new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1884-06-10 [p 8], theflgurceof 1784.1884anda bee-hire...

Post on 03-Feb-2021






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    It waa a brilliant flotilla which nailed out intothe harbor and headed up the Hudson Kiveryes-terdsv morning, with flags and Btreamera flying;from everv craft and niusio floatinii out

    over thewater. Six roomy barge*, drawn by Batleylittle tuft l-oatt*. BDd five hand-some st emilers com¬posed thc fleet, whirh mored iu two divisions, andcarried 8,000 veteran soldiers and sailors of theInion. There was no lioominR of camion ns thevessel* moved away, but hearty Savou cheersrang out over the bay. Doapiteits warlike upiiearance, ihe expeditionwaa a peaceful one. lt WOS the sixth annualcomplimentary excurtiion Riven bj John H. Starinto veteran* of" the Anny and Navy. Kei>rescnt«-tives from seventv-flve eeete of tin* Orama onay ofthe Republic, in this citv, Brooklyn, and JerseyCltj, liesides main- TetOCBBI who are imt nn-iiihersof t"he order were present. Most Ol ihem were ac¬companied hv their wives ami children.With his nsiial, Mt. Starla furnishede-vervtlunjr free of cost faff the excursion. Ihebarges John Neilson, stephen Warren. W. A. Sum¬ner. General C. A. Arthur. W. H. Vanderbilt, timit'urrv. tuweil by f'.ic tile's B, J. I.cni.x and Titan.and the steams!* John LettOX, Cayuga, BodBlackbird took up tho veterans at variousstations. The (.len Island steamer llynderl8tanti was the h.-adiiuarters boat. Colonel GeorgeK. Hopper. Past Aoaistant t>f thc("rand Anuv of the RennbUo, Deperttaeol of New*Vork, wa* th.- CeUMrdON of the (lay and performedhis arduous duties -sn it li grace ndefticiencv. Beela .Mra* WM commandedby an olllcer Of tlie ('rand Army. Mt. Bt. Leonerdrepresented Mr. storlo on board the beadqoartenlui't. \\ luii' the bargee proceeded directly ap theriver thc tlac s)u]i rounded UoTemor'a Island .-indwas tied at the oidnaaee pier. General Hancock(aline down IB t iti/'-n- dress u' sale yesterday of the large aud well-knownreflection of ancient Oreeli and Koman, Euglish,foreign aud American coins aad medal* of Thomaswerner,of Cobooton, N. V. rhe sale waa arra >g<ehrooologioally, giving the dab - "i the coina, ao*. -ind he eil: resign lust utao'ta aa his receiver l. cTio* dec d, that thu hUtoi j*ol theAcedemj should be pnblhthed.

    AMII",NV I'M-iuK A I. I'.l-l - A I' I'iI.-SI I.I.Ki:.John Daly, ol No. 30 Weal Twenty-ninth-at., a

    t'ii',1 v lier, who hus carried on hia occupation onracecourr* 1, was a prisoner al tbe Combs Police1 ";-'i lei .... Ile J. id I.n arrested by An¬thony C'oiustotk. Hn waiving an examination bewahadmrteil t,, |,,iji \_ *-:,un.

    POI ICB Bl xri'is- ORDERI D.Commissioners Mason, Matthews and Nu bola w< re

    precut at Hu- Police Hoard meeting rearerdaylhe Board decided to rebuild Uuion Market ,-u,-tioii. li waa decided to build a new statiou alKingabridge,

    CAKPI vu-, l RR wu e Mi"i:i.ri:i v. 1 vi.i. n r».An imlic im. nt Im- in ur lei in tbe hl-t di i-u

    loiitid reaterilaj agaiual John Carpenter, who onMaj 20, aftei brim " ¦. I from State Priaon foruat-aulting bia a fe, rn igbl li ., ,1 a ,| killed In 1aller dangerously wounding his sister-in-law.

    Ht. WA- I) ll i-.Ml * I) j", 11 vi VKV.ttA ant.Pierre Kavier, ;ur tweati foui .1 Frenchman,

    went to hia home Na 127 llleeckor-st, on KundayniL-hi under the influence of U.-uor. While sit tinuou the window aili te get fn bair he fell Into thuraid, when hia dead bodj was found in the moru-lng.

    DH.\V is HM-lllM. sa- nv,rns MABKBT.rhe marketmen did nol move luto their new

    .--i;:. - .11 :in io .v Waahii gtoa markel y< - .¦'they weie ox pee tod to do, lhe portion of tliebuildiug whicb will he tho ural girui orel to heeland greeaa waa net nearU enongn completed foioccupation,

    UOKB ni M -- iii a- 1 im..A Mast Unit neui oil in Ninetr-aixtb-at., between

    Eighth and Ninth area., veeteruey. tliieiv ,-i maaaol tooee rocka aud earth againat aome bouses a. rossthc w;,y. Hannah i.'i gan waa banging oul 1 lolhesIn Mn- 1 ard "I oue bouse, aad a piece ol roi L struckLui ou the Jolt leg. breakiiig it. Duck walls, wiu-

    dows, etc.. were also damaged. Henry Bolinkampwas arrested for reck hes Masting

    I'ltd-l'i inn s odd I il.tows.Thc stockholders of the Odd Pellowe* Hall Ahho-

    riatioa yesterday received a statement from theHoard of Maiiau-or*, showing $S\, 120 77 edah OBdepoalt. Tlie a-Mic at i-m la ftee from debt, excepta mortgage to thc New-England Mutual Life In-saraaoc Company of .ado,imo.

    TWO iilRl I'tt'KfdrKKI'S ARBRB1 BU,Two llitshilv-fiiesRc.l girls, ahout BfteoB years old,

    were arrest "tl and taken to Portee Headquarterslae! niall! for picking poeketa in Btxth-ave. Theygave thc BBtuea of Ada Fliun and Liniua Gilroy.His Kills saul ihat they hail heen taught te stealbj ii giri named Mary Kelly, who w-u** a thief.

    O. A. T liol Ul I'*" ttltniVATJON.Thc ord in "it mn of CA. T. Goobel, a eradu n»t* of

    tlie New-Brunswick, N. J. Theological Setniaary,will take place to-ni-fUt at 7:110 o\ lock, in thcProspect 11 i'i Reformed Charon, In East Eight/-lifth-i.!. The Rer. Louis Gorbeae will preach thesermon, the Ree. Dr. George ll. Smyth, proudestofthe < la-sis of .New-York, will read thc form ofordination, (iud tlie Ber. J. Heyer will delivt-i thc(liaii;e Io the pastor,BBBCCTM rituM DBOWBKfO at CABTT.B OABOBB.George EaaliBger, a derk in the office "f t ;i|itain

    Mon-, the landing offlcei al Caatle Garden, fell offthe wharf yesterday and waa resined by Board¬ing OfflcerP. L. Herrlich. Esalington was earnedtothe hospital, when Or. Behnlts brought him toco n-c io ess after Are minutes' work. Soon after¬ward George Nerdercott, aa employe at the Gor¬den, faU uro the water between the wharf and abalee. Herrlich again came to the rescue andpulled him ont.

    PUKPA lt I NV. A\ ISTI'ItlOU COAST IINI.By direction of the Secntary of War Brigadier

    General John Newton and Colonels Q, A. Gillmon,of the United status ('tuns oi Engineera, and Lieu*tenant Commander Mi (ella, rmted States Nary-sad Pint Lu mci,ant rasher ll. Bliss of ths i-tArtillery, met yesterdar al the Artur Headqoartenin Houston-at. to conaiaer the feasibility and ex-pediency of constructing an interior coast-line ofwater-ways for tba di reine of tin- Atlantic aadGull scaonui'd, and to imparc an nuthtie plan anda general estimate of toe co i.mituvivo a iiiiAi, iii taxi a wKpnis-d trip.(harli-- Cherice, who pleaded guilty yeeterday

    to a charge of assault, waa senteBced hy Recordeieniyth lo ten tears in thoHtateProton, rhomasE. Fitzgerald, tbe complaining witneaa, keenesliquor store af No. 119 Leroy-at., ami found Charles'ii tbe tulle a;, early on Ibe morning of June '.». Hewaaaeoaulteaby( Barlee, who stabbed him In thelac- aijii neck. I itzgerald rocorered from hi-*woonda and applied to the [Matriel Attorney n fewda*i i ago for a speedy trial "f the eaee of kia assail¬ant, that In- might go on ¦ mairiauc joni in y to( anana.

    ARitr-iin apter -HAiiN". 15,000.John 1', Lilley, niau:.:'": of the mail prde] ricpart-

    meul in thc store of simpson, ( rax. ford & Simpson,was iicfore Justice Gorman in the Jefferson MarketPolice Court yesterday, on the eharge of haringappropriated property worth over 85,000. He \xa-In ld in (2,000 hail'for trial. Lilley had be n inthe linns employ for two yean, and hail beenadvanced rapidly. Heprofeoaed gnat -"now forhis dishonesty, and gare up bia bank hook with abalance of $1,307, He alao sumndered bis furni¬ture, fi s vonni* wife knew nothing of bia tranaac-lions, hut bad Inquired of bim lew ne m.ole moneyenough to live so well, and had been told that lu¬len ived*2 pox cent of tiie. linn's profits.

    A WOMAN'S POWBWABO ("'ii BAB.Aa Justice Gorman wasuboul io leave th" hun ch

    In Jefferson .Market Police Court yeeterday morn¬ing Officer Boigie ot the Mli Precinct broughtbefore him a woman giving the name ol KellieVivier,a tas "Pnttj Flora,"inaaadlj Intoxicatedconn ii in, j. Bhe wane utenced toaix mouthe on theIslaud. Nellie Vivier waa the female detectiveemployed in tbe Lev. i- w ill caee In Hoboken « beuabout $1,000,000 waa left to the Cuited StatesGovernment. Since then sin* has heen graduallygoing down hill. She ia said to ha re been a a omanof culture and rei mt mont, originally, and JusticeKilbretfa ls said to bave interested hiuiaelf greatlyin trying te effi el her reformation.

    1. I'. Hui IllN-'s Bul'V I'i il'SIiiiN Filli: l-l.ANT*.A dispatch was received at Police Headquarters

    1,i-t mehi from Coroner Preston, of Pin Islaud,sav¬ing tbat the body of a man found drowned on thebeach ihen had a deposit blank on the NinthNational Dank of thia city in one ol bis pockets.The blank coutoiuoil thc words: "Deposited byI.. E. Hopkins, No. 39 Whito-st New-York.*(or,,n.!¦ Preston naked that B. I>. Hopkins, of No.l*i Wall-st.. be informed. Word was sent to thedirectory address of B. lt. Hopkins, w hich is af No.120 La-t Nincteenth-st., bul received an anawerthat Mr. Hopkins had moved from Iini..- last gop*tember.

    AN ITA I.l AV NATIi'VAl\ 'a gn nti'-t festival ia held each year li

    meuioratiou ii' tbe granting of tbe constitutionwhich occurred on June 3. 1B47, aud the Sunday,following Juno :> i- the day sol apart aa a Na¬tional holiday. A festival was heh! yestenlay, alJoni s's Woods, under the auspices ofthe Cot >l Ulai ', ill ia '"I Ut IOU ,.( 11 1 J-,' \ ,-1 | 11 ) Billi ll el'-S-ary, Phi grouuda were decorated wnn lunnand Ame iran Raga, and made -till brighter bythe gay-colored droi . so dear to the feminineItalian he ;tl. J lu- 'lox WM sp-nl in dancing andinerry-makiug. In the afternoon two 1took place, for gold aud silver medal osJ he i.u ci i'i- will lu devoted to charitable p.-:h\ the Colombo Goorda

    \ ". i i s" Bl W PIANOS I ill i 'i"iii IC xii' "The Board of Education reetenlat al p.m.

    opened bids for sevenl en pianos, with tinIli.'lll lo luke ll"- o!,' oil.-" in liil.-cri r-i ;:, ¦.¦!-.. lin11 in. were as follow*: 1". G. mu it h. $225 ea li:JohnIV, ki-it. Jr.. $200, io ui low .7 ,M i for lin- old manoa)Kraniich & Bach. $22*5, allowing $75' William LY nmg, $225, ullowim $.**»0; Hardman, Dowling &Pei k, $20 '. Incl illili'. "1" piai n : I". < om or, $;70O,allowing .fl: Augustus Bairne A. Co., $U0 ». or$120 allowiug tor the old pianos; D. L. Mat)$125j il. i'i. Hatch, >i.ii»; J. I'. Hunter, $27."ij I.'.il. Waitera, average price $180, Including th< old

    helming & Son, $37*>j Kohiuer & Co.,$2(30, including the old pianos; William Knulie &Co.. $325, and Callenbrrg ,V Bauber, $300 rhecommittt.1 tbe Hoard went Into executive - relentloss theanimosity displayed lt.. ¦ eertaln ila-* of pollilolsaiatainit ii in thal np to I ni Bight the issue waa lavolved laruueh doubt The people, however, hare bees rrlthbimriiiui tin* fli-ti, anil tliat resi bes boes at 1 tat tight yeats,slaee Colonel Ingersoll Introduced him In tao conventioner i *-,7'>.i ri 1 rn-u -ei er.- tnat. iii-1 recognised the roinftiy

    .. i one of the nolly great man ot the Nation. Helsaman ol the people, indi pendent ur i> my. tn both foreign:.rt11 domestic relations ha i« everywhere rocogoliad bs arepresentative Amerleoe,devoid j,".\f of narrow pre-iiiiii,¦. s or ni braggart spread-eagleism.

    A BOC MERN OPINION.Ptom Th* Ut m Telegraph.

    Kr. r.liurii- i» a (lathing lea tor, md possMsei manysiiiUliiir sud attractive personal qualities inch ls thetestlmouj "i ii mils ai d loss ¦ ike.

    AX l.M il< -I 1BTIC WV ASS./ .i-i ,tgo Vfine*

    WO would Bot have believed, until tire fae! lins heenacmal ly li-ni,, n si rated, tbst the success of any one ol kseveral candidates whose nsmes bave been more or leesprominently Deforethi people would bave beeaunlver-sil. well received as ls ni Hundreds of Republicans,i only a few weeks ago were declaring thur pn terredanother aomlaaUon, are amoug the most oordiol of hmsupporters. Blaine enthusiasm seems" to J >r> ooatagleusau i nalveraal. With saeh i leader lt ls safe to predicttbe 11X1-111**1 and rnosl enthaslastli Presidential canvassthis country hus seea foryears. To louhi hlstriuraphantelection would be lo doubt tbe patriotism aaa gi»>'t si»usool tin* niintiy,

    AV nfSPIRATIOH IV HI- NAME.i, tn The titit .- l tm g Jt uenal.

    His politic iiii histoi v an l law thelum ot bis pn tin everj community whieh hehas at any time stirred wits ir,* splendid oratory; hisbrilliant services to his port; and lils Bdellty to Its bestprinciples an-household knowledge with Republican*;

    ough James fl. Blaine is nol greatest .. rn liner-iran-., ur e. sn greatest among Republicans, there ls, tomen of his war of political tblukiu a itu hisuanistu be found In none otber, Arthur won1,1 beKtrougei with the Influences thal centre ali mt Wt I-ire.'t. Sherman might be an assurance of mora censer-vatlVe alu, unslr -1: *II. AgOlnsI li luilii'ls I'iel!" would

    is Inclination io revolt. But, though Hiatus's nom¬inal lon will in. received coldly In some tiuarters,land willgrievously disappoint political purists, ll is certain tbatno otber nomination would in- so gratifying to sotIve,non-ofttce-boldlng Republicen! throughout the country,tnd certainly ih- candidacy of James G. Blaine, wltbhis brilliant Congresi er, bl* audacity, his dash,hlaeztei live acunatntMiiee, and with the pathos of Gar¬field's death yat flaging to him, will excite an enthusi¬asm among Repuiiui ms which no oum* candidacy

    A PIT NOMINATIOK.f com The

    fir ls Hie ablest itate in Am "rica, sod the bH.- never hekl tbal li rn u ol raid of, He *nol afraid .": logtcal eonse run ces. Whea James .Blaine lt * itlsfled tbal sui given puln-v is right, nu is notouly willing but eager tu follow ll tolls sad.

    rae readiest debater that e ¦ tue floor of Con-_'sss.i of .iu,I:o'M habits, of bro

    s i'uixiii Ilia! few e. ', ho inin, li i rn i.i, umi :n all resp ct* a li.. ler o', men.

    ii a- few men hs ve. He,i .',,'. .,¦:,! ,; mgero u lu ,.

    ,. ,..¦¦- mark ul ¦. itu uti. Malicious ilaudsr bas

    n.-.n poured oal upon bim lu torrents, but to no purpose,iii- iui.'-'i-itt, lits made bim proof against sttsok. i'm-

    1 a. .aa... lal,,. Ollie I.-at. L'H.V.' .lui to lu- .r rut illhis Integrity, bs in hi< other macutlloent _ulil-V ll.:', n Ililli.

    li.. tm,mn iii-,n ls ons eminently flt to be mada Weii', islileni we shall ii it a Inthe p n's ha- ikowu tu n li ls nol afraid of

    or its record, rue record ol Blaine i- tho record of tbetil that the ps ti promises In Its platform to dolllalne hes been doing all his life. Then Iso

    sod-water] a tbe platform, and there ls nothliig milk-ste i" st d litton it.

    in -i wu- m.ii ku: i-vinli n i',.* St letti

    A eli" i i eadi rbi it t;',' man,aiul Uni. du-.;. -i lur lin- principles Budthe siipremscr of ike porty. Yesterday Mi. Ulaloo wasstinpl v un individual, to oe passed upon foililli fm ld PO eui U ;" '.i

    him i tc ll i " I" ler of les lers " and ii -pal tlCUlai ii: ii iplon. Il il ll Iii- oe I-'-.i icsilon for li pub loans tod nput< an mt.ortodesl wit iiotiiei v.,,, i.. Itel la lila favor renie... ile

    lertitlnr that ls decisive and complete,¦I ml he i- tbe embo lluieui a ia ol i au--- heliefs snd hopes,those doctrines and purposes, by virtue of which theparty has achieve I ail If. glori i in iii- psst and upoail nd all its ,',:.,,i,.f orolo ;x-i\ ext ten.-ri. ¦-. tere can ie no dinon ici aud no ground "icontrol iu -i aboul mt tho

    snd ui itnt'sliTHE Ai-.I -r I EPUBLICAN LEADER.

    / .'a'< WI..; i fr. Bia u Ita Republican otndld ita foi ths

    Pre* dem y, lathe bo.i km wu. Ibernoel pen liar and brill-* leadi i ul' t lie Ita

    i-i. v know a-- m.-i sad li ine 1- h in! ..'. ju ncld al ol nu ¦¦

    in bis ¦ .: ie i oi er aud over.ii .ii .r i-i iwo-thirds oi ie ,.-..-,,. era .,, is

    couutry.A STRONG TICKET.

    Fr I tel "i.' "¦ ') ll ip t'-'rr otu! nckol notnia ned si Chi

    »!.* v, lix 1 'n- lu |'u ,". o' e.\ .-u' inn, 1- aoue, and will, it li iiell red, be suceesful against anjticket timi ie ii norrat*!can pul up. in the notiou ol Blaine for the Presidency thi* Conventionthe wish o' tbe great mv ofthe ia party. Re

    ig leader, who hos won rary generallt iu ¦. u tuhl.j.t.

    AN AMERICAN I: i.!'Kl>i:v I \ II \'i: .MAS".Prom Th

    James O. Bluini i he has lon befn¦ leptib in ri rty. lt

    ^- aood u- ,ic pan|> |t, :!. l'l. -U"." itS Who .!¦..; ., "hi ii '¦'

    ii nt bs ua' ty a l¦., li, .ill, n: nf IBSeoUUtrf .i-f KlllltJ of ul.

    rs n i.ure striking American il,.i ths lt' publican candidate

    A -TAI I.-M \>' AND A SOLDIER.Prom ll.r

    James O. Blaine and Ioho A. Logan sn andtin toidicr, uniting in theil persons the 1,1-mIsiii tSepeo-

    tie io*' g lids lie ail ili Olh :¦: the ...I...',.-

    fought Iti battles wlththli ticket, and with aneutlmsl-lu '¦ wifast purpose never known in a N'utionalUn ii. pu di uu poi tl -'a |i-n> ol i'll

    progress .vin mil un mob a rletory a* wifl il nd foi en r,,:, tin- -i-1 o,l ol recorded time aa an Indlcatlou of the pop¬ular ippreclailon of reform aad promises VOICE OF THK Tl NNEMEE RKPUBLIOAXB.

    Here and i.rep:, ibn to pf ta pai vthe hearty and unfaltering "upnort ol //i» Cheonicle, and


    mattel itiment ol Tennessee Rcpuull-" C NIH BION V ( "V'il'1 lt."/ .,,, .,'. h, ti n ii '-> runt,

    \ si ll ml In this sign we eonauer. ivitb thr-¦jrealesl pli-asure and cai .-. < journal entersmi>ii .¦ ni i" "i" ia. ind which »,ii prove Uti,,...neui lix- i,.,ii, kt iii.mri baa ever known, limier

    the u . iiiiili.iin nun whom the¦-1 to the 'Uiiiiaail ol oai rlelu,Sis.

    ii" tx- r AND ii.', ii'/ -1 i'.v i\, nu,r..';' mt Hr I

    Possibly no two men mid haw- b I to*themselves, mob roi ii-nil eieuamts of itersonal popularity os Janies O,

    nu Juan A. Lo* ii. ll in. > si BOl OB li l-i are in in -.f brains, men ol

    men wboIcriv' 'i it' match.

    'i bi llckal si the platfi rm are Invincible,lill I ASK AM. PILE i-i' III -I.

    I '< I -.If ;i pl, In rite ot in .: ,.ir il.. ..ii party could havi

    I.,.i.i,,i,i.i mil ol il,,- 5,(100,000 Kcpuli v.m ...I nc opp

    fnniish roi - onui .... hi ,. ii 11


    .: li. ir li of Iheart with ii

    llnsl :.¦. uiaas « ..,' Ih,S » u lllflui lu ,!

    ll ii ti ,.:, ol be uti -.ti-i-iortll ll ..I" \ -I l ll!,).le Ul li lie li,

    up!Will I'"' ,,fit 1,'tl Kills-,,-, pt...

    a11 ia thin and extent! trom Maine to California.I., a .ntl.H.

    /.n ur stirring sod n repi

    ll ll "- ll' ll* *,i tu ,i^will bs .iini-j h. Hi t: ot ilUino

    ni ihe ;.e.i ,.i the i. . .n eiactrlv thrillwill awaken ihi poor, u li sri. tbe Repahlleaa canvass

    md iu ,,,-,.. oheluilnglj.'.¦.'!.. CalI ..lin,ir,- '.--illl,c

    io»l in the iuUilcr i.( 1.1 Al' .1

    Br I't-i'iia-tt, I., ii tun--Bendsrsoa Breeun. Kingston, .se.

    Pim. 1By^tesmer Hiiniona Br),Cook, Montego I i IWewelsACo.

    !¦:« iu,,! Aut'in I i. ii . ;.. , nacb, Ed-yea 0 itr, Tindal, 8t John, NB.BowmurBArchlbalil

    Ki mptot Havannah.TI Vonire. tr.Sti-siuerl idl.ta Kr, Levsck, I'ort Koysi. sc.Punch.

    Edyt a .)i-r W'vsnoke, Snlphers, Norfolk, Cltj r ilnt uniri l-'Hil Doiul Hon s a.

    Klesii Newport News ami WeltPOil I. \ I! 1(1 ..¦.,) I, 'll tl U.

    -'.¦a' in, -I' wu-, Wesl Point, Ya, sad NewportNena-. |,| ... ||n Ht ll).¦»t»:o,..u .1.ptiii).* tm - i- KretoeBtssuier Cominonweslth, c,,;,., PbUodelpbia J hui ituL>-sta-ni'iaT Breakwater, Jeum-y, Lewes, Del.old Donuiuoa

    Hi i).-*i ip Mm Neui,ai,a Nor), Nonusnn, Blaye, Pr.Benbsm A

    Hat,'-el!Witt. Ili.tavinur Anji'-r, loxa, for orilers

    .Knnch tlyc A ".Bars .-nuri ., Au-.! MU, ,,i h |.|«l,iall Ucla t*sll pliysiclasi. for grnersl debility Beware of Imitations,


    $.riO Siived on S'-alf-ikin Kaeqiif-H and $75 totl"" uu i-Mj.iuU ani N.w,.uri..!* If pureba**.) thu week.

    CC. -siiai.ik, Mauufa. (out, IOU i'llnce.i.

    Ni uviti mWkaknkss, Dyspi-pain, Oe ni? ral De¬bility, cured hy " Well*' Health Renewer." SI.

    " Ki (on 0.1 ItAfS " trlesrs out Kata, Miee. Ha,?

    MOO Sealnkin garments, moat 8tyli»h arnicbgiiit in Aw: us, ran bi purchased thie week "or lino fruts

    C. C. sn xi xk. Mauufactuicr, 103 Prince-it-4>-

    Il KNUT A. I>ASIRL«, M. P.,H4I,exlnzlen-sve.. betweea iOihant I Rt..h.

    Henri, x io !, ut., 7. fiieoa-sei >* th* Serreos irets%flsalts friInssTOraooe tmaatamm soaitinAttr.

    r.-. -.-3

    Perfect Health"¦ BS innot t-n!oy nnlt-sstlie blood li purified. Tho'it-enns .»«.tlfy to ¦-. al ganaaBtB win be sold tnt'oo Bool iBiaiaiila will be sold for», mo.

    These prises will reinala for a short time oBly.

    (, C. S1I11XE, Manufacturer,103 PKINtE-ST.


    Silversmiths, .uiiioimce theyhave removed to tlie Gorham Build¬ing, at the corner of Broadway andNineteenth street, where they offeran unusually attractive stock ofSterling Silver Wares exclusively ofthen* own manufacture.

    Also a full assortment of the well-¬known Gorham Plated Ware.

    .**.'rn f'limli..,t" lite dangerous qualities vj cotttami*

    noted drinking water are mot opiated byUti tl vf tvt'nttt vr sfirits."

    Medical Oflicer of Privy Council,England.

    ANNUAL SALE, IO MILLIONS.Ofall hrcen, Pr:ijlpsts,&' Min. Wai. Polers.BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.

    ¦. ¦" »

    ATTINCS.1,000 |ii,'ii". wafekearts lAmples. not ntmtii. t. .1 r.js'iilirly.

    All tbe non eulin! ngs will le Blaaoi ont it $10 |ier roll ot 40^.l-ls, or Ble. l-a i yanl. PeaSSas lov. .is Ms. |M*r>-anL



    "ree ihe ..-.'¦ rn froni dun isa un, 1 .-ur.* sml nr,-fatal pretri.-t*d*ml dangerous maladies by toning up Ibe Im mar" *eeretlon|to health*' :i. lien uu.l D my ut lin- following symptoms , .a

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    ¦¦ . .uul Dull r.i.ii In lite ll. v. ,t pariplration, Vellownt-*sol iii- -n, n sod i ..-.. rons ntheatde,(best Milli",,, ,n,l -n.liien ri.t-.llel ut- Ila U l".ul .1,114 111 tl»Srleeb. Bold Sjr DrogglsU i 2S coats a baa

    RADWAY'S READY RELIEFPurcolds sore Itiroat, ludsmtnatl-tn of Hie Lung. Ki.ln.-xsiud Bowels. Kheutnstlini, S'rurstgla, Toobi.tie llesslaebe.Pains lo toe llsok Cbsat aadUmba -ipi.ieii exiero».ii la.leiaslly t. etitj irofi lu li sit * ii iblei of waSsawill uno iiiiinii, Kpasms, -"in -.tum u li. H, silt 1.11 M, 1 "H

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