owen iozzi

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Owen Iozzi

My journey to black belt

I came to Nathan’s party June 2010

Mom & Dad signed me up to be a white belt.

As a white belt I could barely do push ups and sit ups

I came to 6 classes a week and earned my yellow belt

As a white belt I did not have good eye contact

As a yellow belt I had a little bit of confidence and joined leadership

I was sick for testing but pushed through it

I love seeing how much I have grown since basic class

My friend Allison joined karate with me

As an orange belt I really started to have fun at karate

My orange belt had a outstanding attendance stripe on it.

Commitment: I went to karate 4-5 days a week!

Mom and Dad held me back as an orange belt

I still went on stage at the black belt spectacular!

I supported my friends who earned their new belts.

Getting my camo belt was a big step

I knew I had what it took to make it to junior black belt

I could not wait to join intermediate class and spar

Neither could Andrew

Leadership has helped me be more confident and get up in front.

My Grandma came to see me get my green belt

I practiced at home for the tournament

I try to always give it my best

I have enjoyed my old friend and making new ones along the way.

As a blue belt I became stronger

My hands and feet might not always be perfect, but I was a powerhouse!

I started looking like a black belt

My 7th birthday party

My friends came to see karate is not all about punches and kicks

But about building a strong mind and body!

My journey has been special because I am taking it with my friend Allison

Even at parties we bow at the door and when we step on & off the matt!

Mr. West has helped me become a stronger person.

Discipline: I practiced while at Disney

I had the moves down,but needed to improve my skills

Andrew likes to practice with me

Brown belt. One step closer to junior black belt!

Respect: Keeping my room clean for mom & dad

Communication: The link between the world and me!

Discipline: I practice at home

As a brown belt I had so much more confidence.

We earned our red belts together

As a red belt I now have good eye contact!

My parents have supported me through each belt.

Mr. West has been a special person in my life.

He has taught me to always try my best.

Focus: I did my very best at this tournament

I choose to make friends who have a blackbelt attitude too!

We competed together at the tournament.

Belief: having the yes I can attitude!

Earning my candidate belt!

I am ready to start the requirements to test for blackbelt

Self Esteem: The joy of being myself!

Strong people who always inspire me to try my best

New friends I have made

As I become a blackbelt I will no longer have shy thumbs

My first traveling class. I was a little nervous.

My 8th birthday party.

I invited my new friends!

And my old ones!

I touched his arm with my kick and was required to do 10 push ups!

Honesty:The first step to an abundant life!

We are excited for our second orange stripe test!

I failed my first orange stripe test

Winners never quit,quitters never win

And I chose to be a winner

I learned new things at my traveling classes.

I enjoyed meeting new students.

I got to show the other instructors I was ready for my blackbelt!

My thumbs are not shy!!

My last traveling class. I have fufilledmy testing requirments!

Thank-you Mr. West. I could not have asked for a better instructor!

Commitment: Mom and dad sacrificing so much of their time for me

Thank-you mom,dad and Andrew for supporting me through my journey!

Acts of Courtesy

• 1. 5-24-12 Brought the mail in for mom without being asked.•

• 2. 5-30-12 Cleaned the playroom by himself and it looked great!•

• 3. 6-5-12 Owen got Andrew a rice crispy treat downstairs without being asked.•

• 4. 6-17-12 Owen made his own breakfast without being asked.•

• 5. 6-20-12 Owen turned his movie off when Andrew woke up so he could watch his tractor movie.•

• 6. 6-20-12 Owen gave Andrew the other half of his snack when Andrew wanted more.•

• 7. 07/03/12 When Dad dropped container of cherry tomatoes on the floor, Owen ran over to helppick them up.

• 8. 7/6/12 Owen helped Andrew with his swim lesson and stayed with him the whole class.•

• 9. 7/20/12 Owen helped Andrew take his shower.•

• 10. 8/7/12 Owen let Andrew have the only little shopping cart and didn't complain.

• 11. 8/16/12 Owen grabbed Andrew's glasses from pirate ship in Storyland.•

• 12. 8/17/12 Owen shared his french fries w Andrew w/o asking.•

• 13. 8/24/12 Owen Offered up his seat when I didn’t have one.•

• 14. 8/25/12 Owen loaded cases of water at home depot while Dad was paying for it. •

• 15. 8/25/12 Owen Offered to let his brother use his toy.•

• 16. 9/2/12 Owen went out to the car to get the milk mom forgot about and brought it in.•

• 17. 9/8/12 Owen shared his M&M's from soccer with Andrew.•

• 18. 9/1/12 Helped Uncle Will move.•

• 19. 9/8/12 Owen let his brother take a shower 1st.•

• 20. 9/8/12 Owen woke up and consoled Andrew who was crying.

• 21. 9/9/12 Owen went to help Andrew after he fell. •

• 22. 9/13/12 Owen let Dad have earphones after his broke. •

• 23. 9/18/12 Owen always asks Andrew how his day at school was and cares.•

• 24. 9/30/12 Owen did a good job taking care of his brother when he was sick.•

• 25. 10/1/12 Owen helped a girl put her board together in class and missed out on his turns to breakthe board.

• 26. 10/6/12 Owen found his brothers missing glasses.•

• 27. 10/7/12 Owen gave up his seat at a party so mom could sit next to his brother who was cranky without being asked.

• 28. 10/8/12 Owen pushed a girl’s bike out of the mud at the farm.•

• 29. 10/8/12 Owen thanked mom for taking him to West End Creamery for the day and said he appreciated it without any prompts.

• 30. 10/9/12 Owen helped Andrew on the bouncy pillows instead of enjoying himself.

• 31. 10/11/12 Owen chanted to his board breaking partner at traveling class "yes you can" and showedher where to punch the board to break it.

• 32. 10/14/12 Owen helped the little kids fill up their candy bags at his brother's birthday party.•

• 33. 10/20/12 Owen cleaned off the kitchen table after lunch.•

• 34. 10/27/12 Owen got his brother a napkin when mom was busy.•

• 35. 10/30/12 Owen picked up a potato at the market an elderly woman dropped and put it back.•

• 36. 10/31/12 Owen thanked mom for taking him to 3 soccer games and 2 Halloween parties. He said he really appreciated it.

• 37. 11/1/12 Owen gave Andrew one of his cookies from the doctor’s office.•

• 38. 11/2/12 After Owen went to bed he heard Andrew crying. He brought Andrew the Patriots bear from his room and comforted him.

• 39. 11/4/12 Owen said a prayer for our friend’s dad who is very Ill.•

• 40. 11/8/12 Owen offered to give up his birthday presents next year to give the money to a close friend who lost her dad.

• 41. 11/9/12 Owen gave his friend some words of encouragement after he didn't get his orange stripe.•

• 42. 11/10/12 Owen held the door open for everyone at church.•

• 43. 11/13/12 Owen put all the small shopping baskets away at the market.•

• 44. 11/16/12 Owen brought a yogurt for a girl at school.•

• 45. 11/18/12 Owen walked his friend home in the dark with a flashlight.•

• 46. 11/19/12 Owen read his brother a story.•

• 47. 11/19/12 Owen got Corey's attendance card out at karate and went to give it to her.•

• 48. 11/24/12 Owen helped Andrew pick up all the candy he dumped on the floor.•

• 49. 12/1/12 Owen helped mom bag the groceries at Stop & Shop.•

• 50. 12/1/12 Owen offered to give up his tooth fairy money to buy a sad friend a gift.

Pushups and Situps

• 6-1 20+20 6-2 20+20 6-16 30+30 6-18 20+20 6-19 20+20 6-20 20+20------130

• 6-24 20+20 6-26 20+20 7-6 20+20 7/15 20+20 7/18 20+20------------------------230

• 7/19 20+20 7/23 20+20 7/27 20+20 7/28 20+20 8/18 20+20------------------------330

• 8/26 20+20 8/27 20+20 9/1 20+20 9/3 20+20 9/5 20+20 9/6 20+20------450

• 9/7 20+20 9/8 20+20 9/10 20+20 9/15 20+20 9/16 20+20-----------------------550

• 9/17 20+20 9/20 20+20 9/21 20+20 9/22 20+2 9/23 20+20-----------------------650

• 9/24 20+20 9/25 20+20 9/26 20+20 9/27 20+20 9/30 20+20-----------------------750

• 10/4 20+20 10/7 20+20 10/9 20+20 10/15 20+20 10/21 20+20---------------------850

• 10/23 20+20 10/26 20+20 11/3 20+20 11/4 20+20 11/7 20+20-----------------------950

• 11/18 20+20 11/23 20+20 11/27 20+20 11/30 20+20 12/1 20+20---------------------1050

Travelling Classes

Element #1

Element #2

Element #3

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