november 2008 volume 22, no. 11 - covenant keepers | · meet, we are often tempted to believe that...

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Don't Eat Your Seed! by Marilyn Conrad, President & Founder

You may be feeling the pinch of a tight economy. With the high cost of gasoline, groceries, and utilities to contend with, you may also be feeling you just don’t have the energy to pray and stand in faith for your marriage. In fact, you may be ready to give up the stand for your marriage and family.

In 1 Kings 17 we read of a widow who was also facing tough times. She had one son and they were starving, as there was a famine in the land. She only had enough flour and oil to make one last meal for herself and her son. Then they would die.

In verses 10-16 (The Living Bible) we read about the Lord telling Elijah the prophet to go to her village.

So he went to Zarephath. As he arrived at the gates of the city he saw a widow gathering sticks; and he asked her for a cup of water. As she was going to get it, he called to her, "Bring me a bite of bread too." But she said, "I swear by the Lord your God that I haven't a single piece of bread in the house. And I have only a handful of flour left and a little cooking oil in the bottom of the jar. I was just gathering a few sticks to cook this last meal, and then my son and I must die of starvation."

But Elijah said to her, "Don't be afraid! Go ahead and cook that 'last meal,' but bake me a little loaf of bread first; and afterwards there will still be enough food for you and your son. For the Lord God of Israel says that there will always be plenty of flour and oil left in your containers until the time when the Lord sends rain and the crops grow again!"

Can you imagine how she felt? How could this prophet ask her to take food from her starving child and give it to him? The Word of God tells us that we are to give the tithe to Him and that our needs will then be met. When we don’t have enough money to make ends


Inside this issue…

Don’t Eat Your Seed .......... 1-2

You Are Called .................... 3

Tips For Victory................... 4

Thanksgiving ...................... 5

Covenant Moments ........... 6-7

Look What God Is Doing ....... 8

We Get Mail ........................ 8

Conference 2009/Project ...... 9

Love As Christ Loved .......... 10

Products ........................... 11

US Thanksgiving Day Nov 27

Oh come, let us sing to the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.

Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;

Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. Ps 95:1-2

Continued on Page 2

meet, we are often tempted to believe that we just can’t afford to tithe, much less give offerings above the tithe. Perhaps you made a pledge and because of fear, have stopped paying it.

However, this widow decided to do as the prophet asked. She fed him first!

“So she did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her son continued to eat from her supply of flour and oil as long as it was needed. For no matter how much they used, there was always plenty left in the containers, just as the Lord had promised through Elijah!”

God is no respecter of persons and what He did for that widow, He will do for us. That same God is willing to be our source today. As we put our faith and trust in Him and His Word, He will perform miracles for us also! As we sow seeds of finances, prayer, and time, we position ourselves to receive, "Good measure, pressed

down, shaken together and running over." Luke 6:38

When God speaks to you about sowing seed into this ministry, you enable us to get the good news out that God heals broken marriages. We give hope to countless hundreds who have no place else to turn for help.

My encouragement to you is, "Don’t eat your seed—sow it!" Then God will have something to multiply back to you in the form of your need. God is not asking you to give what you don't have, but a portion of what you do have, even though it might be little. Be like that widow and do

as God asks. God has recorded this story in the Old Testament to be a help and encouragement to us today. Likewise, when we have breakthroughs in our impossible looking situations, people can point to us and say, "If God did that for them, He can do the same for me!"

"Finish Strong" Projects

Your financial gifts and prayers have made a difference in many, many lives, marriages, and families around the world during 2008. It has been such a privilege to partner with you to touch many generations to come.

Do not miss out on one last chance to help change lives and marriages this year! As you consider any end-of-year charitable gifts we invite you to consider the work Covenant Keepers is doing through your gifts. Your gift, postmarked by December 31, will be receipted with your 2008 giving and is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. You may also give by credit card by calling 918.743.0365 or going to our web site ( and using our secure PayPal site.

AREAS OF NEED: 1) Our 17 year old folding machine "died" and needs to be replaced. 2) Printing of mini books and curriculum. 3) Printing of Series 3 and Marilyn’s book, Separation and Divorce: A Journey in Growth and Development" in Spanish.

Don't Eat Your Seed! Continued From Page 1


Covenant Comments September 2008 Volume 22, No. 11

Covenant Comments is published by Covenant Keepers, Inc. a non-profit organization. Subscription price is paid by donations. Donations to Covenant Keepers, Inc. are deductible to the extent provided by law and are received with the understanding that unless designated, they will be expended for tax-exempt ministry purposes at the discretion of the board of directors. © 2008 Covenant Keepers, Inc.

® All rights reserved.

Mail inquiries to: 3434 S. Garnett Rd, Ste One, Tulsa, OK 74146-2149. (918) 743-0365. Contact these National Directors in the following countries: Australia: Andrew & Carol Munden 02/4982-6777 Great Britain: Vivienne Osunde 0208/297-0158 Guatemala: Gustavo & Roos’mary Barrios 502/332-3729 Mexico: Laura Gamboa 525554240341 or 525556060666 New Zealand: Joanne Fergusson 03-3514499

November 1953, a few days after leaving the presidency of the United States, President Harry Truman was

brought to the New York Jewish Theological Seminary by a friend of his, named Eddie Johnson. Johnson introduced him to the assembly by stating: "This is the man who helped create the State of Israel." Truman retorted, "What do you mean ‘helped to create?’ I am Cyrus; I am Cyrus."

Truman was referring to Cyrus II, who defeated the Babylonian Empire (538 B.C.) and allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem after 70 years of captivity. By 70 A.D. shortly after Titus destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, the Jews were once again scattered abroad without a center of worship. The wars of the crusades only made life more difficult, thus the Jews were without a nation or homeland.

The British declared in the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 that: "His Majesty’s Government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people…" The Balfour project had been compromised in the 1930s due to Arab resistance to any Jews in Palestine, thus requiring Britain to maintain a large troop presence. With Hitler threatening the very existence of England, they found themselves arming and by default, supporting the Arabs as they pulled more and more troops from Palestine.

After the sudden death of President Roosevelt, Vice President Truman sat for the first time as President of the United States in the Oval Office, and on his desk was the issue of the Jews. He sought the counsel of the State Department and the War Department concerning the Middle East. They all recommended that the Jews should be left on their own in this suicidal attempt to start a nation. The War department stated that the Jews would be wiped off the face of the earth in a matter of hours after declaring the State of Israel.

Truman, a firm believer in the Bible and in the promises of God, remembered Deuteronomy 1:8: "See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to your fathers – to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – to give to them and their descendants after them." Defying the experts’ advice and confident in the rightness of the Zionist cause, he lobbied for the Partition Resolution in October 1947. By November 29, 1947 the U.N. General Assembly decided that Palestine should be divided into a Jewish State and an Arab State. The Arabs vowed to never accept a Jewish State and armed themselves accordingly.

Then, on May 14, 1948 – again defying the uniform advice of his State and War Departments – he issued a de facto recognition of the State of Israel within hours of its declaration of independence.

Truman allowed the Bible to dictate his actions on a global level. This is exactly what we are to allow in our lives. By valuing the Word of God above the cultural mores and situational ethics of the world, we can change the world we are in. As a result of President Truman, the Middle East has been reshaped and a major portion of Bible prophecy has been fulfilled. The same can happen in the sphere of your influence. By believing and acting upon the Word of God you can affect the course and lives of the people in your life. The Word of God is that powerful.

Psalm 119 speaks of the power of the Word and thus gives us insight into how we can change the world we live in. In verse 11 we read:

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."

Here we see the Word is to be hidden in our hearts, not our heads. Many believers know the truth but fail to act on that truth. A friend and I were driving the freeway and he got pulled over for going 80 in a 55


You Are



Psalm 119

Continued on Page 10

TIPS FOR VICTORY How To Get Over The Bumps In The Road

By Jo Hurst, Tennessee Group Leader

t’s very easy to look at circumstances when we are in the battle for our families.

We need to be reminded that the battle is 1) spiritual—for the spirit to be born again into everlasting life with Jesus, 2)emotional—for the soul to find rest and peace with Him, and 3.)physical—to find bodily relief from stress and the affects of trials or sin. As I review how the battle for my family has played out, I am reminded once again of Ephesians 6:12: "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

How far down are you? If you are so far down you don’t know what to do next, that could actually be a great place to be. Why? Because now you have the opportunity to look up and rely totally on Jesus. I have found that surrender is the key to finding our way out of our messes and dilemmas. How many have said, "Lord, I can’t do this anymore. You take over my life. I give it all to you," and have found incredible new life with Jesus? I remember when this happened to me and I am profoundly grateful that He heard my cry and took me up on my prayer.

Sometimes, we have our own ideas about reconciliation. As God shows me more of His ways I realize that we have to do reconciliation His way, not our way. We have our ideas about what should and shouldn’t happen. I have found God’s ways to be higher and grander than my

puny thoughts. We know that the Bible way is always repentance, forgiveness, and love, but God knows exactly how those principles should be worked out. He knows the perfect timing, the perfect words to say, and the right actions to take. Sometimes we jump in and try to fix issues ourselves, instead of being led by the Holy Spirit. This is human nature. We all do it and Jesus knows our weakness, so we don’t need to condemn ourselves. But the more we turn to Jesus, the more victory we will have.

Over the years, as I have matured in my stand, I realize that I am also learning more about God’s ways for our lives. I realize that I am more often asking God’s guidance before I make decisions, speak to an issue, or try to help someone else, instead of following my own thinking. I have found this to be very beneficial in relationships.

You see, most of us know the Biblical principles, and we stand on those principles. We know what God planned for our marriages, so we stand firm on His Word. Yet, some of us have been frustrated because our relationships aren’t what we know God wants them to be. How do we handle the gap between what we know and what we see?

We keep trusting; we keep growing; we keep believing. We keep seeking His counsel through prayer and the Word of God. We never come to the place where we stop relying on Jesus and asking:

"Lord, how do you want this done? How do you want me to respond to this behavior? Help me to be in line with your solution for this situation.”

The Word of God is a treasure book of promises, commands, exhortations, and biographies that build our faith and shows us how to live. The Holy Spirit applies the Word to our hearts and minds so we can live the abundant life and walk in truth. It is up to us to seek the Lord with all our heart. Then He promises to answer.

Deuteronomy 4:29: "But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul." Wherever you are, God will hear and answer.

I remember how God led me step by step to Covenant Keepers. The events were so God-directed I couldn’t have figured it out on my own—to be in certain places at certain times. All I knew was that I needed to hear from God regarding my marriage, and I was seeking Him with all my heart, mind and soul

Jeremiah 33:3 tells us: "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and



Continued on page 9

THANKSGIVING Thanks for Subtle Answers by Starr Lichty

Give thanks in all things! Can you do that?

“I can't do it!”

I just don't understand what the textbook is saying, or for that matter, what the professor is saying," she cried with tears of frustration. Our daughter left college when she was 21 years of age and now, 10 years later she is back in college. She is finding it harder than she thought it would be. When I asked her what she is thankful for, she said, "Nothing. I can't think of anything." I asked the same question of another young woman going cold turkey off an alcohol habit, and really struggling. Her answer was the same. OK, so it is hard to think of anything with a clear mind when we are struggling, let alone something for which to be grateful. But we must do it!

May I suggest that we start with being grateful for the small, subtle, seemingly insignificant things? Too often we let those subtle answers to prayers fly by without notice and without gratitude. But they are pieces of the puzzle that the Master Himself is placing together each and every day. Some day we will see the whole master puzzle as He sees it. But we should not wait until then to give thanks, lest He would call us "ungrateful children." Even with our own children, we want them to thank us for the small favors because that motivates us to give greater favors.

Usually we focus on "waiting" for the big answer to prayer and get into discouragement when it takes so long. Instead, let's look today for the subtle answer and celebrate it! A covenant keeper I know continually sends praise reports to his church's prayer chain such as, "While pursuing a divorce from me, my wife just called about legal matters and stayed on the phone

12 minutes instead of 3 minutes and she spoke with a friendly tone." While getting reconciled with his wife would be the most desirable big praise report, he found a smaller reason to praise God in the meantime. Many of you have done the same and submitted such praise reports to this newsletter. Congratulations!

Thirty-two years have passed since my covenant husband left me and our two children. While the big prayer request of his reconciliation to me hasn't occurred yet, this week I am celebrating a more subtle answer to prayer, that of his heart turning towards our children. While 12 hours of driving separate our children from him, the children have gone the distance many times to visit him but he has made little effort in all these years to drive to see them where they live. However, this week he did just that! I celebrated quietly in my heart as our daughter showed me pictures of them together. Malachi 6:8 promises us the turning of the parent's hearts to their children.

Think about that little cloud as small as a man's hand that Elijah pointed to, then sent his servant to tell King Ahab. After praying for rain following a three year drought, Elijah rejoiced at the sight of even a tiny cloud. Then came a terrific rainstorm! 1 Kings 18:41-46

Why does God hold out on answering our big prayers immediately? Do you think His plan includes getting us and the people we are praying for, ready to receive the big answer? A wise father and mother will hold out on granting a huge inheritance to a child until the child is mature enough to handle it, lest the inheritance would destroy

him/her or he/she would destroy the inheritance. The prodigal's father did not hold out and the prodigal son completely wasted his inheritance. Luke 15: 11-19.

In the United States this Thanksgiving Day we will give thanks to Father God for all our blessings. However, today and everyday, we should give thanks for each small answer to prayer with a celebration. Remember that each answer to prayer is a piece of the master puzzle that the Master Himself designed according to His wisdom and timing. Let's do our part and celebrate each answer with a grateful heart and watch the puzzle come together to completion. Father God loves to see and hear our grateful hearts, our hearts of thanksgiving.

"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done." Phillipians 4:6 NLT.

David began many prayers in the Psalms with tears but ended with thanksgiving. Look at Psalm 116 and meditate on it this month. It will inspire you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day celebration every day wherever you are around the world!


Starr Lichty Director of Central &

South America


Maryland: “Praise the Lord! I praise and thank the generous Lord as He brought my husband home to me and our daughter. I pray that He strengthens me now more than ever, to become and remain the wife He made me to be. That God would always be my first priority and that He would teach me how to love and forgive without condition, to trust and have faith. That He would teach me how to be a wife and mother. Praise the Lord my husband is even talking of ‘expanding our family!’ and having a baby after we are consistent in having a godly marriage. Thank you and praise the Lord for all you do because of Him and all that He is. May I never forget this experience or become lazy, but worship and grow with Him every day.”

Oklahoma: CK’s wife and children are home! She stopped divorce proceedings and they are seeing a family counselor.

Oregon: CK's friend remarried her husband in October.


New South Wales: CK was able to enjoy lunch with children and wife.

CK was able to enjoy a family wedding in spite of non-covenant and husband being present. What the devil meant for bad times, God made a great day.

Husband is sharing more with CK.

South Australia: Husband came to CK’s birthday party.

Heart of son is turning towards his CK father, as he is inviting his dad into his world.

CK heard his wife giggle for the first time in 7 years.

In-laws want more contact with CK.

CK was able to pray with children for wife and her non-covenant partner.

CK was blessed by a text message from husband.

CK received a gift from husband and they are getting along well.

CK received a phone call from his wife.

Daughter came home and spent time with CK dad.


British Colombia: CK and husband talk on the phone all the time and went away together for two weekends.

CK visited husband for the first time in 3 years. He introduced her as his wife with no hesitation.

CK and spouse have been working on their reconciliation for the past 5 months.

CK’s husband had an experience with the Holy Spirit and now believes in Jesus.

Saskatchewan: CK went to a cabin for a vacation. Husband brought their daughters and they had a good family time.


Recently CK prayed for communication to be restored with her husband. Not long after, the husband replied to her email. More recently, he even chatted with her on the chat-line. Most recently, he actually emailed CK.

CK’s mother-in-law called to ask her to send something over to another family member. CK’s mother-in-law told her, “I have told them that my daughter-in-law will be sending it over.” It was a great encouragement for CK.

CK’s brother met her husband and was able to chat with him amicably. Recently, CK’s mum told her granddaughter to tell her father that she missed him and to tell him to come home.


CK’s wife came to pick up their daughter from a friend’s place where he and his children were visiting. It was a relaxed and friendly exchange.

CK organized a birthday party for his daughter. It went well, with his wife and her parents also present.

At a Promise Keepers conference there was a word of knowledge for three separated men to put things right with their wives. Also all 500 men there received the Day Star Magazine which contained an article about Covenant Keepers.

Covenant Moments From Around The World


CK made a DVD of family fun time with his children and gave a copy to his wife.

CK’s husband came to dinner for the first time in 16 years.

After CK visited her daughter where her husband lives also, he went out of his way to say good bye to CK after 26 years.

CK’s wife's partner phoned to say he was leaving CK’s wife.

CKs husband will be visiting her city in the spring. God has been preparing her and he has shown her that her husband and his non-covenant partner are just people who need salvation, and she does not need to be afraid.


Arizona: CK’s daughter spent night with her father and he took her to breakfast before school.

CK's husband emailed her after no contact for several weeks.

California: CK's mate poured out his heart to her.

Colorado: CK's husband has spent the night with their children a couple of times.

Group has been praying with CK for months that her husband would return home. He said he would, so next they prayed his job would transfer him back. This was also approved!

Florida: CK went on a trip that involved family restoration.

Georgia: CK went to divorce proceedings all "prepared" to blast her spouse with evidence against him. BUT GOD—she asked God for wisdom and He told her very clearly in the midst of the confusion in the courtroom

that "He can't handle anything that she isn't willing to give over to Him." At that point, she did just that. Immediately she experienced the peace of God and her husband was quick to grant her requests during the proceedings. He also told her a couple of times to not give up on him.

CK’s husband called her recently and said he was totally wiped out. He sounded miserable and said he did not want her trying to change him if he came home. She sweetly told him not to worry about that; just come home. She also let him know that she had just bought a house for the two of them and he laughed.

CK’s husband called to invite her to his father's birthday celebration. He also shared with her some thoughts about their children.

CK’s husband called her to share about the reunion he had been to. He talked to her for 20 minutes the next day, sharing with her about everyone they knew. They also talked about their kids. A celebration send-off party for their son is planned, as he is leaving for Kuwait. CK’s husband said he was looking forward to that as they will all be together.

CK’s wife called to ask if he could help get her oil changed. They ran some errands together and he paid for her car tags and their daughter's too. He offered to bless her and asked if she needed some money. She asked for $1,000 and he wrote her a check. At the end she told him that she felt like a queen. CK said, “You are a queen.” She

asked for a hug and they had a quick kiss!

Iowa: Husband and non-covenant divorced in April, after seven years.

"My daughter-in-law received her master’s degree over Mothers Day weekend. Her family and our family rented a nearby cabin. My husband was there also and we had a great time together!"

Nevada: “My daughter was water baptized in August. My husband attended and told her he was very proud of her.”

Ohio: CK and husband recently prayed together for their marriage to be restored and healed. He spoke forth from his own lips for God to save his marriage.

Oklahoma: CK's mother-in-law called her after finding out CK's husband's girlfriend is expecting. She told CK how sorry she is and hopes it will not affect her relationship with the in-laws.

Oregon: Husband is treating CK as a wife and communicating with her.

CK has been talking with her husband every night.

Pennsylvania: CK's husband replied to an invitation to be involved in a family outing by saying that he wished he could be there, and that he'd be there “in spirit.” That was a first!

Washington: CK's husband came to church for the first time and said he enjoyed the service. Their adult children were also there with them—what a joy it was to have the whole family praising the Lord together. It was an answer to many years of prayer. God is so faithful!


Covenant Moments From Around The World

Look What God Is Doing…


Queensland: Husband had a haircut after 17 years! (Editor: Perhaps his name is Samson?)


CK’s son has found a job and even allows CK to bless him every morning before he leaves for work.

United States

Colorado: We had a beautiful time of study, prayer, healing, and fellowship in our group meeting recently. The Lord is growing each of us so much.

Minnesota: CK shared salvation message at his mother's funeral. He offered and encouraged repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation to his family.

CK was encouraged by a positive comment from a

couple who saw his “I ♥ My Wife” bumper sticker.

Oregon: The Lord showed CK a mistake the doctor

had made, so when they did back surgery they were able to take care of the mistake also. He went home the next day!

“I had been trying to contact a repair man and he showed up at my house. His wife had left with her boy friend, and I ministered to him. His pastor and fellow church members gave him the same message that God is against divorce.”

CK has seen lots of her son and is encouraged by God's work in his life.

CK found his wedding ring in a parking lot after prayer.

CK's brother is reconciled to her and mentioned wanting to go to church with her.

Pennsylvania: Three covenant keepers witnessed situations that were destined for physical des-truction. God brought safety with no injury. Two were car accidents and one was a fall down a flight of stairs. Thank God for our angels!

CK was transferred to first shift (his heart's desire) without applying for it!

We Get Mail

United States

California: “On October 20, near Halloween (2007) I fasted and prayed all day. Before I went to sleep that night, I heard in my spirit, ‘It will be confirmed by 3.’ I thought, ‘What? Three people?’ I woke up at 3 AM to the sound of my cell phone beeping. I flipped it open and my prodigal husband had sent me a picture of us that we had taken on our anniversary. My daughter later told me that he had been so deeply moved when he heard I was fasting and praying, that he couldn’t sleep that night. I didn’t know until a few days ago that Covenant Keepers has a regular day of fasting and prayer every October 31st. At the time, I had never even heard of Covenant Keepers and had been standing for only a few months.”

Pennsylvania: "Thanks for all your words of encouragement. Sometimes your letter comes just in time! My two younger brothers are pastors who take a firm stand on remarriage as long as the original wife or husband is living.”

New Zealand: CK felt like giving up the stand for his marriage, but heard from God through the song "God Will Make A Way."

Zimbabwe: “We continuously ask for prayer for our group to remain standing strong. The economic hardships are causing some to give up their stands

easily as they struggle to make ends meet, and therefore, end up giving up hope on

their spouses. We are faced with ever-rising prices every day and people are

generally very depressed; but I thank God that we have persevered.”


Tips For Victory Continued from page 4

show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Why call to Him? Because there are a lot of things we do not know, wonderful things that He wants for us.

He knows the key to our spouse’s heart. We can be part of the process by asking, "Lord, how can I be part of the process to reach my loved one? What is it that I may be doing that is not bearing good fruit? What could I be doing differently that would bear good fruit?"

We need to be changed into His image as well. The more I grow closer to Jesus, the more I see this need in myself. I am challenged to watch my words. Are they redemptive; are they kind; do they encourage? Are they spoken from a loving heart, even to those who act in an unloving way? Do my words reflect how Jesus would see another person? I need to watch my words and ask God for a humble attitude.

I believe this is what God is working out in our loved ones’ lives also. He is ever working, bringing them to the place where they will call upon the name of the Lord, and enjoy the abundant life Jesus offers.


Rick Hiltman’s group in Colorado Springs undertook the task to develop a billboard design that could be used around the world to let people know that God heals hurting marriages. Please pray about sponsoring a billboard in your area or city. We want to join Rejoice Ministries in seeing billboards go up all over the nation! You can contact your local billboard company for costs and location availability. Contact our office for the graphic design.

Comments From 2008 "Marilyn, I'm sorry to be so long in writing but I want to thank all of you for the conference this year and every year. This one was so special and I know everyone went out of their way to make it special. I loved the movie Fireproof because my husband is a fireman and I could so relate to the profession. It was so much fun to laugh and to cast cares. Thanks to you, Pastor Ken and Lauren, Peggy, the intercessors and the staff for all you do to make standing so much fun. I love coming to your state because it so much different than California. I'm always so relaxed when I come home."

On July 17-19, 2009, several hundred Covenant Keepers will drive or fly to Tulsa for a jam-packed weekend of teaching, preaching and testimonies! We see old friends, make new friends, pray, sing and dance as we worship the Lord together. Come join us and be edified and encouraged!

mph zone. I asked him later why he was going so fast. His reply was that he set the cruise control on 80 so we could get home sooner. He knew the truth but knowing was not enough to over-ride his flesh. The same is true with the Word of God. Knowledge is not enough, for character development is found in the heart.

Ps 119:89 reads: "Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven."

The Word of God is definitive and concrete in nature. It will not change or fluctuate in the different climates of society. What was true for Paul is true for Lincoln, Wilson, Truman and whoever is elected in this upcoming election. The promises of the Word are sure and can be trusted. In verse 105, "Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

Verse 148 states, "My eyes anticipate the night watches, that I may meditate on Your word." Here we see the method employed to take the knowledge of the Word to the depths of our hearts.

To meditate is to ponder or dwell on a specific verse or portion of scripture. As your spirit muses over the

Word it becomes alive and active. The light that comes from the Word is released and revelation knowledge manifests itself. You will then have that Word written on the tablets of your heart and never forget it. During a conflict of apposing values, that meditated Word will rise up and settle the issue.

Finally in verse 160 are found these words: "The sum of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting." Everlasting truth is the sum of all wisdom. In my life most problems could be solved if I only had the wisdom to respond correctly, think clearly and speak from the Spirit rather than the flesh.

We need to love the Word with all our heart.

You can change the world around you even as Truman did. Simply take the Word of God and apply it to your life. Let it be the constant companion of your daily life.


I challenge you to love as Christ loved. He loved for the sake of loving. Return of that love was neither a barrier nor a condition for His continued love. That kind of love can’t be any more pure.

Perhaps this is what Jesus meant when He said, "Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water." It just flowed. He just loved for the mere possibility that we might receive and understand the extent of His love for us. Jesus did this to transfer the Father’s love to the hearts of those who need Him so. He was spent for us.

I can now see why marriage vows are made in covenant form: "Til death do us part." It is truly God’s picture of Christ’s love for His church. It is only in the light of this love that we

know the heart of His promises; that we experience the surety of His fulfillment of them in us.

I venture to say that most will only know and experience this type of love in theory or topical form until they are pressed to love a mate or prodigal who has left and rejected them. It is then they can identify with the suffering of Christ. It is then they fathom that He bled His "giving love" for those who are in no condition to help themselves. It is then they experience the selflessness that is required to love as Christ loved.

Be willing to love completely, and you will be complete yourself.

You Are Called Continued from Page 3


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