nobel prizes 2012

Post on 22-Jul-2015






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Control on Quantum particles

:-The whole universe is made with the combination of Matter and Energy. The study of correlation between matters and energy and their interaction has been done in Quantum Physics. In physics Quantum is that little amount of matter or energy which is essential for any reaction. Photon is a quantum of light. in simple language Quantum is a packet of energy. It's very difficult to keep away these quantum particle from environment as a single particle. And if any how these particles have been separated then there is a huge change in their nature and specialty. therefore it is very difficult for scientist community to study these particles.

:-Serge Harosey (France) and David Vinland (U.S.A.) has studied separated

single quantum particle without affecting its nature. For this they have been awarded

Nobel Prize for 2012.This invention will lead the way for manufacturing and

developing fastest Quantum Computer or most effectively time showing optical

clocks. These two Scientist have used two different method for their experiment but

finally got the same result.

:Vinland has used Trap Ions Method which is also used in optical clocks. While

Harosey has used Photon in cavity Method which is also used in Quantum computer.

2.Chemistry The Nobel Prize for 2012 in the field of

chemistry has been given to Robert Lefkowitz (U.S.A.) and Brian K.Kobilka)

for their work on G-Protein-coupled Receptor.

Our body receives taste,sound,light etc. environmental sensivity .In the same way

our internal cells are sensitive to different type of hormones and

chemical matters .

The smallest unit of our body is cell. The upper layer of every Human Cell is called cell membrane which is

a half transferrable membrane made from Phospholid. Half transferrable means it permits some

selected atoms to pass through these cells.

So These cell requires some atomic reaction to receive any sensivity.These reaction has been completed by

some special type of sensors which are called receptor or customer.

In fact these receptor informs internal cells about external activities.A big group of these type of

receptors is G-Protein-Coupled receptor.

In these group Adrenlin,Dopamin,Secretin etc. like receptor are responsible for different activity related to ant

security behavior of seeing, smelling etc.

G-Protein-Coupled Receptor are also called 7TM( 7 Tran membrane domain receptor).

Lefkowitz has used radioactive material Iodine to find the working system of these receptors. And succeed in finding and separating β Androgenic receptor associated to flow of Adrenlin.He started work on ACTH(Adeno Cardiac tropic Hormone-which is responsible for instructing our Adrenal

Gland to releaseAdrenlin Hormone.)

Kobilka separated the gene associated with β Adrengenic receptors and find that the whole working system of these

group is same.


:-The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2012 has been awarded jointly to Sir John B. Gurdon of U.S.A. and Shinya Yamanaka of Japan. This award has been given for

their work on Reprogramming of Fully developed or Divided Cell into Pluripotent Stem Cell.

:-The current concepts regarding stem cell and cloning has been changed by these experiments. We all are developed by a Fertilized egg. This egg cell creates

Embryon.All cells in Embryo remain in undivided form and in the time of development they creates different

tissues, body part, and skin tissues etc.

:-Till now it is assumed that after one division it is impossible to bring these cells in undivided form. First of all on 1962 John Gurdon has tried to convert these divided cells

into Pluripotent Stem Cell. It’s his consideration that in genome of cell the information regarding making other cell remains secure. In his experiment by using nuclear transfer technique he developed a fully developed Tadpole cell. For

that he transfers the nucleolus of fully developed and divided cell of Tadpole's intestine into Egg cell of Tadpole.

:similarly in 2006 Shinya Yamanaka has succeeded in transferring divided cell of mouse into stem cell. He shows for transferring skin cell into Stem cell there requires only

four gene①.sox2, ②.Oct-3/4 ③.KLF4 , ④c-Myc

Stem Cell:-Stem Cell are those cells which are capable of changing

into any other cell or tissue by continually division .These cells can be used to cure or repair different parts and tissue of Body.e.g. if Liver is damaged then it can be regenerated by stem cell transplantation. In the decade of sixty Ernest A Machulac and James Etill of Toronto

university has started initial experiment on it.

:By different resource we get following four type of Stem cells.

1 Totipotent: These stem cell are capable of changing into all type of cells and tissues. Fertilized Egg is one type of Totipotent


2 Pluripotent: These stem cell are capable of changing into any type type of cells or tissue except plasent or Totipotent.In

Embryo after four day of fertilization these type of cell has been formated.

3 Multipotent:-These cell can be changed into specific cell or tissue. Like Homophobic stem cell received from bone cell can

be changed only into Red blood cell, white blood cell and platelets.

4 Unipotent:- These type of stem cell can be changed into only one type of cell.e.g Erithroid progenitor cell can only changed

into RBC(Red Blood cell ).

Stem Cell are of two type as per their receiving source.

1:-Embryonic: Embryonic Stem cell are of pluripotent type.and capable of creating three germs. and can be divided into more than 200 cells.

These cell can be collected from inner layer of Embryo of age 5 or 6 days or from Umbilical blood. There is chance of damaging blastocyst when we directly received cells from embryo. so it is preferable to collect these cell from Umbilical blood.Approx.40000 stem cell can be collected from 1ml of umbilical blood. These cells doubles themselves very fast. so it is used in regenerative medicine. But it is very difficult to transform them into any particular tissue with respect Adult Cell. And there is a tendency of tumor formation in case of irregular division. Also there is a protest on religion and moral level since it is related directly with Human Embryo.

2.Adult:-These generates only those tissue or body part from which they themselves

originated. Like Himapoic stem cell can generates only blood or blood related

cells..Himapoic stem cell is used for curing blood cancer,Thalyssemia,sickle cell Anemia and other blood related disease. These cell

can’t generated tumour.but these can be generated in less amount than Embryonic

cell also it’s lifespan is also short.


:-The Nobel Prize for 2012 in the field of Economics has been awarded to two

American Economist Lloyd Shapley and Elvin Roth for their work on structure of

market and concept of matching.

:-The concept presented by them is called the concept of definite allotment

and conception of market. for their thesis they have done a better utilization

of Game theory.


:-The Nobel prize for Literature for the year of 2012 has been awarded

to Chinese writer MO YAAN.

:-His special ability is his matching capacity of Local stories, history and contemporary life to virtual,

real and social issues.


:-The Nobel Prize for the year 2012 has been awarded to European

Union for their continuous contribution for unionization of

subcontinent countries.

:The prize committee has praised the effort of European union for

making peace between France and Germany and keeping democracy

safe in these countries.

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