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REGD. NO. JK-71/18-20RNI No. 28547/65Vol No. 54 No. 352 JAMMU, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2018 20 Pages `̀ 5.00

Sanjeev PargalJAMMU, Dec 21: With a

view to give major boost toindustrial sector in Jammuand Kashmir, the CentralGovernment today announcedpackage better than NorthEast Industrial DevelopmentPackage to Jammu andKashmir in which the industryhas been given key incentives.

Though the Government saidthat North-East IndustrialDevelopment Package has beenextended to Jammu andKashmir, official sources toldthe Excelsior that the Packagewas much better than the NorthEast.

The package was approved

today in New Delhi in a meetingof top Industry and Commerceofficials with officials ofDepartment of Industrial Policyand Promotion, New Delhi and afinal notification is likely to beissued in few days.

“The package in North Eastis confined to new industrialunits only but in Jammu andKashmir, it will be implemented

for substantial expansion also,’’sources said, adding that thiswas an added advantage forJammu and Kashmir.

Similarly, they said, thebenefits under plant andmachinery were confined toRs 2 crore in North East whilein the case of Jammu andKashmir, the benefits havebeen raised to Rs 5 crore.

Key benefits in the IndustrialDevelopment Package includedGST reimbursement of Centralshare of CGST and IGST for a

period of five years, Income Taxreimbursement for five years,Transport incentive of 20 per-cent for transport by Railways orWaterways and 33 per cent byair and Employment incentive ofan additional 3.67 percent ofemployer’s contribution to EPFin addition to 8.33 percentalready paid by the CentralGovernment under PMRPY.

However, according tosources, the State will take itscall shortly on reimbursementof 42 percent GST after discus-sions in the StateAdministrative Council (SAC).The Centre will reimburse itsshare of GST.

“The Package was final-ized by the end of Novemberwhen Shailender Kumar wasPrincipal Secretary, Industriesand Commerce and the dealwas finally clinched today inthe meeting of StandingFinance Committee’’ sourcessaid, adding that Kumar hadmade lot of efforts in draftingthe Package and securing ben-

efits for the industrial sector ofJammu and Kashmir from theCentre.

Union Minister in the PrimeMinister’s Office (PMO), DrJitendra Singh, commenting onthe Industrial package to Jammuand Kashmir on North-Eastlevel, credited the CentralGovernment headed by PrimeMinister Narendra Modi andGovernor Satya Pal Malik andhis administration for pursuingand securing the package forindustrial sector. Dr Singh haddrafted the package for NorthEast in his capacity as theMinister Incharge for NorthEast.

While previous PDP-BJPcoalition Government in Jammuand Kashmir made no seriouseffort to secure the packagenotwithstanding that it wasgiven to the North East one anda half year back, the Governor’sadministration pursued the pack-age vigorously and secured it.

According to an official

Centre announces better than NE industrial package for J&K

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR Dec 21: TwoArmy officers were killed insniping by Pakistani troopsalong the Line of Control inNorth Kashmir's Kupwaradistrict this afternoon.

A senior Army officer saidthat Pakistani troops in violationof ceasefire opened the sniperfire upon the Army's 2/8 GRposts in Peer Baba Grahat Postalong the LoC in Jumgund areaof Kupwara district.

Two Army officers sufferedserious injuries in the attack andwere immediately evacuated tomilitary hospital Drugmullawhere one of them, JuniorCommissioned Officer (JCO)Subedar Gamar Thapa, 42, suc-cumbed to injuries.

The other injured, JuniorCommissioned Officer SubedarRaman Thapa was later referredto Army's 92 base hospitalBadamibagh Srinagar foradvanced treatment. However,he succumbed to injuries in thehospital.

A senior police officer saidthat Army deployed along theLoC responded to the Pakistanifire, triggering the cross-bordershelling in the area which wasintermittently going on till thisevening.

In the meantime, policetoday said Lashkar-e-Toiba(LeT) militant Zubair ShabirBhat, who was arrested inGanderbal district yesterdayhad come to Kangan with theintention to loot weapons fromthe security forces. "We man-

aged to catch him and recov-ered a grenade from his pos-session", said SSP Ganderbal,Khalid Ahmed Poshwal.

"We have verified his cate-gory, we have also identifiedother local links and will takeaction against them also and willfurther investigate the matter.FIR has been registered againsthim in the Kangan PoliceStation which is still underinvestigation", he said.

"On getting the first handinformation from the SrinagarPolice about his movement inthe area, we further looked intoit while the militant was ridingon scooty towards Kangan areaof Ganderbal. We immediatelyinformed the CRPF and cor-doned off the area leading to the

2 Army officers killed in Pak sniping in Kupwara

Fayaz BukhariSRINAGAR, Dec 21: In

one of the tragic accidents, atleast seven labourers of bordertown of Uri in NorthKashmir's Baramulla districtwere killed and three othersinjured while another is miss-ing in a landslide near the con-struction site of Char Dhamall-weather road inUttarakhand.

The incident took place thisafternoon in Ukhimath area nearBanswada on the Rishikesh-Kedarnath National Highwaythis afternoon when 23 labourerswere working on a retainingwall that collapsed burying 11labourers.

Seven bodies of labourerswere recovered from the debrisof the wall, three were pulledalive in injured condition andone is missing.

The dead labourers havebeen identified as Bilal Ahmad,20, Sibbeer, 30, Abdul Rashid,60, of Uri, Imtiaz Ahmad, 26,Mushtaq Ahmad, 30, ZahoorHamid Sheikh, 30 and Gulzar,

20, all residents of Uri.Altaf Hajam, 55, son of

Ghulam Kadar Hassan, ofHandlanga, Uri; Abbas, 20, sonSubhan Sheikh of Handlanga,Uri and Altaf Hussain, 45, resi-dent of Mothal, Uri were pulledout of debris and were taken toAgasthyamuni hospital. TheJCB driver was discharged fromthe hospital and other two whosecondition is critical have beenairlifted to AIIMS Rishikesh for

further treatment. One of the labourers,

Majid Khan, is missing andPolice and SDRF are lookingfor him.

According to the Police inUttarakhand, the incident hap-pened at 12.30 pm and rescuework was started immediatelyby the staff of the Deputy ChiefInspector, Hoshiar SinghPankholi, along with the officers

7 labourers of Uri killed, 3injured; one missing in U’khand

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 21: Anti-Corruption Bureau, Jammutoday caught red handedDeputy Excise Commissioner(Executive) Syed MuriedHussain Shah while demand-ing and accepting illegal grati-fication of Rs 2,00,000 fromthe complainant Col HDSRainal (Retd) for clearing thefile of renewal of wine shoplicense.

An official spokesman saidthat a complaint was lodged byCol HDS Rainal (Retd) in theAnti-Corruption Bureau, Jammu

regarding demand of Rs2,00,000 for clearing the file ofrenewal of license of wine shopby the Deputy ExciseCommissioner (Executive) SyedMuried Hussain Shah.

It was stated by the com-plainant that his family had abusiness in the name of DalipSingh Wine Shop at Narwal andthe license was pending sinceMay 2018 in the ExciseDepartment. It was further stat-ed that his father had expired

and his mother being blind, hewas made to run from pillar to

post for the renewal of the

license since the last eightmonths.

He was being victimised andharassed by Syed MuriedHussain Shah, who demandedan amount of Rs 2 lakh as bribefor clearing the file. As the com-plainant and his family wasalready facing huge financiallosses and mental torturebecause of the unreasonabledemand of bribe, the com-plainant, under compulsion andto avoid any further losses wasgoing to pay the amount of bribeto the Deputy ExciseCommissioner but before that hecame to the Anti-CorruptionBureau, Jammu with a requestthat necessary action against theofficer may be taken.

On the basis of the com-plaint, prima facie case of crim-inal misconduct on the part of

Dy Excise Commissioner caught redhanded taking bribe of Rs 2 lakh

24 AEEs adjusted,15 shifted

Excelsior CorrespondentJAMMU, Dec 21: The

Department of PHE, Irrigationand Flood Control todayordered transfer and postings of39 Incharge Assistant ExecutiveEngineers (Civil) with immedi-ate effect.

They include 24 AEEs, whowere awaiting orders of postingand have been adjusted nowwhile 15 others have been trans-ferred from one place to another.

Omesh Ganjoo has beenposted as TO to ExecutiveEngineer, Irrigation Division -II

Lone rules out pre-poll

allianceExcelsior CorrespondentSRINAGAR, Dec 21:

People's Conference (PC) chair-man, Sajjad Lone, today saidthat his party will have no pre-poll alliance with any politicalparty in the forthcomingAssembly elections and contestat all the 87 Assembly seats.

Sajjad said this whileaddressing a press conferencehere on the occasion of formerPDP legislator Abid Ansari'sjoining the party. He said theparty will not go for any pre-poll alliance with any politicalparty whether regional ornational. "Wait for days tocome, people will be joiningthis movement who are new tothe politics and those who arealready in the politics. PC willcontest the elections from all 87seats," he said.

Demanding early elections

HC stays selectionof KAS 2016

Excelsior CorrespondentSRINAGAR, Dec 21:

Division Bench of State HighCourt comprising Chief JusticeGita Mittal and Justice SanjeevKumar today treated the repre-sentation filed by aggrievedaspirants as Public InterestLitigation and stayed the furtherselection process of KAS 2016.

“A number of aggrievedcandidates, who are present inperson, have raised issuesbefore us with regard to KASexamination notification of2016. A representation dated17-12-2018 with the signaturesof 83 applicants complaining

Rahul no longer a‘Pappu’: Farooq

KOLKATA, Dec 21: National Conference chief

Farooq Abdullah today saidCongress president RahulGandhi is no longer a "Pappu"after proving his mettle as aleader by winning elections inthe three Hindi heartland States.

The former Jammu andKashmir Chief Minister alsohailed the opening of theKartarpur corridor as a "step inthe right direction".

He, however, said Pakistanneeds to give up terrorism tobuild relations with India.

"Rahul Gandhi is no longera Pappu. He has proved his met-tle by wining three States,"

FIR lodged against Companyin Poonch mishap

Excelsior CorrespondentPOONCH, Dec 21: Police

have formally registered a caseagainst the Telecom Companylaying cables on Mandi- Loranroad which led to the bus acci-dent near Plera village onDecember 8, resulting into thedeath of 13 passengers.

Deputy Commissioner,Poonch Rahul Yadav today toldthe Excelsior that inquiry com-mittee headed by AdditionalDeputy Commissioner Poonch,has submitted its report. He saidon the basis of the report a for-

3 SEs placed as CEs

Excelsior CorrespondentJAMMU, Dec 21: The

Government today orderedplacement of threeSuperintending Engineers(Civil) as Incharge ChiefEngineers.

According to an orderissued by the Public WorksDepartment, the SEs promotedas Chief Engineers includeBalbir Singh, Mohammad IqbalMir and Showkat AhmadJeelani.

Consequent upon fresh pro-motions, the Department hasordered transfer and postings ofChief Engineers.

Muried Shahsuspended

Excelsior CorrespondentJAMMU, Dec 21: Pending

enquiry into his conduct interms of Rule 31 of Jammuand Kashmir Civil Services(Classification, Control andAppeal) Rules, 1956, SyedMuried Hussain Shah, DCExcise Jammu, under orders oftransfer as Director LandManagement, JammuDevelopment Authority (JDA)has been placed under suspen-sion with immediate effect.

During his suspension,Shah will remain attachedwith the GeneralAdministration Department.

Work on Tawi Barrage Project to resume soonas Madras HC vacates interim injunction

Mohinder VermaJAMMU, Dec 21: In a

major development, MadrasHigh Court has vacated theinterim injunction regardingtermination of contract allot-ted in the favour of M/s GVRInfra Projects Limited by theJ&K Government for the exe-cution of River Tawi GatedBarrage Project. This haspaved the way for floating offresh tenders for the left overwork on the vital project,which is now expected to becompleted by May next year.

Official sources toldEXCELSIOR that AdvocateSathish Kumar, who has been

engaged by the Department ofPHE, Irrigation and FloodControl for counteringArbitration Petition filed by M/sGVR Infra Projects Limited inthe Madras High Court, has con-veyed to the J&K Governmentthat interim injunction regardingtermination of the contract allot-ted in favour of M/s GVR InfraProjects Limited has been vacat-ed.

"However, interim injunc-tion regarding invocation ofbank guarantees shall stay tillfurther orders from theMadras High Court",Advocate Sathish Kumar has

*Watch video on

*Watch video on

Indo-Pak troops trade shelling

(Contd on page 6 Col 3)

Instructions issued for floating fresh tenders for left-over components

Vital project expected to becompleted by May next year

Industry to get GST, IT reimbursement

Searches conducted in residence of accused

*Watch video on

(Contd on page 6 Col 1)

A view of under construction Tawi Barrage. -Excelsior/Rakesh (Contd on page 6 Col 1)

(Contd on page 6 Col 3)

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(Contd on page 6 Col 7)

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(Contd on page 6 Col 7)

Final notificationto be issued


An earth-moving machine at the site of a landslide, which leftat least seven labourers dead in Uttarakhand’s Rudraprayag dis-trict on Friday.

(Contd on page 6 Col 3)

(Contd on page 6 Col 5)

Magisterial inquiry ordered

(Contd on page 6 Col 5)

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