pedoman penulisan proposal kri2008 (wahidin w.)

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Pedoman PenulisanProposal KRI & KRCI 2008

Ir. Wahidin Wahab M.Sc Ph.DFakultas Teknik Universitas IndonesiaEmail :

Penataran dan Lokakarya Kontes Robot Indonesia 2008 

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Penataran & Lokakarya KRI-KRCI 2008 221-22 Nopember 2008

Penulisan Proposal KRI 2008

(Kontes Robot Indonesia) Penilaian proposal KRI

Sistematika proposal KRI

Detail Information Of The Team

Detail Information Of The Machine

Manual machine Automatic machine

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Evaluasi tahap pertama merupakanevaluasi administratif.Surat Pengantar dari Pimpinan Institusi

Status sbg Perguruan Tinggi/Bukan.

Setiap Perguruan Tinggi hanyadiperkenankan untuk mengirim satu Timpeserta KRI saja.

Proposal yang diterima dan disetujui olehpanitia akan diberitahukan kepada pesertamelalui surat pemberitahuan ke alamat

masing-masing & ditampilkan dalam Website.

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Penataran & Lokakarya KRI-KRCI 2008 421-22 Nopember 2008

Part One: Detail Information Of The Team

Team Name (15 letters max)

Name of Team Leader(Student) Name of Instructor (Contact Person)

1. Team

2. InstitutionFull Name of Polytechnic/Institute/University Name of Department/Faculty

Address (Contact Address)

Telephone Number Fax Number

E-mail address (Contact)

3. Contact Person Full Address, Phone and E-mail

Number of Machines

(a) Manual Machine…………………………..Unit  (b) Automatic Machine…………….……….Unit 

4. Machine(s)

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Penataran & Lokakarya KRI-KRCI 2008 521-22 Nopember 2008

Part Two: Detail Information Of The Machine

1. Team Name (only): ___________________________ (Should contain any indications) of the team members or institution orthe like, those information’s should be put in Part One.) 

Number of Machines

(a) Manual Machine…………………………..Unit  (b) Automatic Machine……………………….Unit 

2. Machine(s)

Explain about your machines, plans, and strategy, attached

with sketch or drawing for each unit.Use additional separate page if different structure fromanother machine unit

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Penataran & Lokakarya KRI-KRCI 2008 621-22 Nopember 2008

(a) Manual Machine

Approximate dimensions

(at start and at full extended size)

Structure materials

How to handle Objects and identify positions(structure/device/sensors/system etc.)

Method of control

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(b) Automatic Machine

Approximate dimensions (at start and at fullextended size)

Structure materials

How to handle Objects and identify positions(structure/device/sensors/system etc.)

Type and method of movement control

device and system Any remarkable statement for your automatic


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Explain your game strategy how to getpoint during match.

(Object handling, detection of positions,target priority, Movement of manualand automatic machine, etc)

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Draw a design sketch with approximatedimensions for each machine unit.

Add detail drawing/sketches, ifrequired. Remember, sketch should notcontain any information of the teammembers or its institutions or the like.

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Contoh Proposal KRI

Lihat lampiran

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Evaluasi Tahap Kedua

Laporan Perkembangan PembuatanRobot Berupa Rekaman Video dlm CD

Kriteria Evaluasi :

Rancangan mekanik robot

Sistem kontrol robot

Strategi pengambilan objek dan

memenangkan pertandingan

Sensor dan rangkaian interface

Algoritma perangkat lunak

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(Kontes Robot Cerdas Indonesia)

Penilaian proposal KRCI

Sistematika proposal KRCI

Detail Information Of the Team

Detail Information Of the Robot

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Evaluasi tahap pertama merupakanevaluasi administratif.Surat Pengantar dari Pimpinan Institusi

Status sbg Perguruan Tinggi/Bukan.

Setiap Perguruan Tinggi hanyadiperkenankan untuk mengirim satu Timpeserta untuk setiap Divisi KRCI.

Proposal yang diterima dan disetujui olehpanitia akan diberitahukan kepada pesertamelalui surat pemberitahuan ke alamat

masing-masing & ditampilkan dalam Website.

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Part One: Detail Information Of The Team

Team Name (15 letters max)

Name of Team Leader (Student Name) Name of Instructor (Contact Person)

1. Team

2. InstitutionFull Name of Polytechnic/Institute/University Name of Department/Faculty

Address (Contact Address)Telephone Number Fax Number

E-mail address

3. Contact Person Full Address, Phone and E-mail

4. Robot Division

A. Application Form for Student

Wheeled Robot

Legged Robot

Expert Single/Swarm

Tick applicable division

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Team Name (15 letters max)

Name of Team Leader (Student) Name of Team members



1. Team

2. InstitutionFull Name of Company/Sponsor/Team Leader

Address (Contact Address)

Telephone Number: Fax Number:

E-mail address:

3. Contact Person Full Address, Phone and E-mail

A. Application Form for Non-Student (Expert Division Only)


Address (Contact Address)

Telephone Number: Fax Number:

E-mail address:

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1. Team Name Only (should not contain any information of the institutionor the name of team members).

2. Robot DesignExplain about your robot in general, the approximate dimension, theSketch or/and Mechanical Drawing, the Materials.

3. Control SystemExplain about your robot control system, the processor, motor driveunit, motion controller, electronic circuits.

4. Sensor & InterfaceExplain about the sensors of your robot, the interface circuit, fordetecting the wall, the lines as well as for finding the fire. Explainabout IR sensor for detecting the Baby for Expert Division only.

5. AlgorithmExplain your robot movement strategy, general Algorithm of yourrobot software.

Part Two: Detail Information Of The Robot

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Contoh Proposal KRCI

Lihat lampiran

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Penilaian Proposal KRCI

Laporan Perkembangan PembuatanRobot Berupa Rekaman Video dlm CD

Kriteria Evaluasi :

Rancangan mekanik robotSistem kontrol robot

Sensor dan rangkaian interface

Algoritma perangkat lunak

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