new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1884-06-10 [p 8], theflgurceof 1784.1884anda bee-hire...

t R £ .' REJOICING VETERANS. JOHN H. STARK'S ANNUAL EXCURSION. .18 OF.NKROSITY TO OLD MMIBI ANO SAII.OBt. A TRIP VP THK HVD80N. It waa a brilliant flotilla which nailed out into the harbor and headed up the Hudson Kiveryes- terdsv morning, with flags and Btreamera flying; from everv craft and niusio floatinii out over the water. Six roomy barge*, drawn by Batley little tuft l-oatt*. BDd five hand-some st emilers com¬ posed thc fleet, whirh mored iu two divisions, and carried 8,000 veteran soldiers and sailors of the Inion. There was no lioominR of camion ns the vessel* moved away, but hearty Savou cheers rang out over the bay. Doapite its warlike upiiearance, ihe expedition waa a peaceful one. lt WOS the sixth annual complimentary excurtiion Riven bj John H. Starin to veteran* of" the Anny and Navy. Kei>rescnt«- tives from seventv-flve eeete of tin* Orama onay of the Republic, in this citv, Brooklyn, and Jersey Cltj, liesides main- TetOCBBI who are imt nn-iiihers of t"he order were present. Most Ol ihem were ac¬ companied hv their wives ami children. With his nsiial, Mt. Starla furnished e-vervtlunjr free of cost faff the excursion. Ihe barges John Neilson, stephen Warren. W. A. Sum¬ ner. General C. A. Arthur. W. H. Vanderbilt, timi t'urrv. tuweil by f'.ic tile's B, J. I.cni.x and Titan. and the steams!* John LettOX, Cayuga, Bod Blackbird took up tho veterans at various stations. The (.len Island steamer llynderl 8tanti was the h.-adiiuarters boat. Colonel George K. Hopper. Past Aoaistant t>f thc ("rand Anuv of the RennbUo, Deperttaeol of New* Vork, wa* th.- CeUMrdON of the (lay and performed his arduous duties -sn it li grace nd efticiencv. Beela .Mra* WM commanded by an olllcer Of tlie ('rand Army. Mt. Bt. Leonerd represented Mr. storlo on board the beadqoarten lui't. \\ luii' the bargee proceeded directly ap the river thc tlac s)u]i rounded UoTemor'a Island .-ind was tied at the oidnaaee pier. General Hancock (aline down IB t iti/'-n- dress u< *"Ompabied br a poi- tion of Iii-, stall in fatigue nnitoiin, lind* exchanged f**jff*etiaa*a with the vet.ians, who cheered nm heaitilv. lin* Mvnd'it Starin then **joeeeded op the river to Bxcelmoi ('rove, oppoeite onkere. On board Hie Starin live long tablet wen sure ad ith a bountiful luncheon, and champagne slowed freely, 'i oasis wen draak,and appropriate neila- tint ia x'.eie -.'iv.ti. General Marlin T. McMahon i-i"" Ue tu icily, alluding to Mr. Btarin'a generoeity >cai after year te the veteraaa of the Union, to Whom In- had proved himself a true friend. He had nothing to gain by it. and he showed his kindly feeling for thoae who bad raftered hard- ahtpe for the Rood of the country. Altlionirh General McMahon did not raareewith Mr. Starin politically, he could approve bim tn this partieB- lar. Peel Commander Carlisle, who is totally blind, al-o spoke ol Mr. Starin in t.rnis of atrong praise, wini** nopondlne IO tin- toaei "The Grand Anny of tho Kepnblic." ll. -aili that the men ol the order wonld a!wa\ - lie to Mr. Mavin foi his ansel tish friendship "ortbtrtn. lir. St. Leonard, in behalf of Mr. Starin, reeponded happily to the Beutiuiente expreaaed for hie generoue chief. W. H. Stinei napotided to the t"ii-t "Th. i.i,di.-," alluding to tin- encouragement leen bx the mot hers, xvi v os and -xv e.-i hearts "I tin- forth to tuc mea who shouldered arma fox the Union. While no political discn.lions arc permitted In the Peate ofthe order, then waa a tarong Maine and sentiment manifested among the ret- iTiina. w. F. th rpm, of the Union Bonan Cont- aay, recited a war poem. "Bay Billy, thc hero eing the boree of a white-haired Colonel! W. ll. Harrison. ,.f this city recited " Tho Clowa'a Baby," n mining camp epi- n-tle, .'imi I.itilc Harguerite Nichols, who r-anc nt tin- Academy of Music on Decoration Day evening, -*.i"!; patriotic Boaga in English ami French. Captain D. L. Braine spoke in reeponee to the toast "The Navy." Among the guests tren 1., ii- vduiir.ii Walker.of the .Navy; General I homaa W. ."-weeny, of the Anny: General Van Schaick, General Manning, General l-l. VT, Yan Wyck, General E. M. Lee, late of the Cot- ii 1 rv t'; General Kilburn Knox. Colonel Coonim. of the (itnii Regiment, Colonel and Bnvet Hima.lier-General N. Vv. Day, Major J. H. Miner, Major George 1". Tait, Commander of Pool .'..'7; Colonel " -am.'' Hinneea and Commandei Ki^-ftaaewen, of 8teinwehr Pout A band played popnlar and martial aim dnrfng the trip. On tho oarnes there xxa- nni-icbybraea banda and dancing. After a -i.tit stn;, at the grove the excursion nturned i" the etty early in the evening foll of enthusiasm for Mr. Starla. A pleasing incident waa the collection made on board the headqnortera boat foi Mra Alice Mack. tie Union nurse, who i- now destitute. Beveral Cltj poota will ta!;-* action in bet casu thia week. ¦-e*- THK NEW-YORK BANK'S CENTENNIAL. Thedirecton <>f the National Bank of New folk held a meetin a yeaterdaj to commemorate the one-hundredth anniversary of the beginning of business by the institution, ihe building ut No. 4-* Wall-.-t'., waedecoratedelaborately with bunt¬ ing, the flgurce of 1784.1884 and a bee-hire mr- mounting the display, beiug (triking features, The bank waa organized on March l,", 17-. l, the jiioviii'ii' being sr min lated by tl.e incceaa ofthe Philadelphia Bank of North America, whi -h began busineaa In December, 1781. Alexander Ham¬ ilton wrote tbe constitution of the new bank. The bank began business at No. e>7 l-t. leorge'BBqaan.noB known as Franklin Square. In 17-.7 it movi ii i">\o. ll llanover Square, lin Bite of the Cotton Exchange, and in 17'.'7 the preaent coiinr ai W all and William ate. xxa- oe inptea. he pn nidents "i th-* bauk iraiiu its organlx mon t't the Jiie-i lit I line have been 1 Aiexamier m, DeeaeL resign t Sfsy 9, 1*795; Jeremiah Wadsworth, I,- elicit A "V -. 17-''.: Ua-MS lui-, v, It, ri- sailed i.i .- 17f*l; OlulliiB V liane**, died N'nvember Hu, 17"K: Nii'lieNs ('uiii'.'iu.'i.i'. died July il. I802i Her- mau ls Kuy. r-eshfa* I May -'. l-> ii: dalihcw Clark tn, resiiriu-'l April 13,1S2A; ba '.'. Ik -. resigned Oeto bel SO, 1832; C niel rs Heyer, died Januar*. vi-ii: Jolui Dot bout, died j inn ny i"t. i-r.-; Anthony P. ll..'- ' li, .lied laaaary 10, 1878; l harlss M. hy. A SALL OF ANCIENT COIN**. Banca A: Co., at No. 7:.!i Broadway, began i mm du\>' sale yesterday of the large aud well-known reflection of ancient Oreeli and Koman, Euglish, foreign aud American coins aad medal* of Thomas werner,of Cobooton, N. V. rhe sale waa arra >g< ehrooologioally, giving the dab - "i the coina, ao u- t<) make a aontinuous nistorr ol the arl "f coinage fruin tin- earlieet period. The Aral date waa --ii1* n. C., and was a coin cd Agina ofthe earliest j»- ri"d. hear.ti the impnas oi a tortoise on "ne snit* and "tn the otinr a sq nan "nnic!i in ilk. .It brought e-'**i>. A coin of Persia, ol the tune of Dari aa L. f.-l io 185 B. C., bnrnt-hi $25. A beautiful emu ol Thiiriiiin, of tiie fines! period ol art, 420 t" il.* h. V.. bi.. 11 ir ii t .*rl(in. lt bon the head of Pallas weerina Ihe Athenian helmet, on one side ol which is the Qorgon. Scylla ; on the nn roe side Was a luill. I his coin is considered one ol tin- mae* terpiecea of un. lent art, Oue coin of Alexander tin (.teat broughl 91350. Thornie Neal boinrht three ,oin-i.,r-si .». rhey wen siege ooina of Ba- v«ir."i in thc time of (hui les Albert, 1713. A coin i.l the 1 iinni\ its, ci Mark Antony and Cleopatra, o', !''.('.. bearing t ie head of Antouy mid the busl ef Clcipaiia, told foi "Ml 50, CHINESE RXCUR8ION ll' THE HUDSON. Th. rtteamboat Grand Kepnblic ye**terday CU'i ( hiiiauien ainl line.- times fte many white pe©- ele np tin-Had ¦- Otcawana Island, lt wa* tue wc" .iel Minina! "Oriental exenraion" ofthe Chineee Sunday-echoolaof New-York wul Brook- lyn. 'lin Chin ra in chartered thc boat aud paid tin- expense* ol the trip, and their «iic-*i- wen sBoatlf leachern and other persona inten Bled in the achoo]-. On the way up and down th<- rirer aboul Sim ol the pleaaure-aei ken kejit op a cot ital Bag of hymaa, while on thc upper deck a < bineee bat ni produced the moat hideoua apologies for music frun odd-looking imnlementn. At the Island *s**roaatei kites wete !*. -;-t il> nur in the air foi noun and there waa a eontinoal fuailode ol lire-crackera and bomba, except during a half hour deroted to teligious exercir-ee. Th< small hotel on the island Waa overran with hungrj < briatiana and heathen until all the provendei In the place gare ont. ki pei-oiih who had not taken along luncheon baukeUi rtturiii-d to thc eily in a halt-famished state. KE8IDENCTOF THE SECOND RATIONAL. iti- probable that Jamea A Trowbridai xxiii n- Hn from the presidency ol the 8ecoud Ns Baahaeaoonaa a aneeeaaor can be tin,s.n. ih,- {^tmiii iioxv luo-t prominently being considered by he dirt (tors of the bank U Oeorge Montague. *~a*ea*r Oeiit nf Hie -. vein L Wad .National Hank. An intimate fiiend of Mi. Trowbridge b-iid yeeterday : Hr. TtowtwMgedeaa eat waal to bold t .e presidency er tlie imuk on account of bli . t> wi,. He ia a member of the booking Brm or Verwilya i Cu., aad hts tune ls tally occupied tin-ri*. Mr. Trow- bri.Int* eon keep tha presidency of tbt bank if bi to korp it; 1jj» could havi secured tt apon tbe death of iiti fatbsr eorce years aga But ha has euougb to do t" ut- tei,d to l.ia ooh iiaiikiu-r :>*. -ind he eil: resign lust ut ao'ta aa his receiver l. cTio*<*i). Nothing tins rei been dune at-tmi thc Butter, bul tbe only name the oiracton hare CUciuecd ¦i*hi*,»ucc'-.s->i'i» il.ut o! Mr, Mont » FAlLrijr. OF PRUTT IHPOETEB8. ,^IX,'I{(**** -*-i'»-neei, Importen tif fruits at Noe, s*3 and HO Pork Place, made on aasiguuieul resterd v to th.ii former partnei William Andonon and h. M. Blewaon. Ine Brm wu. comported of James M. Harronand .lames H. Spencer, and waa formed in January, l**-l [her wen tba uwgeat dealera in cecottiiuu in lins cit,', und owned twoacboouera, vrhich wen consuiitly itlvia^ botwoea ben ami rarioua porte Lo Central Aiueriea. Laet yt ar tiie.- did a banjrteaa of 9700.000, ead they claim d re- to have a capital of ovei 970,000, Theil ni- debndneoa ia aaid to be fully 9300,000. of which 9108,316 56 is preferred. The- nominal raine of the assets is about thc bain* a* lhe liahililic*. --s>-" SEIAnra STLLL WAHL K()K SILVLH. The 990UBBBS ti the Meriden Britannia CoiBfBJ. In I nioii M-uan-. said to a TaiBUNl reporter, yes- tertlay. tl,st a man givitii* his n-iiiie as Liltle had ecen solicitiue order* throuvbout tho citv umior I the pretence of being connected with that house. After loaming the names ami addresses of the cus¬ tomers of the house, presumably ¦'"¦'"Ch some friendly employe, Little would call with steel-plated ware, stating that be wa* *ellin« tor the house on coniinihmi.n. In several instances lie sold spoous of this description to boaiding-h m-o keepers at $"> and $(1 a dozen, when they nn- wort li only about SO cento a donen. Little was formerly employed in East Flfty-eighthet., near HTOMwee. where", it ia said, he forged hia employers neate to unorder. He is described aa a short, thickset young man. rather poorly di-J.-sed, but a smooth ialker. -ste- KT.soLi lions ol' THE ALDEBHEN. Alderman Shiels yesterday ottered a resolution which was adopted designating Gouvennor slip as a public mn Ucl place foi tai mers' wagons, win-re they mai' tli*-!'"-' of their |trodiict'. The Fire Com- miaaionen were autborisea to expend a ram not exceeding 1300 for a baud ii theannnal parade of thc Department, an! the preeentetion of the Ben¬ nett and stephenson medals mi Thursday. The rooins occupied by thc liliane- 1 lepai Inn-lit wen given to thc new Supreme Court Judgea, and the Commissioner of Public Worka xx as directed to fil them up. A resolution \xas j>;i--*-l tome time atto, requiring all peraona holding ni.icc under the city government to live in tbe city, and prohibiting the Controller trom paying non-resident offloe holden. lin- Mayor declined toalgn the resolution, and il WMoaaeed oxer his veto. John D.Townaend waa employed as couuael to teal tin- matter. Preeideni Kill, yesterday ottered a resolution directing the Controller to pay |T715 t.i Mr. Town-end. --S>-- IK>T WOUTIS IX THK CLSTOM HOUSE. There was cons '-Walde excitement in tiie rotunda of the Custom House lora few momenta yeeterday. William Uaacoign. a clerk in thc office of a firm of Custom llonae brokera, waa standing outside the railing talking to Daria Nannie, m.c "f theclerka Sometliiug waa Mid ahout Blaine, when upon .. Blaine ia a thief." -ail Qaecoion. .. So are roo a th,11," replied nancie, "How do yon know I am a thteff"-' yelled Gaa- coign in a niue. "How do you know Blaine is a thief f waa tbe lcl'lj. This was a poser for Gnecoign and his friends Ld him out. Thc Inoidenl caaaea aome excitemenl for awhile, and a large crowd collected. Ih if was general satisfaction expreaeed that Nangle had mel tin- raab charge agaiual Hr. Blaine in the manner that he did. . O-- CROWDS ADJURING THK AMERICA. A lim-of Hugs of all nations waeatntehed from atom to atora orei th.- National Linn steamship America and flnttered iu the wind yeeterday. Pa*- senger Anent McLean'-, connteoance beamed aa he boasted of having received 10,000 gueate. Doubt- le-.s aereral thoroeand people inapeeted thc ship. lh» women wen eapecially of an exploring turn ot' mind an 1 Inspected every pan of the \ ess,-l from tbe engine-room to tba officers' tieck hui! appeared die- appointed that they could not climb up into the 1 (going. Admiration tor the putty aaloon.oomforta- ble itaterooma and the general arraagement, wat expnaaed by all. Among those preeenl were Mr. and Mr.-. CG. Francklyn, ("-nerai Abram Duryea, MajorGooreeW. McLean, Hi. Woolaey Johnson, Alderman Kirk. ex-Commiaaionor Lane, Charles Leary, Judge John Fitch, I..- Hockley, thc Rev. Dr.Van Neat, t*-eore*t*> Pell, Mr--. Leny, Mi. Baldwin, Mr. Colgate and Min** Ashmore. -*>- BUSINESS of THK BRIDGE FOR A TEAR. Tin- lax-k ol a quorum prevented theannnal meet¬ ing of the Bridge Trasteeo in Brooklyn yeeterday for tbe election ol offlcera Treasurer witto hail prepared an elaborate duancial report, from whieh the following flgurea an taken: In che year and one week from the time tin- Bridge was opened. May 'JI. 18&3, to Mayal, 1**M, thc total nuiubei of loot baaaengen waa 0,179,300. The ca is carried from 1I10 tiuic they began running 5,322,140 persona, and in tin- year and om- week 509,504 vehicles crossed tbe structure, which wen esti¬ mated to carry 1.1 ..-!'.oo-* persona lin- total r> ceipta v,eic #402,037 linn- toll char-res and t lu- ilia- bn*reemeuto lf308,35H K8. 'juc Dumber of peroone crossing to Brooklyn in exc< m "I those to th's city on tin promenade was 570,000 and in thc cars there wu- au exeeaa ot 711.100 thc other way. A PETROLEUM EXCHANGE ELECTION. Tho annual election of the N>xv-York Mining Stork uml National Petroleum Exchange wis he'd yesterday. Tbe regular ticket was probably elect¬ ed, although thc exact result xvii! not bc know-n un¬ til to-day. Thia ticket is: President, Chadee G. Wilson 1 treaauror, John Stanton" chairman, A. \v. Peters; secretary, P, .1. Bweeaj ; assistant seeretary, Robert ll. Oallaher, lr.; (....11 ¦.;.,. .ii.iiii11- toaerre one year, Robert Mil¬ liken and Cliurle* ll De w lit ; to sr-rvr- two veais, 1 leorgc iv. Koosevclt. 11 t" s'i'u' three rears, C. 1'. Morrl*, F, M. Mu .-. ia. r. r. .il. '.-.. Kale*, P. T. Adonis, Juiln- John, .1. ii nu;.un Morna, 0. F. Woods. W. :: Obx, .T. v. - **. ii . leary and .'. 1 '.¦ Ruck) for 'ni-' thc Gratuity Fund, to serve Ave years, c.". Munis and c. r. Wo als, awl io 1 snre tit, ¦. years, Et. M. siia.T. HOME SEWS. PROHINENT AK Kl VALS. Fifth Avenue lintel. The Marqaii of Nor¬ manby, ext-Uovernor ol Victoria; ih- Marchioness of Normanby and Lord Henry Phipps, Captain Junes lt. tods, of 8t Louis, and Oeneral w, M. nunn, United -. tea Army.Wtndtor Utoel.Ex-Preetdent Ouzman Bianco, Venezuelan 1 nvur i" Europa.lurk Amine 11 ur bauld Manning, of Albany; Judas John Erskine, of Oeorg .., ami li, Roi ls. "f Arkansss..Sew Toi il Judge \- ll lain I. .Vail ice, ol Byro- ai Oro ml tn,inti Hotel Judge Hoyt H. Wheeler, of Ver¬ mont.iltur Monte. Ex-eenator Jciouin lt. 1 Uaffee, ut Colorado, what i< ooma on to-dat. md j., key 'ii" bt, the v bi .ul Bay, :; p. m. Annual regatta n' Atlantic yacht club. '1 irifl reform lenti-i'. inc.. No. IBU Bros Iw it. 'J p. m. 1 11 ti.-:.. ofGensraJ JameaWatson Webb, CBuroli ol the ll. ... ii',', le"-1. "' a. iii. Hoi t will eSbtest, Hurrogate'a Court. Hoffman ii," Insurance I'oiupruij case before Referee Holmes, ter nurdi r t ise before Judge OlIdereleeTe. County lieiuoci c Exeeutivi Committee, 8 p. va Temiteraaeeconvention,EighieenthStroel M. J.. Cl 2:30 p, m. Openin** Delta Phi Club, No.5 East Twenty eerai a. m. Demoei atlc U i mblj Dlstrli '. ti'. Me l'.cn'iit.iii-Ltullaville baseball match,Metropolitan Park, 1 p. if. New-iork-Phtlndelphia League basfiia'.l match, ruin Grounds, 1 p. m. Ninth Assembly District Republican Association, Blseckt r buil-JiD^-i, S p. m. NEW-TORE (TIT. Plant were filed yeeterday fora two-story Home for Lil uralt'u I, 111 f oiilhaiii. to cost $35,000. Had dui:.- wen ahot yesterday at No. 108 Eaat Thirteenth-at., and al beveatieth-at, and Third- ave. A nf riped lia*** weighing twenty-eight pound-, wai caught oil Wald'.-. Uland on .-sunday by u boj ol thirteen. The breaking of a ear wheel eauaed .! delay of tiftr-en minuted on the Third Avenue Elevated Bail- way yeeterday morning. sexton baa challenged Sloaaon to play a billiard match in Septembe.*, 500 pointe; cushion caroma, foi *i>l,000a snie. The triangular block with the buildings, etc, bounded bi liudson and 1'hii teenth ata. ami Ninth- ave., Las been purchased for $ by Julio i'i tm. I'll"**IRAii I> HY THI' 111 xi. William Mveis, William Lebenago, ol No. 21 For- syth-at.,and l'l.-ink Murals, ol No. 70 South Eighth- it., Brooklyn, won prostrated ny the heat yeeter¬ day, N .1 \ I.'i\ H' -IUVI*. Wendel Kenst, of No. 129 La-t Pifty-nlnth-at., waa held iu the Yorkville Police Couti yesterday te a.Miit the result of injuriea which ho had in¬ dicted npon Iii- « dc. Ai ai UV Ol m ii.Nt BTO PUBLISH A HISTORY. At the laai meeting of the aeaaon of toe New* Vmk A- ad' "ix of Sciences last nighl at Colombia College a ommittee wa** appointed to raiae a pub- tm, I. aud 11 rn u> dec d, that thu hUtoi j* ol theAcedemj should be pnblhthed. AMII",NV I'M-iuK A I. I'.l-l - A I' I'iI.-SI I.I.Ki:. John Daly, ol No. 30 Weal Twenty-ninth-at., a t'ii',1 v lier, who hus carried on hia occupation on racecourr* 1, was a prisoner al tbe Combs Police 1 ";-'i lei .... Ile J. id I.n arrested by An¬ thony C'oiust otk. Hn waiving an examination be wahadmrteil t,, |,,iji \_ *-:,un. POI ICB Bl xri'is- ORDERI D. Commissioners Mason, Matthews and Nu bola w< re precut at Hu- Police Hoard meeting rearerday lhe Board decided to rebuild Uuion Market ,-u,- tioii. li waa decided to build a new statiou al Kingabridge, CAKPI vu-, l RR wu e Mi"i:i.ri:i v. 1 vi.i. n r». An imlic im. nt Im- in ur lei in tbe hl-t di i-u loiitid reaterilaj agaiual John Carpenter, who on Maj 20, aftei brim " ¦. I from State Priaon for uat-aulting bia a fe, rn igbl li ., ,1 a ,| killed In 1 aller dangerously wounding his sister-in-law. Ht. WA- I) ll i-.Ml * I) j", 11 vi VKV.ttA ant. Pierre Kavier, ;ur tweati foui .1 Frenchman, went to hia home Na 127 llleeckor-st, on Kunday niL-hi under the influence of U.-uor. While sit ti nu ou the window aili te get fn bair he fell Into thu raid, when hia dead bodj was found in the moru- lng. DH.\V is HM-lllM. sa- nv,rns MABKBT. rhe marketmen did nol move luto their new .--i;:. - .11 :in io .v Waahii gtoa markel y< - .¦' they weie ox pee t od to do, lhe portion of tlie buildiug whicb will he tho ural girui orel to heel and greeaa waa net nearU enongn completed foi occupation, UOKB ni M -- iii a- 1 im.. A Mast Unit neui oil in Ninetr-aixtb-at., between Eighth and Ninth area., veeteruey. tliieiv ,-i maaa ol tooee rocka aud earth againat aome bouses a. ross thc w;,y. Hannah i.'i gan waa banging oul 1 lol hes In Mn- 1 ard "I oue bouse, aad a piece ol roi L struck Lui ou the Jolt leg. breakiiig it. Duck walls, wiu- dows, etc.. were also damaged. Henry Bolinkamp was arrested for reck hes Masting I'ltd-l'i inn s odd I il.tows. Thc stockholders of the Odd Pellowe* Hall Ahho- riatioa yesterday received a statement from the Hoard of Maiiau-or*, showing $S\, 120 77 edah OB depoalt. Tlie a-Mic at i-m la ftee from debt, except a mortgage to thc New-England Mutual Life In- saraaoc Company of .ado,imo. TWO iilRl I'tt'KfdrKKI'S ARBRB1 BU, Two llitshilv-fiiesRc.l girls, ahout BfteoB years old, were arrest "tl and taken to Portee Headquarters lae! niall! for picking poeketa in Btxth-ave. They gave thc BBtuea of Ada Fliun and Liniua Gilroy. His Kills saul ihat they hail heen taught te steal bj ii giri named Mary Kelly, who w-u** a thief. O. A. T liol Ul I'*" ttltniVATJON. Thc ord in "it mn of CA. T. Goobel, a eradu n»t* of tlie New-Brunswick, N. J. Theological Setniaary, will take place to-ni-fUt at 7:110 o\ lock, in thc Prospect 11 i'i Reformed Charon, In East Eight/- lifth-i.!. The Rer. Louis Gorbeae will preach the sermon, the Ree. Dr. George ll. Smyth, proudest ofthe < la-sis of .New-York, will read thc form of ordination, (iud tlie Ber. J. Heyer will delivt-i thc (liaii;e Io the pastor, BBBCCTM rituM DBOWBKfO at CABTT.B OABOBB. George EaaliBger, a derk in the office "f t ;i|itain Mon-, the landing offlcei al Caatle Garden, fell off the wharf yesterday and waa resined by Board¬ ing OfflcerP. L. Herrlich. Esalington was earned tothe hospital, when Or. Behnlts brought him to co n-c io ess after Are minutes' work. Soon after¬ ward George Nerdercott, aa employe at the Gor¬ den, faU uro the water between the wharf and a balee. Herrlich again came to the rescue and pulled him ont. PUK PA lt I NV. A\ ISTI'ItlOU COAST IINI. By direction of the Secntary of War Brigadier General John Newton and Colonels Q, A. Gillmon, of the United status ('tuns oi Engineera, and Lieu* tenant Commander Mi (ella, rmted States Nary- sad Pint Lu mci,ant rasher ll. Bliss of ths i-t Artillery, met yesterdar al the Artur Headqoarten in Houston-at. to conaiaer the feasibility and ex- pediency of constructing an interior coast-line of water-ways for tba di reine of tin- Atlantic aad Gull scaonui'd, and to imparc an nuthtie plan and a general estimate of toe co i. mituvivo a iiiiAi, iii taxi a wKpnis-d trip. (harli-- Cherice, who pleaded guilty yeeterday to a charge of assault, waa senteBced hy Recordei eniyth lo ten tears in thoHtateProton, rhomas E. Fitzgerald, tbe complaining witneaa, keenes liquor store af No. 119 Leroy-at., ami found Charles 'ii tbe tulle a;, early on Ibe morning of June '.». He waaaeoaulteaby( Barlee, who stabbed him In the lac- aijii neck. I itzgerald rocorered from hi-* woonda and applied to the [Matriel Attorney n few da*i i ago for a speedy trial "f the eaee of kia assail¬ ant, that In- might go on ¦ mairiauc joni in y to ( anana. ARitr-iin apter -HAiiN". 15,000. John 1', Lilley, niau:.:'": of the mail prde] ricpart- meul in thc store of simpson, ( rax. ford & Simpson, was iicfore Justice Gorman in the Jefferson Market Police Court yesterday, on the eharge of haring appropriated property worth over 85,000. He \xa- In ld in (2,000 hail'for trial. Lilley had be n in the linns employ for two yean, and hail been advanced rapidly. Heprofeoaed gnat -"now for his dishonesty, and gare up bia bank hook with a balance of $1,307, He alao sumndered bis furni¬ ture, fi s vonni* wife knew nothing of bia tranaac- lions, hut bad Inquired of bim lew ne m.ole money enough to live so well, and had been told that lu¬ len ived*2 pox cent of tiie. linn's profits. A WOMAN'S POWBWABO ("'ii BAB. Aa Justice Gorman wasuboul io leave th" hun ch In Jefferson .Market Police Court yeeterday morn¬ ing Officer Boigie ot the Mli Precinct brought before him a woman giving the name ol Kellie Vivier,a tas "Pnttj Flora,"inaaadlj Intoxicated conn ii in, j. Bhe wane utenced toaix mouthe on the Isla ud. Nellie Vivier waa the female detective employed in tbe Lev. i- w ill caee In Hoboken « beu about $1,000,000 waa left to the Cuited States Government. Since then sin* has heen gradually going down hill. She ia said to ha re been a a oman of culture and rei mt mont, originally, and Justice Kilbretfa ls said to bave interested hiuiaelf greatly in trying te effi el her reformation. 1. I'. Hui IllN-'s Bul'V I'i il'SIiiiN Filli: l-l.ANT*. A dispatch was received at Police Headquarters 1,i-t mehi from Coroner Preston, of Pin Islaud,sav¬ ing tbat the body of a man found drowned on the beach ihen had a deposit blank on the Ninth National Dank of thia city in one ol bis pockets. The blank coutoiuoil thc words: "Deposited by I.. E. Hopkins, No. 39 Whito-st New-York.* (or,,n.!¦ Preston naked that B. I>. Hopkins, of No. l*i Wall-st.. be informed. Word was sent to the directory address of B. lt. Hopkins, w hich is af No. 120 La-t Nincteenth-st., bul received an anawer that Mr. Hopkins had moved from Iini..- last gop* tember. AN ITA I.l AV NATIi'VAl KK-IIVAI. lt.11.\ 'a gn nti'-t festival ia held each year li meuioratiou ii' tbe granting of tbe constitution which occurred on June 3. 1B47, aud the Sunday, following Juno :> i- the day sol apart aa a Na¬ tional holiday. A festival was heh! yestenlay, al Joni s's Woods, under the auspices ofthe Co t >l Ulai ', ill ia '"I Ut IOU ,.( 11 1 J-,' \ ,-1 | 11 ) Billi ll el'-S- ary, Phi grouuda were decorated wnn lunn and Ame iran Raga, and made -till brighter by the gay-colored droi . so dear to the feminine Italian he ;tl. J lu- 'lox WM sp-nl in dancing and inerry-makiug. In the afternoon two 1 took place, for gold aud silver medal os J he i.u ci i'i- will lu devoted to charitable p.-: h\ the Colombo Goorda \ ". i i s" Bl W PIANOS I ill i 'i"iii IC xii' " The Board of Education reetenlat al p.m. opened bids for sevenl en pianos, with tin Ili.'lll lo luke ll"- o!,' oil.-" in liil.-cri r-i ;:, ¦.¦!-.. lin 11 in. were as follow*: 1". G. mu it h. $225 ea li: John IV, ki-it. Jr.. $200, io ui low .7 ,M i for lin- old manoa) Kraniich & Bach. $22*5, allowing $75' William L Y nmg, $225, ullowim $.**»0; Hardman, Dowling & Pei k, $20 '. Incl illili'. "1" piai n : I". < om or, $;70O, allowing .fl<»!>: Augustus Bairne A. Co., $U0 ». or $120 allowiug tor the old pianos; D. L. Mat) $125j il. i'i. Hatch, >i.ii»; J. I'. Hunter, $27."ij I.'. il. Waitera, average price $180, Including th< old helming & Son, $37*>j Kohiuer & Co., $2(30, including the old pianos; William Knulie & Co.. $325, and Callenbrrg ,V Bauber, $300 rhe committt.1 tbe Hoard went Into executive -<- ou alter the I'ids wen o|.1. sod on to-mono« after¬ noon ii will decide un the iuds. BROOKLYN. The Aldermen ordered yesterday ti at the three public baths be placed, one at the loot oj Noble-st., the fool of Bridge st., and in South Jim -klyn, near ihe Atlantic Docka 'I he ( ouei esaional Sub-t ommii lee uti Public Buildings continued yesterday Ita investigation in ngard to the raine ol the lite foi the pr ip wd new I..'.ial Buildiug. Kx-Mayor Hunter, ex-Couimis- sion ir From h and Franklin Woodruff, among others, gave their objections tothe site which han been purchased. They all thought the price ix tia-, agaut. si: ws feom hit: sveuedh. NEWARK HANK OFFICIALS IN TROUBLE. Chancellor Runyon, of New-Jen ,1 lan or- der yeetenlaj si,nun ming tic- 1 the Newark Savings luHtitution t" auswei liefore thc ( "in "i t ncery. on June 13, on sch ¦-¦ "i con¬ tempt of court in loaning money ol the ii titution connan to the due. iou and \. itl.1 lodge oi tho court. The petitioners for Ihe order an- William Una, Henry .-. Pfeil, Horace P. And" r- Huii. and M11 l,t-i W. KniL'lit. In-' names ol the mauagera given in the petition to the Chancellor aro Daniel Dodd, president 1 \. Bishop Brtldwin, l les presid Jai ¦. G. Barnet, Mattliiai M. Dodd, H. Hugo IT ¦' /.-I, Algernon 8. lin',hell. Li.oi,,- Ma iain. William i. Mercer, Henry ll. Miller. William Rankin, Bernard M. Shanley, Dame] Price, Charles S. Haines, llenrj ti. Dare- and George Watson. Some of the perenna named aamanagen were nol connected with the bani al the time ol Ms rmapenHiou, having pnviuualy re¬ signed from tho f! arl of Managers, Among tin an George Wat.mi, Henri v.. Darcy and Climie* S. Hainea Any criminal proceedintrs aaainsl the prei loni aad lionnagei musl be nnderta-reti by thc - oi the lu-." om i (. The Publii Pn * ii utor of Essex Conntr bas already lakeu coguizauce of th'- ma it'-r, uml xx ill cn I im it ail tho evidence thal ho con lo gather to ih Jury at thi next term ol tin courts. A' NEWARK. The Newark Gadigkl Company rle tel new directors yesterday. John I. iou ag wa ¦rn.d La itel Dodd. The shooting festival ofthe Newark Shooting Society was Im-jhiii yestenlay at the Mchnet 1 Die Newark Society, with tke Nee t'ork ssh Society and s delegation from Bridgeport, ('nun.. paraded m thc morning and were nvit wwi by the llayoi iimi c umuiou ( ouin il al the City ll I. jersey cur. Two brothers, Griffith and Freddie Mi. sjo niue and eixyean respectiveJr, a en picked up isl ni^ht ii. in.. ni ille. I lie boys live al N". .".ii Toumkins-a' e.. Brooklj n. lu ij Ihe boyasaitl thal the,. L**i their home al noun yost ci di*, j and nen ou then way tothe home ,u a friend lu Pormingdale, N. Y. [ney were turned io their pal ? I Ol '. ISLAND .:'.')' -' 1 '"i , I ,'.ic 1 iou to Heurj Hi n mrger, for $0,200. Hts Will bi this in. throe roundsmen staudiug highe 1 in tm '¦'¦'¦' ut limpet,;:. 1 will be pro¬ moted aud ...i . ............ 1. ..1 ail] o.- h. ld tu nil tb ii pl 'I In- City Works mm has employed a Bub-coutractoi io do ol work "i I "o a' oin'. "1 th. il, ...u-i , :..,., with Contractor i' Ju.1-." Pratt, in the Ranna** C liaiol. "1.1...xi, un ou non :, H. rt in fl ii li.-ii, who was recently -mni te tue Peutteatiarv for a faa* for keening a disorderly house in Clin- ton-st.* The ki..nnd of th,- di-i hu.ire in that there is rsasiiiinhle doubt "f the .oiiiiteteiicy of thc jurors who decided the Lotta Ini.ami Orv.. Jndi'f Willard Bartlett opened a **peeir*j* term of thc Sopronr-e Court rea- tei.iax. i in-.-..-,. of Camey, rh" murderer of Ber- (/cant CoBtiakoj, wan Bet down fur tri:; I next Monday. HAIFA ISLAND. Cm r-To **.*..A large OougregatkiB was present al thc -et. les ol BO lg ra St. John's Chunh on Minda y erening. Arnon/* the aingen wen M. Metcalf, of Zion Church. Sow-York; Mrs. Stennetts. Miss Bccleaton, Miss Hack, Mr. Haskell and Mt. Lord. Misa Eccleston, the danghter of the rector, salina solo with iiiiicii devotional feeling. Al.OMI I MK .SOUND. CitKi vw icu.- A cotnn'irtee fwmposed of -immi¬ nent citizens has heen appointed to secure funds, with which to encl a soldiers' monument.A special town meeting voted last Batard ar to la sidewalk i and pat up lumps from the depot to th_ horough lino. WMTCUESTIB coi'MT. CU ATP AQUA. Miss Gabriella (.reclcy, who injured on Monday by being thrown front her car¬ riage, waa not SO had Ix hint an wan at Iiml reported. bbe fell on lui shotihlei ami dislocated it. rockland COUNTT. Nyack..Dr. Lyman abbot! preaehod Inthe Re¬ formed Church on Munday evening befete thc Rockland College ct adi ol -. lill, i: ir ri: UCAE TWEET. COMMENTS OF THE PRESS. tim: PEOPLI wini him. th in i - i'ii'"./», Times, The outcome of un- Republican Convention carne Hire a sunburst on the people ot this country yeeterday. lt wu* I hope 11 j.ii Jana * U.BIbids would !"¦ Dominated, bot so bitter waa ihe opposition nml .-> relentloss the animosity displayed lt.. ¦ eertaln ila-* of pollilolsai atainit ii in thal np to I ni Bight the issue waa lavolved la ruueh doubt The people, however, hare bees rrlthbim riiiui tin* fli-ti, anil tliat resi bes boes at 1 tat tight yeats, slaee Colonel Ingersoll Introduced him In tao convention er i *-,7'>.i ri 1 rn-u -ei er.- tnat. iii-1 recognised the roinftiy .. i one of the nolly great man ot the Nation. Helsa man ol the people, indi pendent ur i> my. tn both foreign :.rt11 domestic relations ha everywhere rocogoliad bs a representative Amerleoe,devoid j,".\f of narrow pre- iiiiii,¦. s or ni braggart spread-eagleism. A BOC MERN OPINION. Ptom Th* Ut m Telegraph. Kr. r.liurii- a (lathing lea tor, md possMsei many siiiUliiir sud attractive personal qualities inch ls the testlmouj "i ii mils ai d loss ¦ ike. AX l.M il< -I 1BTIC WV ASS. / .i-i ,tgo Vfine* WO would Bot have believed, until tire fae! lins heen ac mal ly li-ni,, n si rated, tbst the success of any one ol k several candidates whose nsmes bave been more or lees prominently Deforethi people would bave beeaunlver- sil. well received as ls ni Hundreds of Republicans, i only a few weeks ago were declaring thur pn terred another aomlaaUon, are amoug the most oordiol of hm supporters. Blaine enthusiasm seems" to J >r> ooatagleus au i nalveraal. With saeh i leader lt ls safe to predict tbe 11X1-111**1 and rnosl enthaslastli Presidential canvass this country hus seea foryears. To louhi hlstriuraphant election would be lo doubt tbe patriotism aaa gi»>'t si»uso ol tin* niintiy, AV nfSPIRATIOH IV HI- NAME. i, tn The titit .- l tm g Jt uenal. His politic iiii histoi v an l law the lum ot bis pn tin everj community whieh he has at any time stirred wits ir,* splendid oratory; his brilliant services to his port; and lils Bdellty to Its best principles an-household knowledge with Republican*; ough James fl. Blaine is nol greatest .. rn liner- iran-., ur e. sn greatest among Republicans, there ls, to men of his war of political tblukiu a itu his uanistu be found In none otber, Arthur won1,1 be Ktrougei with the Influences thal centre ali mt Wt I -ire.'t. Sherman might be an assurance of mora censer- vatlVe alu, unslr -1: *II. AgOlnsI li luilii'ls I'iel!" would is Inclination io revolt. But, though Hiatus's nom¬ inal lon will in. received coldly In some tiuarters,land will grievously disappoint political purists, ll is certain tbat no otber nomination would in- so gratifying to sotI ve, non-ofttce-boldlng Republicen! throughout the country, tnd certainly ih- candidacy of James G. Blaine, wltb his brilliant Congresi er, bl* audacity, his dash, hlaeztei live acunatntMiiee, and with the pathos of Gar¬ field's death yat flaging to him, will excite an enthusi¬ asm among Repuiiui ms which no oum* candidacy A PIT NOMINATIOK. f com The fir ls Hie ablest itate in Am "rica, sod the b H.- never hekl tbal li rn u ol raid of, He * nol afraid .": logtcal eonse run ces. Whea James <>. Blaine lt * itlsfled tbal sui given puln-v is right, nu is not ouly willing but eager tu follow ll tolls sad. rae readiest debater that e ¦ tue floor of Con- _'sss.i of .iu,I:o'M habits, of bro s i'uixiii Ilia! few e. ', ho in in, li i rn i.i, umi :n all resp ct* a li.. ler o', men. ii a- few men hs ve. He ,i .',,'. .,¦:,! ,; mgero u lu ,. ,. .... ,..¦¦- mark ul ¦. itu uti. Malicious ilaudsr bas n.-.n poured oal upon bim lu torrents, but to no purpose, iii- iui.'-'i-itt, lits made bim proof against sttsok. i'm- 1 a. .aa... lal,,. Ollie I.-at. L'H.V.' .lui to lu- .r rut ill his Integrity, bs in hi< other macutlloent _u lil-V ll.:', n Ililli. li.. tm,mn iii-,n ls ons eminently flt to be mada We ii', islileni we shall ii it a In the p n's ha- ikowu tu n li ls nol afraid of or its record, rue record ol Blaine i- tho record of tbe til that the ps ti promises In Its platform to do lllalne hes been doing all his life. Then Iso sod-water] a tbe platform, and there ls nothliig milk- ste i" st d litton it. in -i wu- m.ii ku: i-vin li n i',.* St letti A eli" i i eadi rbi it t;',' man, aiul Uni. du-.;. -i lur lin- principles Bud the siipremscr of ike porty. Yesterday Mi. Ulaloo was st inpl v un individual, to oe passed upon foi lilli fm ld PO eui U ;" '.i him i tc ll i " I" ler of les lers " and ii - pal tlCUlai ii: ii iplon. Il il ll Iii- oe I-'- .i icsilon for li pub loans tod nput< an mt.ortodesl wit ii otiiei v.,,, i.. Itel la lila favor renie... ile lertitlnr that ls decisive and complete, ¦I ml he i- tbe embo lluieui a ia ol i au--- heliefs snd hopes, those doctrines and purposes, by virtue of which the party has achieve I ail If. glori i in iii- psst and upoa il nd all its ,',:.,,i,.f orolo ;x-i\ ext ten .-ri. ¦-. tere can ie no dinon ici aud no ground "i control iu -i aboul mt tho snd ui itnt'sli THE Ai-.I -r I EPUBLICAN LEADER. / .'a'< WI. .; i fr. Bia u Ita Republican otndld ita foi ths Pre* dem y, lathe bo.i km wu. Ibernoel pen liar and brill- * leadi i ul' t lie Ita i-i. v know a-- m.-i sad li in e 1- h in! ..'. ju ncld al ol nu ¦¦ in bis ¦ .: ie i oi er aud over .ii .ii .r i-i iwo-thirds oi ie ,.-..-,,. era .,, is couutry. A STRONG TICKET. Fr I tel "i.' ') ll ip t'-'r r otu! nckol notnia ned si Chi »!.* v, lix 1 'n- lu |'u ,". o' e.\ .-u' inn, 1- a oue, and will, it li iiell red, be suceesful against anj ticket timi ie ii norrat*!can pul up. in the no tiou ol Blaine for the Presidency thi* Convention the wish o' tbe great m v ofthe ia party. Re ig leader, who hos won rary general lt iu ¦. u tuhl.j.t. AN AMERICAN I: i.!'Kl>i:v I \ II \'i: .MAS". Prom Th James O. Bluini i he has lon befn ¦ leptib in ri rty. lt ^- aood u- ,ic pan |> |t, :!. l'l. -U"." itS Who .!¦..; ., "hi ii '¦' ii nt bs ua' ty a l ¦., li, .ill, n: nf IBSeoUUtrf .i-f KlllltJ of ul. rs n i.ure striking American representa- .ni il,.i ths lt' publican candidate A -TAI I.-M \>' AND A SOLDIER. Prom ll.r James O. Blaine and Ioho A. Logan sn and tin toidicr, uniting in theil persons the 1,1-mIsiii tSepeo- tie io*' g lids lie ail ili Ol h :¦: the ...I...',.- fought Iti battles wlththli ticket, and with aneutlmsl- lu wifast purpose never known in a N'utional Un ii. pu di uu poi tl -'a |i-n> ol i'll progress .vin mil un mob a rletory a* wifl il nd foi en r ,,:, tin- -i-1 o,l ol recorded time aa an Indlcatlou of the pop¬ ular ippreclailon of reform aad promises falflUed. VOICE OF THK Tl NNEMEE RKPUBLIOAXB. Here and i.rep:, ibn to pf ta pai v the hearty and unfaltering "upnort ol //i» Cheonicle, and o mattel itiment ol Tennessee Rcpuull- " C NIH BION V ( "V'il'1 lt." / .,,, .,'. h, ti n ii '-> runt, \ si ll ml In this sign we eonauer. ivitb thr- ¦jrealesl pli-asure and cai .-. < journal enters mi>ii ni i" "i" ia. ind which »,ii prove Ut i,,...neui lix- i,.,ii, kt iii.mri baa ever known, limier the u . iiiiili.iin nun whom the ¦-1 to the 'Uiiiiaail ol oai rle lu,Sis. ii" tx- r AND ii.', ii'/ -1 i'.v i\, nu,r. .';' mt Hr I Possibly no two men mid haw- b I to* themselves, mob roi ii -nil eieuamts of itersonal popularity os Janies O, nu Juan A. Lo* ii. ll in. > si BOl OB li l- i are in in -.f brains, men ol men wbo Icriv' 'i it' match. 'i bi llckal si the platfi rm are Invincible, lill I ASK AM. PILE i-i' III -I. I '< I -. If ;i pl, In rite ot in .: ,.ir il.. ..ii party could havi I.,.i.i,,i,i.i mil ol il,,- 5,(100,000 Kcpuli v.m ... I nc opp fnniish roi - on ui .... hi ,. ii 11 'ir, .: li. ir li of I heart with ii llnsl :.¦. uiaas « ..,' Ih, S » u lllflui lu ,! ll ii ti ,.:, ol be uti -.ti-i-iort ll ll ..I" \ -I l ll!,).le Ul li lie li, up! Will I'"' ,,fit 1,'tl Kills-,,-, pt... a11 ia thin and extent! trom Maine to California .I., a .ntl.H. / .n ur stirring sod n repi ll ll "- ll' ll* *,i tu ,i^ will bs .iini-j h. Hi t: ot ilUino ni ihe ;.e.i ,.i the i. . .n eiactrlv thrill will awaken ihi poor, u li sri. tbe Repahlleaa canvass md iu ,,,-,.. oheluilnglj .'.¦.'!.. CalI ..lin,ir,- '.--ill l,c io»l in the iuUilcr <*»...*¦ *«*-ral *Dthu.l., ,,,, *n,| n, he premonitory and gleeful ihouts of a***ured vlotory. with that oame upon tha Republican banner*", a Repub¬ lican triumph, an wplfinlnl as nor that lins been achieved iii tho pant, I* a foregone conclusion. REPUBLICAN PRINCIPLM RAFI. from I'ltr Milu-aukee Sentinel. With Vr. Ulallie fl Hie White Home. Itepuhllenn princi¬ ple-) and policy will he maintained In thc administration nf the (Jnveruuient; wllh hia defeat will owrie the rule of ihe Deoieeratlcpetty, alts no lettledprlaclples or pnlioy. lui! tlii.1 urhmg all tin- Mn ini-lsl ami husliieis interests ot the country by Its mibHi-rviene.T to the schemes of rsck- leis cranks ami deaiegoguea who wish tn gain favor with tbs worst elements of the population hy pandering Lo theirpasatonsaudpretudieea f'r-*-.lilent Arthur has set a sxamnle toothar KBpiibllrau* by promptly send- lag hU congratulations to Mr. Bisons aaa pledging him bin cordial Mpport Tin; PBOPLI TROTT tim'M. Vinni lin I.ur. ,,n,l V. )'., ./¦¦li,n"l. Ho nindi tbe ticket lt ..a-o-ieinsntM of strength which should ami wlU insure success. Both the candidates ara asea who bave i.elong la prominent public life. They arc no ital lt BOfSBB. They bave s n -'i'd. lt would in- strange if la their Berrico both bad not mia* takes, tr ao they will naturally be oaode tba atosttrfby the Democracy, lhat la all right Rut the people after all trust both Blaine sad Loria. If tlu*y have at any tiuie erred t baa been of Um heed and not or the heart. kUQDUBM" BARBY OP IHK WAST." Fruit Ittl '¦'. i cogo In'rr "i-ean. No man In the Republican party stands so nesr the hearts of a large majority of its members u* James O, l»lain,\ He is in reality their " 1'luineil Knight." Bl uJsr uml vituiia ration seem only to attach them nore closely and give tbem greater eageraess to demonstrate their loyalty and devotion. Theee men are of the rank and file ol the party, and v b ips ll was weil to gratify them by the Domination of this, modern Harry of the WOSB. WEN VIC.IMA (J IT.-" HEB (HOKE. fa-.,,/, the Wheeling Intelligencer. Atlast: after many years of patient wolfing and un- swri vi.ig nit l.t.- to her favorite, Jame* (,. Blame, Weal Virginia Republicans get the caadMats of their choice, ¦.bal a eainp.,iun lt vrlll he! What terror the wave of anthuslaam that will sweep over this .-state, from thc luisT milts of tin- Western I'liiihamlls ro the mines of the Kanowna Valley, will strike into the ln-aits of tho liour- bons oi un Mate. j ni: PEOPLE'S CHOICE. Prom tin -o. ¦i-iiii/tlelil tullin, tillie. The people's choice baa atlast been approved hy the politicians. The Henry Clay of latter-day Republicanism boa been nominated bra great party for thi highest office lo the gift of the people. Tbe bold that James <,. Illaioe haa upon the masses of the Republican party ls i.lerfuL tlc ls hated by the sham reformers because he will imi lead himself tothe attempted accompllabmaot of uu Impossibility. Till* i-'j,u; WITT, ur RESPECTED. /',',.. The Spriitgfltld [III.) Slaw .lunn,ul. While be ls cniiin sadat in-' hief ofthe military and naval forces of)tbs Republic, tbe Americaa flag anil be respected wherever ll The BritUS Uon wi do more darr tamper with the rights of native ar naturalised American citizens, then tbs meanest national insect of the obscurest country of Mutta America, THE RIGHT WAV TO LOOK AT IT. y nut lite Val Biter Srtr*. Th« nominations having been duly, fairly and honor- ably mode, there ls aotbing left for Republicans every¬ where to tin bul t". unite in solid phalanx In their su|"jiairt. The party ti,nut uot Ml sacrificed because ol' individual illl.'l),pnililm. Ills. MAI: I si: intelligence mi\"iati*b»*. \'iM«Wx *. Sanness,4:M i-eis ll". Mtoi ri "», A 15 Mill's ire,'!** 17 hu.'i n*rsR roeAr. Air -Curler ll**.. S'81ittS-r. Is-lOOS, I'O! Hull Oat*, io m r.ji_--july a >.», - ".ut. i-nanO. Dili Bell Halo, il-.Vl FOREIGN STEAMERS DUE AT THIS POET Tilt) AT. Tetttt, From. Tin*. dreeee .T.unrtnn.Nat W'tm-oniln .Liverpool.uuiin . u citv.iiristui.Bristol ,tr . Hun.Wilson i.uisssow.anchor Boiivfs.nissfow. incnor Itlr.e-in.Hnnibiirf.Ilaa;h-A mer. Wsshtngtou. .I'alen-i") . fc'lorlO I.-."ii-.Bordesnx .Iionlt-ani Delaware.Han Domingo.Clyde's .i leafucaoi and Nasesu.W'ani's Herminia.bermuda .(jult Port* WEDNESDAY, JONE ll.".Preach Trans City ol Berida .Havana and Mexico.alexandre's 1 nURBDAY.JUKTa 19, tfoDBlth.Umdoa.Monarch aland.An twerp.Red bur sn irvisa NEWS. PORT OF Nl'iV-VOKK.M'lN'DAV, tVWB 9, 1SSA AKP.IYLD. r JobiI Br Bai ron, steals Mar S, Messina J1, ra, snd Gibraltar 2fl with fruit tu 1'helj.s xi mt atv ai, blbsbL -steamer tlbuli liri. Johnson, Pslei uoMs) 17. x.,th mdse and '.sesengeri -ai i) Bonsnnu sod i- AA Ul izlano; vowel to 5 ratogs, McIntosh, Mstancas 0 days, via Havana eas P.ri, Ile ra May ¦. Puerto lu sud Curacoa 7 days, with utds'o andi * Dall.-lt -i-..,,, ,. v. iii.x m ¦. Nu.'i ii-as i ,tai-», wnli ingar awi esdai t M.-s e ni ,s. va.i.l io Nlmpsan, -i <-:..'.- .V,ir. .-tenner u-elslor, Hawthorn, New-Orleans 6 days, wltb 111,1-a- tu uer i Itj "i -.'i ".. iiiu Wilder, Iemmitina lune n Hid Port Boysl sMlb ui.lse sud to < ll Mallory A Co " ' Woodhall, Chsrieeton i_ days, *Y 'in::.I inl .(' ( ¦). Dgl ii, Si ¦! "'.:ivs, willi ni.I-. to ix ii P Hyde i i lott*Portland xvithnuisc audi-i-s- nat « tn Hoi ititi Ball. Bark Llvtagi Sakkcitadt, Oloocester, In bsllssl tu denham n Boyes.-n v \\ irmstrons Aie-ia-i'ler, Polnt-a-Pltn 24 dars, to I. \'.'.(. i" Armstrong. 1 li nit. I--,.:.: .m. cimi id.nnlivnr lo -lay* xvllh u In'; vessel to II \\ Leu ,t io. Heiir Atlttie A "unit, I'landers, lisrseos I- dsrs, witta frail -i'i is 16 Mare vis Pel-. .leji'.u ster, wll ian to order; vessel la Jed Frye BtJOha, SB. C .tars, xvltli Itm.- i. t,, -. M ui lt u dunn Ina SI Fohn, NB, B I'rtrs, with spill iii,, ui, im: wt.,, tu h ,'¦ liss on A Co i .1.,,.. ii! .,i irate, Si cloudy sml !,., y. At "ii;. Island, Ugh!, -\V. eil ... Anti.,[ v.- let'. T- Hteamer ai- lei i, Percy, Qslveston B iuth, with m:i«o lo J T v.aii Mickle. Kempton, Savsnosh 2*s days, with 110 III lll.l -)',,!'.. Ship II 'i ¦¦ McKay, Calcntts 13adsyi towt A c.un nuii, vessel to Wstaon, sumner .t- Co lu i, :,, i.iuiu, i.isi.,a ,. days, wiihMdse toorden ch, Bdye .v i >i. ( 1.1 Al' .1 Br I't-i'iia-tt, I., ii tun--Bendsrsoa Bree un. Kingston, .se. Pim. 1 By^tesmer Hiiniona Br),Cook, Montego I i IWewelsACo. !¦:« iu,,! Aut'in I i. ii . ;.. , nacb, Ed- yea 0 itr, Tindal, 8t John, NB.BowmurB Archlbalil Ki mptot Havannah.TI Vonire. tr. Sti-siuerl idl.ta Kr, Levsck, I'ort Koysi. sc.Punch. Edyt a .) i-r W'vsnoke, Snlphers, Norfolk, Cltj r ilnt uni ri l-'Hil Doiul Hon s a. Klesii Newport News ami Welt POil I. \ I! 1(1 ..¦.,) I, 'll tl U. -'.¦a' in, -I' wu-, Wesl Point, Ya, sad Newport Nena-. |,| ... ||n Ht ll). ¦»t»:o,..u .1.ptiii).* tm - i- Kretoe Btssuier Cominonweslth, c,,;,., PbUodelpbia J hui ituL>- sta-ni'iaT Breakwater, Jeum-y, Lewes, Del.old Donuiuoa Hi i). -*i ip Mm Neui,ai,a Nor), Nonusnn, Blaye, Pr.Benbsm A Hat,'-el! Witt. Ili.tavinur Anji'-r, loxa, for orilers .Knnch tlyc A ". Bars .-nuri ., Au-.! MU, ,,i h |.|«l,iall Ucla <'ostlll.'h. Bai. La..ii Au Ciirutli, Plymouth, i. Fnaob, Ka¬ ya t Bsrk Miua L Taylor. Carson, Port an PriiK-i*.Miller e II,iu;!,ton. Brig Br\ Df-ane, Port Alene Bra* L F Munson. Bein Julia Baker, i.'-xis, Potnt-a-PUrs.Lough A Von Ito- SAILED. -t" ii' i P .i for Montego I av: Richmond ard Pi ijnot, New nor Newsi sveudUh, Cooaawj rreaniiat.'i Lewee. Bark Wi ucl ¦',. ror lindon. Bl lg Al toi Iii mn,ia. .xi. dBi Ity Island, bonnd oat.fibtp Max Boroisaa fur nn lU.'l MOVEMBN I- OP BTEAKBIU 'i\* po nra i ti sd,stesmor Kgyptlsn Koaareh A't\ Mors rk May'.'6 i.un I smer Kardlnlsn iBr, Dut- ton. from Montreal M tj - j"ii red,I nen Rooter, from Bal* Lake Winnipeg bri, Jackson, from Montlea] "... ".:. -i-.i* ¦-:. Jnne 8.Arrived, steamer a M.t ,-..,i Rr-. charl* .- nu. ia.,. ., ob bel nay toi ivernool ana pi*. needed .' uu i.ircipool hence fer New- Yu'k JnnsO.Arri ved, tteswer Lessing (Oer). Voss, ti. mi Sen -York ob hei nay to ii imburs in i>roceeded). i.i.v-'..ix, JuneS "> r . aai iteamers Cynthia Sr), lavlor, il ., ei, r. i, Haine, from do May HA. '.'lu Al lia, ,1. Kl"'I'll Ih i-.llui.llj'.llll Kr , Park, Il'u'll I!o«. len '-I i. ,.n boston May ill, Sl-ile ., Bi ll 'I e. from Seo Vork U i.*:*i I, -T -.u-.i, stesmer Btate ol i-t tui-yixsniu iBri, M..i.ri lol '.,-.a-\ ork. i",vi i .in- .¦... Ai 'Br), Lake, fro ii Bab -I eu hei wsj lo li,.in un Kl n.e, linn".' f'siit I, saner Kate Fawcett (Br), Milla from Beau ,rt, si . Mar IT. J line il Passed, steamer (Vi an King Bc, 1 Mai .'.: eu hei *»,iv to Lau: n '.' ArrtveS, »tf»iaer llellaiure lRrl, Illa,mu fi nu J.Arrived iteomei BurgundlsiFi Dulse, r.i.ii New-1 .i - l'.i ii j. :. itsssisrMootreoi nc, Beov i.' lur Mu v li 1'aaie.l »ie um Lakei u plain Bi 11 te. ,, i alllX. M 1.1,11' IIIUl"- on. ri lion I ondon, \,,., u lien i, i.h.i .,,- mo.i iii. ,,i Puebla i>ta- ¦vijua. ii Mi 11 li PORTB, i. I ... t Mc Doo. (isteClly, Hedge, Havsuosh (JenWhitney, j-,.'..w, Alau- x, j, I, ,,|\. irrlve.1,1 .. * - .... li v. I i . ¦ xx, -,. Battlmorej War. i'li'i ,..;¦.' n.. .inn.- n itesmen British Princess in . i rles, Lin. laud, luii in., i. rona I.ll LOUlM. Mal Ila-. Ni IT*. Ol ., North Dm ism Bi Marnia: City of Savannah, catherine, Havanuabi Haxou, Huow, ami Ceulluede, Worth Hu.I..II. ¦ii, Ni » .Bedford Loony "Jrvtr-Yorh Mtta Arrinsl, iteaaiers 1'islnaieller iBii, Howe. Sataa D J Pori AuIobIo Hu i,.lour, .Ina, .' Mux. ,1. iti-iiiiu-r Jamil (Dtch), ld lilu- yen. Ams! 'iiuui . ia NOWVora. Cleared.euamsrs orantuore br Trenery, llTBiasoli nsrah Aaa. .iii,:, 'ju.-, j. I.awn Nova BcetlOU, illi'lianiluu, l.l.ii i>o ,i. ti. ie..wi. ysrk. Blta-Ainvcd, itusuici Marihsblcvcni. Chance. New York. FAtKOt'TH, Jnne H.Arrived, itei-mers City of Maeoa, Bet. ley. Bollon: Win Lawrence. Ilaltunore Nsw-Obi-KANh, Jone 9-At the Passes. Arrived, steasMS Glenbervie. Ht Vincent. Sib Sailed, .teamen Usvre (Fr). Hamburg Efficient (Br*. Colon. BBBOOBBBBBBBWBBBBBBOBBBSB*. A Dlaaall H,»UI^«.«. Oen-iine toh.nn KxfrsctSaaernst areof letta* fToffand Morin Fasaer ea neck sf ere.ry boltit*. Indorsed t>t* sll pliysiclasi. for grnersl debility Beware of Imitations, O'- $.riO Siived on S'-alf-ikin Kaeqiif-H and $75 to tl"" uu i-Mj.iuU ani N.w,.uri..!* If pureba**.) thu week. CC. -siiai.ik, Mauufa. (out, IOU i'llnce.i. Ni uviti mWkaknkss, Dyspi-pain, Oe ni? ral De¬ bility, cured hy " Well*' Health Renewer." SI. " Ki (on 0.1 ItAfS " trlesrs out Kata, Miee. Ha, ? MOO Sealnkin garments, moat 8tyli»h arni cbgiiit in Aw: us, ran bi purchased thie week "or lino fruts C. C. sn xi xk. Mauufactuicr, 103 Prince-it -4>- Il KNUT A. I>ASIRL«, M. P., H4I,exlnzlen-sve.. betweea iOihant I Rt..h. Henri, x io !, ut., 7. fiieoa-sei >* th* Serreos irets % flsalts friInssT Oraooe tmaatamm soaitinAttr. r.-. -.-3 Perfect Health BS innot t-n!oy nnlt-sstlie blood li purified. Tho'it-enns .»«. tl fy t<i theedlcaey of Hd'hIi BarsapiriiU s* a blood purifier. SVbile lt pnritlea thc blood it also iliength.-ns tbe system, enabling lt to throw off disease. Sow li the lime lo take Hu,ni's Sarsaparilla. ..I (streeeeeosB arttaaes ii cieaBse my blood but otvet fuiind au j' that did me any g«wl till I began u-uuj- llsaeTs¦arasfattila" v ii pki.k, Bo.hester s. y. Purify Your Blood " I rernn-mesrt Hood's Sanaparilla s- s auoilerfnl blood piiritl.t -a-iiieanil r. liable '-Mra. AW. WBAMA*m\ l'u-tmlntresi, W'.-it Morris, omi. j4"I have Ilood'i -arnpalllla sud feel like s different pelion '.Mri. A I'. PiltiCI Ult,!il< li" ad Mais. Hood's Sarsaparilla tSoM hy ali drugiriits. il: il x for *". I'r.p.r-.l only by C. I. HOOD A. Vii , Apothecaries, Lowell, kitti*. 100 Doses One Dollar UKDWOWa Tn ror,*cii.:i"nce(>f Txiensive Alteratiotn fo their Ketall Kstahllshinent, they have made Jaree tediOtlnBS in sll their various departe no lits of Sprteg ami BaflBBasg ooodi. fBtoct^vau cXj \<)lt7 6\9 SEAL SKINS. Purine the prut month lome of the heaviest importers of «eal -kins were ii'iabe to borrow money from their regular bankers on Wall-st., find were therefore forced to sell. I had the reidy ca'Uand took advaBtafS of the situation, purchosln-r largely the ehoi. e*>f Alaska Seal skim f.-r spot eaak, anil munuf.i.t ulina; rlreiu Into gar* menteof the rn wt -' -hi pei aud stylfi. My own re-rular Importation ordera have been Ailed, and the good* are now tlaiiy sri'lvlne, lOlloeqBOBtly, having peat ofit a large iiuionnt of BSOBegr r, ccntly, I am a little -hort. In order mulley to nest obligations I have dee hied -.Instead of borrowing) to sell ."eal -kin saequca ami ether fashion- able fun ut prices ilmt xviii pay parties teteBSBBg to pur- Sheas to I, iy now lasteafl of waiting until falL (JurmentS pnrchSSfil now will be kept on atora*--" fr.-"-, if de sired. $"J-")0 .-"'eal gai 'Hies will be sold for f 200. |t800 Baal Bseqaes will be sold for ii mo. flinn Baal ganaarasi will be lo'ul fur B3S9, $4(>o ¦-. al ganaaBtB win be sold tnt BBSS. tf.'oo Bool iBiaiaiila will be sold for», mo. These prises will reinala for a short time oBly. (, C. S1I11XE, Manufacturer, 103 PKINtE-ST. JJ MVUUUW A.AA Vt. WV.. Silversmiths, .uiiioimce they have removed to tlie Gorham Build¬ ing, at the corner of Broadway and Nineteenth street, where they offer an unusually attractive stock of Sterling Silver Wares exclusively of then* own manufacture. Also a full assortment of the well-¬ known Gorham Plated Ware. .**.'rn f'limli..,t " lite dangerous qualities vj cotttami* noted drinking water are mot opiated by Uti tl vf tvt'nttt vr sfirits." Medical Oflicer of Privy Council, England. ANNUAL SALE, IO MILLIONS. Of all hrcen, Pr:ijlpsts,&' Min. Wai. Polers. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ¦. ¦" » ATTINCS. 1,000 |ii,'ii". wafekearts lAmples. not ntmtii. t. .1 r.js'iilirly. All tbe non eulin! ngs will le Blaaoi ont it $10 |ier roll ot 40 ^.l-ls, or Ble. l-a i yanl. PeaSSas lov. .is Ms. |M*r>-anL SHEPPARD KNAPP & CO., I'.TII-WK AM) IS I ll Mt R. R. RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS "ree ihe ..-.'¦ rn froni dun isa un, 1 .-ur.* sml nr,-fatal pretri.-t*d *ml dangerous maladies by toning up Ibe Im mar" *eeretlon| to health*' :i. lien uu.l D my ut lin- following symptoms , .a ted to witb benefit: Conittnatlon, Nausea, Heart* burn. An.liiy a.t tin-,, Pulnen ur Weight lu (I.s Inward Plies, [Hsgosl ol "rood. Paine*! of ths HI.I lilllie 11,.i,I, Soar Kru.Tatlons "-"inking or t't-H hiing sf itu- llaj-t. t'tioklng or SutTaK-aUiig Sensstl.ini whea tn « I.Tina Posture, ninnie..,, nf Vision, Doti or \xebe !>,..., re the ¦¦ . .uul Dull r.i.ii In lite ll. v. ,t par iplration, Vellownt-*sol iii- -n, n sod i ..-.. rons ntheatde, (best Milli",,, ,n,l -n.liien ri.t-.llel ut- Ila U l".ul .1,114 111 tl»S rleeb. Bold Sjr DrogglsU i 2S coats a baa RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Purcolds sore Itiroat, ludsmtnatl-tn of Hie Lung. Ki.ln.-xs iud Bowels. Kheutnstlini, S'rurstgla, Toobi.tie llesslaebe. Pains lo toe llsok Cbsat aad Umba -ipi.ieii exiero».ii la. leiaslly t. etitj irofi lu li sit * ii iblei of waSsa will uno iiiiinii, Kpasms, -"in -.tum u li. H, silt 1.11 M, 1 "H<\ Kitttuleiiee, H.*,it:,mu, MaJThoM, i-*i-:it 1, i holere Mefl bui, Hick Nu v.m.iu ... Bls»ule*euees, Mslsrlssml 1.11 intern ii polos srltOna fiuiuibaingi e" .ii i ur stssm or othes .ames, lg 1 ei)t» s buttle. A GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. RADWAY'-s HARtsAPARlLI.IA*** RKBOI.VENT hts .tiaasl tba. tr-t sf 11.-.itix li.If a oenton ai . n,-iiie.l-r fer Morof. uloiis. Mercurial mul Svpiuiiti... sll -kin i>isi.M*a mid Impnritlr* ut ttie bliM-d.' lt uti tue lirukeu-.luna CoaililiitUui, (.inIH.-m br lill,-.!, r.ita'1 idk .mt vlKOt, f.'i.. ... 1 >i 114-.nis. Cse Dollar * Uv.Ue.

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    It waa a brilliant flotilla which nailed out intothe harbor and headed up the Hudson Kiveryes-terdsv morning, with flags and Btreamera flying;from everv craft and niusio floatinii out

    over thewater. Six roomy barge*, drawn by Batleylittle tuft l-oatt*. BDd five hand-some st emilers com¬posed thc fleet, whirh mored iu two divisions, andcarried 8,000 veteran soldiers and sailors of theInion. There was no lioominR of camion ns thevessel* moved away, but hearty Savou cheersrang out over the bay. Doapiteits warlike upiiearance, ihe expeditionwaa a peaceful one. lt WOS the sixth annualcomplimentary excurtiion Riven bj John H. Starinto veteran* of" the Anny and Navy. Kei>rescnt«-tives from seventv-flve eeete of tin* Orama onay ofthe Republic, in this citv, Brooklyn, and JerseyCltj, liesides main- TetOCBBI who are imt nn-iiihersof t"he order were present. Most Ol ihem were ac¬companied hv their wives ami children.With his nsiial, Mt. Starla furnishede-vervtlunjr free of cost faff the excursion. Ihebarges John Neilson, stephen Warren. W. A. Sum¬ner. General C. A. Arthur. W. H. Vanderbilt, timit'urrv. tuweil by f'.ic tile's B, J. I.cni.x and Titan.and the steams!* John LettOX, Cayuga, BodBlackbird took up tho veterans at variousstations. The (.len Island steamer llynderl8tanti was the h.-adiiuarters boat. Colonel GeorgeK. Hopper. Past Aoaistant t>f thc("rand Anuv of the RennbUo, Deperttaeol of New*Vork, wa* th.- CeUMrdON of the (lay and performedhis arduous duties -sn it li grace ndefticiencv. Beela .Mra* WM commandedby an olllcer Of tlie ('rand Army. Mt. Bt. Leonerdrepresented Mr. storlo on board the beadqoartenlui't. \\ luii' the bargee proceeded directly ap theriver thc tlac s)u]i rounded UoTemor'a Island .-indwas tied at the oidnaaee pier. General Hancock(aline down IB t iti/'-n- dress u' sale yesterday of the large aud well-knownreflection of ancient Oreeli and Koman, Euglish,foreign aud American coins aad medal* of Thomaswerner,of Cobooton, N. V. rhe sale waa arra >g<ehrooologioally, giving the dab - "i the coina, ao*. -ind he eil: resign lust utao'ta aa his receiver l. cTio* dec d, that thu hUtoi j*ol theAcedemj should be pnblhthed.

    AMII",NV I'M-iuK A I. I'.l-l - A I' I'iI.-SI I.I.Ki:.John Daly, ol No. 30 Weal Twenty-ninth-at., a

    t'ii',1 v lier, who hus carried on hia occupation onracecourr* 1, was a prisoner al tbe Combs Police1 ";-'i lei .... Ile J. id I.n arrested by An¬thony C'oiustotk. Hn waiving an examination bewahadmrteil t,, |,,iji \_ *-:,un.

    POI ICB Bl xri'is- ORDERI D.Commissioners Mason, Matthews and Nu bola w< re

    precut at Hu- Police Hoard meeting rearerdaylhe Board decided to rebuild Uuion Market ,-u,-tioii. li waa decided to build a new statiou alKingabridge,

    CAKPI vu-, l RR wu e Mi"i:i.ri:i v. 1 vi.i. n r».An imlic im. nt Im- in ur lei in tbe hl-t di i-u

    loiitid reaterilaj agaiual John Carpenter, who onMaj 20, aftei brim " ¦. I from State Priaon foruat-aulting bia a fe, rn igbl li ., ,1 a ,| killed In 1aller dangerously wounding his sister-in-law.

    Ht. WA- I) ll i-.Ml * I) j", 11 vi VKV.ttA ant.Pierre Kavier, ;ur tweati foui .1 Frenchman,

    went to hia home Na 127 llleeckor-st, on KundayniL-hi under the influence of U.-uor. While sit tinuou the window aili te get fn bair he fell Into thuraid, when hia dead bodj was found in the moru-lng.

    DH.\V is HM-lllM. sa- nv,rns MABKBT.rhe marketmen did nol move luto their new

    .--i;:. - .11 :in io .v Waahii gtoa markel y< - .¦'they weie ox pee tod to do, lhe portion of tliebuildiug whicb will he tho ural girui orel to heeland greeaa waa net nearU enongn completed foioccupation,

    UOKB ni M -- iii a- 1 im..A Mast Unit neui oil in Ninetr-aixtb-at., between

    Eighth and Ninth area., veeteruey. tliieiv ,-i maaaol tooee rocka aud earth againat aome bouses a. rossthc w;,y. Hannah i.'i gan waa banging oul 1 lolhesIn Mn- 1 ard "I oue bouse, aad a piece ol roi L struckLui ou the Jolt leg. breakiiig it. Duck walls, wiu-

    dows, etc.. were also damaged. Henry Bolinkampwas arrested for reck hes Masting

    I'ltd-l'i inn s odd I il.tows.Thc stockholders of the Odd Pellowe* Hall Ahho-

    riatioa yesterday received a statement from theHoard of Maiiau-or*, showing $S\, 120 77 edah OBdepoalt. Tlie a-Mic at i-m la ftee from debt, excepta mortgage to thc New-England Mutual Life In-saraaoc Company of .ado,imo.

    TWO iilRl I'tt'KfdrKKI'S ARBRB1 BU,Two llitshilv-fiiesRc.l girls, ahout BfteoB years old,

    were arrest "tl and taken to Portee Headquarterslae! niall! for picking poeketa in Btxth-ave. Theygave thc BBtuea of Ada Fliun and Liniua Gilroy.His Kills saul ihat they hail heen taught te stealbj ii giri named Mary Kelly, who w-u** a thief.

    O. A. T liol Ul I'*" ttltniVATJON.Thc ord in "it mn of CA. T. Goobel, a eradu n»t* of

    tlie New-Brunswick, N. J. Theological Setniaary,will take place to-ni-fUt at 7:110 o\ lock, in thcProspect 11 i'i Reformed Charon, In East Eight/-lifth-i.!. The Rer. Louis Gorbeae will preach thesermon, the Ree. Dr. George ll. Smyth, proudestofthe < la-sis of .New-York, will read thc form ofordination, (iud tlie Ber. J. Heyer will delivt-i thc(liaii;e Io the pastor,BBBCCTM rituM DBOWBKfO at CABTT.B OABOBB.George EaaliBger, a derk in the office "f t ;i|itain

    Mon-, the landing offlcei al Caatle Garden, fell offthe wharf yesterday and waa resined by Board¬ing OfflcerP. L. Herrlich. Esalington was earnedtothe hospital, when Or. Behnlts brought him toco n-c io ess after Are minutes' work. Soon after¬ward George Nerdercott, aa employe at the Gor¬den, faU uro the water between the wharf and abalee. Herrlich again came to the rescue andpulled him ont.

    PUKPA lt I NV. A\ ISTI'ItlOU COAST IINI.By direction of the Secntary of War Brigadier

    General John Newton and Colonels Q, A. Gillmon,of the United status ('tuns oi Engineera, and Lieu*tenant Commander Mi (ella, rmted States Nary-sad Pint Lu mci,ant rasher ll. Bliss of ths i-tArtillery, met yesterdar al the Artur Headqoartenin Houston-at. to conaiaer the feasibility and ex-pediency of constructing an interior coast-line ofwater-ways for tba di reine of tin- Atlantic aadGull scaonui'd, and to imparc an nuthtie plan anda general estimate of toe co i.mituvivo a iiiiAi, iii taxi a wKpnis-d trip.(harli-- Cherice, who pleaded guilty yeeterday

    to a charge of assault, waa senteBced hy Recordeieniyth lo ten tears in thoHtateProton, rhomasE. Fitzgerald, tbe complaining witneaa, keenesliquor store af No. 119 Leroy-at., ami found Charles'ii tbe tulle a;, early on Ibe morning of June '.». Hewaaaeoaulteaby( Barlee, who stabbed him In thelac- aijii neck. I itzgerald rocorered from hi-*woonda and applied to the [Matriel Attorney n fewda*i i ago for a speedy trial "f the eaee of kia assail¬ant, that In- might go on ¦ mairiauc joni in y to( anana.

    ARitr-iin apter -HAiiN". 15,000.John 1', Lilley, niau:.:'": of the mail prde] ricpart-

    meul in thc store of simpson, ( rax. ford & Simpson,was iicfore Justice Gorman in the Jefferson MarketPolice Court yesterday, on the eharge of haringappropriated property worth over 85,000. He \xa-In ld in (2,000 hail'for trial. Lilley had be n inthe linns employ for two yean, and hail beenadvanced rapidly. Heprofeoaed gnat -"now forhis dishonesty, and gare up bia bank hook with abalance of $1,307, He alao sumndered bis furni¬ture, fi s vonni* wife knew nothing of bia tranaac-lions, hut bad Inquired of bim lew ne m.ole moneyenough to live so well, and had been told that lu¬len ived*2 pox cent of tiie. linn's profits.

    A WOMAN'S POWBWABO ("'ii BAB.Aa Justice Gorman wasuboul io leave th" hun ch

    In Jefferson .Market Police Court yeeterday morn¬ing Officer Boigie ot the Mli Precinct broughtbefore him a woman giving the name ol KellieVivier,a tas "Pnttj Flora,"inaaadlj Intoxicatedconn ii in, j. Bhe wane utenced toaix mouthe on theIslaud. Nellie Vivier waa the female detectiveemployed in tbe Lev. i- w ill caee In Hoboken « beuabout $1,000,000 waa left to the Cuited StatesGovernment. Since then sin* has heen graduallygoing down hill. She ia said to ha re been a a omanof culture and rei mt mont, originally, and JusticeKilbretfa ls said to bave interested hiuiaelf greatlyin trying te effi el her reformation.

    1. I'. Hui IllN-'s Bul'V I'i il'SIiiiN Filli: l-l.ANT*.A dispatch was received at Police Headquarters

    1,i-t mehi from Coroner Preston, of Pin Islaud,sav¬ing tbat the body of a man found drowned on thebeach ihen had a deposit blank on the NinthNational Dank of thia city in one ol bis pockets.The blank coutoiuoil thc words: "Deposited byI.. E. Hopkins, No. 39 Whito-st New-York.*(or,,n.!¦ Preston naked that B. I>. Hopkins, of No.l*i Wall-st.. be informed. Word was sent to thedirectory address of B. lt. Hopkins, w hich is af No.120 La-t Nincteenth-st., bul received an anawerthat Mr. Hopkins had moved from Iini..- last gop*tember.

    AN ITA I.l AV NATIi'VAl\ 'a gn nti'-t festival ia held each year li

    meuioratiou ii' tbe granting of tbe constitutionwhich occurred on June 3. 1B47, aud the Sunday,following Juno :> i- the day sol apart aa a Na¬tional holiday. A festival was heh! yestenlay, alJoni s's Woods, under the auspices ofthe Cot >l Ulai ', ill ia '"I Ut IOU ,.( 11 1 J-,' \ ,-1 | 11 ) Billi ll el'-S-ary, Phi grouuda were decorated wnn lunnand Ame iran Raga, and made -till brighter bythe gay-colored droi . so dear to the feminineItalian he ;tl. J lu- 'lox WM sp-nl in dancing andinerry-makiug. In the afternoon two 1took place, for gold aud silver medal osJ he i.u ci i'i- will lu devoted to charitable p.-:h\ the Colombo Goorda

    \ ". i i s" Bl W PIANOS I ill i 'i"iii IC xii' "The Board of Education reetenlat al p.m.

    opened bids for sevenl en pianos, with tinIli.'lll lo luke ll"- o!,' oil.-" in liil.-cri r-i ;:, ¦.¦!-.. lin11 in. were as follow*: 1". G. mu it h. $225 ea li:JohnIV, ki-it. Jr.. $200, io ui low .7 ,M i for lin- old manoa)Kraniich & Bach. $22*5, allowing $75' William LY nmg, $225, ullowim $.**»0; Hardman, Dowling &Pei k, $20 '. Incl illili'. "1" piai n : I". < om or, $;70O,allowing .fl: Augustus Bairne A. Co., $U0 ». or$120 allowiug tor the old pianos; D. L. Mat)$125j il. i'i. Hatch, >i.ii»; J. I'. Hunter, $27."ij I.'.il. Waitera, average price $180, Including th< old

    helming & Son, $37*>j Kohiuer & Co.,$2(30, including the old pianos; William Knulie &Co.. $325, and Callenbrrg ,V Bauber, $300 rhecommittt.1 tbe Hoard went Into executive - relentloss theanimosity displayed lt.. ¦ eertaln ila-* of pollilolsaiatainit ii in thal np to I ni Bight the issue waa lavolved laruueh doubt The people, however, hare bees rrlthbimriiiui tin* fli-ti, anil tliat resi bes boes at 1 tat tight yeats,slaee Colonel Ingersoll Introduced him In tao conventioner i *-,7'>.i ri 1 rn-u -ei er.- tnat. iii-1 recognised the roinftiy

    .. i one of the nolly great man ot the Nation. Helsaman ol the people, indi pendent ur i> my. tn both foreign:.rt11 domestic relations ha i« everywhere rocogoliad bs arepresentative Amerleoe,devoid j,".\f of narrow pre-iiiiii,¦. s or ni braggart spread-eagleism.

    A BOC MERN OPINION.Ptom Th* Ut m Telegraph.

    Kr. r.liurii- i» a (lathing lea tor, md possMsei manysiiiUliiir sud attractive personal qualities inch ls thetestlmouj "i ii mils ai d loss ¦ ike.

    AX l.M il< -I 1BTIC WV ASS./ .i-i ,tgo Vfine*

    WO would Bot have believed, until tire fae! lins heenacmal ly li-ni,, n si rated, tbst the success of any one ol kseveral candidates whose nsmes bave been more or leesprominently Deforethi people would bave beeaunlver-sil. well received as ls ni Hundreds of Republicans,i only a few weeks ago were declaring thur pn terredanother aomlaaUon, are amoug the most oordiol of hmsupporters. Blaine enthusiasm seems" to J >r> ooatagleusau i nalveraal. With saeh i leader lt ls safe to predicttbe 11X1-111**1 and rnosl enthaslastli Presidential canvassthis country hus seea foryears. To louhi hlstriuraphantelection would be lo doubt tbe patriotism aaa gi»>'t si»usool tin* niintiy,

    AV nfSPIRATIOH IV HI- NAME.i, tn The titit .- l tm g Jt uenal.

    His politic iiii histoi v an l law thelum ot bis pn tin everj community whieh hehas at any time stirred wits ir,* splendid oratory; hisbrilliant services to his port; and lils Bdellty to Its bestprinciples an-household knowledge with Republican*;

    ough James fl. Blaine is nol greatest .. rn liner-iran-., ur e. sn greatest among Republicans, there ls, tomen of his war of political tblukiu a itu hisuanistu be found In none otber, Arthur won1,1 beKtrougei with the Influences thal centre ali mt Wt I-ire.'t. Sherman might be an assurance of mora censer-vatlVe alu, unslr -1: *II. AgOlnsI li luilii'ls I'iel!" would

    is Inclination io revolt. But, though Hiatus's nom¬inal lon will in. received coldly In some tiuarters,land willgrievously disappoint political purists, ll is certain tbatno otber nomination would in- so gratifying to sotIve,non-ofttce-boldlng Republicen! throughout the country,tnd certainly ih- candidacy of James G. Blaine, wltbhis brilliant Congresi er, bl* audacity, his dash,hlaeztei live acunatntMiiee, and with the pathos of Gar¬field's death yat flaging to him, will excite an enthusi¬asm among Repuiiui ms which no oum* candidacy

    A PIT NOMINATIOK.f com The

    fir ls Hie ablest itate in Am "rica, sod the bH.- never hekl tbal li rn u ol raid of, He *nol afraid .": logtcal eonse run ces. Whea James .Blaine lt * itlsfled tbal sui given puln-v is right, nu is notouly willing but eager tu follow ll tolls sad.

    rae readiest debater that e ¦ tue floor of Con-_'sss.i of .iu,I:o'M habits, of bro

    s i'uixiii Ilia! few e. ', ho inin, li i rn i.i, umi :n all resp ct* a li.. ler o', men.

    ii a- few men hs ve. He,i .',,'. .,¦:,! ,; mgero u lu ,.

    ,. ,..¦¦- mark ul ¦. itu uti. Malicious ilaudsr bas

    n.-.n poured oal upon bim lu torrents, but to no purpose,iii- iui.'-'i-itt, lits made bim proof against sttsok. i'm-

    1 a. .aa... lal,,. Ollie I.-at. L'H.V.' .lui to lu- .r rut illhis Integrity, bs in hi< other macutlloent _ulil-V ll.:', n Ililli.

    li.. tm,mn iii-,n ls ons eminently flt to be mada Weii', islileni we shall ii it a Inthe p n's ha- ikowu tu n li ls nol afraid of

    or its record, rue record ol Blaine i- tho record of tbetil that the ps ti promises In Its platform to dolllalne hes been doing all his life. Then Iso

    sod-water] a tbe platform, and there ls nothliig milk-ste i" st d litton it.

    in -i wu- m.ii ku: i-vinli n i',.* St letti

    A eli" i i eadi rbi it t;',' man,aiul Uni. du-.;. -i lur lin- principles Budthe siipremscr of ike porty. Yesterday Mi. Ulaloo wasstinpl v un individual, to oe passed upon foililli fm ld PO eui U ;" '.i

    him i tc ll i " I" ler of les lers " and ii -pal tlCUlai ii: ii iplon. Il il ll Iii- oe I-'-.i icsilon for li pub loans tod nput< an mt.ortodesl wit iiotiiei v.,,, i.. Itel la lila favor renie... ile

    lertitlnr that ls decisive and complete,¦I ml he i- tbe embo lluieui a ia ol i au--- heliefs snd hopes,those doctrines and purposes, by virtue of which theparty has achieve I ail If. glori i in iii- psst and upoail nd all its ,',:.,,i,.f orolo ;x-i\ ext ten.-ri. ¦-. tere can ie no dinon ici aud no ground "icontrol iu -i aboul mt tho

    snd ui itnt'sliTHE Ai-.I -r I EPUBLICAN LEADER.

    / .'a'< WI..; i fr. Bia u Ita Republican otndld ita foi ths

    Pre* dem y, lathe bo.i km wu. Ibernoel pen liar and brill-* leadi i ul' t lie Ita

    i-i. v know a-- m.-i sad li ine 1- h in! ..'. ju ncld al ol nu ¦¦

    in bis ¦ .: ie i oi er aud over.ii .ii .r i-i iwo-thirds oi ie ,.-..-,,. era .,, is

    couutry.A STRONG TICKET.

    Fr I tel "i.' "¦ ') ll ip t'-'rr otu! nckol notnia ned si Chi

    »!.* v, lix 1 'n- lu |'u ,". o' e.\ .-u' inn, 1- aoue, and will, it li iiell red, be suceesful against anjticket timi ie ii norrat*!can pul up. in the notiou ol Blaine for the Presidency thi* Conventionthe wish o' tbe great mv ofthe ia party. Re

    ig leader, who hos won rary generallt iu ¦. u tuhl.j.t.

    AN AMERICAN I: i.!'Kl>i:v I \ II \'i: .MAS".Prom Th

    James O. Bluini i he has lon befn¦ leptib in ri rty. lt

    ^- aood u- ,ic pan|> |t, :!. l'l. -U"." itS Who .!¦..; ., "hi ii '¦'

    ii nt bs ua' ty a l¦., li, .ill, n: nf IBSeoUUtrf .i-f KlllltJ of ul.

    rs n i.ure striking American il,.i ths lt' publican candidate

    A -TAI I.-M \>' AND A SOLDIER.Prom ll.r

    James O. Blaine and Ioho A. Logan sn andtin toidicr, uniting in theil persons the 1,1-mIsiii tSepeo-

    tie io*' g lids lie ail ili Olh :¦: the ...I...',.-

    fought Iti battles wlththli ticket, and with aneutlmsl-lu '¦ wifast purpose never known in a N'utionalUn ii. pu di uu poi tl -'a |i-n> ol i'll

    progress .vin mil un mob a rletory a* wifl il nd foi en r,,:, tin- -i-1 o,l ol recorded time aa an Indlcatlou of the pop¬ular ippreclailon of reform aad promises VOICE OF THK Tl NNEMEE RKPUBLIOAXB.

    Here and i.rep:, ibn to pf ta pai vthe hearty and unfaltering "upnort ol //i» Cheonicle, and


    mattel itiment ol Tennessee Rcpuull-" C NIH BION V ( "V'il'1 lt."/ .,,, .,'. h, ti n ii '-> runt,

    \ si ll ml In this sign we eonauer. ivitb thr-¦jrealesl pli-asure and cai .-. < journal entersmi>ii .¦ ni i" "i" ia. ind which »,ii prove Uti,,...neui lix- i,.,ii, kt iii.mri baa ever known, limier

    the u . iiiiili.iin nun whom the¦-1 to the 'Uiiiiaail ol oai rlelu,Sis.

    ii" tx- r AND ii.', ii'/ -1 i'.v i\, nu,r..';' mt Hr I

    Possibly no two men mid haw- b I to*themselves, mob roi ii-nil eieuamts of itersonal popularity os Janies O,

    nu Juan A. Lo* ii. ll in. > si BOl OB li l-i are in in -.f brains, men ol

    men wboIcriv' 'i it' match.

    'i bi llckal si the platfi rm are Invincible,lill I ASK AM. PILE i-i' III -I.

    I '< I -.If ;i pl, In rite ot in .: ,.ir il.. ..ii party could havi

    I.,.i.i,,i,i.i mil ol il,,- 5,(100,000 Kcpuli v.m ...I nc opp

    fnniish roi - onui .... hi ,. ii 11


    .: li. ir li of Iheart with ii

    llnsl :.¦. uiaas « ..,' Ih,S » u lllflui lu ,!

    ll ii ti ,.:, ol be uti -.ti-i-iortll ll ..I" \ -I l ll!,).le Ul li lie li,

    up!Will I'"' ,,fit 1,'tl Kills-,,-, pt...

    a11 ia thin and extent! trom Maine to California.I., a .ntl.H.

    /.n ur stirring sod n repi

    ll ll "- ll' ll* *,i tu ,i^will bs .iini-j h. Hi t: ot ilUino

    ni ihe ;.e.i ,.i the i. . .n eiactrlv thrillwill awaken ihi poor, u li sri. tbe Repahlleaa canvass

    md iu ,,,-,.. oheluilnglj.'.¦.'!.. CalI ..lin,ir,- '.--illl,c

    io»l in the iuUilcr i.( 1.1 Al' .1

    Br I't-i'iia-tt, I., ii tun--Bendsrsoa Breeun. Kingston, .se.

    Pim. 1By^tesmer Hiiniona Br),Cook, Montego I i IWewelsACo.

    !¦:« iu,,! Aut'in I i. ii . ;.. , nacb, Ed-yea 0 itr, Tindal, 8t John, NB.BowmurBArchlbalil

    Ki mptot Havannah.TI Vonire. tr.Sti-siuerl idl.ta Kr, Levsck, I'ort Koysi. sc.Punch.

    Edyt a .)i-r W'vsnoke, Snlphers, Norfolk, Cltj r ilnt uniri l-'Hil Doiul Hon s a.

    Klesii Newport News ami WeltPOil I. \ I! 1(1 ..¦.,) I, 'll tl U.

    -'.¦a' in, -I' wu-, Wesl Point, Ya, sad NewportNena-. |,| ... ||n Ht ll).¦»t»:o,..u .1.ptiii).* tm - i- KretoeBtssuier Cominonweslth, c,,;,., PbUodelpbia J hui ituL>-sta-ni'iaT Breakwater, Jeum-y, Lewes, Del.old Donuiuoa

    Hi i).-*i ip Mm Neui,ai,a Nor), Nonusnn, Blaye, Pr.Benbsm A

    Hat,'-el!Witt. Ili.tavinur Anji'-r, loxa, for orilers

    .Knnch tlyc A ".Bars .-nuri ., Au-.! MU, ,,i h |.|«l,iall Ucla t*sll pliysiclasi. for grnersl debility Beware of Imitations,


    $.riO Siived on S'-alf-ikin Kaeqiif-H and $75 totl"" uu i-Mj.iuU ani N.w,.uri..!* If pureba**.) thu week.

    CC. -siiai.ik, Mauufa. (out, IOU i'llnce.i.

    Ni uviti mWkaknkss, Dyspi-pain, Oe ni? ral De¬bility, cured hy " Well*' Health Renewer." SI.

    " Ki (on 0.1 ItAfS " trlesrs out Kata, Miee. Ha,?

    MOO Sealnkin garments, moat 8tyli»h arnicbgiiit in Aw: us, ran bi purchased thie week "or lino fruts

    C. C. sn xi xk. Mauufactuicr, 103 Prince-it-4>-

    Il KNUT A. I>ASIRL«, M. P.,H4I,exlnzlen-sve.. betweea iOihant I Rt..h.

    Henri, x io !, ut., 7. fiieoa-sei >* th* Serreos irets%flsalts friInssTOraooe tmaatamm soaitinAttr.

    r.-. -.-3

    Perfect Health"¦ BS innot t-n!oy nnlt-sstlie blood li purified. Tho'it-enns .»«.tlfy to ¦-. al ganaaBtB win be sold tnt'oo Bool iBiaiaiila will be sold for», mo.

    These prises will reinala for a short time oBly.

    (, C. S1I11XE, Manufacturer,103 PKINtE-ST.


    Silversmiths, .uiiioimce theyhave removed to tlie Gorham Build¬ing, at the corner of Broadway andNineteenth street, where they offeran unusually attractive stock ofSterling Silver Wares exclusively ofthen* own manufacture.

    Also a full assortment of the well-¬known Gorham Plated Ware.

    .**.'rn f'limli..,t" lite dangerous qualities vj cotttami*

    noted drinking water are mot opiated byUti tl vf tvt'nttt vr sfirits."

    Medical Oflicer of Privy Council,England.

    ANNUAL SALE, IO MILLIONS.Ofall hrcen, Pr:ijlpsts,&' Min. Wai. Polers.BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.

    ¦. ¦" »

    ATTINCS.1,000 |ii,'ii". wafekearts lAmples. not ntmtii. t. .1 r.js'iilirly.

    All tbe non eulin! ngs will le Blaaoi ont it $10 |ier roll ot 40^.l-ls, or Ble. l-a i yanl. PeaSSas lov. .is Ms. |M*r>-anL



    "ree ihe ..-.'¦ rn froni dun isa un, 1 .-ur.* sml nr,-fatal pretri.-t*d*ml dangerous maladies by toning up Ibe Im mar" *eeretlon|to health*' :i. lien uu.l D my ut lin- following symptoms , .a

    ted to witb benefit: Conittnatlon, Nausea, Heart*burn. An.liiy a.t tin-,, Pulnen ur Weight lu (I.s

    Inward Plies, [Hsgosl ol "rood. Paine*! of thsHI.I lilllie 11,.i,I, Soar Kru.Tatlons "-"inking or t't-H hiing sfitu- llaj-t. t'tioklng or SutTaK-aUiig Sensstl.ini whea tn «I.Tina Posture, ninnie..,, nf Vision, Doti or \xebe !>,..., re the

    ¦¦ . .uul Dull r.i.ii In lite ll. v. ,t pariplration, Vellownt-*sol iii- -n, n sod i ..-.. rons ntheatde,(best Milli",,, ,n,l -n.liien ri.t-.llel ut- Ila U l".ul .1,114 111 tl»Srleeb. Bold Sjr DrogglsU i 2S coats a baa

    RADWAY'S READY RELIEFPurcolds sore Itiroat, ludsmtnatl-tn of Hie Lung. Ki.ln.-xsiud Bowels. Kheutnstlini, S'rurstgla, Toobi.tie llesslaebe.Pains lo toe llsok Cbsat aadUmba -ipi.ieii exiero».ii la.leiaslly t. etitj irofi lu li sit * ii iblei of waSsawill uno iiiiinii, Kpasms, -"in -.tum u li. H, silt 1.11 M, 1 "H