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December 2016 | Volume 19 | Number 3The official monthly newsletter of Xavier High School


Principal‘s Corner: 2 | Business Office News: 3 | Dancing with the Saints Update: 4 | Campus Ministry News: 5 | Xavier Hires New Learning Coach: 7 | School Cents: 8 | Health Reminder: 9 | Poms Win State: 10 | Saints Earn Accolades: 11 | Good News: 12 | Booster Club: 13 | Students / Faculty of the Month & Merry Christmas: 15

“You Are our AmbAssAdors”

PrinciPal‘s corner:


You are our ambassadors

We at Xavier hope that you and your family were able to enjoy a Happy and Holy Christmas and we extend our wishes for a very Happy New Year. Certainly this wonderful season is a reminder to all of us of God’s magnificent pres-ence in our world.

School will resume on January 3 as we be-gin our second semester. There is always something fresh about that start – a new be-ginning so to speak. Classes and grading start from scratch. Many students will expe-rience new courses, encounter new teach-ers and share time with new classmates.

As is the case every year, the end of January marks our annual celebration of Catholic Schools Week. We will join nearly 8,000 Catholic schools nationwide from January

29 to February 4 to celebrate the gift of Catholic Education. This year’s theme is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.”

This wonderful gift of Catholic Education is only possible through the financial, emotional and prayerful support of par-ents, parishioners, benefactors, faculty and staff. When we celebrate “Catho-lic Schools Week,” we are in fact celebrating “Catholic School Com-munities.” This year’s celebration, as always, will include our Catholic

Schools Liturgy (celebrated with our middle school students) on Tuesday,

January 31 at 10 a.m. All are all welcome and encouraged to attend!

As I have in the past, I encourage all of you to visit with your students during that week about the value of their Catholic school education. In what ways has that education strength-ened their faith? In what ways has it prepared them for the

future? In what ways have they been chal-lenged? Ask them to share their experiences at Xavier. You might share some stories from your own days in school and compare them to your students’. The gift of Catholic educa-tion is not something students should take for granted. They should reflect on just how special a gift this is.

And what better time than during Catholic Schools Week for all of us to “spread the word” about our outstanding school? As par-ents or former parents, you are our finest and

most important ambassadors. You have seen first hand what an education at Xavier means. Without a doubt, an educa-tion at Xavier requires sacrifice. Parents of prospective stu-dents need to hear that the experience is worth that sacrifice. At dinner parties and other social gatherings, at youth ball games, concerts and recitals, whenever you have a chance, share your belief in what we do and in the importance of a Catholic education. Encourage those who are interested to contact me directly and schedule a visit to Xavier.

It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a community to educate the total person in a Catholic environment. We thank God for the incredible community that is Xavier and that community starts with our parents. Thanks for all of your help in making Xavier High School a place of which we can all be proud!


Tom Keating, Principal @Phillyboy14

Tom KeatingXavier Principal

3 333

business office uPdates


Tuition Payment Date ReminderJanuary 10 Second semester & third quarter tuition dueMarch 10 Fourth quarter tuition due

We thank the majority of families who fulfill their financial obligation promptly. Unfortunately, some of our fami-lies do not make their payments in a timely manner. If at any time your circumstances change and will not allow you to complete your obligation as indicated on your tuition contract, please contact Tom Drish at 739-7307.

Tuition Tax Credit InformationTo make things move in a more efficient manner for families, we are asking parents to print off tuition statements from My Back Pack web site (step by step process below) to use for the Tuition Tax Credit on your Iowa tax return. The credit is maxed out at $1,000 of allowed school expense per student (tuition, textbooks) for calendar year and max credit is $250 or 25% of max expense per student. Please provide this documentation to the per-son who prepares your tax return to take advantage of the tuition tax credit.

Click Here to Access Senior Systems/My Backpack to Retrieve & Print Your Year-End Tax

> Enter ID and Password> Tuition and Fees Summary> View Account Details> Search All Transactions> Enter Date 01/01/2016 – 12/31/2016> Bottom of screen is printable version select to print > Push Ctrl + P to print

If you have questions please call the Xavier Business Office at 319-294-6635.

Please use the link to view eligible expenses:

dancing With the saints: uPdateOnline voting for our Dancing with the Saints: Season 2 dancers is now open! See who is leading the pack for voting donations garnered to date. Remember to vote for your favorite dancers online at Proceeds from this event will

be used to purchase and install a new sound system in the Ron Thillen Gymnasium!

CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE DANCER TODAY!You can help your favorite dancing couple win the People’s Choice Award by “voting” for them via making an online contribution

toward that duo TODAY. Online voting will remain open through the live event on January 14th. The couple with the highest amount of voting donations at the end of the live event will be crowned the “People’s Choice” of Dancing with the Saints: Season 2!

Last year’s Dancing with the Saints event helped Xavier purchase two much-needed new vans to transport students to and from vari-ous activities.

This year’s live event is SOLD OUT despite moving to a larger venue this year, but you can still support the event and Xavier students

ONLINE VOTING OPEN TODAY! Live Event: January 14, 2017



camPus ministrY uPdateSubmitted by Jody Esker

XHS Campus Ministry

As 1st semester comes to a close, we reflect on the many ways we have seen our theme of “Make me an instrument of YOUR peace” come to life this school year. During respect life month we had “shadow people” (compliments of Charlie Esker and Art Club) around the building reminding us of the lost and forgotten people and the ways in which we can reach out in love, faith and for-giveness.

We have come together as a community of faith at the deaths of beloved teacher Justin Kramer and infant son Will Rich-mond, of Jaclyn and Mark Richmond. We were reminded of the beautiful words of St. Francis the it is in “dying we are born into eternal life”.

We have reached out to those in need, made their darkness light, by support-ing Mary’s Meals, having a winter cloth-ing drive for Highwood Hills students , the collection of funds for the Haitian Project, and participating in the Angel Tag project with Tanager Place. All this in only a few short months, for we know that it is giving we receive and we look forward to many more months of giving and seeking to understand, letting the

Lord use us as instruments of peace.

As part of our preparations for Advent our sophomores and juniors, we cel-ebrated the Sacrament of Reconcilia-tion on December 1. Thank you to the priests from our supporting parishes who celebrated Reconciliation with us. We are very blessed to have such excellent spiritual guidance. Please take advantage to prepare more fully for the Christ child by receiving the sacrament of reconciliation.

We again participated in the Angel Tag project in cooperation with Tanager Place. Students and faculty had the opportunity to select a gift tag from the Angel Tree for a child in need. 150 children were able to have a Christmas present under the tree because of our participation. This wonderful project put us all in the Christmas spirit! The Advent season began Sunday Nov. 27 and lasts until Dec. 24. Spend some time pondering the wonder of Advent. Christmas Season is Dec. 25- Jan. 9. Spend some time growing in your faith by utilizing online resources. There are many but here a few recommendations:Redeemed Online; Faith ND; Dynamic Catholic; Creighton Online.

lord, make me an instrument of Your Peace. Where there is hatred,

let me soW love; Where there is injurY, Pardon; Where there is

doubt, faith; Where there is desPair, hoPe; Where there is darkness,

light; Where there is sadness, joY.

o, divine master, grant that i maY not so much seek to be

consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to

be loved as to love; for it is in giving that We receive; it is in Par-doning that We are Pardoned; it is in dYing that We are born again

to eternal life.

PraYer of saint francis

ST. FRANCIS XAVIEROur patron is St. Francis Xavier whose Feast Day was Dec 3. St. Francis Xavier is an amazing Saint who traveled the world evangelizing. His focus was to spread the love of Christ and to to not focus on his own desires and needs.

Creator GodInspired by the example of St. Francis Xavier,

We pray to you for the courage to be missionaries,

Reaching out and leading others to Jesus.Like St. Francis Xavier

May we help those in need, May we live a life rooted in prayer and

May we bring Christ to all those we meet.This we ask through your Son,

Our Lord, Jesus Christ.Amen

There was a gathering Dec 6 at Xavier around the Angel of Hope. The vigil coincided with events held simultaneously around the world, beginning at 7 p.m. at all Angel of Hope statues. The statues were inspired by the “Christmas Box,” a 1993 novel about a woman who mourns the death of her child at the base of an angel statue. Author Richard Paul Evans paid for the first Angel of Hope in Salt Lake City, Utah after parents who had lost a child asked for a statue matching the descrip-tion in the book. The statue was brought Xavier by 2014 graduate Kylie DeWees.

TECSeniors should consider going on a TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) retreat. TEC is an opportunity to grow in their faith and prepare for taking their faith life on the next step of their life journey. Go to this site to view dates and registration.

QUESTQuest Retreat for freshmen and sophomores will be held January 21-22 at LaSalle Middle School. The cost is $35. Registration due Jan 13. Click here for the form and informa-tion. It is a popular retreat and space is limited, so if you are interested get signed up ASAP.

CELEBRATE LIFE!There are a variety of opportunities for those interested in cel-ebrating life and understanding more fully the sanctity of all life. Xavier is taking a group of students to the Chicago March for life Jan 15. Go to this site for more information. The Na-tion March for Life in D.C. will be Jan 27. Information can be found here. As always, pray for the sanctity of life!

PLANNING AHEAD...There are some great faith opportunities this summer and early fall next year but sign up process in NOW. This sum-mer students can attend the Steubenville Conference in St. Paul, MN July 28-30. The deadline for signing up is Dec 23rd. The cost is $300. Please contact or for more information. Another opportunity is NCYC, National Catholic Youth Conference, November 16-19 in Indianapolis. For more information or to sign up contact,, or your parish youth minister. Deadline is Dec 27th. A $50 deposit holds your spot the total cost is $550.

LOOKING AHEAD…Kairos 28 will be Jan 5-8, 2014 at AMRHChicago March for Life Jan 15, ChicagoNational March of Life Jan 27, Washington D.CQuest Jan 21-22, La Salle (freshman and sophomore)

Catholic Schools Week Jan 29-Feb 5, Mass Jan 31 10am Xavier Gym

camPus minitrY uPdate (continued)


Welcome Xavier’s neW learning


Beginning with the second semester of the school year, Xavier will welcome back alumna, Ally (Kirby) Callanan (X08) to serve as the school’s Learning Coach, a new position funded by longtime Xavier supporters, Jim and Brenda Clancy. This posi-tion will lead Xavier’s efforts to support students who stuggle academically.

Callanan earned her degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education from the University of Northern Iowa in 2012. Callanan’s experience already includes stops at Hiawatha Day School and Regis Middle School in its Academ-ic Center for Excellence (ACE).

“Coming back to Xavier as a staff member eight years after graduating is definitely going to take some getting used to, but I am so excited to begin this journey,” says Callanan. “I am ready to dive into my new position as the Learning Coach here at Xavier, and can’t wait to work with some of my former teachers and former students, as well as getting to know all the new faces!”

In her new role, Callanan will develop, review and update 504 accommodation plans, monitor grades of students with 504 accommodations and who experience academic difficulty, oversee Xavier’s Guided Study program and work closely with faculty and guidance counselors to support students through scheduling and course placement.

“I knew this was what I needed and what I was called to do,” says Callanan. “I have a passion for being in the schools, and am so excited to be back doing what I love.”

Callanan will be located in Xavier’s Guidance Department/Office.

All orders from the XHS Christmas Greenery

Fundraiser will be available for pick up at Xavier on

December 5th in front of the band room between

3 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Access through the faculty entrance only.


XavIer alumna, allIsyn Callanan (X08),

returns to serve.

Xavier faculty’s Barb Miltner will be moving from her current position in the math department to serve as the school’s technology coordinator beginning with the next semseter. Among her new duties in her new role, Miltner will provide technology-centered learning opportunities for students, faculty and staff; teach computer programming and other tech courses; oversee Xavier “Xpert” stu-dents who assist other students and faculty/staff with technology issues;

Miltner also will play a lead role in the implementation of “Project Lead the Way” at Xavier -- a STEM-focused program that offers students an engaging and hands-on classroom experience.

miltner is neW Xhs technologY coordinator


school cents: last minute reminder!SCHOOL CENTS – CONTINUE TO TURN IN YOUR RECEIPTS THROUGH DECEMBER 31st! The deadline for “School Cents” is December 31! Everyone can help Xavier High School earn cash. Here are some re-minders on how you can earn points for Xavier - don’t forget to ask for a receipt! · Shopping at Lindale Mall, including nearby merchants

· Dining at Lindale Mall, including nearby restaurants

· Report cards can still be shown at Guest Services by the student

Remember, any receipts dated October 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 do apply. Just drop off your receipts BY DECEMBER 31 in a collection box at Lindale Mall’s center court or at the Collins Road Hy-Vee (be sure to write “Xavier” on the back of receipt at Hy-Vee).

If you wish to keep your receipts or stubs, please take them to Lindale Mall Center Court by Dec. 31 to get your purchases recorded and receipts stamped. This program is sponsored by Lindale Mall.

The following basketball games will be broad-cast on the “home and away voice of the Xavier Saints,” KMRY 1450AM, 93.1FM:

Fri. Jan 6: Boys @ Prairie

Tue. Jan 10: Girls v. Waterloo East

Fri. Jan 13: Boys v. Iowa City High

Fri. Jan 20: Boys v. Dubuque Hempstead

Tue. Jan 24: Girls v. Dubuque Senior

Fri. Jan 27: Girls v. Washington

Tue. Jan 31: Boys v. Cedar Falls

Fri. Feb. 3: Girls @ Prairie

Tue Feb 7: Girls & Boys DH v. Kennedy (6:00 pm)

Fri. Feb 10: Girls & Boys DH v. Linn Mar (6:00 pm)

kmrY Xavier basketball radio broadcast schedule


health reminderSubmitted by Kris Naeve

School Nurse

STUDENT ILLNESSSince it’s that time of year again when we see an increase in students wanting to go home ill, we thought it would be a good idea to run through the protocol put in place for kids going home ill and why it’s in place.

We are required by Iowa Department of Public Health to track illnesses and number of students out ill as part of the state’s 10% absenteetism policy. We also track illnesses lo-cally to Linn County Public Health. Therefore, it is protocol for students to see the nurse before they leave school ill. Not only does this help track state and county illnesses, but what is going around so that when a parent calls in and asks, we can give accurate information to parents can determine if they should take their child to the doctor or not.

Parents can call their students out ill during the day at any time. Students will be expected to come down on their own and asked to see the nurse before they leave for tracking pur-poses. However, being that having phones out in class is not allowed, it simplifies things if students come to see the nurse first and then we make the call to a parent.

Finally, if students will be out ill for the day, parents are asked to call the school at 294-6635 by 9:00 am. When you call in, please report any symptoms or confirmed diagnoses at that time for tracking purposes.

Thank you for your help in this process. If there are any ques-tions or concerns, please call Kris Naeve, School Nurse.

To ensure efficient traffic flow and safety before & after school, parents who drop off and/or pick up their students are reminded to use the driveway in front of the South Main Entrance (entering via the east driveway near the “welcome” sign and exiting via the west driveway).

Parents are reminded not to use the east parking lot/activities entrance for dropping off or picking up students and not to park in the Faculty Lot (West of the building). We thank all parents for their cooperation and help to make traffic flow more smoothly!

Parent reminder: droP-off & Pick-uP Zone



Congratulations to Coach Kelli Breitbach and the Xavier Poms as they received Division I ratings in both Pom and Jazz divi-sions and were named State Champions in the Class XI Pom Division at the Iowa State Dance Team Championships in Des Moines earlier this month!

congratulations, Xavier Poms! state chamPions!

mark Your calendars! annual Xavier band garage sale and bake sale fundraiser!Saturday, April 22, 2017

8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Commons

Donations of small household items, toys, games, books, and cloth-ing are to be delivered to the school on Friday, April 21 between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Proceeds from the sale will assist the Xavier Band Department in purchasing new equipment. For further informa-tion contact Carol Vester at 319-329-4566 or



saints earn accolades

XHS sophomore Evan Lemker, had the highest score in the state of Iowa on the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Word 2016 exam. By virtue of his high score, Lemker was named the “state champion” and was invited to compete in the Certiport 2017 Microsoft Office Specialist National Championship in Orlando, FL in June. Lemker took the Certiport certification exam as part of his Computer Busi-ness Application course he is currently taking with Mr. Tim O’Brien.

Congratulations, Evan!

lemker is state chamPion in microsoft Word certification eXam


Xavier Football’s Maliki Wilson was named to the Des Moines Register’s All-Iowa Football Elite Team Offense

while Bryce Schulte was named honorable mention.

The Iowa Football Coaches Association selected Xavier Football’s Brett Burns, Sam Meyers & Ryan Jasper as mem-

bers of the Class 3A Academic All-State team.

Congratulations once again Saints on these well-deserved accolades and an outstanding season!

Wilson named elite team all-ioWa; schulte named honorable mention; burns,

meYers, jasPer named academic all-state

Sophomore Gus Brown (drums) was named to the Northeast Iowa Bandmasters Association Honor Jazz Band. Junior Joseph Bioche (alto saxophone) was named as an alternate.

The NEIBA Honor Jazz Band will perform a concert on January 7th at Cedar Rapids Kennedy High School.

Xavier band’s broWn named to neiba honor jaZZ band; bioche named alternate

Wilson Schulte

good neWs!


Earlier this month, XHS seniors Tyler Breitbach and Sam Martin signed to play golf next year at the college level. Tyler is heading to Mount Mercy University and Sam will be golfing for Loras College. Good luck to both and congratulations!

breitbach, martin sign to PlaY golf at neXt level

The Xavier Math team continued its streak as they took 1st Place yet again in the Small School Sweepstakes division at the Greater Plain Math League competition at Iowa City High on December 10th.Lauren Korbel took 1st Place for 10th grade in the Target and Sprint competitions for small schools. Megan Korbel took 1st Place for 12th grade in Sprint for small school. Lauren Korbel, John Pape, and Re-gis student, Justin Korbel, took 1st Place for Small School Relay.Congratulations to the Saints and Math Team moderator, Mrs. Anna Scholl!

math team rolls

On December 6th a group of XHS students gave the Xavier main-tenance crew as well-deserved afternoon off by taking over normal cleaning duties after school. This project was conceived as part of a larger effort by Xavier’s Senior Service Committee, which plans and executes a variety of service projects throughout the school year, going beyond expectations. Maintenance director Tom Wille and Rich Miller (pictured left) each gave the effort two thumbs-up!

giving ‘em a break

Join the 2016-2017 Xavier Booster Club The Xavier Booster Club is a volunteer organization dedicated to supporting Xavier academics, athletics and fine arts. We helpfacilitate, promote, and provide funding for all school related activities. We provide hundreds of volunteer hours and thousands of dollars a year to enhance the high standards and success of Xavier High School and its students.

The Booster Club assists in many volunteer capacities to support the Xavier students and staff. Each year the Xavier Booster Club allocates thousands of dollars to various programs, including: Band, Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Choir, Cross Country, Drama, Football, Golf, Mission Trip, Poms, Post Prom, Show Choir, Soccer, Softball, Speech, Student Activity Clubs, Swim Team, Tennis, Track, Trapshooting, Uniform Fund, Volleyball, Wellness/Fitness Center, Wrestling, and X-Country.

The Booster Club has committed approximately $60,000 for the 2016-2017 school year. This ambitious donation cannot be achieved without your active participation! We encourage you to join the Booster Club and become involved in its many activities. For further information on the Xavier Booster Club you can visit our website at:

Please get involved in your school through the Booster Club!ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES: $50.00How do I join the Xavier Booster Club?

Complete the attached membership form. Enclose a separate check for $50.00 (annual membership dues), payable to “Xavier Booster Club”. AND Mail to Xavier Booster Club Membership at Xavier High School: (6300 42nd Street N.E., Cedar Rapids, IA, 52411).


2016-2017 Xavier Booster Club Membership FormName___________________________________________________________________________Phone___________________ (Please print your name the way you would like it to appear in the Navigator and the Activities Program.)

E-mail Address___________________________________________________________________________________________

Address_____________________________________________________ City________________State______Zip__________

Xavier Student(s) __________________________________________________ Yr(s) of Graduation ____________________

Parent volunteers are needed to continue the strong support shown to Xavier activities.Please consider this, and indicate below your volunteer interests:

BOOSTER CLUB OFFICER: _____ President _____Vice President _____Treasurer _____Secretary

CONCESSIONS COORDINATOR: _____ (Circle which season: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer)

WORKING AT THE CONCESSIONS: ___ Fall Season ___ Winter Season ___ Spring Season ___ Summer Season _____ Fine Arts Representative _____Golf Outing Coordinator _____Membership Coordinator _____ Activities Program Coordinator _____Volunteer Coordinator _____ X-Game Ticket Coordinator

I AM A PARENT OF A STUDENT WHO IS INVOLVED IN: Athletics Fine Arts Both the above


OFFICE USE ONLY Date Rec’d __________________Cash ________ Check # _______


2016-2017 membershiPit’s never too late to join!

Melanie Abu-NamehMike & Sara Albert

Carol & Ben AmpulskiJeff Zieser & Valerie Angerer

Kathy ArnoldTonya Arnold

Suzanne & John BaileyAmy & Kelly BallDoug Banowetz

Peggy & Jim BarishDan & Connie BartelsJodee & Brent Beck

Lynn BenkuskyTom & Mary Beth Binder

Dave & Sue BouskaLora & John Breitbach

Richard & Kathy BreitbachMary & James BrownRick & Heidi Brown

Scott & Theresa BrownDawn & James Burns

Corinne & Thomas ButkowskiBob & Stacy Cataldo

Steven & Melissa Charipar-MeyersDavid & Lindy Christensen

Paul & Helen CoeBill & Lisa CoesterLisha & Joe Coffey

Kristan & Joel ConradLynda Cook

Susan & Loren CorriganMalora & Patrick CosgroveRichard & Kathy CurpheyMark & Colleen DanielsTeresa & Marc DaubitzKaren & Mike Delaney

Anna & Rod DempewolfRon & Peg Detweiler

Bill & Shannon DevereauxLaura & David DieboldPolly & Dave Draker

Brad & Shanna DugganChad & Maria Dummermuth

Mike & Kristen DupontKristie & Chad Eggleston

Lori & J.D. ErnerTheresa & Jacob Fahnle

Chris & Sarah FischerDick Galligan

Mike & Mollie GannonJulie & Joseph Gerke

Michael GlavanTom & Cecelia Gustafson

Myra & Curtis Hall

Chris & Angela HartmanThomas & Lisa Hazelton

Tony HelmkampDarryl & Amy HighLorie & Jeff Hines

Joyce & Kurt HoschCraig & Mary Hovda

Stephanie & Logan HoxieMolly & Pete Iversen

Mike & Kimberly IvesterTony & Laurel JanneyKathy & Phil Jasper

Sheri JefferyJeanne & Doug Joens

Julie JohnsonAngela & Dennis Jordan

Jennifer & Justin JordebrekBeth & Ray Kamin

Tom & Jodi KeatingMaureen Kenney

Ted & Sara KeprosCarolyn & Joseph Kirby

James & Barb KleinKim Kram

Bruce & Sherry KramerJeff & Lynn Kramer

Mark & Jeanne KramerKevin & Lori Krezek

Lee & Mary LangLarry & Brenda LansingChristine & Jim Lemke

Tom & Dee LempkaDan & Peggy Lengemann

Christine & Bruce LyonKristine & Robert Magill

Kathy MarovetsChris & Dawn Martin

Denny & Karen MaussSharla McCarronMandy McCrary

Craig & Kim McDermottJill & Scott McDermott

Corinne & Matthew MillerJennifer & Jeff MillerJoe & Terrie MlodzikJeff & Ellen Morrow

Kevin MurrayRandy & Kris Naeve

Debbie & Greg NeumeyerLisa & Scott Nielsen

Angela & Ray NoonanBill & Michelle NoonanShari & Matt ORourke

Jim & Anne Pape

Mike & Mary ParrishRobert & Jackie Perna

Jeff & Michelle PitzMike & Kourtne PowellKevin & Denise PudilDoug & Heidi Recker

Dianna & Tom RichardsonKate & Gene RiesMary Ellen Rogers

Doug & Diane RoppPam & Tom Satern

Shelly & Eric SchmitGeralynn & John Schneider

Julie & Jim SchnoebelenCarla Schrad

Michael & Carol SchuellerTom & Christine Schuster

Brian & Karen ScottNancy & Steve Serrot

Jessica & Brian ShogerJim & Carolyn Sigmon

Julie & David SkalaMax & Kathleen SmithTamara & Jim Smith

Kent & Sara SodawasserAmy & Ted StegerLisa Stephenson

David & Suzanne StoltenbergBrad & Becky Stovie

Steve & Dawn SweeneyAnne & David Tallett

Stephanie & Kevin TechauJoe & Donna Terfler

Scott & Renee ThompsonKim & David TiptonMary & Bob Tobin

Laura & Russell TriplettJohn & Amy Tursi

Carol Ann & Bryan VesterMary & Thomas Vogl

Karen & Joe VondracekTom & Laurie VondracekDennis & Tracy Weaver

Kristin & Doug WeihKathy & Dean Welter

Greg & Marci WertzbergerTami & Dennis WesthoffCheryl & Jeff WestlundSean & Wendy Williams

Jerry & Patty WinterMichele & Todd Younggreen

Jen ZerbeeScott & Mary Zogg


XAvier HigH scHool | 6300 42nd street ne | cedAr rApids, iA 52411 | (319) 294-6635 | @XAviersAints


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