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1 Commercial in Confidence © Copyright finSo Life Navigator BV 2016 Self-reliance (zelfredzaamheid) a joint effort web intelligence in the customer journey The “Ik-Zelf” App Mark Kristel mkristel@lifenavigato

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Self-reliance (zelfredzaamheid) a joint effort web intelligence in the customer journey

The “Ik-Zelf” App

Mark [email protected]

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• Stipulate self-empowerment of civilians• Boost individual organizing abilities by connecting with others• Accessible and understandable by simplicity• Without protocols and strict procedures, civilians are in

control• More time to focus on helping people the right way,

by having people do as much as they can themselves, timely and properly

• Quick results, without having to oversee and apply all• The complexity of the supply demand chain, law and

legislation are straight forward when applied for a specific case

Zelfredzaamheid en Participatie leiden tot minder overheidsuitgaven en meer creativiteit en


How does technology impact self-relianceFaster and better service, with shorter handling-times

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Participate in society – using your own strengthtake responsibility for your own quality of life


Child care(Jeugdwerk)




Civil society







Healthcare, welfare and employment

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Ability to Execute

CivilianFamily care giver

Healthcare institutions

Service provider



self-efficacy and self-relianceoperates within margins of what you can handle, together with others

Healthcare and social security are a shared responsibilityof civilians, employers and the government



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OLD : resolve it yourself (cheap) of welfare state (expensive)

NEWER : reduce costs in customer care by deploying self-service

PRESENTLY : self-reliance and self-efficacy reduces costs

Customer CareIs too expensive

More digitalizationLess FTE’s

Increasing support demandFor Self-service

Mistakes and incompetenceUsing Self-service

Resolve problemsMore FTE’s


(Social) SystemIs too expensive

Self-organizing(Less customers)

Problems with employmentAnd income

Wrong choicesOr belated actions

Resolutions required(More customers)


Self-directing as an instrument – Paradigm shiftrequires knowledge at the right moment in time

!! Demands that people take proper and timely decisions (=Self-directing) !!

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Ik-Zelf AppCommissioned by the Sociale Dienst Drechtsteden (SDD)

Boost self-reliance and civilian participation– Less customers using social services– Increase efficiency and lower costs in customer care– Proactive, prevention and shorter customer tracks– Pilot performed in the municipal of Zwijndrecht– Target group for Pilot: single parents,

or those who could end up becoming a single parent– Focus on (health)care, upbringing, employment and income

Intersections with SDD domain– Employment and income– Debt counseling– (WMO) Assessment for

public health care

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Ik-Zelf App – prototype buildwith the input of the supply demand chain in the municipal Zwijndrecht

Discover 1) what you can do yourself, 2) how others can help and 3) which institutions can facilitate

– Reflect existing resources in the context of their use– Supply the same resource in the perspective of different uses– Use accessible language to explain the specific use of the


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Ik-Zelf App – Co-creation to assure usabilityworking together with (single) parents in the municipal of Zwijndrecht

I want to do it myself – Ik-Zelf“Find what you need in time. Know what you are entitled to. Ik-Zelf, an app that really works for you.”

Populate the App– Based on personal real-life experiences – Using own words and supporting different

opinions– Identifiable issues, problems and scenario’s

Resolve it together – Wij-Zelf– In contact with peers– Together you can accomplish

more– Participate actively in society

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Life Navigator – The engine of the Ik-Zelf Appa system driven by knowledge and an ecosystem of stakeholders

Customer facing self-direction“Customer empowerment by injecting accessible knowledge into a personalized customer journey..”

Social Innovation by deploying web intelligence– Direct the right people to the right service points– Right the first time– Prevent unnecessary deployment of enforcement crew– Proactively take the required steps (participate &

prevent)– Process and decisions are not fixed or determined up


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Processes andBusiness Rules

Playing Field andGround Rules

Tempt customers and stimulate them in making the right decisions

Life Navigator – provide usable knowledgewithout protocols, standard procedures and fixed structures

Resources /Providers

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The movement within the Playing Fieldcontrolled by the customer, personalized and often unpredictable


Customer Journey


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Multiple dimensions• Possibilities and

impossibilities• Optimal pathways• Determine directions• Evolutionary discoveries

Giving directions within the Playing Fieldpolicies determined together with the stakeholders

Playing Field

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Validation of conditions and regulation• Signal deviations (instead of blocking the process)• Notify users (to take action)• Report multiple structural deviations (new insights)• No sharing of data with third parties (customer privacy)

Guarding the Playing Fieldby appealing to the customers responsibility

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Assure accessibility to the Playing Fieldbecause it can be viewed from a customer perspective


Themes Playing Field

Resources /Providers

Simplicity by recognition• Themes, issues, problems and scenario’s (story behind the

question)• Addressing multiple beliefs and emotions• Using language and dialects that appeal to the audience

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Customer facing self-directionRequires a personal context and the room to self-organize



Facts &context




Declareplaying field




reactive proactive