net neutrality julia bliss adam pouliot jasmin halkic nathaniel thompson

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Net Neutrality

Julia Bliss

Adam Pouliot

Jasmin Halkic

Nathaniel Thompson

Overview • Introduction

• What is net neutrality

• Why is it important

• What if it went away

• Pros and Cons

• Examples

• Censorship

• Legislation

• Legal cases

What is net neutrality?

• Open Internet Principles

• Level Playing Field

• Currently not fully regulated by the FCC

• Hot issue with tons of debate from both sides

Who Is Affected

• Consumers who access the internet...everyone!

• Companies who use the internet...essentially all companies today!

• Internet Service Providers

FCC Principles1. Transparency: That all ISPs must transparently

disclose to their subscribers and users all relevant information as to the policies that govern their network

2. No Blocking: That no legal content may be blocked

3. No Unreasonable Discrimination: That ISPs may not act in a commercially unreasonable manner to harm the Internet, including favoring the traffic from an affiliated entity

Open Internet Order

• December 23, 2010

• Challenged by Verizon in court January 2014

• Upheld transparency

o vacated no-blocking and no-unreasonable-discrimination rules

• So.. it is not illegal for ISPs to block or discriminate against legal web content

What if it went away?

So...• Essentially large content providers like

Netflix, Amazon, etc. could pay more to ISPs to have their content reach consumers faster

• Different “classes”

of internet service

Against NN

• ISPs (Comcast, Verizon, etc.)

• Big companies

For NN

• Small businesses

• Tech companies

• The public

• Entrepreneurs

ISPs Argument

“Large internet and content providers, however, say

they need to charge more for high-bandwidth

content like video streaming or voice services like

Skype. They argue that under net neutrality, the

companies taking up the most bandwidth with

their content aren't paying their fair share to

improve the internet infrastructure.”

--CBC News

The Result?

• Companies willing to pay would get their content to consumers faster and without interruption

• ISPs claim that the extra money would be used to improve broadband networks

• But Net Neutrality isn’t going to end right…?

FCC Proposal• April 24th

• Allow media firms to buy access to “fast lanes”

• FCC officials say restoring

concepts of net neutrality

• So what is really happening?

What do you guys think about this?

The Fight

• Some public protest

• But with such large companies willing to pay extra, how can it be stopped??

What could the future look like...


• AT&T censors Eddie Vedder’s performance

•“George Bush, leave this world alone”

• “George Bush, find yourself another home”

• censored for “excessive profanity”


• Comcast throttles service for torrent users

•“...deep packet inspection to block file transfers…”

• Blow against FCC for enforcement of network neutrality.

Censorship• Verizon Wireless censorship of NARAL

•Verizon cut off access to text messaging program used by NARAL

• Verizon states they will not serve any group, “that seeks to promote an agenda or distribute content that, in its discretion, may be seen as controversial or unsavory to any of our users.”


• Telus blocks website of striking workers

Labor dispute

• Telus blocks internet subscribers access to union website

Open Internet Order•December 21, 2010 FCC issued the “Open

Internet Order”•Required broadband ISPs to disclose traffic management policies

•Prohibits blocking lawful content from traveling over their networks

•Prohibits ISPs from unreasonably discriminating against any particular content

Reasonable Network Management

•“A network management practice is reasonable if it is appropriate and tailored to achieving a legitimate network management purpose, taking into account the particular network architecture and technology of the broadband Internet access service.”

Legitimate purposes include:•Ensuring network security and integrity

•Addressing traffic that is unwanted by end users

•Reducing effects of network congestion

No Blocking Rule•Ensures users can access any lawful content

or application

•Covers all lawful communication

•Also applies to not degrading content•ISPs have the ability to alter transmission speeds

•Can make video streaming effectively unwatchable



No Unreasonable Discrimination

•ISPs have ability and incentive to promote the delivery of their own content

•May want to silence competitors

•Does pay for priority enable discrimination?•Does Netflix paying Comcast extra for faster service discriminate against Hulu?

Verizon v. FCC•Appeals court voted that the FCC did not

have authority to regulate blocking or discrimination•FCC did not classify broadband providers as “common carriers”•Common carriers are “any internet company that offers a voice application.

•Can’t regulate them as such

In Europe•Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communication


•reported in 2012 European ISPs were slowing down Skype

•Providers are not allowed to slow or block internet access without court order

•Must still be transparent, non-discriminatory, and proportionate

•Prevents roaming charges

•ISPs are only allowed to charge a higher price for “specialized services”


•Video on demand


• Open Internet Principles

• Arguments from both sides

• Blocking and Censorship

• Legislation

Any Questions?



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