no.26 - 12th december 2011

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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Dear Parents

I would like to wish you all a blessed and holy fast and feast of the Nativity of our Lord.

Christmas is a very holy time of the year where we thank God for becoming Man and being born in the

humblest of ways. May the Christ of the manger also find a place in the heart of humanity, to teach us to live peaceably with each other.

Have a blessed holiday break.

In Christ Fr Athanasius Attia


Dear parents,

The year has gone quickly and we are in the last week of

school for the students. The last day is Friday 16th

December. It has been an exciting year with our new

primary school building in operation, Middle School starting,

the library shifting to the new building, the building of the

technology centre, the water tank and vegetable garden in

operation and over December $50K of solar panels will be

installed. Inside the classroom has also seen enormous

change thanks to St Anthony’s being one of the Federal

Government’s Smart Schools which saw Independent Schools

Victoria training our teachers in the best teaching methods.

So it been a year of major change.

It is important for all 2012 fees to be paid as the College

needs these funds very urgently to complete payment of

2011 programs. Please contact Ms Matta over the next two

weeks to finalise your accounts.

Students return to school on the 2nd February 2012. Our Bus

Coordinator will be in touch about pickup times.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and look forward to

working with you all in 2012.

Gary Underwood Principal


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This week all those

volunteers who help

make St Anthony’s

the learning place it is celebrated their

year’s work with a

special luncheon.

They were given

certificates and a

small gift from the

college. We appreciate

all the work our 17

volunteers give, and

especially the work of our Volunteer Coordi-

nator, Alyssa Gray,

who also volunteers

her work. We thank

you all from the bot-

tom of our hearts and

hope to see you all

continuing your

work at St An-

thony’s or if you are moving into

work we wish you

every success.

A special thank you to our volunteers

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12th December 2011

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Volume No.26

inspiration to many stu-dents and we have watched it unfold from hard packed dirt to fruitful garden. I can also report fabulous results from our VCAL students undertaking their TAFE courses outside

The VCAL students reaped their rewards this last week when they harvested their vegetable garden. They provided vegetables to many many people. This garden has been an

the College. Another reason to be proud of our VCAL students and their coordinator Ms Susan. Thank you for a great year.

VCAL garden reaps its reward

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12th December 2011

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Volume No.26

They were given a lengthy introduction to the museum during which they were invited to discuss the concepts of race, religion, bigotry, tolerance, courage and persecution. They were then split into smaller groups and taken on a tour of the museum by several members of Melbourne’s Jewish Community, some of

whom were survivors of Nazi Germany’s extermination camps. At the conclusion of the tour, each group got to hear the story of one of the survivors; of how they survived the camps, the

suffering that they or their families went

As part of their English studies this semester, Years 9 and 10 students visited the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Elsternwick late last month. Both year levels have recently studied a movie called Freedom Writers, which deals, in part, with the Holocaust. In

addition to this, Year 10 have been reading Diary of a Young Girl which was written by Anne Frank, a Jewish teenager who was killed by the Nazis in

occupied Holland during World War II

through, and how they came to live in Melbourne. Students could also ask the survivors any question they wished about their ordeal. The trip was invaluable in making the details of their studies more real - our students can now put names and faces to

some of the stories of the Jewish Holocaust. At the conclusion of our visit we were invited to light a candle in memory of the six million Jews who lost their lives in Nazi occupied Europe

during the war.

Year 9 and 10 Visit the Jewish Holocaust Centre

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12th December 2011

Results and change of course preference. (Reminder)

VCE results and their ATAR will be available to students on Friday the 16th December 2012. Students should check their course preferences to see if they may need to change their course selections.

Change of Preference will be open at this time but will close on Wednesday the 21st December at

5.00pm. I would suggest that students take the weekend to look at options if the wish to change preferences. See see me on the Monday or Tuesday to discuss

change their preference. Students should not wait until late Wednesday to change prefer-ences as the VTAC system may get

overloaded and you may have difficulty accessing the system. VCE 2012 Orientation

2012 orientation classes are to be held on the week beginning Monday 12th December. This week will an introduction and a commencement of next year courses. All current Year 10

and 11 students are expected to attend these classes to ensure that they cover the relevant work and receive any holiday

homework. I classify this week as week one of their studies and it would be a shame to start VCE next

year one week behind. If you have any

concerns, issues or ideas then please

contact me at college on 9786 3145 or email me

Wishing parents and students a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.

Angelko Juresko VCE Coordinator

VCE News

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Volume No.26

butterfly emerging from

a cocoon the Year 5

students prepared for

Graduation. The Divine Liturgy with so many

parents attending was

very moving. The lunch

that followed was a great

It was with

excitement that

beautifully dressed

boys and girls come to school.

each carefully

groomed for this

special day. Like a

success with

excellent service

and marvellous

food. Thank you to Mr Elias who took

about one million

photos to capture

the joy.

Year 5 graduation

12th December 2011

Goodbye Year 12

The College formally said goodbye to our 29 Year 12 VCE students at the end of November 2011. Next

week they will receive their results and ATAR scores. I strongly encourage students to speak to Mr Jure-

sko if they want to change their university course selection. It is an exciting time, but also a time of im-

portant decisions and we are here to help you make the correct decision for you.

Primary End-of-Year Celebration was a great success as the primary school and parents and

friends packed into the Drum Theatre on the 6th December. It was a wonderful conclusion to the year and many thanks goes to the Concert Coordinator Ms Tracey Campbell, Choir leader

Mrs Zeina Iskander and all our committed primary school teachers.

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