pcds yearbook 2006

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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... to the 2006 Phoenician! W e are very honored to present to you the PCDS Songbook, a compendium o f the music that fills our days at school and o f the melodies th a t fo llow us from the Low er School playground, to the M iddle School courtyard , to the U pper School quad, a id [to the athletic fields, auditorium s, and classrooms th at com prise o u r campus.

W e hope that w h eth er this year be your- first, last, o r one of many, this book allows you to rem em ber and reflect upon another w onderful year at Phoenix C o u n try Day SchooL

-The Editors

"W hen som e loud b rag g art tries to p u t m e down

And says his school is g rea t I te ll h im righ t aw ay

N o w w h a t’s the m a tte r buddy

A in ’t you h eard o f my school

I t ’s n u m b er one in the s ta te"

- The Beach Boys

Welcome • PCDS * 3

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First Friday allows students to reunite w ith the ir old friends and plan fo r the year ahead.

Already settled in from tw o days o f school, First Friday is an acknowledgement o f the

community and a chance fo r the entire school to come together. This year, students from the

Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools gave poetry presentations and the kindergarteners walked

into the gym with the ir sefiior partners, as is the Tradition.

1. Mr. Campbell gives his first address as Head o f School.2. Seniors KaityTse and Daniel Haddock pose w ith the ir kindergarten buddy, Cola Buskirk.3. Eighth-grader Mackenzie Persen reads a poem as Middle School head Ms. Olson looks on.4. Dathan Hamann and Blake Moorad lead the seniors and kindergarteners across the

bridge and over to the gym.5. Emerson Reiter represents the Upper School as he reads a poem.6. The poetry readers from the Lower School, Jacob Bain, Lucy Johnston, and Jacob Stern,

recite fo r the crowd.7. Lower School students watch the festivities from the bleachers.



On Blue and Gold Day, PCDS students from all divisions come together fo r a day o f

activities, fun, and school spirit. From diving and volleyball to jazz and the Boat

Regatta "El Grande," students partic ipate#! any number o f activities. The traditional

eagle and fireworks are but tw o expressions o f our pow erfiij school spirit.

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TO U S ... .

1. Middle School students honor retiring Middle School head Mr. Crabb, who will now teach math.

2. Asher Landay and Kylie Huckleberry navigate the ir boat to a second-place fi|jsh,

3. The PCDS Eagle inspires the crowd during the Blue and Gold Day Activities.4. Lower School students push Upper Schoolers Eric Eisner, Nick Barranco,

and Dan Haddock during the scooter race.5. The Upper School girls' cheer squad does a routine fo r the crowd.6. The Varsity Jazz Band entertains w ith the ir melodious tunes.

Ilf- ^ • P C D S • B dc a U g ^ D y

1. Rachel Onken and Morgan Schwartz concentrate on some recent literature.

2. Ms. Marsden;, Savaria Drumm, BaileyKeogh, Lauren Sheffield, and Meryl Woods take a break from the ir artwork.

3. Greg Adrian glances inquisitively at the Middle School kiosk fo r new information.

4. Eric Eisner, James Yurka, and Ian Krupar meditate alongside the ir laptops during a free period.

5. Rae Aaron, Kyah Cohen, Sabrina W itfil, Katie Hanneman, Kate Dickerson, Amelia Montooth,

Davis Bratton, Mackeznie Bradford, Emma Lavella, Elizabeth Farkas, and Meryl A x cluster around the round table at lunch.

6. A group o f juniors poses fo r the camera piggyback-style during lunch.

7. Nayela Velez-Cruz, Clay Cashman, and Philip Rody look over a recent assignment.

8. Megao Donovan, Lizzy Jeans, and Caitie Hodgson smile on a much-appreciated bench during lunch.

6. Mr. Cook and Ms.Tseng relax during the fifth-grade trip.

7. Mrs. Schertenlieb and Mr. Burns buckle under the pressure o f the musical.

8. Mr. Hendrickson and Mrs.Thompson synchronize the ir watches in the quad.

9. Mrs. Jacobo, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs.Dalton, and Ms. Kosower get into the Halloween spirit.

1. Mr. Mirzaie keeps up w ith his current events in the library.

2. Mrs. Jacobo and Ms. Kosower come back from taking the kindergarten class to RE.

3. Mrs. Bonnet prepares a lab fo r ' her students.

4. Mrs. Adrian puts her thinking cap on as she gets ready fo r her class.

5. Mr. Guthrie and Mr. Coon have a serious philosophical discusson.

/ \ C /iu ie s& ex£erte/ie& ..."The o ppo rtun ity khacNfc teach At the Chengdu Expenmenta-LForeigB Languages School during.fh© 2I3Q5 school ysa^w as an incredible experience. Being selected, fo r this expSfiendp was unique because I was replacing.a teacher w no had become U n y urpreparedness mace this undertaking a p ioneer venture. Immersion into a new cuiltCrall.IrrjiJieu was a special learning opportun ity. And my in troduction to a d iffe re n t. teaching and learning environm ent was especially satisfying, fljthe value 'of this exchange program cannot be measured. The PCDS com m unity’ s so fo rtuna te to be pa rt o f this very special cultural and academic program ."

-C h u c k F la il

gfc Mr. Flail poses with Mr Xiao, Headmaster o f the Chengdu Experiments! '’Foreign Languages School (CEFLS)-.

2. A smiling Ms. Chen gets into the spirit of the most American o f holidays: Halloween.3. PCDS teachers Mr Flail, Mrs.Thomas and Mr. Martin are out on a sightseeing

tour Of the cultural splendor o f the city o f Leshan with CEFLS teachers Ms. "Sunny" L and Mr "Stonex,"

4. Ms. Chen and Upper-School Head Mrs.Thompson stand proudly with their ; respective flags,

5. Mr "Stonex," Mrs.Thomas, Mr Flail, Mr Martin, Ms. "Sunny," and Ms. Buettner PCDS Director o f External Affairs, are on a trek at Leshan, where they visited the giant statue o f Buddha.

6. Mr Flail and Mr Marfih:a r§ :dwarfed tn ^ S K ru I fj| | is in a shipping® area in Chengdu.

7. Mr. Penq, MrstShen. ML Nlrtinl'Ms^Buettner Mr Xiao, Mrs.Thomas,jMteflail, a n d ^ Mr Song gather at the front ot the schooi.

8. Ms. Chen and Middle-Schooi students Joshua;Huckleberry, Jann-Michiel Greenburg,. and Rachel Franks display their Hattoween costumes,

9. Lower-School students Drew Hosmar Maddie West, Sophie Arregoces, Jessica Sherman listen as Ms. Chen discusses Chinese culture.

10. Mrs.Thomas and Ms. Chen enjoy a lunch during one o f the Middle-Schooi trips.

mum . . m B w ®

i /z> /\/rie rica J ts e^A criatc& .. .

"A teacher o f English in cN n a fo r 9 years as I have been, it is still quite a d iffe ren t experience to teach h is to ry lessons in an independent school in the USA! O f course the differences between the tw o education systems surprise me m ore than any o the r thing, like various;food, much, h o tte r w eather and a higher: standard o f living in this cjountry. A t PCDS, besides academic subjects th a t prepare students fo r college, the school" also teaches them how to cooperate, how to respect people 'and how to create th e ir own new ideas.

"W ith the help o f such a linguistic1 environm ent, m y,ora l English got im proved obviously.Teachers at PCDS exchange ideas o f no t only language class bu t a lsoW story jteach ing w ijh me. As you can-imagine, teaching con tem porary China m the J Oth grade is considerably difficult. Chposmg suitable material from m ore than 30 pubiished-books and making it ou r own just fo r the firs t halfo f the course; However, my favorite mem ories are o f the same course in the I Oth grade, especially the final project, which o f course remains the h igh ligh tio f my stay. A t the end o f the course, students are' required 'to ” fii»ish a v ^ jtte n re p o r t,o r a presentation.They can choose any top ic on m odern fS h ina th a t appeats to them and collect in form ation in every possibleA/^^. in 'th is-w ay the sophom ores get a chance to understand a mysterious .bountry both cu ltura lly a fd politically.

"Learning from o.thers-is 'o f great he lp .to one’s own development. Since n o t^ y e ry o n e can get a chance to go o u t and see a new coun try in p e rso n a am m,ore than honbred to open a d o o r to China fo r my Am erican students and also, when back, to open another one to the 'gjatesJbh m y Chiqese students! That's the essence o f ou r exchange program* in my opin ion.'1

‘-Christine Chen

The desire to reach out to the community is a common value shared by students, faculty/staff, parents, and trustees alike. As a school, PCDS is committed to helping the greater good, particulary th roug ftits flagship program, Project Excellence, which brings academically talented inner-city children to PCDS fo r academic enrichment. New programs are begun all the time, all w ith the goal o f lending a helping hand.

I . Visiting Teach fo r America teachers, members o f a national corps o foutstanding recent college graduates who commit tw o years to teaching in educationally inequitable schools, gather outside Burch Hall fo r a picture.

2. Guy Gamble and Aaron Baumann smile in the cart as they play a round o f golf at the Eagle Open at Mountain Shadows G olf Club, an annual event that benefits Project Excellence.

3. On the putting green, Wally Brown and his friend Cody Conran practice the ir burgeoning golf skills while supporting the community-outreach efforts o f PCDS.

4. The PCDS Eagle holds up a sign urgftlg families to donate to the annual Turkey Drive at Thanksgiving time.

5. Upper School Chemistry teacher Mr. W ilkins spends his Saturday at PCDS doing his well-known "gummy-bear experiment" w ith young Project-Excellence Scholars

6. Member o f the Alliance forTeacher Excellence Rose Hammerl works toward completing her project in digital storytelling.

- W lOartcti/ ) | A

The PCDS Songbook—the mu6\c o f a life o f

study and play. W e are indeed fo rtuna te to be in this orchestra o f learning and understanding. Each day the conductors face

the brillian t and eager musicians and raise th e ir batons, and toge the r we play the songs o f PCDS.

"May God bless and keep you always,May your wishes all come true,May you always do for others And let others do for you.May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung..,,...May you grow up to be righteous,May you grow up to be true,May you always know the truth And see the lights surrounding you.May you always be courageous,Stand upright and be strong,May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young,May you stay forever young."

- Bob Dylan

My favorite song: "Forever Young," by Bob Dylan

As a young girl, I wa^fntrigued w ith the musical The

Sound o f Music. I adored the movie, absorbed the book, and desperately wanted to be lovely Maria with the gift o f song surrounded by the Alps, delightful children,

and love. I even chose the name Maria as a given name: Barbara joan Maria Burton. However; the beautiful voice

never came to me, and the white-capped mountain peaks never appeared. Yet the most important part o f my dream did come tru e ffa m surrounded by children

and love in my professional life each day. Children are the true sounds o f music. Under the direction o f music ;

teacher Carla Cose-Giallella, the Lower School students help us celebrate the sounds o f music each day. In the ir daily music classes and special performances that always warm my appreciative spirit, I am aware o f how i

"my heart will be blessed with the sound o f music" as they inspire me "to sing once more." Thank you, boys and girls,

fo r making my dream come true!

My favorite song: "Music o f the Night,"by A ndrew Lloyd W ebber

I th ink musicjs the most powerful tim e machine tha t

we possess. Play the song "W e are the Champions’'

by Queen, and I am instantly transported to senior

year in high school. I am driving my Dad’s red Firebird

crying and singing the words w ith my best friends after

ou r unexpected loss in the basketball region finals.

Play "C o lo r My W o rld ” by Chicago, and I am dancing

at homecoming sophom ore year. Play "Celebrate

Me Flome” by Kenny Loggins, and I am sitting in my

freshman dorm room at N orthw estern studying fo r my

first set o f college finals and missing my family. Music

has the incredible ability to help us rem ember some o f

the best (and sometimes w orst) times in our lives.The

music you all know and love today w ill someday sound

as corny to your kids as these songs sound to you now,

but they will be a powerful m ilepost in your life and,

amazingly enough, you w ill always rem em ber the words.

A llow music to touch your life and it w ill change you.

Keep listening and it w ill keep you connected, to the

most im portan t parts o f yourself and your past.

My favorite song: "Brown-eyed G irl," by Van M orrison

O ne Thursday in January, Kera McClelland's voice

rang th rough D orrance as she surprised everyone

by bursting in to a Stephen Sondheim song during her sen ior speech. The lyrics she sang from Into the

Woods rem ind us (jus t as Kera's speech did) o f the

im portance o f rem em bering the special times:

" I f life were made o f moments,

even now and then a bad one,

oh, but, i f life were only moments,then you'd never know you'd had one,"

- Stephen Sondheim

The pictures on these pages capture you r moments

from the 2005-2006 school year. Enjoy them!

My favorite song: "Layla," by Eric Clapton


D ear,M r. Hendrickson, Sr.,

It is w ith great pleasure th a t w e, the Senior Class o f 2006ndedicate this yearbook to you. The I finest o f gentlem en, you standTpr everything th a t is £ fair and honorable. Like Wearing g ran ||e th er, you have watched us grow through the joys and pains of high school. You have been there fo r us, making sure th a t we are safe and putting smiles on our faces. In the classroom, you have taught us anatomy; in the quad, yod have taught Us h o w to live our fives. Your own sto ry is o h e pO ns p i ration a nd ad m i rati o n . The

nts you have achieved are innumerable; if we as a class may touch ha lf as many people in our lifetimes as you have, we w ill indeed be fo rtunate .You have adopted us into your family, and we can only hope that this small token might illustrate our thanks fo r all that you have done.


T '/v e ,c fc c s s O 'O (d 'i M

Kenneth S. Allison Beverly B. A x Vice President

Building and Grounds

Gina Bridgeman President o f


Susan Budinger Vice President


Geoff Campbell Head o f the School

Samuel S. Garvin Wee President Development

Steve Greenberg

Verna C. Malone

Leonard H. Lillard

Jonah Shacknai President

William F.“ Fritz" Henze III Larraine N. Ho Class o f 1967

Philip W. Matos Stephen A. McConnell Wee President

Information Technology

Jamie R; Hormel

Jahm Najafi Tracy D. Schwimmer

E. G."Ken" Kendrick, Jn

Clarissa Simek Robinson ChidaTse ‘Class o f 1988

President o f Alumni Association

Susan J. Bansak Daniel J. Donahoe I Bennett Dorrance Donald R Loback

Kathleen R.Wade Wee President


Garth Wieger Laurie D.Wray Class o f 1980

/^ i/jv L s o r i/ T ru s te e s

Herbert JH-Ouis Nan R Miller Ellie B. Nolan:. Frederick M. Pakis

Cynthia RYeargan Vice President


Edward C.Young

Bernard G. Rethore Nicholas J. Sakellariadis ‘69 Shoshana B.Tancer Gay F. Wray

Two years after construction in the Upper School concluded, the Middle School is undergoing its own renewal. The Kendrick Center, which opened March I , 2006, is a seventh- and eighth-grade classroom building. A gift o f trustee Ken Kendrick and his wife, Randy, the center includes state- o f-the-art science labs and the John. W. Crabb Garden. Also part o f the renovation is the planned remodeling o f Building K, which currently is the tem porary home o f grades three and four. As the Middle School closes the latest chapter o f its renovation, the Lower School will experience a similar change, y ie Lower School has moved into: the newly refurbished Dutch er HaiMn ■which th,e^wi|l be spending most o f next year while the Lower School campus is undergoing construction. When the w ork ends on the Lower SchooQt w ill mark the end o f an ambitious, multi-year endeavor designed to ensure the educational leadership o f the school fo r the twenty-first century.

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■ fO T e rS o n w n o l

h5jrr|*e Bstu'SSirfts in mahy| Bjhe fSarneMp M Bflti tsBKls. Her 'Wajj

Toni C larke _ r /I^ o w e r r> cA ro v

Mrs.Toni Clark started her career at PCDS 25 years ago by teaching kindergarten^ter many years in kindergarten she became the lo j^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ k e n c e teacher Finally, for the lastI l/2year^During | school creath job. St and is \ l talent science 1 lizards, si through he lower sdin had^^HH^H!e~D'utsh

dge, and tfasfefee-Toni is, 'Irhatl^^age'S;':•:,y

grade teaching assistant, rfive heads of the lower he has been a very dedicated,

B nely loved children and her ■p d listener caring friend,

shared her creative, artistic fDuring the time she was trie

up shakes and feed tarantulas, ith and love of others was evident

fering^^'^Un^ne Committee for many years in the ^ P ^ h ^ ^ ^ n a n y gatherings for the lower schb#sH

^^^~~jjfobd|--.she. enjp|sofafting;.gplfof good things coming in

M iij& l - . ■ MfenMhsmil

o w e /

K indergarteners for 23 years haveFlourished under her guidance and love.

I n all that s h ^ dtdnfaauflas always a cut above.N ever ruj^mgfOLit o f / ' and always with a smile D e d ic a f*H rth e profession, she always went the extra mile.E nerge^H ftd tireless,'te&chingkhe 3 R's year after year R ea llyB B fe f. thfe ilST.ifrem ® ’r students you will hear!G oodtH feo fc lu - ... hard fo r those who knew her wellA students will tell. But,R ight n d H p D S ^ n < | fc w i# a fond farewell as she goes on her way T o f ursiii|p'LWv~ / . . S s^lnt time with her granddaughter each day.E v e ry o n ^ ^ ^ g ;p d * ^ a l l :r who was privileged to

oaM 6f their life each day knows that

Dalton, but and happiness

t will always Stay!

s e ;For 15 years, Jewell Nisbet has been dispensing bandages and

kindness from her office in the Lower School,Whetgsfee.

announced recently that she will reddl as sown as a replacement can be found, she explained that s r^K m M p speHHgpn? wrtW|pr

family and help her husband take caw of his Health.*- - ■ ■ -

JBF II love the students and all the pecJwat l l jS P 1 !■ $ ."*esaid %&*' IFw p rIn addition to raising eight children,

years as a registered nurse in; hospital arotndustrial settings before

coming to PCDS. She completed a B.S. in r during h^iyeari

of service at the School.'4% t f Joan Risley

Bob Hendricks'Bob Hendrickson, better knowr/as. "Hendi," has played the roles o f teacher, cpach, and surrogate grandfather throughout

a careeBaf nearly fifty years, Since coming t o PCDS in 1987, he ,has coached basketball and g^l^SBfwd;''^%jean

o f Students, taught Anatomy and Phvgpblogy, advised tra|

Student Senate, and directed the U;|per SchooI’s- c o - service efforts. He always makes u jje e l tike special, uh.Sjue y Indj^duals, telling us, "o f all the oe -Mj^kcno'i/Jyou're q re d‘ them." Much beloved fo r his friendlypmlle, bis,QuicknJ|p|»#th

a joke, his ability to growJllllke a bea ifc^ iKS taxless OT^mcin

to his students and athletes, “ Hendi" I^H fe^tr9CkjO TO il||jr attendance, taught us, coached us, organ^dsMvteepifbiects,

reminded us in countless ways how to be I^JPf>e<?ple, and

given us his guidance and love during our students and his colleagues,:we will a\\ A

- Lance CoonA

Raymond Abies, MS*Spariish Teacher

Jean Ackley, LS. A rt Teacher

Lisa Adrian, LS. Learning CenterTeacher

C ort Alcott, M.S. Social Studies Teacher Becky Allison, Chair English Department/U.S. English


Janice Anderson, L.S. First Grade Teacher

Robin Anderson, Chair Modem & Classical Languages Department/U.S. Latin Teacher

Jessica W. Barranco, U.S. History Teacher Cathryn Bigley, LS. Counselor,Assistant Head o f LS.

Marie Bippus, M.S. LiteratureTeacher/M.S. Math Teacher

Adrienne Bonnet, LS. Science Teacher

Karen Bruntz, L.S.Teaching Assistant, First Grade Linda Bryant, M.S. A rt Teacher

Georgia Buelow, M.S. and U.S. Physical Education Teacher

Keith Bums, M.S. English Teacher

Cara Cameron, us. Librarian Eduardo Caro, U.S. Spanish Teacher

Margaret Carter; U.S. English Teacher

Christine Chen, Chengdu Experimental Foreign Languages School Exchange Teacher

Jennifer Cherilla, M.s. Math Teacher

Kevin Cherilla, M.S. and U.S. Physical Education Teacher

Antoinette Clark, LS.Teaching Assistant,Third Grade Joyce Cone, M.S. Math Teacher

James Cook, ChairVisual Arts Department/U.S. A rt Teacher

jerry Cook, M.S. Science Teacher

Lance Coon, U.S. English Teacher/Project S.E.E.D- Co-Director

Carla Cose-Giallella, LS. Music Teacher

Barbara Cowlin, US. ArtTeacher John Crabb, M.S. Math Teacher

Susan Crane, U.S. Biology Teacher

(HiJane Creamer; M.S. History Teacher

Carol Dalton, LS. Kindergarten Teacher Cindy Davis, LS. Second Grade Teacher Marti de Anguera, M.S. Science Teacher

Linda Drate, LS. First GradeTeacher

Sarah Driscoll, M.S. Spanish Teacher

David Dummen U.S. Counselor Lee Edwards, LS. Kindergarten Teacher Brian Ellingson, Athletic Facilities Manager

Kathy Ellis, U S. Math Teacher

Chris Eriksen, M.S. Fifth Grade Teacher

Sadie Etheridge, LS. Physical Education Teacher John Fielder; LS. Fourth Grade Teacher

Charles Flail, U.S. History Teacher Peter Flanagan-Hyde, u.s. Math Teacher

Jodi Freedman, M.S. English Teacher Rebecca Friedman, M.S. Spanish Teacher

Meredith Garagiola, U.S. Spanish Teacher

Sarah Gaumer M.S. A rt Teacher Yolanda Gilbert, U.S. Spanish Teacher

Matt Guthrie, U.S. Faculty, Debate Coach Sarita Hemmady, M.S. Counselor/YO. Classes

Bob Hendrickson, Director o f US. Student Activities/ US Physical Education

Bob Hendrickson, Dean o f Student/U.S. Physical] Education Teacher

Diane Ingold, LS., Second Grade Teacher

Marilyn Jacobo, LS.Teaching Assistant, Kindergarten Karen Johnson, LS.Thind Grade Teacher

Chloe Keller; Director o f Drama Jaime Kosowen LS.Teaching Assistant, Kindergarten

Evelyne Macrodimitris, LS. Librarian

Daniel Majeski, L.S. Physical Education Teacher Sheila Marks, M.S. Social Studies Teacher

Alexis Marsden, M.S. Science Teacher Dave Martin, Assistant Head o f the U$./Chair History

Department/U.S. History Susan Mazz0|ini„us. Math Teacher

Andy McKean, LS. ComputerTeacher

Katie McKean, M.S. Social Studies & Math Teacher Mary Kay Meyers, LS.Teaching Assistant, Second Grade

Leslie Milne, LS., Pre-Kindergarten Teacher Bobby Mirzaie, U.S., History Teacher

Judy MitchelJ, Director o f Counseling/YQ.d^ses' Linda Moffett, L.S. Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

Jan Newman, LS.Teaching Assistant, Pre-Kindergarten

Chris Palmer; M.S. Librarian Astasia Patel, M.S. and U.S. Strings Teacher

Andrew Reese, U.S. lechnology Coordinator

David Rowe, Chair Performing Arts Department/ M.S. and U.S. Band and Music Teacher

Melanie Sainz, Diversity Coordinator/Director o f

Project Excellence and Community Outreach Brenda Schertenlieb, M.S. and u.s. Choral Music Teacher

Cecilia Sheppard-Downey, ls . Spanish Teacher

Stuart Shulman, M.S. and U.S. Assistant Band Instructor

Catherine Smith, U.S. Biology Teacher Shirley Stiles, LS. Fourth GradeTeacher

Lezlie Strolle, LS. Second GradeTeacher Andy Surben LS.Third GradeTeacher

Michael Swingler; Chair Science Department/U.S. Physics Teacher

Peg Thomas, M.S. English Teacher

Ken Thommen, U.S. English Teacher TeerayaTomlin, LS.Teaching Assistant Pre- Kindergarten

Jennifer Treadway, Chair Educational Technology Department/M.S. Computer Teacher

Amelia Tseng, M.S. Spanish Teacher Georgeanna Wielkoszewski, u.s. French TeacherThomas Wielunski, M.S. Math Teacher Dean Wilkins, U.S. Chemistry Teacher

Barbara Yurka, M.S., Supervised Study

B etsy Youngman, M.S. Science Teacher

M a ndyA llm on , Comptroller

H ila rioA dvare^T ood Services/Dining Hall KarpnAn^rson, Director of Alumni and


Kristie Berg, Assistant Director o f Admissions

Duane Bergstrom, Director of Physical Plant

Lee Buettnen Director o f External Affairs

Barbara Bzdak, Business Office Assistant

Jose Manuel Calvo, Food Services/Dining Hall Maria Campos; Food Services/Dining Hall

Cl iff Carlson, Head Groundskeeper Isabel I Castro, Food Services/Dining Hall

Al Doehren Bus Driver

Sam Dysart, Bus Driver Julie Fitzgerald, Bookstore Manager

Karen Fries, Receptionist

Carol Hook, Alumni and Development Officer Andrew Huff, Maintenance Charles Jones, Maintenance

Bethany Kiltz, Assistant Director o f Athletics Debra Kolbet, Communication Project Manager

Robert Kosower; Director o f Athletics

Jackie Lee, M.S. Administrative Assistant 4fclas Lindh, Information Technology Support

SpecialistDan Maggio, Director of Information Technology

llene Manna, LS. Administrative Assistant, LS.Admissions

Veronica Martinez, Maintenance Steve Mazich, Information Technology Support


Alvin McCauley, Groundskeeper

David McClintic, Audiovisual Manager Maria Nava, Food Services/Dining Hall

Eric Neufen Information Specialist

Loretta Olson, Security Officer Norman Olson, Security Officer

Sandy Orrick, U.S. Administrative Assistant Judy Ortiz, Assistant to the Head o f the School

Michelle Parciak, Admissions Assistant

J. Luis Pastor Sous Chef

Brandon Perry, Maintenance

Kathry Peters, Chief Financial Officer Janet Petz, Food Services/Dining Hall

Yolanda Prisco, Food Services/Dining Hail Pedro Ramos-Gonzalez, Groundskeeper

Donald Reed, Security Officer

Betty Reiff, Accounting Payable Assistant/ Administrative Assistant to Chief Financial Officer Joan Risley, Director o f Communications Karen Roberts, US< Administrative Assistant Terrance Sheridan, AthieticTrainer

Marti Skloven, Nurse

Alex Skoczen, Director o f Security

Bob Spaziani, Executive Chef/Director o f FoodServices 'Katie Stein, ComrhunicatiOns and Publications Specialist

Dahiel Strickland, Maintenance Thbmas Sylvester; Director o f Admissions and Financial AidTrudy "fbm, Employee Resources Officer

Richard Zielenkiewicz, Maintenance Susan Zielenkiewicz, Maintenance

Lyle Zielstorf, Maintenance


The PCDS Lower School is packed w ith fun learning and exciting activities.

Swinging on the monkey bars with friends, studying multiplication tables, learning

about the ir country and world, and participating in after-school activities such as

Scouts and Chess Club are just a few aspects o f school that students participate in

every day. Lower Schoolers make many new friends and catch the first glimpses o f

the exciting opportunites that lay ahead and o f the many possibilites to apply

knowledge learned:|h the classroom. In addition to serving as an academic and

personal foundation, the Lower School provides students w ith a chance to

reach out to the PCDS community. From walking in w ith the seniors on the

first day o f class to reading w ith th e || Middle School buddies, and from initiating

community service fund-raisers to learning about the various ways to interact with

o ther parts o f the PCDS family, students spend the ir years in the Lower School

exploring new activities and making lifelong friends.

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Lower School activities are a chance for students to branch out and try new and exciting

things. W ith community-service opportunities, field trips, special school events, and a variety of clubs

at hand, Lower School students can explore life outside the classroom.

From Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, whose activities emphasize friendship and the value o f com­

munity service, to after-school swimming and tennis, where students can demonstrate their athletic

and teamwork abilities, the Lower School extracurricular activities help students acquire new skills and

self-esteem. Students in the Lower School also celebrate holidays such as Halloween,Thanksgiving, and

Grandparents' Day, where tradition and spending time with family members make these days memo-

The Lower School has a strong relationship with the Middle and Upper school from the fifth-

grade reading buddies to the Upper School students that help to tutor in the Lower School. And the

kindergarteners and the seniors have formed special bonds through their lunches together and the

senior-led tours o f the Upper School, where one days these Lower School students might find them­


1. Annalise Bracher, Rica Chan, Madison Dever, and Thalia Koliopoulos spend some time reading,

2. Carsyn Smith colors with his fifth-grade buddy.3. Rachel Onken is in intense concentration as she reads.4. Tyler Dial and Sophia Ho work together on a project.5. Sam Ax and JackTuton work quietly in class.

cm ic s

1. Fourth-grade students pose to fron t o f the sign welcoming them to Kartchner Caverns in southern Arizona.

2. Rose Larfcin, Karli Davis, Sofia Colangelo, and Olivia Najafi smile during the ir outing to Schnepf Farms in Mesa.

3. Kindergarteners Blake Moorad, Harrison Rooney, D.J. Hauben, Karli Davis and Lindsey Cherilla view Schenpf Farms from the animals' point o f view.

4. Third-grade students take a break from their.v is it to the Heard Museum in Phoenix to have a picnic lunch.

5. A t the Western-style Pioneer Village, First-Grade students view the Pioneers’ favorite mode o f transporfethe horse.

6. Mrs. Johnson and herThird-Grade class gather in fron t o f the entrance to the Heard Museum.

7. Mrs. Anderson poses w ith the First Grade outside o f Pioneer Village.

W M '*♦ m e...- n i wnrar » i r *-----------------------------—*

1. In a rt class, Drew Hosmar and Leah Chanen use bright colors to paint the ir ceramic figures.

2. Alexander Kaufman is deep in concentration as he perfects his unpainted sculpture.

3. Sam Ax carefully molds togethel'Jfs piece.

4. W orking side by side, Kate W erth and Isabelle Brothers make masterpieces using papier-mache.

5. Simran Bal uses an array o f colorful markers to express her creativity.

1. Kalea Martin, Briana Latter, and Ashl/nn M iller sing during a Lower School music concert.

2. Mrs. Cose-Giallella, LowefgSchool Music Teacher entertains her class w ith her stuffed frog.

3. Finn W ilkins and W ill Towle practice on the percussion instruments.

4. A Lower-School ensemble plays recorders and xylophones.

5. Nathan Rubin performs a solo on his gong.

1. Mrs. Poliak and son Dylan w o rk together to build (and eat) a festive gingerbread house.2. Packages o f clothing, toys, and o ther supplies pile high, waiting to be delivered to

those in need.3. Tiana Siragusa practices the a rt o f weaving she learned from a visiting artist.4. A Middle School parent gets help from Ian Cooper, Aaron W itt, and other students to load

water and food into the van that will deliver the supplies to Hurricane Katrina refugees.5. Asad Farooqui and senior John Schupbach eat lunch together during a senior-class visit to

the kindergarten.6. Middle Schooler Arjun Bal helps Lower Schooler Nicky Jones color a picture.

%_ • /d iffe r iJ i2 ConmmHv

1. A member o f a search-and-rescue team and his dog talk to the Lower Schoolers about efforts to help victims o f Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

2. Carina Ho and her father carve the ir pumpkin fo r Halloween.

3. Dylan Longerman and Chloe Leifer enjoy some o f the Halloween treats while wearing the ir costumes.

4. Mrs. Sainz teaches students about Native American culture.

5. A perform er from Poetry Alive! shows birthday girl Jessica Sherman the power o f positive thought.

6. Mrs. Gronneman speaks to some Lower School students about Arizona heritage and weaving.



A fter-School

TennisThe next Roger Federers and Maria Sharapovas spend time developing the ir skills ou t on the courts well after the school day has ended.

The young grandmasters o f the Passed Pawns chess club hone th e ir ; critical-thinking abilities while enjoying afternoon practices in the cafeteria.

The PCDS troops o f Brownies and Cub Scouts help young citizens to establish

character through outings around Arizona and volunteering in the community


SwimUnder the guidance o f Coach Majeski, young swimmers perfect the ir strokes and cool o ff after a day in the hot summer sun.

Every year, Lower Schoolers head to the pool fo r

the ir annual Swim Exhibition to display the ir talents

in the water.

.1'. Juliet Farkas and Rica Chan sunbathe in between races.2. Nearby, Tyler W it t gets ready to jump in the water and

begin his race.3. Coach Majeski helps Annaiise Bracher out o f the pool

after her race.4. Friends Grant Lillard, Aashay Sanghvlland Jake Ghelfi

take a break from theillsw im m ing to watcfc the ir classmates compete.


Track and Field Day allows the Lower Schoolers to

take a day o ff from academics and show the ir athletic

skills on the field.

1. Sydney Portigal, Charlotte Aaron, and Jennelle Norem take a short break to watch the ir classmates.

2. Cal Kendrick leads his tug-of-war team to victory.3. Ariana Sokolov and Alex Tam run the ir own races.4. Brendan Burke jumps over the hurdle as Adrian

Moreno takes one fo r the team behind him.

■> j 4D f l# A #

The Middle School serves as the bridge between the Lower and Upper Schools,

but it is much more than that. The Middle School is a vibrant community, a home

fo r developing young minds. Beyond the diverse academic program, Middle School

students have the opportun ity to participate in a variety o f exciting electives,

from archery to bowling to candle-making. A ftepschop l'fports, such as basketball,

lacrosse, and volleyball, give students a chance to have fun, develop sportsmanship,

and "Pursue V ictory w ith Honor,” while community-service opportunities allow the

students to give something back. The Middle School puts students well on the ir

way to success!

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f l) The fifth grade spends an exciting few days in Astro Camp exploring space and the universe

^ I . Ms. Creamer, Jaimie Bryan, and Zoe Fitzgerald U take a break from strenous missions to relax

and chat on the grass.2. Swimmers line the pool edge ready to jump in

^ and build structures underwater.3. Andrew Bohannon and Ace Cohen construct a

model rocket to launch later in the day.

Q) The sixth grade spends a week bonding with one ^ another and testing their outdoor skills at Pali

Mountain Institute in Running Springs, California.

Students practice catching fish in a nearby stream Happy campers have a great time hanging out together.Students enjoy the campfire listening to the camp counselor.

O E ighth graders travel to Catalina islandexcited to practice water skills, to learn about the ocean, and to spend time with friends.

SL1 5 10. Middle schoolers and senior advisors show

o ff the ir wetsuits.J BCfel. Jackie Chang gets strapped into her harness j j " fo r the ropes course.^ 12. Geoffrey Vrla, Jonathon Osborn, and Peter

Brown study the tidepools.13. Sophie Cohen and Arie l Gordon prepare to

head out to sea w ith life jackets and paddles.

Q) Students head for the woods for their annual class trip.

( 5


7. Classmates bond together outside in a group activitiy.

8. Tonto Rim greets the students at the ir arrival.9. Katy Rector, Ashley Sylvester, and Mady

Jones partake in a team-building activity.

The PCDS Middle School is always full o f excitement. W hether they are

participating in Student Council, expressing the ir boundless imaginations in the

a rt room, o r lending a helping hand during a community-service project,

Middle School students are hard-working and creative. Their activities and

experiences prepare them fo r the rigors and excitement o f Upper School life.

Middle School academics provide an opportun ity fo r students to learn new, exciting material

and to develop necessary study skills. From learning to solve algebraic equations in math and

studying geology in science to exploring many different cultures and events in History, Middle

Schoolers catch the first glimpses o f the exciting academic adventure that they will embark

upon in the future.

1. Seventh graders w ork diligently together on a class activity.2. Frea Mehta concentrates on her research in science class.3. W hitney Bowers relaxes while working on homework.4. Students spend time together in the computer lab practicing typing skills



In Middle School art, students w ork on a wide

variety o f projects while exploring different

mediums to discover a range o f artistic talent.

I ] W yatt Rodgers, Max Leonesio, Patrick Taylor,

Cole Goodyear, and Spenser Gwozdzik use

computers to w ork on an a rt project.

2. Lauren Sheffield shows o ff her piece o f a r t

3. Meryl Woods and Bailey Keogh w ork

together on the ir designer purse activity.

Middle School students have the opportun ity

to participate in many exciting music classes,

such as orchestra, chorus, and band.

4. Ian Neufer and Chris Garagiola practice a

song together on the ir trumpets.

5. Cezanne Simon tunes her violin before

orchestra class.

6. The Middle School chorus sings together

H n preparation fo r a performance.

1. Clare Fuller and Mary Margaret Kelly collaborate on their project.

2. Matthew Prusak and Henry Gridley enjoy some moments in the sun.

3. Liz Rodie, Whitney Bowers, and Presley Balholm display the poster they created together.

4. Nabeer Khan,Vince Ippolito, Drew Wilson, Andrew Fennessy, and Adelar Pesqueira relax while chatting on the upper field.

1. Maddie Tuton displays her outfit fo r the day’s events, which included a trip to the Chinese Cultural Center.

2. Fifth-grade students Stenson Hamann, Michael Selvala, Matthew Gilbert, Alex Sylvester, Patrick Rody, Kevin Lynch, and Leo Blavin brandish the ir traditional Chinese weapons.

3. Maude LaBelle and Hannah Keogh smile as they enjoy the festivities.

4. W hitney Bowers and Keenan Simons work quietly on the ir Chinese travel photos.

5. The Middle School students and teachers, all wearing t the ir Cultural Day shirts, gather on the Upper Field for a group picture.

f l j The fifth grade spends an exciting few days in T J Astro Camp exploring space and the universe.2■^ I. Ms. Cramer,Jaime Bryan, and Zoe Fitzgerald

take a break from strenous missions to relax and chat on the grass.

£ 2. Swimmers line the pool edge ready to jump in and build structures underwater.

3. Andrew Bohannon and Ace Cohen construct a model rocket to launch later in the day.

■ odJL


The sixth grade spends a week bonding with one another other and testing their outdoor skills at Pali Mountain Institute in Running Springs, California.

4. Students practice catching fish in a nearby stream.5. Happy campers have a great time hanging

out together.6. Students enjoy the campfire listening to the

camp counselor.


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Q) Students head for the woods for their annual class trip.

^ 7. Classmates bond together outside in a 1 3 . group activitiy.

8. Tonto Rim greets the students at the ir arrival.9. Katie Rector, Ashley Sylvester, and Maddie

^ Jones partake in a team-building activity.

oT J

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( 3


0 0

Eighth graders travel to Catalina island excited to practice water skills, to learn about the ocean, and to spend time with friends.

10. Middle schoolers and senior advisors show o ff the ir wetsuits.

I I . Jackie Chang gets strapped into her harmess fo r the ropes course.

12. Geoffrey Vrla, Jonathon Osborne, and Peter Brown study the tidepools.

I 3. Brittny Golding and Arie l Gordon prepare to head out to sea w ith life jackets and paddles.

1. The Student Council planning committeeo f Saira Malhotra, Shep Bryan, Robbe Simon, Sara Owens, Jessica Osborn, Hannah Keogh, Mackenzie Persen, and Bailey Keogh get together fo r a group shot.

2. In a m orBng student-council meeting in Mr. Burns’s room, Sara Owens and Angelica Sisson take copious notes.

3. The entire Middle School student council assembles in the courtyard.

4. Morgan Shepard and Madeleine Evans make announcements about upcomingstudent events.

1. Mrs. Cone poses w ith the Middle School Math CountsTeam.

2. The Middle School fiddlers take tim e out o f th e ir practice schedule to pose fo r a group picture.

3. These ambitious students comprise the

Middle School Yearbook Club, taking pictures fo r the Phoenician: A lex Kost, Kaddie Stephens, Amelia Drumm, Cole Goodyear, Ryan Gaines, Gordon Silverman, Elliot Goldberg, Mary Vendegna, Danielle Lee,Leah Motzkin, and Amy Aube.

% JA

The PCDS trad ition o f Community Service continues in the Middle School, where

students frequently spend Fridays on trips to improve the community.The

prem ier event o f Middle School service is the Thanksgiving Turkey Drive, a

cross-division campaign to provide Thanksgiving dinners fo r underpriviledged

families through St. Mary's Food Bank.The event, like o ther Middle School

Community Service projects, is supported by the Student Council. Middle

School Community Service furthers the development o f the PCDS community

by instilling in students a sense o f responsibility fo r others. The students

learn that they can have fun and help the underpriviledged at the same time.

1. The fifth grade class gathers supplies fo r the needy.

2. Cardboard boxes full o f food are ready to be delivered to the St. Mary's Food Bank.

3. Jackie Chang helps wrap gifts during the holiday season fo r the underpriviliged.

4.. Daniel Dozier and a fourth-grade student make holiday cards.

5.. Alex Hosmar, Ryan Gaines and the Mr. Eriksen the PCDS Eagle stand watch over the

turkey collection during the annual turkey drive.

|j -9=2 • S c/uw f • Commtuitty Service

The Middle School is a place known fo r more than just its outstanding academics. On Friday

afternoons, students take part in a variety o f electives, designed to broaden horizons and have

a good tim e w ith friends. The athletics program in the Middle School offers students a chance

to get out and improve the ir physical well-being, all the while pursuing v ictory w ith honor.

A ll a lth e tic p h o to s c o n tr ib u te d by C ra s e P h o td

Middle School is not all w ork and no play. Each Friday, students participate in a wide variety

o f activities and explore a diverse range o f interests outside o f the classroom,, Testing

archery skills w ith a bow and arrow, demonstrating the ir artistic side w ith candlemaking and

sewing, playing games w ith Mr. A lcott, and participating in team sports are just a few

examples o f the exciting options students pursue dur||g the Friday elective period.

1. Joe Schornak and Dylan Heinritz look over the ir sketches in the ir Fanstastic Lands Elective.

2. Alex Gonzales and Jonathan Osborn test the ir card skills w ith Mr. A lcott.

3. Philip Rody constructs a beautiful candle in the Bubble and Wicks Elective.

4. Nicole Bassoff and Danielle Lee w ork diligently on the ir embroidery.

5. Middle schoolers aim the ir bows and prepare to shoot arrows during the Archery Elective.

6. In the Pet Elective, Danika W orth ington hugs her canine friend.

7. Christina Arregoces works on a sketch during the A r t Galore Elective.

|i^ 96 • SdCwls • tificiives

£ (above)V Front Row, fro m le ft: Clay Cashm an, Jack < 0 Larkin, A rjun B al.M affi Dem psey, Ben W aitkus,^ Patrick Rody, D anny O n o fry to n , Justin G a rre tt ,T y le r g Hum phrey.

Back Row: G ra n t Gustafson, C oach Kobold,N a te N e a rh o o d , Riggs Lennon, James Barranco,

£ M ax Baum, Jacob Bronfm an, Jann-M ichaei G re e n - burg, Justin M organ, Kevin Lynch, C am re n Caminsky,

^ A d am G rounds, S co tt Loncki, Jacob Langerm an,A lec Knappenberger, C o lto n Siddle, A le x Sylvester.

(below)Fron t Row, fro m le ft: M ichael Perry, M a tt Selling, D re w W ils o n ,T a y lo r W h ite , N a b e e r Kahn. Second Row: N athan H e lly e rT re s W h ite , Keenan Sim on, A d e la r Pesqueira, A n d re w Fennessey.T h ird Row: Stephan Topalov, A drian Reiter, David Selvala. W y a tt Rodgers, A lex H eltne, Spencer G w ozdzik. Fourth Row: M a tt Liiiard, Bryce Muzzy, Dylan Kaminsky G reg A drian , M ax Eller, H ea th G ould.F ifth Row: C oach Liles, D an ie l B ohnert, Austin Ingersoll, G e o ffV r la , Chris Garagiola.

:ro n t Row, fro m le ft: A n d re w Fennessy, S co tt Loncki, 'ince Ip p o lito ,T a y lo r W h ite , Jace Knudson, C h ris Misner, js tin G a rre tt , A d am G rounds.lack Row: M ichael Perry, B ryce Muzzy, D an ie l B o h n e n ^

V y a tt Rodgers, D ylan Kaminsky, A d ria n Reiter, A le x G onzales, SeoffVrlia, C oach V ince, Tres W h ite .'lo t p ic tu red : Kyle Jackson, K eenan Sim on, C o le Soodyear, M ichael Perry, D avid Selvaia.

G e o ff V r la reaches fo r th e ball as he runs to w a rd th e goal.Tres W h ite makes an aw ard -w inn ing save and keeps P C D S in th e lead.

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(above)Front Row, from le ft: Ace Cohen, Ben Waitkus, Patrick Rodi, Michael Selvala, Leo Blavin.M iddle Row: Jacob Langerman, Daniel O nofryton, Colton Siddle, Brock Ghelfi, A lex Sylvester, Harrison Van Dolah.Back Row: Coach Ellingson, Nate Nearhood, Kevin Lynch, Shep Bryan, Josh Huckleberry, Coach Sylvester.N o t Pictured: Alex Hosmar, Tyler Humphrey, Riggs Lennon, James Barranco,Blake Fassero.

(below)^ Fron t Row, from le ft: Natalie QO Zimmerman, Katy Rector, Madi Jones, Mary ^ Vendegna, Cezanne Simon, Jackie Chang, g Back Row: Coach Rector, Kate Gonzales, f0 Lizzie Sturr, Madison Boyle, Danielle Dozer,

^ Mandy Bard, Ashley Sylvester, Rhiannon V Guffey, Coach Judge.

(above)JZ F ron t Row, fro m le ft: Emma Seraichick,

Emily Schron, Jessie Vendegna, Elana Leifer. M iddle Row: Mariclare Rethore, Hannah

^ Johnson-Clague, Amelia Drumm, Paige Thomas, C Christine Owens, Melanie Cohen, Bailey ™ Anderson, N imra Khan.£ Back Row: Coach Creamer, Jessica Osborn, S Clare Fuller, Natalie Zimmerman, Kate

Gonzales, Rhiannon Guffey, Leah Motzkin, Mary Margaret Kelly, Dominique Clancy,Coach Etheridge.N o t p ictured: Rachael Kelly.

Jg F ro n t Row, fro m le ft: C oach McKean,^ Chris Jackson, H arris o n N o re m , D o ug de la O,00 A nand Sundaram ._ Back Row: Sunny Lake-Laubach, M att Selling, Max

2a :jf lle r , Chris Garagiola.jjj N o t P ictured: Kevin C rain , W ill G rid ley, Riggs

Lennon, Blake Fassero, James Barranco, M a te £ N e a rh o o d , Jacob Bronfm an

, Brock Ghelfr. Patrick Clay Cashman, i Siddle. Ben Mattinson

M id d le Row: W a lk e fT u to n , Bailey A n d erso n , Prances Rucker, M aric la re R e th o re , Erin Sheffield, Z o e Sim on, Pallavi W akh arkar, A ngelica Riazzi, D anic G ree n b e rg .F ro n t Row, fro m le ft : C h ris tin e O w en s , Paige Thom as, N im ra Khan, Sara Hashim , M e lan ie C o hen , Em ily Schron, M ad d ie S tern , Jessie Vencegna, Kj D av idso n - lu rner, Rachael Kelly.Back Row: C oach E theridge, Jessica O s b o rn , Leah Stofko, Lauren C hanen, H annah joh nso n-C lagu e , A le x a R oeper, D o m in iq u e Clancy, Frea. M eh ta , Leah M o tzk in , M aggie Tbfansky, C oach Majeski.

Q Front Row, from le ft: Alex Sylvester, ^ Leo Blavin, Patrick Rody, Michael Selvala, 2 Ben Waitkus.y Back Row: Coach Ellingson, Daniel

Onofryton, Colton Siddle, Kevin Lynch,^ Riggs Lennon, Clay Cashman.1/) N o t Pictured: Justin Moorad.


O"0r t




Front Row, from le ft: Jacob Langerman, Chris Misner, Liam Dempsey, Jacob Bronfman, Harrison Van Dolah,Blake Fassero.Back Row: Coach Harris, Scott Loncki, Elliot Goldberg, Josh. Huckleberry, Shep Bryan, Rohit Kothur, Nate Nearhood.

11111 P S ?L /i

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w r n m m

V Front Row, from le ft: Jace Knudson,"O Drew Wilson, Max Farrar, Gordon Silverman 2 Nader Hashim, Nabeer Khan,Taylor W hite,

I Andrew Fennessy.Back Row: Nathan Hellyer, Stefan Topalov

p Greg Adrian, Matt Lillard, Adelar Pesqueira, | s Keenan Simon, Coach Judge.

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Boys’ B a s k e tb a ll

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Front Row, from left: Max Leonesio, Kevin Crain, Matt Selling, Austin Ingersoll, Michael Perry.Back Row: Alex Heltne, Chris Garagiola, Bryce Muzzy, Max Eller, Heath Gould, Spenser Gwozdzik.

G ir ls ’ B a s k e tb a llFront Row, from le ft: Olivia Pearson,KJ Davidson-Turner, Jessie Vendegna, Kennedi Martin, Angelica Sisson.M iddle Row: Breana Roberts, Angelica Riazzi, Nimra Khan, W alkerTuton, Lauren Hanneman, Pallavi Wakharkar.Back Row: Rachael Franks, Saira Malhotra, Paige Thomas, Hannah Johnson-Clague, Isabelle Thomas.Back Row: Coach Creamer, Danika W orth ington, Rhiannon Guffey, Alexa Roeper, Coach Etheridge N o t P ictured: Melanie Cohen,Christine Owens.

G iri> B a s £ d t£ • A l / M S c A * / • 1 0 5 9 \

Front Row, from le ft: Sophie LaBelle, Arie l Gordon, Maude LaBelle.M iddle Row: Coach Surber, Mackenzie Persen, Sarah Bauer, Cezanna Simon,Hilary Novatt.Back Row: Madeleine Evans, Hannah Keogh, Lexi Myers.


Front Row, from le ft: Lauren Sheffield, Rachel Lopez, Kylin Hamann Back Row: Julia Najafi, Coach Judge, Hailey Rose, Ashley Sylvester.



£V K

0) F ront Row, from le ft: M addie Stern, M elan ie

^ C ohen , Emily Schron, A ngelica Sisson, Kennedi

^ M artin , Pallavi W akharkar.

^ M idd le Row: KJ D avidson-Turner, Paige Thom as,

tHBM Hannah Johnson-Clague, Katie H annem an, Z o e

^ Fitzgerald, Breanna Roberts .

Back Row: Bailey A n derso n , Isabelle C arter-K ah n ,

Erin Sheffield, Jessica O sb o rn , Saira M alhotra ,

D o m in iq ue Clancy, C oach E theridge.

N o t P ictured: O liv ia Pearson, N ayely V e lez Cruz,

F ron t Row, fro m le ft: Kaela H o , Kel'sey Rose

T (3 a ,e a h M otzk in , C oach EPhgson.

M iddle Row: M ary Kelly, hLrr.ra Khan, Sara

Hashim , Z o e Sim on, Kate Gonzales.

Back Row: Rachael Kelly, C la re FulleitFllauren

■Jj Chanen, Rhiartnon Guffey.

^ N o t P ictured: Angelica Riazzi

0) F ront Row, from left:§|izzie Sturr, Katie W a d e ,

^ 1 M ary Vendegna, Liz R odie, Latina V idolova.

^ M iddle Row: Kylin F-lamann, M adi Jones, Kelly Lin

m Shelby Landa, O liv ia Cumsky, Katy Rector.

Back Row: Julia N ajafi, Rachael Lopez, H ailey

~ Rose, Rachel C hanen, Coach Sylvester, Ashley

Sylvester, M organ Brown, Sofi Sw eeney

0 F ront Row, from le ft: M adison Boyle,

^ Katharine O n o fry to n .

^ M iddle Row: Sophie LaBelle, Salona Patel, M aude

^ LaBelle, C ezanne Sim on, A sm it Sanghera, Sarah

. Bauer, Jackie Chang.

“ Back Row: Jackiyn R oberts , M argo Casseim an,

QQ D iana Hsu Schron, M andy Bard, A r ie l G ordo n ,

A lexis M yers, Katie Peairs, itijavneet Khera, Coach

H ld de .

|!(| 706~ * • Qtfd’

Danielle Dozer slides into home base and brings the softball team to victory.Lizzie Sturr maneuvers the ball around her opponents.

3. Adrian Reiter catches the lacrosse ball and prepares to score.

4. A lex Sylvester fights fo r the football on the field.

The Upper School is the final crescendo o f the great symphony tha t is PCDS. As is any

great piece o f music, it is composed o f many different parts. Each student contributes

to the Upper School as each note contributes to the piece o f music as a whole. The

Upper School is a com m uifty o f scholars, but ills ftlso a community o f musicians

athletes, writers, artists, and humanitarians. The tune o f the Upper School is like that

one song that meant something special then and will stay in your memory forever.

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,u»nrt MUifov

V w ^'dhows'

Senior year, the last hurrah fo r high school, is a time meant fo r fun. From taking

leadership roles in clubs and sports to relaxing $fi the quad, seniors do it all

Senior .year begins w ith claiming parking spaces the night before school resumes

in August and ends w ith graduation in June. In the tim e in between, seniors savor

the ir high-school experience, give senior speeches, and enjoy off-campus lunches

all the while. The best way to enjoy senior year varies from person to person, but

it is indisputable that cherishing the moment is always at the heart o f senior year.

Vo fioi

Most Likely To j - Most A m . 0Artistic7 7 ^ C v rt/je t

FcTlsuO S & i/u ^

Laid-B ackA A u //lc /a s F ^ /tl/ls

Most Likely To Be a PCDS

F a c u lty M e m b e rS c tftt ( }n ffc // TJuS

m m ost a aInvolvedC jra t / lA /ty e r y u /ie B n


Nick Barranco: This all-American soccer star is currently training with the USA soccer team for the 2014 World Cup. ••• Julie Bauer: A prominent public-relations specialist, Julie is dating an investment banker in Santa Barbara. ••• Handy Baum: Mandy has become a world-renowned connoisseur of Caesar salads and an accomplished food journalist. ••• Jessie Baum: Jessie currently ranks as the top gossip columnist in the Los Angeles area. ••• Sagan Beder: Another All-American athlete, Sagan golfs with her elite business partners and is starting her own management corporation. ••• B rittany Bonfieid: Brittany owns and manages New Orleans’s hottest night club and frequents the singles hot spots. ••• David Bracher:The youngest Nobel-Prize winner ever, David currently heads the biological research division at Stanford University. ••• Chloe “ Bambi** Brandon: Animal murderer by day and animal saver by night, Chloe owns and operates a successful emergency pet clinic. •••■ Fowler Brown: Fowler has begun his sixth sci-fi novel and his popular space-traveling trilogy is being adapted into a movie ••• Stephanie Suzanne Caughiin: Suzie teaches English and Feminist Studies at the Claremont Graduate school; she has authored one juicy romantic novel so far, which includes bits of her own experience in Europe. ••• Emily Colvet: This stylf guru is the fashion editor of Elle magazine; she has never been spotted in the same outfit twice. ••• Joey Cordes:This farm boy takes time out of his busy work schedule as the X-Games coordinator to relax vwth: his friends on his ranch in the Midwest. ••• Rebecca Dias: A winner of theTeacher of the Year Award, Rebecca has kept herself busy by educating impoverished children in the United States and Mexico. ••• Kira Dillard: Kira recently became the marketing director for Marc Jacobs; when asked why she chose to work for a clothing designer instead of a Fortune-500 company, she replied,“Other companies? Their employees only wore black— how dull!” Eric Eisner: Even though his plan to take over the world failed, Eric has engineered the latest digital technology used in all cell phones. ••• W ill Fielder: An all-around nice guy, Will is the chief test driver at the Porsche manufacturing plant in Germany. ••• Joel Fineman: Joel, this page’s author, owns a multimillion-dollar plastic surgery practice and is a successful journ£*|igt.r*** Michaela Flynn: Michaela’s groupie rampage and party-hardy lifestyle is slowing coming to an end as she settles down with her two children. Scott Griffen: Scott, newspaper mogul, has revolutionized the publication industry with his bilingual newspapers and his political activism; he currently guest lectures at Stanford University and lives in Palo Alto, CA. ••• Daniel Haddock: Already an American hero and an Olympian, Dan has begun to slaughter the competition in the business world on Wall Street. ••• Dathan Hamann: Dathan heads an organization designated to preserve and understand Chinese culture. ••• Alexandra Heuser: Alex is currently the ambassador to China...oops, I mean Japan. ••• Becca Hirsch: Becca is a devoted wife and organizes the Jew Crew, an ultra-cool Jewish youth group, and although she is 38, married, and has eight children, she still parties and travels to Israel with these teenagers. ••• David Hunt: David, a.k.a. Mr. Morals, after a short cross-country tour with his band, pioneered a morality hotline for crucial assistance and guidance. ••• Anand Jayachandran: This ex-body builder and ex-portfolio manager enjoys long drives in his expensive cars. ••• Joshua Johnson: Josh will be awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic work in the Armed Forces, so keep your eye on C N N for the ceremony. ••• Michaela Johnson- Clague: Michaela has found success by merging a pharmacy and a five-star Italian restaurant. ••• Mara Kaufman: Mara is the publicist and fashionista for a hard-rock band. ••• N eel-P reet Khanuja: After quitting public speaking, Neel is trying out her luck with palm reading.

••• Ian Krupar: Ian teaches business theory at Wharton and has all of the different versions of Corvettes, beginning with his high-school hot rod. ••• Annie Lee: Although David was the youngest ever to win the Nobel Prize, Annie was the first to map the complete human genome. She currently teaches in Harvard’s graduate program. ••• Caitlin Lisa: Caitlin writes her weekly column for the Chicago Sun Times

sover bowls of Captain Crunch while listening to Christmas music year-round. ••• Kathryn Lorentzen: W ith two homes, one in France and one in New England, this businesswoman owns a film company and is rarely seen in public. * - Ben Lupinetti: Ben acts in a new Broadway musical called Walnut, an enticing story about a man and his walnut tree. ••• Shannon Malone: Shannon recently garnered the coveted

NBC anchorwoman and has started her own Oprah-like talk show to discuss and solve all of her own issues. ••• Tom m y Maloney: Tommy was awarded garbage man of the year by Waste Management; he has also dabbled in independent films. ••• Alexandre “ Frenchy” M artelly: Frenchy created his own French cheese and wine empire and is determined to populate the world with small Frenchies and Francescas. ••• Kera McClelland: After listening to the voices in her head, Kera wins a Tony Award for her amazing performance in a remake of Wicked. ••• C ourtney McConnell: Since she spent so much of her teenage life in Phoenix, Courtney is working on a massive reconstruction and upgrading of the south Phoenix community; she also owns several Walgreens’ and Target stores. ••• Elizabeth McGavock: Liz owns several Motel 6s in some very sketchy neighborhoods. ••• David Packer: David is still the epitome of chillness. ••• Emily Rector: Emily, equestrian extraordinaire, continues to sweep all of the horse show competitions she enters. ••• Caytlin “C at” Reese: Cat continues her mission to spread theAnime phenomenon. ••• A lexandra Reinbold: This famed Chanel spokeswoman has begun a massive organization called TWIRL,Trophy Wives In Real Life. ••• Emerson Reiter: Emerson writes rave Jit;erary criticism for the New Yorker and teaches at Columbia. ••• Emma Robbs: Emma snagged the part of Ophelia in a remake of the movie Hamlet; she is plotting a takeover of the world with the English Navy. ♦** Felisia Sainz: Lisi has adopted the cause to spread;;multiculturalism and random acts of spontaneity, a.k.a. hugs. — John Schupbach: John is the president of the Southern League of Trophy Husbands (SLOTH) and a successful entrepreneur with a chain of fried-chicken restaurants. ••• Katherine V ic to ria Einstein Senzig: After a short stint off-Broadway, Katie has been married for eight years and has nine children. ••• Talia Sherman: Talia frequents the plastic surgeon’s office and works in a hotel in Las Vegas. ••• Bryan Silverman: Bryan is a traveling rock star, reviving classic rock and the groupie phenomenon.*** Sophie Stenson: Sophie is a leading specialist of dermatology and the majority of her high-school classmates come to her for help. ••• M cG arrett Sutherland: McGarrett has become a scientific marvel as his laptop has become an additional appendage, which does not work well with his polar-bear outfit. ••* A ndrew Teer: Drew has brought back the trend of the Speedo, while being the new spokesperson for Q-Tips. ••• Sandra Theis: Sandy was unable to come to our ten-year reunion because she was busy organizing a German irivalrbn of the French Riviera. ••• John Tierney: John is a Republican spokesperson and works in the Department of Agriculture. ••• Tracy Thomas: Tracy has recently filled the spot vacated by Hugh Hefner as the eternal bachelor. ••• Kaitlynn Tse: After getting passionately connected to her Asian heritage, Kaity has begun an exclusively Asian nightclub. •••C ourtney Van C o tt: Courtney has put the Libertarian Party in power from her sheep ranch in California. ••• Stephen Vrla: Stephen has become a world-renowned pilot, but his greatest contribution will always be the Stephen Vrla Method of Factoring Equations. ••• Corey W ade: Corey, a.k.a. Mr. Safety, is the manager of a platinum rock band reminiscent of Nine Inch Nails. ••• Grady W ieger: After being named GQ Man of the Year, Grady founded a real estate empire in California. ••• Kris W ielunski: Living in a small cabin in Montana, Kris is in the midst of founding his own leftist political party since the Democratic party was too conservative for his tastes. ••• John W olfe: John, an All-American golf champion, has been busy with his night-club lifestyle. ••• Christopher Yee: Chris is the editor of the opinions section in the NewYorkTimes. ••• James Yurka: James skateboards on the X-Games circuit and has gained a reputation as one of the most reclusive skaters.

S a it f ir rli/n e 1 VtirA* * S c / c fifi/ * 7 3 -7 ? -If' A 7 T

is freedom Em ilio Pucci

is * D isaste rs are jus t a n o th e r s ta r fa llin g in my , u a rd -R H C P H P t i

eve ry th in g , eve ry th ing , e ve ry th in g in its r ig h t p lace - R ad iohead

tM • . '0 6 • /{ la/a

No bat yeah but no but because I ain't even done it.

fill the World's ft <§>tage!

No Bay But Today

"Close your eyes and surrender to your dark­est dreams. Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before."-Phantom of the Opera

© ye M iss Voj

Be kind to all of your friends, starting w ith yourself.

It’s not the destination that matters, bu t the journey.

Life is w hat you make it.All right, somebody say som ething m emorable, qa

Sick but hilarious, a good m ix. Miiiiinaaay!

• . S 'ou'prj '0 6 • /t's /u u i _ f u>

| Mr. Macbeth was a naughty mahan > do do do do do / lie went and killed another man / do do do do do / 1 hath a good idea / just thou keep me near/ Pll

be so good for...the Scottish play!

SScMeonn tiawOppejdiTRrtt does «ot 'tccid

“15 falte is tRt /icviest tRing in tRe wo/tdd Most peopk just exist." -Oscan. Sv/iCde. p».‘ f *

Baiuns 'Ob • I I L 'r/i

“ Jesus saves...passes to Moses, scoooooooooooooooooooores! ”

“ -You know what sucks? -Vaccums.-You know what sucks in meta­phorical sense?-Black holes.-You know what jus t isn’t cool? -Lava?”

-I WlBh !««•»“

ass?be calculus 0*

r ’s funny ‘cau se G erm an .” j f l

Kris: “ I’d go witjplie pesto saiHtsJjjrt that’s just coining from nyr w j^aSom henilrM ian back- groimd who 1 ^ ng use forHHsesItiy Northern Italians witlwlieu' b lo n jy jah ' and creamy sauces.

“I wonder what clouds taste like

so^ »symffre Bot I dying, st^ouAigrit a !good tilfe f’

‘Animal and Mineral and \\

us on the

M i sucxas, vi regas! ktendu, ne!”

re a good n t jp i k B ro w n .”


' s t i l l a b e a u t i f u l m t r l i jS j j—M a x E h r m a n n , D e s id e rv lV

[Psycho Bob's Cafe! « "W hat did you do last night?""! got robbed. It was AW ESO M E!" » Made! Unmade! » Super! Pommage

This is sooo h a rd ! • D o n 't fa ll on i t ! • Carpet A ngels!n m

■ B P ' Saaandy! • S cott and I • Oom pa Loompas I

• exam encito...• M o re bu t

s till • aduck... • g iv ing .

W a ll! • Pot Jug Jar Pan! *Les Phoques! A la Corse! • Oh th a t is so la te classical!


I f 1 H A VE BEEN A B L E T O S E E FU R T H E R , IT W A S O N LY BECAi “It £ l ik e


t\ d o n k e y ! ’

C a g s

• “H a h a ,


eight! ”•McG •






G r e e n

}A Y •

‘W h e n it

: o m e s TO



o i n e


S E T T E R .”

M o m •A m e r ic a n P o t s t i c k e r s , i t w o u ® n e e d 1 5 - in c h p i e c e s o f g in g e r "

• “D a t h a n , I ’ m s o r r y , b u t w e c a n ’t t a l k t o n i g h t .” - M a r k •

'E- D a v

h - N e il

' M a r t h a ]

in n o c e n t !”

S c o t t • “L o o k




08 .“ B la r g ”

■ D a v id • “H a

I y o u e v e i


l u M B R E L L A S ?

I - J o s h •

( t h e Fi ■ S o a p !”

( J o h a n n e s

( “H o w d o

( s a y

( C e n t ! E r ic a ?

A n d e r s o i

( C o o p e r • “Wi ( a r e t h e t r u i

■ f o u n d e r s

t h e c o l l e g

f u n d ? - E m m ,

• “O h . W e a k

- C a r t m a n ”

“A l l w e h a v :


i t s e l f ” -FDF

'0 6 1

l u u u UIN iM t b H O U LD ER O F G IA N T S -IS A A C In E W T O N


P O L I C E .

K i n g

K o n g

a in ’t g o t

n o t h i n ’


W e





F A L T E R .

• C old ■W E A T H E R •

d o e s n ’ t

M A T T E R .

R a i n d o e s n ’ t


T H I N G .A n d a



g o a l . L i m i t l e s s i s o u r r e s o l v e . • P a in i s w e a k n e s s l e a v in g y o u r b o d \

I t t o o k on e



A n d o n l y o n e

C h r i s t c a m e

j u s t t o p a y o n e

c o s t A n d t h a t


’m s a v e d w h e n


W h o h e is


cu ss word W ho




W h o h e is I ’ l l I


w o r d s : w a y , I


’’l l s a y i t t i l l B


D o n ’t t h in k

a b o u t i t ; j u s t

d o i t . • I’m s o









To die is

Z r t * St-lit firs -O b


V w V v.i Ot

^ j j p * I p c m a n g e t h e w f

g j f l f r tS T frR T VVITy O N E .STEA ,

Hc^VEVE^' SMAffTp'^ST V l ^ S T E P j ^ J l l R D E S l i t ^ A a g l

nn> safe






TOG3ETHER ^ ■ my way.

■ ~ T u P A C j


‘Don’t cry because it’s over...

Smile because it happened,”

“Life isn’t about finding yourself.

Life is about creating yourself!

Two roads diverged in a wood, and l- )k the one less traveled by, And that has

made a ll the difference’!-Robert Frost

St'/ia /(hie SicftsWt: Sai lers - V t

rggojwmittP iSxSC halpa^fxSuSaaslg^wingffiip. lives. -Tjra


b love another -son is to see the face o f God Les Miserables

Don’t let them get to you—1 know I do, but you shouldn’t!

and all that

One o f two courses you may tal and you yourself must weigh

them -Kirke, The Odyssey

h&tz&rs O i

... t i.<rox co o p , f r c a l ly co o p . h fYev er c o p v ... cor**e w * -see h o w c o o p f lo o k !

—ffow Jurclwpv

Pn* pneTTY •suRe T^epe’^ a lo t rvoRe to u r e th a v

« B W P C A aT , RCAllY COOP LOOXWe. A v p f PLAVo v fiv p w c o u t w h a t th a t rs .

—VewK ZooLAVpeR

m B S jyFlight by machines heavier than air is impractical and insignificant, if not utterly impossible.

— Lord Kelvin

fpd ilm



And with just 4 min­utes gone, the score is already 0 -0 .’ - IAN DARKE

Strangely, in slow mo­tion replay, the ball seemed to hang in the air for even longer.’- DAVID ACFIELD


'46reti.cc Btirranc#

u...you are youpg apd life is lop$ apd ttyere is time to Ipll today. /*pd tljep ope day you «pd tep ye fyai/e $ot hefyipd you. po ope told

| you wljep to rup, you missed tfye I startipg $up. So you rup apd yoa

rup to catclj up uritfy the sup, but it’s siplppg. Racipj aroupd to come up hefyipd youagaip. & sup Is ttye

t' a same ip a relative way, but 1 you’re older. Shorter of I breath...ope day closer to

B deat!)--' 1 1 Floyd




La musique, c'est un metier de charmeur.

r , hjdt Mlfa/e*i rts V te s s lw A o t & t d@mm*s

o f mind which is a direct result o f self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to becom e the best you are capable o f becoming. ” —John Wooden

a man does his best, at else is there? ” —

n. George S. Patton

“You have enemies? Good. That means y ou ’ve stood up fo r something, sometime in your life. ” — Churchill

How do the machines know what Tastee Wheat tastes like? Maybe what they think Tastee Wheat tasted like actually tastes like oatmeal... or tuna fish!

-The Matrix

W hat we do in life echoes in eternity.

-G ladiator

Live an* act witl the limil of your knowl­edge and an* keep e) pandin$ it to the limit of your life

-Atlas' Shrugge

Strength and Honor. -Gladiator

Happi­ness is a state of non-con­tradictory joy... the joy not of escaping

m your mind, but of us­ing your

^ m in d 's I fullest II power.


Fear profits a man nothing. -13th Warrior



ey, ib u ic u L/dvnjifell, yeah, of course" h, how'd you know?"'ho else would be running across the street in the middle of light with a table over his head?" -Avinash and Sumit

f, , to live -/viartin LutnerA L L THE W ORLD S >1 Kj

S T > 1 G e ” — S H y l H e S P e y i R E

Rather fail with honor succeed by fraud” -Sophocl

f'A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this dav" -Araeorn

tis better to have loved and lost th never to have loved at all” -Tennysoi

'Not oil u /A o in/otider e

lost' / olhitto

■ "In a logical world, men I would ride sidesaddle and I the size of a coin would I denote its value'' -Vertigo

MfHsreWi k _____________ _____j “Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty “ Without change,some- that is all ye know on earth and thin§ sleePs inside us’

lallue need to know” -Keats _and Seld° m aWakenS‘ The“ I sleeper must awaken-Frank HerbertB_ i i . ■*

“ Love that well which thou mi leave ere long” -Shakespeare

"IaJ/W h c i -to look- Ipo^k, awA \(ou '\re , €>coY~eA 'to look

f S 0 * S e ju < v s~ ,0 6 • h n u / i' /\ t/s

D o evcrijthms' ijcju want in life



i l l

|5 South 2n<4 St] rSuheTl7. Wu>erix, gL -J

‘Oh groovy baby!”- Austin Powers

“Is it possible that the two utes...Oh, excuse me, Your Honor... two YOUTHS."- My Cousin Vinny

1 2/ 19/ 20054 5 0 2 0 5 1 6 2 - 3


Finally, a senior!

Just smash your piano, and in­voke the glory -beaming banjo! ”

-Mark Twain

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

-Martin Luther King Jr.

He not busy being born is busy dying.


You’ve got to learn to live with what you can’t rise above.

-Bruce Springsteen

Life is pain your highness. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.

-The Dread Pirate Robert!

W hen life gives you lem ons, m ake som e kind o f fru ity ju ic e !’

-C onan O ’B rien

You liked that q u ote , didn’t you? I ’m very qu otatiou s”

-Shaqu ille O ’N eal

M om , D ad, and A drian- You always put up w ith m y rid icu lous antics and m ade

m e w ho I am today.I love you all.

K now led ge speaks, bu t wisdom listens; -Jim i H en d rix

T o my teachers, w ho have m ade m e feel w elcom e and have d one so m uch m ore

than teach , than k you.

‘Forsan e t h aec olim m em inisse iuvabit: Perhaps one day it w ill please you to have

remembered these things.-Vergil

To my friend s: I will nev er fo rg e t the th re e years we spent together, going from

bein g th e “new g u f to fee lin g at hom e. T h a n k s fo r the m em ories.

“D o I know what I ’m d oing today? N o. B u t I ’m h e re , and I ’m gonna give it

my best sh otf -Z ooland er

Bagels so fresh... they should be slapped.

To laugh often a n d much; to w in the respect o f in telligent people a n d the affection o f children; to earn the ap ­preciation o f honest critics a n d endure the betrayal o ffa lse fr ien d s ; to appreci­ate beauty, to f in d the best in others; to leave the w orld a little better; whether by a healthy child, a g a rd en patch, or a redeemeded social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. Th is is the m ean ing o f success. -R a lp h W aldo E m erson

W m Vi

urrrrrz. Joel Fineman .Talia Sherman . Mara Kaufman . Katie Senzig . Felisia Sainz . Josh Johnson . Joey Cordes . Emma Robbs . M cGarrett Sutherland . Rebecca Dias . SandyTheis . Chris Yee . Mandy Baum . Sagan Beder . Julie Bauef|J7 , Dan Haddock . A lex Reinbold . Chloe Brandon . Michaela johnson-Clague . Stephen Vrla 7 . W ill Fielder . David Hunt •. A lex Martelly . Annie Lee . Kathryn Lorentzen . Brittany Bonfield .Ian Krupar . Fowler Brown . Emily Rector .Tracy Thomas . Dathan Hamann , Kris Wielunski . Emerson Reiter . Ken Deng

I 35. Grady W ieger I 37. Emily Coltvet I 39. Kira Dillard 141. Michaela Flynn 143. Cat Reese 145. A lex Heuser 147. James Yurka 149. Ben Lupinetti 151. Eric Eisner 153. Courtney Van C ott 155. Scott Griffen 157. DrewTeer I 59. Jessie Baum 161. Shannon Malone I 63. Kaity Tse I 65. Sophie Stenson I 67. Caitlin Lisa I 69. John Schupbach 171. Kera McClelland 173. Nick Barranco 175.Tommy Maloney 177. Corey Wade I 79. Anand Jayachandran 181. Becca Hirsch I 83. Courtney McConnell I 85. Neel Khanuja I 87. John Tierney I 89. David Bracher 19 I . Liz McGavock 193. John W olfe 195. Bryan Silverman 197. David Packer 199. Suzie Caughlin

Sautr ’By*' - • 7'S&um (OtC * *20/ 9'il

The Upper School bustles with activity every day. There is no shortage o f

events to sharpen mind, body, and spirit. Students can be found studying hard

in the classroom, performing in o r watclfng a theater production, lending a hand

to community-service activities, and taking part in one o f the many dubs that

abound on the Upper School campus. It is these activities—combined w ith Upper

School students' endless enthusiasm fo r them— that maintain the lively notes o f

our vibrant Upper School.

1. Josh Johnson and Greg Peaks carefully watch the Bunsen burner.

2. Ms. Smith enlightens: her class about biological matters.

3. Matt Tibi, Nicole Swinford, and Stepanie Kost focus on Dr. Crane's lecture.

4. Mad scientist D rewTeer keeps a careful watch on his test tube during his AP Chemistry experiment.

5. Asher Landay and Lizzie Thompson analyze the ir lab jesults in physics.

1. Michaela Johnson-Clague and Sagan Beder discuss a calculus problem.

2. Mr. Flanagan-Hyde explains a geometry theorem w ith all eyes on him.

3. Ali Grace works diligently on her hom ework assignment.

4. Ben Shanken works one o f Mrs. Mazzolini's quizzes. ■

5. Dan Haddock and Chloe Brandon contemplate the ir own quizzes.

1. Mrs. Cowlin shows Courtney McConnell the correct shade o f purple.

2. Mr. Cook helps Liz McGavock form at her| picture on the computeiriin the photo lab,

3. Quinlan Hamann carefully cuts his pieces into the right size fo r his A r t Exploration project.

4. Neel Khanuja inspects her hardboard portrait.

5. Sophie Stenson puts the finishing touches on her clay masterpiece.

6. Isabel Hines perfects her a rt basics in the A r t Exploration class.

7. Angie Bauer helps the artist-in- residence, Mrs. Daupftff, construct a structure with a styrofoam interior.

8. Joey Cordes puts the finishing toucheson his project involving green soda bottles


1. Mr. Reese enlightens Ian Krupar about the concepts o f macroeconomics.

2. Ben -Lupinetti edits the senior video in the back room.

3. Lizzy Burton and Asher Landay rehearse a project fo r Visual Communication.

4. Andru Roysden makes use o f the many computers

1. Stephen Hamway,Will French, and Hutch Balholm display Norway's natural habitat.

2. Katie Senzig, Katie Lupica, and Ben McRae—the evil characters—refuse to tell McGarrett Sutherland—the story’s hero—where they have

■ hidden Hif-love.3. Felisia Sainz, Rachel Smith, Emma Robbs, and

Annie Lee are the four winds who help Abby Seadler and McGarrett Sutherland reach the ir destinations.

4. Annie Lee takes Abby Seadler fo r a ride on the wind.

5. McGarrett Sutherland and Abby Seadler have found each other at last.

1. The entire cast gathers together in Dorrance Auditorium .

2. The young peasant children stop the ir search fo r food to pose fo r the camera.

3. Kathryn Lorentzen, Presley Balholm, Eric Eisner, and M cGarrett Sutherland ponder the ir English accents.

4. O liver almost escapes, but Ben Lupinetti holds on to him while Katie Lupica, Katie Senzig, N ick Genta, and M cGarrett Sutherland deal w ith problems o f the ir own.

The 2005-2006 Notables B o tto m Row, fro m le ft: Lauren M attion i, N ic o le Sw inford , M a tt T ib i, Lizzy B urton , Stephanie Kost, D eb i D eV ries .Second Row: Tori Hussey, C a itie W ilench ik , Jenny Papp, Ben Lup inetti, C a t Reese, C lare Burnham , A lly Resnik,T h ird Row: N a ta lie Sw inford , Rachel Smith,A le x Heuser, Ross Bridgem an, G rad y W ieger, Joel Fineman, Kera M cC lelland, Katie Lupica, Julie Bauer, B rittany Bonfield.Top Row: C aro lin e Perry, Rebecca C ianc i.L iz M cG avock, N ic k G enta , H arrison R obbs,Varun Mokhashi, Ben C o ok , C a tie H odgson, Jessica O ren s te in , Suzie Caughlin.

1. Lizzy Burton, Stephanie Kost, Sophie Carter-Kahn, and Suzie Caughlin perform a Mozart piece

2. Mrs. Schertenlieb accompanies the singers with the piano.

V ars ity Jazz Band: Max Schwimmer, W arren Wagoner, Guy Gamble, Dan Haddock, A ndru Roysden, Ross Bridgeman, Rick Selling, Jay lu nd een , Taylor Mefford, John Greenberg, Jared Neufer,Emily C o ltve t, A sher Landay, A lex Phillips, David Hunt, C orey W ade, Bryan Silverman, Beau Burrows, Greg Peairs.Junior V a rs ity Jazz Band: A nthony Conyers, Zach H itchcock, Eric Fram, Ian Brandon, Jonathan Lorentzen, Brandon N orem , LeManley Gishie, Richard W ong, R obert Adrian, Jack Schwimmer, Gary Simpson, G ino Picozzi.

1. Beau Burrows and the rest o f the Jazz Band perform for the Middle School,

2. Bryan Silverman, David Hunt, Jared Neufer; and Corey Wade practice a new piece.

3. The Jazz Band performs a concert under the Arizona sun.

4. Warren Waggoner; Middle-School student Connor Genta, and Guy Gamble jam with MrfRowe.

Bottom Row, from left: Shebani Shah, Michelle Barnhill, Kaleena Patel, Steven Corey.Top Row: David Bracher, Prateek Wakharkar,Aaron Baumann, Mrs. Patel, Jesika Streit, Noah Segal, Stew McClintic.

1. David Bracher tunes his violin and warms up before class.

2. Shebani Shah and jesika Streit diligently practice a piece together.

The 2005-2006Strings Ensamble

2005-2006W oodwind Ensamble

ove) From le ft: Mrs. Green, ie Baum, Lauren Motzkin, Javon th, Becky Myer, Ivy Epstein.

Jessie Baum and Becky Myer keep the ir instruments synchronized.

: 2005-2006 Handbells

|M B ottom Row, from left: ' Resnik, Lizzy Burton, Nicole nford, Natalie Swinford,>hie Carter-Kahn, Ivy Epstein,Idy Vidolova.p Row: Caroline Perry, Katie iica, Ross Bridgeman, Sandy iss. Cat Reese.

The Upper School Senate gathers on the grass w ith the ir advisors Dr. C arter and Mr. Hendrickson.Freshman Class president Robert Adrian, Sophomore Class president Lauren Motzkin, Junior Class president Abby Seadler, and

Senior Class president Joel Fineman come together fo r a group picture.Upper School senators participate in a Senate meeting led by John Schupbach. Senate President John Schupbach efficiently leads morning meeting.

1. Members o f Service and Awareness gather 3. Service and Awareness members organizeearly Saturday morning to w o rk fo r Habitat lemons while working fo r a food drive,fo r Humanity. 4- Volunteers, led by Alexis Glascock,

2. Senior Kera McClelland is all smiles as she gather at Roy's Restaurant in Scottsdaleworks on painting a house. fo r a benefit'luncheon fo r the Make-A-

Wish Foundation.

Above: The members o f the PCDS SADD chapter— Students AgaSst Destructive Decisions— gather outside Dorrance Auditorium.Right: Lizzie Thompson, Grady Wieger, Lexie Bohnert, and Chloe Brandon— the SADD officers— pose under the SADD logo with the ir advisor, Mr. Dummer.

I , Active Voice Editor-in-Chief Chris Yeepores over the computer, perfecting the next edition o f the newspaper.

2. Faculty Advisor Mrs. Cowlin and incoming Editor-in-Chief Rachel Smith discuss some grammatical and content revisions fo r the paper.

3. The editorial staff o f the Active Voice: Quinlan Hamann, Hutch Balholm, James Yurka, Rebecca Cianci, Courtney McConnell, Joel Fineman, Dan Haddock, Caitie W ilenchik, Fowler Brown, Chris Yee, Jared Neufer, Max Schwimmer, Gary Gold, Anand Jayachandran, Lauren Motzkin, Richie Zitomer,Thais Moraes, Dania Gold, Rachel Smith and Alex Itkin.

Bottom Row, from left: Courtney Van Cott, Mandy Baum, Senora Gilbert, Jessie Baum, Scott Griffen.Top Row: Becky Myer, Alex Zadel, Sandy Theis, Julia Ivanova.N ot Pictured: Yesenia Armendariz, Hutch Baiholm, Rebecca Cianci, Alexis Glascock

Left: Sandy Theis looks over and edits a student submission.

b% | h 0 1 • iRadicalFrom le ft: Scott Griffen, SandyTheis, David Bracher, Ms. Ellis.

Left: David Bracher and Scott Griffen review articles on the world o f mathematics fo r the next issue o f the Radical.

B ottom Row, from le ft: Caroline Perry, Eric Eisner, jared Neufer, josh Johnson. Top Row: Mr. Swingler, Chris Yee,Ian Krupar, Fowler Brown, Annie Lee,Nick Genta.

1. Eric Eisner, David Bracher,and Josh Johnson anticipate the next mind-boggling question,

2. Josh Johnson, Emerson Reiter, Ian Krupar, Fowler Brown, and Chris Yee

. battle to be the first to answer Mr. Swingler's scientif!c|fhquiries.

Ju n io r ershipB ottom Row, from left: Nick Farrier, Abby Seadler, Phil Matos, Jesika Streit, Shebani Shah, Sandy Weiss, Ben Cook, Ben McRae.Top Row: Aaron Fazel, Ross Bridgeman, Lizzie Thompson, Alexa Itkin, Jay Lundeen, Matt Cowlin, Katie Lupica, Dania Gold, Asher Landay, Rachel Smith, Garren Rose.

1. Ben McRae, Aaron Fazel, Sandy Weiss, and Lizzie Thompson bond through one o f the activities during the President's Day Weekend retreat.

2. Ross Bridgeman, Lizzie Thompson, and Phil Matos smile during the ir jeep ride through the Sedona landscape.

per Sch.B o tto m Row, from le ft:Dr. Allison, Senora G ilbert, jack Schwimmer.Top Row: Laura Reahard, Natalie Garagiola, Emerson Reiter

B o tto m Row, fro m le ft: Coach Guthrie, Ben Murphy, Matthew Rosenzweig, Mark Zhang, A lex Heuser, Top Row: Jared Neufer, Shahmeer Halepota, Michael Crane, A lex deBeus, and Sandeep Dhadvai.

Ben Murphy and Matt Rosenzweig carefully so rt through documents they will use to back up the ir argument .A lex deBeus argues his point in order to prep fo r an upcoming tournament.

From le ft: Mandy Baum, Jessie Baum, Madame Wielkoszewski, Sandy Theis, Scott Griffen, and Laura Reahard.N o t Pictured: Hutch BalhoIm.Alex Heuser, Julia Ivanova, Emma Robbs, Kendra Simon

Left: Club members Mandy and Jessie Baum leaf through an atlas in the library as they decide which country to discuss during the next monthly club meeting.

Left: Emma Robbs displays her enthusiasm fo r the French language as she poses in fron t of Madame Wielkoszewski's room.

From le ft: Alex Martelly, Kathryn Lorentzen, Rebecca Dias.N o t Pictured: Emma Robbs

B o tto m Row, from le ft: Eric Lewis, Jay Fielder, Catie Hodgson, Liz McGavock, Lauren Motzkin, A lly Resnik,Tori: Crase, Colin Kelly.Top Row: Ms. Smith, Piper Gustafson, Jesika Streit, John Schupbach.

1. John Schupbach, Piper Gustafson, and Jesika Streit enjoy the ir wilderness experience. .

2. A group o f high-schoolers cuddle around the fire to escape the night air's frigid grasp.

3. Lauren Motzkin and Jesika Streit set up the ir ten t and arrange the ir sleeping bags.

Back Row, from le ft: McGarrett Sutherland, Kris Wielunski, Eric Eisner, Ben Lupinetti, Scott Griffen.Front Row: Lizzy Burton, A lly Resnik, Sandy Theis.

1. Esperanto expert (and fanatic) Eric Eisner enlightens the class about Esperanto's amazingly easy grammar,

2. M cGarrett Sutherland, A lly Resnik, and Ben Lupinetti discuss Esperanto's role as an international language and prepare to delve into a new translation.

B ottom Row, from le ft: Lizzie Bur Lauren Mattioni, Alex Heuser, Steph Ko: M iddle Row: Josh Johnson,Teddy Vid Matt Tibi, Cat Reese,Ivy Epstein,Colin Kelly, Stephen Hamwa; Javon Smith.Top Row: Tori Crase, Andrew Charls<

Left: Alex Heuser and the other members o f the club spend theirThursday jln ch period watching ar movies.

B ottom Row: Sam Debold, Shebani Shah, Alexis Glascock, Megan Donovan Matt Cowlin, Kylie Huckleberry, Jack Schwimmer, Andrew Seraichik.Top Row: Alex Phillips, Nick Genta, Lizzy Jeans, Asher Landay, Sandy Weiss, Lundeen, Max Schwimmer.

1. Natalie Swinford, Asher Landay, and Eric Fram dress up in togas fo r the Latin Club initiation ceremony.

2. Lizzy jeans, Jack Schwimmer, and Sandy Weiss show o ff the happy side o f Roman life.

ot Am erica

B o tto m Row, fro m le ft: Caitie W ilenchik, Shebani Shah, Amanda Smith, Anthony Conyers, Caroline Lynn, Jillian Attaway, Alexa Cohn.M iddle Row: Lauren Motzkin, Michele Barnhill, Sam Debold, Mercedes Cain, Emily Gogolak, Laura Bodell.Top Row: Dani Lin, Kaleena Patel, Chelsea Robbins, Quinn de la Concepcion, Lexie Bohnert.

Mrs. Barranco, Nick Barranco, and Greer Gosnell th ink about politics Michele Barnhill and Dani Lin lead the discussion.

From le ft: Mike Slovin, Steph Kost,Jared Neufer, Ben Lupinetti, Liz McGavock, Ms. Keller, Felisia Sainz, Colin Kelly.

1. Mike Slovin and Jared Neufer play "Twenty Questions."

2. Colin Kelly and Felisia Sainz make stuff up as they go.

B ottom Row, from le ft: Becky Myer, Karen Feltz, Dr. Carter, Matt Cowlin, Lizzie Burton, Isabel Hines.Top Row: Sophie Carter-Kahn, A lex Zadel Nina Warner, Jessica Nicholls, Abigail Abraham, Jenny Papp.

Left: Kendra Simon, Karen Feltz, Nicole Swinford, Sophie Carter-Kahn and Dr. C arter go over final plans fo r the group's fundraiser at Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant to benefit the organization F.O.R.G.E., which sends teachers to impoverished areas in Africa.

From left: Zinnia Daas, Mandy Baum.Amrita Kang, Lizzy Jeans, Neel Khanuja.N ot Pictured: Jessie Baum, Joel Fineman, Ayten SalahB

Left: Neel Khanuja and Mandy Baum discuss and compare the different ways to feed Larry, the biology lab's resident guinea pig.

Right: Alex Phillips, Emma Robbs, and Liz McGavock chow down on pizza while watching th e ir favorite episode.

B o tto m Row, fro m le ft: Roarke Lacey, Blake Lewkowitz, Felisia Sainz, Michael Crane, Aaron Fazel, Sandeep Dhadvai, A lex Phillips, Jake Swokowski.Top Row: Mr. Dummer, Ben Cook, Phil Matos, Michaela Flynn, Emma Robbs, Andru Roysden, Ben Lupinetti, Kris Wielunski, M cGarrett Sutherland, Shahmeer Halepota.

Right: Anand Jayachandran, Mike Krumwiede, and Blake Lewkowitz enjoy a new episode w ith Mr. Dummer.

B o tto m Row, fro m le ft: Eric Eisner, Chris Yee, Aaron Fazel, Andru Roysden. Top Row: M cGarrett Sutherland, Rick Selling, Jake Swokowski, A lex Phillips, Harrison Robbs, Ben Lupinetti.

uuW & B .

It is in athletics that the true PCDS school spirt always shows its

face. In all sports, both men's and women's, the teams compete

with the greatest passion and sportsmanship.lihe PCDS student-

athlete plays sports not fo r a scholarship o r to go pro, but fo r a

genuine love o f the game. Playing fo r pride and respect o f self

and school, the PCDS student-athlete can always be counted on

to play his o r her heart out and to leave everything on the floor.

Performing honorably in victory and humbly in loss, our athletes

can always walk away w itjP the ir heads held high.

( P i l T


|M MM P a





sity Front Row, from left: Jenny Papp, Clare Burnham.

Middle Row: Alexa Itkin.

Back Row: Jessica Ornstein, Catie Wilenchik,

Devin Ingersoll, Chelsea Robbins, Suchita Mandair;

Julia Ivanova, Becky Myer Coach Ron.

Front Row, from left: Ayten Salahi, Ali Grace, Megan

« Donovan, Captain G reer Gosnell. u^ Back Row, from left: Julia Ivanova, Becky Myer; Chel-

(d sea Robbins, Coach Krieger; Captain Sara Rosenzweig, Amy

^ Waitkus,Thais Moraes, Jamie Enge||an, Alexa Itkin.

1. Varsity Captain Greer Gosnell uses her agility to get down on her knees fo r a save

2. Becky Myer and Alexa Itkin are in position to return the ir opponent's serve.

3. Thais Moraes jumps up in the air to spike the volleyball over the net.

4, Reaching her hands high over the net, Julia Ivanova successfully blocks the other team's hit.

All photos contributed by CrasePhoto

B ottom . Row, from le ft: Kera M cC lelland, Becca Hirsch, A n dru Roysden, Brittany Bonfield, Savion Smith. M iddle Row: Kaleena Patel, Q u in n de la C oncepcion,Erin M alone, Lizzy Jeans, A s h e r Landay, N a ta lie Swinford, Laura Bodell, Blake Lew kow itz, N ico le Sw inford, Philip M atos,Talia Sherm an, Ben C ook, Josh Johnson, C o lin Kelly. Top Row: M ercedes Cain, A m b e r Naum ann.

Philip Matos contemplates his next race.2. Becca Hirsch powers her way through

the butterfly.3. The 2005 Swim Team captains gather poolside.

B o tto m Row, fro m le ft: C oach P ruett, M ichaela Johnson-C lague, N a ta lie Swinford, D re w T e e r , Kera M cC lelland.Top Row: N ic o le Sw inford , M ercedes Cain.

1. Nicole Swinford smiles as she prepares to dive a perfect 10.

2. Kera McClelland shows her flawless form in the air.

3. The seniors o f the dive team: Michaela Johnson-Clague, Drew Teer, and Kera McClelland.

All photos contributed by CrasePhoto

Front Row, from left: Coach M irzaie , Beau Burrow s,

C aptain Emily R ector, Sandy Theis, M andy Baumrffessica BauiM

Becca W a x , A nand Jayachandran, C oach McKean.

Back Row, fro m left: G ary G old , Richie Z ito m e r, Scott

G riffen , David H unt, C aptain Eric Eisner, G reg Peairs, Jay

Lundeen, C o re y W a d e , A le x M artelly , Tom m y Maloney.

I , Corey Wade. Tommy Maloney, and AnandJayachandran cool down after finishing a race on the PCDS home course.

2. The girls’ team gathers on the starting line for some last-minute mental preparation.'

3. Scott Griffen races toward the finish under the bridge.4. The notorious seniors o f the Cross Country Team: Eric

Eisner, Scott Griffen, Sandy Theis, Emily Rector,Tommy Maloney, Anand Jayachandran, Corey Wade, Jessie Baum Mandy Baum, David Hunt, and Alex Martelly

All photos contributed by CrasePhoto

G/vxt Go-mdn/

From le ft: Richie Z ito m e r, G reg Peairs. N ic o le Swinford,

Kylie H u ck leb erry , B e c c a W a x , Jay Lundeen, S co tt G riffen ,

Eric L e w * C o ach M irza ie .

1. Kylie Huckleberry sprints down the home stretch at the end o f another record-breaking 800 meters.

2. On the bell lap o f the 1600-meter race, BeccaWax uses her speed strength to pass a Wickenburg runner on the outside lane.

3. Coach Mirzaie and Eric Lewis discuss race strategy at the meet.

4. Greg Peairs leads the way as he rounds the turn during his two-m ile race.

Front Row, fro m le ft: Tom Turaniifepi N o # V Segal, Z a c h a ry H itchcock , C hris A bdo,

P rateek W akharkar, W a rre n W agoner, John LakeAaub'ach, Steven Corey.

M iddle Row: O w e n Bean, R o b e rt A drian , B re tt Hennessy, Chris Yee, D re w leer,

G rad y W eiger, A n d re w G ra d y Stephen V rla , Ryan Pearlm an.

Top Row: Todd Jenkins, Rick Selling, John G uenther, John W o lfe ,

N ic k Barranco, R oarke Lacey, Ian Brandon, Em erson Reiter, Ian Krupar, C oach W ilk ins.

1. Nick Barranco saves the day w ith antofler spectacular save in the goal.2. Rick Selling uses his skills to drive the ball down the field.3. Stephen Vrla races in fron t o f an opponent to steal the soccer ball.4. Coach Wilkins gives his team some notes on the day’s practice.5. The senior men o f soccer pose together in fron t o f the goal.6. .Captain Grady W ieger is in deep concentration as he focuses on victory.7. DrewTeer gets his head in the game.

All photos contributed by CrasePho

From le ft: C oach Tischaefer, M ercedes Cain,

Sam D eb o ld , M ichelle Barnhill, Sakina Pasha, Jessica

O renste in , Lauren M otzkin , Sara R osenzw eig,Thais

M oraes, Assistant C oach Barranco, N a ta lie G aragiola,

Teo d o ra V idolova, C aitlin H sa, j i l i e Bauer, C a r l* Brey,

G re e r Gosnell, Kalie Marsh, D an ia G old , C oach McKean

N o t P ictured: A n n ie G ould , Julia Ivanova.

Jl, Caitlin Lisa shows o ff her superior ball-handling skills.

2. Seniors Caitlih Lisa and Julie Bauer pose with the coaches.

3. Jessica Orenstein sprints ahead o f her opponent.4. Dania Gold battles for possession o f the

soccer b a lH5. Annje Gould goes head-to-head with a

Yuma Catholic player.

All photos contributed by CrasePhoto

l\ 4 n tc / i’s : So ccer




sity Front Row, fro m le ft: Dune;

John G reen berg , LeM anley Gishie Back Row: A n th o n y Dahkosha; Rollingher, Ryan N ielson,Todd Jen N o t P ictured: P rateek W a k h a W ang, A dam Lower, A lfred Alvare

I. B rett Hennessy keeps his eye and hands on th e ball.

Front Row, from le ft: Rebecca Cianci, Jesika S tre it, 1 I ■ The seniors o f the 2005-2006 team:A le x Z ad e l, Karen Feltz, Kylie H uckleberry . Chloe Brandon, Michaela Flynn, andBack Row: C oach Kiltz, M ichaela Flynn, D evin Ingersoll, Michaela Johnson-Clague.C h loe Brandon, Becky M.yer, M ichaela Johnson-Clague. 2. Kylie Huckleberry goes up fo r a dunk

against an utterly helpless opponent.3, Jesika Streit and Kylie

Huckleberry high-five each other after another victory.

4. Alex Zadel fights hard to keep the basketball in her team’s possession.

I'Vvmat ’s All photos contributed by CrasePhoto

B o tto m Row, from le f t i H arrison Robbs, Stephen V rla , S tew M cC lin tock, D an Haddock, G a ry G old , Chris Yee. M iddle Row: C oach Packer, Richard W ong, Jay Fielder, Em erson Reiter, Varun Mokhashi, S chooner Sonntag, Johnathan Lorentzen, M ike K rum w iede, David Blackwell, Coach Mazzola.Top Row: G ino Picozzi, W ill Fielder, Joey C ordes, Ben C ook, James Yurka. N o t P ictured: Coach D aw son

All photos contributed by CrasePhoto

1. David Blackwe|:traps the lacrosse ball w ith his stick.2. Stephen Vrla and Da|: Haddock shake hands w ith the

other team after another PCDS victory.3. Coach Packer gives some advice to W ill Fielder

before the game.4. Charging down the field after the lacrosse ball, James Yurka

step ahead o f his Notre Dame opponent.5. Dan Haddock scoops up the ball w ith finesse.6. Mike Krumwiede outmuscles his adversay to keep the

ball J i Eagle possession.7. David Blackwell makes his way toward the goal.

Front Row, from le ft: Asher Landay,Sandeep Dhadvai,Joel Fineman.Second Row: David Bracher, Coach Keever.Th ird Row: Fowler Brown, Aaron Chasse,Aaron Baumanra,Back Row: Stephen Corey,Todd Jenkins,Anthony Conyers, Coach Maggio.N o t Pictured: Hutch Balholm, W illFrench, Quinlan Hamann, Navdeep Khera,Aravjnd Swarriinathan.

1. Anthony Conyers gets his racquet back as he gets ready to whack his backhand down the lt|e fo r a winner.

2. David Bracher concentrates as he prepares to hit a volley across the net in perfect form.

3. Fowler Brown follows through on his backhand.

All photos contributed by CrasePhoto

If$ * L lf f le r S e Ju w f • / IA cj/.’a lu in is

Fron t Row, from le ft: Manasi. Soni, Zinnia Daas, Am rita Kang Mandy Baum. Second Row: Kendra Simon,Jillian Attaway, Jessie Baum.Arianna Rose Back Row: Courtney McConnell, Alexis Glascock.

1. Arianna Rose tosses the ball into the air as she prepares to serve an ace.

2. Kendra Simon overpowers her opponent as she muscles a two-handed backhand over the net.

3. Alexis Glascock keeps her eye on the ball as she prepares to execute her volley.

'!>' r7oinL

From le ft: Chris W a d e , A n d rew , Seraichick, A n d ru Roysden, B rett Hennessy,

Rick Selling, Joh iiT ie rn ey , Jake Swokowski, R o b e rt A drian , John Schupbach,

LeM anley Gishie, A n d re w Grady.

C enter: C oach H uber, C oach Mazich.

N o t P ictured: N ick Barranco, N ic k G enta , Ross Bridgem an, Asst. C oach J. D. R am ierez.

1. Nick Barranco is about to make a tag against an attempted stolen base2. Ross Bridgeman drives the ball.3. A fte r a great hit, Andrew Grady dives safely back into first base.4. Andrew Grady: safe at home.5. Andru Roysden is set to deliver another strike.6. Catcher Andru Roysden and pitcher Ross Bridgeman discuss how they

want to pitch an upcoming hitter.

All photos contributed by CrasePhoto

ll^i • LlM er Sc/uy#/? • Base^tc/F



Front Row, from left:Coach Hendrickson, Ben Shanken.John Guenther,Tracy Thomas, Ian Krupar,Coach Hendrickson, Jr.Back Row: Gary Simpson, Warren Wagoner,Daniel Rollingher, Eric Fram, Guy Gamble.N o t Pictured: Alex Temen.

All photos contributed by CrasePhoto

m. Guy Gambles gazes down the fairway towards the green.

2. Tracy Thomas doubles up w ith his clubs as he warms up fo r another amazing round.

3. John Guenther digs deep to chip the ball out o f the sand.


From le ft: Emily Coltvet, Sagan Beder, Carly Brey, AlexReinbold, Laura Reahard, Coach Hendrickson, Coach Tombs.

1. Carly Brey congratulates a teammate fo r a great round.2. Emily Coltvet scans the fairway fo r her drive.3. Emily Coltvet, Sagan Beder, and Alex Reinbold lead the

team as seniors.4. Courtney McConnell concentrates through her shades as

she gets ready to tee off.5. A lex Reinbold swings through as she drives the ball

out o f a bunker.

Front Row, fro m le ft: D estiny Huynh,

Yesenia A rm en d ariz , Erin M alone.

Back Row: Lizzy Jeans, D an ie lle

W ein b erg , Shannon M alone, A m b e r

N aum ann, Lexie B ohnert, Coach Payton.

1. Shannon Malone strikes a pose as she leads the squad in a routine.

2. The cheer team performs a routine o f complex stunts fo r the crowd.

3. Erin Malone completes a mount while hoisted up by her teammates.

J2 6 J2 • L /M c r S c/l m S • ( s/ie e r

Varsity athletics may be the big draw, but around the Upper School quad students are always active, playing everything from hacky sack to foosball and turning the grassy lawn into a field ripe fo r frisbee and football.

Joey Cordes, Dathan Hamann, and Alex Martelly watch as Duncan Deng busts out his hacky sack moves.Ryan Nelson and Brandon Norem show that the fact that football isn't offered as a sport in the Upper School w on 't stop them from throw ing one around during the ir free periods.Ben Shanken and Jake Swokowski show the ir competitive streaks on the foosball table.Dathan Hamann smoothly throws the frisbee into Courtney Van C o tt’s outstretched hands.John Lake-Laubach and Brandon Norem watch as Aravind Swaminathan reaches fo r the ping-pong ball that Ryan Nelson slammed across the net.

U SIt has been a long year We didn't really know what yearbook was

all about when we started in August. Our being copy editors really doesn't compare to our being in charge of the whole thing! We would never have been able to complete the yearbook (much less start it) had it not been for everyone who has helped and supported us over the past few months. First and foremost, we owe our greatest thanks to our favorite yearbook advisor: the ebullient Katie Stein, otherwise known variably as Meredith, Rhonda, and Beth. Our relationship was a little rocky at times, but we could not have asked for anyone better Not only is she an amazingly talented graphic designer but also someone with whom we honestly enjoyed spending time (except when it was rocky). Fter humor; assertiveness, quirkiness, piercing laughter; unfailing positive attitude and good cheer (and peanut-butter M&Ms) kept us sane when we Weeded it most. Thanks, Katie, for giving up your evenings, mornings, and workdays to help us complete this yearbook, and for going above and beyond the job description to make it all work. We couldn't have done it without you, and we are truly glad we did it with you.

We are eternally indebted to ouiqiaisons in the Lower School, Mrs. Bigley and Mr McKean. We would like to thank Mrs. Bigley for her wonderful pictures, constant advice, and ceaseless flexibility in helping us to complete the Lower School section. We are also grateful to Mr McKean for helping us to identify all those cherubic Lower School faces.Thank you also to Mrs. Manna in the Lower School office for allowing us to constantly barge into the office, and to all o f the Lower School facujty whom we may have startled into giving us names and directions.

In the Middle School, we would be nowhere if it were not for the guidance o f Ms.Treadway and her extraordinary cheerfulness. From helping us with names, to providing us with pictures, and to organizing the Middle School Yearbook Club, Ms.Treadway did it all— and always with a smile on her face, even when we became annoying (which we probably were on several occasions).Thanks Ms.Treadway!

This acknowledgements page would be dreadfully incomplete if we did not extend our most sincere gratitude to Nancy Crase for all o f her amazing athletic pictures as well as for the senior-class photo. She managed to take stunning pictures all the while graciously running around helping us to make sure we made our deadlines. Thank you for everything, Mrs. Crase! We would also like to thank Mrs. Kiltz in the athletic department for supplying us with the names of all the Middle School athletes. Thank you to Mr Reese for providing us with technical advice (and candy); and for providing us with; to Dr Allison

'Pants!!” ~ "Hello my seester" ~ MS Outgrowth ~ My iPod just went bust ~

LlM er ScJuw^ •

for her careful editing o f many o f our proofs; to Mr Coon for assisting us with yearbook duties for the senior class; to Mrs. Sainz for supplying us with pictures and information; to Madame Wielkoszewski and Mrs. Anderson for donating pictures to us; and especially to Mr Schweikher for keeping us company and in good humor when we came to work on the weekends.

We would also like to thank Mrs. Risley and Mrs. Kolbet in the Communications Office for allowing us to use their cameras and pictures on occasion (and for letting us steal Katie away from her job). We are also extremely grateful to all o f the Division Heads— Mrs.Thompson, Ms. Olson, and Mrs.Thommen— for their support and for writing their lovely pieces in the yearbook. And a big thank-you, o f course, to Mr. Campbell, for his advice and supreme knowledge.Thank you also to the IT Department for taking the time to install our new software and keeping the system running.

Tq all o f the students who gave their time to the production o f this book, we are very grateful.Thanks to Courtney Van Cott, Fowler Brown, and John Tierney for writing such marvelous text and for putting those annoying little numbers on the pictures.Thank you to Laura Reahard and Clare Burnham for greatly assisting us with technical matters and layout.We would also like to thank all o f the students who took pictures for this year’s yearbook: McGarrett Sutherland, Jessie Baum, Phil Matos,Thais Moraes, Lauren Motzkin, Sam Debold, and Natalie Swinford.Thanks to Ben Shanken and John Schupbach for their photo contributions as well. Thank you also to Joel Fineman for writing the SeniorTime Warps as well as the Senior Class Dedication. We are also grateful to Mrs. Anderson, Ms. Edwards, and Mrs. Risley for their contributions to the book's text. Thank you also to Chris Yee, Eric Eisner; and Lizzie Burton for keeping us company at very late hours in the computer lab. And thanks to Finn Wilkins for allowing us to use her colored markers!

And finally, last but most certainly not least, a huge thank you to the effervescent Dale Thompson for his understanding, humor; and tremendous dedication to us and to our yearbook.Thanks for pulling us through! And also 4:0 Reed, Lindsay, and everyone else at Taylor Publishing we owe our very sincere thanks for their assistance.

One final thanks to everyone and we hope you enjoy your 2006 Yearbook!

-Scott Griffen and Sandy Theis (Scandy)

Board of Trustees

Parent’s Association

IT D epartm ent

Alex Martelly John T ierney

Corey Wade

Michaela Flynn

Chloe Brandon Emily Rector

Joey Cordes Shannon Malone

N ick Barranco

Annie Lee

Tommy MaloneyKathryn Lorentzen

Talia Sherman

Courtney McConnellW ill Fielder Chris Yee

CRASE PH O TONancy Crase • 602 558-1829 • crasephoto.com/pcds

mmmam: Piyptggi

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o f you r future endeavors

^ From the 2005-2006 Phoenix Country Day Schpol Parents' Association

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B yers Gosneiil O rn s te in S tu r rC as h m an G re e n b u rg O s b o rn S w ee n eyC o d a G r if f in P ea irs S w its k yC o n yers G u ffe y P earso n T h o m a sC o o p e r H a d d o c k P e s q u e ira T u ra n s k yC ra se H a m w a y P o lla c k V an H orssenD e M o ra e s H a u b e n P ric e W a d ed e Roos H itc h c o c k P ru s a k W a n dD e m p s e y H o rm e l R e a h a rd W eissD h a d v a i In g e rs o ll R e ite r W e s tD o z e r Jenkins R ia zz i W h it f i l lD ru m m K a m in s k y R ich ardso n W ile n c h ikD u v a l K a u fm a n R odgers W illia m sE lizo n d o K earn s R ody Z u ie b a c kE lle r K e n d ric k R o llin g h e r

Phoenix Country Day School

‘I t seems tike fust yesterday

tfiat you f i r s t set off to sc hoof.

Who coufcC have known that it

woufcf he so great , or that it

woufcf have cjone by so quickly?

We wish you happiness and

success for the future . You make

o u r worfd a better place.

With love always.

A t i V E W V O R g I S J U S V # J R ® J fS ® f|fg ® & M £ K ,


W e l o v e y o u ,

M a m a n - P a p a - W i l l i a m

T h e M a r t e l l y F a m i l y s i n c e r e l y t h a n k s


A l e x ’ s f u t u r e a d v e n t u r e s p o s s i b l e .


0 W V V

You bring music to our lives. Love, Mom, Dad, & Kyle

m m w m * i '“The cjuestion isn’t who is go ing to let me; it ’s who is g o in g to s top me.”

~ Ayn Randng cou ld s to p yo u then... le t n o th in g s to p yo u now!

We are very p ro ud o f you . C ongra tu la tions on y o u r graduation.Love, Mom and Dad

You have the key to fulfill all of your hopes, dreams and ambitionsWe are so proud of you.

Love M om , Dad, Adina, and Cassie

Michaela, i All your life, youve been

* a fashion diva* a movie star* a princess

Put most importantly, what you are is ours!Love,Keenan, Colin,Mom £- Pad Flynn

Every day with you has been a gift. You are, and always will be, our sunshine. Go forth with all our love and keep shining!

Love,Dad, Mom, Claire and Ian

You’ve always been a star...Congratulations! M

creating your own destiny

May you continue to sLove,

vMom, ^ob, Jack & Brad

S hannon!!!!!

One is not borri;^but ratheSimone de Beauvoir

Mom, Dad, Michael SC Geoffrey

'N o one attains eminent success by simply doing what is required of him. It is the amount and excellence of what

is one and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction."

- Charles Kendall Adams

M /m S M jiM W r n k/ / / / / D h K W B E S m B S B m

m2 m w .IjS H S fl/ 1 ilp P P S

i m § ' ■•y ( / / / / iwKI■ L l i ,

D e a r

u u "dwell in possibility."

W e love you,

“ Keep your heart in a place where the angels Ing.- Great Aunti Vera

“Your courageoi|gj view ofjjfe will bring you continued success in college and aiwaysRS

- Cousin David

“ Because you are bright and beautiful, insightful and fun, you are sure to clear any hurdles, in life, into wttiqh: you may run.”

- Cousin Tamara

“ Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society. The optimist, invents the airplane, the pessimest the parachute. Always stay the optimist.”

- Auntie Vlasta

“Your focus, determination and kindness will carry you . far in this world.”

- Auntie Vera

“W e saw your character as being strong and perservering with trafe ability to grab life by the slorns. You'll have no proBHm succeeding! Rock onlj ' i

. - A untie E lizabeth

“Wherever life takes you, your family.,and friends shall surround you! You are |fte,J|ght of my world. I am so proud of y©itml8 years of accomplishments and wish you, a lifetime of many more.”

- M om

“ W h e re v e r you go. no m a tte r w h a t the w e a th e r, a lways b rin g y e u f.p w n sunsh ine .”

- UQde Lawrence

"W e are t r u ly blessed to have a g ra n d d a u g h te r w h o is so ve ry .sp e c ia l. As you go fo rw a rd , a lways re m e m b e r you are loved and h o ld a specia ij p lace in o u r he a rts .”

- Grandmother and Grandfather

“ U n c o e u r a im ab le , une v o ix angelique,, une d e te rm in a ­t io n fo r te , un sens de I'h u m o u r in te ressan t... C e so n t que lques qua lites qu i te fo n t une p e rso n n e si specia le. Je t'a im e ."

- Sandy

enWe (We w\Jl &eW KMfer

CL5 (jfL L M & te . M c d & n e u


y&ut jjnmitu tkdt [ctitei uou much.

~ r . - _€ 7 i


C^Nctratulatiiha!\ V t AE.E. PJ2.0UP 0F Y ^ l

Pap, 6 uc.lly, Jlaaica. CJ’raNpma Jupy, Papa JJae., Aunt Cuae.Na, Uncle. D, 6 ypne.y, Zacu, Aunt TaNie. a Uncle. 6 c<?tt. aNp Nate, a Alliapn

Gongratulations Gourtney. Always keep the twinkle in your eyes.Love, Worn & (Dad

Felicidade BrotherWarrior Piano Man Pride0 soave fandullaGirls Just Want to Have FunToo Fast for LoveBrick HouseWonderfulCorner o f the SkyWhat a Wonderful WorldStardustLandslideRespectOh, Holy NightRiverQuestionSuehosAmerican in Paris Spirit in the Sky The Sweetest Thing Hakuna Matata In My Life Sultans o f Swing When I Love You Joy to the World it’s Been a Lovely Cruise Appalachian Spring Rock the Casbah Brown Eyed Girl You Are So Beautiful Honky Tonk Woman Rocket ManBridge Over Troubled Water Beautiful Day Mack the Knife Jimi ThingWeekend in New England A Day in the Life It's Not Easy Being Green Call MeWhat a Wonderful WorldFloat OnReal LoveFriends to GoHymns to the SilenceImagineClaire de LuneBorn to RunAmazing GraceClosing TimeMoon River

Joao Gilberto Shaina Noll Billy Joel U2Giacomo Puccini Cindi Lauper Motley Criie The Commodores India Arie John Rubinstein Louis Armstrong Hogie Carmichael Stevie Nicks Aretha Franklin HymnNatalie MerchantMoody BluesJuanesGershwinNorm GreenbaumU2The Lion King BeatlesMark Knopfler Morley 3 Dog Night Jimmy Buffett Aaron Copland The Clash James Taylor Joe Cocker Rolling Stones Elton JohnSimon and Garfunklel U2Bobby Darin Dave Matthews Barry Manilow The Beatles Kermit the Frog Aretha Franklin Louis Armstrong Modest Mouse Mary J. Blige Paul McCartney Van Morrison John Lennon DebussyBruce Springsteen John Newton Leonard Cohen Henry Mancini

Ballad o f Ridge StreetTake It EasyLet’s DanceI Did It My WayGod Bless the Broken RoadAll I Wanna DoLove Will Tear Us ApartBuild Me Up ButtercupTheme From RockyRespectVictims o f Comfort Tom Sawyer Blue Monday Thunder Road Born in the USA It’s 5:00 Somewhere Hooked on a Feeling Kanon in D Teach Your Children We Can Work it Out Across the Universe The RoseParadise by the Dashboard Light Gabrielle’s Oboe I’ll Ught a Cand/e SleepwalkThe Sound o f Music Ave Maria Hero Evil WaysRibbons in the Sky Our House Blue Sky Heart o f Gold Stand By Me Let It Be BikoAll My UfeEnglishman in New York You Don’t Know Me Lot o f Leavin’ Left To Do Sonoran Hope and Madness Riders On The Storm Proud Mary Ebb TideSomewhere Over the Rainbow Can’t Take my Eyes OffYou Brothers In Arms The ClashThe Wind Beneath My Wings Another Girl, Another Planet Rodeo/Billy the Kid

Brenda Kahn EaglesDavid Bowie Elvis Presley Rascal Flatts Sheryl Crow Joy Division The Foundations RockyAretha Franklin Keb Mo RushNew Order Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Alan Jackson, Jimmy Buffett BJ Thomas Johann Pachebel Graham Nash The BeatlesLennon and McCartneyBette MidlerMeatloafE. MorriconeKaren DruckerSanto and JohnnyJulie AndrewsKathleen BattleWhitney HoustonSantanaStevie WonderCrosby, Stills, Nash and YounAllman BrothersNeil YoungBen E. KingThe BeatlesPeter GabrielK-Ci and JoJoStingRay Charles Dierks Bentley Roger Clyne &The Peacema The DoorsCreedence Clearwater RevhCarl Sigman & Robert MaxwEva CassidyFrankie ValliDire StraitsJanie JonesBette MidlerThe Only OnesAaron Copeland

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