new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1883-03-30. · 3jeto3^l0fic «*._.lh.-.n^13.284* new-york, friday,...

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3Jeto3^l0fIc«*._.LH.-.N^ 13.284* NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, MARCH 90, 1883. PRICE FOUR CB-fTS.







Mavor EdM* Orlando B. Potter, Hugh N.

Cuni) anil Corporation Counsel Andrews ap¬

peared before tho Senate Cities Committeeyesterday in reference to the New Aque¬duct bill. A chaunce was proposed in

Um comnosition of the commission lo have

|*MIH of the work, the Mayor sucKestiugthat the commission consist of the Mayor, Con¬

troller, Ct)iiiniisKit)iier of Public Works, and

four citizens to be appointed by the Mayor.Mr. Bacon lt introduced it bill providing for

a commission similar to that sin*i"c8ted by the

Council of R'-forui. The Democrats in the

Assembly refused to refer to the committeefor u hearing the charter amendments reor¬

ganizing the departments in this city, andmade the bill u special order for next

Thursday. The bill iMf-__-_ng the pay of theNew-York policemen and tir.tuen was debatedin the Senate,




Albany, Marchi.".*..Mayor Edson, of New-York,appeared before tbe Sen it*? Committee on Citiesthis afternoon, in company with Corporation Coun¬

sel Antirews, 0. B. Totter and Hugh N. Camp, bis

f. Ilow-members of the Aqueduct Comniission, andmade an argument in favor of the CoLnniissiou's bill

to secure au increased supply of water for Ne****.Y.>rk. Mr. Ellson stated that the members of the

Aqneluct Commission hail beld a meeting in New-

York yesterday, at which they had materiallychanged the memtierehip of the proposed Coastal*-sion that is to have charge of the coustrneiion of

tb© new a.'iueiluel, and its icservoirs. They haddecided that the Mayot, Coat roller and President ofthe Department of Faxes and A-westuients wiro too

hard winked oftlcera to be expected to do the activework of the proposed Aqueduct <.'onions ion. Theyhail therefore unanimously substituted for the Com¬mission named iu the bill a Commission to consist of

the Mayor, the Controller, the Commissioner of

Public Work* and four citizens lo bo named by theMayor. The four citizens wero expected Io

do the hard work of the Commission, the

Mayor and Controller would occupy the positionof ex-ofticio members aud the Commissioner of

Public Works wouitl be the right arin of the Commis¬sion iu the superintendence of tbe work. It has

koeal provided that the four citizens sliould ba citi¬zens of the Stale and taxpayers in New-York.O. B. Potter lollowed Mayor Edson. He .-aid:

" We have thrown the responsibility for this work

on the four citizens. We make the Cammi *____M r

of Public Works the arm of the Commission every¬

where. Where the responsibility in the present billis thrown upon the Commissioner of Public Works,in this bill we*, throw that responsibility on theCommission.*'

.Senator McCarthy.Is it possible to make this

Commission non-partisan tMr. Potter.We believe it can be done.Senator Daly.What do you mean by a non-parti*

eau Commission tMr. Potter.Wt. mean that politics shall not be

considered in constructing Hie aqueduct. We me_.ii

tbat itsball be constructed on business McCarthy.I think, with all duo i« *!'<Mll

to (he Mayor, (hat wc should know who the citizen

members of the Commission arc to be. Wouldn't it

| v more contidence to he taxpayers?Mr. Potter.We were un inunoiislv of tho opinion

that the citizen members of thi*Commission shouldrem .in continuously in ollie* till the work is com¬

pleted and give their whole lime lo the work.Sit ator Daly.Are the citizen members to serve

wit bout pay tMr. Potter.No, sir. Tht Board of Apportion¬

ment is to state their salary ; and it ib not to exceed

$H,000 each a year. It is importaui that we have

men of ability and talent. We have entire con¬

fidence that tbey will be men of high character.The otBiers named in the original lull ure overl "ail¬ed willi business now. They would not have that

t"iiti'itii!i_r interest is necessiry. We are

coutideiit that ihe Mayor will give us good linn.

Senator CArthv I would aaggaol that the gentle¬men be named lg the bill. Then I thinkthe people of New-York ami tho Legis'aturecould suiiptirt this bill cheerfully. I don't care

abou' their being RepobKcaaa 1 an not coatead*ing for a non-partisan hill ; bot I merely -.vam to

know who the men are for whom I cast my rote.Senator Gradv.I am alranl that naming the

Commiossioucrs Mould defeat the b.ll. Ju thal ease

aman named hy tbe Mayor would urltintern! hi theLegislature. Besiil.*. it is a vicious system of leg-islanon that the Legialatare should natue theniT-ii who are to dispose of 918,000,000belonging to thc 1 ny of Nt-w-VrkWho will Sty that the four men BOtoedin the bill wiil be in it when the measure reachestim lioveniorfSenator McCaithv.1 Baveo't the elighteel doabl

that the bill will be Mtaa*xl unanimously hy liieLegit-Utnre if men ol high chaiactei are named bythe Mayor.Mayor the preparation of tin- .original

bill the (*i'ii..-r oi Public Works has he 11

ld yen more power thaa th>- other moiBbere of theCoiumihsion. That was nit loloaded. While are.lid intend that tne Commissioner ol Public Worksshould bo the execrative arm of UmC. inn.lssHiii. we dui not intent! thatLe should hive greater puwta thanhis fel'i)w-coinmi8*ioners. Thole is BO misunder¬standing. The bill wii. lie changed to accord withour iiiieutions that all ihe c .uiinii-sioiiers shall huvoequal powers.Ihe committee then adjourned till Tuesday next,

whoa auotbet beaiiag trill he given to Mayor Ed*sui an.i tiie members of the Water Commis-moii on

lin-bill. At the nen meet.rig ii le expeeled tbalthe Mayor will present the, amnndaitrail tu th'- hilltha the Commission has Adopted. At previr tbeeesiiien.ii/it-nts are only »Ifsitolled in the hill. Thashiel ene ib ihat in regan! io the membership of theCommission which diet ussed to-tlay.

MK. KO.i-K\KI.l's> I'ltdPtiSIIliiN.

Mr. BaaaeroH -Bttedaeod in (he Assembly to-dayA bill authorizing the Mayor of New-York to ap¬point, subject to the appioval ol the l.nvernor,three citizivia, who, together wi(h the Mayor audController, shall constitute a Croton Water Com¬mission. Theee Cominisaiouers shall construct au

aqueduct, and reject aud accept bids for tho workto bc done by contract. They shill authorize thepallinnt ol claims for damages to pio.ierly. Thethree citizen Commissioners shall receive au annualsalary of fOLOQO each. I In-Com Missioner ol PoblieWorks shall lurui -h tiie Cominis*iou with all books,re,mt.*, uiaps, etc.. in htoyooeeggiun. TbeGoveroofniay remove Huy of tbe ciiiZ"ti 1 opoacharges being made by auy ten taxpayers of New-York.



.»¦«>.- Tut Hu;t lau OOBBMKMMRR oe thbtkibi ne.)Alhanv, March 2'.).-" lt io a bill which

¦Will enable a D-iuocratic Mayor te put Dem¬ocrats in oftlco, wita tao consent of aDemocratic Bosrd of Aldermen," ssh! ColonelMhuielC.Mum)i> tobi, fellow Democratic Asseiubly-t-tu tins iiioriuug, li, aiM*u|!_,g to mein to support Hielate t lo tin* of New-York City,wuubomvbroucut b. re yeste.dsy oyo heiiehinau orJ >uu Keiiy. ruc aiuoudiuraui ttum referred to aiilliorlw)Mayor tUson to appo.ut coniu,i»«|oners of tbo followingy-Teehgifinaiaia which ara .tagle headed 1

j-o-k Ocpartiueut. rtrenego-fMi, i*urk- Doaathaaal,mwtk -Miartmout, Dc-tiartmeut of Buildups.« maM of Street CI«u.lnK, an,| ¦,.."Mraea_L au of tho a_-ea«e____a wen, aggin ul-"Ui«A-oeiubir«oui_uittee.)u titles -ve.t-.rda/ after*

noon, and the hill containing tbetn was suhmllted to theAssembly this morning. Four Republican raera-

Dero of the committee. dissented from thefavorable report: Messrs. Roosevelt, Beckwith,Hawley and Hodges. When the bill was

.-ported, Mr. Roosevelt moved that it should he recom¬

mitted to thc committee, wlih the object of securing tothe p. opie of New-Ysrk a hearing on such an Importantuieasuie. This Induced a half an hour's debate ou themeasure;Mr. Murphy, as soon as he hean! Mr. Roosevelt's mo¬

tion, snit! excitedly that for several years the people ofNew-York lia.i b-en clamoring for slngle-hi-aded commis¬sions. This desire had been met in the bill. Allot theilepirtinents of thc Now-York City Government,except tho-e of PnMoc, Tax-s. and Char¬

ities, ha:l been made B*BgtO hfaddi. Tai-sethree departments lt had been thought best toleave undlslut bivi, with their present aether of ers, ir order to secure their administration Ina

non-partisan manner The Democrats of New-York pro¬posed by th's art to place the respunslbililv of namingIhe chiefs of single-beaded departments on the Major ofthal city. He e Braes**"" boped that Mr. Roosevelt's mo-

tiou would not prevail.Mr. Roosevelt rep n-d Hist Mr. Murphy hat! fulled to

Inform the Assembly that the disreputable, Boord of

Ald-rni.m of New-York would have tuc rlubt of confirm¬ing the Mayor's noiiiiiH-es for the shiglu-bcadcd depart¬ments. Thc bill pruville! precisely such a svsteni of

appointment a- that under which Mayor Edson. by hisrecent appointment", had made himself so un¬

popular with the residents of New-York. The billwas suhstantlully a bargain ofthe Democratic faeilonsof New-York for a illagon of the spoik of tha eily. The

people of New-York, he was enntUent. would desire tobe heaid ta opposition to such a measure. Thus farthey had hud uo such oppori unity. TheWU bad only beea herc fromNew-York (lie day before. Thc aiiieudiiienfs in bisopinion were "a farclcl (ravesty of iiiimiini Iel ch.ii ter."The bill embodying I beni perpetuated all the"dials" of the past leo te irs. Ii would preventoil reform. It did not give the power of appointingthe commlsslnn-is of (he slngle-hcii.l-d departments, as

lt shoal.', t. tka Mayat io be sleeted etboom fut ire Hom.Mi. RoeeeveH eleeed i.'s soseofa By Baying In rtagtagion. i: .. My riiiic.ioi'ieetioii to thia MU is tiiui it givesto tbe Board of Aldermen, tbe real goveraina power inNew-Yom City. Hie rlgOl o' ru .ill-.ii .ug ol i ji-ciiiig theMayor's tiomiu.nioiiH. The Mayor thus bernini's theirpoppet."Mr. Howe, ofthe Xltli Ass-mldy Dis ri. t o' New-York,

also ottered a forolWo protea! a« mist tho bill.He S.lld dat ll was of Hie iiio.l tit.t! importanceto (Ut- tax-avers nf New-Yolk thal the bill sboiil.lin- linn.iii.-iiiv dteanaeed. The bill vvnst leaaool luipor*tant one of tbe session, so far a« Sew V.nk ( itv was. oo*earned. Ali >>i tho objeotionabla teaturea ol thepreoent eharter bad been retelaed ia the bill and ihegoisi ft-oiures abandoned."I would like toooyto 'his Dcniocratic As-cinhly."

na;.I Mr, Me uhf, "the! tal* ls a l.i.l t> five a Demo¬cratic May. r tne pow. _. io appoint Democratic beads olthe..- departments, wbo will be continued by a Demo¬cratic H..a.' .f Aitlcrnien."

Mr. Booeevelt'a motion to recommit the bill was

defeated by a vole of 88 io 58 ail the voiee la tbeatti mauve were given by and all in thenegative toy Deuoer.its. l'p n m.nam of Mt. Murpbjthe lull was tuen mud.) a Special order tor Thursdaynext.

A..DEUMEN IN TII18 CITY REJOICING.The politicians in the city .yesterday were

busy dis.iiM.iiig the pt..vlsi. ai. of the proposed shelteraiueuduicnts wbieb M. C. Murphy mlroduc.* 1 in the As¬

sembly on Wednesday. The Delius inls w. ie fen.Tullyof thc oi inion that thc niue l'ldm.-uts wonl.l be piss, .1, a.

Intiiuatctl In I uk Inna m i ii Monday All of tin- wings

of the Dc mot-tney are "UapOOBi toward the billlu Us present form.Mavor Ellson wa nt 'o All.any yesterday le advocate

an A.pie.Incl Oeamlaatea bill- This gave rise to a

rumor that lie would i-ill opt.n Hie (lovel nor and try to

remove any op|Misitnm that he -Bight bate la regard tetin- propeed eheitei emendmeate. it aros steted bj thaMayoiV friends that he c..ul.I no! lake anv pail in the

proposed b'gi- lallon. lt wus evident. kmWUrUr, that sll

the Democratic Ward leader* Wen- BO "Ileged thal their In

tert-i-ts would nut Mullel in any appian; un ola w bi. ii tin-

Mayor moy have to make. The \ldnrmen wen- tvlolc-

ili_- ol. a Ile Inei Meed li..|».ri«n-r w-iirh mrlr .Sin-.

would have under the i-ro;..>*.-,I lull. Tin lr term* an- to two \<ar. ber. aft.-r. InstDad of one, which will

relieve them of theexpeaaa .rf one election. Thea tinywill bay.- Iheitnogneetlenel Blithe Mayor1und willi the loiga loiiiibi -r of lmporl.iiit ..!:;... to belilied iiiiii.r thc bill, that win five tha Aldermen eiaehgreater power than the; exp. eh «l to have when ak Cteti.Ilowever, lt is generally understood that thej vmii nuthave anv ch.nee in tin- h.imf ol these ulli.-. «, ..- thejbavi airca iv i.e.n ana H.-.-.I (or by the leaders. I: Idei lieu Lattgta at Un provision in the I.l.lwhich allows lie.lils ot .I. pal t lie lil - tn take pal' ill 11 ¦-

proeciiliiif. of the I." i.l, vv i'hoin being Billi' lil vot.There la each a provision la the proaent law, bnl lie aitl.-nil. ii ii..v. not even profiled m ats for (he 'i' irartmentb'-ads, and no ..lie of llieui bas ever npj" arel lo takeany part lu tba urueoodlngo.ih. ii- i* Indignation among the moro con¬servative Domoerati over tbs attempt i<> Irglal tte <"ii ofoiiice Stree! Poramlasloner Coleman. li has beenknown since the laeteieeton thai Jobu B ll.-,beea tocking nu. plaee and thai John Kell* baa beenaldina him. lt tooaeerted that Major Ktlson i.a* .iv.n

a partial pr.iiiii-e to appoint llaoklll rn ca-.- H.. ol' e lslund.- M.. amt. Ko fault is lound vt Ufa Mr. i on-mati. cxi-plthal h.* will not place tia- patronage ot in. department -.ttin- disposal of ibe poUt'dans. A* the department IB al¬ready sillf le he ni."I. !." lc 1* no rca-on for lin- clexcept a grab fur spoils.

WORK OT THE SENATE AND H0U8E.i.i.M'.'KATirriosTn.iTV TO h UQOOB in i.nskr.

Htls.iN, 1AXAIIO.N ANO MATl lits,

lill 11.1 K.,11*111 ru IM Tl. lit I si..,

Ai.haw, .Mureil 29..The settled policy oftli.- Doinoaratto Legislator.- seems to be ton lax tha laws

reeMettagtheealeogUgsorratbsrthaa le make them

more stringent. The Astcmh.y CuniiiiPtce un tolma!Allans lo-lay rep rt, .I adler., Iv Mr. HoBO v'A'h bil,win, li was intended t the number of liquor shopsby Increasing ih,-price of their licenses. Tue lui, pulthe price of a beer license al $10-1 amt the pnoe ot n

laen*.' to sell spirituous liquors at $2!">0. Il waa avow¬

edly patterned ultcr ibo high license law of Nebia ka,which bas bal tue effect of decreasing the number nt

liquor simps In that isl ste. Mr. Koo,.-vet's moilun tn

disagiec with the adverse report of tbe committee was

defeated by a vol.- ol 45 t>> M.The .Sciiu'c Jiillriaiv Committee bas reported favor¬

ably the Di-mucra!io spoils measure, hcniitor Fitz¬

gerald's bill a I.uhi.r Hunan.M. C. Murphy ..sked tin; Assembly to-day lu muk. a

s|M'-ial ol.I.a for neil l u.iis.'ay his own bill aiitliorlzingthe cons ne,iou of Hie Uioadway Undergi niind Hill¬

way. Mr. Howe opposed the motion, stilling thal a

commission hui already leportoi against ;iie seheesaMr. Murphy's nc.ii ni was defeated by a vote of tn te *>.>.

TheOeaeteyaaetid today the bill repooiiag ihe law of

1881 whi.-b iciju.res the Commissioner of Cul.H.- Worksof New-York to d' stroy the Korty-see md-it. resi

Thc Coin in lt lee ou Internal Altair, of Hie Assemblyrep. ried uulavuraiily the bill of Mr. 1'uvh.r, of Brooklyn,forbidding the making ot any further ouutnett for (he

lebeC of HialC i'l leon Boavista Mr. Taylor ls the llepub-cau wno lias roted villi the Democrats dir mgmint

thc scad.rn, It was natural, therefore, that

he should consent to be the ambur of

the Democratic measure for destroyingthe pies.u' sv sleiti of miiti-L'tng thu HUte prlsnus. bywtiicu th.-y have boee ma ie sell nustniuiug. Me. TaylorMoved ihat the advetee report et ihe eeaa-Bttaae shouldbc Uisuguial with, and the lull sent to the Committee of

the Vi'nob-, (ty the aid of ihe Dc mucra ls be secured thuadoptlou of bis motion.lbc repeal al ths Baitrood Ooaatttoe in reference to

the coargts a.'.iiu.l I'litrck J. ('l.-utnii, of Dong Inland

(Itv, ny nflleers of the Iaiuic Island itailroid, cxo..crates

Asscmblyiiiau Hiilmer, and severely Arraigns Dlcasuu,

terwhees "deeeteeb-a aelloa the aeo-a-lttee eeaaet iimi

words to BZgraea ihc.r contempt."Vf. II. Thompson introduced a bill estuidlshiug a mill-

lary eianlag Behool m New York for tbe purpose of iii

Btranting pateena seeking commisslous in the National

Qe___L The Mil ¦ahOS au Annual appropriation ofir p.,.sm for ilu- sappofl "f ib" BehoolTm- Oommlttee oa Privileges nnd Elections repmied to

the Asseinlily lo night that David ll. landsat', the (insOO! iiiumhelHolli one of the Hi noli ly li districts, was entitled io his seal, which bus beea contestedby K. E. I olino).y, Democrnl.

I,., heeeaibly debated mr three hours io uif ht and(iualiv ordered reading Mr lienedlct's lull forth.- tat.iiioii of eoUaterab Inboritneoeaand oorposatali uki iiioi lg. .<¦ s.'.'iiillles. The hlnle Assessors nail! lu

.tin ir unnu.., report mis ytar la relation to this tax:"'. This tax is now a safe reliance tor tb.- Male ol I'.iin*- I

reata le the amount ol bots than 9600,000 a your,und H. M.-w of tilt) larger umi.iiiil of property annuallychanging owners bv death la title State lt lae moderateestimate thal a similar mipn.-t Hi New wouldItt adli.. i Hal tu lb" Male, alfi Un iidmlnl.-tratloll Wasfairly understood, not ie*, ilian"The Campbell renal Ooda bill ordered toa Hurd

reading wlihoiil the. iiiueiidiiients allowing tlsblug for

pleasure on hun.lay and thu sale during the whole ot

nun.lay of imtiiulactured lol.aceo, Ice-ereum, etc.Iii. Assembly Railroad Committee bas agreed unanl

moimi i to report favorably tbe Anil Ki.-o Cass bill. Timlull bar l>< .ii amen.I..I mi that ll applies only to ihegrunting of passes to Hupieme Courl Judge, htate

oiileiiils uud uiemi-ers and employes of the Legislature.

The giving of such pasgci by a railroad company ls madea misdemeanor.

SU.AIvIEr" OF POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN.["¦ItOMTllK kkoi l.AK OOBBBOrOBBBBTOBI-Di TlHin *.r.-|Amianv, Man li 89..The bill of AssS'iiilily-

msn Oakley Inercrisine the yearly salnrlcs of the police¬men and firemen t>r Ne v-York to ILMA unexpectedlymot wltb opposition in the-*cna*e to-day. When lt was

announced for a third reading Sen.tor Ditly, of New-

Terfe, moved that it should be commit!)"1 to the (nra-

lulttce on thc Judiciary, with lintnietions to learnwhether or liol it ls con.titiolunal. In his opinion thebill wa* In dire.-- c WtlBlllldlea te (he prlnelple. of "hornerule " which lind been made a Detnocrifle party di.fina

for ten years past. He felt fha! the D¦.mucra! le nutli'.r-l'ics nf W'.e-York nloii- onglit te iiave ih- authority tnincrease or I-.-¦a-c ih.-na'aries o'the policemen andfiremen of Ncw Tork. Senators ntagereld and Gradysiipitorre.. '. .dil. their argument thai tbepreeeni tmimrtot or me policemen and Bremen or.- Insnf*' to support thom and their families, li came outin the deriato (lint the puss ur of de bill would Ineriaaam.-luxe* of NVw-Ynrk 8500,000 yearly, Finally tbebil! was referred baek to tbs I om mi tic- on lattes,with ia*structious to leiirn wlu-ther or not it eraitltntlonaL


Dovek, Di)., Mnirli 29..The Btate Tetnper-ance Alliane Local Dpliu'i Mil POSSOd thc BOBBM In-a rot.-of Mv.-to four. The vole was n sur¬

prise, ibe Mouse is decidedly hostile lo the meerai*.


IIaim.:*!..[ i.i;, IVini., March 29..SpeakerFaunce has led. In coinpllii'ice with the requnsl of

eil/.-',, et Pavette Oeaaty, to tseae a will for a speetalcb*.'Hon t<> ii the se >i in Die lion*.- declined i.v Dukes.

April24 w(li ne nani.-.I a* t ie .hue lor the election.

AS ACT Af. lissi QA Viii.ING.

N \siivit.i.*-*, Tenn., Match'Jil..Tin- act niiik-ing lt a tcloti, tn keep gatnl. in BOtabUahaMBla ill lids I

Btate, or to rent boeeee tor eaeh a puieeee, peered theBgislatOM to 'lac. I a p.-,i ,li ii imprisonment for not

le*s limn otic noriuor than lillee na s iu ihe pcuiliuilary. _

lill: Tl ui: BECOBD.

RI.S(Tl.l) PBOM A BURNING BUILDING.Fliiine* broke on stun after 'A a. m. jreeter-

dav la ll.e live si ,ry building No. 888 P. ai last. Wi.e.. Ibu111' men WI lie sum untied Moobe bad Hil- tl tbe buildingead a girl waa eelliag tor io ip et a window of tin-topgoer. Mr*, i.ucy ii:., i ivv.ii, th- laiiiir.-s.. ead ari two>oung ii.-rifa', -. IgOOa and Ptakey, ltVed OB tbat floor.T'Iiim were rescued hy FtnUBrO i.o'.'- Md.ral'i nndJohn J. Moran, of Boob end Laddei COmpnaj Wo, lThe motber and her daughter Agnes arers nearly suftn-eated. i h y were taken totbe I 'bamberaOl reel Hospital,obere tbey afterword recovered, after the resent tbeBremen soon rxnug nsbed Ibe Baines. IV Eongrrle,nienafeeturor >.f*, m.! si.igl,300. O. Veltfonk I.T'tlar, liii.uiif iel nels III pepel inti, "ll the .ecol,.1fl,or, lot t .ib. ur -S- ism bj vatei II. V. I tenn, da Arr inhalli' r, ami ll Ile ii-- k Co., dealer, lu oils, on thedrsl Moor, hst ii, io itW. * by water. Tue build ngwas damaged aboui .*.>.*! tither loeeea la the buildingw. rc slight.

LIFE SAVED HY A CAT.Elizabeth Altfoaa, a young woman wini lives

Oil toe .eeolid flu ,r ol till- .elsi- No. 1 - l.Ml.d.SSt. Weill |0 sleep on \\'etl'iesd.iV li -Titt With a pe! j' lu

ber arm mal aw«ke her early yeeterday morn-tog bv ..-rai." mr tn r face, sud I .¦ dtaOOVt red tn .! tie rev*a- a ie iii III oise, -he ta v.- nu ala; In sal Inn.I-*"!trom i ci wi .law- io the roof anib r lam..'¦. "f e na.i-e a.ll ..»'.i nei i i H'S, ailsom, o' ti.*. a struck ons *k' light lu the stable roof. Mrs.Caml 111.* Win ian, tao Inn ila iv. cut 'i-r.i-ir severely OOOof ber i i. Henry Hummel, broke ate lee. rbeflre

Ber lt Bad canoe J adamage ot 01,000.

1.11.1:1.1 Y HALI. DESTSOtED.A mit nuder Um atairwaj near the

mein anira to Liberty Belt, a Qatee aad Beatrandavee., Brook ya. late leal aviator, rhe iiuibimg was a

three-Mori (ram.- Btraetare, Oa the fliel Boar wera a

grocery atm- k r»i>¦ ateher shep hopi Iby I- A J. Torin.-v. uud Hi.- timi- a a lc'. siiop nf tis rles

. . . .rr I:-,-*i ns a Ill a .« i,. ., ¦,, ,r'.i . of tin*

Tw.ii!' .| \s :.! Kennbllean Aoooetatlon The nr>*.1. tl ' lin- billi to*-, WSS itMu:.


CHEMICAL WORKS DI -1 B ». I D.Baltimobk, Mm 29. -'Iii. chemicalworiu

f \ rn l. Tbonnea, la tbs ti"', ol Ibisdealt a. .1 i.v Bra to day. Toe

dam ._. i. eada ate i ,lt ....... ... po ... h.. fal » Ibsured, BB f" lo v « ; On Itoek, -I .'J.'.- 'lill lu td.' i.

-Am. re..i. of Nea York; Amrrioan end Mle .--

soeiaQon, ol Pblladelphla; Lemberm ii

iii-tn New nempobtre, Clinton, }17eoeb la(bc Will:',i.i-l. ar-a i CHI* :-'. gi "i Otk lit lion'., ofN. iv I. ... ij -' Peel and Am.i.cai., of philadelpbls.i iii 1. ii 'din .-. aiid iii eliin-v «_*.:.imi i sch in Ide fire In-snr.i'".' \--...i. i.e. ..r i. lord, Worth it ri *

lob, Nari Ame-i. ii . of V ,* -,- *0 In tin-

ii >u; **"._< <i in no |2,000lill- ll 'I.o' I'.,-I. I,

Nan.., .i: Hu or and ht. ¦. ¦¦

(be ntl iiin,'iIn tbe Norwich Hat Ional, ..< iee York.

QLASfJ WORKH in -I'RI iTED.CbicaoOi Mareh 29..A diapateh to '/'.<¦

Inlet then, (loin Hi :,l_a ., al. i, 1'. n ,.<: Tba. la.s Works bore wow barned i ila Rmraleg.

The looa laf12,000; nanra ce*7.000.

lill. I.tiNc.l i.Ll.on mi 1/ iBIAL FIND.

inr tum'.ki cn t<nut: th i io v.

Booton, Mareh 29..The l-rongfellow Me*monal I' ind li «s lieen Im-rct-iiii: Wilbla the Inst two or

three weeke very arneb mnr r. ddt] thaa at any ethertims sine- ihe proj.-e was brimehod, aad tbeeaheertpnenebow aeseaat te nearly iwieo es siaehas they did

at the tiiae ef the aaeoel meeting This renewal of nt*(mest to tbe movement hoe oriana rerj largely Beare-sp mae ly Un .".ni'iuM vntlie enl|.ireii of Mr Longfel¬low iii praaeatlna " ion that portion of theirfather, .stale whl.'b I* nee .irv foi lu


Ciminvait, March 29..At tiie mi-cling- ofth--Western Whiskey Lip.rt As».ieUiion le-gavatat]sigh! tirms, riu'.r iota" all ihe bigii wins mauiif letaieiinoni, of the ohio Uiver, were represented. The price of

high wines for to-morrow wits hied "ii a b isis of * 1 111,with Hu-probability that ibe prise will be Increased ioti ll neil Mooday. All tb.* members sn- iu high spiritsover this unanimous action a* lo prices.


LoteMBI ak:, N. M., Mureil 29..ColonelNoyes anti t vu companies of tiie -ltti Cavalry from FortCrutif urrlve-l here yesterdsy ea their way to thc (Ilia

Valley.The latest Intelligent)**, from Clifton, Arl-., ls that

the Indians are I.-filtrated In fores in tbs (,|||h uraiiudtbat plane nnd an al lacs upou tin- town may bo ip. .< .1Ot uuy moment.


Columbia. 8. Gu Mareh 29. 0. F. High-lower wss shot and killed ycsi.-nlai la the Bolarto Moan*tsln*. tireeiiville County, by u bind of iikmiiisIiIii ls,while conducting fl party of Internal Bevenaa edtoent.. eaptareona af their illicit distilleries. iiii_ht iwere ..

iii in-..-11 a Member of one "f ihe gangs oi ..a ia v .,. ,<iinooii.tiinei. .viii li infest th< sc mountain*, hut Had re¬

cently turned spy and Inform, i


A -MAMBA LAUNOIIl I)Hath. Me., March 29..Tue ateamer Jeeae ll. Free-

in. ii. 0 lOB I,ur,len. Intended fm the YV esl india bull,irom Huston, wa. laenebed la n-ir

HI.IMI HI * Ml rsi,ll POB HAM IOBBCHICAGO, March 119.*. bei btfge ..i embeaslemeni

Sgala-i! ass F. Leoiiulit, liesuirei uf v.ial sin-, ll lett, bsabeen witb rawn. sad Loopolii bas beean » salt for g30,00uiummti legainatOaorao .lunkri, uko eaaasd bis amea

A rOBOBB PA ill) 'Ni. I'

Booton Mareh JIB..ihe Eseeotire Connell baavottsi io pardan Jasaoa f Kdmaads. win. ba. served toniTsars o( -a sault BM of live sud a 1. .if yea.s lu Hm -suie PrisonIsrforgery, huuismis wuss wuii knuwu Beatoooi waa lu Hus-lon.


PATTON, niuo, .Mar.h '_'!' A -horning match tu-jay boiwoae farrer eeo BogaiOas. al ion birds i-.n u. ii.inyvoids rlss r. in -a tl'., ai. mina, in Mrda. it wasclaim-si toot H..K inlus Won tl.e instill ny uue bird, bul His

jadgBI disallowed llA KTHIK1" I ll Hi: A IK NT. I).

l'Hll.ADKi.i'Hit, Mun h 29. I bare ia B prospect ofit sliUtv unions H.t..sit kid lani, .ns nf lids Hr lbs manil¬

la inert of tiirfii. .kins hui a eooferoneo In day with tbsKulgbto of Labor, aod lbs lottoi contended thal im tsnnnrs

mu..ii s'luin.l I.e >-a.pluvial, ibis proposition lt lsBudanteod win noi bo sowied lo.

SIH'IIIKIIN l (iNVKHTH TO MO IM0BIBILtin i ,'AN'iiOA, I'duii Mardi 29. l-.nli'C Mor¬

gan i'ri-slillng Kl.lrr ul Ibo Mononn finn, li, b-(t this -.Ht (orluti o'day with 160 Moiiunn converts. 1'hey are (rou) all

aarto af toe aaathM.NTENCKI) TO Bl IIAM1KI).

PbTBXSBVBO, Vii., Mared 24..Wright Hanlels,colnnd un trial In tim Orosuvillo, N. C., County Coort tor atv

templing an uutiageous ssssult, was souloucoil to day toboMagee,



AT 8T. IIKI.KN'S.LiVKiii'ooi., March 'JU..A man who carried a Imx

containing cxplodvi'H ami infeninl iniichines litshean a; rested here. He had just arrived fromCork. Tho exploei*re material wm nitro-glycerine.The infernal liiacliiin-s were mont cunningly tlc-vised.An Irish r.-iilway porter, supposed to bo an nc-

coinpiicc of the mini arrc*ti"l, has been taken intocustody hy fin- Ballee nt St. Me'en's. Tile poUi-oar-ccr mn thal tin- two prisoners na confederates.The imii-.'u'"n by the Cork boats have bean can**

tully MTiitiiiizcd for several day-. peat,AKIM- I -. MAM IN (DIlK.

<"i!K, Maret! IM..Aa Ataarleaa Baaed rent hers¬ton au | a in in named 0*Harlihy, a l'aiiiellite, havebeen arrested bore, charged willi ooneplr tey to mur¬

der. Iiocuiiieiits wen.- ft.lind in O'llcilihy'spossession. It is HiippiMi-tl that thomen .ire OOOneeted willi tim inaii wbowas arreeled at Liverpool to-day mi Ins arrivalfnnn tins eily. A niau named Carmody, a _i!a«-tcr.-r, h is glee been arrested. Hm poll ieare Ri-arihing fur aSOtber person, who has lied.The arrest* arc hcliei eil lu le- tine to informationgiven hy (be man aires ted al Liv- i pool.

lin- posi ofllee li'ii- is occupied by a to oeof police, us thr.- ns have been made to blow up tin)hinlding.

INCIDi:.NTS IN THE Ilil-slI AGITATION.L'lsliv, Mureil 20. Tlio statement that Mr.

I.'iuell, lim I'tiit-il sui. s Minuter, will not inter¬cede iii tba ease of Mtebael Boyton, who wea ur-

li sted at Kildare 00 Tuesday, was ma.le hy the1 in it i-ii eorreopoodoal ol thc Staaiari and is an in¬ference drawn from tbe fed that it has li.'-n pre¬

viously pioye.i thal Boyton is not an AmericanClti/', March 29..MlSfl Anna Parnell, in a lot¬

ter to Ih> turmoil'* Journal, ens abe doubts thatMr. Patrick Egan mule tbe rt itemenlo relative tothe all.Ul', of 111" I. oil, fl' Loud L.'llgll" UH t.talliedin the int--rview with Mr. Bf in printed in tin New--iii I. newspapers on tbe l Ita mst ant.

w lenixoroB, Marefa '29 There it the l..-stastboritt lor tbe statemenl thal no eorreepondeneiv hal' rei Im* pa-*',: between thi*) Government aadtbe (io\ ern neut of Hr.- it Britain wiih regard to a

ey tem ni international police or to i raeinrocalwatcb to be kept la eaeh country nena thoertmi-unls i.r enemies of the ot ber.

I.iinh n, Marah 80.- Eh, Daily Newt aaya thalMr. Parnell baa finally arranged lo go to Americaill the -e. olid Week ol Aptll, hilt 111- llilS lilli Se¬ll. ¦, olid li. ... eeg*, 'he mv i,aliun to the Philadelphiaeonvenl ion,

.MAitYii.'ii.iriiH, M tr li '..".».-Di val Whelan, ail

ioformer, waa s...»i deed iii-ie-ti.-.l.i.v. One arrestwas ina...-.

TOPICS IN THK HOUSE OP COMMONSLobdok, March tbe Uoaoeof Commons

this afternooa Bli Willi.un ll,noun, linne Secre¬

tary, ii. rep!) to i|ii>-s!,i u i* asked hy (a i> tai ii O'Shea,Member Lt Claro, said thal tho inquiry by Ihepolice into tho alleged Bttaeh apon Lady FlofanoeDixie ha*l been fattie. Il" cunbrmi-.l thc slut, ni-ut .i man carrying a boi OOOtaialog explosivesbad been ineoted Bl Liverpo ii, bat declined to give

BBS .1 taila in regnnl tn the Allin-.A mut imi ..den <l by Mr. Cameron in favor of mx-

pi m. v I.- .-.ranis bjf B vote ol' 68 to BO,The Government opp..M.! ibe motion.

MURDER OP A HUNGARIAN COUNT.I'l-I M. Man-li-H. Count Voil Majlatii vim S/.ek-

hcl. pl- sid. nt ol ih. I ..fl of I BOB itl'.li, lias Ix-cllnordered ia bli hons*- nt ofen. He (tod boen

si rai 'gie .:. a id hi. tun lim- hi I In .. ii cut out. Ill* hitinlswere haand tightly together with rupes. Tha hod]w an 1> mn <ui the !¦*..' iii the t bmnt*a room irheB die-

.1, tun tbe bedelothefl watt not dietorbed Budtin- Cobbi waa not ondieoaed. A thin mee wa.

bangiog "toniwindow ..i th.* apartaaenl to tbs.ii.eil. low, TbeConnt'sfa nee had bera robbed

¦.a t*. A lii-sir who wai stationed intoe boase fane beeo arreeted ou M i>i lon ol beiogthe mindel

lill. QUEEN'S JOURNEY POSTPONED.l.i.MaiN. Mareh20,.The ti."'* lonraoy lober

re* h.- ;,i -al < Isl io I i.e. lalo ol Wi.: !i I, VV .lilli hil.I ii (Min for tba latter part of this week, haslu n p< poi d.

i ONDITION OF PRINCE BISMARCK.Bi nv. M i" h .: Prince Bl mareh te eofbriag

tn'tu neuralgia, bothenleoof in* toes beiag affoctod.His ..ui.lui ui in not improving, and ho ii hiiii-

|a Heil in m.uni. in a r eiiiiiii ni p.isiii.m.

THE NEW AIM NIH-liol' OP CANTERBURY.\ i. uni nv, March 20. -The enthronement of

the Kiwm K.y. Ede uni A*. Baneon ie Archbishop olCauterb ry took platt hero to-day with tho enatom*u v .r. iniiincs. i lui. waa a deane crowd of pi opiein tin- calbedral, rhe Duke of Edinburgh, rr presentativenof Oxfori ead Cambridge Uaivereitiee,and a concourse of clergvmen wale pr.'* nt.iii. Iii-h.|.<.1' I.uni; I*,a.ul ami the Misluip "I S is¬

is, .ii liena.i, lini'sh North America, were al-n. pi, <


A TRIPLE ALLIANCE AGAINST PRANCERoms, March '29..'tba rc..-nt speech of Signor

Mau. un, Mnist.r..t I'.ueign Allans, la tba Cham¬ber of liepiit iee. in regard lo the extoling relationsbetween Italy, German) and Anetria, ie believedti, retet in a defensive triple ai ii moe against Prance,with which country ali agreed io endeavor to mala*tain friendship. Should one of tin* three rowers heeompollod to Blake war agsinet france, the otbenpie go turmeeivee tn maintain a neutral attitude,even ii thej do uol aid in curri mg ou the war.

CHAROEA AGAINST ll'KKISH MlNTsTI'.US.London, March 29.. Ute Haily Aeint't eat*

lecpcadcel al fatwa savs that u seerel report baa beeapies, nted lo itu- Nullan, In vitin-ii the charge was um.lethat several Of li" Tnt .isa Mi iii.lem sud blgb nlilelalsof tb.- I'overnuieiit bad entered Into sn arrangement bywindi tiiey om le ra elva bribes ht eonoeetlon with tin*.oil,, lion of i.e tobaoeo lilies. Tao eeeused Mlnloterai.ave t.uden-d timlr ri-Hlgniiilont, nut lim isuiiiiu bas ltlu.-il I., eoeepl Hiern. Much iiu.-ssiiiesH exists in regan!to tbe mill ni.

('(MAN REFUGEES TO BE RELl-ASED.MtiiitiD. Mareh 29..The Government line

COllHcll.e.l lo lill I. I',l'C nf I ustlllo Ililli Kodrlglle/., I Ile

Cuban refugeee. ewiag io the regard uf Oreel BrnabaM..10, the retugee snrraudered at Olbraltw biUn a il Inull le., will .till lie Held ill coullllelnelil,Oul will n, u-uleiiily Heated.

MOUNT ETNA'S CRATERS ACTIVE.Catania, March 119.-.The eraten til Mount

Ulna ai. ai.-iiln in a utite nf activity. Tue oft v.! lina ara frequent, sud signs of au sertbguakean- a. inure evi.lenl.

DESPERATE ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE.Mai.ikix, n. s., March 29..A telegram __*__b

Trui" eo'ie. j iiiiik; tha Bi empted siiici'le lil a railway car

of ll. NV. Katun, of ulai.. Me., says Ulai lu- wits lying Inin. berth ahem m o'clock, a baa tm. other passengers, la*lading BBVStBl hullo*, were .lari cl by live rc|K.ris (rum

a revolver, la a lew minutes the whole (ruin wm

alarmed. The eniuiiictur rii*li.-.i Into (be Pullman car

ninl «i I/, il Hie man', llaml Just a« bo was about tn Ul

cburge tbe sui.i shut at lils head. Tim mau is believedini.. Herbert W. Eaton, Who, a f-w days ugo, slmt bisbroth, i and liis partner ni business a! t ulalu, UM lutt-irof wb.iui has lUi.-c Bled, Katun, whu was arrested, lsiou-eil,null Injured tu bc removed from tbe hotel utit.ii.'.

OVKKI'OWKUKI) BY RIOTOUS MINKHS.Mai.ikai, N. S., March 89..A dispatch from

1.lugan say « tbiU M igi.trate Mu Nell ami several volun¬teer, and cou.tallies were overpowered by a BflOB at Lit¬tle (Jluce Uuy to-duy, WhfleBltemgllBg to arra.t tin- Kia

gsii riotous nilli.-rs. rhlcf t unstable Musgrave was

firee.l In luke mfBgS 111 thfl Hay luck-Up to « nc

iiiins ii ir.mi the lind.,* hue beeaordi redbuck to ta.-lr bai racks to awm I itisl ruction..

AMERICAN LAUD IN CUBAHavana, Mareil 'J'.'..Various brande of Am¬

erican lard willi u nrc rcguluilv luiporu-d late the Waalhaving beiMi .leiiuui.e. J usnpmmus, the Bott ruiueul bus

..rd.-nd tbe collectors at all ibu custom-houses BB thu Is¬

land to refuse admittance to tour brands.Uoseilaie. Irr-

Ins*. I*BBB0.h and Crown.until the Academy of Sciencehui reported upon their quality.

EVOLUTIONISTS IN IIAYTI.Thc captain of the -steamer Alene, from

Aspinwall. etc., wblch orrived at this port yesterday,says that Oeoeralfl Varcly and Blonzhel are trying tooverturn President Solomon, of Ibe Hoyt lau (Jovern-

ineni, «nd (bit the steamer Tropic, lying ut lingua, hasabuui fo ty refugees -hoard. ninn-hc! ls Cit- ama tbatburnt (."naive*. Hell bringius' troops fruin Kingstonand Colon.

AFFAIR" IX CENTRAL ANT) BOUTS AMERICA.Panama, Mureil 20..The Illicitration re-

po.v'i-t rttmH'pox eeattaaee it* ravagm m the cityai"! tte "itirroirnliiigs. and th tt 11/ ir.-it aes sro wanting.The A11..1S H.-s.Mtal has become sn Impregnated with thedJeeace th it lt ls a erinn*11 scad sick poople there.Tbe United states fri?a!e Pensacola ami tbe French

gaaheal Vnll.-me" arrive I ol Valparaiso i February tlSevere rains,t.rms nc-urred lu the central regions of

Boltvtadnring rennerr aad Fobraary, in),irina: tbeempsami dolna otber lamana.BeOh nf I he (Iv.- Ke|.ubllc* 1* to send dcleg-ites to aenn-

ferenee to be held in April or May in some city lu Belva*dur, to diseaes the gucsttoa of cr.-nTng anew thc oldconteder itlon.President Cs lenee, the Bewly-eieetod President of

Nicaragua, wna taeugnreted on March 1.Tbe Nicaraguan Government has received cable dis-

petebes reqneatlng lt to seeepl the canal contract usinn.iiiie.i hy the C*iu(<r*oa of the Uuitci state*, bat hasil" ni.,'niauliny tn du so mthoat outhuruatlou fromt'ODgrcss.


FOREIGN NOPES.FABIB, March 'JO. M. l/-on Hav, in his recent speech

at Ijina deelamd that kn was In furor of opening afie.' trade c.impalirn.I.oMiiiN. Mardi ._..»..Anionlo Luis .sch tl tte. * Co., gen¬

eral merchants aad ei^ar lmnorters, have failed. Tfn-lrllalillllie-i are £8X000.

I.ivi-nitxn March 'Jil..Lieutenant Very, of the Cnir. dMates Navy, and thc oilier members of tbe expeditionsent by the AII.'T'eall < invert) metif tu I'a'acnllll. 10 til-ieobservations ..! the transit of Venus, have arrived heroon (heir nar hem*.Muuiiii, Mareh '-".I The date of the murrlnge of

Frtaee Leah Ferdinand of Hava-ia to Infanta MarlaDelia Faa has been nl!l 'lally eahoaace 1 tu the Cortes.Tilt-m.irri.'i.ri* will Inks place on April 2.BOMB, Marei. m..Monsignor Vanuutelll. the Papal

Nuncio at lira /.M. will icpreteut the Pone at the corona¬tion of Ihe

fill UTOrOUe, March -JO -Tho nutbr.-ak ofthe Inhab-Itanteof Carleva aad neigbborinir towns, who rabelleda.-ain.! the Importation of taralga woollen Ihreodi husbeea suppressed. Twenty-five arrest* w.-re mate,, March il!)..An olllecr of tbe Kuiperor's body-rnard eommitted suicide to-day by shooting blmseif wiiha tiistol.

KiiANKK..kt. March'-'ll. .At a meeting of the Oeogra-ph.eal8oe.eti to-dav tao resumption o' the Peearespa.ditton was adv, .ate 1.(irv ur Manoa Malak 89. -M mv DepBtlCfl and Sena¬

tors ure arriving In this city to attend Congress, which

opens on Meadej m-xt. President (ioiutles lu bliiin»s«a::« will unm t'ie greatest eeonoirT io thu u.lminis-tratlon. lt is understood that tb.-graining of furthersubventions to railroads will be discouraged.





Sr. I'ait., Minn., Milich '_".»..To-tlay thoenllturs of S. H. A J. A. Paige and the

raine "hue-Bilk i.uuit)cr Oempaay of Oshkosh, Wi*.,a.cep'ed an arr 'tugeu'i.-iit uuder which DanielI.. Libby and Loaoder c teeto aro to act

dgaeee te Bettie the affairs et the two companies.Ae tattam of these companies Involves millions of dol¬lars, ead threo*CBB thoaaeads of employes and miscel¬laneous eredttera t a ears age tbs tlrst wife of Btmoalt Peige, af Davenport, Iowa, tbe senior member of the

linn of Pali,*.-, Diioi A Co., of timi citv, proiisbly thoneal ead most aalsaslvs lumber corporation

In the BoCthWOSt- was l.uru-d to deatlt tn a

hotel at Oshkosh. Boee niter Mr. Paige marriedMi* il M anus, a tniiug widow of I trauk lyn, N. Y. About

a moatk Bge he oOBUaltted suicide by shouting, om! fur a

time tin- aaaaa was aappoced le bavebeee domesticlinn!.'c. iii-ti ll was Whispered thel Paige's s>df-de-struciinn wss dur to financial iliflleiiltii-s. but thc reportwas promptly denied br Iheee who preenlaablj siiokefinal aatbertty, and who maintained that ihe firm ofI" tlgi, i' ion > " was entirely free 'rom the least dan¬cer ot Binbariamnion!. Paige and hts sumv-lug brolh.-r w.-re als i.artn- rs In the Palge-8exemlthLamber Companv of Oshkosh and Soper!ur City, andmerni* ri nf th:, oompony an- also Interested in severalsn ler firms.A few div. siro hunkers ond Other creditors of th.-

r.iii.-'-*,'i«uii!'i rom,mu a' Oshkosh made latuveatl-tv h I-ll established the fact that

the co.npsny owed over ."-.MNi.OOO and hatnot e.i.-ii assets to .over the sm unit. It liss also0. on d's ',v, ii.I that tbe oomoeny attempted and fail.-.I

aonej to pay the large force of employeeateeperlor Mtv, being considerably in arrea-.. u»

c.nipsnv eluims tbs! lt wah be abb) lo keep In- Superior| mills running, If niven a little time to straighten

mit udall s, nut lae si lu a tl.i ll al the tanto mills of Paige,Uinm a to., ai Davenport, ts aol m In.tal, Tin*Devonport milla bav** peen placed lu the bando of tbasviierifl, on nu nitaebme ii suit for m-srlv 840,000broughtnj llewlf Willleniaport,Pann.,wboeialma thalinc Mini ..Acs inm tiuii um.uml !.>r lamber purobaoodof him list sommer the impreaalon nrevuiis that themmills win never be started agata, at leest under the pre*out owners. Tba assets o' Paige, Dtine A Oe.,tba Pal--.-. Bexsmltb Lumber Company and tbe brancaHuns pm'.ibl-, amount to -t-.l.ots'.i-ooor shape taise asset* w.11 be left after the mttlOBBSUIid all Claims ls un! known, but t he wur-t ls feared. I'm-pending diflteulty has crested m greater Interest, thaaaiiv siiuil ir lr..ul.le thal tiver iw-eiiirel northwest ofi Hucago, and 11,oii.ands of business men here uud In tboBaal are awa Ung lin* OBteeOM with greol Interest, ifmu anxiety.

AHVANciNti rome TO nm assiom-ks.

imiko.ii. wis., March -'.).-Sufllclcnt ninds ar to be

adv au.-.-d bv thc banks io enable tue assigners to cloio,w ile lumber aud logging business of H. li. A J. A.

I'a' and Hie !'.ttge-Sex*iullh Company without Inter-iiip'iui. so ae to realiaa tue greatest amount out of ikeunset*.


Oin '<.u, March 29..The Bheriff baaeleeadthc ..m..aof the i ol,urn a Cook Publishing Oempaay.theeampeny'aaeteehevinagene t.. ProfessorE. II. look, a lni-inb.r of the company, WM supposed to

be wealthy ead to eave large mining interests in Ari-lOna. One of Hie ia est publications of tb.- couij.anywas a Ute of Jesse .Ionics, wliich bud a lame sole.


Ile palll.ll.l


Fi..-iais. Mm. ii 20. V.iii E. Lord, wbo em-bes ned Sl.-vOO In ttrsds sod m. ni."- from ills employer, F. a.J a.I...n. \«w \..rk. was one*le>( lore this iirt.-riio.ui. AtHie n '|tl-st nf His New Vor_ Sllthot Itll'S bo Will Uti Sent loHui. nyom. ffBOBO CONVICT KILLED BY ANOTBEB.ROME, (1 I.. M in ii '-"¦'. -E.h I'iceni.i I, a e,.lured

Oonvti I ni Hie I -vii i tunny chain giiiurapiatiellrd this stiernoun willi I'nlie VA tic. SOOtl..nidi ed.vlei, vv IO Int.l mitin m. wai, sud snack I.bu on the iu-.ul with a sin.vel. killlughim liidsiitir

LU5 Al POIBONBO OT ACiiNIi'INK.STAUBTO Manh 29..Tbe Jure iii tho

Western iu. imo |i.iisi.iiini: i*e coaeladod it. inrrsilgotloo i" -I "-nd' rod » roi int lo tka ett. t inst

.ail.-nl. WO-O ,. s. im.1 l.v J, null lue -.laoed lu langi oflui. I.y sonic ion.i.-wi. prisou.

TWO tii.iiiiKH BBB KolM) Ol tnALTON, III., Munn'_"...-lim bodies .. two colored

iiii-ii. re. ojfatsoa ss linn v Hr;"ii{li snit Henry i.s.. w.I *

¦.... r> in A hui in Hu- Kink roMfad hers in- lie i." >f Iifiiini'i was a OOUrol*liiiivvn iii), wi.Ile lt.... w... *talili-*it hoar tlio boort Im-iiiis'iarm a aaa af tho Hov. [mac Depegfc, a weil known coloredBaptist in. «ei sr.

A M I lt 11 KU I lt A Nil ll I-* Al I'l I.MP 1.11 E BBB KM'I. H.Illili \ m .....*. I. un.. Milich ..'!... ll. II. Wa ker

waa asntoaoad to-day al rrootoa. .is, to bo fa. Hienun,lei .,f ll illlsin Hsiilliei him vs ilium lu-*.... Ins a. cuni

plicu tu Ihr i rlin.', wss sen I in od to len veils' imin lt..loin ul.

IN ,t TEMPI"Ti I.YNfll A Ml liUKilKH KAII.8.An.ama. i.ii.. Maren M.. \ dienetch Irom

Allinas Sn ." 1 .'liv .iiiii-.I mell l.i'tiiuft.i ''l«ht

or two siro willi the Of li lubing Junes, His wit.,niurdi-ici, lint left the town, as the Jail wa. hctvlly gu u.i. ilJun.-. IS L-iniiiiVtr y brukru duwil and esuuut slrr|i "

OHAVK BOBBBBB BEN i i:mi:i>.I'nii.Aiini.piiiA. Mareh 'ito. Judge Kell this after* sel.i. in e.! tin- III. ll win. wen- riH-i'lillV c.uivietrd nfvl.iiatu.. ki av i-s lu lb.- loboqilS eiiietrry, lin it i I.,vt wu.

sen len, r.l lo I wi. i' lii'i'rt.taimiriit, I.e vi . hew lo Stgbtoeoin,,iiili*'. MoNsmos m.inlil mouths' sud lill, ti (»ui tuuutbs',to date lue. Hr. ciiilirr I .

A-sAl'l.ll D AM' BOBBED IN DAVLHIUT.CiiiiAiiu, Marcfa -.".i..Min. Philip Jacoba was

sssitiiited ami min sd on Monday in broad daylloat an one oltim must |.o|iiiloii. Ihinniigliiires ur Hil.*.Hr. iii. matterw.i. uni iiiade |nil,Iii until tn-,Uv. Mi.< Jainl.t ls iii a


EtoeroB, tlarcb ' V. .*. .Vt-etlr, eolore.1, was

arrested lao! Bight at >aioui oa sn* leioool betas tha min--

.leroi et Mi- Carleton, si Watertown. Ms.. HoaomltutdHi'ipiaiiitainr with Cail.-tuu. aud thal be had fri'.|uruted bispl.o r lu this etty.

Ililli III in >.\ T T lil Illili IH'MIANI).Easton, Penn., March-il)..A vagraul tbia morn.

lug eat his wides throat,al Hei-kl'iwn. ninl llinii with twoulla a . il- ii 1 In- wiea.iii was (onad nu tho ruitdsldo, .uni idlysn ian* »»y ber iiijiiiit-s will prara tate!.

ai.h'i:-tiiNKiDKii-s BYaraaioua ueatii.Pim ADKi.iiiiA, Marob 2'.).- itc-i orouei**) jurv in

the casa ol Mi* ailoo Sobaoldor, who was found dentist hertiutur yester.Uv with throS Itniae.t vvtuiiiil. ill tier l.mly lu dayr[SVi. a verdi, t o( death f.nni purutuutila. ll st.-iinl I'V wnainltnil,ct-.I by sumo i.ri-uii iiiikunwn. The wouian's bushautlwss beld tu switlt lbs action ol lbs l'1-trict Alluiuoy. .,



The President has given no intimation ofhis intention** respectini* the Postmaster*G.'iicr;ils!ii|). He wat ur^e 1 ye-tterday to ap¬point an Ohio man to the unflll-*dplace in bis Ctbinet. A Tuibubk cor*

respondent furnishes current gossip on thiasubject. The views of two Ohio Republicanlaaien on ihe pending politit il .am pai mi in theirStale ure given by a TiuiuTEM correspondent.Proceeding** have been lie run against tbal'nit"il Stitos in tho Court til' Alabama ClaimsAimil!.*-. the Geneva Award, to test the rightsol' insurance companies to share in the fund.Active preparations Are making for the reunion,of the Society af tho Army of the Potomac, inWashington in May.



Wariiin.jton, March '20..ijeneral C. H. Oro*,venor, of Ohio, saw the President to-day and gayeleaaeea why the vacancy in the Cabinet should belilied hy the appointment nf a man from tbat* unrcd that Ohio strong claims for the pince,imi tn,Iv boenii.e of the valuable s-rviees renderedhy the Kepuhlicaii.t there in Cm past, bat becauseofthe pal it leal hattie now impending. The vania.j

ground for 1*84 is to lie won or lost in Ohio alone.this yenr, and not as heretofore in conjunction witbMaine and Indiana. He did not como to press the.lutn.< of any particular candidate, he saul,hut the appointment of Major Butterworth would,he thought, he very acceptable to OhioRepublicans, who, ho declared, were oot un¬

friendly to the Administration and bad soughtlo judge it fairly and without prejudice.Tbe President appeared to be impressed by Geo-

eral Grosvenor's arguments, ami wu Inuit, of course,indicating his purposes or intentions, remarkedthat In- could readily understand that there are

strung reasons in favor of giving Ohio a representa¬tion in thc Cabinet at this time.A Republican Senator to-day said he belioyed

that eitlnr ohio or Indiana would now receive a

Cabinet appointment. He intimated also that thePresident might think ll wis-i to transfer SecretaryCbaadler to the Pool O lice Department, and take .

Secretary of the Navy (rmi OOO of the States be¬fore mentioned. Ibis hardly seems probable, how¬ever.C.lionel T. II. Keogh arrived in Washington to-

night, and BOOM of the gossips think he is after thoPostoiaater-QeneralablB. None ol the New-York"v siting statesmen" have yet put in an appear¬ance.A coiitidential friend of the President and

te-staj that great care aud deliberationwill lie exercised in the selection of the Post.iiast-r-(icneral. The Attorney-General would lie askeda bother BO ad interim appointim-it be renewed,and ri case ot au aflii unitive opinion that wouldprobably bed-NM, He understood (hat there aresumo pr.dents in favor ot such ti course.

It le learned that the Governor and other stat.**offleera of Minnesota have signed a petition urgingthc President to appoint Mark ll. Dunnell ae Poet-muster-General.



.11V TBLHiirtACU TO TUP. 1 ililli M..',WASiiiNOTON, Mun li '20.." What seem to be tho

prospects ol' Republican success in Ohio this year Pasked a Tumi nc. correspondent of an experiencedOhio politician to-day." The prospects have recently improved greatly

and we are feeling greatly encouraged. If the Leg¬islature will act wisely respecting the liquor ques¬tion, ami I think K is going to do so, we shall enterthe campaign with very strung hopes of success, ifthe President tills the vacancy in his Cabinet witbau OBin that also will be a great help to us.""Who is likely to receive the nc-iniuatiou for Gov¬

ernor T"" I hi I cannot tell. One of the most favorable

signs is that nobody seemi pledg-d to support anyparticular candidate. Occasionally tbo name olex-President Hayes is menti'ine.l.""Would he he a strong f"" W.H. I have nat given that snbtect mach

thought, simply hecau*e I havo not believed that bowould he willing to re-enter politics at this time.Ha ia I.viiig quietly at his home in Fremont andappears to he enjoying himself. BOflBft of our peoplethink thu! Governor Poster ou_jht to make the race

again. Kx-Repivseutative Hutterworth is alsospoken of and he would be a popular candidate. Ihave seen Senator Sherman's name mentioned in thenewspapers as a probable candidate, hut I have no

means of know nu. whether he would accept taonoiuinaiion. Judge Lawrence, First Controller ofthe Troisiiry, has tttma friends and I believe hewould Im very glad to secure the nomination."" When is the State Convent. tu In* heltlf "" On .linn' .") and ii. There is a lom; ticket to be

made, ten can lidaics in all, and i! has been decidedto five two .lay* io Hie work, something that baanot been done heretofore."

Alioth- r prominent Ohm politician to-night said:" I think our prospects are improving, hut a greatdeal will d.-pcml up -n th-, a-tiou of tue L**gis!aturerc ini ng the liquor question. Two propositioueare before theBB, One is a proposed cui.titinioualuuit-nilmetit, md thc Other is a lull to impose a spe¬cial tax up m dealers in malt and spirituous liquors.Tho tait.-r measure, 1 believe, is favored by live-sixths of the people of the St ito. It is no! like tbePond license law, and would not, we believe, beh.-ld to he in contravention to our StateConstitution. The dillerences of opinion amongRepublicans respecting lt spring from nulleranf detail which, 1 hope, will not prove s-riaiu

enough to endanger the pro;>oied legiduti hi."" Who will ba nominated far Governor t" asked

thc coirespon.lent." It is too soon to say anything about that. I do

not think Senator Sherman would accept the nomi¬nation, except he was let! to believe that all otthoee with whoas ho hoe bb Maa geled desired it.Kx-1'i.-siil.-iii ll iycs is a patriotic man, and while Ii!o not believe he wolli:! like to li a candidate, hemight a noi.ination if it a >p arel in be Aa*mended br tba ample. The cmv. ntion will lookover the whole liehl very can-tuliv, tad I thinkpit-h upon the niau wno apiK-ars to possess the moat.'lenients nf strong: h."

" Whom will the Democrats nominate f"I ".lunn,l not be surprisfl to seo th-m put np

Geddesi bal a good deal will depead upon theaction of the Republican Convention. I did thinkiloadlr vt ai d be their candidate, hut he has lie**ulooking nv. r tin- careiulli, and, f mitlers! in 1.ho hus cine to the conclusion that tin- Democratsan- noi so dead sure of a victory as be thougnt tbeywere.''



A 11AI.TIMOHK INSt'KAM COMPANY.|HI Til toll till TO TIIK mint NSi.l

\\ Ar-iiiMiioN. March 20. 1 ho Men-han ta*Mutual Insurance Couip.-ini of Hiiliiiiiore initiatedpince, du.tts in the Court nf Claims againstthe I'liit.-d Males on account of the ('oneva Award.It ls, perhaps, needless to t-ay thal fm ure proceed*nigs in this ca-o will be watched willi .._irenic in¬terest hy thc insurance companies, whoso dauneagainst tbe Geneva Award aggregate nearly15,000,000.The petition tiled hythe Merchant.' .Mutual In*

Miranee Company n-cites thal in May. 1803, it io*suit d iu the regular course of business the brigt launce amt her cargo Kio Janeiro to lin lt i-

moro for li-lO.-IOii; that in April, 18(14, it insuredthe cargool l he brig (inn gt* Li timer, from Haiti*miir- to i'criiambiif'i lor ¦"*!.,<)*¦<); tbat aaid biagawhile so iiiHiiicil umler policies covenug " wer risks'*wei- captured and deatroyed by tbe Coutuderata

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