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PanoContext: A Whole-room 3D Context Model

for Panoramic Scene Understanding

Yinda Zhang Shuran Song Ping Tan† Jianxiong Xiao

Princeton University † Simon Fraser University

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Importance of Context in Image Processing

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Importance of Context in Image Processing

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Importance of Context in Image Processing

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Importance of Context in Image Processing

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Importance of Context in Image Processing

Context ModelsProposed in the past, but they do not work as well as expected


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Field of View (FOV)

Small FOV =⇒ Hinders the contextual information

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Field of View (FOV)

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Field of View (FOV)

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Panorama - 360◦ Horizontal and 180◦ Vertical

Easily obtained by smartphones, special lenses, or image stitching

All objects are usually visible despite occlusion

Enables the detection of the room layout and of the contextualinformation

Panorama =⇒ Object Detection =⇒ Whole-room 3D ContextModel

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Panorama - 360◦ Horizontal and 180◦ Vertical

Easily obtained by smartphones, special lenses, or image stitchingAll objects are usually visible despite occlusion

Enables the detection of the room layout and of the contextualinformation

Panorama =⇒ Object Detection =⇒ Whole-room 3D ContextModel

1Manhattan world assumption: assumes the scene consists of 3D cuboidsaligned with the three principle directions

2Assume no floating objectsAlicia Clark PanoContext October 17, 2014 4 / 11

PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

Algorithm1 Generate a set of hypotheses for room layout and objects

2 Rank these whole-room hypotheses holistically to determine thebest hypothesis

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

Figure : Hough transform for vanishing point detection

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

Figure : Comparison of OM and GC. OM works better on the top half ofthe image, while GC provides better normal estimation at the bottom

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

Figure : Two ways to generate object hypotheses

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

1Semantic LabelAlicia Clark PanoContext October 17, 2014 6 / 11

PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

1Pairwise ConstraintAlicia Clark PanoContext October 17, 2014 6 / 11

PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

1. Generate a set of whole-room hypotheses

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PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model

2. Determine the best whole-room hypothesesTrain a linear SVM model to rank the whole-room hypothesesand choose the best hypothesis

Want the matching cost (difference between whole-roomhypothesis and its ground truth) to be as low as possible

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Summary: How does context help?

Helps to determine the size of objects

Helps to determine the correct number of objects

Helps the determine the relative position of objects

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Summary: How does context help?

Helps to determine the size of objects

Helps to determine the correct number of objects

Helps the determine the relative position of objects

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Summary: How does context help?

Helps to determine the size of objects

Helps to determine the correct number of objects

Helps the determine the relative position of objects

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Summary: How does context help?

1DPM: Deformable Part Model2Felzenszwalb et. al: Discriminative training with partially labeled data

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Context model is fully in 3D

First annotated panorama dataset

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