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News at Paw Creek

June 21, 2017

Offerings & Attendance


June 11 - $5,756.00 June 18 -

S/S Attendance:

June 11 - 37 June 18- 34

Worship Attendance:

June 11 - 99 June 18 - 76

Office Information Rev. Veronica E. Cannon,

Interim Pastor

Evie Landrau,

Director of Youth Ministries

Kim Whittington,

Administrative Assistant/ Webmaster

Sherry Blevins, Music Director

Mark Burleson, Musician

Clint Shaw, Coordinator of Videography


Physical Address:

(no mail received here) 7400 Mt. Holly Rd.

Charlotte, NC 28214

Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm


(704) 392-0329

Fax: (704) 392-4625


From the Pastor...

Jeremiah 29:11-14 (NRSV) 11 For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for

harm, to give you a future with hope. 12 Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me,

I will hear you. 13 When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart.

Dear Paw Creek Presbyterian Church Family,

Jeremiah the prophet delivered a message to the people of Israel when they were exiled into Bab-

ylon. Because of their sinfulness the Lord told them they were to be subjugated under the rule of

King Nebuchadnezzar and they would be so for seventy years. It was the beginning of the rule

Babylon would have over those who were exiled. Things looked really bleak for them. They

were subjected to mistreatment, pagan gods, a foreign land, and new rule. But God loved the

Israelites even though they were sinful and God prophesied to them through Jeremiah.

Yes, the people were to endure tough times ahead. Seventy years of separation from their homes,

friends, family, familiar surroundings. Yes, they would have to live out their punishment, but

God promised them that when the time was over, and if the people sought Him out with all of

their hearts, open and true, God would bring them back. God had a plan for them, but they had

to have a change of heart and a change of behavior, and God would hear them.

This is good news for us. When we find ourselves in the bleakest moment, days, weeks or even

years in our lives, if we have led sinful lives or done sinful things, God is never far from us. All

God asks is for us to repent, turn to Him, ask forgiveness truly, and God will answer us and de-

liver us from all that holds us captive. Change your heart and change your character. Then seek

God’s favor and God will deliver you, free you up from all unrighteousness. God has a plan for

you! Trust and believe.

Love in Christ,

Rev. Veronica Cannon

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations Prayer Concerns: •Gary Bryant - at Presbyterian Main, prayers for health issues. •Sarah Cox’s Brother, Boyd Perkins is not doing well in the nursing home. •Harold Staton - had back surgery last Thursday and is at home doing fine. •John Tauscher - needs prayers. •Joe & Emily Adkins - Keep in prayers.

Keep in Your Prayers: • Hoyt & Jean Johnston • Mary Frances Lail • Flora Mae Love • Diane Pegram • Dave Reames • Marlene Thames • Melinda Shannon • President Donald Trump and decisions for our Country. • Caregivers • PNC -Pastor Nominating Committee: [The Pastor Nominating Committee is hard at work. Please continue to pray for wisdom and discernment for the PNC: Grady Cathey, Gene Hall, Sarah Kendrick, Victoria Krebs, Eddie McArver, Gerri Ann Shaw, and Debbie Taylor]


•Carolyn Summerlin says Thank You for prayers, and calls. James is doing much better.

•Jim Hall is home.

Page 2 News at Paw Creek June 21, 2017

June Greeters: Narthex: Eddie Chapman & Tim Sudderth East Wing: Beth Joy West Wing: Victoria Krebs

July Greeters: Narthex: Virginia Oates & Ken Scott East Wing: John Tauscher West Wing: Barbara Ullem

CD Delivery (Mondays): 6/25 Linda Riggins 7/2 Donna & Gene Hall

Nursery - Crib Room: 6/25 Leslie Helms 7/2 Kay Scearce

Nursery - Toddler Room: 6/25 Peggy Harrington 7/2 Judy Pinkston

June Count Team: Team Leaders: Melissa Mullis & Ken Scott Team: Jon Kenley, Amy McGee, Virginia Oates & John Tauscher

July Count Team: Team Leaders: Peggy Harrington & Linda Riggins Team: Teresa Painter, Larry Ramsey, Bob Rudisill & Joy Tyler

Prayer Team: 6/25 Tim & Celia Gray 7/2 Debbie Taylor & Karen Cathey

June Ushers: Team Leaders: Tim & Celia Gray Team: Belinda & Stan Springs, Marlon Foust and Bob Rudisill

July Ushers: Team Leader: TBD Team: TBD

Visitation Teams for June:


The Session voted Monday night to change the

worship hours during the Summer.

Beginning July 9th through August 27:

Worship will begin at 10:00am

Sunday School will be from 9:00 -9:45am

ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! New Summer Worship Hours

July 1

Ashley Brown

Brooke Miller

July 3

Autumn Ballenger

July 4

Morgan Kendrick

July 5

Kelsey Kenley

Nicholas McGee

Gordon Taylor

July 6

David Hamby

Allen Middleton

July 7

Tommy Cashion

Gene Hall

Frank Krebs

Bryce Moore

July 8

Sam McCord

July 9

Gary Gaskins

July 10

Stephanie Alexander

James Padgett

Jerry Smith

July 11

Jeremiah Krebs

Lisa Revalee

July 12

Ann Furr

Don Joy

July 13

Diane Pegram

Harold Staton

July 14

Ryan Bray

July 15

Elizabeth Honeycutt

July 16

Todd Corbin

July 17

Raymond Cannon

July 18

Linus Whitlock

July 19

Scott Kincaid

Logan Wallace

July 20

Elaine Hamby

July 21

Betty Barnette

July 22

Frances Lyerly

July 24

Leslie Joy

Katelyn Kenley

July 27

Charlene Todd

July 28

Steve Caudill

July 30

Mike Johnson

Tammy Reel

July 31

Betty Field

Tanya Gross

Anne Moore

Maegan Normand

Jean Todd

Susan Wallace

Happy Birthday to Those Celebrating in July!

If we don’t have your birthday

listed, please let us know. You

may call the office at 704-392-

0329 or email your information


Thank you! ~Kim

Page 3 News at Paw Creek June 21, 2017


PW CT Meeting, 7/17/17, 7:00 PM, Parlor

Applications for PW Scholarships, July 31st


PW CT Meeting, 8/21/17, 7:00 PM, Parlor


Circle Meetings, 9/5/17 (10:00 AM, Parlor, & 7:15 PM,


Mark Your Calendar For These PW Events

20-30’s Ministry

July Event – Date TBD – Shooting Range

August Event – Date TBD – Knight’s Game

Each year the Presbyterian Women of Paw Creek Church offer our young adults (18-23) who are enrolled in or plan to attend a college, university, or technical institution a modest scholarship to help with the cost of higher education. Applicants may apply twice for this yearly scholarship. (Scholarships are awarded based on the number of applicants and the funds available each year.) Application forms for this scholarship are found in the Narthex and the Church Office. Beside the application form, you must also provide proof of admission to the college, university, or technical institution that you will or are attending when you submit the application. Must be a current active member of Paw Creek Church to apply. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is July 31, 2017. For questions, please contact Frances Lyerly or Celia Gray.

Scholarship Applications

Page 4 News at Paw Creek June 21, 2017

Clean out your home, or anywhere else you may have been storing stuff for years and donate it to the church! We will offer a place to store these things in room 100 (downstairs in the East Wing) and have a Yard Sale on July 22, in the CFC, to raise money for the new playground.

If you would like to help set up or run the yard sale, please contact Victoria Krebs.

Mark your calendars! Vacation Bible School is right around the corner (July 9-13)! We will be studying "Hearing God's Call" and talking about how God has called us, both as a church and as individuals. We will have food, fun, and fellowship for all ages. We hope to see you there!

We need a few donations for this event: paper towel tubes, glass jars (various sizes), battery operated tea light candles, empty Altoid containers. Please give donations to Jan Chapman, Victoria Krebs, or Barbara Ullem.

Summer Sunday School is underway and we have had to mix up the order of the chapters a little bit, to make sure that the teacher for each chapter is someone passionate about the subject, in order to get the full effect out of our study. Here is our schedule for the upcoming weeks.

June 25 Chapter 5: The Budget Moved Inwardly (Celia Gray)

July 2 Chapter 6: The Great Commission Becomes the Great Omission (Karen Cathey)

July 9 Chapter 8: Pastoral Tenure Decreases (Gene Hall)

July 16 Chapter 7: The Preference-Driven Church (Tim Gray)

July 23 Chapter 4: The Church Refused to Look Like the Community (Gerri Ann Shaw)

We Want Your Old Junk!

Combined Summer Sunday School Vacation Bible School

Come Celebrate 80 Years

Of Life With

Jerry Smith

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Paw Creek Presbyterian Church

7400 Mount Holly Road

Charlotte, NC 28214

RSVP: (704) 737-8138

Your presence is present enough.

We will be hosting a port-a-pit fundraiser on September 15, to raise funds for the playground. Tickets will be on sale starting June 25. Please see Jan Chapman to buy or sell tickets. Thank you.

Port-A-Pit Fundraiser

Page 5 News at Paw Creek June 21, 2017

Paw Creek just installed a new playground. To help raise money for the playground upgrade we are selling brick pavers. The brick pavers will be incorporated in a prayer garden to improve the look of the entrance to the church.

Each brick paver cost $40

Perfect gift for that hard to buy for special person in your life to celebrate their birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Graduation, Anniversary, etc. Wording examples are family names, bible verses, sayings, in honor and in memory of loved ones, to celebrate baptisms, groups, classes, etc.

Order forms are available in the Narthex and the Church Office.

Paw Creek Presbyterian Church Playground Fundraiser

• Every Wednesday 6-7:30pm - Share a meal!

• June 19-23 - Mission Week @ Paw Creek! Please sign up!

Please pray for our Youth!

Upcoming Youth Events

Thursday, June 29th @ 6pm Create in Us Art Studio 104 South Main Street Mt Holly, NC 28120 Fun paint party! $30 Register via link below - password: Paint, choose your wood cut out, invite friends & come have fun! All ages, drinks & snacks provided. Carpooling available. Help registering, questions, more info….call Amy McGee 704-578-3908

Paw Creek Paint Party

Please bring your children to church this Sunday so that they can be

presented their new Children’s Bible during worship service.

The New Children’s Bibles Are In!!!

P.O.BOX 64

Paw Creek, NC 28130-0064

Seek ................................. Matthew 6:33

Serve ..................................... 1 Samuel 12:24

Praise ........................................ Psalm 111:1

Love Christ! ............................. 1 John 4:12

Have a Prayer Request? To put

someone on our prayer chain, obtain

permission from the person or family

involved, then call:

Judy Smith (704) 392-2892


Kay Scearce (704) 825-4446

Know someone Who Needs a Visit?

Please contact the Church Office or Rev.

Cannon (704) 392-0329

Paw Creek Presbyterian Church

Lord, we thank you for...

Each Week...


9:30am Session Meeting 9:45am Sunday School

10:55am Worship Service

12:15pm Children’s Choir Practice

Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm Church Office Hours


11:30am Senior Lunch Program

Monday 7:00pm Girl Scouts


6:30am Men’s Bible Study

9:00am Cardio Fitness

7:00pm Boy Scouts Wednesday

12:00pm Bulletin Deadline

5:30pm Adult Bible Study

6:00pm Children Connecting with Christ 6:00pm MS/HS Youth Group

7:00pm Cub Scouts


9:00am Cardio Fitness 6:30pm Chancel Choir Practice

Future Happenings...

Wednesday, June 21 12:00pm Bulletin Deadline

Tuesday, June 27 7:00pm Stitches for Missions - Parlor

Wednesday, June 28 12:00pm Bulletin Deadline

Thursday, June 29 6:00pm Paw Creek Paint Party

Sunday, July 2 11:00am Communion / 10¢ Hunger Offering

Monday, July 3 12:00pm Newsletter Deadline

Tuesday, July 4 Church Office Closed - Happy 4th!!

Wednesday, July 5 12:00pm Bulletin Deadline

Sunday, July 9 *9:00am Combined Sunday School *10:00am Summer Worship *New Summer Hours - July 9th - Aug. 27th

July 9-13 Vacation Bible School

Monday, July 10 7:00pm Christian Ed Committee Meeting Wednesday, July 12 12:00pm Bulletin Deadline

Saturday, July 15 8:00am Men’s Breakfast @ Circle G

Sunday, July 16 9:00am Combined Sunday School 10:00am Summer Worship 12:45pm Long Session Mtg.

Monday, July 17 12:00pm Newsletter Deadline

Wednesday, July 19 12:00pm Bulletin Deadline

Sunday, July 23 9:00am Combined Sunday School 10:00am Summer Worship

Tuesday, July 25 7:00pm Stitches for Missions - Parlor

Church Calendar

Sunday, June 25

“The Promise in Conflict”

Genesis 21:8-21

Sunday, July 2

“Welcome All: We’re in This Together”

Matthew 10:40-42

Sunday, July 9

Guest Preacher

Sunday, July 16

“You Reap What You Sow”

Matthew 13:1-9

Sunday, July 23

“Taking the Good With the Bad”

Matthew 13:24-30

Sunday, July 30

“Deception of the Deceiver”

Genesis 29:15-28

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