of the baptist missionary association of...

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~ 1977 Annual Session Held With The BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH

Potosi, Missouri

October 31-November 1, 1977

PRESIDENT ...................... Eld. C. R. Curtman

VICE PRESIDENT ................ Eld. W. H. Newman


SECRETARY ................ Bro. Clarence Crawford


Semi-Annual Meeting will be held with the


St. Louis, Missouri

On the third Tuesday of May at 10:00 A.M. - 1978

* * * * * * * * * Annual meeting will be held with the


Neelyville, Missouri

On Monday and Tuesday before the

First Sunday in November, 1978- 2:00P.M.

ANNUAL MESSAGE ................ Eld 0. A. Robinson


1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

HISTORIC~,\1~ T~J\.BLE Church

Potosi Sullivan

Antioch Wh1te Oak Grove Mt. Enon

Oak Grove Potos1

Sullivan Mt. Pleasant

Mt. Arrat


White Oak Grove


Mt. Pleasant

Independence Potosi

Mt. Zion


Galena, Kansas



Galena, Kansas




Chambers Park Bethel



Cave Springs West Plains Chambers Park

Immanuel Ellington Van Buren

West Plains Bethel, Potosi

Mt. Zion

Independence Norths1de

Friendship, Ill.

Palmer He1ghts Cl1ambers Park Emmanuel

Bethany Friendship, Ill.

President Secretary

M. M. Hamlin A. H. Dorman W. A. Gilbert A. H. Dorman C. D. Crites A. H. Dorman C. D. Cr~tes A. H. Dorman C. D. Crites A. H. Dorman

C. D. Crites E. S. Ray

M. B. Hubbard E. S. Ray

M. B. Hubbard E. S. Ray M. B. Hubbard C. A. Darst L. H. Owens

L. H. Owens

L. H. Owens

L. H. Owens

H. F. Gunn

C. D. Barton

C D. Barton

L. H. Owens

C. A. Darst

C. A. Darst

C. A. Darst

C. A. Darst

C. A. Darst

C. A. Darst

C. A. Darst C. A. Darst

C. A. Darst C. A. Darst

C. A. Darst

W. S. Gordon

W. S. Gordon

W. S. Gordon W. S. Gordon

W. S. Gordon

W. S. Gordon

W. S. Gordon

W. S. Gordon

W. S. Gordon

W. S. Gordon

W. S. Gordon

W. S. Gordon

W. S. Gordon

G. W. Fox G. W. Fox

W. R. Speer

W. R. Speer C. A. Darst W. R. Speer

W. R. Speer EImer Shu Its

0. A. Robinson Elmer Shults 0. A. Robinson Cecil Burgess R. P. Mitchell Elmer Shults


Ben M. Bogard W. E. Counts C. D. Crites A. Studyvm Ben F. Nail

C. W. Penrod

M. L. Winter

M. B. Hubbard A. D. Bennett

L. H. Owens

C. A. Darst H. F. Gunn

Sol Gibson

G. E. Jones

W. S. Gordon

G. W. Hawthorne

H. W. Darst

E. C. Endicott

F. E. Gimlin

J. F. McClain

G. W. Fox

R. A. Brand

Charles McClain

E. C. Endicott J. F. McClain

W. R. Speer E. V. Davis

H. C. Pape

R. E. Jordon H. M. Dry

Cecil Burgess Juri Mitchell

R. P. Mitchell G. W. Fox

Elmer Shults C. A. Darst

G. W. Fox

E. F Gibson E. F. Gibson

C. A. Darst

C. A. Darst G. W. Fox

G. W. Fox

R. P. Mitchell O.A. Robinson

O.A. Robinson C.A. Darst

N. J. Gibson G. W. Fox

G. W. Hawthorne Noel Meade G. W. Hawthorne G. W. Fox

Elmer Shults R. P Mitchell Elmer Shults Harold Condray

Charles Ray

Charles Ray

C. A. Darst

EImer Shu Its Jack R. Courtney Jack R. Courtney

Jack R. Courtney Ronald Fields N.J. Gibson Thomas Foster

N.J. Gibson Donald Hoffman D.G. Fish J.A. Brandon

O.A. Robinson D.G. Fish Leon Harvey



Year Church President Secretary

1974 Tr1n1ty 0. A. Robmson R1chard Britt

1975 Bethany G. W Fox R1chard Bntt

1976 L1ghthouse G. W. Fox Dale G. Fish

1977 Bethel. Potos1 C. R Curtman Dale G. Fish

ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Assoc1ation called to order

2. Committee on Enrollment

3. Permanent Organization

4. Business

5. Annual Message in Evening Service

6. Committee Reports

State M1ss1ons (Sec.-TreeJS.; Missionaries; Spec1al M1ssions Committee)

Mob1le Unit Committee Revolving Loan Fund Committee Youth Director and Encampment Trustees W.M.A. (AiJiJOIIlted by President) Enrollment !Appointed by President) Finance (AppOinted by President) Resolutions MISSOURI MISSIONARY BAPTIST (By

Editor and Publ:cations Comm1tteel


W H. Newman

H W. Darst

J. E. Mason R1chard Britt

Representatives of B.M.A. of America or other states shall be given opportunity to speak at the discret1on of the Pres1dent.

7. Miscellaneous Business

8. Adjournment



Baptists should know the ground on which they stand and be able to g1ve a reason for their fa1th. We are admonished to "earnestly contend for the fa1th wh1ch was once del1vered unto the samts." The following 1s a bnef declaratiOn of that faith.

We believe

The Bible is a divinely inspired Book. a perfect rule of fa1th and pract1ce for MISSionary Baptists. a supreme standard by which we are to be directed and by wh1ch all men shall be


2. There is one God who 1s Holy, all-wise. the Creator of heaven. the earth and the human race, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. and that 1n the un1t of the God-head there are three persons - the Father. the Son. and the Holy Sp~rit.

3. That God created man in the state of holiness, but by voluntary transgression man fell from that state. in consequence of wh1ch all mankmd are now smners

4. In the virgm birth of Jesus Chnst. That He was God manifested 111 the flesh. yet without sin. The perfect One, who was crucified for the sins of the world. was buned and alter three days and nights arose for our JUStification.

5. Salvation is wholly by grace through faith w1thout any adm1xture of works

6. In the personal work of the Holy Spirit.

7. That man is a free moral agent and IS therefore totally accountable to God for h1s character. conduct. and response to the preachmg of the Word

8. That the blessing of salvation comes through the preachmg of the gospel wh1ch leads men to repent toward God and have faith 1n Jesus Chnst.

9. That the B1ble teaches the personality of Satan

10. That by man's own mherent deprav1ty and by h1s voluntary and fmal reject1on of the gospel in th1s life he w1ll be eternally condemned to hell.

11 When one is born agam he has eternal life for 1n the new b~rth the soul rece1ves the nature of God and cannot sm; therefore. the bel1ever cannot be lost for he 1S kept by the power

of God

12. That every saved person is to walk Circumspectly 111 th1s world. to be JUSt 111 h1s dealings, and to honor and obey the law of civil government except when such law opposes the

will of our Lord Jesus Chnst

13. That the first day of the week ;s the Lord's day and is to be kept sacred to rel1g1ous purposes.

14. The establishment of a vis1ble church on earth during His personal m1111stry on earth

15. The perpetuity of M1ssionary Baptist Churches from Chr~st's day on earth until His second commg.

16. That the Great CommiSSIOn as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 was g1ven to the local church

17. That water baptism (Immersion) ts to be administered to bel1evers only and 1n Swp­tural church capacity.

18. That bapt1sm to be valid must be adm1n1stered by the author~ty of a true. Scriptural Miss1onary Baptist Church and that a so-called BaptiSt church wh1ch knowmgly accepts al1en baptism is not a Scriptural church and her ordmances are not val1d

19 That the Lord's Supper as a church ordinance IS to be adminiStered to her members only and in Scriptural church capac1ty.

20. That all churches of th1s Assoc1ation ever be held as equal un1ts as to the" nghts and pnv1leges 1n the~r assoc1ated capacitieS.

21. That all Scriptural association assemblies and their committees are servants of the churches creatmg them


22. That we oppose open communion. alren baptism. union meetrngs and pulprt affllra-


23. That the Scnptural offrces of the church are brshops (pastors) and deacons. and that such men are to meet the hrgh standards set forth 1n the books of Trtus and First Timothy

24 The personal. bodily and rmmment return of Christ

25 That when Chnst comes the deceased samts shall be resurrected and the Irving sarnts shall be translated, and both together shall be caught up 1n the arr to meet the Lord: this IS the f1rst resurrect1o,1

26 That Chnst shall come wrth Hrs sarnts to earth where He shall rergn from Hrs throne "' Jerusalem for a lrteral thousand-year rergn on earth

27 That at the close of the mlllenral rergn the wrcked dead shall be resurrected and judged at the great whrte throne.

28. The realrty of heaven. rnvolvrng drvine assurance of eternal happiness for the redeemed of God. and the realrty of hell. rnvolvrng everlasting punrshment of the mcorrrgrble WICked

Approved by the Baptrst Mrssronary Assocration of Mrssouri. October 30. 1957




Article I - Name

The name of this cooperatrve work rs Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri.

Article II- Purpose

T~e purpose of this Association is to encourage cooperative Chnstian actrvity among the

churches, to promote mrssrons on the New Testament basis, to stimulate interest in Christian educatron and Christian literature. to initiate any other work in harmony with the Master's will for Hrs churches. and to provide a medrum through which the churches may cooperate in these enterprises.

Article Ill- Membership

Sectron 1. This Association is composed of Missionary Baptist Churches which are in sympathy wrth its doctrines. purpose and work. and which are Scriptural in origin, doctrine. and practice as defined in our Declaratron of Faith.

Sectron 2. Any church desrring to cooperate in this Association shall send a petitionary letter. accompanied with satisfactory testimony of her regularity, order, orthodoxy, and willingness to work in harmony with the princrples of thrs Association. All churches shall be recerved by a majority vote. This Association reserves the right to withdraw fellowship from any church she may deem heterodox or drsorderly.


s~ct:ur1 3_ Ar1y church r~ot ider•trfym~J wrth thrs Associatron either by messenger or letter for two consecutrve years shall be consrclered as having termmated her membershrp rn thrs


Article IV- Meetings

Sectrorl l \11essengers of the chlir-ches 1n thrs Assuc1at1on shall hoid annu<1l and semi­annual sessrorrs

Sectron 2 Each church lil thrs Assocratron is entrtled to three messengers c~ --sen

frorn ner membersh1p. whose qualrfrcatrons shall be determrned by the churches ele.-.:·. rrg


Article V - Officers

Sect1on 1 The offrcers of thrs Assoc1atron shall be presrdent a vrce-president. a

record1ng secretary, an assrstant recordrng secretary. and any other offrcers whrch the

messengers may choose to elect. These offrcers shall be elected at each annual sess1on by

nom1nat1on and acclamat1on and shall not hold the same off1ce more than two consecut1ve


Sect1on 2. The dut1es of the off1cers shall be such as usually devolve on such off1cers of

a del1berat1ve body

Sect1on 3. The record1ng secretary shall hold all money wh1ch IS des1gnated for m1nute

fund and secretary hrre and shall drsburse 1t as the Assocratron drrects

Article VI- Standing Committee

Sectron 1 Each stand1ng commrttee shall be elected on a staggered basrs

Sect1011 2 No one shall serve on rnore than one stand1ng committee at the same t1me

Sect1011 3 No Olle shall succeed hrrnself Oil a stand1ng comm1ttee

Sect! Oil 4 No one who 1s an employee of the Bapt1st MISSionary Assoc1at1on of M1ssourr

may serve on a comn11ttee under whose supervrsron he may come

Sectron 5 Each standrng comm1ttee shall organrze annually wrth such offrcers as rt

deenls necessary-

Article VII- Other Committees

Sect1011 1 A nom1nat1ng committee of three whose duty shall be to present

nomrnatrons for the stcmdrng commrttees at the arlnual sessron. shall be elected at the semi­

annual sessron. Thrs conlmrttee shall grve due consideration to the varrous sections of our

Assocratron The charr shall call for other nomrnatrons from the floor rn each case

Sect1on 2. The pres1dent shall name comm1ttees on f1nance and enrollment

Article VIII- Missions

Sect1on 1 A committee of f1ve shall be elected to serve as a Spec1al M1ss1ons

Committee. whose dut1es shall be 111 To seek out qual1f1ed rrlterested men for the work. (2)

To recerve from the cnurches recommendations of men for the same: (3) To hear from in~

terested men their desire to b~ considered for the mrss1ons Nark: (4) To make an investrga­

tron of each persor: so presented tort before recommendrng hrrn to the messenger body or to

the Mrssron<:FY Cornm1ttee as q1Jalrfred for the work. a response from the prospectrve mrs~ sronarv to the rn1tral rnvestrgatrve questronnarre berng rn the commrttee's hands with suffrcient

trrne to ''OrYrple~e ar: adequate. :_~qurtah!e :nvestr~jatron and (5) To work vvrth the secretarv­tre<:lSL,re: of mrssions as advrsurs rn the area of state mrssions

Sectron 2. The above provrsrons do not preclude nommations from the floor: but each non:rrlee must comply w1th prmnsron number four above before elect1on.


Sect1on 3. The miSSIOnaries and the secretary-treasurer of m1ss1ons shall be nommated and elected at any sess1on of the Assoc1at1on for an mdef1n1te per~od. An unsalaried aSSIStant

secretary-treasucer of missions shall be elected annually.

Sect1on 4. No newly elected miSSIOnary personnel shall go on salary until a letter of en­

dorsement or recommendation from the church 111 which they hold membership 1s 1n the

hands of the Spec1al M1ss1ons Committee

Sect1on 5 For the purpose of service and 1nformat1on. there shall be a M1ssionary Com­

mittee composed of one committeeman from each church. duly elected by the church in wh1ch he holds membership. The off1cers of th1s committee shall be a chairman and a clerk

Fifteen committeemen shall constitute a quorum.

The dut1es of th1s comm1ttee shall be: I 11 To meet between sess1ons at the call of the charrman (two week's not1ce of the proposed meet1ng be1ng g1venl to fill vacanc1es on the

miSSions staff. and to resolve urgent problems relat1ng to miSSIOns: 121 To serve the churches

as they may drrect: 131 To attend to all necessary bus1ness not otherw1se provided for: and (41 To report therr work at each re~wlar sess1on

Article IX- Publications

Section 1 There shall be a committee of three elected by the messengers to be known as The M1ssour~ Bapt1st Publ1cat1ons Commrttee wh1ch shall be responsible for the publ1cat1on


Sect1on 2 An editor and an ass1stant ed1tor shall be elected annually. the ed1tor's salary

bemg determ1ned by the messengers

Sect1on 3. The ed1tor shall also serve as bus1ness manager of THE MISSOURI

MISSIONARY BAPTIST and shall annually give a complete f1nanc1al report

Article X- Mobile Unit

The messengers shall elect a Mobile Un1t Committee of three to superv1se the

relocation. use and care of the mobile un1t 111 the Interest of the Association

Article XI - Revolving Loan Fund

Sect1on 1. The messengers shall elect a committee of f1ve to adm1n1ster a Revolv1ng

Loan Fund

Sect1on 2 The purpose of the Revolv1ng Loan Fund IS to g1ve f1nanc1al a1d to state mis­

Sions projects

Sect1on 3. This committee shall be incorporated under the not-for-profrt laws of the

State of Mrssouri

Article XII -Encampments and Youth Work

Sect1on 1 The messengers shall elect an encampment comm1ttee of f1ve. known as The

Bapt1st Tra1n1ng Serv1ce Assembly of Missourr. who shall be Incorporated under the not-for­profit laws of the State of M1ssourr

Sect1on 2 Th1s comm1ttee shall hold and maintain all property related to th1s

department's functions. and shall superv1se all th1s department's act1v1t1es and personnel

Article XIII- Women's Missionary Auxiliary

Sect1on 1 There shall be a department called the Women s MISSionary Auxi11ary of the Baptist Miss1onary Assoc1at1on of M1ssouri

Sect1on 2 The purpose of th1s department 15 to encourage and a1d in the organizatiOn of

local and distrrct W M.A.'s and Youth Auxrl1arres 111 the churches of th1s Association and to en­coura~e a sp1r1t of cooperat1or~. and t1eipfulness 1n all phases of Christian work.


Seeton 3. The General Statement of Principles for State Auxiliaries as outl1ned 111 the


Article XIV- Insurance

Section 1. For the purpose of obtaining Insurance for m1ss1ons personnel and other full­

time Christian workers who desire to cooperate. a committee of three shall be selected to superv1se the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri Insurance Group

Section 2. The messengers shall elect a treasurer and an assistant treasurer for an m­

deflnite time who shall be responsible to th1s committee.

Article XV- Amendments

Sect1on 1. Th1s Statement of Principles may be amended at any annual or sem1-annual

sess1on by a two-th~rds majority vote of the messengers present and voting. provided that

not1ce of the proposed amendment be presented In Writing in a prior meet1ng of the same or a

previous session.

Section 2 The By-Laws of th1s Assoc1at1on which accompany th1s Statement of Prin­

ciples may be changed in any sess1on by a maJority vote.




I - General

Unless otherwise provided for all quest1ons shall be decided by a maJOrity vote

2 The pres1d1ng off1cer shall dec1de all po1nts of order and shall ma1nta1n order Any

messenger may appeal the chairs deCISIOn to the messenger body.

3. Each messenger deSiring to speak shall riSe. address the cha1r. and after recogn1t1on

speak respectfully.

4. All officers and all standmg committee members shall be members of churches of th1s


5. Standmg comm1ttee members. the secretary-treasurer of miSSions. the ed1tor. the

youth d~rector. and the camp superintendent shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses In­

curred 111 performance of the1r dut1es. The m1leage rate shall be e1ght cents per mile.

II - Meetings

The annual sess1on shall convene on Monday at 2 00 P M. and on Tuesday at 9.30

A M before the f~rst Sunday 111 November

2 The semi annual sess1on shall convene on the th~rd Tuesday 111 May at 10 00 A M

3 The program for the semi-annual sess1on. except for bus1ness. shall be prepared by the pres1dent of the Assoc1Bt10n. the secretary-treasurer of miSSIOns, and the pastor of the

host church

4 An Annual MISSions Sympos1um shall be held on Friday and Saturday before the 4th Sunday in March. and the Secretary Treasurer of MISSions shall prepare the program


Ill- Missions

1 The :~:·_:~sengers at the annual sessron s 11a,1 set tt1e sa·arrr~s ut thr_, r...-·~~ssrur:s staff cn~c!

shc1ii recurTlrrf~;ld to the chur-ches any rrlL:IClentals whrc~ rPaV to !hf~ advance

·~:e·-~t of mrss:ons work. such as offoce help and ~:br assistcwt_P r' ancl relocatrr'g

niiS:)I()IliHICS U!~ thr-: fre!d

-; T~,.


:;src::l:.Jr;es shi.lli report L-JII fur-ds recerved rn tiw c. :herr work tn th:~

:rer of missions_ A!' at!ovvances \Jraturtres. tnH; -_,t offerr~1gs grven ov a

n·- churches to the 'llrssronary personnei ''llrlec:tron wrHl. suvrces

bP taken into dCco,mt arlCJ the salary parcJ h',: J\s~ _!catron shu II be adjusted

\~r:·;s1unarres shall subrnrt a vv-rrtten n1onthly report to the secretarv-treasurer of

'0 s>1ol! report 1Jotl1 the1r work ar1cl hrs throusJh THE MISSOURI MISSIONARY

reports shall rnciLJde al (lbsf:':lces from tre fre!d. mcludrr•g r-evri/<Jis dnd

Ali ''11SSIO!li..HV persorwell S~lu!l qrve o ·~vrrtte'l ar·,r1ual report i..Hlci st1dll also be pu-:· ·:_\~Jive <Hi oral report at arly other meetrng of the rrwssen~Jers or of the Mrss:onL-ny

2. .~II rnrssronarv personnel shall have two weeks of pard vacatron.

5. All mrssronary personnel shall be granted the prrvrle~Je of two weeks· rev'val tmte

\two Sundays) away from the mrssrons freld wrth full pay plus any compensatror1 grven drrect­

iy to ll:m by the church mvolved

6 Up to thrrty percent of the salary of the mrssronary per·sorlr'e! and the ~cJ,tor shall be

,-it-!' :rl'L1ted ds housm~j ancl utrl1ty allowance

7 Each nliSSionary IS encouraged to lead the church of which he 1S pastor to adopt a

systernat1c. graduated method of pay1ng her pastor's sdlary ::m add1t10n to the1r regular miS­

SIOns offer1ngs::, as soon as poss1ble after the construction of a house of worsr11p. Sungested

plan begrn wrth S10 00 per mor1th and rncrease that amount by S10 00 per month untrl a full

salary rs reached

8. For drsabled mrssronary personnel full salary shall contrnue for three weeks. after

wh1ch t1me the Spec1al MISSions Committee shall rev1ew the case and salary adJustments

shall be made to reflect any drsabrlrty rncorne

9. The ass1stant secretary-treasurer of m1sS1ons stlall rece1ve and disburse funds 1n the

event of disabrlrty or a vacancy rn the offrce of secretary-treasurer of mrssrons

10 The secretary-treasurer of rniSSions· dut1es shall 1nclude ( 1 i endeavoring to v1s1t each

church 1n th1s Association at least once per year. (2) rece1v1ng all nliSSions hmds and d1sbur

sing thenl as directed by the messeflgers. and mak1ng a complete fmanc1al report at the an­

nual sess1on. and {3l counsellmq w1th and ass1stlllg the miSSionarieS Hl promotmg and enlarg­

Ing Oidr missions enrleavors

11 That we be~Jirl a MISSIOns· Out Reach Pro~rum for t 1lP ~-Lii·pcse of J1cl1rlq self-support

miSSionanes with funrls for bu1ldmg relltal Litliltles. and lnCider•tqi r'eeds requ1ree1 1r1 start~ng a

new nltSSIOn work

12. That any person des1r1ng to participate w th1s prograrn rnust n:ect the requirements

for a m1ss1onary as set forth 'n Art.cle 8 of our Statenwrlt of Pnnc1ples uf Cooperation

1 3 That funds for bu1idlllg r·ental ann utilities sha:l not exce~cl 5250 per rnor1th

14 That funds for rrlcrdentals shall not exceed S25 per rnonth

1 5 That funds be suppl1ed for not more than a pei-IOC of s1x months

16 That the secretary-treasurer publ1sh a quarterly f11lanc1Ji ,-eport and that a copv be

rna1led to each church of th1s assoc1at101l 1:th1s would cllrr-,r'.ate the repon lr'l The M1ssour1

M1sS1011ary BaptiSt)

17 That the secretary-treasurer be permitted to soiiL:It speual olferlllgs tor miss10ilS from

thP ,-hurctws as the need ar:ses. thus ellrntndtlllq spec~<::JI ernph::.lsls cdch year


18. That one per cent of all general funds received for miSSions be designated as in­c1dental funds to be used for publish1ng tracts and purchasing materials for miSSions use.

IV- Revolving Loan Fund

The comm1ttee may. at 1ts d1scretion. buy and hold title to property for use by miss1ons bemg conducted under the direction of the missionaries until such time as a church

1s organ1zed and 1s able to assume the necessary legal obligations pertaining to the loan.

2 Any church recervmg a loan from this fund shall make monthly payments and pay sa1d loan in five years

3 The committee shall require that a loan be secured by a first deed of trust. except in the event that the messenger body or the Miss1onary Committee approve their making a loan secured by a second deed of trust

4 Loans shall be 1nterest free for the first two years. Five percent per annum shall be charged for the durat1on of the loan period.

5. The committee shall require a certificate of title and t1tle insurance.

6 Any Church receivmg a loan shall have a resolution drawn up authoming the trustees of the church to srgn the deed of trust and the resolution. the resolution shall be approved by the church and recorded w1th the deed of trust.

7. The committee shall require two Signatures on each check on funds paid out

8 The m1ss1onaries and miss1ons churches who plan to use the Revolving Loan Fund in the1r burld1ng proJects are requested to consult w1th the Special M1ssions Committee or the Revolv1ng Loan Fund Committee before purchas1ng property.

V- Encampr.1ents and Youth Work

The messengers shall elect the follow1ng annually (a) camp superintendent. (b) youth director. (c) ass1stant youth director. and (d) encampment treasurer.

2. The Encampment Committee. camp superrntendent. and youth director shall make plans for the annual encampment wh1ch shall begin on the last Tuesday of July

3 The camp superrntendent shall supervise the overall activities of the encampment as directed by the Encampment Committee and if possible shall render such aic' as the youth drrector may request

4. The youth director shall promote the youth work among the churches. plan and superv1se student retreats. and ed1t a youth column in THE MISSOURI MISSIONARY BAPTIST

5. The Sprrng Youth Retreat shall be held Friday and Saturday before the fourth Sunday 1n May. The Fall Youth Retreat shall be held Frrday and Saturday before the fourth Sunday in September. The min1mum age for the Youth Retreat is 14 years old except where younger ch1ldren of necessity attend and they must be accompan1ed by parents who are 1n attendance.

All programs of student retreats shall be approved by the Encampment Committee.

6. The Encampment Committee shall approve all use of the camp grounds.

7. The Encampment Comm1ttee Treasurer shall ma1ntain a separate fund for the Youth Drrecotor's use as money IS needed.

VI -The Missouri Missionary Baptist

The subscrrpt1on price of the paper shall be S2 per year.

2 Senior c1t1zens (those over 65) shall be g1ven a free subscrrpt1on to the paper.


3 All past, present, and future edrtors shall have a lrfe-trme subscrrptron to the popcr

4 The paper shall be publrshed on the frrst and thrrd Thursday of each mornl1

5 The edrtor shall publrsh a quarterly frnancral report and a copy of thrs report'" mailed to each church of this association. The report shall contain a i1st of md1v1dLiLli

offerrngs, and a total of the subscnptions

6. The editor shall be allowed to solrcrt funds for the paper at any trn-r• hP


7. The edrtor shall keep on frle three (3) copres of each rssue oi TrlE: ;\;ii':;SOURI MISSIONARY BAPTIST for a perrod of one year One copy of each rssuc "" -1:; per-manent file.

8. The editor shall be allowed to hrre clerrcal help at the rate of S2 50 per hour for a

rnax1mum of 20 hours per month as funds are available



Lawson Herrrngton Kenneth Grbson

B. M. Rrdlen Dale Blount 0. A. Robrnson


~II'II'Nikl•1 H. R. Thurman Ron Daughhetee

1978 1979

98 98 98

1978 rJ, r"' l(:l) t ScYP 1979 1980


Claude Evans Sterling Tyner R. P M rtchell


Claude Wrllhelm Clarence Crawford Thomas Foster Earl Johnston C. R. Curtman

1978 1979 1980

1978 1979 1980 1981 1982


Joy Rayfreld Donald Crawford Elvre Asberry Archard Brrtt S. P Chrtwood


Larry Johnson Ralph Chrlton Sterlrng Dudley


1978 1979 1980 1981 1982

1978 1979 1980




Sterlrng Dudley P 0 Box 383 Hillsboro. M1ssouri


Don Crawford

21 6 Ames Place Ferguson. Mrssourr 63135


Glenn W. Fox

1 709 Sunset Drive Poplar Bluff. Mrssourr 63901



Jrrn Lea Route 2 Kennett, Mrssourr 63857


Dale Blount

Bunker. Mrssourr 63629


Claude Evans

Route 2 Sparta lllrnors 62286


TarTt Foster

212 Bahaman Drrve

S'keston. Mrssourr 63801


Clarer1ce C(awford

101 50 Bon Oak Drrve

St Lours. M'ssourr 63136





Bethel Baptist Church May 17, 1977

Tuesday Morning - 10:00 A.M.

Bro. S. P. Chitwood opened the morning service by leading the congregation, accompanied by Sis .• Judy Fish at the piano, in singing "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms".

Y!oderator, Bro. Glenn \V. Fox called on Bro. Woodrow Wilson to lead in prayer.

Bro. S. P. Chitwood led as the congregation sang, "The Solid Rock" and "Jesus Loves Me".

Using I John 1:3-7 as his text, Bro. Chitwood spoke on the subject: "Meeting for Fellowship".

The congregation sang "Brethren, We Have Met to Worship", led by Bro. G. W. Fox.

Bro. 0. A. Robinson discussed "The Basis of Fellowship", using I John 1-3 as his text.

Bro. G. W. Fox led the congregation in singing "What A Friend" as Bro. E. F. Gibson came to speak on "The Way of Fellowship". His text was I Cvrinthians 3:10-11.

Bro. G. W. Fox led the congregation in singing one verse of "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms".

Due to the absence of the Gospelaires Quartet, Bro. G. W. Fox called Bro. Elva Asberry, Bro. Richard Britt, Sis. Joann Ormsby, Sis. Dale Blount, Bro. W. H. New­man, Bro. E. F. Gibson, Bro. Wayne Gibson, and Bro. J. E. Mason to sing, accom­panied by Sis. Judy Fish. They sang, "I'll Be a Friend to Jesus", "Kneel at the Cross", "I'd Rather Have Jesus", "An Old Account was Settled", "It Won't Be Very Long", "Where We'll Never Grow Old", and "The Lily of the Valley".

Bro. George McGuire brought "A Message to our Fellowship". He read John 16: 16-3G and took verse 22 as his text for a very good message.

Bro. G. W. Fox led as the congregation sang "Jesus Paid It All".

Announcements were called for.

The morning service was dismissed in prayer by Bro. Olan Thompson.

Tuesday Afternoon - 1:30 P.M.

Bro. Richard Britt, accompanied by Sis. Wayne Gibson at the piano, began the afternoon service by leading the congregation in singing "At the Cross".

Bro. Ralph McGuire led in prayer.

Bro. Richard Britt discussed "Singing in Fellowship".

Sis. George McGuire, accompanied by Sis. Wayne Gibson at the piano, sang "I'm Unworthy".

The group which sang in the morning service with Bro. G. W. Fox singing in the place of Bro. W. H. Newman, sang "I Can Tell You the Time", with Sis. Judy Fish at the piano.


Bro. G. \V. Fox called Bro. H. :\1. Ridl~n to sneak on th~ "HP'.varcb of Fellowship'·. He took Homrms 1:7-1:3 as h1s text. ·

13ro. G. \V. Fox m,ked the messengers of the B:\IA of \lissouti to stand. declared the Semi-annual session open for business. and called on Bro. Hon Daughhetee to lead in prayer.

A petitionary letter from Kennett :\lissionary Baptist Church was called for and read by· Bro. Dale G. Fish, the recordmg secretary.

Motion and second that we receive the Kennett Missionar;. Baptist Churc 1ncl seat the messen,rers. ::VIotion carried.

Bro. Clint Colburn was asked, bv Bro. G. \'i. Fox. to stand with Bro .. Ji:n Lea. Sis. Claudia Lea, and Sis. Elza Quinr;, messengers for the Kennett l\lissionary Bap­tist Church. and extend the hand of fellowship to the church in behalf of the A";ocia­tion.

Bro. FCJx called Bro. H. W. Darst to give his report as missionary. The other mis­sionaries were asked to be ready with their reports also.

Bro. Darst came and gave his report as missionary pastor at Park\·iew. Arnold, Missouri. Motion and second to adopt Bro. Darst's personal report. :\lotion carried.

Bro. A. C. Medley was called and came to give his report as missionary at Detherage :Vlission, Lebanon, Missouri. Motion and second to adopt Bro. Medley's report. Spoken to by Bro. Medley. :\1otion carried.

Bro. Carlos Skelton was called to give his report. He began by reading I Timothv 2:3-6, following this with prayer. His report was a joint report for both Bro. Don Boyer and himself, as missionaries at Lighthouse Baptist Church, l\lalden. Missouri. Motion and second to adopt this joint report. S;>oken to by Bro. Don Boyer. Bro. Carlos Skelton, and Bro. W. H. :\'ewman. :\lotion carried.

Bro. Wayne Simmons was called to give his report as missionary with the '\'ew Prospect Mission, Kansas City, Missouri. :Vlotion and second to adopt this report. Spoken to by Bro. Wayne Simmons. :\lotion carried.

Bro. H. \V. Darst was recognized to gi,·e Bro. Don Hoffman ·s ;;emi-annual report as Secretary-treasurer of Missions and Editor of "The :VIissouri :\lissionary Baptist". Motion and second to adopt this report. Spoken to by Bro. H.\\". Da,,t, Hro. G.\\'. Fox recognized by Bro. E. F. Gibson. Bro. H.\\'. Darst. Bro. G.\\'. Fox. Bro. H.\\'. Darst who read a letter from Bro. Dun Hoffman. concerning his financial report. and Bro. 0. A. Robinson.

Bro. Fox asked Bro. H. \\'. Darst to read Bro. Hoftman·s amendment to his quarterly report. Motion and second t1> adopt Bro. Hollman's amendment to his quarterly report. :\lotion carried.

Bro. H. W. Darst recognized to gin; his financial rep11rt lor ..\prill:!. 19~~ to :\!a;.· 12, 19~7. Motion and second to adopt Bru. Darst's rep<>rt. :\l11tion carried.

Bro. Fox called for nominatiotb for a nominating ct~mmlttee olthrc·c·.Hw. \Y. H . .:.Iewman, Bro. E. F. Gibson. and Br". Tum Foster were nominated and elec·ted.

Bro. Fox called for nomination,- lor -.mnerme to replace Bro. Don Hollman on the Insurance Committee. Bro. Elmer Slwlb and Hro. Lnrr\· Rice were nominated. Bro. Shults was elected.

Motion and second that we im;truct the payer of the missionaries' insurance !Bro. H. W. Darst) to go with the Contmental Insurance (;roup in Springfield, unless someone of the missionaries has a Jll·nding claim. Spoken to b;.· Bro. J.arrv .Johnson. Bro. \V. H . .:.Iewman, and Hro. Larry .Jnhnson. :\lotion carried.

l'vlotion anc! second that the otlin ol Insurance Treasurer be abolished and that Hw .. ],,bnson recei,·e s:z;, from the i.uqJu-. fund. and the balance of the surplus fund be sent to State :\lissions. :'vlotiun carried.


Motion and second that the Special Missions Committee audit the missions· books and that they give a report at the annual session. :\lotion carried.

:\1otion and second that we hear from the Special Missions Committee if we are going to. :\lotion carried.

Motion and second that we go into the election of Secretary-treasurer of Missions and Editor of the Missouri Missionary Baptist paper. Spoken to by Bro. Elva Asberry. :\1otion carried.

Bro. Fox called for the report of the Special Missions Committee. Chairman of the committee, Bro. W. H. Newman, called Bro. Dale Blount, their clerk for the report. The committee recommended that Bro. Randy Curtman and Bro. H. W. Darst were qualified for the openings that exist. :\1otion and second that we accept this report. Motion carried.

Bro. Fox called for nominations for Secretary-treasurer of Missions. Bro. H. W. Darst, Bro. Randy Curtman, and Bro. B. :\1. Ridlen were nominated. Bro. H. W. Darst was elected.

Motion and second that both the election of Secretarv-treasurer of Missions and the election of Editor be made unanimous. Motion car;ied unanimously.

Bro. Fox entertained the nomination for Assistant Secretary-treasurer of :\fissions and Assistant Editor. Bro. Randy Curtman was nominated and elected.

Motion and second that until the annual session that Bro. H. W. Darst be per­mitted to hold both positions as missionary pastor and also as Secretary-creasurer and Editor on the salary of Secretary-treasurer and Editor. Spoken to by Bro. Dale Blount, Bro. Cliftoll Pennington, Bro. 0. A. Robinson. and Bro. Shelvie Stephens. Motion carried.

Motion and second to adjourn. :\lotion carried.

Dismissed in prayer by Bro. Tom Foster.



Bethel Baptist Church Potosi, Missouri

October 31 - November 1, 1977

Monday Afternoon - 2:00P.M. Br6. E. F. Gibson. assistant moderator, called for the service to begin with Bro.

Elva Asberry leading the song ",Jesus Led :\1e All the Way". Moderator, Bro. G. W. Fox, called on Bro. E. F. Gibson to lead in the opening prayer. Bro. Asberry then led "I \Vould Be True".

Bro. G. W. Fox called on Bro. J. E. Mason, host pastor, to welcome the messenger body to Bethel Baptist Church.

Bro. Fox asked the congregation to sing "Thank You, Lord".

Bro. Tbm :\1cCanless then came forward to open the scriptures. He read Romans 12: 1-2 and Romans 8:29.

Bro. Fox asked the messengers to stand and declared the 50th annual meeting in session and messengers seated. He then called on Bro. R. P. Mitchell to lead in prayer.

\Ve then entered into the permanent organization. Bro. Fox called for nominations for President of the B:\1A of :\1issouri. Bro. Randy Curtman was


nominated and elected.

Bro. Fox turned the gavel to Bro. Curtman at this time.

:\laminations for Vice-president were called for Bro. W. H. :\Iewman was nominated and elected. Bro. Dale G. Fish was elected Recording Secretary with Bro. Clarence Crawford as his assistant.

Petitionary letters were read at this time.

Petitionary letter from the Grandview :VIissionary Baptist Church, Springfield, Missouri was read. :\lotion and second to receive this church and seat her messengers. !\lotion carried. The messengers were asked to stand and be recognized.

Petitionary letter from the Cave Springs Baptist Church, Sullivan, Missouri was read. Motion and second to receive this church and seat her messengers. Her messengers stood and Bro. Curtrnan recognized them.

Petitionary letter from the Delma Missionary Baptist Church, Morehouse. Missouri was read. :\lotion and second to receive this church. Motion carried. The messengers from Delrno stood and were recognized.

Petitionary letter from the Landmark Baptist Church, DeSoto, Missouri was read. :\!Iotion and second to receive this church and seat her messengers. :\!Iotion carried. The messengers from Landmark stood and were recognized.

The moderator, Bro. Curtrnan, gave a welcome at this time to the new churches received into the association.

Motion and second that we hear from our missionaries. Motion carried.

Bro. Curtrnan called for the missionaries to come and give their reports.

The visitors in our service were recognized while the missionaries were corning.

Bro. Curtrnan recognized Bro. H. W. Darst to give his report as missionary pastor of Parkview Baptist Church. Motion and second to adopt this report. Spoken to by Bro. Darst. Motion carried.

Bro. Curtrnan called Bro. A. C. Medley, missionary at Lebanon, Missouri, to give his report. :\!Iotion and second to receive Bro. :\!Iedley's report. Spoken to by Bro. A. C. Medley. Motion carried.

Bro. Wayne Simmons, missionary at :\lew Prospect Mission, Kansas City, Missouri was called for to give his report. Motion and second that we adopt this report. Motion carried. Bro. Simmons was recognized to speak concerning his report.

Bro. Carlos Skelton, Missionary pastor of Lighthouse Missionary Baptist Church carne to give his report. Bro. Skleton led the congregation in prayer before giving his report . .\lotion and second to adopt this report. Spoken to by Bro. Carlos Skelton, Bro. Richard Britt, Bro. Carlos Skelton, Bro. Ralph McGuire, Sis. Lela Hulvey. and Bro. Dale Blount. Motion carried.

The national workers were recognized at this time to speak concerning their work.

Bro. Ralph Cottrell spoke concerning the Annuity and Benefit Agency of the Bl\1A of America.

Bro. ,John Steelman, Director of the National ABS, spoke concerning this work with our college young people.

Bro. Ralph Cottrell was recognized to answer a question that had been raised.

Bro. Asberry with Sis. ,Judy Fish at the piano led the congregation in singing "I Am Thine, Oh Lord". Bro. Curt man asked the congregation to remain standing as Bro. H. W. Darst led in prayer.

Bro. James Burch, director of the Harvest Gleaner Hour. was recognized to speak concerning his work with the BMA of America.

Bro. John W. Dugger, President of the Baptist Theological Seminary, ,Jackson-


concernlrlr:- the work there.

-·1 1 1ener frnnl Brn. H:.-l:-·burn Frt~ernan fn:rn l'hii

<'-'~iler; ft;r :he enn_~lln:e!H c(:rn:nittt· ),Jl L unn. T'here were ;~J;:~ ch;_,;-~_·hp;-. 'f"L··,,

.,d ~i1at '8P Hdjourn until-;':00 P.\J.......: end Bro. Dale Bloun;.

1 r:o:'yE-r by Bro. Don Crcn

Monday Evening- 7:00 P.:\1.

.1. '\1ason hi~ tlrne '.vith

· · • by Bro. Clarence J<ents were called

~~:u. Elva Asberry leading ''Heaven!~· Sunlight'\vith Sis. ·"'ito. As we remained standing, Bro. Curtman called on Bro .

. -1 lr: prayer.

,.,died on Bro. H. W. Darst to gtve his report as Secretary­._,, ·•·'· :vl,tion and second to adopt this report. Spoken to by Bro. H.

hru. (;. \\'. Fox. and Bro. H. \V. Darst. Motion carried.

H. W. Darst was recognized to present the following recommendation. a~ ~·r·ur Secretary-treasurer, be priviledged if you wish to assume the

'·riFe uf Parkview, fur the primary purpose of overseeing the work. and that the ·d1 elect a full-time assistant pastor, assuming his full ;.;alary in addition to what >lUrch is paying to State \fissions, thus that your secretary-treasurer's hands be " it•ll work to accept the invitations extended him to visit churches and

:; in b~half of missions and the promotion of the cause of Christ." H. W. r,-.L

:\lotinn and second to adopt this recommendation. Spoken to by Bro. 0. A. Robinson, Bro. H. \V. Darst, Bro. 0. A. Robinson, Bro. G. W. Fox, Bro. H. W. Darst, Bro. G. \V. Fox, Bro. 0. A. Robinson, Sis. Opal Pennington. Bro. Kenneth Gibson, Bro. R. P. Mitchell, Bro. 0. A. Robinson, Bro. R. P. Mitchell. Bro. Dale Blount, Bro. R. P. :Vlitchell, Bro. Dale Blount, Bro. G. W. Fox. Recommendation was re-read .

.'vfotion and second to amend this recommendation to change the word assume to the word continue. Spoken to by Bro. George McGuire, Bro. Dale Blount, Bro. George McGuire, Bro. H. \N. Darst, Bro. G. W. Fox. Bro. 0. A. Robinson, Bro. :Vlelvin \feade, Bro. Chester Gillespie. Bro. 0. A. Robinson. Amendment carried.

Motion and second to amend the motion to adopt recommendation to add "with the understanding that the church desires to do so and does exercise her privilege of electing an <!ssistant pastor and that such arrangements continue so long as the church desires up to one year." Spoken to by Bro. G. W. Fox, Bro. 0. A. Robinson, Bro. H.,W. Darst, Bro. E. F. Gibson, Bro. W. H. :\'ewman recognized Bro. Curtman to speak. Bro. G. W. Fox, Bro. H. W. Darst, Bro .• James :\'ull, Bro. R. P. Mitchell. Amendment carried with opposition noted.

Motion as amended spoken to by Bro. George McGuire, Bro. Kenneth Gibson, Bro. G. W. Fox, Bro. Dale Hlount, Bro. R. P. \1itchell, Bro. Ralph Chilton. Bro. G. W. Fox. Bro. Larry Rice. Bro. Lawson Herrington, Bro. R. P. Mitchell, Bro. H. W. Darst. Bro. R. P. :Vlitchell, Bro. Dale Blount. and Bro. H. W. Darst.

;\lotion as amended carried with opposition noted.

\lotion and second that we have the annual message. Carried.

Bro. Richard Britt was called for the annual message and Bro. Elva Asberry was called to lead a song with Sis .• Judy Fish at the piano. The congregation sang "Send the Light".

Bro. Britt asked the congregation to remain standing as he read his text from II Kings 7::l after which he called on Bro. Wayne Gibson to lead in prayer.

Hm. Britt used as his subject "Why Sit We Here Cntil We Die"".


As Bro. Eh·a Asberry and Sis. Judy Fish came to prepare for the invitation, Bro. Britt asked Bro. Carlos Skelton and Bro. Randy Curtman to come and stand in the altar. The song of im·itation was "Only A Step".

Bro Curt man asked Bro. Richard Britt to remain as Bro. Tom McCanless. Bro. Clyde :\Iiller and Bro. Kenneth ~eal came. He then asked Bro. W. H. ;\Jewman to come and extend the hand of appreciation for the message and a welcome to the pastors of the churches received into the association.

Motion and second that we have preaching tomorrow at the 11 o'clock hour. :\lo­tion carried.

Bro. W. H. :\ewman was elected to speak.

Motion and second that the second highest be the alternate. Carried. Bro. S. P. Chitwood was the alternate.

:\lotion and second that we adjourn until 9:30 tomorrow morning as designated by the constitution. Carried.

Announcements were called for.

We were dismissed in prayer by Bro. W. A. Fulcher.

Tuesday, November I, 1977 9:30A.M.

The service was opened by Bro. S. P. Chitwood leading the congregation in singing "The Solid Rock'", with Sis. ,Joann Ormsby at the piano. Bro. Curtman asked the congregation to stand and called on Bro. Jim Lea to come for the devotional, while we sang "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms". We were then led in prayer by Bro. Kenneth Dill, Pastor of Cave Springs Baptist Church.

Bro. Curt mAn turned the service to Bro .. Jim Lea. Bro. Lea used the 2:Jrd Psalm as the text for his devotional. Bro. Tom Foster led in prayer.

Bro. Curtman recognized Bro. T. 0. Tollett from the Baptist Publishing House at Little Rock to present the work of the Missions Department and also in the Publications Department.

Bro. Curtman called for the Special Missions Committee report. Bro. Dale Blount, clerk, came to give this report. Motion and second to adopt. Spoken to by Bro. G. \V. Fox, Bro. Dale Blount, and Bro. W. H. Newman. Motion carried.

:-.;aminating Committee recommended Bro. 0. A. Robinson to replace Bro. W. H. ~ewman. Bro. 0. A. Robinson was elected to the Special Missions Committee for term expiring in 1982.

The :.\iissionary Committee Report was called for and given by Bro. Kenneth Gibson. Motion and second to adopt. Carried.

Bro. Curt man called for the Editor's report for The !vfissouri Missionary Baptist paper. Bro. H. W. Darst came to give his report. :\lotion and second to adopt this report. Spoken to by Bro. H. W. Darst. Bro. Curtman asked Bro. W. H. Newman to recognize him while he spoke. Motion carried.

Motion and second to accept Bro. Darst's recommendation to print a special issue. Spoken to by Bro. Dale G. Fish. Motion carried.

The Publication Committee report was called for and given by Bro. Dale Fish. :.\1otion and second to adopt. Motion carried.

The :--lominations Committee nominated Bro. R. P. Mitchell to replace Bro. Dale Fish and Bro. Sterling Tyner to replace Bro. Melvin Colter on the Publications Committee. These brethren were elected.

Bro. Dale Blount asked for a report on the addresso-graph. Bro. H. W. Darst made a few brief comments concerning this.

:\lution and second to give the editor the authority to have the addresso-graph fixed, get a new one. or )o,lk into the cost of a new one. Spoken to by Bro. 0. A. Hobinson. and Bro. Clarence Crawford.


Substitute motion and second that we ask the editor to investigate the cost of a new addresso-graph and also the cost of repair of the present machine and report back at the semi-annual meeting.

Nominations for editor of The }vfissouri Missionary Baptist were called for. Bro. H. W. Darst was nominated and elected. Bro. Randy Curtman was nominated and elected as assistant editor.

Report of Revolving Loan Committee was called for. Bro. Clarence Crawford came to give the treasurer's report. Motion and second that the report be adopted. Spoken to by Bro. G. W. Fox, Bro. Clarence Crawford, Bro. Harold Condray, and Bro. Kenneth Gibson. Motion carried.

Bro. Randy Curtman was nominated and elected to replace Bro. John Shine on the Revolving Loan Fund Committee.

The report of the Mobile :vlissions Committee was called for. Bro. H. R. Thur­man's report was given by the Recording Secretary, Dale Fish. Motion and second to adopt this report. Motion carried.

Bro. Ron Daughhetee was nominated and elected to replace Olan Thompson on the ~1obile Missions Committee.

Bro. Curtman called for the Encampment Committee report. Bro. Don Craw­ford, chairman of the committee, recognized Bro. G. W. Fox, committee treasurer, to give their financial report. Motion and second that we accept our treasurer's report. Spoken to by Bro. G. W. Fox. Motion carried.

Bro. S. P. Chitwood was elected to replace Bro. G. W. Fox on the Encampment Committee.

:V1otion and second to retain Bro. G. W. Fox as Encampment Treasurer. Spoken to by Bro. G. W. Fox, Bro. Richard Britt, Bro. W. H. Kewman, Bro. Harold Condray, and Bro. T. 0. Tollett. This motion was ruled out of order.

Bro. Randy Curtman gave his informal report as Youth Director.

~ominations for Youth Director were called for. Bro. C. R. Curtman was nominated and elected. Bro. Kenneth Gibson was elected as the assistant to the youth director.

Bro .. Jim Lea was nominated and elected as camp superintendent.

:Vlotion and second that the Baptist Training Service Committee be authorized to make a feasibility study of a water storage tank and hot water heaters for the dorms and report at the semi-annual meeting. Spoken to by Bro. George McGuire, Sis. McGuire, and Sis. W. H. Kewman. Motion carried.

In preparation for the preaching hour, Bro. Curtman called Bro. S. P. Chitwood who lead in singing, "Praise Him' Praise Him!". Sis. Joann Ormsby was at the piano. He also called Bro. \V. H. ~ewman to come at this time.

Bro. Curtman turned the service to Bro. W. H. Newman, who called on Bro. Clarence Crawford to lead in prayer. Bro. :"Jewman used for his subject "Giving Honor Where Honor Is Due". His text was II Samuel 23:13-17.

Bro. S. P. Chitwood led ''I'll Live for Him" as an invitational hymn.

Bro. W. H. :'\ewman and Bro. Jim Lea were extended the hand of appreciation for the message and the devotional, by Bro. Dale G. Fish.

Motiori and second that doctrinal statement number seven (7) be changed to read as follows: "That man is a free moral agent and is therefore totally accountable to God for his character, conduct, and response to the preaching of the Word", and doctrinal statements which are currently numbered seven through twenty-seven be numbered eight through twenty-eight. Spcken to by Bro. Kenneth Gibson. Bro. G. W. Fox, Bro. Kenneth Gibson, Bro. G. W. Fox, Bro. John Shine, Bro. Kenneth Neal, Bro. W. A. Fulcher, and Bro. A. C. Medley. Motion carried.


Bro. Curtman recognized Sis. Lela Hulvey to present the WMA Committee report. Motion and second to adopt this report. Spoken to by Sis. Lela Hulvey, and Sis. H. W. Darst spoke about the Focus publication. Motion carried.

Bro. 0. A. Robinson was elected to bring the annual message in 1978, with Bro. Tom McCanless being the alternate speaker.

Bro. Sterling Dudley was elected to replace Elmer Shults on the Insurance Committee and Bro. J. E. Mason was elected to replace Larry Johnson.

Motion and second that under By-law V-1, Youth Work, add D. Encampment Treasurer. Spoken to by S. P. Chitwood, Bro. G. W. Fox, Bro. Richard Britt, Bro. E. F. Gibson, Bro. Richard Britt, Bro. S. P. Chitwood, Bro. Richard Britt, Bro. T. 0. Tollett, Bro. ,Joy Rayfield, Bro. Kenneth Gibson, Bro. Dale Blount, Bro. T. 0. Tollett, Bro. Clarence Crawford, Bro. Richard Britt, and Bro. E. F. Gibson. :\lotion carried with some opposition.

l\;ominations for the encampment treasurer were called for. Bro. G. W. Fox was elected.

Independence Missionary Baptist Church and Zion Missionary Baptist Church extended invitations for the 1978 annual meeting. Independence was selected as the meeting place.

Motion and second that we go to Zion Missionary Baptist Church for the semi­annual meeting. Carried.

Discussion of what can be done about Bro. Skelton's Insurance problem was raised. Bro. Earl ,Johnston explained the insurance situation.

Motion and second that we take an offering toward the payment of Bro. Skelton's hospital bill. Carried.

Motion and second that Bro. Darst write the hospital requesting a copy of the bill. Carried.

The recording secretary's report was called for, and given by Bro. Dale G. Fish. Motion and second to adopt the report. Spoken to by Bro. Dale Fish. Motion carried.

The Finance Committee report and the Enrollment Committee reports were called for. The reports were given by Bro. J. E. Mason. Motion and second to adopt. Motion carried.

Motion and second that we pay our clerk $225 next year. Motion carried.

The Resolution Committee report was called for and given by Bro. Chester Gillispie. Motion and second to adopt Carried.

Time was taken at this time to organize the Missionary Committee.

Bro. Kenneth McMillan was recognized to represent the work of the Victory Children's Home for Bro. Fred Vogel.

Bro. S. P. Chitwood led the song, "Amazing Grace" with Sis. Joann Ormsby at the piano, while the offering for Bro. Skelton's hospital bill was taken. The offering amounted to $406.

Motion and second that we adjourn to meet at Zion in St. Louis the third Tues­day of May, 1978.

Announcements were given at this time.

We were dismissed in prayer by Bro. R. P. Mitchell.



(Should have been printed in 1976 minut!'<l

The Mobile Cnit Committee recommends that the \!chile unit be loaned to the Cane Creek 1\s'iociation for use in the local missions project until a house of worship is constructed at Kennett, :V1issouri.

Tlw Cm1e Creek Association and their local mio-'ion·· ~!imt are to bear all ex­penses in relocating the unit. provide insurance coveo;1,:C' en the unit, and ordinarv maintanence.

Th' :· i,; no rental charge for the use of the mobile unit.

:Vlobile L:nit Committee Olan Thompson Clint Colburn

PETITIONARY LETTER To the churches of the B:VIA of .Missouri:

On :V1ay 8, 1977 the Kennett Missionary Baptist Church in conference voted to petition the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri for membership.

The church is in full agreement with the state association's doctrinal statement and principles of agreement.

The church was organized December 4, 1976 as a mission church of the Cane Creek Baptist Association and the church meets in the state association's mobile un­it. The church is a member of the BMA of America.

Moderator, Elder Jim Lea Clerk, Sis. Mary Ward

If the church is received into the membership of the BMA of Missouri, the church sends these messengers: Elder Jim Lea, Sister Claudia Lea and Sister Elza Quinn. The church's elected missionary committeeman is Elder ,Jim Lea.

Moderator, Elder Jim Lea Clerk, Sister :V1ary Ward


To the messengers of the churches of the B:V1A of :viissouri when assembled in Semi-Annual Session, Sikeston, Missouri, :V1ay 17, 1977.

Christian Greetings:

It is with a large measure of gratitude that I come to you with this report.

The good Lord continues to pour out His blessings upon the efforts put forth, even though, as is generally the case, it's not what we fully desire. Yet, souls have been saved and additions to the church. Attendance-wise, the church has held her own, usually in the thirties or above for the Sunday Worship services. The midweek services have greatly surpassed her previous records, and that in the upper twenties or mid thirties. This adds to the expansion of the GMA work, the Sunbeams, even the regular Bible study.

Numbers is usually thought of as the thermometer of progress (but not always the case), which of course, is not what any of us would so desire, but the church has


''''Pl ,!D he:, ltevnlvlng Loan payments, and have increased the State Missions sup­fltl oy ~ l (Jd per n1onth.

personal activities have taken me to fifty-four hospital visits, have con­cL, to•d one funeral. held seven special services, attended three Missions Sym­posimns, twelve WMA and Youth Meetings, and assisted in two ordination services. J'vl) personal activity has also involved the editing the State paper, as well as receiv­ing a;,d disbursing of your Missions dollars and Stewardship accounting.

\Ve anticipate, as do you, greater blessings from the hand of our God, there­fore we declare as did !\ ehemiah, " . . . for the joy of the Lord is our strength."

Brethren. the power of exhortation must be strong in our day as it was in the yesterdays. So we declare as did Paul, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye -;cedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye 1-;r;U\\' that :vour labour is nut in vain in the Lord".

Your servant, H. W. Darst Parkview Baptist Church


Grec·tings in the name of Christ,

Prayerfully and humbly I submit my report as your Missionary at Lebanon, Missouri.

Acts 16:8 "And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; there stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed Him saying, 'Come over into Macedonia, and help us.' " There are many people in this area that need help. May we all be willing to "hear" the rall of :\1acedonia.

The work here in Lebanon has been progressive but slow. The people in the Lebanon area recognize and know now, who the BMA of America is, and what we practice: and teach. Yes, they are convinced that we are here to stay. In the beginning this was one obstacle we had to overcome. This all has been made possible because of ·'Calvary''. The past two or three months Old Satan has set up several roadblocks. Praise God. He has been on his throne, to help us to overcome all of Sa tans work. We are still taking the "Message of Christ" into the home. There are many homes here that would not hear the "Message" if the Lord did not help us bring it to them. The lvf:,, .. ,OIHi lvfissionary Baptist has been a great blessing to us in taking the Word into the home.

The Radio Ministry has been a real blessing to our work here. Temporarily we have discontinued the radio broadcast. Due to the increased interest, by several churches and individuals, we are presently trying to get back on the air. We wish to say thanks to all who prayerfully and financially supported the radio ministry in the last year.

There have been souls saved during the last year, all of which we are thankful to God for. We now have a present membership of nine, and an average attendance of lii for all services.

Finall\ may we say, we believe that prayer and patience is the key to "Victory" here in !'· e Lebanon area. Your continued prayerful support is greatly appreciated.

Your Missionary at Lebanon Bro. A. C. Medley


My statistical report is as follows:

Miles traveled .................................. 25,000 to date Soul Winning Talks ........................................ 85 Rededications .............................................. 11 Numerous visits in the home Sermons preached .......................................... 60 Radio messages ............................................ 23 Association meetings attended ............................... 10 (State and District) Funerals attended ........................................... 3 Numerous visits in the hospitals in the area Ordination services (assisted in) .............................. 1 Dismissed from fellowship .................................... 1 We acknowledge financial support from the following:

Chambers Park Church Trinity Baptist Cane Creek Church Independence Church Ohlman Church and GYIA's and Sunbeams Also several individuals


Greetings in the name of our Lord,

This report is from November 1, 1976 through May 15, 1977. We pray that the Lord would bless this report to your hearts. He has been good to us these past six months and we want you to know we love Him for His marvelous grace.

This following report will cover the activities of Brother Boyer as well as myself for the period indicated above. Although Brother Boyer did not begin his work with us until about mid-January of 1977.

Brother Boyer and I both want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the individuals and churches who have helped support us on the field here in Malden. Without you, we could not have done what has been done here. Again we say thank you for your kind consideration. May the Lord bless you all real good for your help.

We haven't grown as fast as we would have liked to or even hoped to, but there has been some growth. We have made a comparison of this year's averages for Janpary through April as compared to last year's averages for this same time period. Last year we averaged the following: Sunday School, 47; morning preaching, 49; evening preaching, 41; Wednesday evening, 38; and offerings $164. This year we averaged the following: Sunday School, 59; morning preaching, 61; evening preaching, 46; Wednesday evening, 38; and offerings $195. We had hoped to have been able to add a one in front of all these figures, but we are not able to do so.

If we could retain even half of those we reach, we would be doing much better than we are now. It seems to be such a task in being able to hang on to folks long enough to indoctrinate them in the truth. God only knows how hard we've worked with some of them. We can only do our best and then trust God to do what we cannot do.

Our finances are up some as you should have noticed, but they are not up near enough. We pray that you will see fit to allc,w Brother Boyer to continue on with us a while longer, at least until the next associational meeting in October. Brother Boyer has been a tremendous blessing to the work in Malden. We, the Lighthouse Church, are very confident when we say that we could not have done near what was done if


Brother Boyer had not been working with us on the field. We thank you for allowing him to be with us on the field.

The following is our statistical report from ~ovember 1, 1976 through May 15, 1977.

Professions of faith ......................................... 56 Baptized .................................................. 17 Rededications .............................................. 29 Sermons preached .......................................... 83 Lessons taught ............................................. 60 Hospital calls ............................................. 306 Radio programs ............................................ 15 Nursing home services ...................................... 27 Nursing home visits ....................................... 225 Funerals preached ........................................... 5 Funeral home visits ....................................... .40 Weddings ................................................... 5 Revivals preached ........................................... 1 Ordinations and associational meetings ................. several

The Lord has blessed us with a good, strong, sound, and spiritual work at Malden, and we ask you to continue to pray for and support the Lord's work there. May God bless each and every one of you as you endeavor to serve the Lord in your respective fields of labor.

Christian Greetings:

All because of Calvary, The Skletons and The Boyers


It is with regret we submit our semi-annual report to you. Regret, first of all that the New Prospect Mission has not grown since reporting to you at the annual meeting last fall. Secondly, for failing our Lord. Thirdly, regret for not being able to paint a rosy picture for the future. However, we do feel the Lord wants us there and the field is a needy one. We will continue to work the field as long as the Lord wants us there. The work there and we are in God's hand to bless as He sees fit.

We have suffered the loss of families, that have moved away. The sad situation of having to exclude seven from the mission was also experienced. Even though we have expressed regret and disappointment, we do have some things to be thankful for at the mission. We have two families remaining with us and working along side us. Also, we have adequate material facilities. So far, we have no financial difficulties, as our people all tithe and the material needs in connection with the mission have been met. Also, we are thankful in that we have been successful in having several first-time and return visitors along. However, we have not been able to enlist them on a regular basis. The average attendance presently is in the upper teens to low twenties, consistently. The offerings are averaging about $100 weekly. In addition to supporting state missions with 5% of their offerings, the mission has been assuming $20 a month of the pastors salary. I believe the group we have are a mission-minded people.

Since the annual meeting I have preached 54 sermons; taught 18 Bible lessons; witnessed 1 profession offaith; baptized 3 (2 of these have been excluded since); per­formed 1 wedding; made numerous hospital and funeral home calls; also, have done much door to door and follow-up visitations; distributed many tracts; had many soul talks; attended several associational meetings and activities.




Ellington ,'1-'lMC\Oxly 2?~--~ Crf'~ii

tl::>thel, Potos1 t -'thei, Sikeston e"'t~<:-s:.ia

Wo..-:k C:c.eccc'k ___ ~

R1ver "~Dn Creek


I 27- 27 30- 31

l'i7-l38 6i- 61

94t: \'!_'


l L~7 S2

Cape ~-----------~; -~---~t----·--

*Cave Sprmg Current R1ver *Delmo Emmanuel. Poplar Bluff

Emmanuel. Sikeston F ai~h F1rst. Chambers Park F1rst. Matthews F1rst. Neelyville

F:rst. Peona, Ill Fontame Lane Gethsemane *Grandv1ew Independence

*Kennett Kewanee *Landmark Lighthouse L1ttle Bethel

Loyalty Miss1on R1dge Moselle Mt. Carmel Mt. Olive

Mt. Zion, Ellington Mt. Z1on. Poplar Bluff


Spr1ngh1ll Stony Po1nt Temple Tnn1ty Walnut Grove

West Don1phan Zalma Z1on

11 13

235 237 87-134 99· 96

197·199 35· 35

4 4 41· 37 88 74 66- 70


D· 14 162·156

46 62 71

. 32

65· 77 19· 21 87 91 71 66 36· 40

42· 42 144-121

79- 51 24 15 93· 88

59· 64

g. 9

67 68 109-129 112-109 :25126 126112

44 42 8 8

126 :27

*New Churches Pet1t1on1ng Assoc1a:1on


1 920_00

12.127.84 9)75.00

11,705.00 9,100.00 1.200_00

2.5CC 00 3.175.00

2.775 00 8.580.00 2.400 oc 1,320.00 1.7 45.25


1.500 oo I 5.200 00 4.oo6.ss 1

8.840.C{J 8.128.00

1.680.00 1.500 ou

10.326 10


Please continue praying for us and the work in the Kansas City area. Our great need is more dedicated laborers; more spiritual power; and one of our major needs is to get organized into a church, but the afore mentioned conditions have been our reason for not pushing yet to organize, but it is a must, it may even be one of our hin­drances.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and encouragement you have given us in any way.

Yours in Christ, Wayne Simmons


To the Churches of the BMA of Missouri:

Grandview Missionary Baptist Church of Springfield, Missouri voted during regular business session on October 9, 1977 to petition for fellowship with the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri.

Grandview Missionary Baptist Church is in complete agreement with the Doc­trinal Statement of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri, and at present we enjoy fellowship with the Baptist Missionary Association of America and the Liberty District Association, also the Meramec Association.

We do herewith petition for fellowship with the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri, and ask that our messengers be seated upon your granting of the same.

Moderator, Pastor Kenneth Neal Clerk, Jane Farrow

Messengers elected were Bro. and Sister McMullin and Bro. Kenneth Neal, with Brother Neal to act as committeeman.

$15 is sent as minute fund.

To the Missouri State Association:

The Cave Spring Baptist Church having adopted the statements of principles of the Missouri State Association, we herewith petition for fellowship in this body.

Adopted by the church in regular conference August 24, 1977.

Pastor, Kenneth L. Dill, Moderator Ida Thurman, Church clerk

To the Churches of the BMA of Missouri:

We, the Delmo Missionary Baptist Church of Morehouse, Missouri, voted on May 4, 1977 to seek fellowship with the BMA of Missouri.

The Delmo Missionary Baptist Church was organized into a true New Testa­ment Church on February 12, 1960.

We have accepted as our articles of faith the 28 statements that are found in the Declaration of Faith of the BMA of Missouri minutes of 1974.

We were accepted into the fellowship of the BMA of Southeast Missouri on August 26, 1977. We are in complete harmony with the work of the BMA of Missouri for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Done by order of the Delmo Missionary Baptist Church October 26, 1977.

Moderator, Elder Tom McCanless Clerk, Brother Gene Nimmo


To: The Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri From: Landmark Baptist Church of DeSoto, Missouri

Landmark wishes to petition the BMA of Missouri for fellowship.

Messengers: 1. Bro. L. Simpson 2. Sis. B. Simpson 3. Sis. D. Miller

Alternates: Any three members

Missionary committeeman: Pastor, C. E. Miller

Pastor: Clyde E. Miller, 1307 Easton, DeSoto, Missouri 63020; Phone 586-3620

Clerk: Betty Harrison, P. 0. Box 155 High Ridge, Missouri 63049; Phone 376-4176

Present membership: 46

Approved by the church in conference August 24, 1977

Moderator, C. E. Miller Clerk, Betty Harrison

Christian Greetings:


In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our redeemer and hope, to the messengers representing the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri, I sub­mit the following report:

Statistically, let us note the following:

Hospital visits ............................................ .40 Messages delivered ........................................ 110 Lessons taught ............................................ .48 WMA's and GMA's attended ................................ 15 Associational meetings ....................................... 7 Contacts made in behalf of the church ............. innumerable Funeral services conducted and attended ...................... 3 Profession of faith witnessed ................................ 12 Additions to the church ...................................... 9 VBS average attendance .................................. 65.6 Ordination services ......................................... .4 Missions symposiums attended ............................... 6 Sunday School attendance from a low of 16 to a high

of 45, an average of .................................... 27 Preaching attendance, a low of 16 to a high of 48,

an average of .......................................... 32

Midweek attendance, from 25 to a high of ................... .40

I'm sure that we all are more number conscious than we should be. This being the case, sometimes it interferes with our real worship.

Paul in writing to the church at Philippi declared, "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say Rejoice". There are always reasons for rejoicing, especially when souls are being saved, and when God's children are careful in giving themselves to the cause of Christ.

Speaking attendance wise, we have observed a comeback over a period of time. For this we are very grateful. It has brought rejoicing to our hearts. Continued in­terest in the bus ministry has given encouragement. We thank the Lord for those that have been willing to give themselves to this part of the program of the church. Our departmentalized program during the midweek service has added blessings.


Several have been brought to the knowledged' Cnris1 a» c;,,.,.;, "'

Financially, we also have reason to rejoice. The church'.;. n.·.···ipt, .,. out $9,968.77. Of that amount the church has given S300 perm·. ·r.; •; ;;; six months of the Associational :-,•ear to State Missions, iEHl ::•

the last six months of the year.

We praise the Lord for the Missions SpiriL We believeth:< v " in the Missions program is a wise investment. t:ndouhted l". · dividend is beyond comprehension when you attempt to pickD";, ,; lives for the cause of Christ.

Your servant, H. W. Darst


Greetings in the name of Christ:

Prayerfully and humbly I submit my report as your m1c,;j. Missouri. As we report to you this year, we are thinking of the "And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: There stood a man prayed him saying, 'Come over into Macedonia and help us· ., .

ii):V. and

As we look back over the last year we are deeply concerned \\·._ wc;uid iik•· report more progress, but we know that the Holv Spirit is ,.tili wnr~ iL' in the hean; and minds of many people. We feel in our hearts that 1he•T v. Lebanon, of course preceded by prayer. patience and stili rnu ·· thankful for the presence of the Holy Spirit in all of our sen·iceo. Tr:\"IT' ha, be~:. many new people move into the area. Presently, the overall view lo,:ks ;c"od. The pasr two months has been very discouraging.l\luch to our regret we had t:·: ci1:•miss a fami­ly of four because they took part in a theft. Because of th1s the ca;;se ,,f C'hri''' wa' hindered in Lebanon.

Our work the last year has covered a wide area around Li•'J:·:·> n L: •..•. T, .. ;;;n~ tracts and Doctrinal Literature of the BMA. There has been DIHECT i !['PC·:-;r:·iO'-.; tu our work, but, "Praise the Lord", he has taken care ofthJ>.,. \\•· ·cc' •.•c·:• ,,,,.,ng to

make improvements on the building.

Your continued prayerful support will be greatly appreciated. A p,,·,;om;: : t>il

the mission would be most welcome.

My Statistical Report as Follows

:\1iles traveled ................... , ......... Approximately '3S,OOU Hospital visits .............. , .......... . Visits to hospitals in Columbia bv special request . Messages delivered ........... . Lessons taught ................................. . Association meetings attended (incl11ding :\ationaiJ Funeral home visits ................... . Funerals preached ............... . ~ouls saved ........................................ . Additions to church ............. . Dismissed from fellowship ............ . Soul winning talks ................ . Radio messages .................... . Marriages performed ...... . Weekly averages for all services .............. .



. Several .106


.14 .5 .l .4 .0

..4 ~urnernus

. .... :20 ' ... . l

. ''.'. '12

\Ionthly offerings averaging S90 for the associational year. We have discon­tinued the radio programs until we can find a time suitable. We want to thank each inclividuai for love offering>' to the mission, as well as several churches. A special thanks to the sunbeam class of Ohlman Church. :VIay God bless you all in the coming associational year.

Christian Greetings:

Yours in His Service Your missionaries at Lebanon Bro. and Sis. Medley


Once again it is time to submit our annual miSSIOnary report to you the messengers of the churches of the B:v!A of Missouri. We are surprised that the second coming of Christ has not occured since the last report. It will surely not be much longer.

It is a most difficult task to present a report that will reflect progress or that will inspire you in our mission endeavors. The past year has not brought the desired growth we had hoped for. As far as we can determine things are not any more favourable than a year ago, in fact the work has reversed. My report is factual and can in no way really give a detailed description of our work and any good that may have been accomplished. My work has been in the sowing and watering category. There has been many difficulties, dissappointments and hindrances to the work. Our number one enemy still remains, just plain old indifference to the things of the Lord among the Lord's people. This is possibly the greatest heartaches that we have to ex­perience.

The associational year has been spent in the Kansas City area with the New Prospect Mission. We were only gone from the field when attending meetings of the associations, and was gone about 10 days vacation time at different intervals. My work has been leading the New Prospect Mission, with all connected duties plus ex­tensive personal work and house to house visitation. Much seed has been sown in this type of work, with many opportunities to have personal soul talks. Also, we have made a wide use of distributing tracts, in the visitation work. There were only two professions of faith, and we had six additions to the mission (5 of these by baptism, and one by letter). Since last year, seven members were excluded, four members transferred overseas, another family is in the process of moving to Springfield, another family is trying to transfer back to Texas, and another family has about quit. The attendance is ranging from 9 to 21 at the present. The offerings are ranging from about $80 to $100 per week. The present membership is 18, but only 7 of these available to organize with. We are still reluctant to organize into a church until we have enough stable growth. It is hard to evaluate the future of New Prospect Mission. However, we do have people we are working with that have shown some interest. Others visit the services occasionally. First time visitors have been numberous throughout the year.

I will omit a numerical report as to sermons preached, etc. The normal amount of preaching and Bible teaching was done in line of duty with the mission. Also, hospital visits, etc. was done in connection with our field of work. I have tried to the best of my ability to serve the Lord, and I commit our years work to Him, realizing at the Judgment seat of Christ I will give an account to Him who is the Righteous Judge. We will try to seek and stay in the will of God regarding our field of labor. We have counted it a joy to serve another year as your missionary.

We ask that you pray for us and the New Prospect Mission. Thank you so much for your support in every way. If Jesus tarries the next associational year, I hope it is


the most fruitful year ever for our established churches and all state m1ssion endeavors. May God bless each of you.

Yours in Christ, \Vayne Simmons


GrePtin_£"~ in the name of our Lord,

Th0 Lord has been good to us this year. Of course, He is always good to us. The .. r ba' hruught us some bountiful blessings, of which we are indeed grateful to

for t lH' a II of them.


''''ll he comparing the months of July, August, and September of 1976 with the :;ame n;,>nths of 1917. For 1976 during the above mentioned months we averaged a weekly offering of S157 .15. For 1971 during the same months we averaged a weekly offering of $2:21.21. These figures do not include the offerings received outside the church.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each church and individual who contributed to the cause of Christ in Malden during the past year. May God bless the all nf ~;ou for your concern and interest in His work in the Malden area.

A•, some uf you may have noticed. we have started sending a monthly payment to the revolving fund. We hope to increase our giving to them as we grow.

:\" umerically

We have had some increase in our membership and attendance this past year. We are very thankful for this, although we wished that we were able to report a greater increase than we show here. Our membership as of October 1, 1976 was 62, and as of October 1, 1977 was 71. We had a total increase of 38 and total decrease of 29.

Our attendance is up some. For comparison, I am using the months of July, August. and September of 1976 as compared to the same months in 1977. For the weekly attendance of ,July, August, and September of 1976, we averaged for Sunday School 43, Morning preaching 46, and Evening preaching 34. For the weekly atten­dance of the same months in 1977 we averaged for Sunday School 47, Morning preaching 52, and Evening preaching 45.

We enjoyed the blessing of setting a new high attendance record in Sunday School. Our old record set back in August of 1975 was 88. Our new record set on :VI arch 13 of this year was 91. I pray we'll be able to report an even greater increase next year.


There is a real sweet spirit that moves throughout the most of our services. We realize that if God's spirit is not leading in our services, all is in vain. We praise the Lord for the presence of His Holy Spirit.

We had some wonderful Spirit-filled services during our revival meetings last year with the following: Brother Don Boyer, Brother Bob Hendley, Dr. Leland Calloway, and Brother Carl Rea. All these meetings truly gave us a spiritual uplift.

Of course we have had some encounters with the Devil's crowd also. I have found myself spending much time on my knees seeking grace, strength and guidance from the almighty God of heaven. I can truly say from experience that God's grace has proven to be sufficient in all cases.



We witnessed the following from October 1, 1976, through September :30, 1977:

Professions of faith ........................................... 90 Baptized . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... 30 Rededications ................................................ 70 Sermons preached ............................................ 95 Lessons taught ............................................... 79 Hospital calls ............................................... 572 Radio programs .............................................. 22 :\" ursing home services ........................................ 49 "\lursing home visits ........................................ 1000 Funeral home visits .......................................... 57 Funerals preached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... .4 Weddings ..................................................... 6 Revivals ...................................................... 2 Soul winning conferences ....................................... 2 Restorations .................................................. 2 Statements ................................................... 1

We want to say thank you to the association for the privilege of having Brother Don Boyer working with us for six months. The growth in the church spiritually, numerically and financially is truly a reflection of Brother Don's assistance.

Please pray earnestly for God's blessings to be on the work at Malden. Missouri.

All because of Calvary The Skeltons :VIalden, :'vlissouri

THE MISSOURI MISSIONARY BAPTIST To the messengers of the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri in Annual Session, 1977:

Christian Greetings:

First of all, I want to personally commend the Editors of The Missouri Missionary Baptist for their faithful service in editing the paper since its inception. From my observation, they have wrought well. That simply means the churches of the BMA of Missouri and friends of the same have given themselves in prayer and support.

The A1.issouri 1'vf.issionary Baptist can serve only as the media in which every reader wants it to serve. The paper is yours. You can help to promote the message by the printed page. You are in position to do so. :\"one of us should under estimate the worth and value of the printed page. Therefore, to that end, we call upon you to make an earnest effort to make a worthwhile contribution to that end. As in the heart of any Editor, your articles and writings are solicited, your prayers requested, and he pleads for your patience and understanding.

The financial status of The Missouri Missionary Baptist:

Received from Don Hoffman, April 12, 1977 ....................................... S 657.93

Receipts, April 13 through September 30, 1977 .................................. 82,341.93

Total available ........................................ 82,999.86 Disbursements, April 13 through

September 30, 1977 .................................. 82,6~13.37 Balance, October 1, 1977..... . ........................ 8 :J66.49

Humbly submitted, H. W. Darst, Editor


Christian Greetings:



This report covers the period of time from April 13, 1977 through September :10, 1977, especially the financial summation. You have on hand the previous report by Brother Hoffman.

It's been a privilege and a joy to serve in this capacity. but it has also involved long hours and strenuous moments to keep things in order and moving. To Him be the praise and glory for any and all accomplishments. You and your church have assumed the weight of responsibility. Regular contributions have been necessary, and, so far. you have made it possible to make all payments on time. We thank you so much for such demonstration of love for the Cause of Christ.

My travels have taken me to each local Association when they were in session, thus I had the privilege to present the work. I have also been in attendance at many of the Youth :\1eetings and Fifth Sunday Meetings. and have been invited to deliver messages. Upon invitation, I have also visited any number of churches, and enjoyed the fellowship of the brethren.

Financial Status of State Missions updated:

Total received from Don Hoffman. April 12. 1917 ............. .

Total receipts. April 1:l. through September :lO, 1911 ......... .

Total available ......... . Total Disbursements. April 1:1. through

September :30. 19i"i" ......... . Balance on Hand, October 1. 1911 ...

Incidental Fund: Received from Don Hoffman.

April 13. 1971 ......... . Total received. April 1:3. through

September 30. 1911 .. Total available . . . . . ........ . Total Disbursements. April 13. through

September 30. 1971 .......... . Balance on hand, October 1. 1977

Designated funds: Received, April 13, 1917 through

September 30, 1977 .......... . Disbursements, April 1:3, through

September :30. 1977 ............. . Balance, October 1. 1971 ....... .

Camera Fund: Received from Don Hoffman.

April 12, 1977 ........ . Disbursements ........... . Balance on hand, October 1, 1917

Sincerely. H. W. Darst


. .S :3.80:2.10

20.871.83 S:!c±.67:l.9:l

:21,058.6/ s :3,618.26

. ... s 190.72

32.00 :3 :222.7:2

c±:3.79 s 178.93






898.00 . :\one

:21 :)Ac± . :\one :21:3.44

RECOMMENDATION That I. as vour Secretary-treasurer, be privileged, if )-em wish. to continue the

pastorate of Parkvw\v, tor the primary purpose of overseeing the wDrk. and that the church elect a full-time assistant pastor. assuming his full salary in addition to what the church is payir,g to State :Vlissions, thus that your Secretary-treasurer's hamb be free in full work to accept the invitations extended him to \-isit churche" and associations in behalf of :Vlissions and the promotion of the cause of Christ w:.th the understanding that the church desire to do so and does exercise her pri\·ilege of elec­ting an assistant pastor and that such arrangements continue so long as the church de,;ires up to one year.

H. \V. Darst

SPECIAL MISSIONS COMMITTEE REPORT :\:lotion and second that Special :V1issions Committee found onl\· typographical

errors in Bro. Hoffman's financial report. :V1otion carried.

'\lotion made and seconded we recommend that the association raise our missionaries salaries $25 per week. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn. Carried.

Led in prayer by Bro. Bill Ridlen.

~ovember 2, 1976

Special :'v1ission Committee met for organization. Prayer by Bro. Blount. Bro. "'ewman elected chairman. Bro. Blount elected clerk. Closing prayer by Bro. Gib­son.

November 4, 1976

Special Missions Committee met at Grecian Steak House. Flat River. Com­mittee met to prepare and adopt necessary forms to he signed by men to he in­vestigated by this committee. Said form to protect this Committee and B:VIA of :Vlissouri in our investigation.

December 13. 1976

Special :'v1issions Committee met at Grecian Steak House, Flat River. Com­mittee agreed to refer Cane Creek Church to the Association in response to tbeir letter. \Ye have no jurisdiction over this matter. Article VII, Section I of Statement ot Principles. Bro. Gibson led in prayer expressing thanks for the meal. The Committee read and discussed application and response to Bro. Boyer's inve;;tigation. Due to Bro. Boyer not being present, made it necessary to schedule anotber meeting at Fredricktown December 16, 1976. Dismissed in prayer by Hro. Blount.

December 16. 197f3

Special :Vlissions Committee met at Long Horn Steak House. Cherokee Yillage. for purpose of meeting with Bro. Boyer, Prayer by Bro. ~ewman. After meeting with Bro. Boyer and completing our investigation, motion was made and ,;econded to recommend Bro. Don Boyer to the association for consideration to work as full time missionary with half salary. :'vlotion made and seconded to adjourn. Carried.

:V1arch :!6, 1971

Trinity Church, Florissant. Special :Vlissions Committee called to order by chairman, Bro. :\ewman. Prayer by Bro. Newman. After discussion of possible men to fill vacancy left by Bro. Hoffman's resignation, motion and seconded tu begin in­vestigation of Bro. Randy Curtman to fill these offices of Secretar)·-treasurer of Missions and Editor of paper. Motion carried. :VIotion and seconded to ad.iourn.


Carried. Prayer by Bro. Bill Ridlen.

May 17, 1977

Bethel Baptist Church, Sikeston.

Meeting called to order by chairman, Bro. W. H. :\ewman. Prayer by Bro. Ken­ny Gibson.

After the discussion of our investigation of applicants, there was a motion and second that the Special :VIissions Committee recommend Bro. Randy Curtman and Bro. H. \\7. Darst to fill the vacancies that now exist, which are Secretary-treasurer of :\lissions and Editor of The l'vfissouri Missionary Baptist. Carried unanimously.

October 31, 1977

Special Missions Committee met at Bethel Church, Potosi, called to order by Chairman Bro. Newman. Prayer by Bro. Herrington.

:\lotion and second that this committee endorse Bro. Darst's recommendation to r~main with Park View Church as pastor and the church elect an assistant pastor and assume full responsibility for the salary of the assistant pastor above what the church is paying to State Missions. The purpose is to free Bro. Darst to serve in full capacity as Secretary-treasurer of Missions. Motion carried unanimously.


.] anuary 8, 1977 Bethesday Baptist Church, Flat River, :\Iissouri.

The Missionary Committee was called to order by chairman, Bro. 0. A. Robin­son. The Special Missions Committee made its recommendation to the Missionary Committee of Bro. Don Boyer to fill the position of missionary to assist Missionary Carlos Skelton.

This recommendation was adopted and Bro. Don Boyer stood as a nominee. Bro. Don Boyer was elected.

Motion and second to adjourn. :\lotion carried.

Bro. 0. A. Robinson, Chairman Bro. Kenneth Gibson. Clerk


Bethel Baptist Church

Bro. Claude Evans and Bro. Dale Fish were present. Bro. H. W. Darst met with the committee.

Motion that along with the by-laws as adopted, we recommend that the paper count be continued at 2500 copies. Carried.

:\lotion that we recommend to our churches that they increase their support of The l'vfissouri Missionary Baptist paper. Carried.

:\lotion that we endorse a special issue of the paper featuring the past editors of the paper. Carried.

Dismissed in prayer by Bro. Claude Evans.

Claude Evans, Chairman pro-tem Dale G. Fish. Clerk



Annual Report October 6, 1977

Old Balance ..................................................... $13,443.45 Receipts:

Bethany ......................................... S 130.00 Breton Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 Mt. Olive (Loan payment includes $228.66 Int.) . . . . 4.680.00 Chambers Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.51 Parkview (Loan payment includes $340.89 Int.) . . . . . 1,841.97 Springhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120.00 Bethel, Potosi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120.00 Palmer Heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Walnut Grove.................................... 60.00 Shiloh........................................... 104.77 Missouri State WMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.00 Ohlman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120.00 Northside... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176.00 Mt. Zion, P. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133.00 Trinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68.5:3 Cape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350.50 Kewanee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48.00 Zion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 Briar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44.66 Gethsemane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 Galilean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 Friendship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00 Lighthouse (Loan payment) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 Gethsemane WMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 Interest, Northland savings account................ 794.78 9,627.72

Total Received and Carried forward ............................... $23,071.17

Proof of Funds: Northland Savings Account #1 115816 8 ............ $22,855.16 Checking Account #1 137752 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216.01 $23,071.17

Funds Outstanding: Parkview, Arnold ................................. $ 5,479.01 :vlt. Olive, Salem.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,961.27 Lighthouse, Malden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,800.00 23,240.28

Total Assets ..................................................... $46,311.45

Clarence E. Crawford, Agent and Treasurer

MOBILE UNIT REPORT Only two churches contributing. Breton Creek and First Baptist, Chambers

Park total as of October 24, 1977 in checking account, S185. As of August :n, 1977 savings account $1,695.63.

Submitted by Eld. H. R. Thurman

Received after report was made $5 from Breton Creek Church, October 27, 1977. Makes total $190 in checking account.


MISSOURI MOBILE UNIT Hecei\'ed from churches: First Chambers Park ..... . Breton Creek Received from Bro. Colburn (savings account J Breton Creek 12/1.5/76 . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . First Baptist Church, Chambers Park 12/:30/76 . Breton Creek 1/22/77 . . . . . . . . ............ . Chambers Park 1/77 ......................... . Breton Creek 3/5/77 ......... . Chambers Park 3/7/17 ....... . Breton Creek :i/26/71 ...... . Chambers Park 4/9/77 ... . Chambers Park 4/17/77 Breton Creek 4/2:1/77 . . . . . ........... . Chambers Park 4/:30/77 ............... . Breton Creek .S/'2.6/77 ........ . Chambers Park 6/10/77 .......... . Chambers Park 7/'2/77 .......... . Breton Creek 7/22/77 ......... . Chambers Park 8/2/77 Chambers Park 9/2(i7 ... Breton Creek 9/:28/71 Chambers Park 10/1'2/77 Total 10/24/77 Checking Account

:3 HI i'(• - . ,\,1

l.G:l11. ;1 \

1 () . ()~ l

:J.UU 10.00 5.00

10.00 10.00

i'i.OO 10.00 5.00

10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

s 18ii.OO

ENCAMPMENT TREASURER'S REPORT May 1, 1977 - October 31, 1977

General Fund Heceived:

Antioch. Ellington Antioch. Ox[,· Bet han~· Bet he!. Potosi . Bethl'l. Sikeston. Bethesada .. Bethlehem . Black Ri\-er . Breton Creek Briar Cah,ary Cane Creek Cape ... Current River ... First. Chambers Park First, :vlatthews ........ . First, :\eelyville . . . . . . . .. . Friendship . . . . . . . ...................... . (~etbsemane .... Independence Kennett Kewanee .. Lighthouse. Little Bethel


.......... $ 6.16 4.16

60.00 32.70 11.34 :30.00 :30.00

1.62 :10.00

4.:32 16.20 55.40 60.00

1.10 90.00 25.00

1.62 1.25 9.75

:35.40 5.00

:30.00 10.00 :l5.00

Loyalty . . . . . . . . . . ................................ . l\llose lie . . . . . . . . ................................ . :VI t. Zion. Ellington . . . . . . . . . .............................. . :'vlt. Zion. Poplar Bluff ........................................ . :'vlt. Carmel.. . ........................................... . New Hope.... . ........................................... . New Prospect . . . . . . . . . . ................................ . :\lorthside.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... . Ohlman . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... . Palmer Heights .............................................. . Parkview, Arnold . . . . ....................................... . Shiloh ....................................................... . Skyline ...................................................... . Springhill .................................................... . Stony Point .................................................. . Temple ...................................................... . Trinity ...................................................... . Walnut Grove ................................................ . Zalma ....................................................... . Zion ........................................................ . Cane Creek Association Youth in the Harvest .................. . Logan's Creek Youth in the Harvest ........................... . Washington County WMA .................................... . Camp offerings ............................................... . Concession Stand ............................................ . Dividends ................................................... . Surplus Plates ............................................... . Unknown .................................................... . Needs Creek ................................................. . Marcus Hill ................................................. . Teens for Christ .............................................. . Mrs. Harold Leytham ........................................ . Wayne Simmons ............................................. . C. Amsden .................................................. . Ruth Fox (phone) ............................................ . R. P. Mitchell ............................................... .

6.00 54.32

110.00 65.00 15.00 1.70

25.00 80.00 32.70 74.04 52.70 76.74

100.00 20.00

135.90 50.00 72.42 87.92 22.32 52.70

100.00 40.00 40.48

326.61 358.35 134.02

4.00 21.32 4.25

14.40 15.00 3.00 1.68 1.64 2.00 5.00

Total received .................................................... $2,792.23 Balance May 1, 1977 .............................................. $3,542.69

Total available .................................................... $6,334.92

Paid Out: May

Plumbing repair ......................................... · ... · · $ Riggs (bulbs) ....................................... ·. · · · .. · · · Ozark Border Electric ........................................ .

June Richard Britt (travel) ......................... · · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · G. W. Fox (travel) ........................... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Ellington phone .............................. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

July Postage ...................................................... . Brooms ...................................................... . Harold Leytham ............................. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Motel (evangelist) ............................ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mutual Security ............................. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·


3.98 3.26


20.00 15.00 12.00

9.10 4.17

346.61 28.00


August Ellington phone ............................ . Rig.t!"~ (dnor) ............................. .

October Flling: '' phone ......................... . \n•i-tr,,·ze to winterize buildings ........ .

(; · ··x (mileage) ..................... . ;f]( "r>pair ............................ .

;.• ·Jut .\lay 1 - October 31 .......... . • '·wh,·r :n, 1977 .................... .


1 ', 1 ha11~r ..................................... . 'l;cl, Potosi ............................ . ~~c~k ......................... .

First, Chambers Park .................. . C~alilean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . Kewanee .............................. . Loyalty ................................ . ~orthside ............................... . Pleasant View .................. . :\uttle Refund ...................... . Hetreat ............................. . Curtman ........................... .

Total received ....................... . Balance May 1, 1977 ................. .

Total available .................. .

Paid Out:

Richard Britt (travel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... G. W. Fox (travel) ................... . .Jim Hogg Grocery ......................... . Gowans Grocery . . . . . . . . . . ............... . Curtman (groceries) ..... . Curtman (plaque) . . . . . . . . ....... .

August Curtman (travel) ................... .

September Big Spring IGA ...................... . Curtman (paper, stamps, food, plaque) Film rental ......................... .

October Film shipping .......... . Pepsi-Cola ........ .

Total paid out. :.Vlay 1 - October :'ll .. Balance October :31, 19~7 ...... .

FOOD FL'~D Received:

Antioch, Ellington ... . Antioch. Oxly ......... . Bethany . . . .......... . Bethel. Potosi .......... .


! . {(_j


1 :u9 -;-.]f)

!] .!()


] l~~ .2:) ·.·}!}.{)9

·'-Uifl ()_i)()

2:] Oil .-/!_()(!

Ji1. I ;(I 12.00 12.1)1\

JOJ!t) 1.'~.0()


1:!1.6:) 2.:m

,) :_t):~_it3



.S HUO li. +(_I

s:-:1 .).l.G:2 8/./.') 12.UO


40.-;'1 uo -;-~


:l. ';';) :2.'l.90

s 4:\4.19 .q_O-+~.O:C

:lO.UO :J0.:'\4 40.00 50.00



\1t. ~~-(}fl B Palmer Heights Pdrk\·iev;_ .-\rnold. Plt.-':·1~!-.i_ni (;ni\'P.

Trinit~ Zalrna . Zinn ........ . L,>~an' Creek Yuuth in the Harvest .................... . \\.,:c.hln1,ton County BTS . . . . ............................. . Cnne \'reek District \VMA .................................. . Surph.10 t'uuc_

20.00 .50.00 25.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 :'~.00 Jc:.oo


13.38 25.00 60.00 44.60 25.00 10.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 25.00

100.00 40.00 27.55 :20.00 25.00 35.00 22.00

·rota! received .................................................... S1,218.:r; Balance :\lay 1, 1977 .............................................. S 655.57

Total available .................................................... S1,873.94

Paid Out: c;.nwans Grocery .............................................. . Cups, paper. etc .............................................. . .Jim Hoggs Grocery ........................................... . Hogg,; icoffeel ................................................ . Hig K (howls) ................................................ . Safewa\" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... . \\'al-mart idrano) ............................................ . Tomatoes ..... Foremost milk Big Spring IGA Wards Grocery Garwood Store (gas. etc.l Cooks ... SerYing scoops Hewleth. Wholesale Sateway Egg~

Bunny Bread Transportation for food

Tutal Paid lJ•Jt :\lay 1 - October :.ll Haiance Oc"tober :n. 1911


s 24.92 15.5:1 95.23 29.:37 20.80 21.47

:3.61 8.75

71.69 10.85

3.40 :14.65

250.00 16.16

4:36.51 172.66

44.00 75.80


Sl.:34:3.:l6 s 530 .. 58

CO:\CESSIOJ\ STA:>ID Gross receipts .................... . Paid Out:

Asberry for supplies ........... . Toms for supplies .......... . Ice ............................. . Pepsi-Cola ..................... .

Total Paid Out ..................... .

. $ 4~!.4:1

. .......... 220.110 6:1.00


. . $;):11.01

Profit transferred to General fund .............. .


~ .~ti~Uii

:;; ,-,:n.o 1

s :];)1\.:1;-,

The \Vomen's Missionary Auxiliary is a group of consecrated women in all walb of life who are giving a testimony of a risen. living Saviour. The \\":VIA offer,; an op­portunity of worship, benevolence and evangelism.

We urge each church to organize a W:VIA and for each \V:\IA to 'up port the current projects, which are:

1/:l - Publications "Missions in the Mountains·· 1/:3 - State GMA - YLA Work 1/:l - Publication - Focus

W:\IA Committee Lela Hulvey Barbara Britt


Received from Richard Britt ... Received from Finance Committee .... .

Balance ........................ .

Disbursements Clerk hire Kiely Printing Company ..

Total Disbursements ........ .

Balance October 31. 1977 .... .

I recommend that we print HOO minutes.

Dale G. Fish. Recording Secretary

. S IG.2:1 . . 711 ()()

. .. S/87.21

. :3200.00 . . 554.61

. $154.61


:\umber of churches 57. :\umber of messengers 124 Amount of minute fund S/12.00. Four petitionary letters received and accepted. Total 61 churches.

Humbly submitted, Eld .. James E. :V1ason Eld. Cruise Shelton




. s :t~.62


Hr· it re,llhed tlliH the Hapti,t :\Ji,-sionar\· Association ofl\Iissouri go on record <~1 thanking r111r otticcr' fm tult'illing their rrspecti\e office and commending them for a .ioh well d()nf:'.

Be it turther re"•i,wl that we thank Bethel Baptist Church of Sikeston for hr •>1 ing t lw Ill ic!-annuc1~ meeting and the Bethel Baptist Church of Potosi for hosting the l:l~~ annuul mevt1n~.

Ht· tt t·.trt her rb.,ln·d t ii<ll we encourage each one to lea,-e this associational tneettn~ \\ith rt'IW\H·d determination tn ad,ance the cause of missions in the State of :\I i '">uri.

Kenneth GilNm -Joe \\'ilkerson Chester Gillispie

CHURCHES REPRESENTING, 1977. Church. Cit,·. !'hone

Pastor. Address. Phone Clerk. Address

A:\IITY. DO :\!PH.-\:\ Clint Colburn. RR :l. Box 216. Doniphan. :\lissouri 6:39:3.5. 996-2-1-18 :\Jr,-. :\!elba Gann. RR :J. Box :l-±1. Doniphan. :VIissouri 6:39:lS

A:\TIOCH. ELLI:\GTO:\ Charles E\·ans. Route 1. Box 1-'i. Farmington. :VIissouri 6:36-10. 1.56-18-10 Ardella Chitwood. Route :2. Box 102. Ellington. :VIissouri 6:l6:lil

A:\TIOCH. OXLY Clifton Pennington. Route 1. Box 201. Han,iell. :VIissouri 6:1945. 989-6I:l2 Lee c;arrett. Route 1. Box 19. Doniphan. :\1issouri 6:l9:3fi

BATES CREEK POTOSI Luther .Jarvis. Star Route. Leadwood, :VIissouri 63601. 56:2-1108 Gail Rasnic. Route ~- Potosi. :VIissouri 6:366-1

HETHA:\Y. ST. LOllS 429-:219,5 0. A. Robinson. 10:.!.50 Lackland Rd .. Overland. :VIissouri 6:3114, 4~9-~]9,~ Helen Gillispie. ;)466 :\. Euclid. St. Louis. :VIissouri 6:3115

BETHEL. POTOSI .] . E. :\lasun. 606 Raymond. Box 40. Potusi. :VIissomi 6:1664. 4:38-:2696 :\Irs. :\lary :\lc:\lillen. !:lox 40. Potosi. :\lissouri 6:366-1

BETHEL. SIKESTO:\ 411-086;1 Thomas E. Foster. :21:2 Bohannon Dri,e. Sikeston. :Vlissouri 6:3801. 411-6565 Terri Adams. 60.~ Bondurant. Charleston. :VIissouri

BETHESDA. FLATRIVER \\"avne :\. Gibson, Route -1. Box ~:lil, Farmington. :VIissouri 6:36-10. -±:31-5:1:39 Louise (;ihson. Route -1. Box :231A. Farmington. :VIissouri 6:36-10

HETHLEHE:\1. DO:\IPHA:\ 9~lfi-H:36 Harold C"ndray. Houte :l. Ellsinore. :\lissouri (j;J9:ll. :322-5587 c;eorgia Kirby. 1 !UI Hillcrest Plaza. Doniphan. :VIissouri 6:19:3.)

HLACK CREEl\.. POPLAR BIXFF Hth<'ell (;addis. :319 Kendall. Sikestlln, :\lissouri f):li\01. ·! 11-fJ~J:ll \label HartiPv. Route :2. Box 2,-,:m. Poplar Bluff. :Vlissouri li:l901



Charles Kell:., · ~006 South 11th St.. Poplar Bluff. Missouri 6:i~l01. 18:i-6877 Anna Lourance. Route :Z, Qulin, :Vh;souri 6:1961

HEETO:\ CREEK. POTOSI 4:l8-.5984 .John L. Bntton. Richeson Road. Potosi. Missouri 6:l664. 4:18-4418 :\label C. Henson. 60~ :\. :VIissouri St .. Potosi, :Vlissouri 6:l6G4

HltL-\R DO:\!PHA:\ .Joe Brandon. !608 S. 11th St.. Poplar Bluff. Missouri (i;JH()J. /8.'l-.5·ll4 Sue Crifl'in, Route ti. Box !.SCi. Doniphan. :Vlissouri 6:l9:J.5

·c AL\ ARY. POPLAR BIXFF 686-226:3 Shelvie Stephens. 1114 :Vlulberry, Poplar Bluff, :Vlissouri 6:1901, 185-:ZGOS Fern Stephens, 2021 Alice, Poplar Bluff, Missouri 6:JD01

'CA:\E CHEEK, POPLAR BLUFF /8G-8ii16 Ronald Daughhetee. DJ:) :VIulberry St., Poplar Bluff. :VIissouri 6:1901, 785-2983 Alta Campbell. Route 1. Box 22DA. Poplar Bluff. :Vlissouri (i;JH()]

CAPE. CAPE GIHARDEAL' :1:15-0987 George :VlcGuire. ~611 .Jan Drive, Cape Girardeau, :VIissouri 6:3701, :335-1318 Lorene Wood, P. 0. Box 991, Cape Girardeau, :VTissouri 6:li01

CA \'E SPRI:\G. Sl'LLI\'A:\ Kenneth L. Dill. 90.5 Lake Road, Sullivan. :Vlissouri 6:l080. 468-8588 Ida Thurmond, Route 2. Box ~1:1. Sullivan. :VIissouri 6:1080

C THRE:\T RI\'ER. \'A:\ Bl'RE:\ :\one .Juanita Snider. Box CiG, \'an Buren. :VTissouri fi:396;)

DEL\10. \IOREHOL'SE Tom \IcCanless Gene :\immo

E:\1:\IA:\l-EL. POPLAR BLL'FF Eddie Conover, Route I. Box !81. Poplar Blufl. :VIii'snuri 63901. 185-6391 \In;. Frances Cono\er. Route 4. Box ~8. Poplar Bluff, :V1issouri 63901

E:-.1:\IA:\l 'EL. SIKES TO:\ 41:!-0806 Larry Rice. 209 Edmonson. Sikeston. \Iissouri f3:3H01. 4/:Z-0806 :\Irs. Patricia \\'inters. Box 1(1:2. Kewanee, \Iissouri 6:1860

FAITH. ST. CHARLES /~:3-:l98'i Roger L. Fears. 90~9 Bob b. St. Louis. \Iissouri 6:lll4, 429-40:25 Carolyn Edwards. Route .5. Box :l:2. St. Charles. \1issouri

FIHST OF CHA\IBEHS PARK. ST. LOCIS 868-18:28 \\'.H. :\ewman. 10011 Imperial Drive. St. Louis, Missouri 631:36, 868-0974 C. E. Crawford. !OJGO Bun Oak Drive. St. Louis, \Iissouri 6:l1:36

F!HST. :\IATTHE\\'S Sterling R. Tvner. Helen Tollison. 9:)6 Da,·is. :\ew \ladrid. \lissouri

FIRST. :\EEL Y\'ILLE D8~J:i:2f39 Frank \lamard. :\eel\'\·ille. \lissouri 6:l9Ci4 Loretta c;~tlin, 1'. 0 .. Box 186, :\eely,·ille, :VIissouri 6:JD54

FlHST. PEOHIA. ILL. :\lel\-in Koontz. 'iO:l/ Big Hollow Rd., Peoria. Ill .. 691-:24/H Catherine :\eisler. :209 :-vleadows Ave .. East Peoria, Ill.

FO:\TAl:\E LA:\E. ST. LOUS Halph Chilton, 1:20-iO San Ricardo, St. Louis, :-vlissouri 6:n:J8, :J.SG-5798 :\orman Waring. 1:22/:) Centerbrook. Florissant. Missouri fi:lO:l:l


GETHSEMA:'\iE, HILLSBORO lil9-:3ll:l Sterling Dudley. P. 0. Box :38:3. Hillsboro, Missouri 6:3050, 789<366:3 :Vlrs. Lela Hulvey. P. 0. Box 29:3, Hillsboro, Missouri 6:30;)0

GRA:'\iDVIEW, SPRI;\GFIELD 41/-il:l:l-:l620 Kenneth ;\eal. HiOl Packer Road. Springfield, :Vlissouri 65802. 417-869-0373 .Jane Farrow, 1205 S. Estate, Springfield, Missouri 65804

I;\DEPE;\DE.\JCE. '-I EEL YVILLE Sterling P. Chitwood, Route 1, :'\ieelyville, Missouri 6:39i14, 9il9-6182 .\leva Ramsey, Route 1. Box 246, :'\ieelyville. Missouri 6:3954

KE.\J:'>;ETT. KE.\J:'>;ETT .Jim Lea. Route 2. Kennett, :Vfissouri 6:lil57. 888-4464 :Vfary Ward, 1607 Harris. Kennett, :.Vlissouri 6:3857

KEWANEE, KEWA;\EE 74/l-5220 Richard Britt, Box 36, Kewanee, Missouri 6:3il60. 748-5220 Debby Lucy, B1:ll. Lilbourn, Missouri 6:3862

LA.\JDMARK, DESOTO Clyde E. Miller, 1307 Easton, DeSoto, Missouri 6:3020, 586-3620 Betty Harrison, P. 0. Box 15;), High Ridge, Missouri 63049

LIGHTHOUSE. MALDE.\J 276-5467 C. F. Skelton, 1110 Stokelan, Malden, Missouri 63863, 276-3312 Doris Scott, 1709 Merritt. Malden, Missouri 63863

LITTLE BETHEL, OXLY )/one Pearl West, Star Route, Oxly, Missouri 6395.5

LOYALTY, SPARTA. ILL. 618A43-3364 Claude Evans, Route 2. Sparta. Ill. 62286, 618-443-3364 Beatrice Evans, Route 2, Sparta, Ill. 6:2286

:\fiSSIO.\J RIDGE. POTOSI Carl Gillam, Route 2, Box 157. Potosi, :Vlissouri 63664. 244-5459 ;'1.1argarite Gillam. Route :2, Box 1fi7, Potosi, Missouri 63664

:\10SELLE. c:---;IO:\ :\lelvin .\1eade. Route :z. Cnion . .\fissouri 6:3084. 629-48:28 Helen -Jones. Route 2. Box 557. l'nion . .\1issouri 6:3084

:\IT. CARMEL. ELLSI:\ORE .Jerry Adams. P. 0. Box BO. Bertrand, ;'\lissouri 6/l:l-3082 :\1ary Boyer, Grandin . .\lissouri 6:3943

.\IT. OLIVE. SALE:Vl Dean Hawley. P. 0. Box 511. Rolla. Missouri 6;)401. :341-2951 Lena Wells. 408 W. Roosevelt. Salem. Missouri 65ii60

.\IT. ZIO:\. ELLI:\GTO:---; :\one Mrs. Georgia Lee Rayfield. P. 0. Box 261. Ellington. Missouri 6:\6:3/l

MT. ZIO:\. POPLAR BLCFF lilfi-119~ Glenn \V. Fox. 1709 Sunset Drive, Poplar Bluff, .\Iissouri 6:3901. itl.S-2:287 Ernestine Pennington, RR 6. Box 1:30. Poplar Bluff, Missouri 6:3901

::-.!AYLOR, :--;AYLOR 1'-.'one Becky Seratt, .\Jaylor, Missouri 639.~3


1'-.'one Donna Wheelis, Route :1, Valle Lake, DeSoto. \lissouri 6:30:20


:\ORTHSIDE. ST. CHARLES W. A. Fulcher, 129 Bond. CollinS\ille. Ill. fj:!2:l-±. lH-11'<111 !\large Benefield. ~411 :\". "ith St .. St. Charles. ="lis">uri fi:l:llll

OHL\IA:\". Bl":\"KER 689-:Z"iO"i Dale Blount. Hunker. ="Iissouri li:Hi:Z9. 6KD-~"iO"i

Helen Fields, Reynolds. \Iissouri G:l666

PAL:\lER HEIGHTS. SPR!:\"GFIELD 869-0Hil C. R. Curt man. :z:z:JO Drury, Springfield. ="Iissouri 6:080:1. !iii.-,. /.-,.)li i\Irs. Donna Larson, :ll-±5 S. Da~·llm. Springfield. :--Ji,;souri ti:->hll/

PARK VIEW. AR:\"OLD 281 -6U2 H. W. Darst. llf39 Whispering \Yind. Arnold. ="Iissouri li:IIJ!IJ, 2:-i"i-1-±1'<1 i\lrs. H. \\'. Darst, 11G9 Whispering Wind. Arnold. ="lissouri fi:lilJ()

l'ARK\"IE\\". ROLLA :164-4018 F. :\-I. Riley. Route 2. Box 261, Rolla. :\-lissouri ti;"i-±111. :j.l].:I!I~H

Mrs. Rita K. Ries, Route L Box 2:19, Rolla. \lis,ouri 6.-,4Ul

PLEASA:\T GROVE. CALEDO:\"IA .J. R. \lcGuire. Irondale, :\Iissouri 6:16-18. 149-:l/7:1 Gladys :\lcGuire. Irondale, \lissouri 6:16-±8

PLEASA:\"T \'lEW. WILLOW SPRI:\"GS Da\·id Crites. Route L \lillersville, \Iissouri 6:l"ifi6. 81i6-:Z-±Sii :\Iarie Chritton. Route L Willow Springs. \Iissouri (:j;)/9:3

PO:\D CREEK. BO:\":\E TERRE .John Davis, Route 2. Box 20, Hwy. AA. Potosi. \lissouri 6:161i-1. -±:18-40].) :\Irs .. John Davis. Route ~- Potosi, \lissour; fi:l66-±

PRO\"IDE:\CE. Pl'XICO \\'. F. \!iller. Puxico, \lissouri 6:3960, :22:2-:3078 Ruby Page. Puxico, \lissouri. Route :2 6:1960

'SHILOH, DIXO:\" :3:36-56:3:3 Virgil Comer. Route L Box :201. Dixon, \lissouri 6.54:-,9. :1:16-:-,6:]:1 Betty Southwick, Route 2. Box ]6;:,, :\ewburg. :\lissouri fi;);,:,o

SKYLI:\"E. ELLI:\GTO:\ :\one Pauline Hayfield. Ellington, ::VIissoun (i:JG:ltl

SPRI:\C;HILL. FAIRDEALI:\G S;i/-2:\10 B. :VI. Ridlen. Route 1. Fairdealing. ::VIissouri 1]:3\l:J~l. 8.'1/ -:2:1/11 :\-lary Etta Gladden, Route I, Fairdealing. :\-lissouri 6:19:19

STO:\Y POI:\T. \II:\ERAL POI:\T Frank Thompson. Route I. Putosi. Ylissouri 6:)66-±. 4:JK-:2Bi'<l Ro~· Henson, Star Route, Leadwood. ::V!issouri 6:165:3

TE:\!PLE. BELGRADE Kenneth :\-!elton, Box 66. Belgrade, :\lissouri 6:16:!:2. "ifili-.11 l:i Roberta Pierce. 211 Sunshine. Ironton, ::VIissouri fi:lfi.)()

TRI:\ITY, FLORISSA:\T 9:21-:Z:l/8 :\"one L. \\'ayne Ridlen, 860 Boone St.. Florissant. \Iis,.;ouri 6:\IJ:l]

WAL:\t'T GHOVK HAR\'IELL R. P. :\-!itchelL Route I, Box :)0, Poplar Hlutf. \lic;"'un li:l:llll. li81i :19118 Geraldine Creach, Route 1, Hox 1 "i. :\eely,·ille. ="lis>< JUri 1i:19:,4

WEST DO:\"IPHA:\. DO:\lPHA:\" :2;',;1-:1481 R. .]. Brewer. 111:1 Garland. Corning. Arkansas ~:!42:2. '111J-8SI-GIR:I :'v-Iae Patterson, Gatewood, Missouri fi:l94:!


ZAL:VlA. ZAL:VlA Dale G. Fish. Route :2, Box llA. Zalma, :V1issouri 6:3'181. 122-:3449 Ruhy Lambert. Route :2. Advance, Missouri 63130

ZIO:\. ST. LOCIS 8~6-1867 Edgar F. Gibson. :l906 Hartford, St. Louis. :Vlissouri 6:l116, 173-9044 Mrs. Wanda Flower,. 1608 Falling Springs Dri\'e, Dupo. Ill. 6:2239

I*) Received after the association


' .... -:]



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