opportunities to serve at prosperprospercrc.org/archive/2017/170827-bulletin.pdf · 2511; apo ae...

Post on 29-Jul-2018






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Aug 27 2017

Nursery (for children up to around age 3) Today Infant Lynnae Dick, Denise Rozema Emma Roper Toddler Brenda Pena, Jamie Dodde Nathan Koetje Evening Rachel Dick, Lily Sullivan Logan Roper Sept 3 Infant Julie Rozeveld, Amberly Mejia Katelyn Buning Toddler Wayne Roper, Stephanie VanHouten, Logan Roper Evening - Sept 10 Infant Amy DeZeeuw, Megan Gladu Desiree Ebels Toddler Chris Dick, Carla Brummel Isaac Bode Greeters Today Lance & Kelly Taylor Erik & Stephanie VanHouten Sept 3 Dean & Debbie VanOstran Dan & April Villwock Sept 10 Jerry & Bev Zuiderveen John & Bonna Baas Sound Today Keith Dick Sept 3 Eric Baas Sept 10 Kyle VanHaitsma Power Point Today Becky Dick Sept 3 Diane Koster Sept 10 Wayne Roper Camera Today Logan Roper Sept 3 Collin DeKam Sept 10 Joseph Gandolfi

Opportunities to Serve at Prosper Ushers - Head Usher: Harold Cnossen Aug: Curt Bode, Dave DeZeeuw, Russ Rodenbaugh Sept: Andy Ebels, Mark DeZeeuw, Erik VanHouten Children’s Church - Coordinator: Betsy Rozeveld (for children ages 3-5 years) Today Amy DeZeeuw, Audrey Lofton Trenton Gladu, Avery DeRuiter Sept 3 Kelly Koetje Lily Sullivan, Haley Buning Madelyn Yount Sept 10 Mary DeKam James Taylor, Katelyn DeZeeuw Wayne Roper Jr. Coffee Servers Today Wayne & Missy Roper Mark & Mary Shaarda Sept 3 Lance & Kelly Taylor Jack & Dawn Rozeveld Sept 10 Steve & Camarin Talarico Brent & Betsy Rozeveld Cookies Today Char VanHaitsma, Tracey VH Stephanie VanHouten, April Villwock Deb VanOstran, Lori Warson Kimberly Weigold Sept 3 Sue Yount, Bev Zuiderveen Sally Baas, Bonna Baas Hope Barnes, Gladys Blue Chris Bode, Shirley Brinks Sept 10 Bonnie Brinks, Barb Brinks Ruth Brinks, Carla Brummel Tana Buning, Karen Cnossen SesiLee Cnossen Children’s Message Today Carl Dodde Sept 3 Alexandra Dodde Sept 10 Pastor Dirk Nursery Cleaner Sept: Stephanie VanHouten

It takes a lot of volunteers to run God’s ministry. Thank you for how YOU help!

Welcome to Worship at Prosper Christian Reformed Church!

Prayers of Prosper •Please pray boldly and fervently for Prosper Church!! •Remember our members who find it difficult to worship with us: June Boven, Betty DeKam, Gen Dodde, Eleanor Ebels, Bob Jenema, Millie Jenema, and Cynthia Bazuin.

•Our local day schools begin tomorrow! Pray often for our students, both in college and day schools. Pray for safety! Pray that in their busyness they stay true to Jesus and our Christian World view; there are many pressures that our children face every day! •Congratulations to Pastor Dirk and Erin in the birth of a healthy baby boy, Kase Hendrik Koetje born last week. All are doing well •Pray for Bill Haskin as he serves our country in the Middle East. Bill would love to hear from you! His mailing address: Haskin, William R; PSC 94 box 2511; APO AE 09824. Bill’s email: williamrhaskin@gmail.com. •We thank God for our young families and praise him for the gift of life. Pray for our expectant mother: Shelly DeKam. Pray for healing and comfort for... -Russ Rodenbaugh fighting an infection. -Judy Steensma home recovering after a back surgery. -Roy Tacoma, Brenda Ouwinga, and Jerry Mulder - each dealing with effects of cancer. -for those of our congregation who deal with chronic pain and illnesses on a daily basis.

We are glad you have chosen to worship here today! We have a wonderful invitation to come

into God’s presence. Our Lord desires the praises of his people! Worship with that joy today. After the service, grab a cup of

coffee and a cookie and find someone new to talk with.

This morning, from 1 Samuel 27 and David’s foray into Philistine land, we’ll be reminded that our hope is in Christ alone! This evening at 6pm, we’ll continue our series on “The Christian Life” and will examine Proverbs 15: 31 and “Coping with Criticism.” Please join us.

Congratulations to Coley & Brittany (Schoo) Laughlin who were united in marriage yesterday here at Prosper Church. May God bless them as they begin their new life together.

Our Church Schedule Aug 27-Sept 2, 2017





7:00 PM CARE GROUP #4-at Harold & Karen’s


9:00-12:00 TEEN 22 CAR WASH - at Church

Small Groups at Prosper Care Group #3 will meet at Bernard & Shirley’s on Sat, Sept 9, 6:30pm. Please read chapter 9. Care Group #4 will meet TODAY, 7pm at Harold & Karen’s

Combined Labor Day Weekend Evening Service @ Lucas CRC -Sun, Sept 3 at 6pm. This service will in-clude some special music and lots of congregational singing. Pastor Todd Kuperus will be bringing us God's Word.

Full Council Meeting –Tues, Sept 5, 7pm. Educational Kick-off-Sept 10!! Sunday School & Catechism begins at 10:45! Worship Committee –Tues, Sept 12, 7pm. District Potluck –Districts Di-E and M-R will have a potluck Sun, Oct 8, 12:00 at Church.

“Disciple” Workshop with Josh & Mandy Shaarda Oct 13 & 14 at the BARN

Friday (6:45– 9pm) we will seek to understand what it means that our identity comes from Christ. Also, we will enjoy fellowship with coffee and dessert. Saturday (9am– 5pm) we will learn about the battle of our minds and what we need to do to win that battle. We will see the purpose of emotion and how to handle emotions well. We will learn how to be free from the past, to be honest with God so we can walk in freedom and to use this freedom to grow in Christ. A catered meal will be provided. Sign up with Amy soon. (231-826-3772 or anydezeeuw@yahoo.com)

Please fill out the information form and

return to Marjon as soon as possible. If you didn’t get one, please get a copy

from the office. Thank you!

Hey Kids, remember to ALWAYS stay close to Jesus no matter what!!

Special Offerings for TODAY: Building Fund Sept 3: Christian Education Fund

Aug 20, 2017

Total weekly Budget: $ 5,861.21 Actual collected: $ 4,813.03

Our Kick off CAMP OUT is Friday & Saturday, September 8 & 9.

Look on our Facebook page for more details.

grades 6-8

Would you like to help out with Children’s Church? Let Marjon know

that you’d like to be a teacher or helper. (prosper@centurytel.net)

Thank you for the prayers, cards, gifts, and food deliveries after Hazel was born. We are so thankful to be a part of this loving church family! ~David, Rachel, and Hazel Dick.

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