oll 26' r.·m [nne, 0 1' in ere i' s •. the legislative council.-

Post on 23-Feb-2020






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r s. ~ ue, ~to n of B t• • t tt i~J

1 fo:r

•.m, r she ~~on, Sun­:> 26' r.·m

[nne, 0 1'

In ere i' s •.

THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCil.-. IN the Legislative Council yestexday, a notice of motion was given by Mr. Miller respecting the bar;king accounts of the Gvvernment; and petitions were presented by .Mr. W. Ni ... holson relative to certain appropriations of tlte land fund at War­ringa1 ; by Mr. Rutledge relative to the yarding and folding of cattle and ~heep at public houses, on their way to market; by Mr F. Murphy relative to the administra­tion of the Nation~l B·>ard of Education. The laEt petition, however, w.as not re­ceived, the House having lent its ear to an attack upon the supposed opinions of the petitioner, whose complaint wa.s ac­cordingly dismissed without investigation. He was charged with being an Atheist, although the petition it\ielf contained a de­nial of the allegation. He therein professes to believe the principles of the Christian re:igion, and recommends his brethren of the Board not only to lleliev~ the same principles, but to practise them. This is certainly vrry heretical, and the case may be a very bad one, but the House did not take the trouble to enquire. If it had 1~assed a resolu~ion that it could not be bothered with such lengthy petition:l, it would have been a course more com­

~~:: mendable than the one it pursued. e-:led .A.n acknowledgment from Sir William ··ot. r the Denison of the address presented to him • no by the C~uneil was read by the Speaker. oox The Colonial Secretary laM on the table t ~in

on a Botanical Report, Correspondence re:a~ tive ~o .dghthouses in .Bass'i! Straits, more .documents relative to the Geelon~ mail!, a petition from the Scottish Australian Emi­gra.'ion Seciety, aad the Report from the

·3 • Select Committee on rile Gold-Fields •. b~ Pursuant to notice, .Mr .. Fawkner moved

for ~ retura· relative to: the Government ~i!" "establi!)·hmen~ at the Ba.laar:at gold-fields, lng ·on the sugge~ti{m of the· Colonial ~ecre-·

tary, which was altered ~· as to include t-he-other gola-fields of the coliMly.

h<ferve existed license opposil of gol< f ··t m ~ f:Qrt~ b had sil produc (f th~ ~

of triD metho' settl. n

At t a~l as Anun met bJ ti~ued bOring which the aa the h· much .

At I NnS o•nnof reoent1 distr:cj ~to d Vic to htion1 fae:ir~ un.A!sc1 t ':fs Ag nnmbe iag c~ and vij ~~;e!~ .teterre

su~~:l amend alive hei;;·ht before honors i!ilmocll of tj month

of yo~ ce sfu' min in ex pres . f p !l.ll8

In this

T-he House then went into eommitteey aad remained in it f0r several wearisome hours, considering a propo1:1al to appro­p::-iate £300,00(},· .for immil:}ration, and es-pecially female immigration,. during

. ana.rm• fit to b zenshi .

~:; 1864. The debate- dwindled down into a pri~ate squabble between 1\!7. R utledge, 1\k •. Mark .Nicholson, and other g€ntlemen conn.ected with the: W estero District, as to the respeetive merits of s&me of the harbors in tha-t quarter,. and as ta the share of the immigration spoil they could secu re- for it. They had it nicely arranged among them~lves, that ~N'-ar-rnambool a.n.d Port Fairy should be l'lhe fnored places,. when M.r. Strachan :reminded the lfuuse of the ex istence of M:elbourne and. G.Gelong. 'Bhe Speaker annibilat€d the claims of Mr. R utiedge's

district, by quating a few dMilaging sta­tistics, which were themselves damaged by other quotations on the. part of the Auditor-General. He a!so annihilated Mr.

~~~~ .Rutledge's h.arbor, by some reflections lme- upon it, whi£h threw the bon. member ~=:~ for Belfast into such a fever of excitement r.rce1 that his tongue was nt.Vel"' again at ~st ~;~~ while tht} debate lasted. In addhio:2. to r th this pri.;ute skirmish, th.~re was a ge~eral w:;: scramble on the part of the squatt€'l'S ana ~ er, agriculturist~, for the consignments ~rom ' and Park...street., W estmin&te"", wheri Mr .. 0'8ha­)a a nassy reminded them that it was. female ~!~! immigrants they were talking about; and oown, that, if their ohj.ect was to equa ise the =~~ sexe>~, there would be an end to all their

clamor as to whither the immigrants should !!'fiB! be sent. Mr. Rutledge figured most con­

cl. :eived ue of eaday t:>wn-irteen 3l. per

' · pt-r tr .·m

:h, for !l. per 1 each.

spicuously throughout the whole affair, and favored the House with some fresh specimens of the gentlemanly style in which he usually expresses himself. To crown all he :opoke in favor of ont motioD, and voted for the other!

A resolution to give £10,000 to the society patronised by Mr. Sidney Herbert, wa'3 negati ~ed.

Whil met, n putinl1 of the the

mass Victo1 lice s l.two .... ha.t gold­vince to pr is thj



- ~0

I l""rlloer) fell 001 fi18nt lb•t It wu -Ual ~l10mo power abould be 'l'tlkd Ill lhe Board cf Rati011al Bdll­

lo reatraln lm, roper ponoaa ft'oa lnlerferlrr In ~b ".;. • ..,.:;> •nl of tile national aoheoil, &Dd theref«e • em-.· · -be ooul4lloi ::..p for.~4 aDd ••k tl:e GoT.rnor core-1trtot tbo Jl'lll'er whloll. =~ n~·r~ ~.t preaon~ hod. llr. Frftob, Ill blf pot,! b,, aol<l "'-· LeW~~~.,. tile o<lulcallon of ahlldr311 ~f e.ery ereed prJY!dO<. •. •: bllt be did net aay fJf ne y Christian oreed, lolld be (M'r. Fawkner) th.,efore presume:! th>t tb•t &ont•eman wonld pr .. vlde tot Mabomo<lanr, Bhu.dlata, ChiD-, Paga: o, and lcfldelo a<d Atbola:a ot eYery ~ea:rlptl011, He abou!d therefore Yule agolut lbe reception ot lbo petition,

The mo ton t'!!at lbe petition ahonld be reeelnd 1ra1 tlen ~uta d negat.ved.

GO• D Fll'ltDS. The COLONIAL SI!:CR!-JTARY lAid upOillh,table

ef th • H• u oe tho report of tbo Beleet Committee on ~ tho Gold Flolda, whloh waa or"ertd to be printed. -' IIELBOORNE, S'l', KILO.t., AND BRIGHTOK

R<ILWAY BILL. Mr. J . MURPHY wl hdrew tho rotleo lfmotloll

ltli.Cding In hlo name f>r the firat reildillg of tb.lo Bill, st>ting tb•t he ll"ot reqae t.d to co ao by the aollol!or o( the oomoany, ll'ho hlld met wl •b some dl.sap:>Olnt­lnouta which prevento<l ldm &n.nr forwa.r4 wllh tbla bill tlll next se!lion.

GOLD-FIELDS RETURNS. l!:r. FAWKNER move1-Tt at thls He use do re olve

to pres•• t au addreaa to Bla Euollenpy t e Lientenaat­(h,vernor, reqa•atlng that he will oanao to llo lald npoa the Coa' oll-t>blo, are a!'tl <f •be E•t~bl!sh:nont o:> tl:.e Balaar.t g,;ld.fi::lda, apeotrylng the number, dtalgna. lion, salary, acd allo .. anca~ • f tile aeveral oflloera and men empl»yo<l on p llae or reftllue, and go14 eaoort purposu; with duties ofea.oll ;.flloer, ar.dof lh, nambor of m•n ~1111 b011'1tati med, a •d .,bat ae,tlcn or dlvla!oa or the gold-lielda lbey are employed upoa, w.tb. tbo d>a~tU>COI al wbt· h they • o p'ace4 from oaeb other, and from tbe Golden Polot. The "onor~~ble a:omber 1<11 tlu!t 1:1 tb• Eatlma 01 be uw th•t an enorm 01 expe dlture was pr<>p<>Oed to be huntho<llnto during the ensuing ye.r, a· d tboref 're he wished to h .ve every lnformatl.,n, Ia order I hat lbe H-ouse might 8< e t~hother In some measure that lar'e expenditure coul.! a ot be &V1)lr ed.

The CIIIEF COMMISSIO~ER of the GOL8-PIE!.DS.aai<l th1t the retnrn cou!c1 be V<ry ~Uy far. Lished, f·:r that, !llltlci.'ll Inc tho noceultr of an~ll hi­form do:>, be bad already required all <l:J.t Colilm!J. alcnen to aend In a return of tile d.,..~-'~+1~~ a ked <' , __ ~-"' · ~ . ·---•·r- •• ·-.:-r.-:r, no"""Z "v"' u ·r•u&t, but from eve. y i014-11tlci In the colony.

T o,e !JOLONI.lL SECRETARY ID!feat6~ lbt the return th, old be m• · e from all the gold-lio!do 1~ the o I~•· Y· Instead of from 8&1 arat o»>y; wb;oh havlog been assented to by Mr. F.wkner, tbo mJtion 1ra1 oarrled , a ame~~ed.

llr!MIGRATION. 0 ,, the motion of the COLONIAL SECRETARY.

the Honae weot Into a. mmittee, for the 1 url o•e ~c taking Into co"al~e ·ation p&ra;;•aph No. 2<t or Btl Exoe;t noy•s •peeoh on openl .g th• Coanoll, aad HI& lil:r.aellenoy'a mess•ge No. 28, both upo!l tbe subject of :mmlgretlon-Mr. 8ncdglbU In the choir.

Tile AUDITOR GE ,· ERAL lhen a,id, that the Cnloni·.l 8eoret:.ry bovln~. on a re lent cco.aioa, brought the qaoati· n of lmmigratlon fully oLder the oonsider" tlon of the House, be w• u!d only ad<!noe • few atatiatioal tact; npon t e subject. From a corefnl ba'ar.ce lhe· t wbiob ha~ been prip~<ed, ltap;e.ro<l !bat the amJunt wblcll 'ti'U probably In the h~nds tC tto Cobnial Land atd Emigration Ccmmfsli ne 1 on tbl1 eay, was abcut t83,000. By tho las\ acoonnta re­oeived frcm boa:;e,. til• commlrsi >nora b dIll be about £140,000. 8 i.<e that they would have ro eivad aoout £120,000 fr<•m the oo~ooy, and pr• bably about £10,0011. Tbsy would have aot, ally apo~t atont £ ' 0&,008, &ld would ha?e beaome 11.\bl• for a future expenditure of &bout £80,000, ed therefore their true belanoe at pre. sent would be about £ 00,000, If the preaent rate of emlgrotlon 1rere m..intoined, that r.mount won!d be exhawted by lbelln~ week In February, u t>tey wodd by that ~ate have pledgo<l all their tunda,

, If thay bad not aotnally exj:ended them. Conaiderlng bh•l t11s waa no" tho beginning of November, it would be proper ror th~ Houaa ro eonll<ler,'aa apeedUy as 1'0>· slblo, whet stspo should !:e taken to enable tbe Emigrs­~lon· C,mm'a•lo<era to carry on t~e wo1k entrnlted to­them. Tbere was, r.~l the l £t of September last, In h>Dd and by l~w a p'loable to the purp; - of emi~ grati<n, the sum of r e' wa•n tue.~oo ard £420,0001•

being the b•lan! e In favor of tbe : pp oprlded m:letr of th• Land Fuud. It 1r0uld be for the Howe :o de. termln, h< w muoll of t~at anm Ill u!d l;e remitted h me tor tile J. Urpoaes cf emigration, and It would also bo- importart to ooui~er ~ helher any par. tloalar conditio a oh >old be ....,ommendod with r<fe, eoce tn em'gr.tion for !be enaulnr year. To guide- the Hou•e in ooml g to a eoncluti03 npo!l thl• question, be had obt.l&e: u many f. ots a be could witil re1pt<t ro the aubjeot. Tbe preaet.t exponae of bringing tmml1r•nw to the eolony •u abcnt £20 for e•oh statute ado t. Emlgratlon , t p~eaent 1I"SS abldly set\lng V.to Melbourre, and out tf forty-elgbt vessels arrived ouriug the pte5e&t year, atoa~ three .. fonrtba came to ll!e:b·>orne, a•d the rema n !er to Goelong and P .ortl<nd ; t.ut b 1854, aoourding oo tho arrangomer:.ta wbicb hiM! teen m•de, tl.e t umber ot emigrant. golag to Porthlt d aDd G<elODif wou'd be coulderat..ly m­cr ... ei. Th• proportion of single females comiLif cut now was olso Yory greatly ILoreued. He beliGTe&. that aome bo". mem' era were or opinion that olnde fem&la sh uld n .t be lari ely lntrodooed, but th~t tl'e large propor!ion of emigra~>ts abould be male labo·<w•, who would be o en to be blrtd to go ioto tte unsettlad diatrlcta of the !eo CID.)'. He, bow­ever, fou• d that oat of 626 moles v.ho b d been hired r. ut ot .be lost f!va sblps, only for•y-•lgbt bu beell blrel lnoo the p~ro·al dlstrl<ta ~r the couLtry, 13~ b~ bten hired for tho 'grleoltaral dl t Iota, l2 mto tow"• In the colony, and 297 did Mt hire themae:ves oul at all. There wu ar.o her p<Jiot to , blob he 11"0~14 refer, •bleb. wa• brought under tbe no:ice of !he House by Hll Exoellency 's)Desssge, No, 28, whlolllaid before t be CoU!loll on app!ie&~i .n f om the Sool<ty for htro­duclng FetMie Immigration, 'l!egging that aome r-ortlon of the pnbllo money& ml, bt be devotel lo tb~t society. He (the Auditor-G nera') tb u;.bt thAt he absolute l'ecesaity tf kee, i.1g up a atron.r

stre>m of fem•lo lmm\grat'on at the present time wao ao u"dcubted that every av,i!ai,Je moiln& sbow.I be u ;ed for carrying out the o j c'll!S of •nob a soelety as that whloh lril had mentio,.ed. He t el'eved t ha\ the yc ung w men intr~dli.cei urdet ~he aua;;ices of t~a.t society bad generally obt-.ln c1 JC< 0.1 wages, and bad b en t~ken Into aervloo r enerally Vlitb pretty good suooeu. He thou ht tte H use WO•Jll do well to en-

LEGISLATIV & COUACIL. courage-<v-.rysocie!ywbioh ~•d the bonafide obje' t of l"li<vlng destitullon ill Engla~d a t d Introducing

'l'uestiay, l•t 1\lnembor. f•ma•e ae. nnts Into the ooi"DY; atd be abould suba$-Ta e Speaur took the chair th1a. day at five ml~utu quontly m n a > •solution < mll-d; irg that view, and

past Ibn e. reeommendin,: H is IC <co lien y to ·ca.uy It oul. Ill, NOTICE.3 OF MOriON, &o. order to bdn;r the au jeat In a ~rv. e: m•nner' be-

Mr. MILLER gavo notice tlli.t on Friday text he f ro the Hou1a ha wou!d m ve tbat tl;ia commit­should move certain Il!lOlut:o"" relative to the aystem tee con•ld•r it expedient to pre,ont en addiKISS­pursued by the Guverament w. t!l regt.rd lo their bank- ro Hi• Exc•llrnoy, prayirg rh•t he would eousa tba lng aecouuts. sum of £ 300,000 t > te rem.it:al t o EnglAnd. at p-r.or-er

l!lr. W. N iC!IOLS0N pr•se:.teu a J.etltlon from tbe ln~r••!s. fer emlgrati ·n pur t>o eo, during the year ltiS-l ithablta, ta of Warrlngal, e· m, lalLiog th•t the am u, t "' d that His Exool!e cy v o tid ba pleased to ur. e u;>on voted last ye~~r for the e ect:ou of warchb ·usH &o., In the Seo et.ry of 11t to the pa:-a!llouct lm~rtanoe of that township, h >d nGt been ex1 ende• , and 1•r~ying giving enocu~sgement to fe~~~J>Ie 8mlgr tlon.. If {hat. tb"t i~quhy might be made Into t~ e olronmstr.no,~. motion wue edopt<d:,. he would tl:ell mLvo a fur.ho.­Also a pet:tloa from freeholden, &o., of tho a· me resolution, wltlt rehrtll ·c to the p.rtlaalv Soclity ta t wnsUp, al'egiog tbnt the moiety of the iand fund ap. wblch anu,u n hod been made. pr >prlated to public wor~1, had not b<e~ eqnit.bly Mr. SPI.ATT WOI at a loss to rccruut for \lle amt.ll­<fXllOnded; he g&ve notice tb~t on Friday 11ext te ness ,,f tho sum propoi<d by the bon. th& Audil<ir-Ge-ltou!li m>Vo tha. these petit OLI be printed. n•ral. I bed. be o •t&ted by tb ~ genH<>m&o that tho .Jf

Mr RUrLEDGE rresentad a petttlon from anum'> r prese,t ba'a. ee In bond was sometbie& like 400,0001, of stockholders of the West.rn Dlstr!ct, prayiag t-hat &lid rur:~; the e · sulng :r~ar some tlml!ar •monnt mauurea m'ght be ta!:.en to ~>mpel publiCI/\ '" t~ f rm would no douot be added to ;t; • 11. I ther•fore he did not pre per yaria for the .. ourity or catt'e aniaheep when see why the Hous• should ask•Hia Ex ellenoy to llmlt being trlvo 1 to mar..et; ~nd g"venot'ce tha~ ro-mo: row emLrra\'oo to not m ·re than one. third of what might to should move that the petition be prl.ntei! ro .. o!ltobly bo ~xpt'Cted tG be the resoarou at

Tba COLONIA.!. SECRErARY laid upoll the tablo oommomd f~r that I'Urpose. · There were also In exist. cf the HoW<e a report opoa the flora o f lhe ere• two'" t'lrte ' oole:i•s o~nneo'ed with emigration,

, c•>looy; aorrcopoadenoes with t e Co!o lai Secret rle• ' h\ch a'o'eties, he tbou,b•, ha1 ola' ma on the fatde of Van Diemen•s Land and NewS u 'h Wale!, ral: tlve In ba· d; and, bo believed that 66001. or 10,0001. to the expense of !lghthou;esln Bass's Strait&; and a given to "" h of tbos. locte·les woJlol do tnore good aup;>lemeLhry r•t>~' n to lilledd e56 m ·Ted fvr by C•p- tlun 40,0001 spmt In the mt'<•ner at preselltadopted. hln Cole r~~\lve to landing the Geelor.g mail& at Mr. FAWKNER said that aUhougb he could 1m a Sllortland'a Blutl'; which •ere orde ed to be prinled . gr tat meas!ll'e go wltb the Auci!tor.rJereral, ztill he Th~ !:on. ge::.t teman alao preaented • petition fc<.m Lhe must move ~n ~menlment to that ge. tleman's propo. sc, t hb Aastrdian Iilml>ration SJCle•y, anlng f<•r sllion. He ( {r . F .. wkneJ) nt ver felt IU•J>rl••d at the poounlary aasi Ianoe in prom ling eml~ratlon t' thb rqu•tle·s ri• ng to e:a:p~ud mo,ooy, when thtl money d!d colony, wbioli be aald was rather Informal in Ita ~.ot oomo ont of th•ir own pookela, Tboy bad a ·reeci Dl\ture, belnlr Jdd e1sel to the G verno·, the Exeau t • an expend! u ·e of pe bapa five or sh timH £8000 a­live Cr.a:>o!l, and t)le L ·gialt.tlve Cou-.oll, It h d been month, glvlog £3000 t 9 every V<t;e', and the:e mlrhr brought un(er t~~ 110tloo of Hi& Ex,ellency a:.d the be five or ax of them In a month, for the ro~veyano!l tD E.toeu'lve Council, and he bad no d< ubt the Hou;e the m~ila with tbelr letter~, tbat they might no• tha wo:lld not o -j octto lw recepUo~. Be therefore m•,ved shte of tbe ma, kets; but !boy only prop~!ed IOmf, \bat the pe'Jti n , e re~elnd and priuted, wblch Ulotior. £~000 or £6~00 t~ be given t~ eloh of theze scotV:,ee w~• ~gr"'d to. fo? pr.• motlug emigration H rus :ead of tltat, a

The SPEAKER communicated to the Honse the s~<m of £ 10,000 had been prop<Jsod to be alven reply of 'Bis Exoellenay Sir Wllll• m D >nlaoP, to the t' Mrs Chisholm, who bad <'one ~el'f !rreat serrlce : ddress prese nted. by the Council ta him, w the cff~1t te the ooloty by her exe tlons in the cause of e~a. that lfbad aft'o dol blm mach plelllure to have h'tl It llOJ, he ab ... uid t ave IUI'P<•r~d that pro,Fosltion. 'I'here In his p<Jwor w complv w tb the requ\!81 mt de to blm h.d bEen a committee ap; olnted last yea~w U.;,&stlgate by the Gov.rnme: t of Viotarla. I his question, and com;sunlaatlons b•d bee-4 ~e1•t b >me

NATIONAL EDUCATION. up •n tho subjeat some tea mor:.llia IillO\ and to !bat Mr. 11'. fliU rtP .ElY p esn ld a petition from Mr. torreapondenre the GOt'vnment ou~, tefore lbla to

A~heson Fr•ncll u 'IOD th3 au' ject of tbe admlnla'ra~lon have reodved a re~ly, Be sll~ul~ tber<f.>re propcse of tbe Board 6f N >tio: a\ IH ucAtlal 1 and m~ved that lha\ thll questioa oM11ld be ac~,urned uu'll there ll'lll it be re<:eh ed, an a.nawer rcco!vei i'rotn lll"a>e vpoil lbo 1uhj ·ct. It

Yr. FAWKNER •noved, as an amendment, that the lutd sometimes boon ar.!ll that the Emigration C• m .. p titbosbould bo re.d, t' enablo the House to deter- missioners tr•nu>:.tod 'tb~ business committed to tbom mine whether it >hould be re~elved or not. at 11 ve:y Ch!>ap rate. He, howe er, 1I"SS not in

Mr.li',MURPHY wucfopir.lonlli~ttberulcsofthe f•vor of a thl~g b~ing done che~ply, unlo.a at t l.e \Jouce proh!Htei • nythl •g bolr-g said up n tbe occ•- tlimt timq \t was well done. Th CommlsiiOIS'eY~ alon of a potitlcn being p: o;ented. He wonld give l at hOm~ bad sent t l e cml. rants wbe e fhoy liked, notice that t o-morrow he wou'd mcve th t the pe\lli~n Captt.ln Ste.uley c~rr t nd waited nfOD ttem, al d be p luted, whon tt w uld be open to bon. membe~1 to ll>.d said- " I have property 11t Portbnd, send emt. offer any rcm&l'ka up<Ju the subJ •ot. grant. t!oer•" ; acd a sbl~ \OPd of emlgra.'lll were sent

The SPEAKER, boweve· , intimate;! It •::. bu oplolo' I there forthwith, w!lhout !he lo.owled'e or approval of th•t upoa tbe motion of t~e bon.mem:;er, cvr the Murray tho Q(.vernot bl-re. He hope:! the House 'tl'tu\d demur (>llr. F. Y u ph)), for the re: eptlon. tt tho petition, it t<> p~~:gr any vote for aen<linp: mn. ey homo, 11ntlle was competect to ar y hJD. m•,nber to apeak lo :a~ t.nawer bad been reeeit'eJ to the &ddr<n wh!ob bad question. · besn prPa •ntod by the Comml\tee on Emigration, Ill

The t.m~ndme · t havln~ ceancnrlcd. tile patltt; n w.a order ;h•t aome reform might take plaoe u ~o tho way road by t~e c :e ·:t ·~ the \•':.'te se:tlug forlh cartalu In whloh em'g ants were sent o•t. That ooamlttu oharge• wl>tol.\ btJ, 'r.oea, r:r;~~· by'the B?•rd of Nat onal had di•covere<l that there wu a aum of 1a~,OOOl. or KduOAtlon a~.illat U>:. petitioner, r.nd upon which he whlch th• BoarJ bad given lla account ; a;od before a ny bsd t een r.;;movcll, ! .om bis position in oonnocUon with m01••Y .. as vo ed, It ought to be kl:ewn wbat h>d be. s· mo {,f tM P:jbools 1n tbe colony, an.! praying !or the co?'• of thai largo aum or money, Be aboulcl there­late. fe'o"'•• of the c uncll up<Jn tile auojeot. fo~-vote In ravor of this queat!on ~elns bold o\'tr for

lfU..' FA w K ~ E R tbon l'O!e to oppoae t1te 1 t•. tlon ·a t-pb lo of m?nths, ol 'the petition. There 1l'la so mueb extrateoaa matter ll 0 • llr, lllDP.Ji:!:L nld, with refe c1oe 13 wh~t bad

l tho petition, and ao manycbargea made butunauppo. rted, .ll:o•:a atA"d relative to lhe e.:o:ertlona or Captain Bt&lrle:r and ao long a tlriode of self lau.lati.on, quito lrrolevaLt Our; h g~t cml.rrant slllpa aenl by preferer oo to to tho quutloll at laaue, thai be lbousbt It oagbl nil'~ Portlalld, that wllatenr batl been done by lliat geatlr h be reoelftd by tbe Houee. FromkJl911'11lr aemethlDr mao~~~·· Ill ctder to gellbe IQalsra\lcll Commla­oftbo oatlonai•ohoqla $hrc~Siloa' ~ oo~ODf1 ht (llr, lloU:.• tiO'a\J;d • ooflalllii~Wf of ~1" ~ l'~~~d

Uti ~n effooted by him at the lns&&noo, and on the represell&atio" ofUielohabt&antsof P.dlaod,.ba Grange, ud other looalitlu ia tha~ d;.lrtol, whloh b \d tee1 addrened to Mr. Carr, long bef<>re he had lett this ooun&ry f<>r E ~&land. With r•peot to tbo claims of that dlatrlot upo01 the Eallgr~tlon Fund, to mns • rem'nd tho House th•t a rre•t deal of land b&<l been IOid there.

Kt. i\J!~I!JPQE taU that Captain Stanley Carr 'ht.d had no ;lgM io iilAkA the represeataUonl whloiJ be11&d m>.de at homo; tor ho f,ucd by the public )l&perstb't ala pabllo mestlag In London, at whloh the ·marl of Sha6elbury waa preseat, Caphln Stsnley ·Carr had 1 tabl th&t lie wu a dele~de f•om tho We;h:n Dlatrio&. · Jio (Mr. Rutledge) now st.\'e \ :that CaJ>taln S. Carr h ,d ..._·>t been deputed by any large J>ort~n o! the o·m:nunlty 1~· &he Westerll D:strtot Wllh N<pect to the app·>rtlonme,, ,nflmmlg>acts t> the d'fferonaatriots,It was q~lte t ue ~hal. :het.mml~rants had bef .-.,:Jr,.,gbl loto the pa1toral dis triO\: lf :Jrt. tanll to· aupplf the wanu of tht~e dlstrlots ; whllo. tb~ ~ltur'l dlstrlots, tho s.!e of hnd In whlob hall procured th' fllllds ler emigration, were loft destitute of a Ill~; ly < f Jabsr.

The AUDITOR-GENERAL explained In refere•oo to wh>& had fu!o01 from the bon. gentleman (Mr. Fawku ) relative to lhe snm of £119,000, t:.a& otace tho year 1847, whloh w ... tho first JO:.r the Eroigra•!on Commlnl men b&<l recelved funds for the purp.sea • f emlgrat:o~ .rr~m tho land fund of t'>ls o lony, they (the Comm·s.toners) had regularly aoc unted for the ~llll they hul reoehed; and the s :a ~ement of accounts nleuly showed that this colony had got Its f.Ur abare of Ute emlgrnt1 sent ont to A.uttr•lia sln<e Its aep~. ftt!on from No" South W•los. There had been one mlstal:.e committed by the Commlsslo .en, In •• ding a ahlp, whiob Cll6'ht to have come to tb.a colony, to Two. fold Bay. But the mlatako bad b .. n reatiliocl, and thh oolony bad got oredlt for the amouot. Whatever .might bJ tb •ught of the pr•ontaystem ofeml~a,lon,lt •as,bo wever ,uystem o•rrled OllllDder the ore atlon of an Act efl'ar I •mont; &' d the onlf • ff•ot of the ame.odmont cUbe biJn. geAlema~ (Mr. F .. wkner) Wvuld be to step em'gra·.Ion o.ltogetber f1r tho preoent.

Dr. G R &E VEil !I'M of opinion, alao, tbst the b?n. orable gen' lemato'l ameudm ·nt wo~ld o.uly h.ve the eft'eot of cbeoklng emigration,-• conrae wh'ch was JllOit un -dvhablo, Fot. by cheo~lng em'.lfl'at! n thoy III'Qatd be llJIIl!.lng tho tupply <f labor to the colonv -alld that, be -_eJi !lOt toll them, wonl4 te a m~t ·IUlG!d.al 1t1111".... -

·"ib. GRIFFITH -1dd that It WBII no e onomy to send ~e emtgrants II at to Melboure, II fJ<O th< y were hired l!y tha squatter or landowner In more remote dlatrlota. With res pee! to tho exert! ns ef Capt. !!t nley Carr, that gentleman bld aoted In connecll ' D with Jl(r Ktn1, lo urglnl!' tbe E nlgrallon Commlaionera at home to prom1te it; and hebeliev•d that Mr. Klntr wuaotlogln .Loodon ill the cb \Taoter <'fa delega'o fro111 &bla colony.

.Mr. FAWKNER aald th•t Mr. KinK h•d b<len Iaiit home by a sm>ll o:Ique to premc,te their owa Ptlt>OJes. Be ah•u!d mo·e as an amex;dutent, th·,t tbe C>airman 1lo leave the ub&ir, at1d uk leave ~ ait again that day month. .

Tbt COLONIAL BECRE!ARY did rot wlslt t1 take plrt In tb• diacnsalon, but th>t me• tlon h•d been made of the name of a gelltleman who had do. e great aervloe to the color.y-C•phln Stsr.ley Carr. That gentlom•n bad taken a very active pa't In dlatrlbutlng eorrec'. lnf mnat· ou about thla col·>ny In the U oltoi Kingdom, and p>lnting out Its adv,.ntages and a• trac­tions aa a field of emigration. He w•• a m~st active me:nbarof a oomm;ttee formal In London of gentlemen ·O>nneoted wt· b Au1tralb, of whloh C)mmittee be (the Colonial ~eoretary) had also been a me3l'>er whits& te was In E 1gland ; a d he hai had, thoref Jre, opportunl­tlea of seeing bow Captain 8. Carr b&<lexertei loimse f to promote a oontinuO!lS stream nf •mig,alioo to these oolonie•. And he oould asanre bon. geotleron that tt yas not for tho bene lit o/ &he eq uat·e· s that that com. •mlttee In 1.1tdon \)Xerted Itself; In proof ef whlob he might mentlon th 'ton o"e oaomon, wbon a resolu.

.tfon had been oubmitted to the:n by a 1quatter, wh'oh seemed to fn>r the !qu,.tt!ng lntarest n dnly,lbey a\ once rejac~ed it. Tb ' t looldonl hal taken p\.ce abent aome olx weeks before he (the Colonial Secrets,y) loft London fer the co!ony. Wltll. respect to Captala

;Stanley Carr's reiag a dole,sate from <he Western Dls­trtot, th,re hl>d o,rtalnly been repor.s olrcnla!ed t •>

· tha~ efi'Oll' h Lon1on ; but Captain S. Corr bad h l en ,every possible opportuBity of contradlotlng those reports, and no ooe oon\d be more anno.)' ed a\ tho exlttence or snoh a rumor than thai gentleman himtelf b&d been. B"-(t•e Colonltl Secretary) bad aocompanlel C•ptala B. c.rrand lllr. Kitlg, on tho oooasioll of their going t~ the Emlgr.•~lo~ C"mniasl >ters o u •ge npon them the promotiln o! enlgratlon to these oo:o,.les on a !>rge soale; and be ooulll not nnw remember wholher the rooomme:>dat!ou of Mr. Ki g or those of Capt. Carr Yere the reoomm~nd~tiont 0 whloh the Commia toners hne a· lo.ered. But bo d'd rec.,Jieet that there was a proposl\ioll mo,tel to .. nd a oert.in p o­port\on of emigrants to t~e Western District of the colony gece·ally. The objeot of their .illlt to the C mm;.sloller& was not to advoe•te the peculiar war.t1 or interests of any par~ioular lo ot.llty; ~tut tourgetlle Commlsalon<rs by eve y m•au In their power to i~~rease the stream of emigration to this colony. Nor conld he think the C•Jmmlsslo~ers wrong lotakl 'g the advice of Mr. King or Capt. Carr; forwh~t ·wero ~;entlemen In London t' do lflhoy we!e tonjeot all the lobd knowle Jge and usefnl recommend•tlons wbloh m[j:bt te suggested to them by gentlemnfrom Au•tralla, who were rersono.lly acqu•inted with thow.~>n&a of the colony. Why ,'on s•>me oooa5!ons as mauy as twenty gent\eme~ conuecto:l. with Australia waite:! upon the Coromi&!looers for t':.e aame purpose as Messrs. King at:d 8. Carr bad done; and he mu•t rep~t be ooul'd not think t':e Comm utouers acted wronrly :n •nlling tbem•elv.s of the u•efu\ hlnls and reeom· mondatlo"s 11'hlcb t!lose gntlomen were so well o•lou. htod to give them. AI had. been alrc•dy ste.ted -l1l' tho hon. ~t•nt:eman who had pre,edel him, the poat. fGDoment of t~!s reJolutioll wou'd only h&va the rabohievous •ffect of cheoJUng emigration to Viotorta, and w;ut; be of!Htle av•ll towards repealing the Aot of Parl!ameot n!ldo? whlo!l the present system of eml; ratton was oarrl<d out. But the bon. gen· tlom&n (\ir. Fawkner) oee:ned roa.lly 11ot to bl>ve rell. ooted on the course he was u"glng upo·> the Hou e. T <tt reso;ution WlS directed to the promotion prlnclp•lly of fem•le emlgratlon !:Tow, wh•t p:,ssible a~v&utase to the !quatters Ill pa·­&<oulr.r was tho promotion of female imm!,;:ratio ? Did females constitute the ol&ss of laborers which the squ•'t"s most nee Jed l The Route must aeo th&t It was most absurd t<> suppose th .t the !qu,t!<tl h · d any partloula.r adv.ntage lu tho matter, and be trusted that it wonl'd, without furfuer de1•y, ~tRrm the resolntl 1n of his hoo friond, the Auditor.Gonera!.

M • FA WKNER sail, aooordlngo to the hon. the Colonlll Socretoty-, the dlota of private Individuals who m.lght ohance to -be In London were to be l'ref.,r.eJ by the Comm!Mio&e:s to tbe deolsious of tho Le~:bl:i.tlve C.,ll~oll of VIctoria,

Mr. RU CLE OGE w~~ opp'!~d tot· e adjourtme :t of tl;• resolution. lf the Col Dial Se>r&hry would !O>roh hts otRoe, he wvuld the e find documents whlcb w.•u d prova to him that improper i ttuence bad been brou~ht to bear on the Commlsslonon ia Lond ·0, In orde; to preveat the landing of eml6r:.nts at Port FJI.irv (Oh c~ •. '

Cap bin COL~ !uppo:tel the original motion. Kr. SPLATT advooa'.e l their proceeding with the

original motion. It would be a m at misohiev. us thlag to cl!eo!l em'gr~tion, wh:oh wonld be the elfeot of tho amondmont. ,Mr. O'SHANASSY was l nrprls•d at the incon.

a.atenoy of the bon. ge•tleman, ( Ur. Spl~>tt), wll.o, as Chairman of the Emlgrati >n Committee last so.slon, had brought up a report u · equl.,.oally condemning the ayatem or emigrotlon I uroued by tLe Commi.Jsloners a'ld norr the non. gentl~rn11n was urging on the promo~ ~~n of tnot V'fJ system. It the deotsiDna of that .tb.use were to b<l m.,.ked by the inconsistency which to ey seemed on tile present occasion to te about

a&a~p UJ?On them, they mu~t not o:rpeot they would

B•081 t w,th IL u~h resreot fro"' the authorlt:es In Great r taln. .Mr, SPLATT atm condemned the ayatem, f em\.

'gl'ltion oonduc!ed by the Cot~~mlntonera. but It was bet'er ~o h~ve &n lmperfoct systotn in ope.r6toDn tha.n no system r t all.

Hr. HIGHET 1: oppo:;ed the postFoLement of tho ftJQlu ion.

llr. FA WKNER withdrew his amendment. Some nrbo.l amendmlit<t having been made in the

res 'Iutton, Mr. o•s HAN ASSY said that the report

of the Committee last j e1r had been most emphatic, not only In condemning the expooalve mode of p!o:e <Eng adopted by the Em! ratl<'n Com­mlulonnrs, but also In their seLdlng the eolony the aweeplnga of largo e'ties, rather th~n zelecttous from tho rural porutatiDD < f the United Kingdom, He therefore moved ap liD am,ndment the addition to the nsolutlon of the wordl :-" To be se'eoted preferably ·from the rural dlatriola of the United Kingdom."

Af~9t a :rew words f~om the SPEAKER atd the ~UDITOR.GENERAL,

Mr. SPLATT m-,ved aa a S<cond amen~ mont, that 1b.e 1\lm b<l 500,000l. Instead •.f 20l,OOCI. (" Oh, ob,., ft~~m Mr. F. wkner.)

Mr. RUTLEDGE proposed 111 a third ame·dment o• the ruolut!o~ the lnaert:on of words to the effeot that tb3 prOFO!t\ou In " bleb ~migrants should be sent to \he Western District ahou'd he two to 13olfnt and Port Fo.lry lor tbe one son~ to PorUand. ( Oh !)

Hr. WILKINSON oppnaed the latter r.mendment. The AUDITOR-GENERAL 5uggested the propriety

of not inollrnberlng tho original reaolotlon with tbose numorooa &mendmeuts, but to lot t!le orl(!Jlal raaoJu. IJ.on pass ; and that tnen hon. gentleman could pro~a their amendmo11ts u substantive nsolntlo~s. ·

lt cogbt to be oarrled < o& ge..er~lly with respeet to all tho otbor dlatrlols of the oolony, G.elong looluled.

Mr. O•SHANASSY said If they were g.>lng to· asnd tor females, as &bereaJlutlon lmpllo', fJr what purpose did they send tor them, unloss It wu to eq nalile tbe aexes throughout the aeveral dlstrlols of tho colony ; and no\ to OOD6fio the aupply of females to any limited number of looall lol f

T .. e SPEAKER said It W•S a very narrllw basis to go upon, tG around tboir emigration to any of tb• districts of the oolony u ·on the amount of money whiob a given locality mlgbt contribute to tile Land Fund, It wou!.l Lo b<lttor tJ tako the aT.ount and value of tho exports of a diltrlot aa a g11ide and shndard. He did n<>t me•n to uy but wbat the amount of ou\tl .. v..to:l land In tho:neighl>·>rhood of \V&rrnam'>Ool and Be fa•t wollld entitle th•t dlatrlct to a conLldorable amount of eml&ratlon; bllt wltb roforonoa to tbe safe'.y of landing or lmml0rauts at Be.f .. t, be could say that he had himself teen as many as six wrecks Jyl "g along upon tho aand there at t· e same &!me. Wholllarge sums of m•noy were pai4 by the oolo lsts fer brlngl"g

' or Into the oolony, he thou;:ht that the oolo· y Ja,_ ' · s~cura for a oerhln time the services t f tbe ?ught .._ -arda the lndu•lrlal pnrault.oftho"'!!~::;. ·mml~ranl!tl>~ .• ·,, ofpt..lloy, ar4 not fo• the sake Upon broad pr•ti.O.p.... ~r any o'ber dhlrtot, be ot Portland or Belf~t, ' · ·ntony Itself lh t t.. ought It de•lublo f<tr' lh~ ... •om ~ some measare ob. uld be ado :ton bT 11 i;loh •·. 0 ~·~.'!;•alent should be ex•c ed from lmDIIgrUJts r-:tcem~··-, wl!lQh hey p .. loi. Ho thorefure ohjeote.l to 1he blollls of .the

prorosal of the h•>n. mellli'Jor as being a ~7.-J.nc plo which, If c.rrled ut, would ~~~oger.. 'lor dlsfu.ncblae "ll lb.a parts of the colony except ~~o.:•lbourne ~d Gaelo .g, t" klog into conaidoc&tlon th..' rolattve amount of land whlob hsd been aold lathe ~ 'ghbor. hood of those tw<> 1-l...:e; u comrared with &be ... ·tber parts of t <>' olooy. 1

Mr. RUTLEDGE ha.vlng made a few rema.rka on the com;>aro.tivelmwrt.noe of the po. to of Port Fair; and Port'and, -

' ho AUQITOR.GENERAL ho~ed tbat the Ho!I.So wonld •·ot de ;one rate i to an arena for the discuss on of the · el•tlvo m"its of any two or th·oe local ports. .At the tlmo wlten 'hla colony was anlutegul part of New South W.les, a compl&int had been maie against the B; dney Go•iir,.me .• t for nol oen<il•g a due propor­tion of erolgratlon to the Port PhlJI!p d~'rlot; and It wu said tk t £139,000 w:s 1 ow due ty the B)"dn&J ~overnme~~ o:>_ that ao"':U~&. He hoped bon.. mem- I oon woma oeaP 111 tnll!d that aui!h a COIIl­plalnt b •d been msde, and be trusted no ground w•uld be give~ for the lmputstloll belug Ja!d a~alnat t'.e Uo111e t t at a Ana proportion of emigrants were not •ent to the t utports of the oolony. If aDy r11le w•re to te lo.id downaa to the dlstrlbutl'n of tile emlg ants, he (tho Au!ltor-Generlol) thollgbt tl!At no other could be adopted tbs.n th•t of determining the nllmber ef ealgrants tJ be se.>t to any part!Jular dl8. lrlct by the •mollnt of l"ud sold In tbe dla\rlot; aeelnr that It was fr m the nle of the land &bat the tuml waa'raiS9d tor the pll·posea of emigration.

Mr. FA.WKNER nld, that wbon !he prioe of Jaad was lilted at 11. anaore, ll was ell oo;dltlon that half tl!At money should go homo to btlng out l&bor t> ou'­tlvate that hwd, and not to bring out •te. herds and hut~oe;ers f r the squ.t:ers. Therefo:e be waa In r~v r cf emlgunts be ug aent to all parts gf the colony In proportion to the • mount of Ian 1 a old. Ha did not "'·Y that lho Gvvernme . t wore to se •d em!. ~:rant ahlr•l to J'letrss~ or Warr~nmtool, if th111e ports were lnseoll:e, but they mllht tranship the e:n!grants for these plaoeut tho nearest port that was safe,

Dr. GREEVES thought it quite enou.;b If the HOilSe enunolate ! the general prtnclp e th•t all tho different ports or the ool•ny aud the adjoia'ng dlstrlot. OUlht to be suppllo:i wl h J,bor. Ir the Hou·e went fu~her, and specified any particular porls, tl:e; tlen took tho proper du ies or the Execlltive GJVetLme toot of th•lr ht:d~. He theref ·re moved as on amendment'' ThAt emigrants <ught to be ~e•patohed to all the v .. rloll& por:a oftbe oo'ony, w.tb due rogard h the de:uaad (Jr labor In the sev<ral dlstrle'1 adjacent thereto,

Mr. RUTLEDGE t~ought tho amendmout proposed by !he bon.. momber Youtd Jeavo the question exactly in 113 present positio!, and tho s~me jo~blng and mis. represe:ittatiGD. wta\d stUl go Oil In Lon4o.l, practi­cally •ett!ng at nongat the atrong rop:esentationa of His E ccellenoy upon the •ubjo.t, espec!& Jy if wh•t he(l!r. Rutledge) ltad justte•rd were true, viz, that thoro had boao. a gold-field dlacovered nur P.ortlan.d.

Mr FA WKNE'!t also oppoled the amendment, as ho was aiways agalts& "'1 ambigni'}' or generality or exp•esslon.

After a few worJ1 froM !lr. Griffith ar d ~r. Wl'k.ln­son the oommlttee divided on Dr. Greaves's a.mmomeLt, whe l the · e apreared­

l!'or the ame~dme!lt, Aga\J;at It,


Tho am•ndr:te t wu rocordtngly agreed to.

19 11

The AUDirOR-GENERAL then moved the f<l­lowing reso•utlon : -" Thtot Hia EICellenoy be re. quested_ to recommend to I be Secr<t&ry of Stat• 1hat a sum of £to,ooo b<l placed at t' e dtsroul of the So Iety for Ptomo .(ng Female Em16ratlon, to en1ble tho111 to carry on their operation• durhg the year 1854" He s&!d that be wished to put the questlo:~ tn a general wa.y without going Into de ·at!; which be tb?ught the Elorue noe.l not tske the trouble of going ir.to, but trust \1 to the Government to m•ke their reo -mmendation In anoh a ma'lller u would be aatls­faotory to tho genel:'lll feeling of &te colonials.

A short dts·ussloa thea ensued as to be teohn'oal mode In which the quOJ!tion upen whloh the Ho111o had jwtt divld•d, b><i b<len put by the h~n. Ch&!rm.n of Committees aft.er wblob

Mr. MILLER enquired ,.hetber it wu the into t\:,n of the Audit >r-General t? pr.:pJit a r,n.nt tD any oth<r society. -

The AUDITOR GENERAL, in reply, said tb&t he bad m •de this motion with reference to His Exoel­Je~oy•s Message, No. ~8, which only referred to that one society, At tho nme tlmo It would be quite oom. pat<lnt to ho1. members to make a subsequent moti>n that the same sum should be given to a.;,y other ao­clety~

Mr. RU!LEDGE thoug:1ttha.t the society In quoJ. tlon did not deserve b•tt<.r from the House •h•n the society for.ned by that e:xoe\lent lady Mrs. Ch!>holm, and he should be happy to support a. vote of support to tha society of whloll Mrs. Chi.!lholm was the head, as well as to th.t society with whlo'.l Mr. Sydney Herbert was eon~ected.

The COLONIAL SECRETARY quite agreed ill all t!u.t h~d been said rebtlve to Mrs. Chisholm, and the great ser•l~e wh!oh tho bad rendered b the colony by means of the society wltll wh:oh she wM co nected • bu~ tbe roason why tte Government had £Ot propor.ed aoy YOta for that soolety was b·cau•~ t e aoo!ety had been managed entitely by Mrs.Cb.ishOlm, wl,o was now o~ ben:ayto lhi~ oolony. TheL•gisla.ture ofNew8outlt We lea had aent home £10,008 to Mrs. Chisholm; and there was a d!tRoulty In administering that sum, owing to Mrs. Chisholm being j ••t' absut leaving En:;la' d. Slncl that time .•he hr.d left, and oonsequenily tle Governmoat could not move lo the matter. If Mrs. Chl•bolm had beea at home, !hare would tave been no hrstatlon whatever ab•mt 1ha matter; bat, under the cit cnmatancrs, be thou.;ht It would not be p!Udent thatmoneyabould b<llmm•dlately remitted for the pnr. P'S"' of the society with which Mr,. Cnisbolm waa con. nocted.

Mr. O'SHANASSY objected to the prloc'ple of glvlng money to any local or prl .... te company to promote emigration, as being likely to be fou'ld nlti. m•to'y very Inconvenient ln practlca. Tbey ought .not to depal't from tha sy•tem ostabllshetl. by taw. He should mo•e t.l ton amendment, "That the Chatr. m•n do leave the o"air, and repcrl the previous reao. lution to tho V.ouae."

Mr. FAWKNER rupported the or\glno.l resolu\lon • Ca~t DANE waa likewise In favor' f the ••solution Mr. GRIFFITH read an extraot from the Report of

the Mel'>ourne Immigration Ofli,er, showing that the female emigrants sent ont by Mr. Sydney Herb<lrt•s sccle'y were not ln m.any Instances penona of moral or unblem'sbed oharao'er; and be (Mr. G.) coatended th>t that formed aufil!!ent gronn4 why the oommltteesbould p•use before granting a 1om to promote the em'gratlon of persons whD might be the very reverse of an nseful or mora.larqulslllon to the population of the colony. He waa oppfillod to the grant.

The AUDITOR-GENERAL admltt~ th.t dnrlng tho early operations of Mr. s. B'erbert•s Society, aome quostlon .. ble cbaraoters had ao f'\1' lmpozcd on the So. olety, u to get themselves sent out here at Ita ex~ense; but that was not likely to cootlt again. Besides the abuse1 tha' hai ta.k_en plaos were more a!trlbnt&ble to the WI\U' of proper survelllanoe being exerolsoli over the younr fema'es on ehlp-boar3, snob u won'd ha.ve boefl tho oa1a !n a Gover~ment emigrant ship titan flam auy largo number of bad ohnractcrs ha.vlng been sent ont. The want of ~ro?er curve!' lance bad OllD!ei tho oontamln11Uon !ntrcduoed by a few to spread among the many,

The c mmlttee li!Tided­Ayes N.·OS


Ths amendment was accordingly lost,

n 18

Mr. CAMP BEL!. moved as a.n ~~mendment, that the s~m~dl~m r.a propoeed by the original resolution a ou • granted to the Highland and Island Emlgu tioa Society, and to Mrs. Ch!sbolm'a SJolety. "

llfr. 0'8HAN ASBY moved an amerdment, Ulat tho Cbalfman do leave the ohalr, and report PtOSteiS

The committee again divided- 1

Ayes ;:: n Mr. SPLA.TT and Mr. RU!LEDGEj botb aoted on •

the auz!l'•stlon, and withdrew th~\r r~apeotlvo amend­.mont;,





!fo tpposUb11 kwlDir ken made to Tir. O'Shluny•a amendment, the worJa propond by tho bon. msmber :be Inserted h1 tho resolutioa were accordingly in. :r~U: ~11.1! It, ond tho resolution as thus amondod

11~ ':'om tho ohalr and agree~ to, • ~· RUTLEDGE &ten prl)poaed a res·,tution, to tho tfi"<OI that In \te o;inlon of the committee lmm'grants sll.ou\4 te ~elpatahed t> Portland, Belfaat, and Glpps• L.-.t; in prvportlon to tho amouut of territorial revenue lltriYed flora eaoh or those place•.

1ir. MARK NICHOLSON moved aa an amendment the loaert'on of the wor4 "Warrnambool." '

Mr. GRIFFIT.B oppond th• m ;tlo11.

Tho amendment na then negatived. Mr. Campbell'l amendment wu thus put and nega.

tind wHhout a division. The odgiul resolution wu then pill f1om Ute oliair, The oommittee divided­

Ayes Noo1


17 lS

The reaoldlon w11 aocordlngly loet. The Hollie then reaumed, and the oh&!rman reporW

the reaolutlon qread to by lhe oommlttee1 ;;<llloh waa 114optell b)' tllq •ouse,

on tho motion of the Audltor-Geter u the oonsl~era&ion of the estima~es wu postponed tiil t).mOrrDw (thla da) ). '

The Bouse then resume·!, and Immediately adj lnrntd at fl.ve minutes to eight o•otock.


. Wednes<lav, ~nd lfortmber. GovERNMENT BUS!NESS,-0RDRR CF THE D.lY.

1. Cu•toms B\11-Ssoo .:d reading. 2. Es lma~ea f r 1854, a ' d Snpp~ementary E•tlmatea

for 1853. To be further eoneldered In Commt.tee. GE!fEBAL BusiNESS -NOTICEs OF MoTroK.

1. Mr. W. :NICHOLSON :-To move, Tnai the Bill lnUtuled, "A Bill t > I ~corp >r&te a Com ploy to be oalled 1 The Equlhble Laad and Bulldh•g CJmpt.ll/ •" be read a lira& time. ' Co;,tlog~rton tho Bill being read & !l<Et~lme, !f.r W.

NIC iiOLSON t~ mr.ve, Th•t It be referre:l to & \O!eot cotnmlttee, to cons!at ot ~r. t':9e-:·!:::t!, !· ~ ~~~~;-w,n "f Ge_erAI Seulona, ~r. F. Murpllf, 1\Ir. Jl&iLe• aDd the mo!~!'. '

2. Mr. FAWKNER: To moYc, Th .tan aedrna be presented to Hil Exo•llenoy t~e L'euteDant.Gove no", praying that he will be !·loosed to oause to be •up plied to this Con· o' l fnlllnrorm• tlon <oncernlng t••e statio' on tbe Lo~don, f>rmerlf select'd by Mr. Protector Pa1kor, •~td to <onh! 1 a boat 56 rquare ml!&s.

(1.) Was he hr.d referred ~e. ~t that t:me, In the use, pos,.easioD,or oetupdionofany cne or more !qu.:te,., with the qu .. ntity of 1ani tal<en, either from the one, or if more than one p,.r. son, ft .... m eaoh squ•t' er, ~o fo:rm tho ab .. tion for the aloor lglnes !

(~.) Was a~y comFeos tion given to ruoh r41,uatter or aqu•tters, abd If a· y, bow muob, when w&s It ginn, and if any award was made, who f,amad &he awud l

(3 ) When the Proteotorate wa• a~ollshed, wu fhla • • · - auy part thereof returned to tho pe•aon

rll~ "· from whom It was take~ !Q 1841.!

(4 or per<Oilo · "'lioh the P roteotorate of A'. o. .) The <late on" 'I or dispe1eed wl'h !!l thb

rlglncs was abc·l'sh~

colony. ' +.or Puker eeased (5 ) The dale at which Mr. Pt~to... d the date at

to h >ld <tR JO at snob Protector, a-.. -.. nces as whloh ho oeased to draw P•Y and alto-.. suoh Proteotor.

(6.) The d•y on which '!fr. P .ote ,tor P~riet ~e. Jivo:el np J.OSSPII\OD of Ito OS &o., .to., be lon~lng to hls otR >o as aforeoald, and the qu ,11•

un .. and persons to w~om del'vered. (7 ) To 7 holll u:d at wb~t d•t• d d Mr. Proteot~r

Parker ~ellver u~ the said Aborigi 1&! St•tlon f Was It to be original bold•r or holders ; or, In oa•e It woa cot delivered up, I wh :lle bands and for wb ao benefit has it beon hold since the abolltlon cf the P otectoro.te !

(8 ) Tho o .I l·m of His Honor th9 the· Suporin­te do11t, If a.-y anch wu "oflbiall)" given, of the oa. abilities or ""lue of •• cvlces or coniuot of Yr. Protector P uker durlug any or all the time he acted as auJb P;~tector, tcgethor with am·uot c.f pay and of allowalices, ard h• amou ·.t of actu•l oorvl<o! pe f rmed by Lim for such pay and snob a.low,.ncoa. A yearly statement tf all such son lees.

(9 ) The am>u"t of rent or rove ue that h&, accrued to !he revenue for the use of the said Shtloa If about fif<J-SiX ml OS 1qnare, at wbat times I' Id, who pt.ld by, and into what fu,.d l t was placeJ.

(10.) The re a on why th!a land, b<llng In the neor nelghbo hood of tho dl.;gln,;a, w•• not par. oe!led out and put up to auetlo• In au! a !e Jots, f•Jr the beoeflt cf the re•enue ahd en. coura.~ement of an agrioultu<al o!ua on that 1 art r f th!~ very rl.b gold oountry.

(11.) If 1he said ru 1 or aborlrlna\ s·attoll has not bean Jet at & fixed and anltabl• re~t. or leased f 'r a vHu&tioa considera.t:on. A return s at'ng In what manMr the Governmen' intend to proceel with this Ia B"• •oo~e of I •nd tba· Is fit for use, much wanted, and would •d.i, If sAd, a Iorge eum to the land fu d.

(12) If. Mr. P•rter holds this said station, or ony par. thereJf, wll.at amcu ,t of m~ney does he pa.y, or atooli. does le retura It a3 Clp&ble of feedln !

3. Mr. F .1. WK ._ER: To m~ve, That !.D A'drass be preaetted t:l H'a E~oeUenoy the Llente•ant.G><er.or, pr~)'lag that HIS Ex,e1len y wl:l be tie ud to oaw.e to b tlald upon tho table of t~la C<Ullcll

(I.) A Rotura o: the amou ts of me;ey received for tho Mtunt Ro111o St&tiGn since the t:me 1t WiWI

put up to Jeaso by auotlon. (~.) To whom I~ has been !e>&ed, or any par. r f it

t' e qua· tlty so leased, an1 amount of rent, and tame of Jessee.

(3.) If it has not teen let, has any one or mor• pe·so 1 be•n •11 'Wed to oooupy It, or aor part or It, and on what terms t

(4.) To what pnrpou were tie acres put that form6d the d;lforenoe be.ween tho Reaerro orl~~na·Jy formei at Mouat Itou,e, viz : 64 o.o acres, or 100 aquara n.lles, and tte re. duced Resene, in Ooto'J8r, 1850, CJf a aquU"e block oontalnln11 4' 19o0 acres, or 64 aqu•ro mites!

(5 ) If let, at whatsum per year, to wb•m !e&, and h>w muoh renl hu been paid ye Ar:y, asd the anm tJtal to tbe date of Jaot payment.

(6) How much land, and I~ ..-bat q~a! tlties, and at "h\t p lce.s have bee• 'o d at Penshurst and also ia oaoll, separately, of the parlthes of Bor•mboram and Yalinda, oaU to tobtalD "20,300 •ores, varyiJig f em 9 to 640 aere1 "

from the dat o of the drat so.lt to tLe preae~t timer

4. Mr. RUTLEDGE: Tv move, Tht tho P.Utton p!eser.ted by him from oerhln tnh .. b:ta~ts d tho Western District, be rrlntej,

MEETING3 OF !!ELECT COMMITTEES. W «lnesclay, 2ncl November.

G .. long Malls-a.t 10 o'clook. New Cont tltutkn-at ll o•olook. P~bllo Worka-atl~ o'ol:JOir.

Mr. BTBACIIAW thought tho ,_,lotion objeotion­abl~ lt auth a friUIJ>lt 11 It embodl!d w~~ tnf9~

1k~ B~lllt th!t !tid ~ fq~lf'O/QI'III!If W~.J

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