Canal , Albany to Buffalo19. New York20. Fast, didn’t freeze in winters21. They already invested in canals22. A National economy23. News, Culture, Information24. Northeast, to West

John Marshall and his Supreme Court decisions

The economy is struggling after congress failed to renew the First National Bank’s charter. Congress then decides to create Second Bank of the

United States some oppose and challenge it constitutionally

in McCulloch v. Maryland that the bank is constitutional and a state can not interfere with any federal agency within its borders

Marshall dominates the court and makes many rulings strengthening the court and overall government

Internal Improvements

Many are calling for internal improvements to transportation systems

How to pay for it? – many want to use a tariffTariff of 1816 – protective tariff that helped

manufactures and funded road improvementMost roads and transportation improvement

was done by private companies or states


Erie Canal


Dirt Road Canal

Method Wagon 8 horses Boat 2 mules/1 horse

Time 15-45 days 9 days

Cost $100/ton $6/ton

Steam locomotive

9-3 Answers

1.Who was Monroe’s Secretary of State?John Quincy Adams2. What happen to him in 1825?He was elected president3. Name 3 disputes between the U.S. and Britain.Fishing rights at the mouth of the St. Lawrence

RiverCompetition for naval supremacy on the Great

LakesUnsettled boundary between Canada and


4. What would be the advantage for both sides if there would be peace?

Huge economic gains…Britain purchased our raw materials…we purchased their manufactured goods

5. What did Britain and the U.S. agree to do in the Rush-Bagot Agreement 1817?

Remove warships from the great lakes6. What was settled at the Convention of 1818? American ships can fish in Canadian waters Northern boundary of US is set at 49th parallel

7. In 1818 what did Andrew Jackson do in Florida?Drove into FLA ignoring international borders and seizing

Spanish possessionsHe was pursuing the Seminole and Creek Indians

8. What was the ultimatum given to Spain by Monroe? Either govern FLA effectively or give it to the US9. What did the Adams-Onis treaty do?Gave the US FLASet western border of the LA purchaseUS paid citizens who had claims against SpainUS gives up claim to TX, Spain gives up claim to

Oregon 10. What made Adams capable of settling such a bias

deal?The Spanish were having world problems of their


11. What was the most significant accomplishment of Secretary of State Adams?

Monroe Doctrine of 182312. What were the Spanish colonies in Latin America

doing?Began to declare independence 13. What did the Quadruple Alliance want to do?Suppress the democratic movements in Europe14. Britain wants to respond to the Quadruple Alliance by

making a joint statement with America saying what?They oppose any intervention in the young governments

and would not claim any territory for themselves

15. What was Russia doing along the Pacific Coast and Alaska? Moving into the area and claiming territory16.Who wants Monroe to make a joint statement with Britain? Who is

against a joint statement and why? Jefferson and Madison – use the British support John Q. Adams – Do not use the support…Makes America look weak17. What does the Monroe Doctrine state? European nations should stay out of the affairs of the Western

Hemisphere18. Who would enforce the Monroe Doctrine if a European nation

violated it? The British Navy19. How did the Russians respond in 1824? Withdrew from their holdings in the Oregon

Ch 10-2 Sectional Growth


Describe how the demand for cotton increased as a result of the invention of the cotton gin.

Analyze the social hierarchy of the antebellum south.

Describe the growth of the settlement of the west and growth of towns.

Identify: Black Belt, Eli Whitney

Plantation Slavery

Demand for southern cotton grows as the industrial revolution takes place in England

Before the industrial revolution slavery was barely profitable

Cotton Gin

Eli Whitney invents cotton gin in 1793…production capabilities goes from 1 lb. to 50 lbs. of cotton per day (1000 lbs. with water power)

Problem with Cotton

Slavery and cotton go hand in hand…more than other crops

Slavery now becomes more profitable…demand for slaves increase

# of slaves 4X…criticism of slavery in south declines (money talks)

Cotton is King

Cotton is so profitable no land is wasted for manufacturing facilities

Cotton becomes largest export in the nationSouth begins to separate by classes

Large plantation owners small plantation owners small farm owners(largest class few if any slaves) poor whites blacks (freed or not)

Black-belt begins to grow – named for rich dark soil …Mississippi, Alabama area Population grows as demand for land increases Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas become states

Very few slaves are being freed…fear of having large numbers of freed slaves around American Colonization Society formed …explore

African colonization Liberia is formed and 12,000 freed slaves

transported there

Growth of the Northwest

Settlers are moving over Appalachians Indians are forced west of MississippiSouthern whites looking for landImmigrants flood west

Growth of towns

Towns grow where rivers meet Place to sell crops/goods and purchase supplies Pittsburgh (largest), Louisville, Nashville,

CincinnatiSkilled labor was in great demand (masons,

wheel makers, etc) No jobs in east…they get inflated wages in the

westLand speculators begin to invest in the west

10-3 Sectional growth/compromise

Sectional Rivalry and Compromise

Each section of the country is different; therefore each section approaches issues differently North (northeast)– Manufacturing South – Plantations West (northwest)– new settlement / farming

Points of Conflict

1. Public Lands to the West – Price? How rapid should it be opened? and squatters?

2. Protective Tariffs3. Internal improvements – Should the federal

government fund them?4. Extension of slavery into new territory?

Public Lands to the West – Price? How rapid should it be opened? and squatters?

West – Cheap prices, Fast settlement, for squatters rights

Northern Manufactures – Expensive, Slow…they do not want to lose workers…Northern Farmers also don’t want the competition

South – Cheap and fast settlement, no squatters…the squatters already have the best land

Protective Tariffs

North – favored them because it would protect their manufacturing

South – opposed them because it would raise the price of the goods they buy

West – favored them hoping northern cities would grow and tariffs would fund transportation improvements

Internal improvements – Should the federal government fund them?

West – use federal moneySouth – against it because they use the

rivers, and it would require a protective tariff to raise the money

North – favors the idea…it would require a tariff

Extension of slavery into new territory?

South – argue they should be able to take their slaves with them anywhere BUT free states

North/west – beginning to see slavery as wrong from a moral standpoint, also do not want any new slave states (balance of power)

Missouri Compromise

Power is balanced 11 free to 11 slave states 1819 Missouri applies for statehood as a

slave state… while at the same time an amendment is proposed to eliminate slavery in the territory

Maine petitions for separation from Mass. to be admitted as a free state

Compromise – Both states admitted No slavery north of the southern boundary of

Misso. South agrees to compromise believing that the

land north of Misso. was arid and uninhabitable…are angry once the find out how massive and fertile the land is

Election of 1824 – dominated by sectional interests

Each section nominated their “favorite son” West – Henry Clay/ Andrew Jackson South – William Crawford North – John Q. Adams

Jackson wins the popular vote but fails to get the majority of electoral votes house of rep. to decide…Clay is the Speaker of the


The race comes down to Jackson v. Adams Clay (not wanting to make Jackson too strong for

1828 election) swings the vote to Adams Adams then appoints Clay Sec. of State Jackson supporters argue a corrupt deal has been

madeAdams does not accomplish much in office

because Jackson’s supporters prevent him from getting anything done

Adams is set up for defeat in the 1828 election.


Pick one section of the country (N,S,W) and explain where they stand on each of the points of conflict and why? Do not use I

“I picked the west”

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