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OLI Systems, Inc. OLI Engine For Aspen HYSYS V8.4 Page 1

Getting Started Guide

OLI Engine for Aspen HYSYS V8.4

Getting Started Guide


Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 1

Assumptions .............................................................................................................................................. 2

Application ................................................................................................................................................ 3

Using the OLI Engine for Aspen HYSYS .......................................................................................................... 3

Entering the Chemistry and fluid packages .............................................................................................. 4

Selecting Fluid Packages ....................................................................................................................... 5

Entering Components ........................................................................................................................... 8

Creating the Simulation .......................................................................................................................... 11

Entering Stream Composition Data .................................................................................................... 15

Reviewing the output .......................................................................................................................... 22

Disclaimer.................................................................................................................................................... 26

Trademarks ................................................................................................................................................. 26

Overview The OLI Engine for Aspen HYSYS interface greatly enhances AspenHYSYS’ capability to model electrolyte

systems. A rigorous and self-consistent thermodynamic framework is employed to tame the

mathematically stiff equations commonly found in electrolyte systems. Also a database of over 10,000

components are available.

OLI Systems, Inc. OLI Engine For Aspen HYSYS V8.4 Page 2

Getting Started Guide

The OLI model is available as a property set within Aspen HYSYS. This “Getting Started” guide will show

you how to create the electrolyte chemistry for a simple case and then create a simple flowsheet in

Aspen HYSYS.


The following assumptions are made for this guide:

1. Aspen HYSYS is currently installed and running on your computer

2. The license manager for Aspen HYSYS is currently set up.

3. The OLI Engine for Aspen HYSYS product has been installed.

4. The OLI security model is running

5. Aspen HYSYS V8.4 is being used.

6. The user is expected to know how to run Aspen HYSYS.

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Getting Started Guide

Application This application will take an acid stream and titrate it against a basic stream to see the resultant pH

changes. Some heat and vapor are expected to be evolved.

Using the OLI Engine for Aspen HYSYS Start Hysys in the normal manner. A splash screen will display and then disappear.

This will now display the Aspen HYSYS development environment.

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Getting Started Guide

Entering the Chemistry and fluid packages

Select New

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Getting Started Guide

This will bring up the Simulation Environment.

Selecting Fluid Packages

Select Fluid Packages

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Getting Started Guide

There are no fluid packages currently defined for this simulation. We need to add a package.

Click the Add button

Scroll down the window to find OLI_Electrolyte.

Highlight the object.

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Getting Started Guide

The window changes to display some OLI specific options. It is beyond the scope of this document to

explain those options at this time. Notice that the name of the component list is Component List -1 .

In the tree-view, click on Component Lists.

Click the small arrow to expand the list. This will expand the list to display all the component lists.

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Getting Started Guide

Select Component List -1

Entering Components

A new basis set has been defined. We can now specify the components.

Aspen HYSYS categorizes the components according to function and type. OLI Components are no

different. Expand the drop-down list from the Select box.

This will display several options:

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Getting Started Guide

For this example we will use OLI (Aqueous)

We can now begin to select our components from the OLI supplied species. You can either scroll down

the rather large list or enter your species into the Search For: box.

Enter the species H2O into the Search For: box.

You can see the components list scrolls to the species. If the species highlighted is the correct species,

click the Add button.

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Getting Started Guide

As you type, the component list changes to search for the species. As you can see the species H2O is

highlighted. Also, there is the species H2O2 (peroxide) which has a similar formula. Select the species

you need.

You will notice that the component list no longer displays H2O in the available box. Rather it now

appears in the Selected components. If you wish to remove a component from the selected list,

highlight it and use the Replace button.

Using the same procedure, add the following components.




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Getting Started Guide



The input should look like this:

The component selection has been completed. We are now ready to start building our process.

Creating the Simulation

As you click this button Aspen HYSYS temporarily passes control to the OLI software to create the

electrolyte model. Progress messages can be seen in the status line at the bottom of the window as well

as in the summary box. After a few moments, the standard ASPEN HYSYS development window is


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Getting Started Guide

the Simulation window (move the palate if it is obscuring the window)

We will now create a small process using a mixer with two inlet streams. The user is expected to know

how to create the process. Please do not enter any conditions for the inlet streams at this time.

From the tools pallet we will Click on the mixer and then click on the workspace.

The workspace now looks like this:

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Getting Started Guide

The mixer is given a default name of MIX-100. You can change it later if you wish. The block is also

colored RED. This indicates that the block does not have sufficient information to calculate.

We need to create two inlet streams.

Click on the Material Streams arrows and place them on the workspace.

The material streams arrows are colored blue. Place two (2) material streams arrows on the workspace.

Double-Click the Mixer Block.

Locate the Inlets area on this dialog and click in the first cell. Select stream “1”.

Repeat for stream “2”.

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Getting Started Guide

Selecting stream "2". Stream "1" has already been selected.

Locate the Outlet box and enter the number “3”. This completes this block.

The status bar should be yellow. This indicates that the block has not been calculated.

Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close this dialog.

This is the partially completed process. The streams are light-blue to indicate that they have not been


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Getting Started Guide

Entering Stream Composition Data

Double-click stream “1”

This is the standard input window for a stream. We will now add our conditions.

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Getting Started Guide

Locate the cell for Temperature ( C) and enter 40

Locate the cell for Pressure (kPa) and enter 101.3

Now click the Composition line

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Getting Started Guide

We can now enter our composition for our components. In this case, we desire to use mole flow rather

than mole fractions.

Click the Basis… button

Select the Mole Flows radio button. Click the X when done.

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Getting Started Guide

Now begin to enter a value for H2O of 55.51

This time we get a fly-out unit selection box. Use the defaults at this time.

Press the <Enter> key to continue.

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Getting Started Guide

This will display the composition data entry dialog. Complete the following data entry in mole flow units:

H2O 55.51

NH3 1.0

CO2 0.1

SO2 0.1

The remaining values can be zero.

Click the OK button.

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Getting Started Guide

The status bar should turn green. This indicates that the program has already converged the stream. We

can see some useful information at this time.

Click on the Electrolytes line.

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Getting Started Guide

The pH of this solution is approximately 9.3. We also provide additional information. Click on the other

buttons to see what we report.

Click on the X to close this dialog.

We will now repeat the steps for stream “2” but with different compositions. Please enter the following

composition for stream “2” in mole flow.

Temperature 25 C

Pressure 101.3 kPa

H2O 55.51

HCl 0.1

H2SO4 1.0

Click the Electrolytes line to see the pH.

Click the X to close the dialog.

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Getting Started Guide

Reviewing the output

Hysys will attempt to converge the process as you create it. As you close the final dialog box for data

entry you will see that the output stream “3” is “Blue” which means it has converged.

Double-Click stream “3”

The converged process temperature is approximately 36.8 oC.

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Getting Started Guide

Click on the Electrolytes line.

The converged pH is 0.8 indicating that some acid/base chemistry has taken place. What about the

equilibrium compositions that have been calculated?

Click the Composition radio button at the top of the dialog.

This creates a scrollable area where you can see the actual true-species composition (we have dragged

the window to the right to see more information)

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Getting Started Guide

Click on the Composition line at the left.

This displays the composition on an apparent-species basis. However, the true-species vapor

composition is also reported in this section. Use the scroll bars to scroll to the right to see the vapor

composition (we have dragged the window to the right to see more information)

Here we see the mole fraction basis for the vapor phase composition. You can change the basis by

clicking the Basis… button and looking at mole flow for example.

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Getting Started Guide

The actual mole flows are reported as well as the total mole flow for the phase.

This now completes the getting started guide. It is strongly recommended that you save your file at this


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Getting Started Guide

Disclaimer This tutorial was created with Aspen HYSYS V8.4 and the OLI Engine version 9.0.14. As time progresses,

updates to the OLI databanks and engine may result in changes to the results displayed here. It is not

guaranteed that later versions of either Aspen HYSYS or OLI will yield the same results.

Trademarks Aspen and Aspen HYSYS are trademarks of Aspen Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

OLI, OLI Systems and the “OLI Engine for Aspen HYSYS” are trademarks of OLI Systems, Inc. Cedar Knolls,

New Jersey.

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