pentru nutritie cardiovasculare bun

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/11/2019 Pentru Nutritie Cardiovasculare Bun


    Pentru nutritie cardiovasculare bun, ncercai de pete gras, usturoi, ghimbir, pepene galben, urechi de

    copac, ulei de masline, ceapa, i alge. Ceai verde, bere, vin, coacze, afine, vinete, si omega-3 de pete

    gras (somon, sardine) va consolida i proteja arterele si capilarele de la daune ca urmare a aterosclerozei

    sau atac de cord. Utilizai Liquitrophic lipidic. Evitai: grsimi, zahr, excesul de alcool, stresul,

    carbohidrati prelucrate i excesul de colesterol.


    Cele mai bune sunt tre de ovz i guma de guar. Utilizai Liquitrophic lipidic. Apoi, fulgi de ovz i

    fasole uscat, inclusiv fasole simplu vechi. Boabele de soia sunt mari pentru aduli i copii cu genetic

    indusa de colesterol ridicat. Grapefruit - segmente si membrana, nu suc - conduce n jos colesterol.

    Portocale, de asemenea, proaspete, mere, iaurt, lapte degresat, morcovi, usturoi, ceapa, orz, ghimbir,

    vinete, anghinare, patlagina necoapte, ciuperci shiitake, ulei de msline. Substitui fructe de mare,

    inclusiv crustacee, de carne i pui. Toate fructele bogate in pectina, care include cpuni i banane.

    Folositi uleiuri nesaturate margarina in loc de unt (a se vedea mai bine reteta unt). Evitati: alimentele

    procesate sau prajite si alimente bogate in colesterol, carne roie, sos bogat.




    NO. ConscidaNo Name

    0 0 -------- INFO ---------


    2 0 8/29/2013 3:42:46 PM

    3 0 HS

    4 161 Enviromental

    5 141 Physical

    6 156 Mental

    7 156 Social

  • 8/11/2019 Pentru Nutritie Cardiovasculare Bun


    8 176 Spiritual

    10 0 Male

    12 0 GRADINARU GHEORGHE, Please DO NOT SMOKE, it greatly interfers with healing.

    13 0 Exercise is essential for healthy life, some form of exercise can always be arranged

    14 0 GRADINARU GHEORGHE there is a major obstruction to the healing process, this case will take

    some time for healing, expect 4 treatments

    15 40 Volt, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects adrenal function and will power

    16 27 Amper, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects brain function serotonin, and life force

    17 56 Resistance, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects ease of flow of energy through the


    18 57 Hydration, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects ease of water flow and water

    amount, thirst

    19 83 Oxidation, normal=80 to 100, below 50 chronic, reflects ease of flow of oxygen, and


    20 64 Proton Pressure, ph 65 to 70 norm above alkaline, below acid

    21 76 Electron Pressure, eh

    22 866 Major Resonant Frequency of the Patient/Client,below 1000=risk degener, above

    10,000=nervous energy

    23 0 Cellular vitality index(6+normal,below 3 chronic): 4

    24 0 Last Visit: V= 44 A= 43 R= 44 H= 79 O= 68

    25 2 Reactance Speed Index, below 15 ideal, below 40 norm, above 100 diseased

    26 1460 Impedance ,1600+ ideal,1200+ norm, 1000to1200 weak, 800 to 1000 concern, below 800

    signif concern

    27 830 Phase response react ,900+ ideal,700+ norm, 500to700 weak, 500 to 300 concern, below 300

    signif concern

    28 5 Phase angle ,8+ ideal, 6+norm, below 6 chronic

    29 0 Scalar Chakra/Bioresonance Therapy Performed Successfully Today

    30 0 Mineral Cellular Homeopathic: Silver

  • 8/11/2019 Pentru Nutritie Cardiovasculare Bun


    31 0 Body and Organ Homeopathic: Nux Vox

    32 0 Mental Homeopathic: Calcarea

    33 0 Social Homeopathic: Passiflora

    34 0 Spiritual Homeopathic: Aconite

    35 0 Total System Homeopathic: Sepia

    36 0 Constitutional Miasm Homeopathic: Cholera

    37 0 NUTRITIONAL REPORT , Values are Patient/Client reaction values

    38 0 mostly from deficiency, but excess reactivity is possible

    39 0 OVERVIEW:

    40 117 = Vitamin A family

    41 74 = Vitamin B complex family

    42 92 = Vitamin G complex family

    43 133 = Vitamin C family

    44 85 = Vitamin D family

    45 107 = Vitamin E family

    46 125 = Vitamin F (fatty acids)

    47 146 = Vitamin K family

    48 106 = Vitamin U family (co Q)

    49 0 Digestion/ Absorbstion:

    50 121 = Protein Digestion

    51 118 = Carbohydrate Digestion

    52 130 = Fat Digestion

    53 90 = General Digestion

    54 0 B Vitamins:

    55 154 = B1 Thiamine,(nerve problems,Beriberi,heart muscle,edema, energy)

  • 8/11/2019 Pentru Nutritie Cardiovasculare Bun


    56 88 = B2 Riboflavin,(inflamation of skin,eyes, and nerves, depression, dementia)

    57 133 = B3 Niacin,(Pelagra,scaly dermatitis white, nerval disease, dementia, wild)

    58 136 = B4 Niacinamide,(digestion, dementia, skin irritation, diarrhea,irritable bowel)

    59 141 = B5 Pantothenic acid,(coordination,adrenal function,energy,unfocused thought)

    60 122 = B6 Pyridoxine,(convulsions anemia,irritability,cannot remember dreams)

    61 124 = B7 Folic acid,(digestive disease,anemia,energy,hormone function,moody)

    62 127 = B8 Coenzyme A dir,(energy managment,adrenal thyroid and pituitary function)

    63 120 = B9 PABA,(skin,energy,loss of motor neuorn function,depression)

    64 131 = B10 Biotin Vitamin H,(mental and muscle problems, chronic fatique)

    65 83 = B11 Inositol,(master moleclue of carbon regulation and liver function)

    66 140 = B12 Dibencozide,(pernicious anemia,white blood cell function,immunity)

    67 156 = B13 Choline,(digestion,stomach function,gall bladder function,depression)

    68 129 = B14 Betaine,(nerves of digestion and liver depression)

    69 125 = B15 Pangamic acid,(oxygenation disease,itching,liver function,lungs)

    70 124 = B16 Oxythiamine,(oxygenation energy regulation)

    71 120 = B17 Laetrile,(degeneration regulation of oxygenation)

    72 142 = B18 FAD,(oxygenation,energy regulation eye function)

    73 123 = B19 Flavin Mononucleotide,(immunity, oxygenation,energy)

    74 129 = B20 Carnitine,(oxygenation, heart muscle, energy regulation in muscles)

    75 0 Tissue Salts:

    76 105 = Calc Flour for bone and teeth, esp enamel, Indic Flabby tissue, vericose veins,

    77 138 = Calc Phos, horny or skeletal system, Indic: anemia,scrofluous,bones weak,

    78 158 = Ferrum Phos, blood +muscle, Indic: anemia, easy flush, inflamations, congestion

    79 124 = Kali Mur, mucous, lymph, lungs Indic: Whitish tongue, < heat > fatty foods, movement

    80 102 = Kalti Phos, CNS,Autonomic nerves,Indic:Depression, mental fatique,nervous exhaustion

  • 8/11/2019 Pentru Nutritie Cardiovasculare Bun


    81 141 = Kali Sulph, epidermis, epithelium, Indic: Slow disease,Thick yellow mucous, Broncitis

    82 149 = Mag PhosAntispasms, analgesic,Indic: pains intolerable,mostly Rt.side, weak muscles

    83 84 = Nat Mur, Body fluids and tissues, Promotes digestion, Indic: Headaches,eye inflam,

    84 101 = Nat Sulph, digestive liver perioteneum Indic: Accumulate fluid,Liver gall blad, uric acid,

    85 133 = Nat Phos, muscles nerves brain Indic Hyperacidity, Gout, Joints, arthritis, cystitis

    86 102 = Silcea, Connective tissue, bone, lymph, Indic: immature body or mind, brittle bones

    87 98 = Calc Sulph, tissue integrity, Indic: any ulcers, pimples pustles, purulent disch,>wet.

    88 0 Overall FATTY ACIDS:

    89 158 = Low carbon chains

    90 145 = Midrange carbon chains

    91 161 = Aracadonic related chains

    92 164 = Mylein Chains

    93 137 = Nutritional deficiency all

    94 119 = High carbon chains

    95 148 = Enzymatic related

    96 0 VITAMIN E

    97 106 = vitamin E1

    98 123 = vitamin E2

    99 92 = vitamin E3

    100 0 VITAMIN K

    101 137 = vitamin K1

    102 152 = vitamin K3

    103 154 = vitamin K all

    104 0 VITAMIN U /ubiquinone

    105 83 = coQ6

  • 8/11/2019 Pentru Nutritie Cardiovasculare Bun


    106 127 = coQ7

    107 101 = coQ8

    108 103 = coQ9

    109 159 = coQ10

    110 74 = coQ all

    111 139 = ubiquinone cycle


    113 95 = bioflavonoids

    114 162 = rutin

    115 114 = hesparic acid

    116 101 = tyrosine

    117 159 = tyrosinase

    118 140 = vitamin C ase

    119 112 = ascorbic acid

    120 0 VITAMIN D

    121 103 = vitamin D1

    122 98 = vitamin D2

    123 138 = vitamin D3

    124 135 = vitamin D4

    125 0 VITAMIN A

    126 103 = beta carotene

    127 126 = fish oil

    128 152 = retinol

    129 121 = A precursors

    130 119 = cartilage vitamin A

  • 8/11/2019 Pentru Nutritie Cardiovasculare Bun


    131 0 Overall Enzymes:

    132 158 = oxidation reduction enzymes

    133 141 hydrolyzing digestion enzymes

    134 155 = phosphorylation thinking enzymes

    135 124 = decarboxxylase breathing enzymes

    136 172 = hydrolase water regulation enzymes

    137 78 = DNA regulation enzymes

    138 126 = mutase isomers transmutation enzymes

    139 0

    140 0

    141 0 After Electrical Profile

    142 46 Volt

    143 33 Amperage

    144 62 Resistance

    145 63 HYDRATION

    146 89 OXIDATION

    147 64 Proton Pressure, ph

    148 71 Electron Pressure, eh

    149 899 Resonant Frequency Patient/Client

    150 13 Percent Electrical Improvement for Today

    151 0 After Electrical Profile

    152 43 Volt

    153 30 Amperage

    154 59 Resistance

    155 60 HYDRATION

  • 8/11/2019 Pentru Nutritie Cardiovasculare Bun


    156 86 OXIDATION

    157 66 Proton Pressure, ph

    158 70 Electron Pressure, eh

    159 1038 Resonant Frequency Patient/Client

    160 7 Percent Electrical Improvement for Today


    This Device is a biofeedback Multimedia system.

    It is designed for stress detection or stress therapy.

    The device can not and does not diagnose any disease other than stress.

    The device measures reactivity to many homeopathics but these reactivity

    patterns are only pre diagnostic. Only a licensed diagnostician can diagnose

    a patient. This device is a tool for stress diagnosis and therapy.

    The reactivity probabilities of diseases listed by the device need to be

    confirmed by a licensed diagnostician. The device does

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